Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact On Society: June 2023

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Yavuz selim Balcioglu

Gebze Technical University


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4th International “Artemis” Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences Proceedings Book



Gizem Sezgin1*, Yavuz Selim Balcıoğlu2 

Gebze Technical University, Business Department, Istanbul, Turkey.  

Gebze Technical University, Management Information System, Department, Kocaeli, Turkey. 
ORCID Code: 0000-0001-7138-2972 

In this article, the applications of artificial intelligence in various sectors and its positive and negative
effects on society are mentioned. In the healthcare industry, AI provides assistance in the management
of healthcare care, early diagnosis, documentation, and robotic surgery, thus improving the quality of
social work. Contributes to the financial sector and improves the customer experience by facilitating
artificial intelligence, market analysis, mobile banking, and digital payment systems in the financial
sector. artificial intelligence in education; Provides advanced teaching to students by using data mining,
intelligent teaching platforms, and personalized learning systems. Increasing productivity, increasing
revenue, creating new jobs, and reducing human error are the positive effects of artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence has positive and negative effects. Layoffs, reductions in the labor market, privacy
protection issues, and inequalities are among the negative effects of artificial intelligence. For this reason,
artificial intelligence must be created within ethical frameworks and contribute to society.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Impact, Society

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology in which a computer or a computer-controlled robot has the
ability to perform tasks usually done by humans, as it requires human intelligence and reasoning. Even
if an AI cannot perform all the functions an ordinary person can do, some AIs can catch up with humans
in certain tasks. There is an increase in the presence of AI in society (Benko ve Lányi 2009). Therefore,
artificial intelligence; personal assistants, voice recognition, health services, language translations,
suggestion systems, navigation, autonomous vehicles, social security, e-commerce, financial services,
cyber security, social media, content control, and useful robot applications takes place in our lives with
its applications (Benko ve Lányi 2009). Artificial intelligence technology is one of the most important
inventions of the fast-consuming and rapidly adopted technology age. Artificial intelligence is like a
developed human brain, and the use of this developed power in the most effective way has played a
role in the change of societies. Although artificial intelligence affects society in many ways, this essay
explains three of them: the applications of artificial intelligence in various sectors and its positive and
negative effects on society.

4th International “Artemis” Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences Proceedings Book

Voice recognition, health services, autonomous vehicles, e-commerce, financial services, and content
control are just some of the tasks that artificial intelligence (AI) is currently performing that were previously
carried out by humans (Haenlein ve Kaplan 2019). AI is increasingly becoming a ubiquitous technology
in society, performing tasks that were traditionally performed by humans. Potential applications of AI
across a variety of industries (Balciolu, Artar, ve Erdi̇ L 2022), including as healthcare, banking, and
education, as well as their ramifications for society, have been the subject of significant amount of
research and writing in recent years. The powers of AI have been used in the healthcare industry to aid
in healthcare administration, early detection of diseases, document management, and robotic surgery
(Haenlein ve Kaplan 2019). According to research that has been done, artificial intelligence applications,
such as electronic health record systems and natural language processing, may enhance healthcare by
reducing waiting times and standardizing ambulance transit times (McCarthy t.y.). This is in addition
to the fact that these applications save resources. Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI)-supported
robotic surgery technologies, such as the Da Vinci Surgical System, have begun to gain popularity and
have the potential to revolutionize surgical operations (Danesh ve Ghavidel 2020). Artificial intelligence
has had a significant influence on the financial industry, particularly in the areas of market research,
mobile banking, and digital payment systems. AI’s contributions to the development of FinTech, which
includes breakthroughs such as mobile payment tools, money transfer transactions, and digital wallets,
have been extensively documented in published works (Jaki ve Marinč 2019). In the field of education,
artificial intelligence has made a number of new opportunities possible, including data mining, intelligent
teaching platforms, and customized learning (Chen, Chen, ve Lin 2020). Intelligent instructional systems
are among the most used AI applications in education. These systems provide a teaching platform that
is personalized to the level of each individual student. Although the research highlights the potential
advantages of AI, such as greater productivity and income, the development of new employment, and
the decrease of human error, it also highlights the obstacles involved with AI’s integration into society.
While the research highlights the potential benefits of AI, it also highlights the drawbacks. Among the
most significant worries include job losses brought on by artificial intelligence (AI), disruptions in
the labor market, threats to individuals’ right to privacy, and economic and gender-based inequality.
According to research, artificial intelligence technologies must be developed within ethical frameworks
and should strive to solve social problems. In conclusion, the research that has been done on artificial
intelligence has covered a wide variety of applications in a variety of fields and has discussed the
possible consequences that artificial intelligence might have on society, both positively and negatively.
The research that has been done in this field suggests that artificial intelligence technology should be
created and used responsibly in order to maximize advantages and reduce negative repercussions.

