Greek and Latin Comparisons

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Through Dia- Per-
Down (from) Cata- De-
Under Hypo- Sub-
Below Hypo- Infra-
Over, on top Hyper- Super-
Beyond Meta- Ultra-
After Meta- Post-
Before Pro- Pro-, Pre-, Ante-
Away from Apo- Ab-, De-
With, together Syn- Con-
Against Anti- Contr-
No, without A- In-
In En- In-
Out, out of Ec-, Ex- E-, Ex-
Outside Ecto- Extra-
Within, inside Endo- Intra-, Intro-
Around Peri- Circum-
Back, again Ana- Re-
Soft Malaco- Pia
Hard Sclero- Dura

Adip- (fat) Album- (white)
Aqua (water) Chloro- (green)
Acetum (vinegar) Cyano- (blue)
Coll- (glue) Erytho- (red)
Galact- (milk) Glauco- (gray-green)
Gluten (glue) Leuco- (white)
Hal- (salt) Melan- (black)
Hydro- (water) Polio- (gray)
Kerat- (horn) Porphyro- (purple)
Lact- (milk) Rub(i) (e)- (red)
Lip- (fat) Xantho- (yellow)
Lith- (stone)
Oleum (oil)
Sal (salt)
Sebum (fat)
Stearo (fat)
Steat (fat)

Allo- (another) Ab- (away)
Ambly- (dull) Ad- (toward)
Bary- (heavy) Amphi- (on both sides)
Brachy- (short) Ana- (up)
Brady (slow) Ante- (before)
Cac- (bad) Anti- (against)
Cryo- (cold) Apo- (away from)
Crypto- (hidden) Cata- (down)
Dolicho- (long) Circum- (around)
Duro- (hard) Contra- (against)
Eury- (broad) Cycl- (circular)
Hetro- (different) De- (away from)
Holo- (entire) Dextro- (right)
Idio- (special) Dia- (through)
Iso- (equal) Dis- (apart from)
Kypho (bent) Ec- (out from)
Leio- (smooth) Ex- (out from)
Lepto- (thin) Ecto- (on the outer side)
Macro- (large) En- (in)
Malaco- (soft) Endo- (within)
Mega- (big) Epi- (upon)
Micro- (small) Extra- (outside)
Neo- (new) Exo- (outside)
Ortho- (straight) Gyro- (circular)
Oxy- (sharp) Hyper- (above)
Pachy- (thick) Infra- (below)
Pia (soft) Inter- (between)
Platy- (broad) Intra- (within)
Proprio- (one's own) Leve- (left)
Pseudo- (false) Medio- (middle)
Pycno- (compact) Meso- (middle)
Sclero- (hard) Meta- (after)
Scolio- (crooked) Opistho- (behind)
Steno- (narrow) Ortho- (straight)
Strepto- (twisted) Para- (beside)
Tachy- (fast) Per- (through)
Tauto- (same) Peri- (around)
Trachy- (rough) Post- (after)
Xero- (dry) Pre- (before)
Pro- (before)
Proximo- (nearest)
Re- (back)
Scolio- (curved)
Sinistro- (left)
Sub- (under)
Super- (above)
Supra- (above)
Trans- (across)
Ultra- (beyond)
PREFIXES ecto- outside
A ecto-derm outside skin
a-, an- without, lack of em-, en- in
a-pnea without breath em-pyema to have pus in
an-esthesia without sensation em-pyhsema to blow in
an-emia lack of blood en-cephalon in the head
ab- away from endo- within
ab-ductor leading from the midline endo-metrium within the uterus
ab-oral the mouth epi- on, above
ad- to, toward, near to epi-glottis on the tongue
ad-ductor leads toward the midline epi-gastrium on the belly
ad-renal near the kidney exo- outside of
ambi- both exo-genous made outside of
ambi-dextrous both right (hands) extra- outside of
ana- up, again extra-cellular made outside of
ana-stomosis opening (made) up eu- well, good
ana-tomy a cutting up eu-genic well born
ante- before, forward H
ante-cubital before the elbow hemi- half
ante-flexion forward bending hemi-plegia half stroke
anti- against, reversed hyper- over, excessive
anti-peristalsis reversed peristalsis hyper-plasia excessive formation
anti-sepsis against infection hyper-nephroma suprarenal tumor
apo- away from hypo- below, deficient in
apo-neurosis away from a tendon hypo-gastric below the belly
brady- slow Im-, in- in
brady-cardia heart beat Im-mersion dipped in
C In-jection thrown in
cata- down Infra- below
cata-bolism throwing (breaking) down Infra-orbital below the orbit
circum- around Inter- between
circum-oral the mouth Inter-articular between joints
co-, com, con with, together, thorough Intra- within
com-misure join together Intra-cellular within the cell
contra-, contro- against, opposite M
contra-lateral opposite side Meso- meddle, mesentery
D Meso-derm middle skin (layer)
