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Table of Specifications

Level of Competencies
Lessons No. of days Competencies Mark
Taught Allocation Total No. of
Easy (70%) Average (20%) Difficult (10%) Items ( )
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Subject: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Table of Specifications
Cognitive Level
50% 30% 20%

of Emphasis( Number of

Content Learning Competencies


Periods/H N) Items

Economic Institutions
a.       Reciprocity
b.       Transfers Analyze economic organization and its impacts on the lives of people in
the society 4 10% 3 2 1
c.       Redistribution
d.       Market transactions
e. Markets and state
Nonstate institutions
a.       Banks and corporations
b.       Cooperatives and trade unions
Differentiate functions of nonstate institutions in society 4 10% 3 2 1
c.       Transnational advocacy groups
d.       Development agencies
e. International organizations
Social and political stratification
a.       Social desirables (wealth, power, prestige)
Examine stratification from the functionalist and conflict perspectives 4 10% 3 2 1
b.       Social mobility system
i.      Open (Class)
ii.     Closed (Caste)
c.       Social inequality
Identify characteristics of the systems of stratification 4 10% 3 2 1
i.      Access to social, political, and symbolic capital

ii.      Gender inequality

iii.      Ethnic minorities

iv.      Other minorities (e.g., persons with disabilities)

Suggest ways to address global inequalities 4 10% 3 2 1

v. Global Inequality (relationships between states and

nonstate actors in the global community)
Evaluate how functions of education affect the lives of people in society 2 5% 2 1 1
a.       Functions of education in society (formal and nonformal)
 i.      Productive citizenry
ii.      Self-actualization Promote primary education as a human right 2 5% 2 1 1
iii.      Primary education as a human right

Religion and belief systems

a.       Animism Conduct participant observation (e.g., attend, describe, and reflect on a 2 5% 1 1
b.       Polytheism religious ritual of a different group; observe elections practices)
c.       Monotheism
d.       Institutionalized religions
e.       Separation of church and state

a.       Culture-specific syndromes and illnesses (e.g., “bughat”,

”usog”/”buyag”) Recognize the practice of medical pluralism in light of cultural diversity 2 5% 1 1
and relativism
b.       Systems of diagnosis, prevention and healing (e.g.,
traditional, western, alternative healing systems)
c.       Health as a human right
Cultural, Social, and Political Change Sources of social, cultural, and
political change
1.       Innovation
2.       Diffusion Identify new challenges faced by human populations in contemporary 4 10% 3 2 1
3.       Acculturation and assimilation societies
4.       Social contradictions and tensions (e.g., Inter-ethnic
conflicts, class struggle, armed conflict, terrorism, protests,
gender issues)
How society is organized
1.       Groups within society: Primary and Secondary
2.       In-groups and out-groups Traces kinship ties and social networks 2 5% 1 1
3.       Reference groups
4.       Networks
Cultural, social and political institutions

a.       Kinship by blood Descent and marriage (unilineal,

matrilineal, patrilineal, bilateral)
b.       Kinship by marriage Marriage rules cross-culturally
(monogamy vs. polygamy, post-marital residency rules, Describe the organized nature of social life and rules governing behavior 1 2.5% 1 1
referred marriage partners)
c.       Kinship by ritual (Compadrazgo)
d.       Family and the household Nuclear, extended, and
reconstituted families (separated, transnational)
e.       Politics of kinship (political dynasty, alliances)
New challenges to human adaptation and social change
1.       Global warming and climate change Describe how human societies adapt to new challenges in the physical, 1 2.5% 1 1
2.       Transnational migration and Overseas Filipino Workers social, and cultural environment

Cultural, social and political institutions

a.       Kinship by blood Descent and marriage (unilineal,

matrilineal, patrilineal, bilateral)
b.       Kinship by marriage Marriage rules cross-culturally
(monogamy vs. polygamy, post-marital residency rules, Compare different social forms of social organization according to their 2 5% 1 1
referred marriage partners) manifest and latent functions

c.       Kinship by ritual (Compadrazgo)

d.       Family and the household Nuclear, extended, and
reconstituted families (separated, transnational)
e.       Politics of kinship (political dynasty, alliances)
Political and leadership structures
a.       Political organization
i.      Bands
ii.      Tribes
iii.      Chiefdoms
Analyze social and political structures 1 2.5% 1 1
iv.      States and nations
b.       Authority and legitimacy
i.      Traditional
ii.      Charismatic
iii.      Rational
Responding to social, political, and cultural change
1.       Inclusive Citizenship and participatory governance
Develop a plan of action for community-based response to change 1 2.5% 1 1
2.       New forms of media and social networking

3.       Social movements (e.g., environmentalism, feminism)

8 7 5 4 3 3
Total 40 100% 30
15 9 6

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