8th Asian PGPR Brochure 2023 at Bengaluru 15.3.3023 PDF
8th Asian PGPR Brochure 2023 at Bengaluru 15.3.3023 PDF
8th Asian PGPR Brochure 2023 at Bengaluru 15.3.3023 PDF
It is with immense pleasure that, we welcome you on behalf of the Indian chapter of
Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture to the 8 th Asian PGPR National Conference
“Beneficial Microbes for Integrated Plant Health Management” scheduled to be held from
19-21st, September 2023, at the University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru. This
conference is being organized by the University of Horticultural Sciences (UHS), Bagalkot
in collaboration with the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru (UASB), University
of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (UASD), Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New
Delhi, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur (UASR), Keladi Shivappa Nayaka
University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga (KSNUAHS), Indian
Phytopathological Society (IPS), Indian Cousil of Agriculture Research (ICAR) - Indian
Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru supported by various educational,
enterpreneural and media partners. As PGPR associated technologies are currently
2 experiencing a dramatic increase, research on the interactions between PGPR and crops
has become vital and is considered to play a key role for the future of sustainable and
organic agriculture. This focused event pays tribute to the growing significance of bio-
fertilizers, bio-fungicides, bio-stimulants, bio-herbicides, bio-nematicides etc. While,
identifying newly emerging technologies in the league. Hence, we cordially welcome you
to join us and witness the advances in agriculture on “PGPR strategies to support next
generation green revolution in food production” at the 8 th Asian PGPR National
Conference. In this conference, we bring together the academia, researchers,
entrepreneurs, policy makers, progressive farmers and government officials comprising a
core team of technical experts from across India to deliberate and understand the
strengths and weaknesses in developing PGPR associated technologies for use by farming
communities across the country. The outputs would form a strong foundation in addressing
the issues of global food security.
Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture the 8th Asian PGPR India chapter National conference is
scheduled from September 19-21, 2023, at the University
The Asian PGPR Society is a non-profit scientific society of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka,
established in 2009 to enable scientists, researchers, India. The 9th National Conference is going to be held
academicians, government groups, students, farmers, at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in
industry personnel etc. from various agricultural July, 2024.
disciplines to discuss their interests and research avenues
towards latest developments of PGPR from microbe to
microbiome technologies with commercialisation
aspects. It has 1500 registered life members from around
the globe and is growing. PGPR’s are plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria defined as root-colonizing
bacteria that exert beneficial traits on plant-growth and
development. In the context of an increasing
Host University (UHS, Bagalkot)
International concern for food and environmental safety,
the use of PGPR for reducing chemical inputs in Realizing the importance and with foresightedness, the
agriculture is a potentially important issue. The Karnataka Government has approved the establishment
application and commercialisation of PGPR for of the University of Horticultural Sciences (UHS) at
sustainable agriculture is a growing and demanding Bagalkot during 2008. The choice of Bagalkot as the
market concern world-wide. The Asian PGPR Society headquarters of the University is rightly justified because
organizes International conferences every two years, to of two reasons namely: the rich horticultural production
provide a venue for all players in the PGPR industry to base of fruit crops, varieties of vegetables, spices and
meet, share and learn about the latest game-changing medicinal plants: Besides, the bordering districts of
innovations, cutting-edge technologies, and crucial Belagavi on West, Dharwad and Koppal on South,
government policies shaping the future of the globe’s Vijayapura on North and Raichur on East are the hub of
sustainable agriculture. Over the years, the society has horticulture due to favorable climate for horticulture 3
organized seven Asian PGPR International Conferences crops in the area. The second reason is its geographical
includes, India (2009), China (2011), Philippines (2013), location with significant historical places including:
Vietnam (2015), Indonesia (2017), Uzbekistan (2019) and Badami (Cave Temple and Capital of Chalukya Kingdom)
Malaysia (2022). The next International PGPR conference Pattadakallu, Aihole (the places known for temples of
is proposed to be held at AVRDC, Taiwan during stone sculptures) Kudalasangama (center of religious
September 2024. The society has established it’s chapters preaching and teaching) and the mighty Alamatti Dam
in different Asian Countries to promote its vision towards as a backbone for agriculture / horticulture situated
sustainable and organic agriculture and organizers within a radius of 50 km from Bagalkot.
