ASTM C876 - Standard Test Method For Corrosion Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete PDF
ASTM C876 - Standard Test Method For Corrosion Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete PDF
ASTM C876 - Standard Test Method For Corrosion Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete PDF
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
C876 − 22a
4.7 Temperature and humidity can impact potential read- corrosion potential of reinforcing steel embedded in concrete
ings. This is particularly important for periodic testing of the over the temperature range from 0 °C to 49 °C (32 °F to
same test location. An increase in the temperature leads to 120 °F).
increasing ionic mobility, which in turn affects the reference For the purposes of this test method, corrosion
electrode’s potential. The temperature influence can be ne- potentials shall be based upon the half-cell reaction Cu→
glected if the measurements are taken within the range of Cu++ + 2e- corresponding to the potential of the saturated
22.2 °C 6 5.5 °C (72 °F 6 10 °F). Otherwise, the temperature- copper-copper sulfate reference electrode as referenced to the
dependency of the measurements must be taken into account. hydrogen electrode being −0.30 V at 22.2 °C (72 °F) (1).3 The
4.8 The potential measurements should be interpreted by copper-copper sulfate reference electrode has a temperature
engineers or technical specialists experienced in the fields of coefficient of approximately 0.0005 V more negative per °F for
concrete materials and corrosion testing. It is often necessary to the temperature range from 0 °C to 49 °C (32 °F to 120 °F).
use other complementary data such as chloride contents, depth Other reference electrodes having similar measure-
of carbonation, delamination survey, rate of corrosion, and ment range, accuracy, and precision characteristics to the
environmental exposure conditions, in addition to corrosion copper-copper sulfate electrode may also be used. Calomel
potential measurements, to formulate conclusions concerning reference electrodes have been used in laboratory studies. For
corrosion activity of embedded steel and its probable effect on concrete submerged in seawater, using silver-silver chloride
the service life of a structure. reference electrodes avoids chloride contamination problems
that may occur with copper-copper sulfate electrodes. Silver-
5. Apparatus silver chloride/potassium chloride reference electrodes are also
5.1 The testing apparatus consists of the following:
5.1.1 Reference Electrode: The reference electrode selected shall provide a 3
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
stable and reproducible potential for the measurement of the this standard.
C876 − 22a
crete structures, such as bridge decks, preliminary cleaning of
the concrete surface with “street sweepers” has proven suc-
5.1.4 Voltmeter—The voltmeter shall allow DC voltage
readings, have the capacity to be battery operated, and provide
adequate input impedance and AC rejection capability for the
environment where this test method is applied. Prior to commencing testing, a digital voltmeter
with a variable input impedance ranging from 10 MΩ to
200 MΩ may be used to determine the input impedance
required to obtain precision readings. The use of a meter with
variable input impedance avoids meter loading errors from
high concrete resistivity. An initial reading is taken in the
10 MΩ position, and then switching to successively higher
impedances while watching the meter display until the reading
remains constant through two successive increases. Then
decrease the impedance on setting to reduce noise and provide
the most precise readings. If the voltmeter does not display a
constant reading through 200 MΩ, then the use of a galvanom-
eter with an input impedance of 1 GΩ or 2 GΩ should be
considered. Logging voltmeters may also be used. Electromagnetic interference or induction resulting
FIG. 2 Sectional View of a Copper-Copper Sulfate Reference from nearby AC power lines or radio frequency transmitters
Electrode can produce an error. When in the proximity of such interfer-
ence sources, the readings may fluctuate. An oscilloscope can
be used to define the extent of the problem and be coupled with
applied to atmospherically exposed concrete. Potentials mea- the DC voltmeter manufacturer’s specification for AC rejection
sured by reference electrodes other than saturated copper- capability to determine the resolution of induced AC interfer-
copper sulfate should be converted to the copper-copper sulfate ence with successful application of this test method.
equivalent potential. The conversion technique can be found in 5.1.5 Electrical Lead Wires—The electrical lead wire shall
Practice G3 and Reference Electrodes Theory and Practice by be of such dimension that its electrical resistance for the length
Ives and Janz (2). used will not disturb the electrical circuit by more than
5.1.2 Electrical Junction Device—An electrical junction 0.0001 V. This has been accomplished by using no more than
device shall be used to provide a low electrical resistance liquid a total of 150 m (500 linear ft) of at least AWG No. 24 wire.
