9.sinif Tanitim Sinavi

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1. 2. 3. 4. Bu snavda 50 soru vardr. Bu snav iin verilen toplam cevaplama sresi 75 dakikadr. Cevaplamaya, istediiniz sorudan balayabilirsiniz. Sayfalar zerindeki bo yerleri msvedde iin kullanabilirsiniz.

1. - 35. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. You will be healthier if you exercise ----. A) B) C) D) likely interestingly awfully regularly

4. Ashley has always been very ----. She is never late for work. A) B) C) D) slow punctual genius mean

2. Susan had better not ---- Tom because it is a family dinner. A) B) C) D) stay collect cook invite


5. After a quarrel with the manager, Mr. Cassano ---- his job at the bank. A) B) C) D) looked up turned off gave up put on

3. My mother forgot her ---- at home, so she had to use her credit card. A) B) C) D) label purse machine victim

6. Carla lives in ----, but she doesnt like ---- dishes. A) B) C) D) Germany / German Portuguese / Portugal British / Britain Greek / Greece

7. You have to wear ---- coat when it is snowy; or ---- will catch a cold. A) B) C) D) you / yours you / your yours / you your / you

10. There are ---- many ---- 40 animal species in the zoo. A) B) C) D) more / than too / to as / as so / that


8. Erica ---- cook because her parents ---her tonight. A) B) C) D) neednt / arent going to visit doesnt have to / wasnt visiting couldnt / arent visiting wont / didnt visit

11. The heart moves blood by getting ---and ----. A) B) C) D) biggest / small enough too big / too small bigger than / small bigger / smaller

9. ---- spider can catch insects without using ---- web. A) B) C) D) The / ---An / the A/a The / some

12. Because her father disapproved of ---marriage, Rosa got married to Daniel ----. A) B) C) D) their / secret her / secretly his / secret hers / secretly

13. If we ---- the forests, we ---- greenhouse gas emissions. A) B) C) D) have protected / reduced will protect / have reduced can protect / were reducing protect / can reduce

16. Because we havent got ---- milk and eggs, I ---- make the sauce. A) B) C) D) some / neednt a / couldnt any / cant many / wouldnt like to

A) B) C) D)

the oldest / in older than / near too old / at old enough / on


14. Scientists have found ---- dog remains ---- North America.

17. Laura has told me about six different dresses, but I think she ---- the ---which she liked most. A) B) C) D) will buy / one bought / those has bought / many used to buy / some

15. My father ---- an e-mail address, so you ---- him the invitation through the post. A) B) C) D) wont have / had to send hasnt got / have to send has got / need to send is going to have / should send

18. Mike came ---- in the race. It means there were two other people in front of ----. A) B) C) D) three / his first / he third / him one / his

19. ---- watching a comedy instead of a romance? A) B) C) D) Shall we How about Would you like to Why dont we

23. Penelope ---- her grandparents since she ---- back to her hometown. A) B) C) D) wasnt visiting / comes isnt going to visit / has come doesnt visit / will come hasnt visited / came

20. ---- cookies have you eaten since morning? A) B) C) D) How long How old How much How many

24. You ---- forget to take your pills if you want to recover quickly. A) B) C) D) neednt would rather not mustnt didnt have to

21. Look at ---- children over there. They ---down because they are climbing up a tall tree. A) B) C) D) those / are going to fall this / are falling these / will fall that / have fallen

25. Bernardo will need ---- eggs, but not ---yoghurt to make this dessert. A) B) C) D) a lot of / some many / any a few / a a little / much

22. Aborigines ---- the boomerang in 8000 BCE. A) B) C) D) have invented invented invent are going to invent

26. ---- I was having dinner, my friend called me. A) B) C) D) If After Until Just as

27. My parents 25th wedding anniversary was ---- 26th April 2010 and they celebrated it ---- a luxurious restaurant. A) B) C) D) in / at at / by in / on on / in

31. Everyone knows that ---- Earth revolves around ---- Sun. A) B) C) D) ---- / the the / the ---- / ---the / ----

32. The plane to Antalya ---- at 7.45 tomorrow morning, so we ---- an early breakfast. 28. Onur ---- a Porsche when he was young, but he ---- have such fast cars now. A) B) C) D) used to have / would rather not may have / doesnt must have / wouldnt like to could have / didnt have to

A) B) C) D)

is flying / have had flies / will have is going to fly / had will fly / were having

33. The dog ---- is playing with a stick right now is ----. A) B) C) D) that / my who / me which / mine whom / I

29. I ---- my mum to wake me up in case the alarm clock ----. A) B) C) D) asked / cant ring will ask / didnt ring have asked / doesnt ring am asking / hasnt rung

34. While you were preparing yourself for the competition, everybody supported you, ----? A) B) C) D) didnt they werent you didnt he didnt she

30. The tails of Adlie penguins are ---- the tails of other penguin species. A) B) C) D) longer than long enough too long the longest

35. ---- their small size, miniature horses are very strong animals. A) B) C) D) Although However Despite Whereas

