Gcse Writing Structures Higher Tier PDF

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GCSE Spanish Writing.


Structure, Support and Success.

Higher Writing: I can
80-90-word writing
• I can write 80-90 words
• I can choose a question from a choice of two options
• I can follow the idea of P.P.O.F for the four bullet points;
o Past
o Present
o Opinion
o Future
• I can express opinions and add justification
• I can vary the use of vocabulary and structures
• I can achieve 20 out of 60 marks

130-150-word writing
• I can write 130-150 words
• I can choose a question from a choice of two options
• I can follow the idea of P.P.O.F for the four bullet points;
o Past
o Present
o Opinion
o Future
• I can express opinions and add justification
• I can use a wide variety of vocabulary and structures
• I can interest or convince the reader
• I can develop and expand ideas expressed
• I can use uncommon language
• I can achieve 28 out of 60 marks

• I can translate a short paragraph from English into Spanish
• I can use P.P.O.F to ensure the correct structure is used for each sentence.
• I can use repair strategies if I struggle with a word to translate
• I can achieve 12 out of 60 marks
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
• Question one on Higher on the writing exam
• A choice of two essay question and bullet points. Only write one.
• Worth a total of 20 marks
• Four parts to it; P.P.OF
• 80-90 words
Communication and Content Linguistic knowledge and Accuracy
0 • No rewardable material 0 • No rewardable material

1- • Communicates brief information relevant to the task 1-2 • Uses straightforward grammatical structures, some
3 with little development repetition
• Uses straightforward language to narrate, inform and • Produces brief, simple sentences, limited linking of
interest; straightforward personal opinions are given sentences
with limited justification • Variable accuracy with language and structures,
• Expresses straightforward thoughts and ideas; uses variable success when referring to past, present
common, familiar language with repetition and future events, regular ambiguity; often errors
• Variable use of appropriate register and style prevent meaning being conveyed

4- • Communicates information relevant to the task, with 3-4 • Uses mostly straightforward grammatical
6 development of the occasional key point and idea structures, occasional repetition
• Some effective adaptation of language to narrate and • Produces occasionally extended sentences linked
inform; attempts are made to interest and give with familiar, straightforward conjunctions
convincing personal opinions which are occasionally • Some accurate language and structures, including
successful some successful references to past, present and
• Expresses mainly straightforward thoughts and ideas future events, some ambiguity; often errors occur
with the occasional individual thought/idea; some that hinder clarity of communication and
different examples of common, familiar language occasionally prevent meaning being conveyed
• Appropriate use of register and style is evident but
with inconsistencies

7- • Communicates information relevant to the task, with 5-6 • Different examples of straightforward grammatical
9 development of some key points and ideas structures are evident
• Mostly effective adaptation of language to narrate and • Produces some extended sentences that are linked
inform, some effective language to interest and give with familiar, straightforward conjunctions
convincing personal opinions • Frequently accurate language and structures,
• Some examples of creative language use to express including mostly successful references to past,
individual thoughts and ideas; a variety of mainly present and future events, occasional ambiguity;
common, familiar language with the occasional sometimes errors occur that hinder clarity of
example of uncommon language communication
• Appropriate use of register and style is evident but
with occasional inconsistency

10 • Communicates information relevant to the task with 7-8 • Some variation of grammatical structures,
- expansion of key points and ideas occasional complex structure
12 • Effective adaptation of language to narrate, inform, • Produces frequently extended sentences, well
interest and give convincing personal opinions linked together
• Frequent examples of creative language use to express • Generally accurate language and structures,
individual thoughts and ideas; a variety of vocabulary including successful references to past, present and
and expression, some examples of uncommon future events; occasionally errors occur that hinder
language clarity of communication
• Appropriate use of register and style throughout with
minimal inconsistency
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing

How to best answer

the bullet points?

Right tense for the
bullet point
P ast

• Three tenses – Past,

present and future
J.O.E - Justify your
Opinions with an

• Negatives

Time expressions
Adjectives and
Talk about others

• Use something complex
to show flow
• Details and description uture
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Un campamento de verano
Manda un mensaje para pedir un puesto.
Debes incluir los siguientes puntos:
tus cualidades

los idiomas que


tu experiencia y las
prácticas laborales
que hiciste

tus ambiciones para el


P ast


O pinion

Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Un festival de cine internacional
Escribe a tu amigo/a español/a sobre tu experiencia.
Debes incluir los siguientes puntos:
dónde y cuándo se
celebra el festival

lo que más te gustó

del festival

por qué los festivales

son tan populares

los planes que tienes

para asistir a otro
festival en el futuro

P ast



Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
El deporte y el tiempo libre
Escríbele un email
Debes incluir los siguientes puntos:
Tus deportes

