A Systematic Literature Review of Artificial Intelligence in The Healthcare Sector - Benefits, Challenges, Methodologies, and Functionalities PDF

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Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

Journal of Innovation
& Knowledge
ht t p s: // w w w . j our na ls .e l se vi e r .c om /j ou r na l -o f - in no va t i on -a n d- kn owl e dg e

A systematic literature review of artificial intelligence in the healthcare

sector: Benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionalities
Omar Alia,*, Wiem Abdelbakib, Anup Shresthac, Ersin Elbasib,
Mohammad Abdallah Ali Alryalatd, Yogesh K Dwivedie,f
College of Business Administration, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait
College of Engineering, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Qld, Australia
Al-Balqa Applied University, Salt, Jordan
Digital Futures for Sustainable Business & Society Research Group, School of Management, Swansea University, Bay Campus, Fabian Bay, Swansea, UK
Department of Management, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune & Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, Maharashtra, India


Article History: Administrative and medical processes of the healthcare organizations are rapidly changing because of the use
Received 30 August 2022 of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. This change demonstrates the critical impact of AI at multiple activities,
Accepted 10 January 2023 particularly in medical processes related to early detection and diagnosis. Previous studies suggest that AI
Available online 18 January 2023
can raise the quality of services in the healthcare industry. AI-based technologies have reported to improve
human life quality, making life easier, safer and more productive. This study presents a systematic review of
academic articles on the application of AI in the healthcare sector. The review initially considered 1,988 aca-
Artificial intelligence
demic articles from major scholarly databases. After a careful review, the list was filtered down to 180
Systematic literature review, Technology
articles for full analysis to present a classification framework based on four dimensions: AI-enabled health-
benefits care benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionalities. It was identified that AI continues to signifi-
Technology challenges cantly outperform humans in terms of accuracy, efficiency and timely execution of medical and related
administrative processes. Benefits for patients’ map directly to the relevant AI functionalities in the catego-
JEL Code: ries of diagnosis, treatment, consultation and health monitoring for self-management of chronic conditions.
Z00 general: Z1 cultural economics Implications for future research directions are identified in the areas of value-added healthcare services for
Economic sociology medical decision-making, security and privacy for patient data, health monitoring features, and creative IT
Economic anthropology
service delivery models using AI.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Introduction Epstein, 2000). Consequently, a key attraction of AI is that it can per-

form a variety of human-like functions, learn from experience and
Since the industrial revolution, there has been a tremendous and adapt to new inputs and settings. To attain superior performance for
continuing advancement and prioritization of technology in produc- specified tasks, AI makes use of relevant information sources such as
tion and growth (Li et al., 2017; Ali et al., 2022). Arduous and manual Big Data (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2020).
tasks have been replaced by technological advancements in machines AI has swiftly advanced in recent years and has been applied to
that have progressed human development (Kaplan and Haenlein, offer many benefits across various industries, including the critical
2020). Beyond the physical labor support offered by machines, artifi- health-care industry (Minz and Mahobiya, 2017; Ribbens et al., 2014;
cial intelligence (AI) is a key technological advancement that has Strachna and Asan, 2020). AI has already digitally transformed the
enabled humans to replace manual work with superior mental capac- manual health system into an automated version in many areas,
ities and intellectual levels in a variety of industries (Chien et al., whereby in some applications, humans are now only required to per-
2020; Kumar et al., 2023). AI is a discipline of science and technology form more fundamental duties in medical practice to manage
that enables intelligent computers and computer programs to under- patients and medical resources (Comito et al., 2020; Yu and Zhou,
take activities traditionally requiring human intelligence (Aiken and 2021; Bernardini et al., 2021), leaving complicated procedures to be
handled by or dependent on AI components. AI-based healthcare sys-
* Corresponding author tems are rapidly evolving, particularly for early detection and diag-
E-mail address: [email protected] (O. Ali). nostic applications (Chen, 2018; Dhieb et al., 2020; Yu and Zhou,

2444-569X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

2021; Merhi, 2022). These developments enable AI to accomplish health (Antoniou et al., 2018; Jaiman and Urovi, 2020; Samuel et al.,
tasks that humans sometimes cannot perform with the pace, simplic- 2022), allowing them to make evidence-based decisions on the mat-
ity, reliability and diligence that AI can deliver at a lower cost (Sqalli ters of preventative health issues, such as type 2 diabetes and high
and Al-Thani, 2019; Zhou et al., 2020). When Information Systems blood pressure. However, early detection and diagnostics of health
(IS) developers can effectively design AI systems to carry out specific information require many AI apps (Stamford et al., 2016; Siddiqui
tasks, the technological advancement from healthcare digitization et al., 2018; Kumar and Suresh, 2019). These AI apps are used in a
can also overcome additional challenges (Tobore et al., 2019). For variety of settings to diagnose different types of illnesses for precise,
example, AI can significantly enhance patient care while simulta- rapid and reliable results (Ribbens et al., 2019; Sasubilli et al., 2020;
neously lowering healthcare expenses (Wahl et al., 2018; Dhieb et al., Jahan and Tripathi, 2021). At the simplest level, AI performs a signifi-
2020; Kaur et al., 2021). The growing human population is likely to cant level of comparative analysis using Big Data so that information
increase the need for healthcare services to be delivered at a rapid from a patient is compared with data and digital images from huge
pace; therefore, innovative AI solutions are needed in the healthcare datasets compiled from other patients in relevant and related settings
sector to improve effectiveness and efficiency without increasing (Charan et al., 2018; Somasundaram et al., 2020). This type of self-
costs (Pee et al., 2019). This is one area where AI continue to play a learning mechanism recognizes patterns and provides information
pioneer role in providing innovative solutions. Rapid technological for medical practitioners to support their diagnosis and intervention
advancements, particularly in the realm of AI, have already supported strategies (Charan et al., 2018; Woo et al., 2021). While supporting
the management of the healthcare industry’s growth (Maduri et al., these complex medical procedures, AI technologies can also improve
2020; Comito et al., 2020). the efficiency of medical care administration (Deng et al., 2019;
Recent AI technologies encompass Big Data, machine learning Daltayanni et al., 2012).
applications, and robots that are utilized to monitor, detect, and mea- This systematic review includes a discussion of the benefits, chal-
sure risks and benefits in the healthcare industry (Hossen and lenges, methodologies, and functionalities related to AI in the health-
Armoker, 2020; Dharani & Krishnan, 2021; Duan et al., 2022). To care sector (Murphy et al., 2021). To fully understand these
enhance procedures and facilitate the administration of medical serv- dimensions of AI, additional research is needed on both the practical
ices, the healthcare business relies heavily on medical data and ana- and theoretical aspects of AI (Chen et al., 2020; Johnson et al., 2022).
lytics. In recent years, the amount of gathered medical data and its There are interesting evolving insights of AI, such as the power of AI
dimensions have exponentially expanded. For example, medical pro- to exercise doctors’ rights and obligations (Yang, 2018; McGregor,
fessionals, researchers, and patients generate massive amounts of 2020), AI issues regarding privacy protection (Wang et al., 2020;
data, such as electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging data, Zhou et al., 2021), and how AI can store, process, edit, and share
and other data from various monitoring devices, including health health data in consideration of permission from patients and ethics
tracking devices and apps, that people are increasingly using in nor- committees? Governments could also establish legislative guidelines
mal circumstances beyond the need for medical attention (Antoniou to secure healthcare data (Gomoi and Stoicu-Tivadar, 2010; Bhaduri
et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2020; Xie et al., 2020). In this environment, AI et al., 2011). Furthermore, raw data acquired from patients and hos-
technology has the capacity to capture data, process it, perform pitals are used by machine learning and expert systems, however
dynamic analyses and produce results that can be effectively used for while collecting these data, ethical considerations should be consid-
medical intervention (Comito et al., 2020). This function is typically ered (Liu et al., 2020; Shaban-Nejad et al., 2021). The norms of tech-
executed using machine learning algorithms supported by data stor- nology development and health applications must be established to
age and processing power (Charan et al., 2018; Woo et al., 2021). For optimally use AI technology in medical care. To meet this objective,
example, patient behavior patterns may be able to establish reliable this review study presents the state-of-the-art of the application of
predictions via daily observation of medical data. As a result, AI may AI in the healthcare sector and proposes a classification framework to
offer suggestions toward diagnosis, medical intervention, therapeutic determine the benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionali-
insights and strategies for mitigating health deterioration and sup- ties of the use of AI in health services.
porting proactive strategies to prevent patient conditions from wors- An overview on the current use of AI in the healthcare sector is
ening, thereby enhancing patient outcomes at various phases of presented next. Then, background information on AI and relevant
diagnosis and illness, as well as medication prescription and use. applications are explained. This is followed by the research method-
Technologically advanced hospitals are now exploring the use of AI ology detailing the SR mapping process and presenting research
technologies to help improve the accuracy of practice (Zhou et al., results based on a classification framework. Subsequently, discussion
2020; Mary et al., 2020) and lower the cost of operations (Sqalli and of current literature in terms of the four dimensions of benefits, chal-
Al-Thani, 2019; Zhou et al., 2020). By presenting detailed information lenges, methodologies, and functionalities of AI for the healthcare
on a variety of treatment options, AI enables medical staff and industry is presented. Finally, implications to future research and
patients to make informed decisions about treatment plans (Deng practice are highlighted.
et al., 2019).
While a rosy picture of the future of AI can be imagined in terms of Background on artificial intelligence
its capabilities and opportunities, it must be recognized that AI can
also present a number of challenges and ongoing issues due to the AI or machine intelligence is an area of computer science whereby
complexity of the integration of healthcare environments with a machines are programmed with the ability to perform intelligent
purely machine learning-supported AI intervention. Some of the tasks that are usually undertaken by humans (Tsang et al., 2020).
main risks and challenges that have emerged are patient injury from Computers and machines use AI techniques to understand, analyze,
system errors (Aljaaf et al., 2015; Srivastava and Rossi, 2019; and learn from data through specifically designed algorithms
Madanan et al., 2021; Dwivedi et al., 2021), patient privacy concerns (Sasubilli et al., 2020). For example, with today’s AI technologies,
limiting data access, and the ethical, legal and medical challenges of cameras can automatically recognize faces, computers can translate
making decisions about human lives and medical conditions using from one language to another, it is easy to search and find products
AI (Liu et al., 2020; Shaban-Nejad et al., 2021). in e-commerce, computers can assist doctors in making decisions
Regardless of the AI challenges, one of the most important bene- and so on (Sasubilli et al., 2020). In the 1930s, Alan Turing developed
fits of AI is its support in preventative care in the healthcare system the first Turing machines for intelligent mathematical calculations
that promotes all humans to become and remain healthy. For exam- that can be undertaken automatically, paving a way for the start of
ple, apps have been used to give patients more control over their the AI technology. AI was founded as an academic discipline since
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

