11th MCQs Solved - Repaired

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Pull of earthon a massof 20 kg on the surfaceof earthis

a. 19.6 N b. 20 N c. 196 N d. 1960 N
37. Inertia of a body is measuredin termsof
a. its mass b. its weight c. its force d. its velocity
38. To covermaximumhorizontaldistance,a long jumpermustjump at an angleof
a. 20o b. 30o c. 45o d. 60o
39. A collision in which K.E of a systemremainsconstantis called
a. inelasticcollision b. elastic collision c. both elasticandinelastic d. noneof these
40. Beforelaunchof a rocket,massof fuel of rocketconsistof approximately
a. 40 % of massof rocket b. 50 % of massof rocket c. 60 % of massof rocket d. 80 % of massof rocket
41. A particlecollideselasticallywith anotherparticleof samemassat rest,the velocity of incidentparticle
a. becomesdouble b. becomeszero c. remainssame d. samebut opposite
42. A projectilehasinitial velocity 9.8 m/s. The maximumheightgainedby the projectileis equalto
a. 4.9 m b. 9.8 m c. 19.6 m d. zero
43. For which pair of angle,the horizontalrangeof a projectileis equal
a. 30o & 60o b. 20o & 30o c. 40o & 60o d. 30o & 90o
44. Accelerationof a body moving with uniform velocity is
a. 9.8 m/s2 b. zero c. not zero d. variable
45. Accordingto 1HZWRQ¶V secondlaw of motion, the magnitudeof force is directly proportionalto
a. velocity b. acceleration c. inertia d. mass
46. The dimensionof force are
a. MLT -2 b. M 2LT -2 c. MT -2 d. ML 2T
47. The discussusedby an athletehasa massof 1 kg. Its weight in Newtonis
a. 100 N b. 98 N c. 80 N d. 9.8 N
48. Whena personreachesthe top of a high mountain
a. his massincreases b. his weight increases c. his massdecreases d. his weight slightly decreases
49. Accelerationof two objectsof different massesallowedto fall freely is
a. variable b. same c. different for different heights d. different fordifferent objects
50. In an elasticcollision of two bodieshavingequal masses
a. K.E is lost b. momentumis lost c. P.E.is lost d. K.E and momentum are conserved
51. Rangeof projectileis
a. 2 vi VLQJ b. 2 vi 2 VLQJ c. vi 2 VLQJ d. vi 2 VLQJ
52. Horizontalrangeof projectileis relatedwith maximumrangeaccordingto the relation
a. R = Rmax VLQ b. R = Rmax VLQJ c. Rmax = R VLQJ d. R = Rmax VLQ
53. The horizontalrangeof projectileat 30o with horizontalis sameat an angleof
a. 40o b. 45o c. 60o d. 90o
54. Waterflows out from a pipe at 3 kg/s andits velocity changesfrom 5m/sto zeroon striking the wall.
The force dueto waterflows is
a. 3 N b. 5 N c. 10 N d. 15 N
55. S.I. units of impulseis
a. kg m b. N s c. N d. kg m s
56. The unit of impulseis sameasthat of
a. force b. weight c. momentum d. acceleration
57. A cricket ball is hit so that it travelsto reachthe maximumheight44m, its initial velocity is
a. 10 m/s b. 15 m/s c. 29.4 m/s d. 12.2 m/s
1. The S.I unit of power
(a) joule (b) watt (c) newton (d) dyne
2. Photocellconvertslight energyinto
(a) Chemicalenergy (b) Electrical energy (c ) potentialenergy (d) heatenergy
3. Energystoredin a winding springis
(a) Elastic potential energy (b) Electricalenergy (c) Solarenergy (d) K.E
4. The S.I unite of work is
(a) joule (b) newton (c) BTU (d) dyne
5. The escapevelocity on the surfaceof earthis given by formula.
(a) √𝒈𝑹 (b) √2𝑔𝑅 (c) √2𝑟𝑅 (d) 2gR
6. If the directionof forcesis perpendicularto the directionof motion of a body, thework doneis
(a) Minimum (b) Maximum (c) Zero (d) Infinity
7. The dot productof force andvelocity is called
(a) Power (b) Work (c) Energy (d) force
8. The work will be negativewhenangleb/w force anddisplacement
(a) 45o (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 0o
9. Work donein a gravitationfield alonga closedpathis
(a) Zero (b) Maximum (c) positive (d) Negative
10. The sourceof tidal energyis
(a) Pull of earth (b) pull of sun (c) pull of moon (d) Noneof these.
11. The areaunderforce displacementgraphrepresents
(a) work done (b) power (c) force (d) momentum
12. The force which cannotdo work on the body on which it actsis called
(a) electricforce (b) frictional force (c) centripetal force (d) gravitational force
13. K.E canbe defined asthe dot productof
(a) momentumandforce (b) force andvelocity (c) avg. momentum and velocity (d) noneof these
14. 15 joulesof work is done in5 s, the poweris equalto
(a) 45 watt (b) 3 watt (c) 1/3 watt (d) 20 watt
15. If speedof a body is doubled,thenits K.E
(a) becomesdouble (b) remainssame (c) becomesfour times (d) becomeshalf
16. The escapevelocity of the objectfrom the earthsis
(a) 7.9 km/s (b) 11 km/s (c) 11.7 km/s (d) infinite
17. onekilowatt hour work is equalto
(a) 0.36 MJ (b) 3.6 MJ (c) 36 MJ (d) 360 MJ
18. The dimensionsof impulsearethe sameasthat of
(a) energy (b) work (c) power (d) momentum
19. As we movea body up abovethe surfaceof earth,the changeof P.E will alwaysbe
(a) negative (b) positive (c) zero (d) infinity
20. The K.E of a body of mass2 kg andmomentum2 Ns is equalto
(a) 1 J (b) 2 J (c) 3 J (d) 4 J
21. Geysersusuallyoccurin
a. cold region b. volcanic region c. mild hot region d. All of these
22. Whenspeedof a bodyis doubledits
a. K.E is doubled b. P.E is doubled c. Momentum is doubled d. Noneof these
23. An objectof mass3 kg placedon the surfaceof table2 m high. It is movedon the surfaceby 4 m the changein
a. Zero b. 9.8 J c. 19.6 J d. 329 J
24. The work doneby a variableforce in moving an objectbetweentwo pointsis equalto areaunder
a. F vs d curve b. Fcos vs d curve c. Fsin vs d curve d. zero
25. The tidal energyis dueto the pull of
(a) Sun (b) earth (c) moon (d) All of these
26. The work donewill be maximumif the anglebetweenforce F anddisplacementd
(a) 45o (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 0o
27. The dimensionsof work are
(a) MLT -1 (b) MLT -2 (c) ML 2T -2 (d) MLT
28. The field in which work donein moving a body alonga closedpathis zero,is called
(a) Electricfield (b) magneticfield (c) gravitationalfield (d) conservativefield
29. If a body of massof 2 kg is raisedvertically through2m thenthe work donewill be
(a) 38.2 J (b) 39.2 J (c) 40 J (d) 392.1 J
30. The ability or capacityto do work is called
(a) force (b) power (c) kinetic energy (d) energy
31. The energyconsumedby 60 watt bulb in 2 secondsis
(a) 120 J (b) 60 J (c) 30 J (d) 0.02 J
32. The valueof accelerationdueto gravity at centerof earthis
(a) Zero (b) 9.8 m/s2 (c) infinity (d) Maximum
33. Work doneby the frictional force is
(a) 9.8 m/s2 (b) Zero (c) Negative (d) positive
34 The kinetic energyof a 50 gm. bullet moving at a speedof 500 m/s is
(a) 2500 J (b) 1250 J (c) 25000J (d) None of these
35. All the frictional forcesare
(a) Conservativeforces (b) Non-Conservative ( c) Constantforces (d) Noneof these.