National Conferences. Venue: University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK
India Chapter of Asian PGPR society Campus, Bengaluru - 560 065, Karnataka, India
The University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore (UASB) Conference themes
was established in 1964 as the first State Agricultural
University (SAU) in Karnataka. This University has a legacy 1. PGPR exploitation in agriculture and impact of
of more than 100 years as an experimental Agricultural changing climate on agriculture important
Station at Hebbal with 30 acres of land donated by Her microorganisms.
Excellency Maharani Kempa Nanjammanni Vani Vilasa 2. Emerging trends and plant-microbial interactions for
Sannidhi, the Regent of the then princely state of crop safety.
Mysore in 1899. Many visionaries, to be highlighted,
Dr. Lehmann, German Scientist who initiated research on 3. Bio-rationales, bio-stimulants and their role in plant
soil crop response with laboratory in the Directorate of health management.
Agriculture. Later in 1906, Dr. Leslie Coleman, a Canadian 4. Soil micro-biome, metagenomics and nano technolo-
Entomologist and Mycologist who succeeded gical approaches in agriculture and agri based
Dr. Lehmann, strengthened the foundation for modern industries for plant health management.
agricultural academics and research in Karnataka under
the wings of this institution. The Academics expansion 5. Commercialization of bio-inoculants.
has happened by way of establishing the Mysore 6. Regulatory mechanisms for microbial formulations,
Agriculture Residential School at Hebbal in 1913, constraints in the Country.
Agriculture College at Hebbal in 1946 with four year
professional degree program in Agriculture affiliated to 7. Global opportunities for stakeholders of PGPR
the University of Mysore. In 1964, with 1300 acres of technologies for sustainable agriculture to achieve
land at Gandhi Krishi V igyan Kendra Campus, the Atmanirbhar Bharath vocal for local.
University of Agricultural Sciences Bill (ACT No.22) which
Call for abstracts/papers
received assent of the President of India to become the
Law. In 1964, Government appointed Dr. K. C. Naik, The original research papers/abstracts/ conceptual
M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bristo) working with USAID as the first Vice papers related to the conference themes are invited from
Chancellor on 12th June 1964. The UAS, GKVK campus all the stakeholders viz., students, faculties of SAU’s/ICAR
was inaugurated by Dr. Zakir Hussain, the Vice President institutes, and PSUs/ companies/ private organizations.
of India on the 21st August, 1964. The soft copy of the papers to be sent to the organizers
Salient features of the Conference of the conference on or before 30th July, 2023, via Email
at: [email protected] and also submit online
Perfect platform for National & Global Networking our website: www.asianpgprconferenceblr2023.org
Nationally renowned speakers
Awards will be provided for best paper and
Highly organized and structured scientific programs
poster presentation categories selected by a
Interesting scientific deliberations and discussions
panel of Judges.
Meet academia and industry visionaries to get
inspired Guidelines for abstract submission
Expand your knowledge and find solutions to
Abstract must be written clearly in English and
submitted on or before 30th July, 2023.
Knowledge, benchmarking and networking offered at
one place Abstracts should be based on any of the areas listed
Career guidance for early career researchers and under conference themes.
students Abstracts must report the results of the original
Poster presentations and world class exhibitions research or other activity of significant merit related
MOUs among interested groups to PGPR/microbiome and its allied fields.
