Dr. Robert O. Young's Alkaline Food Chart
Dr. Robert O. Young's Alkaline Food Chart
Dr. Robert O. Young's Alkaline Food Chart
Green Veggies! and the following RAW: kale, spinach, lettuce, bell peppers, tomatoes, radishes, onions,
garlic, lemons, limes, cucumbers, coconut, asparagus, fresh herbs such as basil and parsley, eggplant,
chives, celery, fennel, sprouts, leeks, avocado, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and grasses. Also, plenty of
healthy salts, raw oils and pure alkaline water.
Whole grains such as quinoa, barley, rice, buckwheat, and spelt, tofu (non-GMO!), fruit, sweet veggies
such as carrots, squash, pumpkin, grapefruit, potatoes, peas, most seeds and nuts, and beans/legumes.
Oily fish such as wild salmon and tuna.
mushrooms, algae, meat (red, white, or pink, from any animal or bird), dairy products (includes raw,
pasteurized, or from any animal), alcohol, yeast of any kind, vinegar, coffee, chocolate, peanuts and
peanut oil, corn, canola, non-organic soy, GMO foods, microwaved food, eggs, fermented products, white
flour, sugar of any kind, agave, honey, and processed foods.
Your Body is Just Like a Banana! You Don't Get Old You Mold!
The stages of life. The first stage of life you are green and alkaline full of health, energy and vitality. You
are low sugar and high alkalizing water and minerals such as sodium, magnesium and potassium. As you
age or ferment you go from green to yellow as seen in stages 3 to 5. Your body acid sugar increases or
becomes harder to manage and potassium and other alkalizing minerals decrease. You start getting acid
spots on your skin - brown spots and then black as the body pushes its waste products through the pores
of the skin rather then through normal channels of elimination such as by urination or defecation. You
start to wrinkle from the increased acids being pushed out through the skin. You start getting sick and
tired. And finally, as seen in stages 6 and 7 you begin turning to brown and then to black and become full
of the acid sugar with very little alkalinity or alkaline water and mineral salts of potassium, sodium,
magnesium and calcium. This is when you start experiencing major chronic inflammatory and
degenerative health challenges.
It is important to understand that you do NOT get OLD you MOLD. Aging of the human or animal body is a
rotting process, just like the banana.
YOU have an alkaline buffering system to slow down the rotting or aging process but eventually you will
turn to acid or sugar just like a banana and die.
The body in its perfect healthy (pH) state is alkaline in its design although acidic by function.
To prevent ALL sickness and disease and live a pain-free/sickness-free life you must maintain the alkaline
design of your body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. There is NO OTHER WAY to stay healthy and happy!
To learn more about living a perfectly healthy (pH) life read, The pH Miracle Book 1, The pH Miracle
revised and updated or book 2, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, Back to the
House of Health books I and II, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The pH Miracle for Men and Women, Reverse
Cancer Now, and Sick and Tired, just to name a few of Dr. Robert O. Young's
books. www.phmiracle.com — with Corrine Brandi, Paulo Fernandes, Galina Migalko, Christina Wiwi
Andralia, Karina J Randall, Adam Young, Nicola Harrison, Matt Traverso, Favio Jesse Franco, Fausto Guerra,
Ida Kolader, Nadya Migalko and Paul Coleman.
Introducing pH Miracle All-Natural Ionic Mineral Alkaline Bottled Drinking Water
• pH Miracle is bottled by a proprietary and FDA-approved water technology.
• pH Miracle consists of ionic calcium, ionic magnesium, ionic potassium, and trace amounts of ionic
• pH Miracle has one of the highest and most stable pH’s of any bottled water in the world, with a stable
pH ranging from 9 to 10.
• pH Miracle will reduce and reverse the acidity in our body by flushing out the acidic waste, therefore,
behaving as an anti-oxidant, which helps protect our body from free radical damage. The formation of
free radicals (i.e. cancer cells, etc.) is created by a poor diet, environmental pollution, and bodily stress.
• pH Miracle helps balance our body’s pH, therefore, reducing symptoms, such as, weight problems,
allergies, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.
• pH Miracle is micro-clustered water, which means that the molecular structure of the water is formed in
such a way as to rapidly penetrate on the cellular level. pH Miracle is more effectively absorbed on the
cellular level than any other leading drinking water currently on the market.
• pH Miracle tastes better. A blind-taste test was performed, comparing the taste of the pH Miracle all-
natural ionic mineral alkaline drinking water with eight ( other leading brands. Almost two-thirds of the
taste-testers from this blind-taste test chose our water as the best-tasting water.
• pH Miracle more readily absorbs into the body’s blood stream than any other drinking water, therefore,
increasing circulation and hydration, which helps increase overall energy levels of the body.