36. Kilowatt hour is unit of
(a) power (b) work (c) force (d) momentum
37. 1 kWh energyis equalto
(a) 3.6 J (b) 3.6x105 J (c) 3.6x104 J (d) 3.6 MJ
38. The energystoredby the waterin damis
(a) heatenergy (b) P.E (c) K.E (d) nuclearenergy
39. The work doneby a force 100 N appliedparallelto directionof motion upto 20 m is
(a) 10 J (b) 20 J (c) 200 J (d) 2000 J
40. A 60 kg manrunsup a long stairsin 5 seconds.If he coversa heightof 5 m anda horizontal distanceof 10 m,
his power
a. 490 watt b. 250 watt c. 588 watt d. 2450watt
41. The intensityof the solar energyreachingthe HDUWK¶V
surfaceis about:
a. 1.4 KWm -2 b. 1.6 KWm-2 c. 1.8 KWm-2 d.1.0KWm-2
42. The dimensionratio of work to poweris
a. J b. T c. L d. KWH
43. The ratio betweenorbital andescapevelocitiesare
a. 1 b. 2 𝟏
c. √2 d.
44. Which oneis the biggestunit of energy?
a. Erg b. joule c. watt hour d. Kilowatt hour
45. A stoneis thrown up from the surfaceof the earth,whenit reachesat maximumheight,its K.E. is
a. mghto b. ½ mv2 c. zero d. 2 mgh
46. The force which cannot do work on the body on which it actsis called
a. electricforce b. frictional force c. gravitationalforce d. centripetal force
47. 9 joulesof work is donein 3sec thenpoweris
a. 6 watt b. 3 watt c. 18 watt d. 2 watt
48. The valueof solarconstantis
a. 1.4 KWm -2 b. 1.6 KWm-2 c. 1.8 KWm-2 d.1.0KWm-2
49. Whensunlight entersinto atmosphereits total energyreducesdueto
a. reflectionfrom dustparticles b. absorptionfrom dustparticles
c. scatteringfrom dustparticles d. All of these
50. AbsoluteP.E of an objectat infinite heightw.r.t. earthis takenas
a. negative b. zero c. minimum d. virtual
51. The sourcesof geothermalenergyis / are
a. radioactivedecay b. residualheatof earth c. compressionof materials d. All of these
52. The mostcommonmethod for conversionof biomassinto fuel is/are
a. direct combustion b. fermentation c. both a & b d. noneof these
53. The strongwaterwaveson the surfaceof oceanareproduceddueto
a. wind b. tidal movements c. pull of sun d. both a & b
54. The work doneon a body will be negativewhen angleb/w force anddisplacementis
a. lessthan90o b. greater than 90o c. equalto 90o d. equalto zero
55. Which of the following is conservativeforce
a. gravitationalforce b. magneticforce c. electricforce d. all of these
56. Which of the following is non-conservativeforce
a. elasticspringforce b. electric force c. propulsion force d. gravitationalforce
57. Which of the following sourcesis renewablesource of energy
a. tides b. coal c. natural gas d. oil

1. Whena body movesalonga circular path,it velocity
(a) remainssame (b) becomezero (c) changescontinuously (d) sometimechanges
2. The S.I unit of angulardisplacementis
(a) degree (b) radian (c) revolution (d) meter
3. A body rotatingin a circle of radius1m with an angularspeed10 rad/shasthe tangentialvelocity
(a) 2 m/s (b) 5 m/s (c) 10 m/s (d) 20 m/s
4. Oneradianis equalto
(a) 67.3o (b) 60o (c) 57.3o (d) 47.3o
5. The momentof inertia is measuredin
(a) kg m2 (b) kgm-2 (c) Ns (d) rad s-1
6. The momentof inertia for ring or hoopis
(a) mr 2 (b) 2/5 mr2 (c) ½ mr2 (d) 1/12 mr2
7. If a personsitting on a rotatingstool with his arm outstretched,contractshis arms,his angularspeed
(a) decreases (b) increases (c) remainsconstant (d) becomeszero
8. Everypoint of rotatingrigid body hassame
(a) angular velocity (b) linear velocity (c) linear acceleration (d) linear distance
9. Angular momentumis maximum,whenanglebetweenlinear momentumandmomentis
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
10. Whena bodyis rotatingwith constantangularvelocity, it tangentialaccelerationis
(a) Zero (b) maximum (c) minimum (d) noneof these
11. A diver changeshis body positionto conservethe
(a) angularvelocity (b) linear velocity (c) linear acceleration (d) angular momentum
12. A disc rolls down an inclined plane,it has
(a) translationalK.E (b) rotationalK.E (c) GravitationalP.E (d) all of these
13. Whena body is moving in upwarddirectionwith an accelerationµa¶ it apparentweight
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) equalto real weight (d) becomeszero
14. A beakerwith wateris placedon the rotatingtable.Whenwaterin the beakeris increasedthenits angularvelocity
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) unchanged (d) becomeszero
15. Whena sphererolls down an inclined plane,its gravitationalP.E is convertedinto
(a) translationK.E (b) rotationalK.E (c) both a & b (d) noneof these
16. OneGeoStationarysatellitecoversa longitudeof
(a) 110o (b) 120o (c) 125o (d) 130o
17. For normalgravitationalfield, gravity obeys
(a) 1HZWRQ¶V first law (b) 1HZWRQ¶V secondlaw (c) 1HZWRQ¶VWKLUG law (d) inverse square law
18. If a car moveswith a uniform speedof 2 m/s in a circle of radius0.4 m, its angularspeedis
(a) 5 rad/s (b) 4 rad /s (c) 0.8 rad /s (d) 0.2 rad /s
19. For a particlemoving in a horizontalcircle with constantangularvelocity
(a) linear momentumis constantbut energyvaries (b) energyis constantbut linear momentumvaries
(c) both energy and linear momentum are constant (d) neitherenergynor linear momentumareconstant
20. The numberof satelliteswhich makeglobal positioningsystemare
(a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 24 (d) 48
21. Whena bodymoves alonga circular path,the anglebetweenits linear velocity andangularvelocity is
(a) zero (b) 30o (c) 90o (d) 180o
22. The angularmomentumL is definedby the equation
(a) L = mv (b) L = r x F (c) L = p x r (d) L = r x p
23. The anglesubtendedby the circumferenceof a circle of radiusr is given by
(a) Œ (b) Œ (c) Œ (d) Œr
24. The momentof inertia for a disc is given by
(a) mr2 (b) 2/5 mr2 (c) ½ mr 2 (d) 1/12 mL2
25. Whena stoneis whirled in a horizontalcircle with the help of a string, centripetalforce is suppliedby
(a) massof stone (b) tension in string (c) velocity of stone (d) centripetal acceleration
26. The centripetalforce performs
(a) maximumwork (b) minimum work (c) negativework (d) no work
27. Whenthe force is appliedparallelto the axis of rotationof a body thenangularmomentumis
(a) maximum (b) minimum (c) zero (d) cannotbe fined
28. A diver stretcheshis armsandlegsin orderto increaseshis
(a) angular velocity (b) momentof inertia (c) angularacceleration (d) angularmomentum
29. The mud flies off the tyre of a moving bicycle in the directionof
(a) centreof wheel (b) tangent to the wheel (c) motion of the wheel (d) noneof these
30. Whena body is moving in downwarddirectionwith an accelerationµD¶it apparentweight is
(a) ma + mg (b) mg-ma (c) mg (d) zero
31. The SI units of angularmomentumare
(a) kg m s-1 (b) kg m s-2 (c) kg m2 s-1 (d) kg m2 s-2
32. Which of the following pair of physicalquantitiesdoesnot havesamedimensions
(a) torqueandenergy (b) momentumandimpulse
(c) energyand work (d) massand moment of inertia
33. The valueof g is maximum
(a) at equator (b) at poles (c) at centreof earth (d) betweenpole andequator
34. If a car moveswith a uniform speedof 40 m/s in a circle of radius0.4 m, its angularspeedis
(a) 0.01 rad/s (b) 16 rad /s (c) 20 rad /s (d) 100 rad /s
35. As we go below the surfaceof earth,the valueof g
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remainsconstant (d) reducesto zero
36. The numberof geostationarysatellitesto cover whole earthare
(a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 24 (d) 30
37. Whena body is moving alonga circular path,thensucha motion is called
(a) Vibratory motion (b) rotatory motion (c) linear motion (d) noneof these
38. Angular displacementis
(a) Scalarquantity (b) vector quantity (c) basicquantity (d) noneof thee
39. If the arc lengthof a circle equalsits radius,thenthe anglesubtendedat the centerwill be
(a) 1 degree (b) onerevolution (c) one radian (d) half revolution
40. Time rateof changeof angularvelocity called
(a) linear acceleration (b) angular acceleration (c) centripetalacceleration (d) vibration velocity
41. If the body is moving anticlockwisedirection,the directionof angularaccelerationis
(a) along the axis of rotation (b) perpendicularto the axis of rotation
(c) oppositeto axis of rotation (d) noneof these
42. The momentof inertia is analogueto
(a) mass (b) torque (c) force (d) momentum
43. In caseof planets,centripetalforce is providedby
(a) &RXORPE¶V force (b) electrostaticforce (c) gravitational force (d) magneticforce
44. The ratio of momentof inertia of disc andhoopis
a. 1/4 b. 4/2 c. 3/4 d. 1/2
45. Thetendencyof a rotatingobjectto continuerotatingis called
a. its linear momentum. b. its moment of inertia .