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. It must be Registration contribution includes working lunches,
typed in Times New Roman, font 12, 1.0 spacing and dinners and registration kit only.
submitted as a word document with no grammatical,
typographical or factual errors. Sponsorship Levels
Title of abstracts followed by full names (without Diamond : 1,00,000
using titles such as Mr./Mrs./Dr. etc.). of author(s) Platinum : 75,000
along with the address of the affiliated institute Gold : 50,000
should be mentioned. In case of two or more authors
Silver : 25,000
the presenting author should be marked with an
asterisk (*) and his/her email should be mentioned. Registration Fee
Peer reviewed and selected abstracts would be Payment can be remmitted via., : GOOGLE PAY /
invited for lead and oral presentation. PAYTM / PHONE PE UPI ID.
Oral presentation / poster presentation Account Details : Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable
Oral Presentation : The number of slides shouldn’t be Agriculture
more than 15 and the time is 15 minutes and the Account No. : 090810000001830
presentation should include Title, Name, Theme, and Account Type : Current Account
Address on the first slide of the presentation, Bank Name : IDBI bank Ltd
Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and
Branch : ICRISAT, Pattanacheru, TS
Branch code : 908
Poster Presentation : Size: “25x40 inches or 1.0×1.5 m”.
IFSC Code : IBKL0000908
Font Size: Title - 80 pt, Authors - 50pt, Subheading 46
MICR code : 500259006 5
pt, Text - 24 pt, Caption - 18 pt. Poster should include -
Title, Name, Theme, Address, Introduction, Material and Dates to be remember
Methods, Results, Conclusion and References.
Early bird : 30th July 2023
Conference proceedings Last date for registration : 15th August 2023
All research papers presented will be reviewed and will Last date for submission of abstract : 13th July 2023
be published in International, Peer reviewed, Indexed Spot registration : 19 th September 2023
and Scientific journal.
Registration categories
Dr. Riyaz Sayyed Prof. V. Devappa Dr. Shamarao Jahagirdar Dr. N. Nagaraju Dr. Dinesh Singh
President, Asian PGPR Organizing Secretary Co-Organizing Secretary Co-Organizing Secretary Co-Organizing Secretary
Society (India Chapter)
Dr. K. S. Shankarappa Dr. D. S. Ambika Dr. R. Rajeshwari Dr. C. G. Sangeetha Dr. B. Anjaneya Reddy
Dr. Amrutha S. Bhat Dr. Krishna Sundari Dr. Hameeda Bee Dr. S. Desai Dr. Amrutha Valli Audipudi
Dr. Hari Sudini Mr. Lakshmikanth Pothireddy Dr. Ritu Mawar Dr. P. Ponumurugan Dr. N. Geetha
Dr. Chandra Nayak Dr. Gurudat M. Hegde Dr. Brajeswar Singh Dr. Nidhi Didwania Dr. Popy Bora
Dr. G. Heera Dr. S T. Yenjerappa Dr. N. Umashankar Dr. V. Prasanna Mrs. K. Sri Varshitha Ms. Marchiraju
Kumari Vaishnavi
Dr. B. P. Singh Dr. Aundy Kumar Dr. A. S. Patil Dr. Prathibha Sharma
Dr. V. Govindaswamy Dr. Bindu M. Gopireddy Dr. P. W. Ramteke Dr. Kumari Sunita
Dr. S. R. Niranjana Dr. M. Saraf Dr. Kumari Sunita
Dr. T. Janakiram Dr. A. S. Patil Dr. S. Triveni
Dr. Appa Rao Podile Dr. P. W. Ramteke Dr. Rajbir Singh
Dr. P. Chowdappa Dr. S. Seshadri Dr. C. C. L. Gowda
Dr. C. Manoharachari Dr. S. Sridhar Dr. V. Sivaram
Dr. M. K. Naik Dr. N. Arora Dr. A. K. Saxena
Dr. N. K. Krishna Kumar Dr. B. P. Singh Dr. P. K. Chakrabarty
Dr. Rakesh Pandey Dr. K. Anuradha Dr. Tamilvendan K.
Dr. M. P. Thakur Dr. Piyush Pandey Dr. K. Nagaraju,
Dr. K. Prabhakar Dr. M. Saraf Dr. Suvarana V.C.