1950s and since then, it has been significantly researched in areas interconnectivity can allow people to save time, manage work, flexi-
such as natural language processing, learning, reasoning and knowl- bility and collaborations (Kar et al., 2021; Ahsan et al., 2022). How-
edge representation. More recently, AI has been transformed with ever, technology skeptics question if AI is really needed in our daily
the expansion of its research beyond computer science, with the life? AI can bring negative impact on societies such as undesirable
recent developments drawing on broad areas such as psychology, lin- social change, unemployment, wealth inequality and cybercrime.
guistics, and philosophy. Consequently, AI has been applied in vari- Therefore, the use of AI in different sectors of our society is currently
ous areas, such as education, e-commerce, robotics, navigation, an area of active research interest. On this note, this research paints a
healthcare, agriculture, military, marketing and games. More specifi- picture on the use of AI in the healthcare sector.
cally, widely adopted AI applications include search engines such as
Google, recommender systems such as Netflix, self-driving cars such Review planning and methodology
as Tesla, and human speech recognition systems such as Siri and
Alexa. In general, AI methods can be broadly categorized in these A systematic review is a means of identifying, evaluating and
areas: machine learning (Bernardini et al., 2021); robotics; natural interpreting all available research relevant to a particular research
language processing (Patii and Iyer, 2017; Murray et al., 2019); com- question, topic, or phenomenon of interest (Kitchenham and Char-
puter vision (Jahan and Tripathi, 2021); and big data (Hossen and ters, 2007). In addition, it is defined as a methodology that summa-
Armoker, 2020). rizes the process of collecting, arranging, and assessing literature in a
Classification and clustering are two major techniques used in AI review domain (Dabic et al., 2020; Paul et al., 2021). A systematic
machine learning. Both algorithms use data, such as numbers, text, review was considered appropriate in this study based on the pur-
images and videos, as input (Jahan and Tripathi, 2021). Classification pose of this research, which is to identify key findings in current
algorithms (such as neural networks, decision trees and Bayesian net- research and to offer suggestions for future research (Eteokleous
works) use huge amounts of data as training datasets. There are two et al., 2016; Paul and Benito, 2018; Hao et al., 2019). A systematic
types of classification algorithms: supervised and unsupervised review can contribute significantly to the understanding of the
learning. Supervised learning uses labeled data vectors during train- research area, identifying lacunas and suggesting forthcoming
ing; by contrast, unsupervised learning algorithms do not use labels. research themes (Khatoon and Rehman, 2021). Systematic reviews
Both methods use class labels during the testing phase. In machine can take numerous forms; they have been categorized by some
learning, clustering algorithms are used for unsupervised learning researchers as domain, theory and method-based reviews (Palmatier
and do not need any class label data. Prediction algorithms are et al., 2018), whereas Paul and Criado (2020) categorized systematic
trained using historical data to develop forecasting models. Several reviews into different sub-forms of domain-based reviews: struc-
algorithms are used in classification, clustering and prediction, as tured theme-based reviews, framework-based reviews, bibliometric
given below (Elbasi et al., 2021): reviews, hybrid reviews, and conceptual reviews.
Systematic reviews have become increasingly important in all dis-
 Classification: Decision tree, Naïve Bayes classifier, Bayesian net- ciplines, and increasingly adopted in the combination areas of IT and
work, Random Forest, Neural network, Deep learning, Support healthcare sectors (Kamboj and Rahman, 2015). Professionals and
vector machines, academics involved in the IT and healthcare industries follow system-
 Clustering: K-means, Mean shift, Expectation-Maximization, atic reviews to stay abreast of their fields, and they are often used as a
Gaussian mixture model, starting point for developing technology guidelines (Moher et al.,
 Prediction: Linear regression, Learning vector quantization, Logis- 2009) for adoption in other areas, including healthcare. This system-
tic regression, K-nearest neighbors atic review is based on the structured process proposed by Watson
(2015), which explicitly prescribes the steps and processes for litera-
Some researchers believe in “strong AI”, which means machines ture searching. These searching process steps include planning, exe-
can be equally intelligent as humans. On the other hand, “weak AI” cution, and reporting. It is complex and time-consuming for IT
has limited functionalities (Gomoi and Stoicu-Tivadar, 2010). In weak professionals and healthcare experts to check relevant articles for
AI, problems are solved using AI algorithms where machines are evidence-based practice because of the huge number of continuously
trained by AI system developers. E-commerce recommendation sys- refreshing IT and healthcare-related publications (Bastian et al.,
tems, medical assistant applications, and voice-based personal assis- 2010). Moreover, when IT professionals and healthcare experts make
tants such as Siri are examples of weak AI applications. In strong AI, decisions, they do not depend on the results of a single study since
machines can make independent decisions without human interven- some studies may elicit prejudices or based on limited data, making
tion. There are several applications of strong AI, such as in cyberse- the results inconclusive (Abbas et al., 2008). In both practical and aca-
curity, the entertainment sector and behavioral recognition and demic work, IT professionals and healthcare experts must rely on
prediction. Deep learning is also widely used for solving complex strong evidence to inform practice. According to Evans (2003), a sys-
problems. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning using a mul- tematic review is a pre-eminent approach to aid evidence-based IT
tilayer artificial neural network. Deep learning algorithms can be and healthcare practice. Boell and Cecez-Kecmanovic (2015) assert
used in self-driving cars, fraud detection, healthcare, entertainment, that the rigor of following a pre-defined protocol and particular
machine translation and virtual assistants. search process makes systematic review an efficient approach. Wat-
AI and its sub-areas such as robotics, internet of things, and son recognizes the relevance of efficiency in research but argues that
machine learning can have significant impacts on our societies. AI effectiveness is also important. He states that effectiveness is attained
technology can improve human life quality, making life easier, safer by “synthesizing the literature and revealing the depth of knowledge on
and more productive (Malik et al., 2021; Grover et al., 2020; Hradecky an area’s critical key concepts and the relationships between these con-
et al., 2022). There are several application areas of AI that make our cepts” (Watson 2015, p. 185).
life easier such as face recognition for security, automation for indus- Applying the rules and guidelines of systematic reviews is crucial
try, natural language processing for translation, robotics for homes, for researchers who undertake this approach (Kitchenham and Char-
machine learning and vision for healthcare (Herath et al., 2022). AI ters, 2007). Commencing the review process using a protocol to iden-
has transformed our society to move into the Industry 4.0 revolution tify, select, and assess the relevant literature will make the
due to the internet of things, cloud computing, robotics, cyber physi- systematic review highly efficient (Tranfield et al., 2003). The system-
cal systems and machine to machine communication (Votto et al., atic process should be reproducible, objective, transparent, unbiased,
2021). When used effectively, the smart automation and and rigorous (Boell and Cecez-Kecmanovic, 2015). The systematic
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

Fig. 1. Systematic review stages

review approach adopted in the current paper embraces the strate- dimensions, specifically the benefits, challenges, methodology, and
gies and rules depicted by Kitchenham and Charters (2007) and Ali functionalities. Each of these dimensions consists of different catego-
et al. (2018a; 2020; 2021). This study is conducted in three stages, as ries that group several factors based on the findings of the review of
proposed by Watson (2015). In addition, several collective rules and the selected articles.
guidelines were applied for the different steps of this systematic The developed classification framework encompasses four specific
review that are identified by Kitchenham and Charters (2007) and dimensions, and each dimension has specific categories. In each cate-
Ali et al. (2018a; 2020; 2021). Rules and guidelines applied during gory, relevant factors were identified: (1) Benefits, which are the
the planning stage include identification of the need for a systematic advantages that organizations obtain from using AI. These include
review, defining a classification framework, defining research benefits to people that consist of automated decision-making patient
questions, and defining research strategies. The execution step monitoring, particularly elderly patient monitoring; early diagnosis;
includes the techniques of keyword search, filter application, title and process simplification (Woo, 2021; Rahman, 2020; Sasubilli,
and abstract reading, full article reading, backward snowball and 2020; Deebak, 2021). They also include benefits to organizations that
quality assessment. In the reporting step, this research included clas- consist of workflow assistance, improved performance, reduced cost,
sification of the selected articles and discussion of the results. The and fraud detection (Minz, 2017; Dhieb, 2020; Zhou, 2020; Bernar-
steps, rules and guidelines applied for this systematic review are dini, 2021). The final category of this dimension is benefits to sectors
described in Fig. 1. that consist of saving time, reducing resource consumption, and pro-
viding professional training, data sharing, and data availability (Guo,
Planning stage 2018; Gupta, 2019; Jaiman, 2020; Yu, 2021; Kaur, 2021). (2) Chal-
lenges are the issues that organizations might face when using AI.
The first step of the planning stage is to identify the requirements These include challenges related to the data, which consist of data
of the systematic review. The need for a systematic review arises digitization and consolidation and data availability (Patii, 2017; Chen,
from the requirement of researchers to summarize all existing infor- 2018; Murray, 2019; Dhieb, 2020). They also include privacy/legal
mation about a phenomenon in a thorough and unbiased manner. As challenges, which consist of privacy issues, legal issues, and govern-
argued in the previous section, there is dynamic research on how AI ment regulations (Jumelle, 2014; Bryson, 2018; Ali et al., 2018b;
enables the healthcare sector in relation to functions, benefits, and Zerka, 2020; Shaban-Nejad, 2021). The final category of this dimen-
challenges. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no sys- sion refers to challenges related to the patient and that consist of
tematic review that outlines these research findings and provides a decision errors, treatment errors, data errors, and human interven-
profound analysis of the research and practice related to this topic. tions (Lim, 2015; Hasan, 2017; Srivastava, 2019; Tsang, 2020;
The second step of the planning stage consists of developing the Madanan, 2021). (3) Methodology is the process that organizations
research review protocol, which serves as a base to understand the adopt to use AI. It includes data processing, machine learning, and
current theoretical and practical perspectives on the topic. In this expert systems (Panayides, 2015; Ragde, 2016; Minz, 2017; Oktay,
research, the review protocol specifies the methods used to under- 2018; Saxena, 2019; Katarya, 2020; Srayya, 2021). (4) Functionalities
take a specific systematic review. A predefined protocol is necessary refer to the features that organizations have access to, due to the use
to reduce the possibility of researcher bias. For example, without a of AI. They include functionalities to clinics that consist of clinical
protocol, the selection of individual studies or the analysis may be decision-making, up-to-date information, resource allocation, and
driven by researcher expectations. The initial classification frame- information sharing (Aljaaf, 2015; Lee, 2017; Zheng, 2018; Murray,
work was authored by Ngai and Wat (2002) who used it to conduct a 2019; Mary, 2020; Jahan, 2021). They also include functionalities to
systematic review of journal articles related to how advanced tech- patients that consist of diagnosis, treatment, consultations, and moni-
nologies enable various sectors. This type of classification framework toring (Hassan, 2016; Minz, 2017; Albayrak, 2018; Gandhi, 2019),
has also been applied by Ali et al. (2018a; 2020) to investigate how Tsang, 2020; Dharani, 2021). The final category of this dimension is
cloud computing benefits the healthcare sector and to investigate functionalities related to the sector that consist of IoT data collection,
how blockchain technology benefits the finance sector. In this medical imaging, research development, and remote surgery (Lee,
research, the proposed classification framework has been updated by 2017; Yang, 2018; Ribbens, 2019; Noothout, 2020; Zhou, 2021;
adding two new dimensions related to how AI is applied in the Firouzi et al., 2022). For more details on the dimensions, please refer
healthcare sector. The framework is divided into four different to Fig 2.
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