c. its torque. d. its angularmomentum.
46.The weight of a body falling freely will be
a. mg + Πr v b. mg - Πr v c. mg d. zero
47.The minimum velocity requiredto put a satelliteinto orbit, is
(a) 5.9 km s-1 (b) 6.9 km s-1 (c) 7.9 km s-1 (d) 8.9 km s-1
48.The expressionfor the orbital speedof a satelliteis
(a) [Gr/M] 1/2 (b) [M/Gr] 1/2 (c) [r/GM] 1/2 (d) [M G/r] 1/2
49.The apparentweight of a manin a lift moving down with an accelerationof 9.8 m/s2 is
(a) zero (b) 9.8 N (c) 19.6 N (d) infinity
50.The rotationalK.E of disc andhoopis
(a) ½ ,& (b) ½ I & 2 (c) 2I&2 (d) ½ I2&
51.The linear velocity of disc moving down an inclined planeis
1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
(a) [gh] (b) [4/3 gh] (c) [2/3 gh] (d) [gh/2]
52.A Geostationarysatelliteabovethe surfaceof earthis at the heightof
(a) 27300km (b) 30000km (c) 36000km (d) 42300km
1. Waterflows througha non-uniform pipe. The pressurewill be low where
(a) Speedis low (b) Speedis high (c) Speedis Zero (d) Noneof these
2. The maximumdragforce on a spherefalling with uniform velocity is 9.8N, its weight is
(a) 1N (b) 9.8 N (c) 19.8 N (d) zero
3. Generallythe blood pressureof a person
(a) remainsconstant (b) increaseswith age (c) decreases with age (d) noneof these
4. Humanblood pressureis measuredin torr and1 torr =
(a) 133.6Nm-2 (b) 1.33.5 Nm -2
(c) 133.4Nm-2 (d) 133.3 Nm-2
5. Venturi meteris usedto measure
(a) speed (b) pressure (c) viscosity (d) P.E
6. Equationof continuity is anotherform of law of conservationof
(a) mass (b) energy (c) momentum (d) All of these
7. The terminalvelocity of fog droplet is very small dueto its
(a) Small mass (b) temperature (c) viscosity (d) noneof
8. For an ideal fluid in flow, the streamlinesare
(a) parallel (b) perpendicular (c) anti-parallel (d) intersecteachother
9. In case offlying aeroplane,the pressureof the air abovethe wings is bottomof the wing
(a) equalto (b) greaterthan (c) lessthan (d) noneof these
10. The high valueof the humanblood pressureis called
(a) Systolic pressure (b) Diastolic pressure (c) Normal pressure (d) Noneof these
11. Swing in the cricket ball is produceddueto
(a) Difference of air pressure (b) Spin of the ball (c) Deflectingforce (d) All of these
12. The equationF = Πr # is called
(a) 1HZWRQ¶V Law (b) 6WRNH¶V Law (c) 2KP¶VLaw (d) )DUDGD\¶V Law
13. The smoothor steadyflow of a fluid is called
(a) turbulentflow (b) laminar flow (c) simpleflow (d) fast flow
14. If speed ofbody in a fluid increasesthendragforce on it
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remainssame (d) becomeszero
15. Sphygmomanometer is usedto measure
(a) Speed (b) Pressure (c) Viscosity (d) P.E.
16. Law of conservationof energyis usedto derive
(a) %HUQRXOOL¶V equation (b)Venturerelation (c) 7RUULFHOOL¶V equation (d) Equationof Continuity
17. Whentemperatureincreases,the viscosityof the fluid
(a) decreases (b) increases (c) remainsconstant (d) becomeszero
18. The S.I. units of flow rate are
(a) m2s-1 (b) m3s-2 (c) m3s-1 (d) m2s-2
19. The terminalvelocity in caseof sphericaldropletis proportionalto
(a) square of radius (b) radius (c) cubeof radius (d) squareroot of radius
20. The dimensionsof co-efficient of viscosityare
(a) MLT -1 (b) MLT -2 (c) M L -1T -1 (d) ML 2T-1
21. If a sphereobjectis falling with uniform velocity, thenits weight is
(a) equal to drag for ce (b) greaterthandragforce (c) lessthandragforce (d) zero
22. 6WRNH¶V law holdsfor
(a) motion throughfree space (b) motion through viscousmedium
(c) bodiesof all shapes (d) all medium
23. Which of the following hasminimum viscosity
(a) air (b) blood (c) water (d) glycerin
24. The deviceusedfor the measurement of liquid flow is
(a) manometer (b) barometer (c) hydrometer (d) venturi meter
25. The low valueof the normalhumanblood pressureis called
(a) Systolicpressure (b) Diastolic pressure (c) Normal pressure(d) lesspressure
26. The mathematicalrelationv2 = is known as
(a) equationof continuity (b) %HUQRXOOL¶Vequation (c) 7RUULFHOOL¶V theorem (d) venturerelation
27. A pieceof ice is floating in a jar containingwater.Whenthe ice melts,thenthe level of water
(a) rises (b) falls (c) remains unchanged (d) rise of fall dependsuponthe massof ice
28. In equationof continuity the units of Av is
(a) Cubic meter (b) cubic meter /s (c) m2/s (d) squaremeter
29. The dragforce on asphericalobject falling throughthe air
(a) increaseswith increaseof speed (b) increaseswith decreaseof speed
(c) no changein dragforce with changeof speed (d) decreases with increaseof sizeof object
30. The pressureenteredby a columnof mercury76 cmhigh and at0oC is called
(a) 1 atm (b) 1 N m-2 (c) 1 pascal (d) noneof these
31. For which positionwill the maximumblood pressurein the body havesmallestvalue
(a) standingupright (b) sitting (c) lying horizontally (d) standingon RQH¶V head
32. The maximumvelocity attainedby a sphericaldropletwhenthe dragforce F andthe weight of the dropletW
becomeequalis called
(a) averagevelocity (b) root meansquarevelocity (c) uniform velocity (d) terminal velocity
33. Generallyat highervelocitiesthe flow is
(a) laminar (b) turbulent (c) very slow (d) very fast
34. The frictional effect betweendifferent layersof moving fluid is called
(a) density (b) pressure (c) force (d) viscosity
35. Normally humanblood densityis equalto
(a) 111 kg m-3 (b) 133.3kg m-3 (c) 80-120 kg m-3 (d) waterdensity
36. A fluid is calledideal fluid if
(a) it is non-viscous (b) it is incompressible (c) it haslaminarflow (d) all of these
37. The velocity of efflux is measuredby the relation
(a) (gh)1/2 (b) (gh /2)1/2 (c) (2gh)1/2 (d) (4/3gh)1/2
38. A two meterhigh tank is full of water.A hole is madeat the its middle. The speedof efflux
(a) 3.75 m/s (b) 4.42 m/s (c) 4.91 m/s (d) 5.11 m/s
39. The irregularflow of a fluid is called
(a) turbulent flow (b) laminarflow (c) steadyflow (d) simpleflow
40. Humanblood pressureis measuredin
(a) N m-2 (b) mm (c) N m (d) cm
41. Densityof wateris
(a) 10000kg m-3 (b) 1000kg m-3 (c) 100 kg m-3 (d) 10 kg m-3
42. High concentrationof red blood cells increasesthe viscosityof blood from
(a) 1-2 times (b) 2-3 times (c) 3-4 times (d) 3-5 times
43. Venturi duct in the carburetorof a car engineis usedto
(a) mix patrol andair (b) decreasepressure (c) both a & b (d) noneof these