Artificial intelligence finds applications in various industry areas and provides innovation in many
fields of work. In terms of AI for the health sector, there is a need for health care personnel in response
to the growing elderly population. Sufficient resources must be obtained to employ health personnel.
The use of rational technologies has become necessary to meet the demand for health services with
limited resources. Artificial intelligence is also used in general health management. MHRS e heart rate
data, etc. can be given as a sample. Hospital admissions can be made using data such as waiting times
in emergency services can be reduced, ambulance transportation times can be standardized, and parents
can follow up on their baby/child vaccinations. The usage areas of AI in documentation management
can be listed as follows; with electronic health record systems, it is possible to organize, store, and reuse
the information of health professionals. With the help of NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools,
doctors and health professionals can take voice recordings,, and reports can be printed in a much shorter

4th International “Artemis” Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences Proceedings Book

time with artificial intelligence-based applications. In addition, the areas of use of artificial intelligence
in documentation management can be listed as follows; With electronic health record systems, it is
possible to organize, store and reuse the information of health professionals; the usage areas of AI in
documentation management can be listed as follows; with electronic health record systems, it is possible
to organize, store and reuse the information of health professionals. With the help of NLP (Natural
Language Processing) tools, doctors and health professionals can take voice recordings and reports can
be printed in a much shorter time with artificial intelligence-based applications. third, the use of AI in
early diagnosis and emergency interventions; especially early diagnosis and treatment of cancer diseases
is particularly important. It is very important to diagnose the disease in the initial stage without waiting
for the patient to show visible symptoms. Various artificial intelligence algorithms are used to predict
diseases earlier. Parkinson’s is a disease for which early diagnosis is vital. In a study, EEG signals, photo
simulations and PDC data were used in artificial intelligence to classify sick people, those who need
medication and healthy individuals. The latter is artificial intelligence-supported robotic surgery. Today,
it has started to be used in some selected hospitals. Regardless of place or time, doctors and artificial
intelligence-supported surgeries are performed from anywhere in the world instantly. Robots can also be
used as assistant surgeons in surgery. One of the most popular robotic surgery systems is the Da Vinci
surgical system. (The da Vinci surgical system). In addition to all these, studies are also carried out
for artificial intelligence-supported robots that can perform autonomous surgery. Artificial intelligence
applications are used for banks and financial system, to obtain current market information, to deliver
banking mobile or internet services used in banks to customers, and to implement communication more
easily. With the development of technology, banks offer these technological innovations to make people’s
lives easier, together with the multifunctional technological tools that come into our lives. Although
monetary transactions to be made through tools such as ATM, POS device, and telephone, which are the
first examples of electronic banking, can be carried out in a limited way, today’s systems have increased
their efficiency more than before, and an increase has been achieved in terms of transaction diversity.
In addition, e-banking applications such as the internet, mobile phone, and kiosk are also available to
customers. Fintech, which is financial technology, is the meeting of financial expressed business.With
the innovations brought by technology. Fintech has influenced technology that includes innovations in
many different areas, such as mobile payment tools and money transfer transactions. This technological
innovation, known as the Card Verification Code and named CVV by abbreviation of the words Card
Validation Value, is a code created by banks to provide security on cards given to customers. This code
consists of three digits and can only be found on Mastercard and Visa cards. Many mobile applications
such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Alipay, Skrill, Google, Wallet, Master Pass have
the ability to pay digitally. Cardholders can save their card information to the digital wallet in these
applications and make payments easily on these applications. When we look at the artificial intelligence
studies in education today, we can see different applications that are not only knowledge-based but also
data and logic-based artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence applications in most areas. These
applications include personalized education or dialogue education systems, exploratory education, data
mining in education, students’ article analysis, smart agents, chatbots, education for children with special
needs, child-robot interaction, artificial intelligence-based assessment systems, automatic test creation
systems. Intelligent instructional systems, which are among the most widely used computer-assisted
teaching, are among the most widely used applications of artificial intelligence in education. It offers a
step-by-step teaching platform that is suitable for each student’s level, usually through subjects with a
numerical structure such as intelligent instructional systems, mathematics, or physics. The first and best
known of the intelligent teaching systems is the scholar system. This system creates an infrastructure
that can individually respond to the student’s answers with basic artificial intelligence techniques.