In all, after filtering down the relevant articles to 180 that were consistently apply eligibility criteria leads to the inclusion of irrele-
part of this review, these articles were investigated based on the four vant studies in the review, which in turn can lead to inconsistent
dimensions of the classification framework, namely, benefits, chal- conclusions.
lenges, methodology, and functionalities. Subsequently, the research
classification framework was developed to review the literature Execution stage
related to the nature of how AI enables the healthcare sector in rela-
tion to the benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionalities in During the execution phase, the strategies specified in the planning
healthcare research. phase were used to select relevant articles for the study. The main
Defining the research questions is the third step in the planning techniques applied in the study are explained below:
stage and is considered a crucial step in any systematic review (Paul
et al., 2021). A systematic review achieves its goals when it can  Identifying the search terms is an ongoing process that begins
answer the research questions (Paul and Benito, 2018). The research with using unique search words from articles that are recognized
questions for this systematic review study are as follows: in the area of study (Hu and Bai, 2014; Paul et al., 2021). The pro-
cess ends when all the well-known articles are found using the
 What is the most common impact of AI on the healthcare sector? same principles as above. The selected databases in this study
 What are the AI benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionali- have advanced search features, allowing the combination of rele-
ties for healthcare? vant search words. In this research study, the following keywords
were identified: “artificial intelligence OR “machine learning” OR
Defining the strategies for article selection is the fourth step of “data processing” AND “healthcare” OR “medical centre” AND
the planning stage. Strategies for article selection are intended to “benefit” OR “advantage” OR “feature” AND “challenge” OR “issue”
identify those primary studies that provide direct evidence about the AND “methodologies” AND “functionality”.
research question. To reduce the likelihood of bias, strategies for arti-  While searching the online databases, filtering tools were applied
cle selection should be decided during the protocol definition, to optimize the research results (Zhang et al., 2014; Moher et al.,
although they may be refined during the search process (Dabic et al., 2009). In this research, a number of filters, including the research
2020). During this step, an integrated search strategy was adopted to area (IS and healthcare), year of publication (2010 to 2021), docu-
cover an extensive automated search of different online databases ment type (journal articles and conference papers), and language
and a manual review of the selected articles. (English) were applied.
Embracing an extensive automated search strategy enables the  Once the results were obtained, the articles were manually
integration of the most fitting online sources (Golder et al., 2014; checked, focusing on the title and abstract, to ensure that they
Rosado-Serrano et al., 2018). For this systematic review, the chosen were relevant to the topic of the current study (Pucher, 2013).
online databases include IEEE, Emerald, IS Web of Knowledge, and  All articles obtained from the previous step were thoroughly ana-
Scopus. Moreover, for every chosen database, appropriate filtering lyzed for relevant information on this research topic (Shea et al.,
tools were utilized to restrict the research results so that duplication 2007).
is minimized (McLean and Antony, 2014). For the manual review, the  To identify articles that were not attained through the automated
broad manual review method was adopted which involved first read- research strategy, backward snowball technique (Spanos and
ing the title and abstract of each research article (Golder et al., 2014), Angelis, 2016) was applied.
and then reading the full content of the selected articles to exclude  To confirm that all the articles included in this research were of
irrelevant articles (Ali et al., 2018a; 2021). value, some quality assessment criteria (Begg et al., 1996; Hu and
In addition to the extensive automated search and manual review, Bai, 2014) was applied. A checklist was prepared to assess
the backward snowball technique was used to locate articles that whether to include an article. The checklist questions were
were not identified through the previous strategies. This technique adopted from the studies conducted by Ali et al. (2018a; 2021)
employed a reference rundown to identify new articles (Wohlin, and Sadoughi et al. (2020). They included the following criteria:
2014). The backward snowballing technique began by analyzing the the discussion on the research objectives is satisfactory, the
reference list and removing articles that did not satisfy the key research problem and questions are clearly stated, the data used
research criteria, such as language, peer-review status, publication are available and well described, the adopted methodology is
year, and type of publication. Then, the duplicate articles were thoroughly elaborated, and the research results are presented in a
removed and the remaining articles were incorporated into the comprehensive manner and answer the research questions.
study. For full details of the review selection criteria, please refer to
Table 1. This research used the quality score to investigate whether the
Table 1 presents the eligibility review selection criteria. These cri- results of the primary study were associated with the quality of the
teria help to produce more accurate, objective, and meaningful study. In addition, the research investigated whether some of the
results as they ensure that the literature considered in the systematic individual quality factors (i.e., sample size, validation method) were
review is relevant to the study. If established and executed correctly, associated with the primary study outcome. After selecting the pri-
these criteria also reduce the risk of errors and bias. Failing to mary relevant studies, it is necessary to assess the quality to

Table 1
Review selection criteria

Criteria Inclusion Exclusion Rationale

Type of publication Scholarly articles Reports and any other sources To ensure that the research retrieves information of academic level
Peer-reviewed Peer-reviewed Non-peer-reviewed To ensure the high quality of the used articles.
Publication year Articles published from 2010 to 2021 Articles that published prior to 2010 To ensure the validity of the content in any article used in this
research review. The pace of technology changes is relatively rapid
and the past 10 years is an appropriate time period when the
authors can observe the recent trends.
Language English language Any language other than English English is the official language of research articles.

O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

Table 2
Review search results

An example of a column heading Automated Search Method Manual Search Method Backward Snowball Final Results

1st Strategy 2nd Strategy 3rd Strategy Reading 4th Strategy Reading 5th Strategy Backward 6th Strategy Quality
Keywords Results Apply Filter Title and Abstract Full Articles Snowball Technique Assessment

Science Direct 346 149 68 19 24 16

Emerald 239 154 84 22 27 19
Scopus 418 196 92 39 45 34
ACM Digital 332 116 77 42 51 39
IEEE 516 238 141 58 69 64
AIS 137 83 46 12 18 8
Total 1988 936 508 192 234 180

minimize the bias and maximize the validity of the systematic filters, the number of articles was reduced to 936. The researchers
review. Therefore, the 180 remaining articles were assessed based on then conducted a manual review to identify articles irrelevant to the
quality criteria. The selected studies were assessed in terms of scien- study. In this process, the researchers focused on both empirical and
tific diligence, reliability, accuracy, and propriety to ensure that conceptual articles that were directly related to the topic of this
research concepts and methods were respected. The results were research. As a result, 428 articles were removed, and 508 articles
checked if they were targeted, original, pertinent, and useful for were retained. Next, the full article reading was carried out, where
future researchers, experts and enterprises. These criteria were the researchers concentrated on specific criteria, such as objectives,
essential to provide valuable and significant contributions to the the research questions, the description of the collected data, the
research community. The selected studies were classified according methodology applied, the technique used to analyze the data and the
to their main research aims, methods, contributions, and results. This presentation of the results. After reading the full articles, another 316
categorization helps to identify, extract, classify and synthesize data articles were considered insignificant and were removed, which
responding to research issues. resulted in 192 remaining articles. The backward snowball technique
The current review study took place from September 15th, 2021, was subsequently applied, which added 42 more articles for a total of
to December 15th, 2021, following the research protocol stated in 234 articles. Finally, after reviewing based on the quality assessment
the planning stage. The initial search based on the defined keywords criteria, 54 articles were removed, finalizing the number of articles
identified 1,988 articles. After applying all the filter steps as men- for analysis to 180.
tioned in this stage, the final 180 research articles met the quality
assessment criteria.
Some common attributes of the selected articles

Summarizing stage
Distribution of articles by publication year
Table 2 illustrates the final number of articles selected for the The earliest publications on how AI enabled healthcare sector data
present review study. Specifically, based on the initial search process were from 2010 (see Fig. 3). The greatest number of articles, 44, was
(keywords), 1,988 unique articles were identified. After applying published in 2020, and the lowest number of articles, 4, was

Fig. 2. Classification framework (Adapted from Ngai and Wat (2002))

