Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading

Grade 4
a. Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose
b. Create a story map.
c. Retell the story using the pictures.
II. Subject Matter: Inferring the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.
MELC Grade 4 q3
Materials: Pictures, Flash cards, power point,video
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
a. Prayer Pupils stand and sing for the prayer
Let us stand for the prayer
(Ten Thousand Reasons]
b. Drill:
1. Calls some pupils to read the word in the
flash cards in a form of a contest.
mouse sleeping sleeping
disturbed forest arose Pupil who can reads first will step forward
caught laughed assured going to the finish line.
spread leave roaring
escaped roared heared
2. Reading the phrases
Caught in a net
Spread by a hunter
Mouse heard
Started cutting
Lion escaped
Mouse angrily and tried
Leave him off
It would help
3.Reading the sentences
A lion sleeping in a forest.
A mouse started playing on it.
The lion was disturbed and arose from his
The mouse prayed the lion to leave him
The lion laughed at it and let him off.
It roared and tried to escape but in vain.

C. Motivation
Show a picture using the power point.

I can see a mouse and a lion.

The mouse cuts the net with its teeth.

What can you see in the power point?
Why is it that the mouse cut the net using its
This afternoon we will read a story about
The Lion and The mouse and we will answer
this question after reading the story. The Pupils will read the motive questions.

E. Unlocking of difficulties
Directions: Match Column A and B

1.Mood the

attitude the author The pupils will listen the story.
has towards the
subject or topic of
of the poem
2. Purpose b. to convince the
3.Tone c. reason an
Author writes
About a topic
4. inform d. the emotion
That arouse in
In a reader
5. Persuade e. to amuse or
F.Reading the Motive Questions
_Why did the lion get angry with the mouse?
-How does the mouse escape the angry lion?
-How the hunter caught the lion?
-Why did the lion thank the mouse?
We will answer the questions after reading the

The Lion and The Mouse

A lion was sleeping in a forest. A mouse
started playing on it. The lion was disturbed
and arose from his sleep. It caught up the
mouse angrily and tried to crush it to death.
Then the mouse prayed the lion to leave him
off and assured that it would help him when it
needed. The lion laughed at it and let him off.

One day the lion was caught in a net spread

by a hunter. It roared and tried to escape but
in vain.The mouse heared the lion’s roaring
and came there.It started cutting the net with
its teeth. The lion escaped and thanked the
G. Answer the motive questions
Why did the lion get angry with the mouse?
-How does the mouse escape the angry lion?
-How the hunter caught the lion?
-Why did the lion thank the mouse? - The lion got angry with the mouse because it
started playing on him while it is sleeping.
H. Comprehension Check
-The mouse escaped the angry lion by praying
and assured it would help him when it needed.
-The hunter caught the lion by spreading a net
on it.
The lion thanks the mouse because its cut the
net with its teeth and freed him
What is the title of the story?
The title of the story is The Lion and the
How many characters in our story?
There are three characters in our story.
-Where do the lion and the mouse live in the The lion and the mouse live in a forest.
The mouse disturbed the lion by playing it
while its sleeping.
How do we take care of our forest?Why? -The feeling of the lion is angry.
If we will cut thetrees in the forest? What will
happen if tthere is a heavy rain? We can infer the feelings, mood, of person
through his/her actions,and voice.
I. Practice The mouse prays the lion.
Group the pupils into 3
Group 1
Create a Story map
The teacher distributes meta cards for the Yes, I will apologize to the lion.
story map The lessons of the story are kind and helpful
to everybody.
We should preserve the trees and stop cutting
it, because it is the home of different wild
Group 2 animals.
Retell the story using the pictures There will be a great disaster ,like flood and
The Lion and the Mouse all the plants will be destroy.
Story Map
Important events

Group 3

Draw the part of the story would you like

most. And say something about your drawing.

Infer the speakers tone, mood and purpose.
1.Mario was walking one day.Suddenly a
strange dog ran after him.
a.fear b.anger d.sorrow
2.Paulo saw a little bird, its wing was
bleeding. What did he feel for the bird?
a. joy b. sadness c.pity d.anger
3.Lorna had to cross a small bamboo pole to
go to the other side of the river.
a. anger b. fear c. excitement d.sad

4. “Oh, God I pray that You take care of her.

She is the only one I have.”
a.anxious c. lonely d. thrilled
5.”Dad, can you drive a little faster? I could Fear
hardly wait to get to New Corella,”Rose said.
Rose is ___________.
a.impatient c. terrific
b. sad d. tired Pity
V.Assignment:Read the story The Greedy
Lion. Identify the tone, mood and the purpose
of the author.



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Checked and Reviewed:

Master Teacher III Principal IV Principal III

Public School District Supervisor

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