El deportista que más

admiras y por qué

Un fin de semana

Tus ideas para seguir

active/a en el futuro

P ast



Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Mi área loca
Escríbele una respuesta
Debes incluir los siguientes puntos:
Dónde está situado/a
tu pueblo/ciudad

El clima de tu zona

Un sitio de interés que


Posibles actividades
para el próximo fin de

P ast


O pinion

Higher Writing: Question One
80-90 words writing
Navidad en España
Escríbele una respuesta
Debes incluir los siguientes puntos:
Cómo se celebra el
Año Nuevo en tu
pueblo o ciudad
Cuáles fueron los días
más importantes
durante las vacaciones
Las celebraciones en
tu familia durante el

Los planes que tienes

para ver las fiestas en

P ast


O pinion

Higher Writing: Question Two
130-150 words writing
• Question two on Higher on the writing exam
• A choice of two essay question and bullet points. Only write one.
• Worth a total of 28 marks
• Four parts to it; P.P.OF and J.O.E

Communication and Content Linguistic knowledge and Accuracy

0 • No rewardable material 0 • No rewardable material

1-4 • Communicates occasionally detailed information 1-3 • Uses a variety of mainly straightforward
relevant to the task with occasionally effective grammatical structures, occasional examples of
development of key points and ideas repetitive complex language
• Some effective adaptation of language to narrate, • Occasional sequences of fluent writing, occasionally
inform, interest/convince extended, well linked sentences
• Occasional examples of creative use of language to • Straightforward grammatical structures are largely
express individual thoughts, ideas and points of view, accurate with occasional accurate use of complex
occasional justification; variety of mainly common, language, some successful references to past,
familiar language, occasional examples of uncommon present and future events but some ambiguity;
language errors occur that sometimes hinder clarity of
• Appropriate use of register and style with the communication
occasional inconsistency

5-8 • Communicates some detailed information relevant to 4-6 • Some variation of grammatical structures, including
the task, frequently effective development of key some repetitive instances of complex language
points and ideas • Prolonged sequences of fluent writing, some
• Frequently effective adaptation of language to extended, well-linked sentences
narrate, inform, interest/convince • Generally accurate language and structures,
• Examples of creative use of language to express some frequently successful references to past, present
individual thoughts, ideas and points of view, some and future events, occasional ambiguity; errors
justified; some variation of vocabulary and expression occur that occasionally hinder clarity of
with some examples of uncommon language communication
• Appropriate use of register and style with few

9- • Communicates detailed information relevant to the 7-9 • Uses a variety of grammatical structures including
12 task, with mostly effective development of key points some different examples of complex language
and ideas • Predominantly fluent response; frequent extended
• Mostly effective adaptation of language, to narrate, sentences, mostly well linked
inform, interest/convince • Mostly accurate language and structures, mostly
• Creative use of language to express a range of successful references to past, present and future
individual thoughts, ideas and points of view, most of events; errors occur but they rarely hinder clarity of
which are justified; variety of vocabulary and communication
expression, frequent examples of uncommon
• Predominantly appropriate use of register and style

13- • Communicates detailed information relevant to the 10- • Uses a wide variety of grammatical structures,
16 task, with consistently effective development of key 12 including complex language
points and ideas • Fluent response throughout with extended, well-
• Consistently effective adaptation of language to linked sentences
narrate, inform, interest/convince • Consistently accurate language and structures,
• Creative use of language to express and fully justify a consistently successful references to past, present
wide range of individual thoughts, ideas and points of and future events; any errors do not hinder the
view; wide variety of vocabulary and expression, clarity of the communication
many examples of uncommon language
• Consistent use of appropriate register and style
Higher Writing: Question Two
130-150 words writing
Higher Writing: Question Two
130-150 words writing
Higher Writing: Question Two
130-150 words writing
Tomar un año sabático
Escriba usted un artículo para informar a los lectores de las ventajas y desventajas de tomar un año
Debe incluir los siguientes puntos:
las ventajas de un año

las desventajas de un
año sabático

la experiencia que ya
tiene de trabajar o de
hacer de voluntario

lo que haría en un año


P ast



Higher Writing: Question Two
130-150 words writing
Una comida
Escriba usted un artículo para una revista española para interesar más gente a visitar su barrio para
Debe incluir los siguientes puntos:
Lo que hizo