O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

Fig. 3. Publications by year

published in 2012. Most of the articles were published between 2018 The majority of the articles investigating how AI enabled the health-
and 2021, thus signifying the recent interest in this research area. care sector are related to benefits, methodologies, and functionalities
(Fig. 5).
Nevertheless, the number of studies focusing on AI challenges has
Distribution of articles by database
been the lowest in the past ten years. The benefits of using AI within
Fig. 4 illustrates the distribution of the selected articles by data-
organizations is another topic of interest to many researchers and is
base source. 64 articles were identified in the IEEE database, followed
the third most studied topic as per this classification framework. The
by 39 articles from the ACM Digital database, 34 articles from the Sco-
method that organizations used to adopt and use AI was the second
pus database, 19 articles from the Emerald database, 16 articles from
most studied topic as per the classification framework. Meanwhile,
the Science Direct database, and only 8 articles from the AIS e-library
functionalities that AI provides to improve the performance of organ-
(see Fig. 4).
izations have gained the most significant research attention in the
past decade.
Distribution of articles according to the classification framework
The research topic is organized into four dimensions: benefits,
challenges, methodologies, and functionalities. Fig. 4 displays the Research classification framework
quantity of articles published each year in each dimension. Thus, the
aggregate number of articles published under benefits is (n=86); The findings of a detailed review of AI and healthcare related
challenges (n=44); methodologies (n=98); and functionalities (n=92). articles were put forward and examined. The classification

Fig. 4. Distribution of articles by database source

Fig. 5. Research topics according to classification framework

O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

Table 3
AI-enabled healthcare benefits

Dimension Category Type Sources

BENEFITS Individual Automated decision-making Thakkar et al. (2010); Moein et al. (2010); FengGuo et al. (2010); Bennett et al. (2011); Nimmagadda et
al. (2011); Aghazadeh et al. (2011); Aljaaf et al. (2015); Albu (2017); Minz and Mahobiya (2017);
Charan et al. (2018); Chen et al. (2018); Ribbens et al. (2019); Seebo€ ck et al. (2019); Deng et al.
(2019); Sqalli and Al-Thani (2019); Strachna and Asan (2020); McGregor et al. (2020); Comito et al.
(2020); Dhieb et al. (2020); Bernardini et al. (2021); Yu and Zhou (2021); Woo et al. (2021); Chauhan
et al. (2021).
Patient and elderly monitoring Tomas et al. (2010); Alamri (2010); Baskaran et al. (2011); Wang et al. (2011); Nimmagadda et al.
(2011); Roa et al. (2011); Stamford et al. (2016); Khan et al. (2018); Siddiqui et al. (2018); Gu et al.
(2019); Gandhi (2019); Wu et al. (2019); Kumar and Suresh (2019); Tsang et al. (2020); Rahman et al.
(2020); Wong et al. (2020); Priya (2020); Liao et al. (2020); Mary et al. (2020); Comito et al. (2020);
Ahmed et al. (2021).
Early diagnosis Osareh and Shadgar (2010); Moein et al. (2010); Feng Guo et al. (2010); Wang et al. (2011); Ladgham
(2013); Razaak et al. (2014); Gayathri et al. (2015); Zhou et al. (2018); Khan et al. (2018); Saxena et al.
(2019); Deng et al. (2019); Ribbens et al. (2019); Zhang et al. (2020); Azghadi et al. (2020); Sasubilli et
al. (2020); Jahan and Tripathi (2021); Vijayalakshmi et al. (2021); Harinishree et al. (2021); Woo et al.
(2021); Sakkos et al. (2021); Chauhan et al. (2021).
Process simplification Chinaei and Chaib-Draa (2012); Sqalli and Al-Thani (2019); Deng et al. (2019); McGregor et al. (2020);
Sivarethinamohan et al. (2021); Deebak and Al-Turjman (2021).
Organization Workflow Management Daltayanni et al. (2012); Wu et al. (2019); Deng et al. (2019); Bernardini et al. (2021).
Performance Improvement Bennett et al. (2011); Roa et al. (2011); Ladgham et al. (2013); Aljaaf et al. (2015); Minz and Mahobiya
(2017); Maduri et al. (2020); Comito et al. (2020); Yu and Zhou (2021); Bernardini et al. (2021).
Cost Reduction Roa et al. (2011); Sqalli and Al-Thani (2019); Zhou et al. (2020); Kaur et al. (2021).
Fraud detection Capelleveen et al. (2013); Yang and Hwang (2014); Rawte and Anuradha (2015); Thorntonl (2015);
Bagde and Chaudhari (2016); Ragde et al. (2016); Gangopadhyay and Chen (2016); Anbarasi and Dhi-
vya (2017); Dhieb et al. (2020).
Sector Time saving Khan et al. (2018); Sqalli and Al-Thani (2019); Mary et al. (2020); Sasubilli et al. (2020); Strachna and
Asan (2020); McGregor et al. (2020); Zhou et al. (2020); Bernardini et al. (2021); Yu and Zhou (2021);
Bernardini et al. (2021).
Reduction of resources consumption Wahl et al. (2018); Guo and Li (2018); Dhieb et al. (2020); Kaur et al. (2021).

Professional training provision Sales et al. (2011); Tsai et al. (2011); Cecil and Pirela-Cruz (2013); Paranjape et al. (2019); Torner et al.
(2019); Gupta et al. (2019); Reddy and Chavan (2019); Wiljer et al. (2019); Deist et al. (2020).
Industry-wide data sharing Bennett et al. (2011); Jumelle et al. (2014); Antoniou et al. (2018); Jaiman and Urovi (2020).
Industry-wide data availability Stojanovic et al. (2017); Ranchal et al. (2020); Gonza lez-García et al. (2020); Jahan and Tripathi (2021).

framework was applied by considering the four dimensions: AI- automated decision-making; patient monitoring, particularly elderly
enabled healthcare benefits, challenges, methodologies, and func- patient monitoring; early diagnosis; and process simplification (Sasu-
tionalities. For more details, see Table 3, 4, 5, and 6. billi, 2020; Deebak, 2021). It also includes benefits to organizations
Table 3 illustrates the classification framework related to AI- that consist of workflow assistance, improvement of performance,
enabled healthcare benefits and comprises specific categories for this reduction of cost, and fraud detection (Zhou, 2020; Bernardini, 2021).
dimension, such as benefits to individuals, organizations, and sectors. The final category of this dimension is benefits to the sector that con-
Additionally, in each category, relevant factors were identified that sist of saving time, reducing resource consumption, and providing
defined the category. professional training, data sharing, and data availability (Yu, 2021;
Table 4 demonstrates the classification framework related to AI- Kaur, 2021). Next is an in-depth description of each category.
enabled healthcare challenges and involves specific categories for
this dimension, such as challenges related to data integration, privacy Benefits to individuals
and legal issues, and patient safety. Furthermore, in each category, AI has several benefits to people, including automated decision-
relevant factors were identified that defined the category. making (Sqalli and Al-Thani, 2019; Minz and Mahobiya, 2017; Rib-
Table 5 shows the classification framework related to AI-enabled bens et al., 2019; Seebo € ck et al., 2019; Strachna and Asan, 2020),
healthcare methodologies and contains specific categories for this patient monitoring, including elderly patient monitoring (Wu et al.,
dimension, such as multimedia processing and textual data process- 2019; Rahman et al., 2020; Comito et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2018;
ing. In addition, in each category, relevant factors were identified Wong et al.,2020; Mary et al.,2020), early diagnosis (Sasubilli
that defined the category. et al.,2020; Jahan and Tripathi, 2021; Ladgham, 2013; Ribbens et al.,
Table 6 shows the classification framework related to AI-enabled 2019; Sakkos et al., 2021; Razaak et al.,2014) and process simplifica-
healthcare functionalities and covers specific categories for this tion (McGregor et al.,2020; Sqalli and Al-Thani, 2019; Deng
dimension, such as functionalities related to the organization, patient, et al.,2019).
and sector. Additionally, in each category, relevant factors were iden- The benefits to individuals are primarily derived from their col-
tified that defined the category. lected medical data that are often heterogeneous, complex and not
normalized. In addition, they are often large in volume and come in
Research discussion different formats. While this represents a great challenge for medical
care practitioners, AI can be very effective in analyzing these types of
Dimension 1: benefits big data and coming up with innovative solutions that are highly rel-
evant and meaningful for health practitioners, ultimately benefiting
This dimension is related to the advantages that organizations can the patients in their care, diagnosis and treatment options. Generally
achieve from using AI. It includes benefits to people that consist of speaking, diagnosis- and treatment-related decisions consume both
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

Table 4
AI-enabled healthcare challenges

Dimension Category Type Sources

CHALLENGES Data Integration Data digitization and consolidation Mohr et al. (2011); Duan et al. (2011); Daltayanni et al. (2012); Hoens et al. (2013); Minz and
Mahobiya (2017); Khan et al. (2018); Chen et al. (2018); Dhieb et al. (2020); Peters et al.

Data availability Bennett et al. (2011); Patii and Iyer (2017); Murray et al. (2019).

Privacy/Legal Issues Privacy issues Bhaduri et al. (2011); Jumelle et al. (2014); Bouguettaya et al. (2016); Esmaeilzadeh (2020);
Sasubilli et al. (2020); Zerka et al. (2020); Peters et al. (2020); Wang et al. (2020); Liu et al.
(2020); Shaban-Nejad et al. (2021); Zhou et al. (2021); Kaur et al. (2021).

Legal issues Gomoi and Stoicu-Tivadar (2010); Bhaduri et al. (2011); Bryson (2018); Jameel et al. (2020);
Zerka et al. (2020); Esmaeilzadeh (2020).

Government Regulations Jumelle et al. (2014); Esmaeilzadeh (2020); Shaban-Nejad et al. (2021).

Patient Safety Decision errors Aghazadeh et al. (2011); Poletti et al. (2013); Okanda and Kanyaru (2014); Lee et al. (2014);
Aljaaf et al. (2015); Kusano et al. (2017); Lohani and Mukhopadhyay (2017); Srivastava and
Rossi (2019); Madanan et al. (2021).