• pH Miracle water helps to neutralize the lactic acid build up in the muscles when performing strenuous
work or exercise, therefore, reducing and eliminating aches and pains in the joints and muscles. Aches and
pains are caused from a lack of circulation and hydration. Because pH Miracle is so hydrating, it increases
circulation, therefore, helping to relieve the body’s aches and pains.
There are two different kinds of alkaline drinking waters offered on the market today, as follows:
The first kind of alkaline water is ionized water, which is electrically-charged water.
Ionized water uses electrolysis (or an electric current) to break apart the molecules in the water in order
to increase the pH. However, ionized water has hard (inactive) minerals in the water, which our body has
a difficult time absorbing. Also, once the electric current is removed, the water eventually loses its
electrical charge and reverts to its neutral state, therefore, rapidly diminishing the pH. Once the pH is
diminished, ionized water is no different than tap water.
The second kind of alkaline water is pH Miracle, which is ionic mineral water.
pH Miracle ionic mineral alkaline drinking water doesn’t use an electric current, but it only uses positively-
charged minerals (i.e. minerals in their ionic form) to raise the pH. There are no hard (inactive) minerals in
the pH Miracle water;
• therefore, compared to ionized alkaline waters currently on the market,
• pH Miracle has unique advantages that far exceed all other brands.
If you would like to be a distributor of pH Miracle alkaline bottled water or pH Miracle alkaline water
kiosks please email [email protected]
Drinking COW's Milk Associated with Fractures and Death
High cow’s milk intake is associated with increased risk for bone fractures and death, according to a new
study in the British Medical Journal. Researchers followed 61,433 women and 45,339 men for more than
20 years and 11 years, respectively.
Among women, those who consumed three or more glasses of milk per day had a 60 percent increased
risk for developing a hip fracture and a 16 percent increased risk for developing any bone fracture. These
results are similar to previous studies showing no protective effect of increased milk consumption on
fracture risk.
Additionally among women, for each glass of milk consumed, risk of dying from all causes increased by 15
percent, from heart disease by 15 percent, and from cancer by 7 percent. For the women who consumed
three or more glasses of milk per day, compared with less than one glass, risk of dying increased by 93
percent. Men had a 10 percent increased risk of dying when consuming three or more glasses of milk per
day, compared with less than one glass.
Michaëlsson K, Wolk A, Langenskiöld S, et al. Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and
men: cohort studies. BMJ. 2014;349:g6015.
Feskanich D, Willett WC, Colditz GA. Calcium, vitamin D, milk consumption, and hip fractures: A
prospective study among postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003;77:504-511.
Congratulations to Wendy Fitzgerald! She filled out our recent survey (survey link: goo.gl/qh8v1X) and
was entered into our drawing. Wendy has won a six month supply of products.
Wendy loves the pH Miracle Greens but has decided to try some different pH Miracle products as her
prize. She is getting a 6 month supply which includes Tri-Antioxidant, L-Arginine Max, R-pHactor, pH-D3,
pHlush/Core Cleanse and Doc Broc's Power Plants.
Wendy was first introduced to pH Miracle products several years ago by a friend in Pacific Beach, San
Diego Ca. She says, "I got to sample the pH Miracle Greens mixed with water and a squeeze of lime, which
was surprising delicious! I was amazed at how noticeable my energy levels increased by just adding
alkaline water and greens! Joy also shared many of Dr. Young's books and several of his delicious, yet
simple recipes! At the time I was suffering from a lot of Standard American Diet (SAD) digestive problems,
which I am happy to say faded away after changing my lifestyle to plant based foods and supplements.
Taking pH Miracle supplements and learning about Dr. Young was the stepping stone that I needed to
make a lifestyle change that would be my foundation for healthy living."
Congratulations again, Wendy!
Take our survey and learn more about these and other fine pH Miracle products at www.phmlife.com.
Ebolsh......it and/or FearBola
Nothing has changed in Africa - 16,000 children and 2,000 adults die every day from the lack of clean
alkaline water and clean alkaline food NOT from some phantom virus called Ebola! To learn more read Dr.
Robert O. Young's technical essay, A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS/Ebola
Hypothesis - www.phmiracle.com
95 percent of ALL sickness and disease is caused by what you eat, what you drink and what your think! 5
percent of ALL sickness and disease is genetic triggered by what you eat, what you drink and what you
think. Conclusion: 100 percent of ALL sickness and disease is caused by what you eat, what you drink and
what you think!
Its' time to GET REAL! It is time to Dare To Be Different
Can you see the trend here?...
FEAR - an acornym that stands for FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL sells and locks you down, limits your
potential, while
FAITH - an acornym that stands for FIRST ATTRIBUTE IN THINKING HEALTHY frees and releases the media
grip on your mind, your beliefs.
