Relative Clause Test 4

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C) which D) where E) that

1.He'll tell us ---- his opinion is after he has had a look at our 14.The coastal village ---- we spent our holiday in this year was
project. so beautiful that we are planning to go there again next year. 

A) why B) whose C) what D) how E) which A) which B) how C) when D) what E) where

2.Our previous manager, ---- had been an English teacher for 15.The top student, ---- the teacher had expected to score the
over fifteen years, has decided to open his own school. best mark on the test again, actually only just managed to pass it.

A) that B) who C) which D) where E) when A) whom B) when C) whose D) which E) where

3.There was a time ---- there were beaches along the coast from 16.---- fascinates me most about the ancient Inca civilizations of
Kadıköy to Kartal in Istanbul, but now this area has been turned South America is the way they built their cities on mountain tops.
into a coast road and footpaths.
A) How B) What C) Which D) Why E) That
A) whose B) what C) how D) which E) when
17.Dance forms, having probably taken centuries to develop,
4.It was almost 10 p.m ---- the rescue team arrived. reflect the customs of the society ---- they have evolved.

A) which B) that C) where D) when E) ---- A) for what B) in which C) how D) that E) whom

5.The football star and coach Ruud Gullit says that he thinks 18.The German town Regensburg, ---- lies at the point ---- the
football is like a fast----moving game of chess, in ---- you're river Regen flows into the river Danube, is famous for its
required to think two or three steps ahead. sausages.

A) where B) which C) whom D) that E) what A) where / which B) whose / which C) which / whose 
D) that / ---- E) which / where
6.The primary school period is the time ---- parents should begin
to teach their children to make some decisions on their own. 19.Our local shop, ---- sells ice-cream and baklava, makes
everything ---- it sells at the shop.
A) that B) which C) who D) how E) where
A) that / where B) when / that C) which / ---- 
7.The World Wildlife Fund is an organization ---- helps protect D) who / which E) where / whom
wildlife, especially endangered species.
20.Deciding ---- to choose to play the main character in the film
A) where B) whose C) when D) which E) what was a very difficult task.

8.Despite his immense popularity and success, Mozart, ---- is A) where B) whom C) when D) how E) that
considered by some to be the greatest musical genius of all time,
died in great debt. 21.The shop ---- we eventually found the type of barbecue we
were looking for is just around the corner from our house.
A) when B) who C) whom D) that E) whose
A) which B) that C) who D) where E) when
9.At first, there was a problem with the hotel room, for ---- the tour
operator apologized and gave us a small refund. 22.The Hippopotamus, ---- eyes and nostrils are high on its head
to allow it to stay in water for long periods, is largely an aquatic
A) whom B) when C) where D) that E) which animal.

10.The Cyrillic alphabet, ---- Is used for writing some Slavic A) who B) that C) which D) where E) whose
languages such as Russian and Bulgarian, has now been
adopted by several members of the former USSR. 23.Henry Fonda was a film star ---- began his career as a stage
A) which B) that C) whom D) whereE) when
A) whoseB) which C) when D) where E) who
11.The 9th century Greek missionary St Cyril, with ---- the Cyrillic
alphabet is associated, probably did not develop this alphabet 24.The number of people living in Scotland ---- can speak the
himself, but it was more likely devised later by his followers. native Celtic language of Scottish Gaelic is now only 80,000.

A) which B) where C) whom D) ---- E) when A) who B) where C) when D) which E) ----

12.The dance known in the West as the belly dance, ---- probably 25.Nova Scotia, located on the east coast of Canada, ---- name
originated in Persia, is a popular dance form in Middle Eastern means New Scotland, has the largest number of Scottish Gaelic
countries.  speakers outside Scotland.

A) whom B) that C) where D) which E) when A) which B) where C) whose D) that E) whom

13.Salzburg city in Austria, ---- the great composer Mozart was

born in, is known for its musical heritage and hosts the annual
Salzburg Festival of Music. 
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