Treatment errors Chazard et al. (2010); Srivastava and Rossi (2019), Azghadi et al. (2020).

Data errors Goldberg et al. (2010); Ling et al. (2013); Hasan et al. (2017); Nikolaev et al. (2021).

Human interventions Mohr et al. (2011); Lim and Thuemmler (2015); Sqalli and Al-Thani (2019); Tsang et al. (2020).

time and effort. AI provides a convenient solution to overcome this healthcare sector in terms of effort and cost because patients fre-
challenge, as it has great potential in generating automatic inferences quently visit their healthcare providers because they need continu-
with limited or no human intervention. Some studies even argue that ous care. Some of these visits are unnecessary and cause a waste of
AI can outperform humans in some medical situations related to radi- time and resources. The authors find that health coaching, which is a
ology, cardiology and tumor detection (Kaur et al., 2021; Miller and healthcare strategy that consists of educating patients to improve
Brown, 2018). their health-related behaviors, also helps in reducing the expenses of
Sqalli and Al-Thani (2019) address the case of chronic diseases, chronic patients. They propose a model that integrates health coach-
stating that chronic diseases in particular are exhausting to the ing with AI to help patients manage their chronic diseases more

Table 5
AI-enabled healthcare methodology

Dimension Category Type Sources

Methodology Multimedia processing Image processing Baskaran et al. (2011); Ladgham et al. (2013); Poletti et al. (2013); Kusano et al. (2017); Minz and
Mahobiya (2017); Li et al. (2018); Amrane et al. (2018); Oktay et al. (2018); Seebo €ck et al. (2019);
Opbroek et al. (2019), Zhong et al. (2020); Zhou et al. (2020); Somasundaram et al. (2020);
Mansour et al. (2021); Jahan and Tripathi (2021); Nikolaev et al. (2021).
Video processing Broehan et al. (2010); Wu et al. (2013); Poletti et al. (2013); Razaak et al. (2014); Panayides et al.
(2015); Antoniou et al. (2018); Ahmed et al. (2021).
Virtual reality and games Alamri et al. (2010); Tsai et al. (2011); Sales et al. (2011); Cecil and Pirela-Cruz (2013); Yanhong
et al. (2014); Hassan et al. (2016); Kusano et al. (2017); Li et al. (2018); Torner et al. (2019); Gupta
et al. (2019); Shim et al. (2020); Burdea et al. (2020); Zhou et al. (2021).
Textual data processing Data processing Moein et al. (2010); Bhaduri et al. (2011); Panayides et al. (2015); Chen et al. (2018); Wu et al.
(2019); Ciprian et al. (2020); Mary et al. (2020); Kumara et al. (2021); Mansour et al. (2021).
Machine learning Moein et al. (2010); Jin et al. (2010); FengGuo et al. (2010); Chazard et al. (2010); Barakat et al.
(2010); Baskaran et al. (2011); Mallios et al. (2011); Bennett et al. (2011); Roa et al. (2011); Pra-
sadl et al. (2011); Wojtusiak (2012); Ladgham et al. (2013); Capelleveen (2013); Yang and Hwang
(2014); Gayathri et al. (2015); Rawte and Anuradha (2015); Thorntonl (2015); Ragde et al.
(2016); Chen (2016); Anbarasi and Dhivya (2017); Albu (2017); Minz and Mahobiya (2017); Lee
et al. (2017); Amrane et al. (2018); Sughasiny et al. (2018); Mothkur et al. (2018); Shetty et al.
(2018); Charan et al. (2018); Oktay et al. (2018); Zhou et al. (2018); Opbroek et al. (2019); Rib-
bens et al. (2019); Saxena et al. (2019); Reddy and Chavan (2019); Sasubilli et al. (2020); Ciprian
et al. (2020); Noothout et al. (2020); Zhong et al. (2020); Strachna and Asan (2020); Zhang et al.
(2020); Azghadi et al. (2020); Zerka et al. (2020); McGregor et al. (2020); Somasundaram et al.
(2020); Tsang et al. (2020); Hossen et al. (2020); Esmaeilzadeh (2020); Ferdous et al. (2020); Sax-
ena et al. (2020); Gazzah et al. (2020); Savita et al. (2020); Katarya and Srinivas (2020); Shaheam-
lung et al. (2020); Srayya et al. (2021); Elbasi et al. (2021); Silva et al. (2021); Mansour et al.
(2021); Ahmed et al. (2021); Dharani et al. (2021); Bernardini et al. (2021); Sakkos et al. (2021);
Madanan et al. (2021); Vijayalakshmi et al. (2021); Woo et al. (2021); Chauhan et al. (2021);
Kumara et al. (2021).
Expert Systems Thakkar et al. (2010); Gomoi and Stoicu-Tivadar (2010); Prasadl et al. (2011); Duan et al. (2011);
Hoens et al. (2013); Gayathri et al. (2015); Albayrak et al. (2018); Chen et al. (2018); Sqalli and
Al-Thani (2019); Gandhi et al. (2019); Reddy and Chavan (2021); Yu and Zhou (2021); Bernardini
et al. (2021).

O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

Table 6
AI-enabled healthcare functionalities

Dimension Category Type Sources

Functionalities Organization Clinical decision-making Moein et al. (2010); Jin et al. (2010); Chazard et al. (2010); Bennett et al. (2011); Roa et al. (2011); Ladgham et al.
(2013); Aljaaf et al. (2015); Minz and Mahobiya (2017); Patii and Iyer (2017); Lee et al. (2017); Amrane et al.
(2018); Yang et al. (2018); Chen et al. (2018); Mary et al. (2020); Gandhi et al. (2019); Sqalli and Al-Thani
(2019); Murray et al. (2019); McGregor et al. (2020); Comito et al. (2020); Jahan and Tripathi (2021);
Madanan et al. (2021); Woo et al. (2021); Chauhan et al. (2021); Mansour et al. (2021).
Information availability Zhou et al. (2020), Mary et al. (2020), Rong et al. (2020).
Information sharing Bennett et al. (2011); Zhang et al. (2018); Zheng et al. (2018); Wu et al. (2019); Gandhi et al. (2019); Jaiman and
Urovi (2020); Qiu et al. (2020).
Patient Diagnosis Barakat et al. (2010); Moein et al. (2010); Mallios et al. (2011); Ladgham et al. (2013); Patii and Iyer (2017); Albu
(2017); Yang et al. (2018); Oktay et al. (2018); Chen et al. (2018); Charan et al. (2018); Seebo € ck et al. (2019);
Opbroek et al. (2019); Ribbens et al. (2019); Zhang et al. (2020); Zhou et al. (2020); Somasundaram et al.
(2020); Madanan et al. (2021); Dharani et al. (2021); Mansour et al. (2021); Woo et al. (2021); Bernardini et al.
(2021); Jahan and Tripathi (2021); Nikolaev et al. (2021); Vijayalakshmi et al. (2021).
Treatment Chazard et al. (2010); Broehan et al. (2010); Nimmagadda et al. (2011); Hassan et al. (2016); Chen et al. (2016);
Minz and Mahobiya (2017); Chen et al. (2018); Ciprian et al. (2020); Jamshidi et al. (2020); Zhou et al. (2021).
Consultation Ladgham et al. (2013), Albayrak et al. (2018). Yang et al. (2018), Sqalli and Al-Thani (2019), Burdea et al. (2020),
Yu and Zhou (2021).
Monitoring Jin et al. (2010); Nimmagadda et al. (2011); Roa et al. (2011); Gu et al. (2019); Gandhi et al. (2019); Tsang et al.
(2020); Mary et al. (2020); Rahman et al. (2020); Maduri et al. (2020); Sakkos et al. (2021); Zhou et al. (2021);
Oliveira et al. (2021).
Sector IoT data collection Tomas et al. (2010); Bouhenguel and Mahgoub (2012); Bouguettaya et al. (2016); Stamford et al. (2016); Patii
and Iyer (2017); Lee et al. (2017); Khan et al. (2018); Yang et al. (2018); Siddiqui et al. (2018); Kumar and
Suresh (2019); Wu et al. (2019); Gu et al. (2019); Wong et al. (2020); Mary et al. (2020); Rahman et al. (2020);
Priya et al. (2020); Liao et al. (2020); Maduri et al. (2020); Comito et al. (2020); Zhou et al. (2021); Yu and
Zhou (2021); Oliveira et al. (2021); Reddy and Chavan (2021); Mansour et al. (2021); Ahmed et al. (2021).
Medical imaging Broehan et al. (2010); Prasadl et al. (2011); Ladgham et al. (2013); Wu et al. (2013); Poletti et al. (2013); Razaak
et al. (2014); Panayides et al. (2015); Bouguettaya et al. (2016); Albu (2017); Minz and Mahobiya (2017);
Antoniou et al. (2018); Zhou et al. (2018); Oktay et al. (2018); Charan et al. (2018); Seebo € ck et al. (2019);
Opbroek et al. (2019); Ribbens et al. (2019); Noothout et al. (2020); Zhong et al. (2020); Liu et al. (2020);
Zhang et al. (2020); Somasundaram et al. (2020); Zerka et al. (2020); Jahan and Tripathi (2021); Nikolaev et al.
Research development Gomoi and Stoicu-Tivadar (2010); Chazard et al. (2010); Bennett et al. (2011); Roa et al. (2011); Wu et al.
(2013); Hossen et al. (2020); Zhang et al. (2020); Azghadi et al. (2020); Kumara et al. (2021).
Remote surgery Yanhong et al. (2014); Hassan et al. (2016); Li et al. (2018); Kaartemo et al. (2018); Shim et al. (2020); Burdea
et al. (2020); Zhou et al. (2021).