Rise above it all and alkalize and energize with the pH Miracle Lifestyle - www.phmiracle.com
A Vegan Diet Proves Most Effective for Weight Loss
A vegan diet leads to the most weight loss, compared with other dietary patterns, according to a new
study in the journal Nutrition. Sixty-three overweight adult study participants were assigned to one of five
different dietary patterns for a six-month period: omnivorous, semi-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, lacto-
ovo vegetarian, and vegan. At the end of the study, the vegan group lost, on average, more than twice the
percentage of body weight (7.5 percent), compared with omnivores (3.1 percent), semi-vegetarians (3.2
percent), and pesco-vegetarians (3.2 percent). The lacto-ovo vegetarian group lost an average of 6.3
percentage points. The vegan group also had the greatest reductions in total fat, saturated fat, and
cholesterol and greatest increase in dietary fiber intake—all protective against chronic diseases such as
heart disease and diabetes.
Human Genes are Turned On and Off by Diet
Genetic scientists once believed that genetic information was fixed at the time of fertilization, and
therefore was beyond any outside influences. This has been found to be untrue. Good genes are “turned
on” by a healthy alkaline environment, just as “bad genes” are silenced by a healthy alkaline environment.
In practical terms “a healthy alkaline environment” means a diet based on a plentiful supply of alkalizing
vegetables, and fruit (avoiding animal-derived foods and oils). The biochemistry involved is complex, but
may be of interest to you.
Genetics is the study of heredity in general and genes (DNA) in particular. Changes in genes occur only
over long periods of time (measured in tens of thousands of years) through evolution, whereas expression
of the information stored in our genes changes rapidly and is effected by pressures from the outside
environment. Epigenetics is the study of these timely adaptations. (The Greek prefix epi- in “epigenetics”
refers to biologic changes that occur that are "on top of" or "in addition to" those directed by our basic
set of genes that we inherit from our parents.)
The most fundamental form of epigenetics accounts for our entire development. Life begins with genetic
information from the father (sperm) and the mother (egg) joining together to form a fertilized egg;
thereby the basic genetic code for a person is established. Within this one cell is all the information
required to grow all the parts of a baby, including perfectly formed hair, a nose, lips, a heart, and two legs.
To accomplish this remarkable differentiation during the development of the embryo, specific segments
of the genetic code (DNA) either become active or remain silent at specific times within specific cells. For
a nose to grow on a child’s face, the “nose genes” in a few embryonic cells must be turned on while
unrelated genes are turned off. Exactly how these precisely orchestrated events play out is still a mystery.
How different genes are expressed is also the result of changes in our environment. This plasticity of our
genetic material has been clearly demonstrated by “twin studies.” Identical twins begin life as a single
fertilized egg that splits into two with identical genes in each egg. If the expression of our genetic code
were fixed then identical twins would remain identical throughout life. They would develop similarly and
go on to have the same health issues. However, that is not what is observed. Furthermore, as twins age,
their DNA actually becomes more dissimilar. The differences are even more apparent when twins are
raised in distinctly different environments (this happens when they are separated after birth, for
Epigenetic changes that appear in sperm or egg cells prior to fertilization can be transferred to
subsequent generations. For example, the effects of severe starvation that took place in the German-
occupied Netherlands during the Dutch famine of WWII (1944–1945) were subsequently seen in following
generations of Dutch children. Epigenetic changes that allowed a pregnant mother to survive on 580
calories a day for six months appeared in their offspring. In essence, “thrifty genes” were turned on in the
fetus in preparation for survival during very lean times. Unfortunately, this enhanced efficiency turned out
to be detrimental because post WWII were times of plenty in Western Europe, with an abundance of
meat, dairy products, cakes, and cookies.
Daughters born to mothers starved during the Dutch famine were found to have even higher risks of
diseases typically caused by over-nutrition. They had over twice the risk of breast cancer,
morehypertension, and developed heart disease three years sooner than daughters born to mothers who
were well nourished during pregnancy. In line with adaptations made to survive in a world of food
scarcity, the daughters born to “starved” mothers were also found to be more capable of reproduction
than girls born to mothers who were well nourished. Prolific reproduction enhances survival of the
Another example of the influences of food shortages on epigenetic changes is provided by the study of
several generations of people from Overkalix, Sweden. Records show that during the years of 1800, 1812,
1821, 1836 and 1856 there was total crop failure followed by extreme suffering. However, 1801, 1822,
1828, 1844 and 1863 were years of food abundance. Not surprisingly, Swedish men exposed during
preadolescence to the periods of famine were less likely to die of cardiovascular disease. What was
surprising is that similar advantages were passed on to the next generations. Grandsons (of once starving
men) were at one-fourth the risk of developing type-2 diabetes, and died on average six years later in life
than the grandsons of fathers who were well nourished during a similar time in life.
These differences in the health of offspring from the Dutch and Swedish famines may seem to be
contradictory: Mothers pregnant during lean times passed on epigenetic changes that harmed their
daughters in times of plenty, whereas fathers passed on changes that seemed to help their grandsons,
even though these offspring also ate a rich diet. Adequate explanations for the different outcomes are not
available, but both observations point to the fact that sudden changes in the environment (the availability
and type of food) can cause rapid changes in gene expressions that are remembered and passed down to
subsequent generations.
