ST Joseph'S International College: Physics (AS) Multiple Choice: Practice Test - March, 2023 - Grade 12

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Physics (AS) Multiple Choice: Practice Test – March, 2023 - Grade 12

Candidate Name: Marks:

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Read these instructions first:

• Answer all the questions.

• Total mark for this paper is 40.
• Any rough working should be done on this question paper.
• Electronic calculator may be used.


• Acceleration of free fall g = 9.81 ms–2

• Uniformly accelerated motion
𝑠 = 𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 2 𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 + 2𝑎𝑠

1. Which pair of quantities have the same S.I. base units?

a. Force, energy c. Power, work done
b. Moment, momentum d. Work done, moment
2. Only force acting on a bouncing ball is:
a. Gravity c. Friction
b. Weight of ball d. a and b both
3. Correct example of vector quantities could be:
a. Distance and Speed c. Distance and displacement
b. Displacement and velocity d. Speed and velocity
4. Moment of force depends upon:
a. Magnitude of force c. Both a and b
b. Perpendicular distance of force d. Axis of rotation
from pivot

5. If weight of a falling tennis ball is 1.0 N and drag force acting on it is 0.2 N, then resultant
force is:
a. 0.8 N c. 1 N
b. 0.5 N d. 2 N

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6. To replace a ball with another ball by collision, a snooker player must consider the
condition that:
a. The collision must be head on c. Both a and b
b. The moving ball must be given any d. No conditions required

7. If a trolley collides with a stationary trolley of double mass, then they move off with:
a. Half of the original velocity c. Double the original velocity
b. One third of original velocity d. Triple the original velocity
8. A rectangle-shaped open-to-sky tank of water has a length of 2 m and a width of 1 m. If
the atmospheric pressure is assumed to be 100 kPa and thickness of the tank walls is
assumed to be negligible, the force exerted by the atmosphere on the surface of water is:
a. 20 kN c. 100 kN
b. 50 kN d. 200 kN
9. Liquid A and liquid B exert same amount of pressure on each other, but the density of A
is twice the density of B. The height of liquid B is 10 cm, then the height of liquid A would
a. 5 cm c. 20 cm
b. 10 cm d. 40 cm
10. If the resultant vector forms an angle of 45°, then the two components are:
a. Parallel to each other c. Anti-parallel to each other
b. Perpendicular to each other d. Anti-perpendicular to each other
11. If the total kinetic energy and momentum of a system becomes zero after collision, then
the collision is:
a. Elastic c. Conserved
b. Inelastic d. Not conserved
12. Momentum of two identical objects moving with same speed but in opposite direction
upon collision is:
a. Increased c. Zero
b. Decreased d. Infinite
13. At terminal velocity the:
a. Air resistance and weight are equal c. Weight is more than air resistance
b. Air resistance is less than weight d. Air resistance is more than weight
14. Acceleration of a rocket having mass 5000 kg and resultant force acting on it is 200,000 N
a. 50 ms-2 c. 70 ms-2
b. 56 ms-2 d. 40 ms-2
15. Average power of all activities of our body is:
a. 111 W c. 116 W
b. 113 W d. 120 W

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16. Increase in kinetic energy of car having mass 800 kg and velocities ranging from 20 ms-1
to 30 ms-1 is:
a. 300 kJ c. 400 kJ
b. 500 kJ d. 200 kJ
17. The larger the mass of a moving object the:
a. Larger the acceleration produced c. Smaller than acceleration
b. Acceleration becomes constant d. Acceleration become zero

18. A rocket is fired upwards. As it accelerates upwards after leaving the launch pad, which
forms of energy are changing?
a. Chemical energy, gravitational potential energy, and kinetic energy
b. Chemical energy and gravitational potential energy only
c. Chemical energy and kinetic energy only
d. Gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy only

19. A motor of the lift provides a force of 20 kN which rises it by 18 m in 10 s, the output
power of motor is:
a. 36 kW c. 56 kW
b. 46 kW d. 66 kW
20. Work done by a person having weight 600 N and he needs to climb up a mountain of
height 2000 m is:
a. 1000 kJ c. 1400 kJ
b. 1300 kJ d. 1200 kJ
21. Energy transferred to stone of weight 10 N falling from top of 250 m high cliff is:
a. 250000 J c. 2500 J
b. 25000 J d. 250 J
22. The velocity graph of a motion starting from rest with uniform acceleration is a straight
a. Parallel to time axis
b. Parallel to velocity axis
c. Not passing through origin
d. Have none of the above characteristics