Dr. Dilip Ghosh Dr. Suresh Ekbote Dr. L. Krishna Naik
Dr. R. Jayaramaiah Dr. S. Seshadri Dr. A. K. Tewari
Dr. T. M. Manjunath Dr. Vijay Krishna Kumar Dr. K. P. Singh
Dr. A. Vishnuvardhan Reddy Dr. D. K. Maheshwari Dr. D. S. Patel
Dr. Santhosh J Eapen Dr. A. Adholeya Dr. R. G. Parmar
Dr. B. N. Johri Dr. S. K. Malhotra Dr. N. M. Gohel
Dr. Anith K. Narayanan Dr. C. Lakshminarasimhan Dr. R. V.Vyas
Dr. K. Samba Siva Rao Dr. R. Agarwal Mrs. H. N. Shelat
Dr. S. Nakkeeran Dr. E. C. Surendranath Reddy Dr. Prasannakumar M. K.
Dr. Kalpana Dr. K. B. Yadahalli Dr. Gopal Singh
Dr. V. L. Maheshwari Dr. K. Srinivasa Reddy Dr. P. R. K. Prasad
Dr. Rana Pratap Singh Dr. B. Ravindranath Reddy Dr. R.Vimala
Dr. T. Raghuchander Dr. Mahadevaswamy Dr. K. Rajappan
Dr. P. V. Patil Dr. Lakshmi Rawat Dr. S. Mohamed Jalaluddin
Dr. Sanathkumar V. B. Dr. S. I. Harlapur Dr. D. Dinakaran
Dr. Srikanth Kulkarni Dr. M. V. Dhananjaya Dr. M. Jayasekhar
10 Dr. A. Karthikeyan
Dr. G. Karthikeyan Dr. Gagnesh Sharma
Dr. R.Vimala
Dr. M. S. Rao Dr. Venkatesh Kulkarni
Dr. Sainamole Kurien P.
Dr. K. Dhananjaya Rao Dr. P. Narayana Reddy
Dr. K. N. Amruthesh
Dr. G. S. Kochar Dr. Radha Prasanna
Dr. Shubha Gopal
Dr. Shamsul Hayat Dr. K. S. N. Murthy
Dr. M. Jayaraj
Dr. J. S. Virdi Dr. Boraiah B.
Dr. A. B. Vedamurthy
Dr. Chinmay Sardeshpande Mr. P. Chengal Reddy Dr. V. Shyam Kumar
Mr. Yogendra Koushik Mr. Phani Raj Kiran Dr. Rana Pratap Singh
Dr. Gurava Reddy Dr. S. Sriram Dr. M. J. Khan
Dr. M. Krishna Reddy Dr. Shivanna B. Dr. Chetan Keswami
Dr. Sible George Varghese Dr. Manvika Sahgal Dr. Murigendra B. Hiremath
Dr. K. S. R. K. Murthy Dr. S. Pradeep Dr. Vandana Rathod
Dr. A. Subba Rami Reddy Dr. T. K. Nagaratna Dr. Rajendra Singh
Dr. V. Muniyappa Dr. Sadaf Kalam Dr. S. Triveni
Dr. Anukool Vaishnav Dr. A. P. Mallikarjuna Gowda Dr. Channappa
Dr. P. Satish Kumar Dr. Lalitha Sundaram Dr. Tapan Kumar Adhya
Dr. V. V. Pratap Reddy Dr. Vijay Krishna Kumar Dr. M. N. Reddy
Dr. Javid Parray Dr. Birinchi K. Sharma Dr. Kelamani Chandrakanth R
Dr. K. Krishnappa Dr. Lalit Singhania Dr. Babu R L.