bridge between the surface of the concrete and the reference The wire shall be coated with a suitable insulation such as
electrode. It shall consist of a sponge or several sponges direct burial type of insulation.
pre-wetted with a low electrical resistance contact solution. 5.1.6 In addition to single reference electrodes connected to
The sponge may be folded around and attached to the tip of the a voltmeter, multiple electrode arrays, reference electrodes
reference electrode so that it provides electrical continuity with a wheel junction device and logging voltmeters that
between the porous plug and the concrete member. The record distance and potential may also be used.
minimum contact area of the electrochemical junction device
shall be the area equivalent of a circle with 3× the nominal 6. Calibration and Standardization
diameter of the concrete coarse aggregate to a maximum of
6.1 Care of the Reference Electrode—Follow the manufac-
0.01 m2 (16 in.2).
turer’s instructions for storage, calibration, and maintenance.
5.1.3 Electrical Contact Solution—In order to standardize
Electrodes should not be allowed to dry out or become
the potential drop through the concrete portion of the circuit, an
contaminated. The porous plug shall be covered when not in
electrical contact solution shall be used to wet the electrical
use for long periods to ensure that it does not become dry to the
junction device. One such solution is composed of a mixture of
point that it becomes a dielectric (upon drying, pores may
95 mL of wetting agent (commercially available wetting agent)
become occluded with crystalline filling solution).
or a liquid household detergent thoroughly mixed with 19 L (5
gal) of potable water. Under working temperatures of less than 6.2 Calibration of the Reference Electrode—Reference elec-
about 10 °C (50 °F), approximately 15 % by volume of either trodes shall be calibrated against an approved standard trace-
isopropyl or denatured alcohol must be added to prevent the able to a national standard at regular intervals as specified by
clouding of the electrical contact solution, since clouding may the manufacturer or when the solution is changed. If cells do
inhibit penetration of water into the concrete to be tested. not produce the reproducibility or agreement between cells
Conductive gels may be employed to reduce drift in the described in Section 12, cleaning may rectify the problem. If
measured corrosion potential that can derive from dynamic reproducible and stable readings are not achieved, the refer-
liquid junction potentials. On large horizontal reinforced con- ence electrode should be replaced.
C876 − 22a
6.3 Calibration of the Voltmeter—The voltmeter shall be measurements are continued over a long period of time,
calibrated against an approved standard traceable to a national identical connection points should be used each time for a
standard at regular intervals specified by the manufacturer. given measurement.
7.2.3 Care should be taken that the whole area of the
7. Procedure reinforcing mat being measured is electrically continuous by
7.1 Spacing Between Measurements—While there is no checking electrical continuity between diagonally opposite
pre-defined minimum spacing between measurements on the ends of the area surveyed.
surface of the concrete member, it is of little value to take two
7.3 Electrical Connection to the Reference Electrode—
measurements from virtually the same point. Conversely,
Electrically connect one end of the lead wire to the reference
measurements taken with very wide spacing may neither detect
electrode and the other end of this same lead wire to the
corrosion activity that is present nor result in the appropriate
negative (ground) terminal of the voltmeter.
accumulation of data for evaluation. The spacing shall there-
fore be consistent with the member being investigated and the 7.4 Pre-Wetting of the Concrete Surface:
intended end use of the measurements (Note 1). 7.4.1 Under most conditions, the concrete surface or an
overlaying material, or both, must be pre-wetted by either of
NOTE 1—A spacing of 1.2 m (4 ft) has been found satisfactory for rapid
evaluation of structures with large horizontal surfaces like bridge decks. the two methods described in 7.4.3 or 7.4.4 with the solution
Generally, larger spacings increase the probability that localized corrosion described in 5.1.3 to decrease the electrical resistance of the
areas will not be detected. Measurements may be taken in either a grid or circuit.