44. Humanblood
(a) is compressible (b) is incompressible (c) haslargeviscosity (d) hasdensityequalto patrol
45. Whenthe streamlinesof the fluid arecloserto eachother,the pressureat that point
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remainsconstant (d) becomeszero
46. The diameterof a pipe is 20 cm. it cross-sectionalareais
(a) 3.14 cm2 (b) 314 cm2 (c) 3140cm2 (d) 0.314cm2
47. %HUQRXOOL¶V theoremis valid for
(a) laminarflow (b) turbulentflow (c) both a & b (d) irregularflow
48. Whenwaterentersto a pipe of smallerareafrom a pipe havinglargerarea,its
(a) pressureremainsconstant (b) pressureincreases (c) speedincreases (d) speeddecreases
49. Drag force actson a bodymoving througha fluid
(a) alongthe motion of body (b) perpendicularto the motion of body
(c) oppositeto the motion of body (d) at 60 degreeangleto the directionof motion of body
50. 30 kg of waterflows out from a pipe in60 s.The massflow per secondof wateris
(a) 2 kg/s (b) 0.5 kg/s (c) 180 kg/s (d) 1800kg/s
51. The S.I units of coefficientof viscosityare
(a) kg m-1 s-1 (b) kg m2 s-2 (c) kg m s-2 (d) N m s2
52. If volumeof a sphereincreasesthenterminalvelocity
(a) remainssame (b) increases (c) decreases (d) noneof these
53. Terminal velocity is directly proportionalto
(a) massof object (b) squareof radiusof object (c) both a&b (d) inverselyproportionalto radiusof object
54. Which of the following hashighestviscosity
(a) water (b) milk (c) honey (d) glycerin

1. The maximumdistance ofvibrating body from the meanpositionwhenthe body is executingSHM is called
a. displacement b. time period c. frequency d. amplitude
2. The sharpnessof resonanceis proportionalto damping
a. directly b. exponentially c. inversely d. not related
3. The waveform of body executingSHM is
a. pulsedwave b. sine wave c. squarewave d. cosinewave
4. The time periodof secondpendulumis
a. 1 s b. 2 s c. 3 s d. 4 s
5. The formula for frequencyof simplependulumis
1 𝑙 𝐥 𝑔 1 𝑔
a. √𝑔 b. Œ√ c. Œ √ d. √𝑙
2𝜋 𝐠 𝑙 2𝜋

6. A simpleharmonicoscillatorcompletes30 vibrationsin 5 seconds.Its frequencyis

a. 30 Hz b. 150Hz c. 6 Hz d. 5 Hz
7. The processin which energyis dissipatedfrom oscillationsystemis known as
a. Damping b. Conduction c. Convection d. Thermionic
8. The vibration of a factory floor causedby the runningof heavymachineryis anexampleof
a. Forced vibration b. Freevibration c. both a & b d. Noneof these
9. [T -1] is the dimensionof
a. Time b. Frequency c. Force d. Acceleration
10. Heatingis producedin a microwaveovenby the phenomena
a. Total InternalReflection b. Refraction c. Resonance d. Dispersion
11. If massof the bob of a pendulumis doubled,its period
a. becomeshalf b. becomesonethird c. becomesdoubled d. remains same
12. Time periodof horizontalmassspringsystemis given by
𝐦 k 1 m 1 k
a. 𝟐𝛑√ EŒ √ c. √k d. √
𝐤 m 2π 2π m

13. A systemundergoing forcedvibrationsis known as

a. simple pendulum b. simpleharmonicoscillator c. 2nd pendulum d. Driven harmonic oscillator
14. Dampingis a processwherebyenergyis from the oscillatingsystem
a. conserved b. dissipated c. both a & b d. noneof these
15. If projection Nstartsit motion from upperextremeandsubtendsan angleof 45o , thentotal phaseis
a. 45o b. 90o c. 120o d. 135o
16. The angularspeedof the massattachedto a springis
𝑚 𝑘 1 𝑚 𝟏 𝒌
a. 2𝜋√ EŒ √𝑚 c. √𝑘 d. √
𝑘 2𝜋 𝟐𝝅 𝒎

17. Whena particleis moving alonga circular path, its projectionperforms alongthe diameter.
a. linear motion b. vibratory motion c. SHM d. rotatorymotion
18. In SHM the velocity of a particleis maximumat
a. mean position b. extremeposition c. betweenmeanandextreme d. noneof these
19. Time periodof simplependulumis independentof
a. mass b. length c. accelerationdueto gravity d. restoringforce
20. If F = 0.08 Nand x =4cm thenK is equalto
a. 8 N/m b. 6 N/m c. 4 N/m d. 2 N/m
21. The productof time periodandfrequencyis
a. zero b. 1 FΠd. 2
22. The oscillationin which amplitudedecreasedsteadilywith the time arecalled
a. naturaloscillations b. damped oscillations c. free oscillations d. forcedoscillations
23. If time periodof simplependulumis 2s,it frequencywill be
a. 1 Hz b. 1.5Hz c. 0.5Hz d. 2 Hz
24. The time periodof simplependulumdependsupon
a. length of pendulum b. massof bob c. amplitudeof pendulum d. massof thread
25. If the amplitudeof the simplependulumis doubled,its time period
a. becomesonehalf b. becomesonethird c. becomesdoubled d. remains constant
26. S.I unit of springconstantK are
a. m-1 b. N m-1 c. N m-2 d. N m2
27. Lengthof simplependulumwhosetime periodis 1 s.
a. 0.25 m b. 25 m c. 100 m d. 0.25 cm
28. The waveform of a body performingSHM is
a. Squarewave b. sine wave c. circular wave d. pulse
29. The force responsiblefor producingthe vibratory motion in simplependulumis
a. mg cos b. mg sin c. mg tan d. mg
30. The amplitudeof a body, performingSHM, at resonance
a. is maximum b. is minimum c. remainsconstant d. becomeszero
31. The frequencyof horizontalmassspringsystemis given by
𝒎 𝑘 1 𝑚 1 𝑘
a. 𝟐𝝅√ EŒ √𝑚 c. √𝑘 d. √
𝒌 2𝜋 2𝜋 𝑚
32. The restoringforce in SHM is always
a. directed towards mean position b. directedawayfrom meanposition
c. directedat angleof 60o d. directedat angleof 45o
33. If projection Nstartsits motion from lower extremeandsubtendsa further angleof 45o , thentotal phase
is a. 180o b. 270o c. 290o d. 315o
34. Whena simpleharmonicoscillatoris at its meanposition,its
a. K.E is maximum b. P.E. is maximum c. K.E. is zero d. K.E. is minimum
35. Shockabsorbersof a car is a practicalexampleof
a. SHM b. forcedoscillations c. damped oscillations d. resonance
36. If the springof springconstantK is cut into two piecesthenspringconstantof eachspringis
a. K b. 2K c. K/2 d. noneof these
37. Tuning of radio is a bestexampleof
a. mechanicalresonance b. electrical resonance c. magneticresonance d. all of these
38. The to & fro motion of a body abouta meanpositionis called
a. Linear motion b. Oscillatory motion c. Rotatorymotion d. noneof these
39. The max. K.E of a massattachedto a springandpassingthroughits meanpositionis given by
a. (K.E)max = k xo b. (K.E)max = k xo2 c. (K.E)max = (k xo)2 d. (K.E) max = (1/2) k xo2
40. A body executeSHM, its P.E.,K.E andtotal energy(T.E) aremeasuredasa function of displacementx. Which of
the following statementis true?
