Medical Device Regulation MDR 2017 745 Mindmap EN

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Annexes  Article 1: Subject matter and scope

Article 2: Definitions
Chapter I
Article 123: Entry into force and date of application  Article 3: Amendment of certain definitions
Scope and Definitions (1-4)
Article 122: Repeal Article 4: Regulatory status of products

Article 121: Evaluation

Article 5: Placing on the market and putting into service

Article 120: Transitional provisions

Article 119: Amendments to regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 Article 6: Distance sales

Chapter X
Article 118: Amendments to regulations (EC) No 178/2002  General Article 7: Claims
Final provisions (114-123)
Article 117: Amendments to directive 2001/83(/EC Article 8: Use of harmonised standards

Article 116: Separate delegated acts for different delgated powers Article 9: Common specifications

Article 115: Exercise of the delegation Article 10: General obligations of the manufacturer

Article 114: Committee procedure Article 11: Authorised representative

Article 12: Change of authorised representative

Article 113: Penalties
Roles &
Article 13: General obligations of importers
Article 112: Funding of activities related to designation and
monitoring of notified bodies Chapter II Article 14: General obligations of distributors
Chapter IX Making available and putting into service of devices,
Article 111: Levy of fees
Confidentiality, data protection, funding, penalties (   Article 15: Person responsible for regulatory compliance
obligations of economic operators, reprocessing, CE
Article 110: Data protection
109-113) marking, free movement (5-24)
Article 16: Cases in which obligations of manufacturers apply to
importers, distributors or other persons
Article 109: Confidentialiy
Article 17: Single-use devices and their reprocessing
Particular Devices
Article 108: Device registers and data banks Article 18: Implant card and information supplied to the patient

Article 107: Conflict of interests Article 19: EU declaration of conformity

Article 106: Provision of scientific, technical an clinical opinion and Article 20: CE marking of conformity

Chapter VIII Article 21: Devices for special purposes

Article 105: Tasks of the MDCG DoC
Cooperation between member states, medical device
 Article 22: Systems and procedure packs
Article 104: Support by commission coordination group, experts and device registers (
101-108) Article 23: Parts and components
Article 103: Medical device coordination group

Article 24: Free movement

Article 102: Cooperation

Article 101: Competent authorities

Article 25: Identification within the supply chain

Article 26: Medical device nomenclature

Article 100: Electronic system on market surveillance

Article 27: UDI system

Article 99: Good administrative practice
Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
Article 28: UDI database
Article 98: Preventive health protection measures
2017/745 - including
Chapter III Article 29: Registration of devices
Article 97: Other non-compliance
Section 3:
corrigendum of 13.03.2019, 25. Identification and traceability of devices, registration
of devices and of economic operators, summary of Article 30: Electronic system for registration of economic operators

Article 96: Procedure for evaluating national measures at Union level Market Surveillance
11.2019, 23.04.2020 and 08. safety and clinical performance, European database
Article 31: Registration of manufacturers, authorised
Article 95: Procedure for dealing with devices presenting an 07.2021 on medical devices (25-34) representatives and importers
unacceptable risk to health and safety
Article 32: Summary of safety and clinical performance
Article 94: Evaluation of devices suspected of presenting an
unacceptable risk or other non-compliance Article 33: European database on medical devices

Article 93: Market surveillance activities Article 34: Functionality of Eudamed

Article92: Electronic system on vigilance and post-market-

Article 35: Authorities responsible for notified bodies

Article 91: Implementing acts Article 36: Requirements relating to notified bodies
Chapter VII
Article 90: Analysis of vigilance data Post-market surveillance, vigilance and market  Article 37: Subsidiaries and subcontracting
Section 2: surveillance (83-100)
Article 89: Analysis of serious incidents and field safety corrective Vigilance Article 38: Application by conformity assessment bodies for
actions designation

Article 88: Trend reporting Article 39: Assessment of the application

Article 87: Reporting of serious incidents and field safety corrective Article 40: Nomination of experts for joint assessment of
actions applications for notification

Article 86: Periodic safety update report Article 41: Language requirements

Article 85: Post-market surveillance report Section 1: Article 42: Designation and notification procedure
Post market surveillance Chapter IV
 Article 43: Identification number and list of notified bodies
Article 84: Post-market surveillance plan Notified bodies (35-50)
Article 44: Monitoring and re-assessment of notified bodies
Article 83: Post-market surveillance system of the manufacturer

Article 45: Review of notified body assessment of technical

documentation and clinical evaluation documentation
Article 82: Requirements regarding other clinical investigations
Article 46: Changes to designations and notifications
Article 81: Implementing acts
Article 47: Challenge to the competence of notified bodies
Article 80: Recording and reporting of adverse events that occur
during clinical investigations Article 48: Peer review and exchange of experience between
authorities responsible for notified bodies
Article 79: Review of coordinated assessment procedure
Article 49: Coordination of notified bodies
Article 78: Coordinated assessment procedure for clinical
investigations Article 50: List of standard fees

Article 77: Information from the sponsor at the end of a clinical

investigation or in the event of a temporary halt or early termination
Section 1
Classification Article 51: Classification of devices
Article 76: Corrective measures to be taken by Member States and
information exchange between Member States
Article 52: Conformity assessment procedures
Article 75: Substantial modifications to a clinical investigation
Article 53: Involvement of notified bodies in conformity assessment
Article 74: Clinical investigations with devices authorised to bear the procedures
CE marking Chapter V
 Article 54: Clinical evaluation consultation procedure for certain class
Classification and conformity assessment (51-60)
Article 73: Electronic system on clinical investigations III and class IIb devices

Article 72: Conduct of a clinical investigation Chapter VI Article 55: Mechanism for scrutiny of conformity assessments of
 certain class III and class IIb devices
Clinical evaluation and clinical investigations (61-82) Section 2
Article 71: Assessment by member states Conformity assessment
Article 56: Certificates of conformity
Article 70: Application for clinical investigations
Article 57: Electronic system on notified bodies and on certificates of
Article 69: Damage compensation conformity

Article 68: Clinical investigations in emergency situations Article 58: Voluntary change of notified body

Article 67: Additional national measures Article 59: Derogation from the conformity assessment procedures

Article 66: Clinical investigations on pregnant or breastfeeding Article 60: Certificate of free sale

Article 65: Clinical investigations on minors

Article 64: Clinical investigations on incapatiated subjects

Article 63: Informed consent

Article 62: General requirements regarding clinical investigations

conducted to demonstrate conformity of devices

Article 61: Clinical evaluation

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