Dr. D. L. N. Rao Dr. A. Aruna Kumari Dr. K. J. Thara Saraswathi
Dr. P. K. Chakrabarty Dr. Sanjay Chhabra Dr. S. Shishupala
Dr. P. K. Joshi Dr. T. S. Sukanya Dr. Ramalingappa
Dr. Arun Sataraddi Dr. V. Govindaswamy Dr. M. Murugan
Dr. M. R. Ravikumar Dr. Siddayya H. Dr. Srinivas Munjum
Dr. A. M. Deshmukh Dr. Robin Singh Dr. A. Bala Kishan
Dr. Prakash Channapatna, USA Dr. T. Sa, South Korea
Dr. William Dar, Philippines Dr. C. Pieterse, Netherlands
Mr. Lakshmikanth Pothireddy, USA Dr. M. Osaki, Japan
Dr. A. Janikiram, USA Dr. E. Monte, Spain
Dr. Srinivas Ramasamy, Taiwan Dr. T. Simarmata, Indonesia
Dr. Minshad Ansari, UK Dr. B. Alaylar, Turkey
Mr. Roger Tripathi, USA Dr. B. Du, China
Dr. Dilantha Fernando, Canada Dr. N. H. Hiep, Vietnam
Dr. Shashi B. Sharma, Australia Dr. J. Salles, Netherland
Dr. L. M. Suresh, Nairobi Dr. G. Berg, Austria
Dr. Mui-Yun Wong, Malaysia Dr. Dilfuza, Uzbekistan
Dr. Luh Suriani, Indonesia Dr. John Yong, Sweden
Dr. Vijay Kumar Guupta, UK Dr. Nagaraja Suryadevara, Malaysia
Dr. Kadambot Siddique, Australia Dr. Vladmir Chebotar, Russia
Dr. Rajeev Varshney, Australia Dr. N. Ilyas, Pakistan
Ms. Carol Pullen, Europe Dr. K. Smalla, Germany
Dr. S. Anton, Indonesia Dr. R. Grosch, Germany
Dr. Abdul Gafur, Indonesia Mr. Lakshmikanth Pothireddy, USA
Dr. Ahmad Al-Turki, Saudi Arabia Dr. Ting Ho, Malaysia
Dr. Gupta Vadakattu, Australia Dr. Prem Warrior, USA
Dr. Harsh P. Bais, USA Dr. Manzer H. Siddique, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Hesham EL-Ensshasy, Malaysia Dr. Umesh Reddy, USA
Dr. Humaira Yasmin, Pakistan Mr. Jim Kurtz, USA
Dr. Irina Smirnova, Kazakstan Mr. Ray Urrutia, USA 11
Dr. W J S K Weerakkody, Sri Lanka Dr. Tanzima Yeasmin, Bangladesh
Mr. Basavraj Siddappa Kapsi Mr. Hemant Kumar Mr. Dharmalingam
Mr. Purushothama Rao Mr. Y. Jagadeesh Reddy Mr. V. Shankara Reddy
Mr. Suresh Desai Mr. G. Satish Babu Mr. Surendra N. Reddy
Mr. B. Basavaraju Mr. Chandrashekar H. Bhadsavle Mr. Santosh Kumar
Mr. A. Krishnamurthy Ms. Anantha Lakshmi Mr. Suman
Mr. Gopalkrishna G. Nayak Ms. Sujatha Mr. Appaji
Mr. R. G. Tukkappanavar Mr. Narasa Reddy Mr. Kiran
Mr. M. Lingamadaiah Mr. Surendra N. Reddy Mr. Kongara Ramesh
Mr. Patil Shivgouda Malagouda Mr. Santosh Kumar Mr. Ram Mohan Bharathi
Mr. I.K. Subbaiah Mr. Chintala Manikya Reddy Mr. Chandrasekhar Bhadsavle
Mr. Gopal B. Kulkarni Mr. Neeraj Prajapati Mr. Shanakar Bale
Mr. Subraya B. Hegde Mr. Kallappa Yaladagi
Mr. Roopa Manoj Dr. Sudha Reddy K. N. Dr. John Peter Mr. Bhavesh Patel
MD, Gujarat Eco Microbial
Kumar Managing Director Managing Director
K.N. Biosciences Varsha Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
MD, Natura Crop Care
Accommodation: University Guest House, Hostels and ICAR Guest House etc.