We now live in a world where diseases caused by over-nutrition are far more common than diseases of
under-nutrition (starvation). Based on observations from times of under-nutrition, we can expect that our
bodies are efficiently making epigenetic changes that will enhance the human race. Genes are being
turned on to deal with excesses of acidic fat, protein, cholesterol, and environmental chemicals; all at
levels never before faced by past populations. Although epigenetic changes may blunt the impact of all
this toxicity, they cannot compensate fully. And as before, these adaptations will be passed on to
subsequent generations with unknown results to their health.
Fortunately, modifications in gene expression now being caused by over-nutrition are reversible. Studies
of people and laboratory animals have identified many chemicals found in foods that result in both
helpful and harmful gene expressions. Not surprisingly, plants make beneficial chemicals. For example,
folate from plants causes favorable epigenetic changes. For maximum benefit and minimal risk, this
natural chemical must be consumed in the right package—like a bean or banana—not as a pill.
Folate-deficiency causes birth defects (neural tube defects), so the obvious solution would be to enrich a
reproductive woman’s diet with foliage (plants)—the natural source of folate. Instead, women have been
told to take folic acid pills before pregnancy, and the food supply in many countries has been
supplemented (folic acid is added to flours and cereal products). Folic acid supplied in this manner, as an
isolated concentrated nutrient, results in fewer birth defects but offers no added protection against the
risk of death, cancer, and heart disease for the general population.
Acidic animal foods, such as meat, poultry, cheese, milk, and eggs are well recognized as the primary
cause of obesity, heart disease, and common cancers in people following the Western diet. Choline, a
chemical found in high concentration in animal foods, has profound effects on gene expression and is
considered to be an important factor in our modern day diseases.
Finally, calorie-restricted diets have been shown to result in epigenetic changes that are associated with
weight loss, and a reduced risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and cancers. Other than by
involuntary starvation (as seen with the Danes and Swedes), the natural, appetite-satisfying, health-
enhancing way to restrict calories is to replace meat, dairy, and oils in the diet with alkalizing fruit
(avocado, cucumber, peppers, lemon, lime etc.), and vegetables, especially green vegetables.
The science of epigenetics is new and interactions between our environment and our genes are complex.
But we know enough about epigenetics to stem the tide in the rise of obesity, heart disease, and cancers
for people living in western societies for now and the future. Proper nurturing (by health-supportive
foods) will bring out the best in our genes. The fact that the vast majority of people have survived
successfully on plant- (more exactly, alkaline-) based diets for all of verifiable human history should be
sufficient evidence for us to make the right food choices now.
Good genes are “turned on” by a healthy alkaline environment, just as “bad genes” are silenced by a
healthy alkaline environment. In practical terms “a healthy alkaline environment” means a alkaline plant-
based diet with a lifestyle or low stress, daily exercise, spiritual connection and restful sleep.
To learn more how to prevent and/or reverse ALL sickness and disease read The pH Miracle revised and
updated by Dr. Robert O. Young - www.phmiracle.com
Have you had your Arugula today? Are YOU full of Arugula?
Arugula, also known as salad or garden rocket, is one of the nutritious green-leafy vegetable of
Mediterranean origin. It belongs within the Brassicaceae family similar to as mustard greens, cauliflower,
kale…,etc., and has the scientific name: Eruca sativa.
Salad rocket is a small, low growing annual herb featuring dandelion like succulent, elongated, lobular
leaves with green-veins. However, its light green leaves appear identical to that of spinach without
lobulation in younger plants. Additonally, young, tender leaves feature sweet flavor, and less peppery
taste in contrast to strong, spicy flavor in case of mature greens.
As in other greens, arugula too is one of very low calorie vegetable. 100 g of fresh leaves provides just 25
calories. Nonetheless, it has many vital phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals that may
immensely benefit health.
Salad rocket has an ORAC value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity, a measure of anti-oxidant strength)
of about 1904 µmol TE per 100 grams.
Rocket salad is one of rich source of certain phytochemicals such as indoles, thiocyanates, sulforaphane,
and isothiocyanates. Together, these compounds have been found to counter carcinogenic effects of
estrogen and thus help protect against prostate, breast, cervical, colon, ovarian cancers by virtue of their
cancer-cell growth inhibition, cytotoxic effects on cancer cells.
In addition, di-indolyl-methane (DIM), a lipid soluble metabolite of indole has immune modulator, anti-
bacterial and anti-viral properties (by potentiating Interferon-Gamma receptors). DIM has currently been
found application in the treatment of recurring respiratory papillomatosis caused by the Human Papilloma
Virus (HPV) and is in Phase III clinical trials for cervical dysplasia.