Lo que piensa del

restaurante y por qué

Por qué comer fuera

es tan popular

Los restaurantes
donde va a comer en
el futuro

P ast



Higher Writing: Question Two
130-150 words writing
Las prácticas laborales
Escriba usted un artículo para convencer a los lectores del valor del trabajo
Debe incluir los siguientes puntos:

El trabajo que hace

usted para ganar
Unas prácticas
laborales que hizo

Lo bueno y lo malo de
las prácticas laborales

El trabajo en el futuro

P ast



Higher Writing: Question Two
130-150 words writing
La tecnología móvil
Escriba usted un artículo para informar a los lectores sobre cómo usa la tecnología móvil
Debe incluir los siguientes puntos:
Qué importancia tiene
la tecnología móvil
para usted y por qué
Un ejemplo de cómo
la tecnología móvil le
fue útil recientemente
Sus opiniones sobre
las ventajas u
desventajas de la
tecnología móvil
Un ejemplo de cómo
va a usar la tecnología
móvil este fin de

P ast



Higher Writing: Question Three
Translation English to Spanish
• Question three on Higher on the writing exam
• Worth a total of 12 marks
• One paragraph with P.P.O.F, totalling five sentences.

Translation mark grids

0 • No rewardable material

1-3 • Meaning of some individual words or phrases is conveyed; frequent

omissions/incorrectly communicated words and phrases/mother tongue interference
• Some straightforward structures are accurate but regular errors prevent meaning of
individual phrases/sentences being conveyed
4-6 • The meaning of the passage is partially communicated, some words and phrases are
omitted/incorrectly communicated
• Language and structures are accurate in some phrases and sentences but some errors
prevent meaning being conveyed
7-9 • The meaning of the passage is mostly communicated, occasional words are
omitted/incorrectly communicated
• Mostly accurate language and structures; errors occur that occasionally hinder clarity
and in rare instances prevent meaning being conveyed
10- • The meaning of the passage is fully communicated
12 • Consistently accurate language and structures, any errors do not hinder clarity
Higher Writing: Question Three
Translation English to Spanish
Step One: Step Two: Step Three:

Read the text Break down into sentences Underline or highlight

what you can do instantly

Usually we have dinner at 8:00 o'clock and then I go to bed at 10. However, I
have just been to a music festival where I spent two nights without sleeping. It
was incredible and I saw many of my favourite bands, though today I am very
sleepy. Next time I'm not going to camp.


Step Four: Write ________________________________________

the translation of
each part you ________________________________________
know in
sentences. Leave
a line for bits you
don’t know, yet.

Step Five: Look at

those gaps, can
you think logically
what needs to go
Higher Writing: Question Three
Translation English to Spanish
Step One: Step Two: Step Three:

Read the text Break down into sentences Underline or highlight

what you can do instantly

I love sport, I play football twice a week and I often go to the sports centre. My
older brother wants to get fit. He never used to do any exercise, but he joined a
gym last month. He has also started running everyday and he would like to
continue doing it even in winter.


Step Four: Write ________________________________________

the translation of
each part you ________________________________________
know in
sentences. Leave
a line for bits you
don’t know, yet.

Step Five: Look at

those gaps, can
you think logically
what needs to go
Higher Writing: Question Three
Translation English to Spanish
Step One: Step Two: Step Three:

Read the text Break down into sentences Underline or highlight

what you can do instantly

Normally I go on holiday to the coast in southern Spain because I love doing

water sports. The best thing about the area is the good weather. However, last
year I went camping and it rained everyday. Next year I hope to travel around
Costa Rica with my brother as we would like to see the spectacular landscapes.


Step Four: Write ________________________________________

the translation of
each part you ________________________________________
know in
sentences. Leave
a line for bits you
don’t know, yet.

Step Five: Look at

those gaps, can
you think logically
what needs to go
Higher Writing: Question Three
Translation English to Spanish
Step One: Step Two: Step Three:

Read the text Break down into sentences Underline or highlight

what you can do instantly

My local sports centre is close to my house so I walk there. What I like the most
about the sports centre is that they have clubs. Last year I joined the swimming
club which was fun. After the exams I hope to have more time for swimming
because I would like to continue doing it regularly.


Step Four: Write ________________________________________

the translation of
each part you ________________________________________
know in
sentences. Leave
a line for bits you
don’t know, yet.

Step Five: Look at

those gaps, can
you think logically
what needs to go
Phrases that make your work stand out
Justify your Opinion with an Example

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