de- out of, down Meso-appendix mesentery of the apendix
de-cubitus lie down Meta- beyond, changed
de-mentia out of the mind Meta-carpal beyond the wrist
di- twice, double Meta plasia change in formation
digastric double belly P
dia- through, apart Para- beside, wrong (ly)
dia-gnosis through knowledge Para-thyroid beside the thryoid
dis- apart from Par-esthesia wrong (abnormal) sensation
dis-location locating apart from Per- through
dys- bad, difficult, painful Per-cutaneous through the skin
dys-plasia bad formation Peri- around
dys-pnea difficult breathing Peri-cardium around the heart
dys-menorrhea painful menstruation Post- after
E Post-partum after birth
e-, ec-, ek-, ex out from Pre-, pro- before
e-nucleate kernel out from Psuedo- falso, imagined
ex-cision cut out from Pseudo-cyesis imagined pregnancy
R Super-ciliary above the eyelid
Retro- backward Super- more than, excessive
Retro-flexation bent backward Super-acute more than acute
Retro-version turned backward Supra- above, upon
S Supra-renal above the kidney
Semi- half Sym-, syn with, together
Semi-lunar half moon (shaped) Sym-physis growth together
Sub-, suc-, sup- under Syn-drome running together
Sup-pur-ation condition of pus under T
Sub- less than Trans- across
Sub-acute less than acute Trans-fusion pour out
Super- above Trans-section cut across

-oma tumor (hemat-oma =bloody tumour)
-lexy fixation (colpo-plexy = fixation of the vagina)
-ma the result of: (trau-ma =an injury)
-plasty repair of (rhino-plasty =nose job)
-rrhea flow (dia-rrhea = flow through)
-sect cutting (bi-sect = cut into two)
-sia, -sis, -tion, -y action or condition (anethe-sia =without pain; arthro-sis= articulation;
palpita-tion = throbbing; agon-y =suffering)
-schisis split (gastro-schisis =belly-split)
-stomy making an opening (colo-stomy =colon opening)
-tomy cutting (ana-tomy =cut up)
-cele hernia (recto-cele = rectal hernia)
-cule, -ium diminuitive (mole-cule = a little mass; bacter-ium =a small stick)
-ectasis dilation, stretching (bronchi-ectasis = streching of bronchi)
-ectomy cutting out (append-ectomy = remove the appendix)
-ia, -ity quality (man-ia =madness; par-ity = parity)
-iasis a process or its results (hyper-trich-iasis=excess-hair
-ist an agent (intern-ist = Dr. who specializes in insides)
-itis inflammation (appendicitis= inflammation of the appendix)
-lysis gradual destruction (hemo-lysis =blood destruction)
-odynia pain (coccyg-odynia =coccygeal pain)
-osis a condition (sten-osis =narrowing)
-ac, -al, ary, -ic, -tic, ous pertaining to, related to: (card-iac the heart; digit-al the finger; libr-ary
books; enter-ic the intestine; didac-tic learning; gangren-ous gangrene; deleteri-ous hurt)
-ible capacity or ability (flex-ible =may be bent)
-id condition (flu-id =able to flow)
-ous full of, pertaining to: (gase-ous =gas)
-oid shaped like: (odont-oid = a tooth)
-ize to make into: (keratin-ize =keratin)
-ad a group: (tri-ad of three)
-algia pain (ceph-algia = head pain)
-centesis puncturing (culdo-centesis= puncturing the cul-de-sac)
Word (Latin or Greek origin) – example

A Bulla (bubble)
Abduct (away from + to lead) Bursa (purse or sac)
Abductor - muscle which moves the part C
away from the midline of the body or a part Cancellous (spongy) (lattice
of the body Canthus (the corner of the eye)
Acetabulum (vinegar + receptacle) - the Caput (head) - any rounded head-like
socket of the hip joint structure
Acinus (grape) - the smallest lobule of a Capitate (head) - a carpal bone
gland or a sac-like dilation of a small Capitellum (small head)
passage Capitulum (small head) - the distal rounded
Acromion (raised point + shoulder) portion of the humerus, or the head of the
Adduct (toward + lead) - to draw toward mandible
Aden (gland) Cardinal (primary)
Adenoid (gland + like) - lymphoid tissue in Carina (the keel of a boat) - a ridge at the
the nasopharynx bifurcation of the trachea
Adnexa (to + bind) - the ovary and tube are Carpus (wrist)