Fresh salad rocket is a very good source of folates. 100 g of fresh greens contain 97 µg or 24% of folic acid.
When given to the anticipant mothers during their conception time, folate can help prevent neural tube
defects in the newborns.
Like as in kale, salad rocket is an excellent source of vitamin A. 100 g fresh leaves contain 1424 µg of beta-
carotene, and 2373 IU of vitamin A. Carotenes convert into vitamin A in the body. Studies found that
vitamin A and flavonoid compounds in green leafy vegetables help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity
This vegetable also rich in B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6
(pyridoxine), and pantothenic acid those are essential for optimum cellular enzymatic and metabolic
Fresh rocket leaves contain good levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful, natural anti-oxidant. Foods
rich in this vitamin help the human body protect from scurvy disease, develop resistance against
infectious agents (boosts immunity), and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
Salad rocket is one of the excellent vegetable sources for vitamin-K; 100 g provides about 90% of
recommended intake. Vitamin K has potential role in bone health by promoting osteotrophic (bone
formation and strengthening) activity. In addition, adequate vitamin-K levels in the diet help limiting
neuronal damage in the brain and thus, has established role in the treatment of patients suffering from
Alzheimer's disease.
Its leaves contain adequate levels of minerals, especially copper and iron. In addition, it has small
amounts of some other essential minerals and electrolytes such as calcium, iron, potassium, manganese,
and phosphorus.
To learn more about alkalizing and energizing recipes read Back to the House of Health books I and
II. www.phmiracle.com
My West African friends and pH Miracle Coaches from Nigeria are sharing the pH Miracle Lifestyle and
Diet back home with their family, friends and patients. Living in HIV and Ebola land they know that these
so-called diseases are NOT caused by viruses but are caused by acidic vaccines, acidic water, acidic food
and poor hygiene and sanitation. They know that an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the real medicine that will
support the immune system, maintain the alkaline design of the body and keep Africans free from ALL
sickness and disease - including HIV, HPV, HEP C, H1N1, West Nile and Ebola
The Great and Abominable Secret?
The picture below shows genetically modified Ebola vaccines already being administered to healthy
volunteers in the United States, UK, Gambia and Mali, as officials worldwide are fast-tracking the creation
and approval of an Ebola vaccine. Why?
“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--
persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject
all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort
of thought." (John F. Kennedy)
And so it is with Pasteur's germ theory or the foundaiton of modern medicine, where all mythical facts are
prefabricated upon a set of interpretations. Not for the sake of truth but for the sake of making money.
The ‘medical model’ upon which allopathic (drug based) medicine has been built, is based upon a single
person’s ability to convince scientists of the day that his opinions were correct. Many of you may have
heard of Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, 1822-1895. His currently accepted ‘germ theory’ suggested that
germs were the cause of all human disease, were airborne, and would attack or infect us if we failed to
protect ourselves with chemical drugs and vaccines.
His contemporary was a man named Antoine Bechamp (French biologist 1816 – 1908) who completely
rejected Pasteur’s beliefs, maintaining mere exposure to a germ was not enough to get sick. That germs
or bacteria, including MRSA do harmlessly survive within us, but that they change their form and
proliferate given an over-acidic and unfavourable environment. It is that over-acidic environment, not the
germ itself that creates ‘dis-ease’ for the host.
We are constantly breathing in some 14,000 germs or bacteria per hour. If germs are so harmful, why
aren’t we all dead?
However, Pasteur was a confident man with many connections who, having plagiarised the research of
Bechamp, distorted it, and submitted it to the French Academy of Science as his own, then toured to
promote his own theory throughout the wider scientific establishment. Pasteur built up a devoted
following with people acclaiming him a scientific genius! It was also the start of the Industrial Revolution
and employees didn’t want their workers off sick, so his theory was considered very attractive indeed;
people didn’t need to take ‘responsibility’ for their own health any longer. And the solution seemed easy
enough – treat all ‘dis-ease’ with a chemical substance, or prevent ‘dis-ease’ with a chemical vaccine. The
pharmaceuticals were delighted!
Sadly, the more humble Bechamp’s work didn’t quite make the headlines. Although as slight consolation,
Pasteur on his deathbed did acknowledge that Bechamp was right and said ‘the microbe (germ) is
nothing: the terrain is everything’.
The statistics tell the truth - 1 out of 2 persons will be diagnosed with cancer. The business of cancer
diagnostics and so-called drug-based treatment is a 5 trillion dollar business. The War on Cancer and
Disease is Over and Big Business and Big Pharma have won!