a. T.E = 0 whenx=0 b. K.E is maximumwhenx is maximum
c. P.E ismaximumwhenx = 0 d. K.E is maximum when x = 0
41. A body is executingSHM. What fraction of its total energywill be kinetic energywhenits displacementfrom
the meanposition half of its displacement?
a. 1/2 b. 3/2 c. 3/4 d. 1/4
42. A body is executingSHM motion with an amplitudeA, the total displacementcoveredin a time equalto its Time-
periodwill be
a. A b. 4A c. 2A d. zero
43. Which of the following is an exampleof dampedoscillation?
a. massattachedto spring b. simplependulum c. shockabsorberof a car d. All of these
44. The frequencyof a second'spendulumis
a. 1 Hz b. 05 Hz c. 1.5Hz d. 2 Hz
45. The accelerationof a bodyperformingSHM dependsuponits
a. mass b. time period c. amplitude d. displacement
46. If µI¶is the frequencyof a body performingSHM, its angularfrequencyis given by
a. ŒI b. ŒI c. ŒI d. ŒI
47. If massof simplependulumbecomesdouble,thenits time periodwill be
a. double b. half c. four times d. remains same
1. Whena wavereflectsfrom boundaryof the raremedium,the reflectedwave,phasechangewill be
a. 0o b. 60o c. 90o d. 180o
2. The distancebetweenthe two consecutivenodesis
a. E c. d.
3. The speedof soundin vacuumis
a. Zero b. 300 m/s c. 332m/s d. 340 m/s
4. At what temperaturethe speedof soundin air becomesdouble.
a. 750o b. 819o c. 719o d. 859o
5. If the tensionis madefour times,the speedof the transversewaveswill become
a. double b. threetimes c. four times d. remainsconstant
6. If the pressureof the gasis doubled,the velocity of soundin it will be
a. doubled b. threetimes c. four times d. remains constant
7. Redshift indicatesthat the stars
a. is moving towardsearth b. is moving away from earth
c. is stationary d. noneof these
8. Soundwavestravel fasterin
a. solid b. liquid c. gasses d. vacuum
9. Two wavescaninterfereonly if they have
a. phasecoherence b. samespeed c. different frequencies d. all of these
10. The speedof soundis independentof
a. temperature b. density c. pressure d. medium
11. The error in the valueof speedof soundcalculatedby Newtonat STP isabout
a. 14% b. 15 % c. 16% d. 18 %
12. The speedof soundis greaterin solidsdueto high
a. density b. temperature c. elasticity d. pressure
13. The wavesof equalfrequencytravelingin oppositedirectiongive rise to
a. interference b. diffraction c. stationary waves d. beats
14. At the openendof an organpipe
a. nodesis formed b. anti-node is formed
c. nodeor anti-nodeis formed d. neithernodenor anti-nodeis
15. Fixed endsof a vibrating string are formed
a. nodes b. antinodes c. overtones d. neithernodesnor anti-nodes
16. The louderthe sound,the greaterwill be its
a. amplitude b. wavelength c. speed d. frequency
17. Typesof wavesusedin Sonarare
a. electromagneticwaves b. waterwaves c. matterwaves d. soundwaves
18. For eachdegreerise in Celsiustemperatureof gas,the speedof soundthroughit increasesby
a. 0.60m/s b. 0.61m/s c. 0.60cm/s d. 0.60cm/s
19. The speedof soundhasmaximumvaluein
a. oxygen b. helium c. hydrogen d. air
20. If 20 wavespassthrougha mediumin 1 secondwith a speedof 20 m/s thenwavelengthis
a. 20 m b. 40 m c. 400 m d. 1 m
21. Frequencyof the wavesfor an organpipe openat oneendis
a. nv / 2 b. nv / 4 c. nv / 3 d. 4 / nv
22. Whena wavereflectsfrom the boundaryof the densermedium,reflectedwave,phasechangewill be
a. 0o b. 60o c. 90o d. 180o
23. If the pressureof the gasis doubled,the velocity of soundin it will be
a. doubled b. threetimes c. four times d. remains constant
24. Dopplereffect is applicableto
a. soundwaves b. light waves c. both a & b d. noneof these
25. Soundwavescannotbe
a. diffracted b. refracted c. reflected d. polarized
26. Whensourceof soundmovesawaythe wavelengthof soundwaves
a. increases b. decreases c. remainsconstant d. noneof these
27. Blue shift indicatesthat the stars
a. is moving towards earth b. is moving awayfrom earth c. is stationary d. none
27. Frequencyof the wavesfor organ pipeopenat both endsis
a. nv / 2 b. nv / 4 c. nv / 3 d. 4 / nv
28. The particlesvelocity at nodesof the stationarywavesis
a. maximum b. minimum c. zero d. sometimesminimum andsometimesmaximum
29. On loadingthe prongof a tuning fork, its frequency
a. remainsconstant b. increases c. decreases d. sometimeincreasessometimedecreases
30. The speedof the wavesproducedin the stretchedstring dependsuponthe
a. tensionin string b. massper unit lengthof string c. lengthof string d. both a & b
31. Two tuning forks havingfrequencies512 Hz and516 Hz aresoundedtogether,the beatfrequencyis
a. 1 Hz b. 2 Hz c. 3 Hz d. 4 Hz
32. The distancebetweentwo consecutivenodesor two consecutiveantinodesin stationarywavesis
a. b. F G
33. Two wavesof equalfrequencytravelling in samedirectiongive rise to phenomena,called
a. interference b. beats c. compressionwaves d. stationarywaves
34. The wavelengthof the fundamentalmodeof stationarywavesproducedin an organpipe closedat oneendis
a. • 2 E• c. • d. •
35. Newtoncalculatedspeedof soundin air at STPequalto
a. 250m/s b. 280m/s c. 300m/s d. 333m/s
36. Increasein velocity of soundin air for every1 oC rise in temperatureis
a. 1.61m/s b. 0.61m/s c. 16.1m/s d. 2.0m/s
37. Silencezonetakesplacedueto
a. constructiveinterference b. destructive interference c. stationarywaves d. beats