36. 38. sorularda, paralarda numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

39. 41. sorularda cmleyi uygun ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

While a group of frogs (36) ---- through the woods, two of them fell into a deep pit. The other frogs saw the depth of the pit. They understood that it was impossible to jump out of the pit. The two frogs constantly tried to jump with all (37) ---- strength. The other frogs kept telling them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs listened to the other frogs advice and gave up. He fell down and died, but the other frog continued to jump (38) ---- hard ---- he could and finally succeeded. 36. A) B) C) D) travel are going to travel have travelled were travelling

39. Although she studied Maths at university, ----. A) Alice was glad to choose that branch B) my mother had to do a lot of housework C) Sandra would rather be a French teacher now D) Brians sister is going to be an accountant


40. ---- ever since they first started to arrive in America. A) There are so many different cultures in the region B) People have brought their culture to the region C) Gardeners are working hard to protect native plants D) Bird species were in trouble

37. A) B) C) D) them theirs they their

41. The man ---- grew up on a farm in Mexico. 38. A) B) C) D) as / as more / than too / to so / that A) which was so good at calming scared dogs B) has a special gift for working with animals C) whose work includes dealing with troubled dogs D) realized animals need lots of exercise to be calm

42. soruda, verilen ngilizce cmleye anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi bulunuz.

44. 46. sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

42. A new discovery at Stonehenge shed light on the monument's past. A) Stonehengedeki yeni bir keif, antn gemiine k tuttu. B) Stonehengede antn gemiine k tutan yeni bir keif yapld. C) Antn gemiine k tutan yeni bir keif Stonehengede yapld. D) Yeni bir keif, Stonehengedeki antn gemiine k tutacaktr.

Global warming has a big impact on some of the worlds animals. Scientists have found out that polar bears are becoming smaller because they dont get enough to eat. A polar bear weighs less than it used to 30 years ago. It is harder for them to hunt their main source of food seals. In open water, polar bears cannot catch them. They wait on the ice for them to come up for air, and then they snatch them. Studies predict that if the melting of the ice sheets goes on at the current speed, the Arctic Ocean will be completely ice-free in the next 20 years. 44. It is clearly stated in the passage that global warming ----. A) causes some animal species to become extinct B) has a negative effect on the lives of polar bears C) affects only the Arctic region in the whole world D) is a temporary problem that will end in 20 years


45. We can learn from the passage that polar bears ----. A) cant catch seals because they cant swim as well as seals B) hunt some fish when they are hungry C) are the strongest animals in the world D) were bigger and heavier in the past than they are now

43. soruda, verilen Trke cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi bulunuz.

43. Samanyolu Galaksisini bir yl boyunca aratrdktan sonra aratrmaclar 54 yeni gezegen kefetti. A) When researchers explored 54 new planets a year ago, they were investigating the Milky Way Galaxy. B) Researchers investigated the Milky Way Galaxy for a year until they explored 54 new planets. C) If researchers investigate the Milky Way Galaxy, they can explore at least 54 new planets in a year. D) Researchers explored 54 new planets after they investigated the Milky Way Galaxy for a year. 46. It is understood from the passage that ----. A) there will be no ice in the Arctic if it melts so fast B) scientists investigated the Arctic for 30 years C) seals never come to the surface of the ocean D) it is easier for polar bears to hunt when seals are under water

47.- 48. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun den cmleyi bulunuz.

49. - 50. sorularda, karlkl konumann bo braklan ksmn tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

47. You are late for work because you didnt hear the alarm clock. You want to make your boss believe that you wont do it again. So you say: A) Is it a big deal that Im late for work? Next time I wont be late. B) Im so sorry, but it shouldnt be a problem if I am only ten minutes late. C) I promise I will be more careful to be at work on time from now on. D) I think it wont be safe to drive too fast in order not to be late for work.

49. Teacher : All humans have five senses to explore the world. Who can name them? : Sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. : Well done, John. Is it the sense of sight or touch to feel the softness of a silk scarf? : ----





A) No, it isnt. It is the sense of touch which we use to feel the materials. B) Yes, we feel with the help of our skin. C) Those help us understand the things which happen around us. D) Of course, it is the sense of touch.

48. One of your friends will get engaged this weekend. She invites you, but you will be busy so you give her an excuse, and say: A) This weekend isnt convenient for me to join you. How about next weekend? B) Id like to join you, but I have to complete the last part of my thesis till Monday. C) Im sorry, but I cant come as my parents wont let me go out on my own. D) Shall I bring some wine and champagne with me as there will be many guests?

50. Waitress : Welcome. Have you ordered anything to eat or drink? Karen : No, not yet.

Waitress : ---Karen : Yes, thats a good idea. It is also my favourite dish.

A) Do you like eating sirloin of beef with mashed carrots? B) Do you prefer eating meat or vegetables? C) Would you like to taste the speciality of the daybraised beef with noodles? D) We dont serve glazed ham with Madeira anymore. Would you like something else?


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