AI brings many benefits to society, the first of which is to increase productivity and efficiency by
automating the easy workforce of artificial intelligence, reducing human error, and improving resource

4th International “Artemis” Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences Proceedings Book

utilization. The second is the benefit of generating income in the technology market. With the widespread
use of artificial intelligence technology, the income of companies with artificial intelligence technology
that invest in and research this subject will increase. Third, we can talk about its positive effects on the
labor market. With the increase in the usage areas of artificial intelligence, machines start to do some
or even all the workload of employees. Although this brings with it the concern that people will be
removed from their job potential, artificial intelligence has potential, such as creating new job roles,
direct innovation, and increasing human skills. Finally, artificial intelligence provides a safer experience
by reducing human-induced errors. We can give road safety as an example of this experience. Artificial
intelligence contributes to increasing transportation safety by improving road safety with optional

Despite its positive aspects, AI also presents challenges and downsides. First, we can talk about
layoffs and disruption of the labor market. Frey and Osborne (2017) examined the prospects for new
information technologies in the near future. They concluded that it would risk a significant share of
employment in a wide variety of occupations. The groups with the highest risk of finding employment
are believed to be young people with a low level of education. It is foreseen that the technical skills of
people with low education level will be proportionally low and therefore they will face more difficulties
in terms of the labor market in the future. Young societies that has just joined the labor market will
experience difficulties, as they will have to find solutions to possible problems in the future due to their
inexperience. As a result, the impact of AI on the labor market can hinder income generation for young
populations and low-educated workers in areas that can be automated. Second, privacy is an element
that artificial intelligence can negatively affect. Privacy is one of the basic human rights. To respect the
dignity and personality, their privacy must be respected. During the development and implementation of
artificial intelligence applications, fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals should be respected
and their rights should not be violated. With the development of artificial intelligence technologies, the
rate of use of personal information is increasing. During a transaction, information, transaction data,
documents, etc. belongs to the parties performing this transaction. Keeping data confidential from other
people or institutions is called confidentiality. When designing artificial intelligence systems to be used
in social services, special attention should be paid to the privacy and personal information of users. For
example, since the security cameras we will use in our house will monitor every room of the house,
they will be included in the private life of the person. The confidentiality of the credentials entered into
artificial intelligence systems is also important. The gender identity, nationality, identity number, and
similar information in our identity document are based on personal information. It is necessary to provide
strong data protection programs and make strict regulations in order to prevent privacy violations and
misuse of sensitive information. Finally, artificial intelligence can reinforce inequality within society.
Gender-based inequality also shows its effects in the field of technology, including artificial intelligence.
The number of women working in this field is less than that of men. Since the data currently used
by machines include gender discriminatory elements, the results of artificial intelligence applications
that the machine will reveal may also reveal inequalities. In addition to gender-based inequality, we
can also talk about income inequality. The problem of earning income in the labor market, which is
another situation affected by artificial intelligence, will also contribute to economic inequality, as it will
create problems in generating income for some of the population and increase the income of artificial
intelligence technology owners. As a result, AI technologies should focus on creating a future by
focusing on fundamental ethical principles to draw conclusions and ensure equality in the labor market
without violating equality and justice across the country.

4th International “Artemis” Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences Proceedings Book

As a result, artificial intelligence has created a technological revolution thanks to its developments.
In addition, it has benefited society with the applications it has developed for various sectors. The
positive effects of AI have increased productivity and efficiency, increased revenue for companies with
AI technology, created new job roles, driven innovation, and reduced human error. But challenges such
as layoffs, labor market disruptions, privacy issues, and gender-based and economic inequalities require
attention. AI technologies must be created within ethical frameworks and must address social issues.

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Chen, Lijia, Pingping Chen, ve Zhijian Lin. 2020. “Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review”. IEEE Access
8:75264-78. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2988510.
Danesh, Farshid, ve Somayeh Ghavidel. 2020. “Coronavirus: Scientometrics of 50 Years of Global Scientific Pro-
ductions”. Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology 14(1):1-16. doi: 10.30699/ijmm.14.1.1.
Haenlein, Michael, ve Andreas Kaplan. 2019. “A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence: On the Past, Present, and Fu-
ture of Artificial Intelligence”. California Management Review 61(4):5-14. doi: 10.1177/0008125619864925.
Jakšič, Marko, ve Matej Marinč. 2019. “Relationship Banking and Information Technology: The Role of Artificial
Intelligence and FinTech”. Risk Management 21(1):1-18. doi: 10.1057/s41283-018-0039-y.


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