"Germs do NOT cause disease! Germs are the biological transformations of cellular breakdown and NOT
the cause of that breakdown." Dr. Robert O. Young
"There is only one sickness, one disease and one treatment. The one sickness and one disease is the over-
acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. The one
treatment of ALL sickness and disease is to restore and maintain the alkaline design of the body with an
alkaline lifestyle and diet." Dr. Robert O. Young
"The cure for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV, HPV, HEP C, Ebola and ALL dis-ease will NOT be found
in its treatment but is NOW found in its prevention!" Dr. Robert O. Young
Here is the link to the article concerning the rush for a vaccine even when there has been no virus
identified or cultured using the scientific method of Koch's postulates.
To learn more about the scientific procedure for proving any existence of any micro-organism, including a
non-living entity, such as the so-called Ebola virus go to:
Boys or Men - Got Moobs? Feeling More Femine?
The feminization of the male species is a physiological problem that is caused by an acidic lifestyle and
diet. The following is a list of foods that are feminizing boys and young men:
Read and share the following article on the feminization of the male species:
Men may be surprised to learn that their bodies can produce an acidic waste product called estrogen from
glandular function - just like in women. When this acidic hormone increases in males, feminization can
occur resulting in the breakdown and loss of muscle mass, increased fatty tissue to park excess estrogen,
destruction of sperm, man-boobs to park this toxic acidic waste product away from the organs that
sustain life and an emotional shift towards feeling more female. Having high acidic estrogen can not only
cause you to gain body fat in the chest and lower abdominal area but it can lead to numerous health and
social issues and dis-eases.
Unfortunately more and more males are suffering from increasingly high acidic estrogen levels and this is
leading to the continued feminization of the male species as we know it leading to increased shifts in
Synthetic acidic estrogens are fed to dairy cattle to encourage more milk production but all dairy
products, including organic, contain high levels of naturally occurring estrogens simply because the milk
comes from a lactating female.
Natural acidic estrogens are up to 100,000 times more potent than their environmental counterparts,
such as the estrogen-like compounds in pesticides.
"Among the routes of human exposure to acidic estrogens, we are mostly concerned about cow's milk,
which contains considerable amounts of female sex hormones," Ganmaa Davaasambuu, a physician and
working scientist (Harvard School of Public Health) with a Ph.D. in Environmental Health, says. Dairy, she
adds, accounts for 60 percent to 80 percent of estrogens consumed. Part of the problem seems to be milk
from modern dairy farms, where cows are milked about 300 days a year.
For much of that time, the cows are pregnant. The later in pregnancy a cow is, the more hormones appear
in her milk. The link between cancer and dietary hormones - estrogen in particular - has been a source of
great concern among scientists, said Ganmaa, but it has not been widely studied or discussed. The
potential for risk is large."
The Great and Abominable Secret?
“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--
persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject
all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort
of thought." (John F. Kennedy)
And so it is with Pasteur's germ theory or the foundaiton of modern medicine, where all mythical facts are
prefabricated upon a set of interpretations. Not for the sake of truth but for the sake of making money.
The ‘medical model’ upon which allopathic (drug based) medicine has been built, is based upon a single
person’s ability to convince scientists of the day that his opinions were correct. Many of you may have
heard of Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, 1822-1895. His currently accepted ‘germ theory’ suggested that
germs were the cause of all human disease, were airborne, and would attack or infect us if we failed to
protect ourselves with chemical drugs and vaccines.
His contemporary was a man named Antoine Bechamp (French biologist 1816 – 1908) who completely
rejected Pasteur’s beliefs, maintaining mere exposure to a germ was not enough to get sick. That germs
or bacteria, including MRSA do harmlessly survive within us, but that they change their form and
proliferate given an over-acidic and unfavourable environment. It is that over-acidic environment, not the
germ itself that creates ‘dis-ease’ for the host.
We are constantly breathing in some 14,000 germs or bacteria per hour. If germs are so harmful, why
aren’t we all dead?
However, Pasteur was a confident man with many connections who, having plagiarised the research of
Bechamp, distorted it, and submitted it to the French Academy of Science as his own, then toured to
promote his own theory throughout the wider scientific establishment. Pasteur built up a devoted
following with people acclaiming him a scientific genius! It was also the start of the Industrial Revolution
and employees didn’t want their workers off sick, so his theory was considered very attractive indeed;
people didn’t need to take ‘responsibility’ for their own health any longer. And the solution seemed easy
enough – treat all ‘dis-ease’ with a chemical substance, or prevent ‘dis-ease’ with a chemical vaccine. The
pharmaceuticals were delighted!
Sadly, the more humble Bechamp’s work didn’t quite make the headlines. Although as slight consolation,
Pasteur on his deathbed did acknowledge that Bechamp was right and said ‘the microbe (germ) is
nothing: the terrain is everything’.
