3rd Monthly Examination - RSRCH1

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National Highway, Tagum City, 8100 Davao del Norte, Philippines
Email Address: [email protected] Faith • Excellence • Service
Quality Transformative Ignacian Marian Education


Senior High School Program
2nd Semester S.Y. 2022-2023

Teacher : Raymond W. Dela Cuesta, LPT. MAED

Subject : RSRCH 1-Practical Research 1

Name: _____________________________________ Score:___________________________

Grade and Section: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

I. True or False: (2 pts.)

Instruction: Shade letter “A” if the 1st statement is TRUE and the 2nd statement is FALSE.
Shade letter “B” if the 1st statement is FALSE and the 2nd statement is TRUE
Shade letter “C” if both statements are TRUE
Shade letter “D” if both statements are FALSE

1: a. Research is a systematic and organized process of collecting, organizing, analyzing, and

interpreting data to find answers to a query.
b. Research problems must be identified first before proceeding to the next steps in the conduct of

2: a. Qualitative Research utilizes statistical tools for data gathering procedure.

b. Quantitative Research utilizes interview for data gathering procedure.

3: a. Thematic Analysis is the data analyzing procedure for quantitative research.

b. Thematic Analysis refers to the process of regrouping three (3) similar answers from the different

4: a. Research can be conducted to improve the quality of life.

b. Research verifies an existing knowledge.

5: a. Researchers conducting research can acquire new knowledge.

b. It can’t bring new ideas or even create new theory.

6: a. Realistic as a characteristic of research deals with following valid procedures and principles
of conducting research.
b. In presenting the results of your research, results must be based on actual data and should
be gathered by the researchers themselves.

7: a. Hypothesis refers to a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a

starting point for further investigation
b. Null hypothesis proposes that no statistical significance exists in a set of given observations.

8: a. In the cyclical as a characteristic of research, it should begin with a problem and ends with
another problem.
b. In the analytical as a characteristic of research, proper analysis of the data should be done
before making final conclusion.

9: a. In research, researcher’s bias and prejudices should not be inserted in the conduct of
b. Conclusion or results of research must be drawn or based on the accuracy of empirical data
that supports the study.
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10: a. Research must be written in a way that others can perform or conduct the same study having
the same results as the original researcher.
b. Researchers should exhibit careful and precise judgment.

II. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and understand each given question. Shade the circle of the best answer on the
provided answer sheet.

11. What is the meaning of the acronym RRR?

a. Review of Related Literature
b. Reviewed Related Literature
c. Renewed Related Literature
d. Rescued Related Literature

12. What are the two (2) types of interview process for Qualitative research?
a. IDI and FGD c. T-test
b. Mean, Median, and Mode d. Z-test

13. What type of research approach that is aimed at gaining a better understanding of a subject,
phenomenon or basic law of nature?
a. Applied Research c. Pure Research
b. Correlational Research d. Explanatory Research

14. What is the core or specific research problem in the given topic?

A Study on Finding Intervention for Aggressive Child Behavior

a. Aggressive Child Behavior c. Intervention

b. Finding d. Study

15. What type of research based on purpose is the given title?

Senior High School students’ Food Choice During Online Classes: A Qualitative

a. Action Research c. Descriptive Research

b. Correlational Research d. None of the above

16. Which of the following titles can be a very good example of correlational research?

a. Life Chances of Senior High students in Time of Pandemic: A Qualitative Inquiry

b. Poverty Through the Lens of a Senior High School Students: A Qualitative Inquiry
c. Effectiveness of Collegial Coaching in Enhancing Instructional Competence of
d. Teacher’s Preparation on the Class and the Levels of Student’s Achievement on the
Subject Practical Research

17. Which of the following is not a type of correlational research?

a. Analytical Correlation c. No Correlation
b. Negative Correlation d. Positive Correlation

18. Which is true about NO Correlation?

a. It indicates the extent to which one variable increases as the other decreases.
b. It indicates the extent to which those variables increase as the other increases.
c. A change in one variable may not necessarily see a difference in other variables.
d. None of the above

19. What type of research method that explores why something occurs when limited information is
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a. Action Research c. Exploratory Research
b. Explanatory Research d. Correlational Research
20. What DATA GATHERING procedure to be used for qualitative research?
a. Ethical Consideration c. Statistical Tools
b. Interview d. Thematic Analysis

III. Essay

21-30: What is the difference between Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research based
on the following:

a. Data to be used
b. Data Analysis
c. Data Gathering Procedure


Criteria 5 4-3 2-1 Score

Focus/ Main The essay is The essay is The essay poorly
Point focused, focused on topic addresses topic
purposeful, and and includes few and includes
reflects clear loosely related irrelevant ideas
insight and ideas ideas
Language Use, Uses correct Contains Many errors in
Style & grammar, frequent errors in grammar,
Conventions spelling, grammar, spelling, and
punctuation spelling, and punctuation,
throughout with punctuation makes reader’s
very few errors comprehension


"May you do well on your test and earn a higher. Do your best and have confidence in yourself.
Best of luck!”
Sir Raymond

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National Highway, Tagum City, 8100 Davao del Norte, Philippines
Email Address: [email protected] Faith • Excellence • Service
Quality Transformative Ignacian Marian Education


Senior High School Program
2nd Semester S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: _____________________________________ Score:___________________________

Grade and Section: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________


II. Essay (For items 30-40)

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