a random pattern. Spacing between measurements should generally be 7.4.2 A test to determine the need for pre-wetting shall be
reduced where adjacent readings exhibit reading differences exceeding 50
mV (areas of high corrosion activity). Cracks, cold joints, and areas with made as follows:
dynamic structural activity can produce areas of localized corrosion Place the reference electrode on the concrete surface
activity where the corrosion potential can change several hundred milli- and do not move.
volts in less than 300 mm (1 ft). Therefore, care must be given that Observe the voltmeter for one of the following
relatively large spacing between readings does not miss areas of localized
corrosion activity. For small, lightly reinforced members, it may be conditions:
advantageous to map the reinforcement locations with a cover meter and (1) The measured value of the corrosion potential does not
place the reference electrode over the bars on a suitable grid. change or fluctuate with time.
7.2 Electrical Connection to the Steel: (2) The measured value of the corrosion potential changes
7.2.1 The type of connection used will depend on whether a or fluctuates with time.
temporary or permanent connection is required. Make a direct If condition (1) is observed, pre-wetting the concrete
electrical connection to the reinforcing steel by means of a surface is not necessary. However, if condition (2) is observed,
compression-type ground clamp, by brazing or welding a pre-wetting is required for an amount of time such that the
protruding rod, or by using a self-tapping screw in a hole voltage reading is stable (60.02 V) when observed for at least
drilled in the bar. To ensure a low electrical resistance 5 min. If pre-wetting cannot obtain condition (1), either the
connection, scrape the bar or brush the wire before connecting electrical resistance of the circuit is too great to obtain valid
to the reinforcing steel to ensure a bright metal to bright metal corrosion potential measurements of the steel, or stray current
contact. In certain cases, this technique may require the from a nearby direct current traction system or other fluctuating
removal of some concrete to expose the reinforcing steel. direct current, such as arc welding, is affecting the readings. In
Electrically connect the reinforcing steel to the positive termi- either case, the reference electrode method should not be used.
nal of the voltmeter. Special care should be exercised with 7.4.3 Method A for Pre-Wetting Concrete Surfaces—Use
prestressing steels to avoid serious injury, and only mechanical Method A for those conditions where a minimal amount of
connections should be made. Where welding is employed to pre-wetting is required to obtain condition (1) as described in
make connections to conventional reinforcing steel, preheating Accomplish this by spraying or otherwise wetting
will be necessary to avoid forming a brittle area in the rebar either the entire concrete surface or only the points of mea-
adjacent to the weld. Such welding should be performed by surement as described in 7.1 with the solution described in
certified welders. 5.1.3. No free surface water should remain between grid points
7.2.2 Attachment must be made directly to the reinforcing when potential measurements are initiated.
steel except in cases where it can be documented that an 7.4.4 Method B for Pre-Wetting Concrete Surfaces—In this
exposed steel member is directly attached to the reinforcing method, saturate sponges with the solution described in 5.1.3
steel. Certain members, such as expansion dams, date plates, and place on the concrete surface at locations described in 7.1.
lift works, scuppers, drains, and parapet rails, may not be Leave the sponges in place for the period of time necessary to
attached directly to the reinforcing steel and, therefore, may obtain condition (1) described in Do not remove the
yield invalid readings. Electrical continuity of steel compo- sponges from the concrete surface until after the reference
nents with the reinforcing steel can be established by measur- electrode potential reading is made. In making the corrosion
ing the resistance between widely separated steel components potential measurements, place the electrical junction device
on the test section. The resistance values should be in the range described in 5.1.2 firmly on top of the pre-wetting sponges for
below 1 Ω to ensure electrical continuity. Where duplicate test the duration of the measurement.
C876 − 22a
7.5 Underwater, Horizontal, and Vertical Measurements:
7.5.1 Potential measurements detect corrosion activity, but
not necessarily the location of corrosion activity. The precise
location of corrosion activity requires knowledge of the elec-
trical resistance of the material between the reference electrode
and the corroding steel. While underwater measurements are
possible, results regarding the location of corrosion must be
interpreted very carefully. Underwater, or other situations
where the concrete is saturated with water such as tunnels,
often have very low oxygen concentrations at the surface of the
reinforcement. Reduction of oxygen availability will shift the
rebar corrosion potential significantly in the electronegative
direction. Often it is not possible to precisely locate points of
underwater corrosion activity in saltwater environments be-
cause potential readings along the member appear uniform.