"Germs do NOT cause disease! Germs are the biological transformations of cellular breakdown and NOT
the cause of that breakdown." Dr. Robert O. Young
"There is only one sickness, one disease and one treatment. The one sickness and one disease is the over-
acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. The one
treatment of ALL sickness and disease is to restore and maintain the alkaline design of the body with an
alkaline lifestyle and diet." Dr. Robert O. Young
"The cure for cancer and ALL dis-ease will NOT be found in its treatment but is NOW found in its
prevention!" Dr. Robert O. Young
The Number 1 Fastest Growing Illness for Children in the World Today is Type 1 Diabetes!
Jakob is a 7 year old boy from North Dakota, USA, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and was told
he would be taking insulin shots for the rest of his life to regulate his high blood sugars. The parents of
Jakob learned of Dr. Robert O. Young's pH Miracle for REVERSING Type 1 Diabetes. Jakob started the pH
Miracle for Diabetes as outlined in Dr. Young's book, The pH Miracle for Type I and Type 2 Diabetes.
Today, Jakob is celebrating his 100th day free of ALL insulin shots. Do you understand what this means?
Jakob now has normal blood sugars everyday without insulin shots! Bottom-line there is a self-care to a
LIFESTYLE AND DIET. Please share this wonderful news with everyone you love and care about that there
is a self-care plan to a self-cure for Type I Diabetes! To learn more read The pH Miracle for Diabetes by Dr.
Robert O. Young - www.phmiracle.com
Survey Says…
Yes, You Can Take Control of Your Health and Future Quality and Quantity of Life!
“The most promising approach to the control of CANCER is a national commitment to prevention.” New
England Journal of Medicine- 1997
"The cure for cancer will be found in its prevention NOT in its treatment!" Dr. Robert O. Young - 1994
95% of all cancer is due to interference caused by what you eat, what your drink and what you think.
*It’s not the fault of your genes, but what ACTIVATES them! And what activates the genes in the creation
of cancerous cells? - What you eat, what you drink and what you think! (EPIGENETICS)!
**Registration is filling up fast for my Cancer Prevention Blockbuster ONE DAY Workshop Event on
October 25th. This event will also be available on the internet live-streaming!
Please confirm your registration ASAP for you and your guests- this will be a life-changing and life-saving
Come learn the top strategies for building a powerful alkaline body, free from the risk of cancer. You don’t
have to fear the cancer monster any longer. I will show you ways to MASSIVELY reduce your odds of
developing this acidic condition with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.
To enroll in my one day Cancer Prevention Blockbuster event email me at: [email protected] The
cost of this event is: $199.00 for 5 hours of powerful life-changing and life-saving knowledge on how to
prevent and/or reverse a cancerous condition.
Is the quality and quantity of your LIFE an expression of what you eat, what you drink and what you think?
In 1949, a government survey found that in Okinawa, known to have the highest concentration of
centenarians in the world, the population consumed about 85% of their total energy intake from
carbohydrates, with the staple at the time being the sweet potato. The dietary survey also showed that
the Okinawans derived about 9% of their energy intake from protein and less than 4% of energy from all
sources of animal foods combined (Table 1).10 These findings were largely consistent with previous
dietary surveys dating back to 1879 and 1919.1
In 1946, Steiner examined autopsies of 150 Okinawans, of which 40 were between the age of 50 and 95.
Steiner noted only seven cases of slight aortic atherosclerosis, all of which were found in those over the
age of 66, and only one case of calcification in the coronary arteries. In 1946 Benjamin reported similar
findings from a study of 200 autopsies on Okinawans.2
Even in 1995 the observed rates of coronary heart disease and dietary related cancers, including that of
the colon, prostate, breast and ovarian in Okinawa were not only many fold lower than that of the United
States, but even significantly lower than that of mainland Japan.10 This may be explained by the
likelihood that these diseases are slowly progressive diseases and therefore the more traditional
Okinawan diet consumed several decades prior would still have played a major role in the development
and manifestation of these diseases.3 4 5
The Avocado seed extract offers many health benefits.
Avocados provide a number of practical and medicinal uses in addition to being a highly nutritious
component of a healthy diet. Avocado skins offer antibiotic and antiparasitic benefits, and the leaves can
be made into a poultice to speed wound healing or prepared as a tea to treat sore throats and diarrhea,
according to Purdue University. Avocado seeds also offer a range of potential health benefits.
Avocado seed might offer natural antibiotic and antifungal benefits, according to a study published in the
March 2009 issue of the Journal "Revista de Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical." In the test-tube
study, avocado seed extracts inhibited a variety of pathogens, including Candida and other fungi and the
mosquito that carries the tropical disease yellow fever.
A range of antioxidant phytochemicals in avocado seed, including flavanols and proanthocyanidins, might
make avocado seed extract useful as a healthy food additive or antioxidant supplement, according to a
study published in the May 2012 issue of the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry." Antioxidant
and antimicrobial effects of avocado seed might also help prevent food spoilage, according to a study
published in the May 2011 issue of the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry." The test-tube study
showed that avocado seeds and skins contain higher levels and activity of antioxidant compounds such as
catechins and procyanidins compared to avocado pulp. Seed and skin extracts protected against oxidation
of fats and proteins in prepared meats, and moderately inhibited the biological transformatin of healthy
cells into bacteria.