38. Radaris a practicalapplicationof
a. stationarywaves b. beats c. Doppler effect d. noneof these
39. Wavelengthof x-raysis of the orderof
a. 10-10 m b. 10-8 m c. 10-6 m d. 10-4 m
40. The speedof soundin air is at 0oC is 330 m/s. Itsspeedat 2oC is
a. 333.2m/s b. 335m/s c. 330m/s d. noneof these
41. The beatsareformedwhentwo notesof frequenciesf 1 and f2 (f 1 > f2) aresounded together, thenbeatf will be
a. f 1 + f 2 b. f1 - f 2 c. (f 1 + f2) / 2 d. (f 1 - f 2) / 2
42. The waveswhich do not requireany mediumfor their propagationarecalled
a. mechanicalwaves b. electromagneticwaves c. matterwaves d. stationarywaves
43. Propagationof soundwavesthroughair is
a. isothermalprocess b. adiabatic process c. isochoricprocess d. noneof these
44. The densityof oxygenis 16 times greaterthanhydrogen.The speedof soundin hydrogen greaterthan
a. 2 times b. 3 times c. 4 times d. 16 times
45. Fundamentalfrequencyof stationarywavesproducedin stretchstring is 30 Hz. Frequencyof fourth harmonicsis
a. 30 Hz b. 60Hz c. 90Hz d. 120Hz
46. Whensourceandobserveraremoving in samedirectionwith samespeed, the apparentfrequencywill
a. increase b. decrease c. remain same d. becomeszero
47. Whenobservermovesawayfrom a stationarysourcewith a speedequalspeedof sound,apparentfrequencywill
a. decrease b. increase c. remainsame d. becomezero
48. Whensourcemovestowardsa stationaryobserverwith a speedequalspeedof sound,apparentfrequencybecome
a. double b. four time c. half d. one byfour
49. The ultrasonichavethe frequencies
a. in audiblerange b. below20 Hz c. above20,000Hz d. noneof these
50. The ratio of speedof soundin hydrogento the speedof soundin oxygenis
a. 4:1 b. 1:4 c. 8:1 d. 1:8
51. Soundwavesare
a. longitudinal wavesb. transversewaves c. stationarywaves d. standingwaves
52. Two tuning forks producetwo beatsin the time interval of 0.4 s, so beatfrequencyis
a. 8 Hz b. 5 Hz c. 2 Hz d. 6 Hz
53. Which of the following mediacantransferboth longitudinalandtransversewaves?
a. solid b. liquid c. plasma d. gas
54. If pressureis doubledthe speedof soundis
a. also doubled b. becomefour time c. becomehalf d. not effected
55. The speedof soundis hasmaximumvaluein
a. oxygen b. air c. hydrogen d. helium
56. A set of frequencies,which is the multiple of fundamentalfrequencyis called
a. beatfrequency b. harmonics c. Dopplereffect d. nodal wavefront
57. The wavelengthof microwavesis
a. 10 cm b. 12 cm c. 14 cm d. 15 cm
58. Wavecantransmitfrom oneplaceto another
a. Wavelength b. amplitude c. matter d. energy

1. Polarizationof light showsthat light wavesare
a. Compressionwaves b. Transversewaves c. Longitudinalwaves d. Matter waves
2. The centralpoint of 1HZWRQ¶VULQJVZLWK transmittedlight is
a. red b. blue c. dark d. bright
3. Formationof colorful patternin a thin film of oil is dueto
a. Interference b. diffraction c. scattering d. dispersion
4. Whenelectromagneticwavesstrike the boundaryof densermediumthey are
a. reflectedin phase b. reflected out of phase c. absorbed d. refracted
5. The pointsof constructiveinterferenceof monochromaticlight are
a. alwaysdark b. always bright c. neitherbright nor dark d. botha & b
6. In <RXQJ¶V doubleslit experiment,the fringe spacingis equal to
a. / / d EG L FG / L G/ /d
7. The wavenatureof light wasproposedby
a. Thomas Young b. Fresnel c. Maxwell d. Huygens
8. +X\JHQ¶VSULQFLSOH is usedto
a. explainpolarization b. locate new wavefront c. find the speedof light d. find refractiveindex
9. The distancebetweentwo consecutivedark fringes is called
a. wavelength b. fringe spacing c. wavelet d. amplitude
10. The fringe spacingin a doubleslit experimentcanbe increasedby decreasing
a. wavelengthof light b. width of slits c. slit separation d. distanceb/w slit andscreen
11. Oscillatingchargesproduces
a. Mechanicalwaves b. electromagneticwaves c. mattewaves d. longitudinal waves
12. The angleof 180o is equivalentto a pathdifferenceof
a. E c. G
13. The polarizationof light canbe achievedby the processof
a. selectiveabsorption b. reflection c. refraction d. all of these
14. Whensunlightpasses through atmosphere,its energyreducesdueto
a. reflectionof dust particles b. scatteringby dustparticles c. absorptionby dustparticles d. All of these
15. If mirror M 1 in MichelsonInterferometeris movedby a distanceof thenpathdifferenceis
a. E c. G
16. A line normalto wavefront indicatingthe directionof motion iscalled
a. wave b. ray c. pulse d. noneof these
17. The conditionfor constructiveinterferenceof two coherentbeamsis that the pathdifferenceshouldbe
a. odd integralmultiple of b. integral multiple of
c. integralmultiple of d. integralmultiple of
18. The distancebetweentwo bright fringes distancebetweentwo consecutivedark fringes
a. is greaterthan b. is equal to c. is lessthan d. hasno comparison
19. The appearance of colorsin the bubbleof soapwhensunlight falls on it, is dueto
a. diffraction b. polarization c. interference d. dispersion
20. Bendingof light aroundsharpobstaclesis called
a. diffraction b. polarization c. interference d. dispersion
21. The distanceb/w two consecutivewavefronts is called
a. time period b. frequency c. wavelength d. displacement
22. 1HZWRQ¶VULQJV areformeddueto
a. diffraction b. interference c. polarization d. refraction
23. The polaroidsunglasses are betterthanordinarysun glasses because they
a. increaseintensityof light b. decreaseintensity of light c.do notchangeintensityof light d. none
24. 0LFKHOVRQ¶VLQWHUIHURPHWHU canbe usedto measure
a. amplitudeof light b. wavelength of light c. speedof light d. intensityof light
25. Oneangstrom( A ) is equalto
a. 10-10 m b. 10-9 m c. 10-12m d. 10-15m
26. If N is number oflines per meterin gratingof length L, its gratingelementis given by
a. N / L b. L / N c. L /2 N d. 2 N/ L
27. Confinementof light into oneplaneof vibration is called
a. diffraction b. polarization c. Interference d. dispersion
28. Whenonemirror of a Michelsoninterferometeris movea distanceof 05 mm, 2000fringesareobserved,the
wavelengthof light usedis
a. 2000A b. 5000A c. 1000cm d. noneof these
29. The blue color of sky is dueto
a. diffraction b. interference c. polarization d. scattering
30. The effectivepathdifferenceb/w two reflectedbeamsin x-ray diffraction by nickel crystal is
a. GVLQ b. GVLQ c. d/2VLQ d. GVLQ
31. Light reachesfrom the sunto the earthin the form of
a. sphericalwavefront b. plane wave front c. circular wavefront d. cylindrical wavefront
32. The velocity of light was determined accuratelyby:
(a) Newton (b) Michelson (c) Huygen (d) Young
33. In caseof point sourcethe shapeof wavefront is
(a) circular (b) spherical (c) elliptical (d) square
34. The phenomenaof interferenceof light is a
a. wave characteristics b. Particlecharacteristic c. Both waveandparticlecharacteristic d. None
35. +X\JHQ¶VSULQFLSOH is usedto determinethe
a) Interferenceof wavefronts b) Natureof light
c) Shapeand location of new wavefront d) Speedof light
36. An oil film floating on watersurfaceexhibits beautifulcolorsdueto
a) Diffraction b) Polarization c) Interference d) None
37. Light wavesproduceinterferencewhenthey are
a) Monochromatic b) Coherent c) Sourcesareclosetogether d) All of these
38. Two wavetravelingin the samedirectioninterferedestructivelyif their pathdifferenceis
a) P b) (m + ½) c) (m - ½) GP
39. Basically\RXQJ¶V doubleslit experimentexhibits
a) Diffraction b) Polarization c) Reflection d) Interference
40. The fringe spacingin \RXQJ¶V doubleslit experimentvaries
a) Inverselywith wavelengthb) Directly with µG¶ c) Inversely with µG¶d) Inverselywith µ/¶
