Atma Annual Performance Appraisal Guidelines
Atma Annual Performance Appraisal Guidelines
Atma Annual Performance Appraisal Guidelines
The Performance Appraisal process provides a mechanism that facilitates communication between you
and your immediate supervisor by providing a structure for feedback on performance. This document
has been designed to clarify the performance measures of the appraisal and provide answers to
questions that you might have about the appraisal process.
In addition to the annual performance appraisal, supervisors should conduct reviews regularly during
the year in order to discuss the employee’s progress toward accomplishing desired results and to
address ongoing issues. The Performance Appraisal is a tool to honestly and objectively evaluate
The Basic Competencies are derived from Atma’s core values and represent areas of individual
performance that are essential to success in the position and to the success of Atma.
• Commitment
• Communication
• Teamwork
• Initiative
• Accountability
The core competencies are those that are specific to the position and will have to be jointly decided
upon by the employee and the supervisor.
The leadership competencies have been identified especially for employees in positions with supervisory
responsibility are:
• Visionary
• Strategic Thinking
• People Management and Development
• Conflict Management
• Decision Making
The supervisor will rate each competency on a scale of 1 to 5, as it relates to the employee’s
performance. Specific, objective comments may be included to support the ratings.
Managers and employees must share a common understanding of what each rating signifies and use
them consistently.
5 – Exceptional: This rating is reserved for the employee whose work performance is clearly and
consistently superior to the standards required for the position. This caliber of performance is easily
recognized by others in related areas as well as outside of the employee’s own group or function. The
employee is successful in unusual and adverse situations, meets extraordinary challenges with little or
no guidance, and sets a positive example for others. Results significantly exceeded performance
standards/objectives over a sustained period.
4 – Exceeds Expectations: This rating is meant for those employees that exceed most requirements of
the position including all key areas. It demonstrates a level of accomplishment that goes beyond
reasonable and demanding standards, particularly in key knowledge, skills and abilities. Performance is
characterized by high achievement and the individual demonstrates planning and execution of all
routine functions and most major functions with minimal guidance.
3 – Meets Expectations: This rating should be given to the employee that demonstrates a level of
accomplishment that clearly fulfills expectations and at times exceeds them. It reflects good, solid and
consistent performance. Has demonstrated ability to execute and control routine functions and several
major functions with occasional guidance.
2 – Below Expectations: This employee demonstrates a level of accomplishment that is below the
standards of performance and does not meet or only marginally meets the requirements. The level of
achievement is inconsistent and requires more direction and guidance than normally expected for
routine functions. This employee is at a high risk of being put on probation.
1 – Unsatisfactory: This rating is usually meant for those employees that consistently demonstrate a
sub-standard level of performance and requires direction and guidance for simple and basic tasks. This
employee clearly does not meet the requirements and must be put on probation or go through
disciplinary action.
The points assigned in the Performance Factor section are totaled and then divided by the number of
Competencies to determine the overall Performance Appraisal Rating.
In the new goals section specific expectations and objectives for the next review period will be
identified. Each objective/goal will pertain to a responsibility specified in the employee’s job description.
The supervisor and the employee will discuss and fill this section together during the appraisal interview.
These goals may need to be revised during the review period as the position expectations change.
Ensure that a review of the goals are done periodically during the review period
The goals need to be a highly specific statement about what has to be accomplished. These goals should
be expressed in terms of end results rather than tasks that meet the end results. They need to be
challenging yet achievable.
The signature of your immediate supervisor on the completed form indicates that this is his/her fair and
accurate appraisal of your performance and that the immediate supervisor has communicated their
feedback to you. Your signature indicates neither agreement nor disagreement with the appraisal. It
does indicate― that your supervisor has reviewed the information; that you have read the document;
and that you and your supervisor have discussed the appraisal.