Take care during all underwater measurements that the refer-
ence electrode does not become contaminated with salt water
and that no electrically conductive part other than the porous
tip of the copper-copper sulfate electrode reference electrode
comes in contact with water, including use of cable connectors
specifically designed for use with submerged reference elec-
trodes. FIG. 3 Equipotential Contour Map
7.5.2 Perform horizontal and vertically upward measure-
ments exactly as vertically downward measurements.
However, additionally ensure that when using a copper-copper Technique, or a combination of the two. Information on these
sulfate electrode that the solution in the reference electrode techniques is presented in Appendix X1.
makes simultaneous electrical contact with the porous plug and 10.2 The numeric magnitude of the potential usually pro-
the copper rod at all times. vides an indication of the presence or absence of corrosion of
steel embedded in uncarbonated and atmospherically exposed
8. Recording Corrosion Potential Values portland cement mortar or concrete, and near the reference
8.1 Record the electrical corrosion potentials to the nearest electrode tip, provided that the steel does not have a metallic
0.01 V. Report all corrosion potential values in volts and coating, for example, is not galvanized. The numeric magni-
correct for temperature if the reference electrode temperature is tude does not indicate the corrosion rate of the steel. The
outside the range of 22.2 °C 6 5.5 °C (72 °F 6 10 °F). The Numeric Magnitude Technique is not applicable to concrete
temperature coefficient for the correction is given in structures that are water-saturated or in near-saturated condi-
tions as may be found in tunnels, basements, water tanks, and
9. Data Presentation submerged situations.
9.1 Test measurements may be presented by one or both of 10.3 Potential Difference Technique (Potential Funnel) can
two methods. The first, an equipotential contour map, provides provide a sense of the magnitude of the corrosion problem and
a graphical delineation of areas in the member where corrosion the presence of localized corrosion, which may not be identi-
activity may be occurring. The second method, the cumulative fiable by traditional techniques like sounding. Localized cor-
frequency diagram, provides an indication of the magnitude of rosion typically manifests considerable change in potential
the affected area of the concrete member. over relatively short distances (hundreds of millivolts over a
9.1.1 Equipotential Contour Map—On a suitably scaled few hundred millimeters). Relatively negative potentials with
plan view of the concrete member, plot the locations of the little deviation may indicate corrosion is possible, but that
corrosion potential values of the steel in concrete and draw oxygen availability is very limited and that absence of oxygen
contours of equal potential through points of equal or interpo- significantly impedes the corrosion rate.
lated equal values. The maximum contour interval shall be 10.4 The interpretations of corrosion potentials under con-
0.10 V. An example is shown in Fig. 3. ditions where the concrete is saturated with water, where it is
9.1.2 Cumulative Frequency Distribution—To determine carbonated at the depth of the reinforcing steel, where the steel
the distribution of the measured corrosion potentials for the is coated, and under many other conditions, requires an
concrete member, follow the procedures outlined in Guide experienced corrosion engineer or specialist, and may require
G16. analyses for carbonation, metallic coatings, halides such as
chloride or bromide, and other factors. Guidelines and test
10. Interpretation of Results (See Refs 3-10 and methods issued by ASTM Committee G01 and AMPP, The
Appendix X1) Association for Materials Protection and Performance (for-
10.1 Corrosion potentials are normally interpreted using a merly NACE International) can be very useful in investigations
Numeric Magnitude Technique, or a Potential Difference involving corrosion potential determinations.
C876 − 22a
TABLE 1 Electrode Potentials and Standard Deviations of Steel Rods in Concrete Slabs Versus Saturated Copper-Copper Sulfate
Reference Electrode
NOTE 1—All values in mV.
Repeatability SD Reproducibility SD
Slab No. Ave. Electrode Potential
sr sR
1 −520.3 19.3 20.8
2 −173.5 11.8 14.7
3 −461.0 15.6 26.1
4 −557.5 11.3 12.0
5 −535.0 21.7 21.7
TABLE 2 Electrode Potentials and Standard Deviations of Steel Rods in Concrete Slabs Versus Saturated KCl Silver-Silver Chloride
Reference Electrode
NOTE 1—All values in mV.
