Supervisor Evaluation Form

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Performance Review Form


The principal purposes of staff reviews are to encourage staff development and to strengthen the departments'
effectiveness. Some specific purposes are to:

1. Identify specific indicators of achievement

2. Pinpoint areas of greatest/least effectiveness
3. Stimulate improved performance
4. Aid in promotion, retention and salary decisions
5. Develop mutually established goals
6. Increase employer-employee communication

The formal performance review occurs at the end of the probationary period and annually thereafter. The entire
Performance Review Form should be sent to the Office of Human Resources to be permanently filed.


(1) CONSISTENTLY BELOW EXPECTATIONS: Performance is at a level below established objectives with the
result that overall contribution is marginal and substandard. Performance requires a high degree of supervision.

(2) BELOW EXPECTATIONS: Meets some of the established objectives and expectations but definite areas exist
where achievement is substandard. Performance requires somewhat more than normal degree of direction and

(3) MEETS EXPECTATIONS: Meets established objectives in a satisfactory and adequate manner. Performance
requires normal degree of supervision.

(4) EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS: Accomplishments are above expected level or essential requirements.

(5) CONSISTENTLY EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS: Job performance easily exceeds job requirements,
performance approaches best possible attainment.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PART 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

1. Refer to the Rating Key and score the employee under the level of achievement which
most accurately describes the employee's performance on each factor.
2 A final Total score for sections 1, 2 and 3 will populate for the employee based on the Rating Key
3. All sections that include boxes must checked to certify.
4. All "Total" boxes will be added at the end of scoring and the "Final Rating" will be the employee's
Performance Evaluation Rating.


The Goal sheet is attached to the end of the review. This sheet has been provided for you and your
employee to set new goals for the up and coming year. It is required that the goals are then reviewed and
agreed upon as achievable goals for review at the end of the year. In this section, these goals are usually
suggested by the employee as goals they would like to achieve pertaining to their positions and areas of
expertise. This is a great tool for you and your employee to express ideas concerning their job and


1. All PERFORMANCE FACTORS, clarifying comments and specific examples are required to support your
rating choices. The rating of 3 which is the “Meets Expectations” rating does not require a clarifying
comment. “Meets Expectations” encompasses the required job duties of the employee, therefore does not
require comments.

2. As part of the performance evaluation process, supervisors are required to meet with the employee and
discuss each of the performance factors listed in the evaluation.

3. Supervisors are required to annually update the Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) for each of their
employees by accessing PV Talent.

4. Individuals who have a Final Performance Evaluation Score exhibiting a level of “Meets Expectations” or
below are not eligible for merit increases.

For further clarification or information please contact:

Office of Human Resources
[email protected]
Rating Key Scale:
1 = Consistently Below Expectations
2 = Below Expectations
3 = Meets Expectations
4 = Exceeds Expectations
5 = Consistently Exceeds Expectations

Last Name: First Name:

Department: Position Title:

Review Period From: Review Period To: UIN:


1. QUALITY OF WORK: How accurate, neat and complete is the individual's work? Rating
Consider the degree to which the work meets acceptable standards.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

2. PRODUCTIVITY: Does individual produce an acceptable amount of work? Consider how Rating
person effectively uses available working time, plans and prioritizes work, sets and accomplishes
goals and completes assignments on schedule.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

3. KNOWLEDGE OF JOB: Is the individual familiar with duties and requirements of position Rating
as well as methods, practices, and equipment to do the job? Does the individual mitigate risks and
utilize safe practices? Consider knowledge gained through experience, education and specialized
training. Consider if person maintains current knowledge about changes in policy and procedure, keep
abreast of new developments and major issues in field.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

4. ADAPTABILITY AND INITIATIVE: Does individual see things to be done, adapt to changes and then take action? Rating
Consider ability to contribute, develop and/or carry out new ideas or methods. Consider ability to be self-starter, to offer
suggestions, to anticipate needs and to seek additional tasks as time permits.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

5. DEPENDABILITY: How reliable is individual in performing work assignments and carrying out Rating
instructions? Consider degree of supervision required and willingness to take on responsibilities
and to be accountable for them.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:
6. JUDGEMENT: Does individual exercise ability to decide correct or choose best course of action when some Rating
decision must be made? Consider ability to evaluate facts and make sound
decisions, and use or reasoning to identify, solve and prevent problems. Work in a safe manner,
preventing accidents, injuries and theft.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

7. RELATIONSHIPS WITH PEOPLE: Does individual work effectively with others (supervisors, Rating
peers, subordinates)? Consider respect and courtesy shown to others, how attitude affects the
work area, willingness to accept supervision, and attitude exhibited toward the University as well
as own job. Are apparel, manners and sociability appropriate to the job responsibilities?
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

8. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY: How faithful is the individual in reporting to work and Rating
staying on the job? Consider arrival times, observance of time limits for breaks and lunches.
Consider patterns of sick leave, prior approval for vacation and prompt notice of absence due to
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

9. ACCOUNTABILITY: Complies with University policies and practices, state and federal regulations by all stated Rating
deadlines. Completes all required training by the stated deadline.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

Performance Factors Total:

All 3 fields must be filled

Competencies Total:


(Complete this section in addition to the performance factors )

10. LEADERSHIP ABILITY: Is administrator, department head or supervisor able to get Rating
employees, and co-workers to do willingly and well the duties to be accomplished? Consider
ability to get the work done with a high degree of morale and satisfaction on the part of those
doing the work; the ability to function consistently and effectively in an objective and rational
manner regardless of pressures.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

11. APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE: Does administrator, department head or Rating
supervisor demonstrate ability to select, train and effectively develop subordinates by recognizing
their abilities and improving their weaknesses? Consider ability to exhibit fairness and impartiality
with employees in assigning job duties and objectively evaluate work performance.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:
12. PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION: How effective is the administrator, department head or Rating
supervisor in setting effective goals for the department and for the individual employee, planning
ahead and establishing priorities? Consider ability to make the most effective use of time,
facilities, material, equipment, employee's skills and other resources. Examines ability to prepare
and administer budget effectively, identify and mitigate risks, and utilization of safe practices.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

13. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: To what extent does administrator, department head or Rating
supervisor demonstrate ability to communicate effectively in both oral and written expression with
employees and his/her supervisor? Are issues confronted and resolved constructively? Consider
ability to help employees with their work problems, ability to keep employees informed of
decisions and plans for the office as well as policies and procedures of the University.
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

14. INTERNAL CONTROL: Does administrator; department head or supervisor have an internal Rating
control program? If yes, how effective is the program? Consider how reliable the finance
information is when received from the administrator, department head or supervisor. Does the
individual safeguard assets? How effective and efficient is the operation? Does the administrator,
department head or supervisor comply with the laws, regulations, policies and procedures?
Examples or reasons for giving this rating are:

Supervisory Total:

For the evaluation process, employees and supervisors should discuss this certification and expected compliance with required training

Required Employee Training identified in Texas A&M System Regulation 33.05.02

1. Orientation to the A&M System

2. Creating a Discrimination Free Workplace/EEO
3. Ethics
4. Reporting Fraud Waste and Abuse
5. Information Security and Awareness
6. Other assigned training for your position

Supervisors should review employee's transcript of training completions or assignments prior to completion of the performance

Once transcript have been reviewed, please select one appropriate certification statement below:

The employee is not past due on any assigned Required Employee Training course listed above.

The employee is past-due on one or more assigned Required Employee Training courses listed above. The
supervisor and employee will discuss an action plan to bring the employee into compliance with System
training requirements.

NOTE: Certification should be accurate as of the completion date of this performance evaluation.

Part 5: Position Description Certification

Select one box:

The employee's current Position Description has been reviewed. NO CHANGES were made for the coming evaluation period.
The position description has been discussed with the employee by the supervisor and submitted in PV Talent for update action.

The employee's current Position Description has been reviewed and CHANGED. The UPDATED Position Description has been
discussed with the employee and submitted in PV Talent for update action.

NOTE: Certification is accurate as of the completion date of this performance evaluation.

You may be entitled to know what information Prairie View A&M University collects concerning you. You may review and have Prairie
View A&M University correct this information according to procedures set forth in A&M System Policy 61.01.02. The law is found in
sections 552.021, 552.023, and 559.004 of the Texas Government Code.


Review the category below for your the employee's total performance:

Part 1 - Performance Factor Total:

Part 2 - Competency Factor Total:

Part 3 - Administrators, Department Heads and Supervisory Personnel Total:


Adjusted Performance Score


Posting the Final Rating Score:

Use the conversion table below, take the Adjusted Performance Score above and mark the single numerical rating in
the Employee Performance Final Rating box above. This is your employee's Performance Evaluation Score.

Example: Adjusted Performance Score: 2.9 - Employee Performance Final Rating Score: 3


1 = [ 1 to 1.49 ] = Consistently Below Expectations

2 = [ 1.5 to 2.49 ] = Below Expectation
3 = [ 2.5 to 3.49 ] = Meets Expectations
4 = [ 3.5 to 4.49 ] = Exceeded Job Expectations
5 = [ 4.5 to 5 ] = Consistently Exceeded Job Expectations

I understand that my signature indicates only that I have read and discussed this performance evaluation with
my supervisor. It does not necessarily mean that I agree with the evaluation's content. I may attach written
comments, if desired.

Employee's Signature Date

Supervisor's Signature Date

Reviewer's Signature Date


Printed Name



Performance Goals:

Goals Relationship to
Departmental Goals

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