In-Vitro Diagnostic Regulation IVDR 2017 746 Mindmap EN

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Article 1

Subject matter and scope

Section 1
Scope and Definitions
Article 2

Chapter I: Introductory provisions Article 3

Regulatory status of products

(Articles 1-4) Section 2
Regulatory Status of products and
Counselling Article 4
Genetic information, counselling and 
informed consent

Article 5
Placing on the market and putting into service

ANNEXES  Article 6

Distance sales

Article 7
Article 107 Committee procedure  Claims

Article 108 Exercise of the delegation  Article 8

Use of harmonised standards

Article 109 Separate delegated acts for
different delegated powers

Article 9
Common specifications

Article 110 Transitional provisions  Chapter X: Final provisions
Article 10
(Articles 107-113) General obligations of manufacturers

Article 111 Evaluation 

Article 112 Repeal  Article 11

Authorised representative

Article 113 Entry into force and date of
 Article 12
Change of authorised representative

Chapter II: Making available on the Article 13

Article 102 Confidentiality market and putting into service of General obligations of importers

UnterpArticle 103 Data protection unkt 2 

Article 14
obligations of economic operators, 
General obligations of distributors
Article 104 Levying of fees  CE marking, free movement
Chapter IX: Confidentiality, data
(Articles 5-21) Article 15
Article 105 Funding of activities related to protection, funding and penalties Person responsible for regulatory compliance

designation and monitoring of notified  (Articles 102-106)
bodies Article 16
Cases in which obligations of manufacturers
Article 106 Penalties Article 106 Penalties  apply to importers, distributors or other


Article 96 Competent authorities  Article 17

EU declaration of conformity

Article 97 Cooperation 
Article 18
CE marking of conformity

Article 98 Medical Device Coordination Group  Chapter: VIII Cooperation between
Member States, Medical Device Article 19
Article 99 Tasks of the MDCG  
Coordination Group, EU reference Devices for special purposes

Article 100 The European Union reference

laboratories and device registers
 Article 20
laboratories (Articles 96-101) 
Parts and components

Article 101 Device registers and data banks 

Article 21
Free movement

Article 78 Post-market surveillance system of

the manufacturer

Article 22
Identification within the supply chain

Article 79 Post-market surveillance plan 
Section 1 Post-Market Surveillance Article 23
Medical devices nomenclature

Article 80 Post-market surveillance report 

Article 81 Periodic safety update report  Article 25

UDI database

Article 82 Reporting of serious incidents and Chapter III: Identification and

 Article 27
field safety corrective actions traceability of devices, registration
Electronic system for registration of 
of devices and of economic economic operators
Article 83 Trend reporting 
In-vitro diagnostic operators, summary of safety and
clinical performance, European Article 28
Article 84 Analysis of serious incidents and
field safety corrective actions
 regulation (IVDR) - database on medical devices
Registration of manufacturers, authorised 
representatives and importers

Article 85 Analysis of vigilance data 

Section 2 Vigilance
Consolidated (Articles 22-30)
Article 29

Article 86 Implementing acts 

Chapter VII: Post-market version 01.03.2020 Summary of safety and performance

surveillance, vigilance and market Article 30

surveillance European database on medical devices

Article 87 Electronic system on vigilance and
post-market surveillance
 (Articles 78-95)

Article 88 Market surveillance activities  Article 31

Authorities responsible for notified bodies

Article 89 Evaluation of devices suspected of
presenting an unacceptable risk or other non-  Article 32
Requirements relating to notified bodies


Article 33
Article 90 Procedure for dealing with devices 
Subsidiaries and subcontracting
presenting an unacceptable risk to health 
and safety
Article 34
Application by conformity assessment bodies 
Article 91 Procedure for evaluating national for designation
measures at Union level
 Section 3 Market Surveillannce

Article 35
Article 92 Other non-compliance  Assessment of the application

Article 93 Preventive health protection Article 36

 Nomination of experts for joint assessment 
of applications for notification
Article 94 Good administrative practice 
Article 37
Language requirements

Article 95 Electronic system on market

Article 38
Designation and notification procedure

Article 56 Performance evaluation and Article 39

clinical evidence
 Identification number and list of notified 
Chapter IV: Notified Bodies bodies
Article 57 General requirements regarding (Articles 31-46)
performance studies
 Article 40
Monitoring and re-assessment of notified 
Article 59 Informed consent  bodies

Article 60 Performance studies on Article 41

incapacitated subjects
 Review of notified body assessment of
technical documentation

Article 61 Performance studies on minors  and performance evaluation documentation

Article 62 Performance studies on pregnant Article 42

 Changes to designations and notifications

or breastfeeding women

Article 63 Additional national measures  Article 43

Challenge to the competence of notified 
Article 64 Performance studies in emergency

Article 44
Peer review and exchange of experience
Article 65 Damage compensation  
between authorities responsible for notified
Article 66 Application for performance

Article 45
Coordination of notified bodies

Article 67 Assessment by Member States 
Article 46
Article 68 Conduct of a performance study  
List of standard fees
Chapter VI: Clinical evidence,
Article 69 Electronic system on performance performance evaluation

and performance studies
Section 1 Article 47
Article 70 Performance studies regarding
(Articles 56-77) Classification Classification of devices

devices bearing the CE marking

Article 48
Conformity assessment procedures

Article 71 Substantial modifications to
performance studies

Article 49
Article 72 Corrective measures to be taken by Involvement of notified bodies in conformity 
Member States and information exchange assessment procedures
between Member States on performance
 Chapter V: Classification and
studies conformity assessment Article 50
(Articles 47-55) Mechanism for scrutiny of conformity 
Article 73 Information from the sponsor at assessments of class D devices
the end of a performance study or in the
event of a temporary halt or early

termination Article 51
Certificates of conformity

Section 2
Article 74 Coordinated assessment Conformity Assessment
procedure for performance studies
 Article 52
Electronic system on notified bodies and on 
Article 75 Review of the coordinated certificates of conformity
assessment procedure

Article 53
Article 76 Recording and reporting of adverse Voluntary change of notified body

events that occur during performance 
studies Article 54
Derogation from the conformity assessment 
Article 77 Implementing acts  procedures

Article 55
Certificate of free sale

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