41. The dark andbright fringes,in \RXQJ¶V doubleslit experimentareof
a) Variablewidth b) Samewidth c) Zero width d) Noneof these
42. Which of the following light is usedto increasethe fringe spacing?
a) Red light b) Yellow light c) Greenlight d) Blue light
43. In 1HZWRQ¶V rings,thethin film betweenconvexlessandthe glassplateis the
a) glass film b) air film c) light film d) oil film
44. In Michelsoninterferometer,the pathdifferenceis variedby moving the
a) compensatorplate b) movable mirror c) telescope d) fixed mirror
45. Diffraction is prominentwhenthe wavelengthof light ascomparedwith sizeof obstacleis
a) large b) small c) very small d) zero
46. Diffraction of X-rays will be prominentwheninter-planerspacingof obstacleis wavelengthof x-rays
a) greaterthan b) lessthan c) comparablewith d) muchgreaterthan
47. The wavelengthof x-raysincidentat Bray angleof 30o on a sodiumcrystalwith atomicspacing 2×10-10 m for
the first orderreflectionis
a) 0.5×10-10 m b) 1×10-10 m c) 2×10-10 m d) 3.46×10-10 m
48. Which oneof the following cannot bepolarized?
a) X-rays b) light waves c) sound waves d) ultraviolet rays
49. At the point of contactof lensandglass platein 1HZWRQ¶VULQJV
the thicknessof air film is
a. zero b. 0.1 mm c. 0.2mm d. 0.3 mm
50. The precisionof Michelsoninterferometeris
a. 10-2 mm b. 10-3 mm c. 10-4 mm d. 10-5 mm
51. A typical diffraction gratinghasabout lines per centimeter.
a. 300 to3000 b. 300 to 4000 c. 400 to4000 d. 400 to 5000
52. X-ray diffraction is usefulto find the structureof
a. hemoglobin b. DNA c. both a & b d. noneof these
53. Optical rotationcanbe donewith
a. Sugarsolution b. tartaricacid c. Both a & b d. HCl
54. Light is produced byoscillatingcharges.Light can be polarizedwhenthis oscillation is confinedto
a. one plane b. two planes c. threeplanes d. four planes

1. The leastdistanceof distinct vision for a normaleyeis
a. 25 cm b. 26 cm c. 27 cm d. 28 cm
2. Whenobjectis held at focuspoint the imageis formed
a. at focuspoint b. awayfrom focuspoint c. betweenfocuspoint andcenterof curvature d. at infinity
3. The magnifyingpowerof compoundmicroscopeis
a. q / p (1+ d / fo) b. q / p (1+ d / fe) c. q / p( 1 + f e / fo) d. q / p(1+ f o / d)
4. In an astronomicaltelescopethe focal lengthof objectivelensis thaneyepiece
a. less b. equalto c. greater d. noneof these
5. The main part of spectrometeris
a. collimator b. telescope c. turntable d. all of these
6. The principle of communicationof datathroughfiber opticsis basedupon
a. diffraction b. polarization c. continuousrefraction d. continuous refraction and TIR
7. The sizeof fiber opticsis
a. very large b. large c. small d. very small
8. The main sourcesof lossof datain fiber opticsare
a. scattering b. absorption c. dispersion d. all of these
9. The ability of an optical instrumentto revealminor detailsis called
a. magnifyingpower b. refraction c. resolving power d. magnification
10. AlexanderGrahamBell alsoinvented
a. transmitter b. radio c. wireless d. photo-phone
11. The diameterof coreof multimodegradedindex fiber is
a. 50 to 100 µm b. 50 to 200 µm c. 50 to 500 µm d. 50 to 1000µm
12. Singlemodestepindex fiber carry the informationwith the help of
a. laser light b. white light c. blue light d. x-rays
13. Whenslit is at the focusof the convexlensof collimator in spectrometer,the light rays becomes
a. perpendicular b. parallel c. antiparallel d. at 60o
14. The lengthof an astronomicaltelescopeis given by the formula
a. f o / f e b. fe / f o c. f o - f e d. f o + f e
15. Photodiodeis usedconvertlight signalto
a. electrical signal b. soundsignal c. both a & b d. cannotbe usedasconvertor
16. The wavelengthof light is of the orderof
a. 1 A b. 10 A c. 100A d. 1000A
17. A convexlensactsasdiverginglenswhenthe objectis placed
a. at 2f b. betweenf and2f c. atf d. inside focus
18. Imageformedby a convexlensof focal length10 cm is twice the sizeof object.The positionof object will be
a. 20 cm b. 50 cm c. 30 cm d. 15 cm
19. Whentelescopeis in normaladjustmentits lengthis given by the formula
a. f o + f e b. fo - f e c. f o / f e d. f e / fo
20. If a convexlensof focal lengthf is cut into two identicalhalvesalongthe lensdiameter,focal lengthof eachhalf is
a. 2f b. f c. both a & b d. noneof these
21. In 0LFKHOVRQ¶V experiment,the equationusedto find the speedof light is
a. c = 16 f d b. c = 16 f / d c. c =16 d / f d. c =1 / 16 f d
22. The valueof critical anglefor glass-air boundaryis
a. 41.8o b. 41.5o c. 42o d. 42.8o
23. The magnifyingpowerof simplemicroscopeis
a. q / p (1+ d / f0) b. (1+ d / f) c. q / p (1+ f e / f0) d. q / p(1+ f 0 / d)
24. In a compoundmicroscope,the focal lengthof eyepieceis thanobjective
a. less b. equalto c. greater d. noneof these
25. The part of the spectrometerwhich makesthe light raysparallel is called
a. collimator b. telescope c. turntable d. all of these
26. A convexlensgivesvirtual imageonly whenobjectis placed
a. at focus b. betweenfocusand centreof curvature c. inside focus d. awayfrom centreof curvature
27. An objectis placedat a distanceof 2 m from a convexlensof focal length2.5 m. its imagewill be
a. real anderect b. virtual and magnified c. real andmagnified d. real andinverted
28. Claddingin the fiber opticsis used
a. to absorblight b. for T.I.R (total internal Ref.) c. for dispersion d. to transmitlight
29. Leastdistanceof distinct vision
a. increaseswith increaseof age b. deceases with increaseof
c. measuresrefractiveindex of material d.
ageall of these
30. In optical fiber communicationsystem,the wavelengthof light usedis
a. 1.3 µm b. 1.5 µm c. 5 µm d. 50 µm
31. The final imageformedby simplemicroscopeis
a. virtual & inverted b. virtual & erect c. real & erect d. real & inverted
32. The magnifyingpowerof a convexlensof focal length10 cmis
a. 7 b. 9.6 c. 11 d. 3.5
33. The diameterof coreof singlemodestrepindex fiber is
a. 5 µ m b. 10 µ m c. 30 µ m d. 100 µ m
34. Microphoneis usedconvertsoundsignalinto
a. electrical signal b. light c. both a & b d. cannotbe usedasconvertor
35. A singleconvexlensis placedcloseto eye,thenit is beingusedas
a. telescope b. microscope c. magnifying glass d. noneof these
36. Fiber optic cablecarriesdatain the form of
a. electricalsignal b. soundsignal c. light d. heat
37. A point insidethe lensthroughwhich a light ray doesnot deviateis called
a. pole b. focuspoint c. centreof curvature d. optical centre
38. Whenlight passesfrom densermediumto raremedium
a. it bends away from normal b. it bendstowardsnormal c. it doesnot bend d. diffracted
39. The optical fibers areof
a. two types b. three types c. four types d. five types
40. Which is the optical instrument
a. telescope b. microscope c. spectrometer d. all of these
41. The layer over the centralcore of fiber opticsis called
a. jacket b. cladding c. plastic d. rubber
42. The anglesubtendedby an objectat the eyeis called
a. Visual angle b. Critical angle c. Polarizingangle d. None
43. In normaladjustment,distancebetweenobjectiveandeyepieceof AstronomicalTelescopeis equalto
a. Focallengthof objective b. Length of telescope
c. Magnifying powerof telescope d. Apertureof objective
44. The speedof light in othermaterialsascomparedto vacuum
a. Greater b. Lesser c. Equal d. Zero
45. The ratio of speedof light in vacuumto the speedof light in certainmaterialis called
a. Wavelength b. Refractive Index c. 6QHOO¶V law d. T.I.R.
