Instructions For Proctors Online 2022

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National Latin Examination

Online Test Administration Instructions

General Instructions:
1. What the proctor reads aloud is “in bold with quotation marks.”
2. What the proctor is to do is written in normal type.
3. What the proctor is to observe is [within brackets].
A few days prior to the testing session:
 Visit and login with the teacher login code (username) and password that
were on the confirmation postcard you received. This is how you will obtain the usernames and
passwords for each student. If you do not have your login information, please contact CTS (1-
800-459-9847) or the NLE office (1-888-378-7721), as your students will not be able to access
the exam without their login credentials. NOTE: All teacher usernames and passwords are
numeric. Student usernames and passwords, however, may be comprised of letters, numbers and
other characters.
 Make certain to have enough usernames and passwords for the number of students taking the test.
Please contact CTS if you do not have enough.
 Make certain to have a plan for distributing usernames and passwords to students on the day of
the test.
 Make certain to know which students get which login credentials. Each school will receive login
credentials based on the levels of the exam. For instance, all students taking the Beginning Latin
exam must be given Beginning Latin usernames and passwords. Usernames begin with the level
of exam. For instance, all Advanced Prose usernames begin with “apr,” Introduction to Latin
usernames begin with “intro,” etc. The characters after the letters are zeroes and then other
numbers. This step is crucial for correct scoring of the exam.
 Please note: Each student may take only ONE level of exam (that is, each student is only allowed
to have ONE login).
 Verify with your computer staff members that your computers are functioning and meet
minimum system requirements:
 At least 512 MB of RAM
 Internet connection speed of 56 Kbps or faster
 Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8
o Internet Explorer 7 and above
o Mozilla Firefox version 12 and above
o Google Chrome
 Mac OS X
o Safari 3 and above
o Mozilla Firefox version 12 and above
o Google Chrome

Immediately prior to the testing session:

 Turn on all computers.
 Open all computer browsers and have loaded.
 Know how students will be assigned to computers.
When students arrive to the testing session:
 Assign each student to a computer.
 Give each student his or her username and password.
 PLEASE NOTE: Each student is only permitted to take ONE level of exam per year.
 PLEASE NOTE: Students can see any answer they have selected to any question by going to the
dropdown button in the upper right of the screen and scrolling down to the Summary page.
Instruction 1: Say: “Please take your assigned seat and wait for my instructions. It is important that
you do not touch the computers until you are instructed to do so.”
[wait for all students to be seated and quiet]
Say: “Today you will be taking the online National Latin Examination. Before we begin, put your
cellphone and other electronic devices away. You may not have them out at any time during this
test. Your computer should be on the website If it is not at that website, please
go there now.”
[wait for all computers to be successfully on the website. Students should see a login screen like the one
pictured below]

Instruction 2: Say: “Now enter your username and password in the appropriate boxes. When you
have correctly entered your username and login, click the ‘Login’ button.”
N.B.: Usernames begin with letters that are an abbreviation of the test level (ie: Advanced Poetry begins
APO, Intermediate Latin begins IL, etc).
[wait until students have all logged in. They should see a screen similar to the one below. The
background color will be different, depending on the level of test].
Instruction 3: Say: “Verify that your school information is correct. Also, verify that you have logged
into the correct test. The test type will appear in the top left of the form. If either of these is not
correct, please tell me. Now enter your first name and last name. Select your grade from the drop
down menu. You must also select an answer in the “Attempt” field. If you have taken this level of
the National Latin Exam in a previous year, select, “I have taken this level in the past.” Otherwise,
select, “First time taking this level.” Raise your hand if you have any questions. DO NOT click the
‘Save Information’ button until you are instructed to do so.”
[wait for students to enter information.] If school information is incorrect for any student, record that
student’s name and login information. After the exam it will need to be reported to Clement Testing
Service at 800-459-9847. It will be corrected after students have taken the exam. If the student has
logged into the wrong level, give that student login credentials for the correct level. If you need more
student credentials, immediately contact the CTS office at 800-459-9847.
Instruction 4: Say: “Do not click ‘Save Information’ until you are instructed to do so. Once you
click ‘Save Information’ you will begin the test. You will have 40 minutes to complete this test.
You are not allowed to copy, paste or print anything regarding this exam. You are not allowed to
have access to notes, books, phones or any other communication devices during this test. You are
not allowed to have any other window or tab open on your computer during this test. Violating any
of these regulations will immediately disqualify you, and you will not receive a score. I will be
moving around the room during the test. During the test you may use the ‘Next’ and ‘Prev’ buttons
to navigate from question to question. You may also use the dropdown menu in the upper right of
your screen to go to specific questions. You may access the Summary page at any time during the
test by clicking on the dropdown menu in the upper right of your screen. You may go back to
change answers at any time. However, once you answer a question you may not leave it blank.
There is no penalty for guessing, so you should answer every question. Once you have completed
the test and answered all of the questions, the Summary page will appear. On that screen you may
verify your answers. You may click on a question to return to that item. When you have completed
the test, you MUST click the ‘Submit’ button to submit your answers. If you do not click ‘Submit’
your answers will not be recorded. Once you click ‘Submit’ your username is locked and you will
not be able to change answers. After clicking ‘Submit’ you will be directed to a page of optional
demographic questions. These questions are completely optional and in no way affect your score.
Your answers are not attached to your username or account, nor do they appear on any school
report. However, your answers will help the NLE better understand the exam’s outreach, and
therefore be able to serve more students. When you finish your test, you may read silently or do
non-Latin work. You may not access your phone or other communication device. You may not use
the computer for any other purpose. Are there any questions?”
[answer any student questions]
Say: “You may now click ‘Save Information’ and begin the National Latin Examination. Good
Look at the clock. Add 40 minutes to the current time and post the end time on the board. During the
test, walk around the room to maintain test security and to answer any student questions. If a student
exits the exam before clicking ‘Submit’ he or she may log back into the test using the original login
information. All progress will have been saved.
N.B.: The online test, like the paper and pencil test, is only as secure as the proctors make it. Vigilant
proctoring is essential to maintain test security. Any student opening another browser, translator, or
seeking unauthorized help – electronic or otherwise – should have his/her test voided. Students should be
reminded of these rules, and to put cell phones away.
Instruction 5: After 35 minutes, say: “You have five minutes remaining.”
N.B.: Once time is up, you may allow students a few minutes to answer the optional demographic
questions. During this time, however, they may not continue to work on the exam, access electronic or
other materials, or discuss the exam or its contents with anyone.
Instruction 6: After 40 minutes, say: “Time is up. Please stop working. If you have not already done
so, please click the ‘Submit’ button on the summary screen. If you do not click the ‘Submit’ button
your answers will not be recorded. Once you have clicked ‘Submit’ you will be directed to the
optional demographic questions. When you are done, please close your browser. This concludes the
National Latin Examination.” Provide students with time for the demographic questions as necessary.

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