effectively by minimizing the number of unnecessary visits. Similar to to other countries but there are limited quantitative evaluation data
the system suggested by Murray et al. (2019), the system consists of given the recency of the impact of AI in the healthcare sector.
sensors that capture biometric data, AI models that generate insights AI can also assist the healthcare sector by detecting fraudulent
about medical conditions and visual analytics tools that display rele- claims. Health insurance fraud is a serious challenge in the insurance
vant data in graphical and textual formats. sector. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), insur-
ance fraud causes an annual $80 billion loss in the USA (Austin,
Benefit to organization 2018). Moreover, 21% of bodily injury and 18% of personal injury
Organizations use AI applications and IT tools to reduce costs claims that have been sealed with a full refund are fraudulent
(Kaur et al., 2021; Sqalli and Al-Thani, 2019; Zhou et al., 2020; Roa (Corum, 2017). Fraud detection becomes more challenging to detect
et al., 2011), detect fraud (Dhieb et al.,2020; Rawte and Anuradha, with the continuous increase in data volume. Several researchers
2015; Capelleveen et al.,2013), improve performance (Ladgham have attempted to integrate AI into the health insurance sector to
et al.,2013; Minz and Mahobiya, 2017; Maduri et al., 2020), and pro- detect fraudulent claims (Dhieb et al., 2020; Rawte and Anuradha,
vide workflow assistance (Bernardini et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2019; 2015; Capelleveen et al., 2013; Gangopadhyay and Chen, 2016;
Deng et al., 2019; Daltayanni et al.,2012). Anbarasi and Dhivya, 2017; Thorntonl, 2015; Ragde et al., 2016; Yang
For instance, Murray et al. (2019) highlight the difficulty of auto- and Hwang, 2014; Bagde and Chaudhari, 2016). Rawte and Anuradha
matically extracting knowledge using clinical information systems, (2015) recommend a hybrid solution that combines clustering and
mainly due to the limited level of data normalization and integration. classification to detect duplicated insurance claims. The authors men-
The authors introduce an artificial AI-empowered network (AI-KEN) tion that classification methods and clustering methods alone are not
to overcome these challenges. It consists of a network based on an AI sufficient to detect duplicated claims. To overcome this challenge, the
system that automatically generates clinical notes, using predictive authors propose a two-step model. The first step is the claim cluster-
text options to reach normalization, over clinicians’ original notes to ing step performed using the evolving clustering method (ECM). The
ensure data normalization and integration from multiple sources. AI- second step is based on the SVM algorithm classification step that
KEN operates using three main steps. First, it normalizes data using uses the output of the first step as input. Ibrahim (2022) proposed AI
declared transformation rules. Then, it transforms data with validated based electronic health data recording system in short- and long-
ontologies to integrate them. Finally, it uses a data analytics model to term hospitalization.
extract valuable knowledge from the integrated data. Manifold Dhieb et al. (2020) suggest an insurance system framework that
research has introduced AI as a solution for similar complexities to uses extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) to reduce human interac-
reduce the consumption of resources in the healthcare sector (Sqalli tion, secure insurance activities, alert and inform risky customers,
and Al-Thani, 2019; Kaur et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2020; Roa et al., detect fraudulent claims, and reduce monetary loss for the insurance
2011). Bohr and Memarzadeh state that implementing AI in health- sector. After presenting the blockchain-based framework to enable
care can reduce the annual US healthcare costs by USD 150 billion in secure transactions and data sharing among different interacting
2026 (Bohr and Memarzadeh, 2020). This reduction may be applied agents within the insurance network, they propose to employ the
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

machine learning algorithm for the aforementioned insurance serv- behavioral biases, population biases and linking biases (Jameel et al.,
ices and compare its performance with that of other state-of-the-art 2020). In order to reduce ethical issues in AI applications in the health
algorithms. The results reveal that when applied to an auto insurance area, there are studies on minimizing negative side effects, reward
dataset, XGboost achieved high performance gains compared to other hacking, safe exploration and robustness (Jameel et al., 2020; Bryson
existing learning algorithms. These are some examples of how recent et al., 2018; Zerka et al., 2020; Esmaeilzadeh et al., 2020). Some
AI advancements bring benefits to the organizations adopting the AI machine learning algorithms are used for the early prediction, treat-
systems. ment and diagnosis of diseases, and they can make decisions or sup-
port doctors’ decisions. Governments have expressed their concerns
Benefit to the sector about these automated processes with respect to protecting patients’
The entire healthcare sector that comprises the hospitals, insur- rights. Such concerns have led to several regulations in data collec-
ance companies and government agencies also benefit from AI tech- tion, processing, technology usage and quality of such data and col-
nologies as a whole. Since IT helps to collect, process, share and store lection and analysis methodologies. In addition, researchers who are
patient data (Jumelle et al., 2014; Antoniou et al., 2018; Jaiman and working in the healthcare domain should have a careful focus on
Urovi, 2020; Bennett et al., 2011), building on this data AI can provide data quality, testing of data and documentation (Jumelle et al., 2014;
support towards professional training (Deist et al., 2020; Paranjape Shaban-Nejad et al., 2021; Esmaeilzadeh et al., 2020) before AI appli-
et al., 2019; Torner et al., 2019; Gupta et al., 2019), and such applica- cations can use them.
tions can save time (Sasubilli et al., 2020; Strachna and Asan, 2020;
McGregor et al., 2020) and reduce resource consumption (Dhieb Challenges related to data integration
et al., 2020; Kaur et al., 2021; Kaur et al., 2021). Some AI methods require a large volume of data to process. It is
Extending the application of AI solutions to the field of healthcare sometimes difficult to collect data, especially patient data, because of
brings countless advantages to this crucial field. It helps minimize ethical implications of such data. The application of some classifica-
resource consumption and reduce treatment expenses and time tion and clustering algorithms on a very limited amount of data may
(Bohr and Memarzadeh, 2020). In addition, it accelerates the diagno- yield very good accuracy; however, it might not be realistic and
sis time and thus the decision-making process, which has a major applicable (Patii and Iyer, 2017; Murray et al., 2019; Bennett et al.,
impact on treatment strategies and outcomes and might be lifesaving 2011). The collected data require preprocessing to be used in AI tech-
in critical situations. Data sharing in the health sector is important for niques. In particular, text data require considerable natural language
individual well-being when followed by different doctors in different processing before use. Different types of data, such as text, numeric,
health institutions. It is also important for scientific research and image and video, sometimes must be integrated using the same algo-
progress. However, accessing medical data is often difficult due to rithm, which is one of the most difficult challenges in medical data
regulatory and privacy challenges, according to Deist et al. (2020), processing (Patii and Iyer, 2017; Murray et al., 2019; Bennett et al.,
who recommend the personal health train (PHT) system, which pro- 2011). Medical data can be collected from various sources and for-
vides a privacy-by-design infrastructure connecting data sources mats, such as medical images, 3D video sequences, photographs, and
while promoting the application of machine learning techniques to numeric data. Collecting clean, robust and efficient data is a challenge
distributed data. Paranjape et al. (2019) encourage the use of AI for in healthcare data analysis.
educational purposes and introduce a framework that includes AI
into the medical education curriculum. Holistically speaking, AI can Challenges related to patient safety
be beneficial across the entire healthcare sector. Machine learning, natural language processing and expert sys-
tems use medical data as an input to process and create models to
Dimension 2: challenges support medical decisions based on health systems. Most of the
applications of AI in health systems are related to diagnosis. False
A number of challenges may deter organizations from using AI. decisions in automated diagnosis may have very harmful results. Col-
These include challenges related to the data, which consist of data lected data from hospitals are sometimes not of sufficient quality or
digitization and consolidation and data availability (Murray, 2019; simply inaccurate. Data errors are among the top challenges in medi-
Dhieb, 2020). They also include challenges related to privacy/legal cal data processing via AI (Nikolaev et al., 2021; Ling et al., 2013;
issues, which consist of privacy issues, legal issues, and government Hasan et al., 2017; Goldberg et al., 2010). Another challenge is deci-
regulations (Zerka, 2020; Shaban-Nejad, 2021). The final category of sion errors made by machine learning algorithms. Sometimes the
this dimension is challenges related to the patient that consist of deci- applied algorithm is not suitable for the given data, or the data are
sion errors, treatment errors, data errors, and human interventions not sufficiently reliable to be used in classification algorithms such as
(Tsang, 2020; Madanan, 2021). Next is an in-depth description of neural networks, decision trees and Bayesian networks. Several stud-
each category. ies have demonstrated possible decision-making problems in the
health domain and their solutions (Madanan et al., 2021; Aljaaf et al.,
Challenges related to privacy/legal issues 2015; Srivastava and Rossi, 2019; Poletti et al., 2013; Kusano et al.,
There are obvious privacy issues related to accessing, editing, 2017). Currently, a considerable number of AI and IoT devices and
sharing and using patient data. Cloud computing and AI are often software are used in the healthcare sector. However, not all of them
commonly used in different types of applications in the health sector. are automated: doctors make the final decision, and this interplay
These systems collect, process, store, monitor and share health data between the healthcare practitioners and AI models may end up with
(Sasubilli et al., 2020; Zerka et al., 2020; Peters et al., 2020; Jumelle false diagnoses and treatment results (Sqalli and Al-Thani, 2019; Lim
et al., 2014). Despite the advantages of these systems, there are also and Thuemmler, 2015; Mohr et al., 2011; Tsang et al., 2020).
some challenges such as security issues, privacy implications, cyber-
security and ethical issues. Hospitals and government agencies usu- Dimension 3: methodology
ally provide ethical procedures for collecting and sharing data.
Permission is required from a government-approved authority to col- Methodology, in this context of application of AI in the healthcare
lect and use data, even for research purposes (Wang et al., 2020; Zhou sector, is the process that healthcare organizations adopt to use AI. It
et al., 2021; Bouguettaya et al., 2016). Other ethical issues associated includes data processing, machine learning, and expert systems
with AI in the healthcare and broader sectors are inequality, unem- (Oktay, 2018; Saxena, 2019; Katarya, 2020; Srayya, 2021). Medical
ployment, humanity, commitment to cause, regulatory approaches, data can be categorized as images, numeric data and text data in AI
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