23. A particle starts with initial velocity 10 ms-1. It covers a distance of 20 m along a straight
into two seconds. What is the acceleration of the particle?
a. 0 c. 10 ms-2
b. 1 ms-2 d. 20 ms-2
24. A projectile is thrown with a velocity u. the maximum possible range of the projectile is:
a. 4u2/g c. u2/g
b. u2/2g d. 2u2/g

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25. The speed time graph of a particle is shown in the fig. what is the distance traveled from
t = 5 s to t = 10 s.

a. 100 m c. 25 m
b. 50 m d. 12.5 m
26. which of the following does not affect the maximum height attained by the projectile?
a. Magnitude of initial velocity c. Angle of the projectile
b. Acceleration of the projectile d. Mass of the projectile
27. A ball is thrown horizontally, and another is just dropped from the top of a tower. which
will reach the ground first:
a. First ball c. Both will reach simultaneously
b. Second ball d. Depend upon the mases of the balls
28. A bullet is fired horizontally with a velocity of 200 ms-1. If the acceleration due to gravity
is 10 ms-2., in the first second it falls through a height of:
a. 5 m c. 20 m
b. 10 m d. 200 m
29. Two balls of same mass are projected one vertically upwards and the other at angle 600
with the vertical with the same velocities. The ratio of their potential energy at the highest
point is:
a. 3:2 c. 4:1
b. 2:1 d. 4:3
30. A shell of mass M is moving with a velocity V. It explodes into two parts, and one of the
parts of mass m is left stationary. What will be the velocity of the other part?
a. MV/(M-m) c. mV/(M-m)
b. MV/(M+m) d. mV/(M+m)
31. A bullet is fired and gets embedded in block kept on table, then if table is frictionless:
a. Only K.E. is conserved c. Both are conserved
b. Only momentum is conserved d. None of these
32. The momentum of an object moving to the left is 28 kg ms-1. A force of magnitude 3.5 N
acts on the object to the right for a time of 2.0 s. What is the change in the momentum of
the object?
a. 7.0 kg ms-1 c. 28 kg ms-1
b. 21 kg ms-1 d. 35 kg ms-1

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33. An object is in equilibrium under the action of three coplanar forces F, R and W. The
diagram below shows the forces F and W.

The angle between F and W is 90°. Which row shows the correct magnitude of R and the
approximate direction of R?

34. A driver sees an obstacle ahead in the road at time t = 0 and then applies the brakes. The
velocity v against time t graph for the car is shown below.

Which row is correct?


35. A force of 12 N moves an object at an angle θ to the force. The object travels 9.6 m and
the work done by the force is 52 J. The angle is:
a. 1.10 c. 630
b. 270 d. 900

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36. A ball, made from scrunched-up paper, is dropped from rest at time t = 0. It reaches
terminal velocity before it hits the ground.
Which acceleration a against time t graph is correct for the ball in flight?

a b c d

37. Water of depth 9.0 cm is covered by oil of depth 5.0 cm in a measuring cylinder. The
density of the water is 1000 kg m–3 and the density of the oil is 800 kg m–3. What is the
total pressure exerted on the base of the measuring cylinder due to the oil and water?
a. 390 Pa c. 1200 Pa
b. 880 Pa d. 1300 Pa
38. A train, initially at rest at a station, has a uniform acceleration of 0.20 ms–2 until it reaches
a speed of 20 ms–1. It travels for a time at this constant speed and then has a uniform
deceleration of 0.40 ms–2 until it comes to rest at the next station. The distance between
the two stations is 3000 m.
a. 75 s c. 230 s
b. 150 s d. 300 s
39. An object of weight 15.0 N is pulled along a horizontal surface at a constant velocity of
2.00 ms–1. The force pulling the object is 12.0 N at 30.0 to the horizontal, as shown.

What is the power used to move the object?

a. 12.0 W c. 24.0 W
b. 20.8 W d. 30.0 W
40. The graph shows how quantity P varies with quantity Q for a body falling vertically
downwards in a uniform gravitational field with air resistance.
a. P: acceleration, Q: force of air resistance
b. P: acceleration, Q: time
c. P: velocity, Q: force of air resistance
d. P: velocity, Q: time

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