46. Which sourceof light is usedby multimodegradedindex fiber?
a. Monochromatic b. Laser c. White light d. Ultraviolet light
47. Which of the following is true for cladding?
a. It absorbsunwantedlight b. It transmitsthe light c. It producesT.I.R. d. It scatterslight
48. The minimum anglesubtendedby two point sources (. min ) at the instrument willbe greaterif
a. diameterof lensis greater b. diameter of lens is smaller c. wavelengthof light is small d. All
49. The speedof light wasmeasuredcorrectlyby .
(a) Galileo (b) Michelson (c) Newton (d) Maxwell
50. The deviceusedto studythe spectrafrom different sourcesof light is
(a) telescope (b) optical fiber (c) spectrometer (d) microscope
51. A fiber opticscommunicationsystemconsistsof
a. a transmitter b. anoptical fiber c. a receiver d. all of these
52. Which is the principle of communicationfor singlemodestepindex fiber?
a. T.I.R b. continuous refraction c. reflection d. transmission
53. Which of the following is necessaryto increasethe resolvingpowerof a microscope?
a. a wider objective b. light of shorter wavelength c. botha & b d. x-rays
54. If N is no. of ruled linesin the gratingandm is the orderof diffraction, thenresolvingpowercan begiven by
a. R= N x m b. R= N / m c. R=m / N d. R= N + m
55. If focal lengthis 5 cm the powerof lensis
a. 5D b. 10D c. 15 D d. 20 D
56. An astronomicaltelescopeis madewith the objectiveof focal length100 cm andeyepieceof focal lengthis 5
cm the lengthof telescopewhenfocusedor infinity is
a. 20 cm b. 95 cm c. 100cm d. 105 cm
57. The refractiveindex of wateris 1.33,the speedof light in wateris
a. 3x108 m/s b. 1.5x108 m/s c. 2.8x108 m/s d. zero
58. In the newersystemof fiber optics,signals areregeneratedby placingrepeaters,which may be repeatedas
a. 30 km b. 50 km c. 100 km d. 500 km
1. Carnotcycle is
a. reversible b. irreversible c. botha & b d. noneof these
2. Isothermalprocessis carriedout at constant
a. volume b. pressure c. temperature d. entropy
3. In reversibleprocess,the entropyof the system
a. decreases b. increases c. remains constant d. initially increases
4. The efficiency of Carnotenginedependsupon
a. sink temp. b. sourcetemp. c. both a & b d. working substance
5. The Boltzmannconstantk is equalto
a. RNA b. R/NA c. NA / R d. 1/RNA
6. The efficiency of petrol engineis
a. 25% to 30 % b. 30% to 35 % c. 35% to40 % d. 20% to 30%
7. The massof gasis doubled atconstanttemperaturethendensityof the gasbecomes
a. double b. half c. oneforth d. unchanged
8. The valueof for diatomicgasesis
a. 1.67 b. 1.40 c. 1.29 d. zero
9. The processin which entropyof the systemremainsconstantis called
a. adiabaticprocess b. isothermal processc. isochoricprocess d. isobaricprocess
10. Heatengineconverts heatenergyinto
a. electricalenergy b. soundenergy c. mechanicalenergy d. light energy
11. Which is not anexampleof adiabaticprocess?
a. rapid escapeof air from burst tyre b. rapidexpansionof air
c. conversionof water into ice d. cloud formation
12. A bicycle pumpprovidesa goodexampleof law of thermodynamics
a. first b. second c. botha & b d. zeroth
13. The pressureexertedby the gason thewalls of vesselis directly proportionalto
a. avg. translational K.E b. avg. rotationalK.E c. P.E. d. avg. vibrationalK.E.
14. The internalenergyof the gas moleculesis equalto
a. kinetic energy b. potentialenergy c. botha & b d. noneof these
15. The form of first law of thermodynamics foradiabaticprocess willbe
a. Q = W b. Q = -W c. W = - ¨8 d. W = ¨ U
16. The S.I unit of entropyis
a. J K b. J/K c. K/J d. J/mol
17. In an isothermalprocess,first law canbe written as
a. Q = û8 + W b. Q = û8 c. Q =0 d. Q = W
18. In a thermodynamics process, the equationQ = û8 represents
a. isothermalprocess b. adiabaticprocess c. volume is constant d. noneof these
19. Whentemperatureof sourceandsink of a heatenginebecomeequal,the entropychangewill be
a. Zero b. maximum c. minimum d. negative
20. The efficiency of dieselengineis about
a. 25% to30 % b. 30% to 35 % c. 35% to40 % d. 20% to 30%
21. During melting of ice, the entropyof the system
a. increases b. decreases c. remainsconstant d. becomeszero
22. Heatis form of
a. power b. work c. energy d. momentum
23. Pressureof a gasis dueto transferof to thewalls of the vessel.
a. energyper second b. work per second c. momentum per second d. all of these
24. The propertyof moleculesof a gas which is samefor all gassesat a particulartemperatureis
a. momentum b. velocity c. mass d. kinetic energy
25. Whenpressureis increased,the boiling point of the liquid
a. decreases b. increases c. remainssame d. becomeszero
26. The volumeof given massof gasis doubledat constanttemperaturethendensityof the gasbecomes
a. double b. half c. oneforth d. unchanged
27. The heatrequiredto raisethe temperatureof onekg of a substancethroughoneKelvin is called
a. heatof vaporization b. specific heat c. heatof fusion d. molar specificheat
28. The molar specificheatof a gasat constantpressureis thanmolar specificheatof at constantvolume
a. greater b. less c. same d. noneof these
29. For properworking of a heatengine,we require
a. hot body b. coldbody c. both a & b d. nobodyis required
30. In process,the entropyof the systemremainsconstant
a. isothermal b. adiabatic c. isochoric d. isobaric
31. The triple point of the wateris equalto
a. Zero degree b. 273.16K c. both a & b d. 373 K
32. The working cycle of typical petrol engineconsistof
a. two strokes b. threestrokes c. four strokes d. eight strokes
33. The highestefficiency of a heatenginewhoselower temperatureis at 17oC andhighertemperatureor
200oC is a. 70% b. 60% c. 38% d. 35%
34. Propagationof soundwavesin air follows
a. isothermalprocess b. adiabatic process c. isochoricprocess d. isobaricprocess
35. At constanttemperature,if the densityof the gasis increased,its pressurewill
a. decrease b. increase c. remainssame d. noneof these
36. Pressureexertedon the walls of containerof gasis equalto
a. changein momentum b. changein K.E c. changeof mass d. changeof P.E.
37. For an ideal gassystem,the internal energyis directly proportionalto
a. pressure b. density c. volume d. temperature
38. If the temperatureof sink is decreased, the efficiency of a Carnotengine
a. remainssame b. increases c. decreases d. noneof these
39. Area underPV graphof Carnotenginerepresentsthe
a. heatabsorbed b. heatrejected c. total work done d. all of these
40. The motion of moleculesof gascontainedin containeris
a. orderly b. random c. circular d. projectile
41. A hot iron ball is droppedinto a jar of cold water,the entropyof the water
a. increases b. decreases c. remainssame d. first increaseandthendecreases
42. Net changein entropyof a systemin a Carnotcycle is
a. positive b. negative c. maximum d. zero
43. Whenwateris heatedfrom 0oC to 4oC, then
a. Cp > Cv b. Cp < Cv c. Cp = Cv d. Cp + Cv = R
44. The readingsof temperatureon centigradescaleandFahrenheitscalebecomeequalis
a. -273 oC b. 273 oC c. -40 oC d. 0oC
45. S.I unit of temperatureis
a. ampere b. kelvin c. Celsius d. Fahrenheit
46. In an irreversibleprocess,entropyof the system
a. remainssame b. increases c. decreases d. may increaseor decrease
47. The graphbetweenV andT at constantpressureis
a. circle b. parabola c. hyperbola d. straight line
48. At thermalequilibrium the entropyof the systemwill be
a. minimum b. maximum c. zero d. constant
49. The amountof heatrequiredto melt onekg of ice at 0 C is called
a. heatof vaporization b. specificheat c. latent heat of fusion d. molar specificheat
50. At constanttemperature,if volumeof given gasis doubledthendensityof the gasbecomes
a. double b. ¼ oforiginal c. ½ oforiginal d. unchanged
51. %R\OH¶V law appliesto process
a. isothermal b. adiabatic c. isochoric d. isobaric
52. AverageK.E. of moleculesof a gasgivesus
a. heat b. temperature c. entropy d. internal energy
53. The entropyof the universealways
a. increases b. decreases c. remainszero d. remainsconstant
54. The dieselenginedoesnot have
a. piston b. spark plug c. inlet valve d. outlet valve
55. In petrol engineignition, to the compressedmixture of fuel andair, is given by
a. high friction b. spark plug c. temp.of hot body d. all of these
56. Efficiency of heatenginedependsupon
a. temp.of source b. temp.of sink c. difference of temp. of sourceand sink d. noneof these
57. Whengasis compressed at constantvolume,the work done onthe systemis
a. Maximum b. minimum c. zero d. positive

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