applications. Image processing, video processing and virtual reality masks. Collected data are used as an input to classification algo-
and games are commonly used techniques in image data analysis rithms, which provide safe or unsafe crowds in indoor and outdoor
(Jahan and Tripathi, 2021; Broehan et al., 2010; Yanhong et al., 2014). public areas.
On the other hand, numeric data, extracted features from images and Expert system techniques also have several applications in health
text data are also used in machine learning, expert systems and data classification, decision-making and patient support systems (Sqalli
preprocessing. Next is an in-depth description of each category. and Al-Thani, 2019; Yu and Zhou, 2021; Chen et al., 2018; Bernardini
et al., 2021; Gandhi et al., 2019; Reddy and Chavan, 2021; Albayrak
Methodology related to textual data processing et al., 2018). The management of chronic diseases is becoming impor-
There are several data types in AI applications in the healthcare tant because of increases in patient visits. These patients need more
sector, such as text, numeric data, images, videos and audio. Most of frequent doctor and laboratory visits, which are time-consuming and
the time, data collected from patients are raw data and need process- costly. Sqalli and Al-Thani (2019) proposed expert system-based
ing before applying machine learning or similar algorithms. For models to manage their decision support system. This automated
example, quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) is a signal health coaching system collects patient data, performs an analysis,
type that is preprocessed, and several features are extracted for use retrieves doctor consultations and gives feedback to patients.
in the high-level learning process (Ciprian et al., 2020). The quality of
ultrasound video sequences is another important parameter of auto- Methodology related to multimedia processing
mated early diagnosis. Video encoding and linear regression methods Medical image processing uses several types of images of the
increase the quality of the video (Panayides et al., 2018). human body for early diagnosis and treatment. Computed tomogra-
Machine learning algorithms can be used to understand personal phy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are frequently used
health situations. Random forest and other rule-based algorithms are in medical image processing research, and several applications
used in analyzing health patterns (Sasubilli et al., 2020). Truth main- already exist in the sector. Doctors, engineers and radiologists work
tenance system (TMS) algorithms predict features from large datasets together to analyze medical imaging (Nikolaev et al., 2021; Zhong
and apply classification. TMS algorithms give more accurate results et al., 2020; Alamri et al., 2010). Medical image processing takes
than other algorithms in human health pattern recognition. Several images as an input and applies image processing techniques to
algorithms have also been developed for the early diagnosis and understand images, such as resizing, cropping, rotation and editing.
treatment of kidney disease (Bernardini et al., 2021). Machine learn- Nikolaev et al. (2021) developed a new algorithm using MRI images
ing algorithms provide monitoring and analysis of the estimated glo- to diagnose breast cancer. Data preprocessing, segmentation, feature
merular filtration rate (eGFR), which is an important parameter in extraction and classification represent the sequence of methods used
the treatment of kidney disease. Another important data application in breast cancer detection using AI techniques (Zhou et al., 2018; Har-
in medicine is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can be inishree et al., 2021; Amrane et al., 2021; Gayathri and Sumathi,
applied to image processing, computer vision and machine learning 2021; Charan et al., 2018; Osareh and Shadgar, 2018). In addition to
techniques for diagnosis (Jahan & Tripathi, 2021; Ladgham et al., image processing, video processing is used in the health sector. Video
2013; Minz and Mahobiya, 2017; Nikolaev et al., 2021; Ribbens et al., cameras capture frames from inside the human body to collect more
2014; Zhong et al., 2020; Ling et al., 2013; Amrane et al., 2018). Lung information, which means that in the health sector and AI, early and
and breast cancers are two of the most frequent cancers that cause right decisions can be made. Video capturing also helps doctors in
death. Eight percent of women are faced with breast cancer during surgery. Sometimes a 2D image is not sufficient to make the right
their life. Machine learning algorithms have a very high success ratio decision. In that case, 3D images can be used, such as for the brain or
for automated breast cancer detection (Amrane et al., 2018). A naïve other organs (Broehan et al., 2010; Razaak et al., 2014; Wu et al.,
Bayes classifier (NBC) and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm are 2013; Panayides et al., 2015; Poletti et al., 2013). The IoT and video
used to classify the breast as either normal or abnormal. KNN gives a can be used for patients, particularly elderly patients being moni-
very high accuracy of 97.51%. tored from their home. The IoT collects data, such as temperature,
Likewise, Ribbens et al. (2014) proposed a new unsupervised seg- blood rate and heart rate, using wearable technology. Video cameras
mentation and classification approach for brain MRI images. First, in a room can be static or moving and provide real-time images and
MRI was applied to segmentation to retrieve the feature vector. If data for analysis. Smart cameras supported by IoT sensors can send
clinical experts are experienced in record taking, supervised training an SMS or alarm in the case of any abnormal patient situation. Ahmed
can be applied; otherwise, unsupervised training can be applied to et al. (2021) proposed a monitoring system that uses deep learning in
classify the brain as normal or requiring further investigation. Proba- the classification of patient situations using IoT and video data. The
bilistic classification methods yield very promising results in brain proposed algorithm has achieved greater than 94% accuracy.
MRI images. However, it is difficult to obtain real-time feedback for Virtual reality (VR) and game technologies are also commonly
asthma and eHealth management. Several well-known algorithms, used in the health sector. They can be used in the training of doctors
especially NBC and logistic regression supervised classification algo- and nurses, especially for surgery training. Before performing a pro-
rithms, have been developed for early warning systems (Tsang et al., cedure, surgeons can practice it in a controlled, safe, and entirely digi-
2020). Yu (2022) and Causey (2022) proposed several object detec- tal environment using virtual reality. Physical therapy, relaxing
tions, segmentation and tracking methods to recognize tumors in patients, monitoring patients, disease awareness and medical mar-
medical images. Results from the use of AI are very promising espe- keting are other application areas of VR and games in the health sec-
cially with CT images. tor (Yanhong et al., 2014; Shim et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021; Hassan
Machine learning algorithms and the Internet of Things (IoT) were et al., 2016; Li et al., 2018; Burdea et al., 2020). Using VR, doctors can
also used in several applications of the prediction and data collection undertake high-quality surgery training. A 360-degree angle from
of COVID-19 (Dharani and Krishnan, 2021; Hossen and Armoker, several cameras and an additional model create efficient surgery
2020; Gazzah and Bencharef, 2020; Elbasi et al., 2021). Probabilistic- training for doctors and other health sector workers. This approach
based machine learning algorithms such as the Bayesian network can be used in robotic surgery, patient consultation, mental health
and NBC were used to predict the possibility of a patient having therapy and pain management. Serious games are computer-based
COVID-19 (Dharani and Krishnan, 2021). Artificial neural network games that can be used in the health sector to educate sector workers
algorithms produce very promising results in the classification of and for treatment purposes for some diseases, such as Parkinson’s
patient data as virus or no virus. The IoT collects data from crowds disease (Kusano et al., 2017; Torner et al., 2019; Gupta et al., 2019;
using several sensors, such as temperature, distance and the use of Tsai et al., 2011; Cecil and Pirela-Cruz, 2013). A serious game helps
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