Repeatability SD Reproducibility SD
Slab No. Ave. Electrode Potential
sr sR
1 −393.9 20.2 24.8
2 −47.6 8.3 16.3
3 −334.0 14.1 24.8
4 −426.1 11.1 23.9
5 −405.6 22.6 33.2
10.5 Corrosion potentials may or may not be an indication In the discussion below, two types of precision are discussed:
of corrosion current. Corrosion potentials may in part or in repeatability and reproducibility. Repeatability is within labo-
whole reflect the chemistry of the electrode environment. For ratory variability when the same operator uses the same
example, increasing concentrations of chloride can reduce the equipment on identical specimens in sequential runs. Repro-
ferrous ion concentration at a steel anode, thus lowering ducibility is the variability that occurs when identical speci-
(making more negative) the potential. Unless such chemistry, mens are run in different laboratories.
and the presence or absence of competing electrode reactions, 12.1.1 The precision of Test Method C876 was evaluated by
is known, a reference electrode potential should not be inter-
means of an interlaboratory test program in which the corro-
preted as indicative of corrosion rate, or even as indicative of
sion potential of five slabs of concrete with embedded steel
a corrosion reaction.
rods were each measured at twelve points in a three-by-four
11. Report grid pattern. Six laboratories collected data using the saturated
11.1 Report the following information: copper-copper sulfate reference electrode. In addition, four
11.1.1 Type of cell, used including calibration details and laboratories also used the saturated KCl silver-silver chloride
KCl solution concentration for Ag/AgCl/KCl reference reference electrode with the same procedure. The results of this
electrodes, program were analyzed according to the Practice E691 proce-
11.1.2 The estimated average temperature of the reference dure.
electrode during the test, 12.1.2 Repeatability—The repeatability standard deviations
11.1.3 The method for pre-wetting the concrete member and for each slab using the copper-copper sulfate reference elec-
the method of attaching the voltmeter lead to the reinforcing trode are shown in Table 1. The repeatability standard devia-
steel, tions for these slabs using the KCl saturated silver-silver
11.1.4 An equipotential contour map, showing the location chloride reference electrode are shown in Table 2. The varia-
of reinforcing steel contact, or a plot of the cumulative tions are not significantly different, so a pooled repeatability
frequency distribution of the corrosion potentials, or both, standard deviation was calculated, representing the result for
11.1.5 The percentage of the total corrosion potentials that the program of 15.9 mV. The repeatability limit for the
are more negative than −0.35 V or other suitable lower
program was also calculated as 2.8 sr, 45 mV.
threshold, and
11.1.6 The percentage of the total corrosion potentials that 12.1.3 Reproducibility—The reproducibility standard devia-
are less negative than −0.20 V or other suitable lower thresh- tions for each slab using the copper-copper sulfate reference
old. electrode are shown in Table 1. The reproducibility standard
deviations for these slabs using the saturated KCl silver-silver
12. Precision and Bias4 chloride reference electrode are shown in Table 2. The varia-
12.1 Precision—Precision is the closeness of agreement tions were not significantly different, so a pooled standard
between the test results obtained under prescribed conditions. deviation was calculated representing the result of this program
of 20 mV. The reproducibility limit for the program was also
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may calculated as 2.8 sR, 57 mV.
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:G01-1027. Contact ASTM Customer
Service at [email protected].
C876 − 22a
NOTE 2—The saturated KCl silver-silver chloride reference electrode 12.2 Bias—There is no bias in the potentials measured by
has a standard potential of +196 mV versus the Standard Hydrogen this method because the potentials measurements are defined
Electrode (SHE) while the saturated copper-copper sulfate electrode has a only in terms of this method.
