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Journal of Horticultural Research 2014, vol.

22(1): 85-91
DOI: 10.2478/johr-2014-0010



Agnieszka GŁOWACKA*, Elżbieta ROZPARA

Research Institute of Horticulture
Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
Received: March 29, 2014; Accepted: May 8, 2014

The aim of the work was to select pollinators for sweet cherry cultivars: ‘Vanda’, ‘Techlovan’, ‘Syl-
via’ and ‘Regina’, which are of great economic significance in Poland. As pollinators, three or four different
cultivars with the same or similar flowering time as the pollinated cultivars were evaluated annually. The
pollinators belonged to different incompatibility groups. Pollination was carried out over four consecutive
seasons. Assuming that for a good yield more than 20% of the flowers should develop fruits, a good polli-
nator for the cv. ‘Vanda’ was ‘Techlovan’, and for the cv. ‘Regina’ – ‘Sylvia’. The cv. ‘Techlovan’ was
pollinated to best effect by ‘Vega’, and the cv. ‘Sylvia’ by ‘Regina’, but the setting of fruits in the last two
combinations was moderately good. Low to moderately good fruit setting but depending on the year was
observed in the combinations ‘Sylvia’ × ‘Summit’, ‘Regina’ × ‘Summit’, and ‘Regina’ × ‘Rainier’. Cultivar
‘Summit’ for ‘Sylvia’, and ‘Summit’ and ‘Rainier’ for the cv. ‘Regina’ should not be used as pollinators
because the low percentage of fruit set obtained annually does not guarantee a satisfactory yield.

Key words: sweet cherry, pollinator, cultivar, fruit set

INTRODUCTION mutations of alleles that occur in sweet cherry are the

reason why so many additional groups of infertility are
Most of the cultivated varieties of sweet cherry
formed. Schuster et al. (2007) reported on additional
are self-sterile. To set fruits, they require pollen from
nine new groups of infertility, which increased their
suitable pollinating varieties. Selection of pollinators
number to 36.
for the cultivars of sweet cherry is difficult due to oc-
Apart from GSI, a lack of fertilisation in sweet
currence in this species incompatibility groups (Teh-
rani & Brown 1992; Choi et al. 2002; Schuster 2012). cherry may be caused by the difference in flowering
Cultivars belonging to the same group cannot be ef- time between the pollinated variety and the pollinator.
fective pollinators for one another because of gameto- Bekefi (2004), Tosun and Koyuncu (2007), Beyhan
phytic self-incompatibility (GSI). This character in and Karakaş (2009), Moghadam et al. (2009) and Su-
sweet cherry is attributed to a single multi-allelic gene tyemez (2011) emphasised that in addition to the GSI
(S), which controls the synthesis of proteins responsi- and difference in flowering time between an acceptor
ble for the incompatibility (Yamane et al. 2003). Fer- and a pollinator, the effectiveness of pollination and
tilisation can occur only when the S-alleles in the hap- fertilisation in sweet cherry is also affected by a avail-
loid genome of the pollen grain differ from the S-al- ability of pollinating insects and weather conditions,
leles of the pistil genome (Wünsch & Hormaza 2004). especially the temperature during flowering.
Currently, there are 27 known groups of infertility and The aim of the study was to evaluate pollinators
two additional groups 0 and SC. To the group 0 belong for four sweet cherry cultivars that are economically
cultivars that are universal pollen donors, while group important in Poland: ‘Vanda’, ‘Techlovan’, ‘Sylvia’
SC constitute cultivars, which are universal donors and ‘Regina’. According to Schuster (2012), ‘Vanda’
and additionally are self-fertile (Bekefi 2006). Accord- belongs to self-incompatibility Group XX, ‘Techlo-
ing to the report of Tobutt et al. (2004), spontaneous van’ – VI, ‘Sylvia’ – IX and ‘Regina’ – II.

