Integrity Business Enterprise

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ii[~i!t l!Jj :
1. iltffi~ffm m\.,:iiEa ~~zE1~'- '=-~-
1ntegr i ty Business llertifica te is val id for three years fran the date
of evaluation .
2 iltffi~'lfmm~iiEllel~fi1l.ni11.1. flU~. •~••- ~- rut'ifl*t&l
l<J, 11lU'ill ffi
~UU;f fim~~ ~~ll<J .DIM~ mm~m *~~u~ .
M ffl ~1 f ~1t:lfl«t

lntevity Business llertifica te is Slbject to a review system, which is

for the duration of the period. After the review is qualified, a review
reviewed ar,u,l ly
seal wi II be stallied,
the certifica te can contirue to be used, and if the credit status changes,
BUSI NESS ENTE RPRI SE the certifica te
needs to be rlt"evaluat ed and replaced.
friJ:lt~SH7.Effl~m1Ji§~~I~~ 3.~~11 ?~~~~! 1(]. ~~J~i iE.¥-t twJlll ff.
If an enterprise chances the name of the enterprise within the validity
mJt-R- ~~iE:t liiTI±t-t period of this
certificat e, the person in charge of the enterprise IIIJS't brine the certifica te
tt~~~~~~m~~-~~~~-ffl~~~-~~ to the issuing unit for the cha,we procedure.
m~-~~tt~ □•-~~~~~. ~*~~~.~~~ 4. ,ll;iic=l!.RiiEll.ll~flWU!~tl(Jffifflttci, , i - ~ .
~~il& ffi~~ ~ffi~ ilLW t&;J;J : This certifica te only proves the credit status within the val id period
of the enterprise ,
and wi 11 not be used for other purposes.
5. ,ll;iiE~'.;f-fflit'&, u.
AAA This certifica te shall not be altered or lent.
I['QliGiJ\: :
Re-exam ination records: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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iiE~f.a~: HXZC202 022335
Certificate nunmer
~£BM ,~1=1 rna fr.@ ~· . ·--1'1&. 1,
Date of Issue
fl~JU!~ : 2023400iHBEJ
Date of expiry
~mlfifil : www.315g ov . cn ft!-=I-liE ~ pJffi~ ml $ It
Publio inquiry
,lit Evaluatl~ / Ltd.

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