In-advanced request is required for University accommodation in writing.
Limited choices are available on first cum first basis.
Four seasons Hotel @ Embassy One (5 star)
(Distance from venue is 10KM)
8, Bellary Road, Ganganagar
Bengaluru - 560 032, Karnataka, India
Phone: +91 4522-2222
Website: https://www.fourseasons.com/bengaluru
Email: [email protected]
(Distance from venue is 2.5 KM)
#32, Next to GKVK, Opp. To Jakkur Aerodrome
Airport road, Bengaluru - 560 064, Karnataka, India
Website: www.ramanashree.com
Mobile: +91 96861 12345
Email: [email protected]
Note: Participants are requested to contact the hotels directly for accommodation other than University Hostel and
guesthouse facilities.
(Extra charges will be applicable)
Built with granite, Vidhana Soudha is the largest Bangalore Palace is a royal palace located in Mysore ruler Hyder Ali built Lalbagh as a private
legislative building in India. It measures 213.36 Bangalore, Karnataka, India, in an area that was garden in 16th century. It was then spread over
by 106.68 metres (700.0 by 350.0 ft) on the owned by Rev. J. Garrett, the first principal of 40 acres of land. This garden was designed in
ground and is 53.34 metres (175.0 ft) tall. The the Central High School in Bangalore, now the style similar to that of Mughal gardens.
architecture includes elements of styles from the famous as Central College. Vasanth Nagar,
mediaeval Chalukya, Hoysala and Vijayanagara Bengaluru, Karnataka 560052
empires of Karnataka.
Nandi Hills, or Nandidurg, is a hill fortress in the Isha Foundation is a nonprofit, spiritual Radha Krishna-Chandra Temple is one of the
south Indian state of Karnataka. Tippu Sultan organization founded in 2022 recently at largest Krishna-Hindu temples in the world. It
Fort, a summer retreat of the namesake 18th Chikkaballapur, near Bengaluru, Karnataka, by is situated in Bengaluru in the Indian state of
century ruler, features stone carvings and wall Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. It hosts the Isha Yoga Karnataka. The temple is dedicated to Hindu
paintings. Prisoners were said to have been Centre, which offers yoga programs under the deities Radha Krishna and propagates
thrown to their death from Tipu’s Drop, now name Isha Yoga. The foundation is run “almost Monotehism as mentioned in Chandogya
known for its panoramic views. Local Hindu entirely” by volunteers. The word isha means Upanishad.
temples include the hilltop Yoga Nandeeshwara “the formless divine”.
Temple, guarded by a huge statue of a bull
Conference Secretariat
Prof. & Head Professor Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology Dept. of Plant Pathology Dept. of Plant Pathology
College of Horticulture, UHS Campus College of Agriculture College of Agriculture
Bengaluru - 560 065 UAS, Bengaluru - 560 065 UAS, Dharwad - 580 005
Mobile : +91 9972 619448 Mobile : +91 9972 619448 Mobile : +91 9972 619448
E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]
Theme area_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Registration fee for Rs. / US$_______________________________In favour of “Asian PGPR Society for sustainable Agriculture”
Note : *Only multicity cheques will be accepted.
Accommodation required : Yes/No, If Yes, Please specify the name the hotel_______________________________________________
University Guest house/ hostel/ICAR Guest house.
Date_________________ Signature________________________________
Please complete the registration form and send along with abstract on or before July 30 th 2023 through
email : [email protected] or upload on our website.
Dr. V. Devappa
Organizing Secretary
Professor & Head, Department of Plant Pathology
College of Horticulture, UHS Campus, GKVK Post
Bengaluru - 560 065, Karnataka, India
Mobile: +91 99726 19448
Email: [email protected]