*Corresponding author:
e-mail:[email protected]
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86 A. Głowacka, E. Rozpara

MATERIALS AND METHODS Pollen was collected at the stage of the white
buds. The anthers were dried at room temperature.
The study was conducted in the Experimental After drying, the pollen was stored in sealed glass
Orchard in Dąbrowice near Skierniewice in 2009- vials, which were placed in a desiccator containing
2012. Pollinators were tested for four sweet cherry anhydrous calcium chloride. The pollen was depos-
cultivars: ‘Vanda’, ‘Techlovan’, ‘Sylvia’ and ‘Re- ited on the stigmas by hand, counting at the same
gina’ (given in the order of flowering). Trees grafted time the number of pollinated flowers in each repli-
on F12/1 rootstock were planted in 2004, at a spac- cation. Two weeks after pollination, the isolators
ing of 4.7 × 3 m, and their canopies were formed were removed and fruitlets were counted, and at
into a spindle form. harvest the fruits obtained were counted.
Each year of the study, phenological observa- The results on the percentage of fruit set in
tions were carried out in the beginning, full bloom each pollination combination were analysed with
and end of flowering. The beginning of flowering analysis of variance using STATISTICA 10 soft-
was taken as the day, on which 10% of the flowers ware. The significance of the differences between
on the tree were opened, full bloom – 75% of the means was assessed by Duncan’s test at a 5% sig-
flowers had opened, and in the end – 95% of the nificance level.
petals had fallen (Tzonev & Yamaguchi 1999).
Weather conditions were recorded using
weather station located in the experimental orchard. Phenological observations
Starting from 2009, cross-pollination was per- In all years of the study (2009-2012), the trees
formed for four consecutive seasons. When select- began flowering in the last decade of April and fin-
ing pollinators, special attention was paid to make ished in the first decade of May. The period of flow-
sure that the acceptor and the pollinator belong to ering lasted from 10 to 14 days. During the years of
different incompatibility groups (Table 1). the study, the flowering times of all the cultivars
Pollination was carried out according to the overlapped at least partially.
methodology described by Choi and Andersen According to the classification presented by
(2001). For each combination, at least 400 flowers Moghadam et al. (2009), in terms of tree flowering
were pollinated (100 flowers × 4 replications). time the sweet cherry, cultivars tested in the experi-
About a week before flowering, isolators were put ment were divided into three groups: group I –
on the branches selected for pollination to prevent ‘Vanda’ and ‘Vega’; group II – ‘Techlovan’,
accidental pollination. Pollination was performed ‘Rainier’, ‘Summit’ and ‘Kordia’ and group III –
on the next day after opening the flowers under iso- ‘Sylvia’ and ‘Regina’. Trees of the cultivars belong-
lators. Flowers with damaged pistils were removed ing to groups I and II bloomed at roughly the same
before pollination. time. Their flowering periods overlapped to the ex-
tent of 70%. The flowering times of the trees be-
Table 1. The pollination combinations used in the
longing to groups I and III overlapped to the extent
of 30-50%. The course of tree flowering depended
on the weather conditions, in particular, the temper-
Pollinated cultivar
Pollinators (alleles) ature. It is only to be expected that during years with
Techlovan (S3S6), Summit (S1S2), a different temperature pattern in the spring months,
Vanda (S1S6) the flowering times of the cultivars of groups I and
Rainier (S1S4)
Vanda (S1S6), Vega (S2S3), III may not overlap. For this reason, early varieties
Techlovan (S3S6) are not recommended as pollinators for late varie-
Summit (S1S2), Rainier (S1S4)
Regina (S1S3), Kordia (S3S6), ties, and vice versa (Bekefi 2004).
Sylvia (S1S4)
Summit (S1S2) Over the period of the study, the weather con-
Sylvia (S1S4), Kordia (S3S6), ditions had a significant effect on the flowering pe-
Regina (S1S3)
Summit (S1S2), Rainier (S1S4) riod and the setting of fruits in sweet cherry. In

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Examination of the suitability of pollinators for sweet cherry 87

2009, the mean maximal temperature during flow- [°C] 2009 [mm]
30,0 30
ering period reached 19 °C. The mean minimal tem-
25,0 25
perature was low (3.3 °C) and the flowering period 20,0 20
was long (Fig. 1). A few days before the flowering 15,0 15
(19/20 April) there was a frost with a temperature 10,0 10
drop to -4 °C. It caused damage to a portion of the 5,0 5

flower buds in all the cultivars. The cross-pollina- 0,0 0

tion covered by the study was carried out a few days -5,0 -5
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
later. The flowers damaged by frosts had been re- APRIL MAY
moved before proceeding with the pollination. An- Rainfall T min T max T aver

other frost (15 May) with a temperature drop to Fig. 1. Maximal, minimal and mean daily temperature
-1.8 °C contributed to lowering the yield of ‘Sylvia’ and rainfall during flowering period in the year 2009
In 2010, the mean maximal temperature was [°C] 2010 [mm]
lower than in 2009 and reached 15.5 °C but the 30,0 30