"attached" to the uterus Cauda (tail)
Adventitia (to come in, an addition from Celiac (belly)
without) - outer tissue Cephalos (brain)
Afferent (toward + carry) Cerebellum (brain + little)
Ala (wing) Cervix (neck) - a constricted portion
Alba (white) Chiasma (the mark of the letter X)
Alveolus (hollow + small space) - tooth Chole (bile)
socket or air spaces of the lung Chondro (cartilage)
Ampulla (flask shaped) - a dilated area + a Chyle (lymphatic fluid)
narrow neck Choledochus (bile + lead) - the common bile
Amygdaloid (almond shaped) duct
Anastomosis (up + mouth) - mouth-like Cisterna (a reservoir)
openings coming together Colon (large intestine)
Aneurysm (up + widening) - a widening or Colpo (vagina)
ballooning out of an artery Concha (shell) - a shell like projection into
Angio (vessel) - carries lymph or blood the nasal cavity
Annular (round) Conus (cone shaped)
Ansa (handle of a jug) - nervous structure in Corona (crown)
the form of a loop Cornua (horn)
Arachnoid (spider web + like) - a thin Cortex (outer bark or rind)
membrane over the brain and spinal cord Corocoid (like a crow's beak)
Arcuate (arched) Coronoid (like a crown) - a process of the
Arthro- (joint) ulna or mandible
Astrocyte (star + cell) Corpus (body)
Atlas - the 1st cervical vertebra (C1) Costo (rib)
Autonomic (self + law) - a self regulated (law Cranium (skull) - the skull minus the
unto itself) nervous system mandible
Axon (axle) - each neuron has a single axon Cribriform (sieve + likeness)
arising from the axon hillock Cricoid (ring) - laryngeal cartilage
Azygos (unyoked) - not a pair resembling a signet ring
B Cruciate (cross) - crossing ligaments
Bolus (throw) - a large quantity of a attached to neck vertebrae
substance, ingested or injected, and Crus (cross)
intended for therapeutic or diagnostic usage Cuboid (cube shaped)
Brachiocephalic (arm + head) Cuneiform (wedge + shape)
Cyanosis (blue + condition) -- a dark blue Fauces (passages) - the passage to the
coloration of the skin due to deficient pharynx
oxygenation of the blood Fenestra (window)
Cytoblast (cell + sprout) - cellular nucleus Filum (thread)
Cytoplasm (cell + formation) Fimbria (fringe) - the fimbriated end of the
D salpinx (tube)
Decussation ( an X shaped intersection of Fontanelle (small fountain) - soft spot on an
two lines) infant's skull
Deltoid - resembles the Greek letter Foramen (aperture or hole)
Dendron (tree) - a branching Fornix (arch)
Dendrite - a branched process extending Fossa (trench)
from a cell body Frenulum (fold) - a fold of tissue
Dens (tooth) - the upward projection of the Fundus (base)
body of the C2 vertebra Fovea (small pit)
Dermis (skin) Fusiform (spindle shaped)
Detrusor (to throw down) - contraction of G
bladder muscle Gall (bile)
Diagnosis (through + knowledge) - the Ganglion (a knot) - a synovial joint cyst
evaluation of diseases through knowledge located under the skin or a collection of PNS
Diaphysis (through + growth) - the shaft of a nerve cell bodies
long bone Gastric (belly or stomach)
Diarthrosis (through + joint) - a movable joint Gastrocnemius (belly + leg) - a posterior leg
Didelphys (double + uterus) muscle
Diencephalon (through + brain) - the Gastroschisis (belly + split) - an embryonic
posterior part of the forebrain (thalamic defect of the anterior abdominal wall
structures) Genu (knee) - a bend in a structure
Digastric (double + belly) - a muscle with Glenoid (shallow socket)
two fleshy bellies extending from the Glia (glue) - binding cells of the CNS
mandible and temporal bone to the hyoid Gubernaculum (governor) - a cord which
bone "governs" the descent of the testis
Dorsum (the back) H
Duodenum (twelve) - the first portion of the Hallux (great toe)
small intestines, originally thought to be Hamate (hooked) - a carpal bone located on
twelve fingerbreadths in length the ulnar side
Dura (hard) Hepa, hepar, hepat- (liver)
