Guidance and Councellng

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•Meaning, Definition, Types and

Deferences.and needs.
• B.Ed. 2nd Year
MO .9709931532. EMAIL
[email protected]


counselling refers to the servivces that promote
personal,social, educational, and career
development. guidance counseling attends to the
needs of students, parents,professional Associates
and the community.
•Guidance and counselling is the
process of helping individuals
Discover and develop their
educational, vocational and
psychological potentialities and to
achieve an optimal level of
personal happiness and social
1. 1- Guidance and counselling are twin concept and have
emerged as essential elements of every educational
2. 2-Guidance and counselling are not synonymous term,
counseling is a part of guidance.
3. 3- guidance in educational context, means to
indicate,point out, show the way,lead out and direct.
4. 4- counseling is a specialized service of is the
process of helping individual learn about themselves and
their present and possible future situations to make a
substantial contribution to the society.
Guidance- Meaning-
Guidance is a means of helping individuals to
understand and use wisely the Educational,
vocational and Personal opportunities they
have or can develop and as a form of
systematic assistance whereby students are
aided in achieving satisfactory adjustment to
school and in life.
Guidance- Definition
• “Guidance is an assistance made available by a
competent counselor to an individual of any age to
help him direct his own life, develop his own point
of view, make his own decisions and Carry his own
-Hamrin & Erikson
• “Guidance is not is not the impossible of
one’s point of view upon is not making
decisions for an individual which he should make for
himself.It is not carrying the burden of another’s
life.Guidance is assistance made available by competent
counselors to an individual of any age to help him direct
his own point of view,make his own decisions, Carry his
own burdens.”
• Crow and crow
Types of Guidance-
1. Educational Guidance
2. Vocational Guidance
3. Personal Guidance
4. Social Guidance
5. Avocational Guidance
6. Health Guidance
Meanings of counseling-

Counseling is a personal relationship between a

professionally trained counsellor and someone
who aims to assist him to communicate and meet
his immediate needs and problems.

Counseling is an interaction process which

facilitates meaningful understanding of self and
•Counseling is not giving of information,
advise, it is not brainwashing,it is not
forcing beliefs or behavior by persuasion or
coercion. rather it is providing conditions
which facilitates voluntary change.
Definition of counseling-

• "Counseling is essentially • “Counseling may be

a process in which the defined as a series of
counselor assist the direct contacts with the
counselee to make individual which aims to
interpretation of facts offer assistance in
relating to a choice,plan changing his attitude and
or adjustment which he behaviour".
needs to make." -Carl Rogers
• -Glenn F. Smith
Nature of counseling-
•Individual/one-to-one helping relationship
•Face to face relationship
•Main focus: Individual’s growth, adjustment,
problem solving and decision making needs.
•Professional work
•Confidential and private process/personal ,
Types of counseling-
1. Directive counseling. (Counselorr centered)
2. Non Directive Counseling. (counselee centered)
3. Eclectic Counseling.
• May be given in groups. • Given individually not in groups.
• Face to face relation is not • Face to face direct relation is essential.
essential. • The task of counselor is more serious
• The task of the guidance than that of Guidance worker.
worker is not as serious as • Cordial and satisfying relationship is
that of a Counselor. needed.
• Cordial and satisfying • Aims to solve the problem.
relationship is not needed.
• Needs for personal & social domain
1. Personal and social development of individual.
2. To adapt in different stages of development.
3. Offering art of better living.
4. Proper use of leisure time.
5. Holistic personality development.
6. Best use of available opportunity.
7. Motivates for effective utilization & development of self.
Needs of Educational/professional domain-
1. Helps in academic growth & development.
2. Helps in vocational & professional maturity.
3. Facilitate an individual in the right Educatione &profession.
4. Offer help to handle Educational & professional situations.
5. Helps in proper utilization of human resources.
6. Helpin adapt in changing concept of Educatione.
7. Helps in proper carrer choice.
8. Helps to minimize indiscipline.
•Guidance & Counseling enjoys a dominant
role in the present day Educatione system.It
helps the students to acquire ability which
promote self-direction & self-realization.In
nursing Educatione,it helps the teacher’s &
students to become more professional so
that they can face the challenges badly.

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