Recognizing The Importance

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Sql And CSharp is very User Friendly and Easy Database Development Tool.

It Works For SQL Server As Backend and CSharp as Front End. What it can do? 1.) Automatically creates All the Basic Stored Procedures (i.e. Select, Update, Delete, Insert) For a Particular Table in SQL Server. 2.) Auto generates the Connection Class for CSharp which is needed to Connect Sql Server With CSharp. 3.) Auto generates Stored Procedures Calling Class which calls the stored procedures created by this tool for Data Manipulation. 4.) Auto generates The Windows Form (Which Provide an interface) For Manipulate Data in a particular Table. 5.) Auto generates Code, if a stored procedure is provided. 6.) You can modify a stored procedure according to your requirements and can save it to the database. Joins Between Tables A query that accesses multiple rows of the same or different tables at one time is called a join query. Storage in multitable relations and hence multitable queries involving more than on table are fundamental to relational databases. To combine relations, i.e. to perform a join, we have to select data from the tables, and relate the tables to each other with conditions on some attributes (often keys attributes). When joining tables, it is necessary to join each table mentioned in the FROM clause by specifying joins in the WHERE clause. If you use a table name in the FROM clause but fail to join it in the WHERE clause, the table is marked as unjoined. It is then paired with every row in the query result. This result is usually not intended. When a query returns many more rows than expected, look for an unjoined table in the query. C# is a general purpose programming object oriented language invented around 1999 or 2000 by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft. It is very similar to Java in its syntax with a major difference being that all variable types are descended from a common ancestor class. The purpose of C# is to precisely define a series of operations that a computer can perform to accomplish a task. Most of these operations involve manipulating numbers and text, but anything that the computer can physically do can be programmed in C#. Computers have no intelligence- they have to be told exactly what to do and this is defined by the programming language you use. Once programmed they can repeat the steps as many times as you wish at very high speed. Modern PCs are so fast they can count to a billion in a second or two. What Can a C# Program Do? Typical programming tasks includes putting data into a database or pulling it out, displaying high speed graphics in a game or video, controlling electronic devices attached to the PC or even playing music and/or sound effects. You can even write software to generate music or help you compose. Some developers believe that C# is too slow for games, because it is interpreted. However the .NET runtime compiles the interpreted code (calledCIL) the first time it is run. Is C# The Best Programming Language?

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Some computer languages were written for a specific purpose. Java was originally devised to control toasters. C for Operating Systems Programming. Pascal to teach good programming techniques. But C# is a general purpose language with features to make programs more robust. Compared with C++, it doesn't need pointers. Unlike C++ and to a lesser extent Java, the screen handling in C# is excellent, on both desktops and the web. Is There Plenty Of C# Open Source? Not as much as in Java, C or C++ but it is starting to become popular. Unlike commercial applications, where the source code is owned by a business and never made available, open source code can be viewed and used by anyone. It's an excellent way to learn coding techniques.

When I have my consultant's hat on and people ask why I choose C#/.NET over Java, there are three primary reasons I give 1. It's faster to develop code using C#/.NET. Our own empirical evidence suggests it is up to 20% quicker to develop an application in C# than it is to develop the same aplication in Java. This is mainly due to the expressive nature of C# and the range of functionality built in to the .NET framework. 2. Platform integration. Most of the software I write targets the Windows platform in one variety or another. If your goal is writing software that will run solely on Windows then this really is a nobrainer. .NET provides significantly better integration with the Windows platform than Java does - period. 3. Deployment. The .NET deployment story is the clincher in my book. Visual Studio is the de facto development environment for .NET applications and it provides several great options for deploying applications to desktop, server and mobile platforms, including MSI installer packages and Click Once. These capabilities are built right into the development environment and allow me to build sophisticated installation routines. We never use any third party installer software Visual Studio and a great little library of routines for building custom actions (which I might shortly release under an Open Source licence) meets 99% of all our deployment needs. With this we can easily copy files to and configure all manner of aspects of the target machine, enabling us to provide a great automated installation experience for the user. Learning C# will probably be easier to start with, because you are already familiar with the standard libraries. Java has a completely different set of libraries, and these days a significant portion of the work in learning a language is learning the platform and libraries.

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