standard potential of +300 mV (Practice G3, Table X2.1). The average
potential difference between the copper-copper sulfate reference electrode 13. Keywords
and silver-silver chloride reference electrode was 128 mV in this study
rather than 104 mV as predicted by Practice G3. The reason for this 13.1 concrete-corrosion activity; concrete-corrosion of rein-
difference was not determined. forcing steel; corrosion; corrosion activity; corrosion potentials
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Numeric Magnitude Technique—Laboratory testing X1.1.4.1 To evaluate reinforcing steel in concrete that has
(partial immersion in chloride solutions) and outdoor exposure carbonated to the level of the embedded steel,
(including chloride exposure) of various reinforced concretes X1.1.4.2 To evaluate indoor concrete that has not been
aboveground in an area in which the precipitation rate ex- subjected to frequent wetting unless it has been protected from
ceeded the evaporation rate, indicate the following regarding drying after casting,
the significance of the numerical value of the potentials X1.1.4.3 To compare corrosion activity in outdoor rein-
measured. Voltages listed are referenced to the copper-copper forced concretes of highly variable moisture or oxygen content,
sulfate reference electrode (CSE). Other criteria may apply in or both, at the embedded steel, and
other situations (see, for instance, 10.2). X1.1.4.4 To formulate conclusions concerning changes in
corrosion activity with time on a rehabilitated structure in
X1.1.1 If potentials over an area are more positive than
which the rehabilitation caused the moisture or oxygen content,
−0.20 V CSE, there is a greater than 90 % probability that no
or both, at the embedded steel to change with time (for
reinforcing steel corrosion is occurring in that area at the time
example, installation of a low permeability overlay or water-
of measurement.
proof membrane on a chloride-contaminated bridge or parking
X1.1.2 If potentials over an area are in the range of deck).
−0.20 V to −0.35 V CSE, corrosion activity of the reinforcing X1.1.5 The −0.20 V to −0.35 V CSE thresholds may vary
steel in that area is uncertain. for different structures and different exposure conditions.
X1.1.3 If potentials over an area are more negative than
X1.2 Potential Difference Technique (Potential Funnel)—
−0.35 V CSE, there is a greater than 90 % probability that
Where large areas of electrically interconnected, embedded
reinforcing steel corrosion is occurring in that area at the time
steel exist, for example, in bridge decks, reinforced columns, or
of measurement.
beams, careful measurement of potentials in a closely spaced
X1.1.4 These criteria should not normally be utilized under grid pattern and the subsequent plotting of equipotential
the following conditions unless either experience or destructive contour maps may allow identification of high versus low
examination of some areas, or both, suggest their applicability: corrosion rate areas (see Refs 3-10).
(1) Hampel, C. A., The Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, Reinhold Administration, Washington, DC, 1981.
Publishing Co., New York, 1964, p. 433. (7) Virmani, Y. P., Clear, K. C., and Pasko, T. J., Jr., “Time-to-Corrosion
(2) Ives, D. J. G., and Janz, G. J., Reference Electrodes Theory and of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete Slabs,” Vol. 5, Federal Highway
Practice, Academic Press, NY, 1961. Administration Report FHWA/RD-83/012, Washington, DC, Septem-
(3) Spellman, D. L., and Stratfull, R. F., “Concrete Variables and ber 1983.
Corrosion Testing,” Highway Research Record 423, 1973. (8) ACI Committee 222, “Corrosion of Metals in Concrete,” ACI 222R-
(4) Stratfull, R. F., “Half-Cell Potentials and the Corrosion of Steel in 85, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI, 1985.
Concrete,” Highway Research Record 433, 1973. (9) “Durability of Concrete Bridge Decks,” NCHRP Synthesis of High-
(5) Clear, K. C., and Hay, R. E., “Time to Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel way Practice 57, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC,
in Concrete Slabs,” Vol. 1, Federal Highway Administration Report
May 1979.
FHWA-RD-73-32, Washington, DC, April 1973.
(10) Chamberlain, W. P., Irwin, R. J., and Amsler, D. E., “Waterproofing
(6) Clear, K. C., “FCP Annual Progress Report-Year Ending September
Membranes for Bridge Deck Rehabilitation,” Report No. FHWA-NY-
30, 1981, Project 4K: Cost Effective Rigid Concrete Construction and
Rehabilitation in Adverse Environments,” Federal Highway 77-59-1, FHWA, 1977.
C876 − 22a
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