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Timeline is a trademark of Asmodee Group under license of Frédéric Henry

FREE SAMPLE, Game set up Discover the range:
NOT FOR RESALE Each player is dealt 3 cards facedown (dates
hidden) and places them in front of them.
Check and End of Game:
:If the card is correctly placed,
Draw the top card of the pile, flip it over, and
it remains where it is faceup.
place it in the center of the play area. This card
is the starting card of the timeline in which :If the card is not correctly placed,
the players will have to place their cards. discard it in the box. Then, the player
must draw the top card of the draw
Players play in turn clockwise.
pile and place it facedown next to their
The first player must place one of their other cards without flipping it over.
cards next to the starting card.
If a player is the only one to correctly
After placing their card, the player place their last card during a single round,
flips it over to check if the date is they are immediately declared winner.
correctly placed on the timeline:
If several players correctly place their
last card during a single round, they
keep playing and draw a card during Timeline is a trademark of Asmodee Group
Emergence of writing
Discovery of
planetary motion
19 1 2
Sinking of the Titanic
Creation of Facebook
each round until one of them correctly under license of Frédéric Henry
places their card during a single round.
Copernicus Mark Zuckerberg

A game published by Asmodee Group,

The latter is then declared the winner. 18 rue Jacqueline Auriol Quartier Villaroy
BP 40119 – 78041 Guyancourt FRANCE
Temporal gaps www.asmodee.com

-200 9 00
Invention of the Invention of the
Invention of glass bottle Invention of glass bottle
playing card playing card

1513 1683
Discovery of Discovery of Creation of the
planetary motion Creation of the croissant
planetary motion Copernicus croissant

1869 1961
Twenty Thousand Twenty Thousand
Leagues Under the Sea Leagues Under the Sea First man in space First man in space
Jules Verne Yuri Gagarin

Adrian Guallar [email protected] - #2200847 - 2023-03-03 06:00:25

Timeline is a trademark of Asmodee Group under license of Frédéric Henry

1971 1974
Invention of the video Invention of the video
game console game console Advent of hip-hop Advent of hip-hop
Ralph H. Baer

1977 2 00 4
Release of the motion Release of the motion
picture Star Wars picture Star Wars Creation of Facebook Creation of Facebook
George Lucas Mark Zuckerberg

-600 13 2 5
The construction of the The construction of the Foundation of Foundation of
Great Wall of China begins Great Wall of China begins Mexico-Tenochtitlan Mexico-Tenochtitlan

17 8 9 18 8 5
Declaration of the Rights Declaration of the Rights Construction of the Construction of the
of Man and of the Citizen of Man and of the Citizen world’s first skyscraper world’s first skyscraper
William Le Baron Jenney

Adrian Guallar [email protected] - #2200847 - 2023-03-03 06:00:25

Timeline is a trademark of Asmodee Group under license of Frédéric Henry

1912 19 3 9
Sinking of the Titanic Sinking of the Titanic World War II begins World War II begins

1947 1986
The Cold War begins The Cold War begins Chernobyl disaster Chernobyl disaster

1990 - 4 5 0 0 0 0
Release of Release of Control of fire by Control of fire by
Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela early humans early humans

-8000 -3400
Emergence of Emergence of
agriculture agriculture Emergence of writing Emergence of writing

Adrian Guallar [email protected] - #2200847 - 2023-03-03 06:00:25

Timeline is a trademark of Asmodee Group under license of Frédéric Henry

14 9 8 1590
Invention of the Invention of the Invention of the microscope Invention of the microscope
toothbrush toothbrush Zacharias Jansen

1612 17 6 9
Invention of the Invention of the Construction of the Construction of the
thermometer thermometer Galileo first automobile first automobile
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot

1876 1879
Invention of Invention of the telephone
Invention of Invention of the light bulb
the telephone Alexander Graham Bell the light bulb Thomas Edison

1902 1969
First man to walk First man to walk
Creation of the teddy bear Creation of the teddy bear on the Moon
Morris Michtom
on the Moon Neil Armstrong

Adrian Guallar [email protected] - #2200847 - 2023-03-03 06:00:25

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