E Hernia (rupture or protrusion) - rupture or
Ectoderm (outside + skin) protrusion of an organ or structure through
Ectopic (outside of + place) - something the wall of the cavity normally containing it
located in a place it is not supposed to be Hiatus (a gap)
Enteron (intestine) Hippocampus (sea horse) - a curved area of
Epicanthus (upon + the angle (corner) of the the brain
eye) Hyster (uterus)
Epidermis (upon + skin) I
Epigastrium (upon + belly) - the upper Infundibulum (funnel) - the distal end of the
central portion of the anterior abdominal wall oviduct
Epiglottis (upon + tongue) Intramural (within wall)
Epiphysis (upon + growth) - part of a long Isthmus (a narrow passage or entrance)
bone developed from a separate center of J
ossification Jejunum (empty)
Epoophoron (upon + ovary) - tubules in the
mesosalpinx and near the ovary
Kyphosis (bent + condition)
Fascia (band or bandage) - a collection of
connective tissue Labrum (lip)
Falx (sickle) - a sickle-like structure Labyrinth (a maze)
Lacuna (pit or little lake)
Lambdoidal ( shaped) Piriform (pear shaped) - a muscle extending
Lamina (thin plate) from the pelvis to the femur
Lapara - (the soft part of the body between Pisiform (pea shaped)
the ribs and hips) Platysma (flat) - a superficial neck muscle
Ligament (that which binds or ties) Pleura (lining membrane in the chest)
Lien (spleen) Plexus (braided or woven)
Lithiasis (stone + condition or process) Plica (folded together)
Lunate (moon) Pneuma(o) (a breath of air) - the term may
Lymph (transparent water) - the watery fluid refer to the lungs or to air or gas anyplace
found in lymphatic vessels Pod (foot)
M Pollex (thumb)
Macula (spot) Pons (bridge)
Malleus (hammer) Porta (gate)
Mediastinum (middle + to stand in) Pterion (wing) - the place where the frontal,
Medulla (marrow) - an inner part temporal and parietal bones meet the
Metaplasia (a change + form) greater wing of the sphenoid
Metra (uterus) Pyo (pus)
Myocardium (muscle + heart) R
N Rectum (straight)
Navicular (small boat) - the boat shaped Reticulum (net)
scaphoid bone Rima (slit)
Nephros (kidney) S
Neuron - the Greeks called nerves and Salpinx (trumpet) - the oviduct (Fallopian
tendons neurons tube)
Nucleus (nut) Sarc- (flesh)
O Scaphoid (bowel like)
Omphalocele (navel + hernia) - an umbilical Sella turcica (saddle + turkish) - the fossa
hernia due to failure of the embryonic for the pituitary gland
intestine to return to the abdomen during Sigmoid ("S" shaped)
rotation of the midgut Soma (body)
Oophoron (egg + bearer) Sphenoid (wedge shaped)
Orchis (testicle) Splanchnic (to the viscera) - nerves to the
Otos (ear) abdominal viscera
P Squamous (flat)
Parasympathetic (alongside + with + an Stoma (mouth)
affected vital process) - a part of the Styloid (peg like)
autonomic nervous system Sulcus (furrow)
Pampiniform (tendril + shape) - a plexus of Suprarenal (above + kidney)
veins Sympatheitc (with + a distressed state) - a
Pancreas (all + flesh) division of the autonomic nervous system
Parietal (wall) - pertaining to the external T
wall of a cavity Tarsus (basket)
Parotid (beside + ear) Teres (round)
Patella (small dish) Thorax - the chest
Pecten (comb) - a curved line resembling a Trapezium (a four sided geometrical figure
comb with no two sides parallel) - a carpal bone
Ped or Pead (child) located next to the thumb
Pedicle (foot + little) Trapezoid (a four-sided figure with 2 parallel
Peristalsis (around + contraction) - intestinal sides) - carpal bone
waves of contraction and relaxation Trochlea (pulley)
Peritoneum (around + stretched) V
Pes (foot) Ventral (belly) - the front or belly side
Phagocyte (eat + cell) - a cell which eats Vesica (bladder)
bacteria and other stuff Vesicle (small bladder)
Pia (soft)
Volar (the palm of the hand or the sole of the Z
foot) Zygoma (the shape of a yoke)
Vomer (ploughshare)

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