Forrest Publications
Forrest Publications
Forrest Publications
Forrest, Jennifer, ed. The Legend Returns and Dies Harder Another Day: Essays on Film
Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2008.
Forrest, Jennifer and Leonard R. Koos, eds. Dead Ringers: The Remake in Theory and
Practice. Albany: SUNY Press, 2002.
Chapters in Books:
Forrest, Jennifer. "Cirque." Dictionnaire Octave Mirbeau. Ed. Yannick Lemarié and Pierre
Michel. Paris: L'Age d'homme, 2011. 696-97.
Forrest, Jennifer. “Of True Sequels: the Four Daughters Movies, or the Series that Wasn’t.”
Take 2. Ed. Constantine Verevis and Carolyn Jess- Cooke. Albany: SUNY Press, 2010. 31-
"Introduction." The Legend Returns and Dies Harder Another Day: Essays on Film Series.
Ed. Jennifer Forrest. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2008. 1-19.
Forrest, Jennifer. "The Poetics of Film Series." The Legend Returns and Dies Harder Another
Day: Essays on Film Series. Ed. Jennifer Forrest. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company,
2008. 21-38.
Forrest, Jennifer. "The Trouble With Maisie: Insubordination and the Empowered Woman
Series." The Legend Returns and Dies Harder Another Day: Essays on Film Series. Ed.
Jennifer Forrest. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2008. 105-29
Forrest, Jennifer. “Pierrette, assassine assassinée: The Portrait of Lulu in Two Tableaux.” Ed.
Peter Schulman and Aminia Brueggemann. Rhine Crossings: France and Germany in Love
And War. Albany: SUNY Press, 2005. 143-63.
Forrest, Jennifer. “Aerial Misses and Spectating Messieurs: The Paradox of the Lady Acrobat
in the French fin de siècle.” Peripheries of Nineteenth-Century French Studies. Ed. Timothy
Raser. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2002. 133-55.
Forrest, Jennifer and Leonard Koos. “Reviewing Remakes: An Introduction.” Dead Ringers:
The Remake in Theory and Practice. Ed. Jennifer Forrest and Leonard R. Koos. Albany:
State University at New York Press, 2002. 1-36.
Forrest, Jennifer. “Remaking The Blue Veil: An Interview With Norman Corwin.” Dead
Ringers: The Remake in Theory and Practice. Ed. Jennifer Forrest and Leonard R. Koos.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. 309-36.
Forrest, Jennifer. “The ‘Personal’ Touch: The Original , the Remake, and the Dupe in Early
Cinema.” Dead Ringers: The Remake in Theory and Practice. Ed. Jennifer Forrest and
Leonard R. Koos. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. 89-126.
Forrest, Jennifer. “Sadie Thompson Redux: Postwar Reintegration of the Wartime Wayward
Woman.” Dead Ringers: The Remake in Theory and Practice. Ed. Jennifer Forrest and
Leonard R. Koos. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. 169-202.
Forrest, Jennifer. “The (Con)Quest of the Other in Voyage au bout de la nuit.” Eds.
Rosemarie Scullion, Philip H. Solomon, and ThomasSpear. Céline and the Politics of
Difference. Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 1995. 120-139.
Other Publications:
Forrest, Jennifer. "Cirque." Dictionnaire Octave Mirbeau. Société Octave Mirbeau (2010)
< 369>.
Sivan, Pierre. “Caroline and Angélique: Seductresses of the French Screen.” Trans. Jennifer
Forrest. The Legend Returns and Dies Harder Another Day: Essays on Film Series.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2008. 197-209.