mean minimal temperature was higher (5.6 °C). The 25,0 25

20,0 20
length of flowering period was similar as in the year
15,0 15
2009 (Fig. 2). When the trees were blooming, the
10,0 10
weather was windy and rainy. This had an impact 5,0 5
on the percentage of pollinated flowers. In addition, 0,0 0
still at the time when most of the cultivars had -5,0 -5
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
started flowering (22/23, 23/24 and 24/25 April),
there were frosts with temperature drops to –2.5 °C. Rainfall T min T max T aver
They caused some of the cherry flowers within the
Fig. 2. Maximal, minimal and mean daily temperature
isolators to freeze. In those conditions, the highest
and rainfall during flowering period in the year 2010
percentage of fruit was set by the trees of the late
flowering cultivar ‘Sylvia’. The other cultivars [°C] 2011 [mm]
yielded poorly. 25,0 50

In 2011 the mean maximal temperature during 20,0 40

flowering period reached 16.9 °C. The mean mini- 15,0 30

mal temperature was low (2.9 °C) and the flowering 10,0 20

period was prolonged (Fig. 3). The weather condi- 5,0 10

tions at the beginning of flowering were favourable 0,0 0

to fruit setting. At night of 3/4 May, at a time when -5,0 -10
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the trees of the early flowering cultivars were near
the end of flowering, while those of the late cultivars
Rainfall T min T max T aver
were in full bloom, the temperature dropped to –
1.5 °C. The most likely consequence of that cold Fig. 3. Maximal, minimal and mean daily temperature
weather event was extensive shedding of fruitlets. and rainfall during flowering period in the year 2011

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88 A. Głowacka, E. Rozpara

[°C] 2012 [mm] Table 2. Setting of fruits by the cultivar ‘Vanda’ in 2009-
30,0 30
2012 depending on pollinator used
25,0 25

20,0 20 Pollinator Fruit set (%)

15,0 15 (cultivar) 2009 2010 2011 2012
10,0 10
Two weeks after pollination
5,0 5
Techlovan 46.5 b 35.4 a 41.9 a 53.4 a 44.3 a
0,0 0
Summit 60.3 a 32.1 a 23.8 b 32.8 b 37.3 b
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rainier 60.9 a 25.8 b 31.9 b 26.0 b 36.1 b
At harvest
Rainfall T min T max T aver
Techlovan 33.9 a 5.5 a 19.9 a 29.2 a 22.1 a
Fig. 4. Maximal, minimal and mean daily temperature Summit 42.8 a 2.7 a 15.0 a 15.8 b 19.1 a
and rainfall during flowering period in the year 2012 Rainier 39.9 a 4.2 a 14.7 a 13.4 b 18.0 a

In 2012 the mean maximal temperature during The results of pollination of the flowers of the
flowering was high (22.3 °C). The mean minimal cultivar ‘Techlovan’ with pollen of the cvs.
temperature reached 8.6 °C and the flowering pe- ‘Vanda’, ‘Vega’, ‘Summit’ and ‘Rainier’ are shown
riod was the shortest over the period of the study in Table 3. All of the tested cultivars proved to be
(Fig. 4). In April, just before the sweet cherry trees suitable as pollinators for ‘Techlovan’ sweet cherry.
began to flower, a frost occurred with a temperature Over the 4 years of the study, the most effective pol-
drop to -5 °C. This resulted in damaging the flower linator was ‘Vega’, and the least effective –
buds of the cultivar ‘Sylvia’, and the trees yielded ‘Vanda’. It is easy to notice that ‘Techlovan’ and
poorly but the other cultivars in the experiment ‘Vega’ bloomed at roughly in the same time. Re-
yielded much better than ‘Sylvia’. gardless of the pollinator, the best setting of fruits of
The cultivars differed in terms of resistance to the cultivar ‘Techlovan’ was observed in 2009.
low temperatures. The differences among the culti- The results of pollination of the flowers of the cv.
vars, which were observed in the experiment, are ‘Sylvia’ with pollen of the cvs. ‘Regina’, ‘Kordia’ and
consistent with the observations made by other au- ‘Summit’ are presented in Table 4. The trees of the
thors (Choi & Andersen 2001; Bekefi 2004; Tosun cultivar ‘Sylvia’, unlike those of ‘Vanda’ and ‘Tech-
& Koyuncu 2007; Lech et al. 2008; Beyhan & Kara- lovan’, yielded best in 2010. It was the result of the late
kaş 2009; Moghadam et al. 2009; Sutyemez 2011). flowering time of trees of this cultivar. In 2010, the
Cross-pollination results flowering proceeded under conditions favourable to
Over the 4 years of the study, the best-yielding both flower pollination and fertilisation. The highest
trees were those of the cultivar ‘Vanda’. The ob- percentage of fruit set in the cultivar ‘Sylvia’ was ob-
served intervarietal differences in the percentage of tained in the combination in which ‘Regina’ was used
fruit set were significant both 2 weeks after pollina- as the pollinator. The least effective pollinator for ‘Syl-
tion and at the time of harvest. via’ was the cultivar ‘Summit’.
The results of pollination of the flowers of the The results of pollination of the flowers of the
cultivar ‘Vanda’ with pollen of the cvs. ‘Techlo- cultivar ‘Regina’ with pollen of the cvs. ‘Sylvia’,
van’, ‘Summit’ and ‘Rainier’, obtained during the ‘Kordia’, ‘Summit’ and ‘Rainier’ are shown in Table
years 2009-2012 are presented in Table 2. All the 5. During the period 2009-2012 there were signifi-
cultivars tested proved to be good pollinators for the cant differences in the number of fruits being set by
cultivar ‘Vanda’. The best fruit setting and yielding the cultivar ‘Regina’, which depended both on the
by ‘Vanda’ trees were recorded in 2009, and the pollinator and the year of the study. The best pollina-
worst in 2010. The poor yielding in 2010 was prob- tion results were obtained in the combination ‘Re-
ably the result of the spring frosts during flowering gina’ × ‘Sylvia’. The highest percentage of fruit set
time (Fig. 2). in this combination was observed in 2010 and 2012.

