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Lyceum of the Philippines University

College of Nursing


Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Side Nursing Monitoring

and Mechanism Effects/Adverse Responsibilities Parameters
of Actions Reaction
Brand Name: It is an antiulcer GERD/maintenance Contraindicated CNS: dizziness, - Advise patient to - Assess patient
agent and proton- of healing in erosive to patient with drowsiness, avoid alcohol routinely for
pump inhibitor. esophagitis. hypersensitivity to fatigue, and foods that epigastric or
Generic Name: Binds to an Duodenal ulcers omeprazole headache, may cause an abdominal
Omeprazole enzyme on gastric (with or without or related drugs weakness. increase in GI pain and frank or
parietal cells in anti-infectives for (benzimidazoles); CV: chest pain. irritation. occult blood in
Dosage: the presence Helicobacter pylori). Concurrent use of GI: clostridium - Instruct patient the stool,
40 mg of acidic gastric Short-term rilpivirine. Use difficile-associated to report emesis,
pH, preventing the treatment of active cautiously for diarrhea (cdad), bothersome or or gastric
Route: final transport benign gastric patient with abdominal pain, prolonged side aspirate.
IV of hydrogen ions ulcer. Pathologic hepatic acid regurgitation, effects, including - Monitor bowel
into the gastric hypersecretory impairment. constipation, skin problems function
Frequency: lumen. Effects: conditions, diarrhea, such as itching - Monitor CBC
BID Diminishes including Zollinger- flatulence, and rashes or GI with differential
accumulation of Ellison syndrome. nausea, effects such as periodically
acid in the gastric Reduction vomiting. nausea, during therapy.
lumen with of risk of GI F and E: diarrhea, - Monitor INR and
lessened bleeding in critically hypomagnesemia vomiting, prothrombin time
gastroesophageal ill patients. GU: acute constipation, in patients taking
reflux. Healing interstitial heartburn, warfarin.
of duodenal ulcers nephritis. flatulence, - Monitor serum
Skin: cutaneous abdominal pain. magnesium
lupus prior to and
erythematosus, periodically
itching, during therapy.
vitamin B12
MS: bone
Others: allergic
systemic lupus

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