patients significantly enhance their quality of life by allowing them to AI reduces hospital loads, resource consumption, hospital occu-
receive treatment and physical therapy from their own home. pancy, and wasted time and effort in unnecessary medical interven-
tion by minimizing the number of false alerts and relieving
Dimension 4: functionalities practitioners’ burdens to free their time for more important tasks. In
addition, remote patient monitoring brings many benefits for
Functionalities, in the context of this study, refer to the features patients, particularly elderly patients. First, it helps them avoid wast-
that healthcare organizations receive through the adoption and use ing time, effort and money by minimizing unnecessary visits to the
of AI. They include functionalities to clinics that consist of clinical hospital. Second, it plays a major role in safety and well-being by
decision-making, up-to-date information, resource allocation, and sending lifesaving alerts when the situation of the patient requires
information sharing (Mary, 2020; Jahan, 2021). It also includes func- medical intervention. This is even more efficient when the patient is
tionalities to patients that support their diagnosis, treatment, consul- in weak health and cannot call for help. A great deal of research has
tation, and health monitoring (Tsang, 2020; Dharani, 2021). The final been performed to implement and test health monitoring systems
category of this dimension is functionalities related to the sector that that combine biomedical data, collection devices and machine learn-
consist of IoT data collection, medical imaging, research develop- ing (Khan et al., 2020; Maduri et al., 2020; Chauhan et al., 2021;
ment, and remote surgery (Ribbens, 2019; Noothout, 2020; Zhou, Ahmed et al., 2021). For example, Khan et al. (2020) encourage the
2021; Patel et al., 2022). Next is an in-depth description of each cate- inclusion of AI in medical practices to overcome the continuous
gory. increase in the number of patients. They state that including AI in
medical practice enables doctors to better manage the non-stop bio-
medical information stream. The authors introduce a prototype that
Functionalities for the clinic combines an ECG patch and machine learning to monitor patients.
AI technologies have several functionalities in the health sector, The EGC devices collect real-time biomedical data to check the health
such as for clinics, patients and sector. Clinics can use technologies in state of an individual’s heart anywhere and anytime. The prototype
decision-making (Jahan and Tripathi, 2021; Ladgham et al., 2013; processes the collected data using an algorithm that exploits multiple
Minz and Mahobiya, 2017), up-to-date information collection (Zhou machine-learning techniques, including decision trees, regression
et al., 2020; Mary et al., 2020; Rong et al., 2020) and information trees, neural networks, deep learning and support vector machines.
sharing (Wu et al., 2019; Gandhi et al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2018; Jai- The output of these techniques is generated over ensemble methods.
man and Urovi, 2020). This prototype has been tested on adult patients at the Emory Univer-
In addition, machine learning improves the decision-making pro- sity Hospital (EUH). The authors claim that the model succeeded in
cess by providing a solution for health-care practitioners and eliminating unnecessary repetitive tasks, which provide more time
researchers to extract hidden knowledge from the huge amount of for effective treatment tasks and reduce money and effort waste.
available data that cannot be discovered if relying on human effort
only. A considerable amount of research has attempted to exploit Functionalities for the sector
machine learning to improve and automate the decision-making pro- Multiple healthcare departments and sectors can use AI by follow-
cess in the health-care field (Thakkar et al., 2010; Moein et al., 2010; ing a multi-disciplinary approach in data collection using the IoT (Wu
Nimmagadda et al., 2011; FengGuo et al., 2010; Bennett et al., 2011; et al., 2019; Rahman et al., 2020; Maduri et al., 2020; Patii and Iyer,
Sqalli and Al-Thani, 2019; Minz and Mahobiya, 2017; Ribbens et al., 2017), medical image processing (Jahan and Tripathi, 2021; Ladgham
2019; Seebo € ck et al., 2019; Strachna and Asan, 2020; McGregor et al.,
et al., 2013; Minz and Mahobiya, 2017), research development (Wu
2020; Comito et al., 2020; Albu, 2017). et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2020; Azghadi et al., 2020) and remote sur-
gery (Yanhong et al., 2014; Shim et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021; Has-
Functionalities for the patient san et al., 2016). A substantial quantity of research has attempted to
Patients are the main concern of health activities. AI technologies further extend the medical field by both AI and the IoT. The latter is
can be used for various applications from making appointments to useful in connecting the infrastructure of the internet and sensor net-
patient monitoring. AI and other information technologies mainly works, which generate a useful stream of data that can be analyzed
have functionalities in patient diagnosis (Bernardini et al., 2021; using AI models (Maduri et al., 2020; Chauhan et al., 2021; Ahmed
Jahan and Tripathi, 2021; Ladgham et al., 2013; Patii and Iyer, 2017; et al., 2021).
Yang et al., 2018), treatment (Ciprian et al., 2020; Minz and Maho- Diagnosis is a crucial step to achieve successful treatment. Never-
biya, 2017; Zhou et al., 2021; Hassan et al., 2016), consultation (Sqalli theless, it is very challenging for many diseases, especially in their
and Al-Thani, 2019; Ladgham et al., 2013; Yu and Zhou, 2021), and early stages. Nevertheless, early diagnosis can be a game changer for
health monitoring (Rahman et al., 2020; Maduri et al., 2020; Sakkos multiple diseases, as it can help patients, doctors and even hospitals
et al., 2021). countless effort and resources. For example, patients at the stage of
Many patients are in a healthy state where they need continuous melanomas of a thickness below 1 millimeter have a 95% 5-year sur-
monitoring. They can be either people who are in healthy state or vival rate. However, patients at the stage of melanomas of a thickness
where they cannot take care of themselves or senior patients who over 4 mm have only a 45% 5-year survival rate (Balch et al., 2001).
need continuous observation due to health or age-related concerns. The use of AI in measuring and detecting these physical conditions
This type of health monitoring consumes time, human resources and may prove to be the matter of life or death in these cases.
money, which is challenging but they cannot be avoided for patient A considerable amount of research has investigated the potential
safety and well-being when following traditional patient monitoring of AI in early diagnosis (Gayathri et al., 2015; Katarya and Srinivas,
strategies. An innovative solution consists of remote patient monitor- 2020; Chauhan et al., 2021; Harinishree et al., 2021; Amrane et al.,
ing. “Remote patient monitoring is an emerging field of healthcare, 2018; Charan et al., 2018). Cancer is one illness where early diagnosis
which concerns the management of health/illness with the goal of treat- may significantly alter the outcome. Early diagnosis of cancer can
ing or diagnosing illness using information technology and telecommu- substantially increase the chance of survival by increasing the chan-
nication tools” (Jeddi and Bohr, 2020). Remote patient monitoring ces of treatment success. This can be even more beneficial when spot-
brings many advantages to both patients and hospitals. Tele-health ting cancer before it has the chance to spread.
systems are also getting important especially with the COVID-19 pan- Gayathri et al. (2015) suggested a model based on fuzzy logic that
demic. Jiang (2022) developed a wearable tele-heath system to moni- detects the risk of breast cancer. This model attempts to reduce the
tor especially patient and elderly people. duration of diagnosis by implementing linear discriminant analysis
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

Fig. 6. Mapping the classification framework across the patient, healthcare organization and healthcare sector

(LDA) for feature reduction. The model performs training using a benefits are related to clinical safety, patient experience and holistic
fuzzy inference method called the Mamdani fuzzy inference model. care provision that can be studied from a clinical or psychological
The authors claim that the system achieves an accuracy of 93%. perspective. For medical practitioners, the key benefit of AI is advanc-
Katarya and Srinivas (2020) approached the early diagnosis of heart ing further studies on medical treatment from faster and accurate
diseases using AI. The authors performed a comparative study diagnosis to execution of robot-supported surgeries. In short, AI is
between AI algorithms using the existing Cleveland database. They reimagining modern healthcare services where machines can predict
found that decision tree and naïve Bayes outperform other models. complex diagnostic issues and learn and adapt to execute increas-
The authors recommend using search algorithms for feature selection ingly onerous medical tasks. Research on the decision-making sup-
to achieve good accuracy. Murray et al. (2019) consider machine port to individuals and organizations using AI aligns with the
learning solutions to solve the semantic challenges facing health-care decision theory that is predominantly used in expert systems and AI
practitioners. (Horvitz et al., 1988).
The findings outlined from the classification framework is illus- The challenges of AI in the healthcare sector are related to the real
trated in Fig. 6. and perceived data integrity matters and the resultant patient safety
and privacy issues. Healthcare is complex, and all patient circumstan-
Research implications ces and scenarios may have a multitude of environmental and situa-
tional factors that are either not recorded in the digital format or too
Empirical studies that consider AI in healthcare are still emerging complex to be coded in healthcare data systems. In the absence of
compared to the rapid industry adoption of AI solutions in healthcare. these critical data points, the AI solutions may limit the real-life valid-
Numerous IT vendors have started to deliver cutting-edge AI solu- ity and application in diagnosis and treatment options. One might
tions, which is the next generation of health informatics/digital argue that AI can assist medical staff and save time and effort in doing
health solutions being adopted in the healthcare sector. The use of their work, but this may backfire when AI that works as a ‘black-box’
digital tools in medical as well as organizational processes of the solution becomes harder for healthcare workers to understand and
healthcare sector is not new; however, the inclusion of AI features is interact with. Because healthcare staff must understand how and
a relatively recent phenomenon. why a particular decision is made in terms of diagnosis and treatment
choices, it is unlikely that AI can provide such rationale, as the AI out-
Implications to theory comes are modeled based on existing data and how its training mod-
ules are configured. It is unlikely that medical professionals can
Studies on the use of AI in the healthcare sector should adopt simply accept a solution because it is explained by AI solutions that
cross-theory approach covering the individual (patient and medical lack responsibility and legal identity. This relates to how AI continue
staff perspective), organizational (hospital & teams) and industry to evolve based on mathematical theories on algorithmic advance-
(healthcare sector) level units of analyses. The benefits of AI to the ments for probabilistic machine learning and associated techniques
healthcare sector spans across from an individual level to patients (Ghahramani, 2015) and how these algorithms can be built to sup-
and medical staff, including doctors and nurses, to the organizational port transparent data integration techniques that promote privacy
and sectoral levels for hospital administrators. AI continues to out- and security of patient data.
perform humans in terms of accuracy, efficiency and timely execu- Furthermore, the AI functionalities can be attributed to features
tion of medical and related administrative processes and these for the patients, medical staff, medical organizations and the entire
developments may have significant impact on future direction of not healthcare sector. AI patient benefits map directly to the relevant AI
only the healthcare sector but for humanity. In terms of patients, the functionalities in the categories of diagnosis, treatment, consultation
O. Ali, W. Abdelbaki, A. Shrestha et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100333

and health monitoring for self-management of chronic conditions. procedures and facilitate the administration of medicine, healthcare
Likewise, in terms of the functionalities supporting medical organiza- organizations rely heavily on medical data and analytics. This system-
tions, AI optimizes medical processes that lead to clinical decision- atic review includes a discussion of the benefits, challenges, method-
making and research of the impact of AI on decision making continue ologies, and functionalities directly related to AI in the healthcare
to evolve in the healthcare sector (Lysaght et al., 2019). Data-driven sector. The findings of this review show that AI and its subareas pro-
decision-making of AI can also be attributed to information availabil- vide benefits to individuals, organizations and health sectors. There
ity and sharing features that are critical for AI systems. The most sig- are some challenges, such as data integration, privacy issues, legal
nificant functionalities of AI that support the healthcare sector in issues and patient safety. Machine learning, image processing, data
general are in the areas of medical imaging and robotic surgery. mining, expert systems, virtual reality, computer vision and data sci-
These areas are new innovations in the healthcare sector, and AI sup- ence are some of the most frequently used AI methodologies in the
ports innovation in terms of enhanced research and development health sector based on this systematic review. There are several func-
capacity (Gumbs et al., 2021). Another area of AI functionality is tionalities of AI in health areas, such as diagnosis, treatment, informa-
autonomous IoT data collection, which will promote the capturing of tion sharing, security, consultation, monitoring, data collection and
significant data points, thereby improving the validity and trust of remote surgery. This review study offers an understanding of current
AI-driven decision outcomes in healthcare systems (Mansour et al., AI research and its real-world implementation in the healthcare
2021). sector.
This review study presented implications for practice as guidance
Implications to practice for future studies as well as for decision-makers in the healthcare sec-
tor. It is essential to discover whether the benefits of AI outweigh the
AI supports the healthcare sector by reducing the cost of clinical challenges related to its use in the healthcare sector. According to the
trials in terms of wasted human hours when developing new medi- literature analyzed in this review, there is sufficient evidence to
cines. Beyond the medical factors of clinical safety, diagnosis and believe that AI can bring significant benefits to the healthcare sector.
treatment options, AI solutions can boost patient experience by opti- However, the challenges related to real and perceived data integrity
mizing patient interaction workflows that are complicated by patient and the resultant patient safety and privacy issues of using AI in
co-morbidities and ailments, insurance coverage matters and other healthcare must be carefully evaluated, especially due to the strict
environmental and situational conditions. At the organizational level, regulations that govern the healthcare sector. As a result, many
AI can optimize healthcare data management by intelligently con- organizations are working to improve and adapt policies to secure
necting the most important data points, thereby supporting accurate patient data to promote confidentiality.
diagnosis, timely treatment and preventative measures that improve
health outcomes.
Conflicts of interest
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data integrity issues exist due to the lack of testing of AI in diagnostic
There are no conflicts of interest for this manuscript.
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