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Examination of the suitability of pollinators for sweet cherry 89

Table 3. Setting of fruit by the cultivar ‘Techlovan’ in According to Bekefi (2004), in the case of an
2009-2012 depending on pollinator used abundantly flowering sweet cherry trees, transfor-
mation of 10-20% of flowers into fruits gives
Pollinator Fruit set (%) a chance of obtaining a moderately high yield, while
(cultivar) 2009 2010 2011 2012 the setting of fruits by less than 10% of flowers re-
Two weeks after pollination sults in a low yield. High yields of sweet cherries
Vanda 17.4 c 12.9 b 5.6 c 26.9 ab 15.7 b are achieved when fruits are set by 20-30% of the
Vega 34.4 b 20.8 ab 17.4 a 19.1 bc 23.0 a flowers, but if more than 30% a high quality of fruits
Summit 31.8 b 21.7 a 12.7 b 28.6 a 23.7 a is at risk. In the experiment described here, the de-
Rainier 43.3 a 18.8 ab 14.5 ab 15.7 c 23.1 a gree of fruit setting varied significantly across the
At harvest years of the study. According to the above classifi-
Vanda 10.4 c 6.5 b 4.9 b 18.4 a 10.1 b cation, a very high degree of fruit setting was
Vega 25.6 ab 13.5 a 10.6 a 13.9 ab 15.9 a achieved in 2009 on trees of the cultivars ‘Vanda’
Summit 20.8 b 0.6 c 6.4 b 20.6 a 10.5 b and ‘Regina’, and in 2010 – on trees of the cultivar
Rainier 30.6 a 0.0 c 10.7 a 10.0 b 14.4 a ‘Sylvia’. A low degree of fruit-setting was observed
in 2010 on trees of the early flowering cultivars –
‘Vanda’ and ‘Techlovan’, in 2011 – on trees of the
Table 4. Setting of fruit by the cultivar ‘Sylvia’ in 2009- late flowering cultivars – ‘Sylvia’ and ‘Regina’, and
2012 depending on pollinator used in 2012 – on trees of the cultivar ‘Sylvia’.
The results indicate that weather conditions in
Pollinator Fruit set (%) winter or during tree flowering have a major influ-
(cultivar) 2009 2010 2011 2012 ence on the rate of fruit setting by sweet cherry
Two weeks after pollination trees, which is consistent with the available litera-
Regina 33.3 a 42.5 a 30.4 a 8.6 a 28.7 a ture (Hedhly et al. 2004; Tosun & Koyuncu 2007;
Kordia 12.4 c 41.7 a 17.6 b 11.4 a 20.8 b Lech et al. 2008; Beyhan & Karakaş 2009;
Summit 16.7 b 24.8 b 11.3 b 1.9 b 13.7 c Moghadam et al. 2009; Sutyemez 2011).
At harvest Weather conditions, and especially the temper-
Regina 21.3 a 34.0 a 14.4 a 6.9 a 19.2 a ature, affect the time of effective pollination.
Kordia 8.8 b 33.3 a 8.2 b 9.2 a 14.9 b Hedhly et al. (2004) reported that the optimum tem-
Summit 11.0 b 10.2 b 7.0 b 1.9 b 7.5 c perature for the growth of the pollen tube and for the
fertilisation of flowers is about 20 °C. At a lower or
higher temperature (about 30 °C) the growth of the
Table 5. Setting of fruit by the cultivar ‘Regina’ in 2009- pollen tube is much slower. In the experiment de-
2012 depending on pollinator used scribed here, the highest temperature during the
flowering of sweet cherry trees was recorded in
Pollinator Fruit set (%) 2012 – the mean maximum temperature reached
(cultivar) 2009 2010 2011 2012 22.3 °C, mean minimum temperature 8.6 °C and
Two weeks after pollination mean daily temperature was 15.8 °C. Such temper-
Sylvia 29.7 b 30.4 a 14.8 a 49.3 a 30.4 ab
atures were favourable to the setting of fruits by
Kordia 30.6 b 26.9 a 14.0 a 37.9 a 27.3 b
‘Vanda’, ‘Techlovan’ and ‘Regina’ trees. Hedhly et
Summit 30.7 b 28.6 a 10.7 a 39.3 a 27.3 b al. (2004) and Lech et al. (2008) emphasise the ben-
Rainier 52.2 a 32.0 a 16.4 a 39.6 a 35.1 a eficial effect of lower temperature on the setting of
At harvest fruits, because it prolongs both the stigma receptiv-
Sylvia 19.9 b 28.0 a 8.6 a 25.2 a 20.6 a ity and the period of effective fertilisation. Moreo-
Kordia 22.0 b 12.6 b 7.4 a 20.6 a 13.5 b ver, a temperature of 5 °C inhibits the ageing of ov-
Summit 18.7 b 2.1 c 5.8 a 17.9 a 8.6 d ules for up to 5 days from the beginning of flower-
Rainier 33.0 a 2.2 c 8.6 a 18.7 a 9.8 c ing (Postweiler et al. 1985). It was confirmed by the

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90 A. Głowacka, E. Rozpara

results of our experiment, in which the best fruit set CONCLUSIONS

was obtained in 2009 when the mean maximum
temperature reached 19 °C, mean minimum temper- 1. Good pollinators for the cv. ‘Vanda’ proved to
ature 3.3 °C and mean daily temperature was be ‘Techlovan’, ‘Summit’ and ‘Rainier’.
11.6 °C. Lower temperatures were recorded in 2010 2. For the cv. ‘Techlovan’, the most effective polli-
and 2011 (mean maximum temperature 15.5 °C and nator was ‘Vega’, and a good one also ‘Rainier’.
16.9 °C, respectively, mean minimum temperature 3. The best pollinator for the cv. ‘Sylvia’ was ‘Re-
5.6 °C and 2.9 °C, respectively, mean daily temper- gina’, and for the cv. ‘Regina’ – ‘Sylvia’. A good
ature 10.5 °C and 10.2 °C, respectively). At these pollinator for these cultivars was also ‘Kordia’.
temperatures, the setting of fruits could have been 4. ‘Summit’ for the cv. ‘Sylvia’, and ‘Summit’ and
good if it had not been affected by late spring frosts. ‘Rainier’ for the cv. ‘Regina’ should not be cho-
Also well-known is the phenomenon of inter- sen as pollinators because the low percentage of
sterility in sweet cherry and the fact that most culti- fruit set does not guarantee a satisfactory yield.
vars require open pollination (Tehrani & Brown
1992; Choi et al. 2002; Schuster 2012). In open-pol-
linated (self-sterile) varieties of sweet cherry, the
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linators: ‘Vanda’, ‘Summit’ and ‘Rainier’ can also ity groups in sweet cherry by PCR based s-allele typ-
be recommended for the cultivar ‘Techlovan’. ing and controlled pollination. Euphytica 123: 9-20.
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linators were observed in 2010 and 2011, which was perature on pollen tube kinetics and dynamics in
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linators for these cultivars because the low percent- Blooming phenology and self-incompatibility of
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Examination of the suitability of pollinators for sweet cherry 91

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