Avocado seed lowered cholesterol levels and may protect against arterial plaque formation, according to
a laboratory animal study published in the March 2012 issue of the journal "Plant Foods in Human
Nutrition." Researchers attributed the cholesterol-lowering benefits to the seed's high content of dietary
fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels by binding to cholesterol in the intestinal tract and preventing
absorption. Antioxidant activity of avocado seed might also help prevent cardiovascular disease by
inhibiting lipid oxidation, a process that leads to arterial plaque formation.
The Watermark non-electric ionizer creates a purified, alkaline, electron rich and functionally structured
To learn more go to: http://www.phmlife.com/alkaline-water/ph-miracle-watermark/
Baby LOVES green milk!!!! Juiced cucumber, spinach, celery, parsley, kale mixed with homemade almond
milk!!!! Loves to sip with Grandma!
The Healing Power of Chlorophyll
As many of us know the power of sunshine on our body and mind, not many are aware of sunlight's
liquefied form - chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is liquefied sun energy and by consuming as much chlorophyll as possible will basically bathe
our inner organs in sunshine.
No life is possible without chlorophyll, the blood of plants - just as hemoglobin is the blood of the body -
the difference between the two molecules being that chlorophyll contains magnesium, while hemoglobin
contains iron. Therefore, chlorophyll through a plant based diet will be high in magnesium.
Since ancient times chlorophyll has served as a miraculous healer, carrying a significant amount of oxygen
with it and therefore playing a critical role in supporting our aerobic (good) bacteria. The more we
consume, the better our intestinal flora and overall health will be. Chlorophyll has been proven helpful in
preventing and healing many forms of cancer and atherosclerosis, whilst adequate scientific research has
found that there are hardly any illnesses that could not be helped by chlorophyll.
Some of the many healing properties of this amazing substance are:
• Chlorophyll Promote formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells
• Building a high blood count
• Helping to prevent cancer
• Providing iron to organs
• Making the body more alkaline
• Cleaning and deodorizing bowels
• Helping the purify the liver
• Eliminating bad breath
• Relieving sore throat
• Improving varicose veins
• Reducing pain caused by inflammation
• Improving vision
• Fights infections.
Greens are the only living thing in the world that can transform sunshine into food that all living creatures
can consume - there would be no life on our planet without greens - as the life purpose of all greens is to
produce chlorophyll.
With high oxygen content in chlorophyll and a high mineral content in green plants, greens are the most
alkalizing food that exists on the planet - heavy in alkaline minerals. By including greens in our diet we can
keep our body alkaline and healthy.
2 Stalks Celery
2 cups Alkaline Water
3 drops of puriphy
11/2 scoops Hemp Powder
2 scoops greens powder ( PH Miracle Greens )
2 oz Chlorophyll
1 organic Cucumber
1 Avocado
1 handful of organic spinach
1 organic red or yellow grapefruit
1 Meyers lemon
1 cup of ice cubes
Green leaf stevia to the taste ( optional )
To find other great alkalizing green shakes read: Back to the House of Health I and II
- www.phmiracle.com
Another 'scare form' with several irregular shaped red blood cells giving birth to mycoplasma bacteria was
identified by Dr. Robert O. Young with a compound research microscope using phase contrast microscopy.
This sclerotic form with a crystallized periphery is seen in persons diagnosed with degenerative disease,
including HIV, MS, ALS and Polio. www.phmiracle.com
A 'scare form' with stacking red blood cells was identified by Dr. Robert O. Young with a compound
research microscope using phase contrast microscopy. This sclerotic form with a crystallized periphery is
seen in persons diagnosed with degenerative disease, including HIV, MS, ALS and Polio.
- www.phmiracle.com
Read, like and share the following article: Vaccines Increase Autism by 340%
“The four alkaline food groups is easy to remember because it's an acronym to "COWS". The “C” stands
for chlorophyll (a diet that's rich in chlorophyll), the “O” stands for oil (a diet that's rich in mono and
polyunsaturated fats). The “W” stands for water (not just any water, but it has to be alkaline water). And
the” S” stands for the alkaline mineral salts, which is so critical for achieving health and fitness”. ~ Dr.
Robert O. Young.
The Truth About Water
A National Assessment of Tap Water Quality found 260 contaminants in our nation's tap water; 141 of
these contaminants have no enforceable safety limits. Of the 141 unregulated contaminants utilities
detected in water supplies between 1998 and 2003, 52 are linked to cancer, 41 to reproductive toxicity,
36 to developmental toxicity, and 16 to immune system damage, according to chemical listings in seven
standard government and industry toxicity references.
Despite the potential health risks, any concentration of these chemicals in tap water is legal, no matter
how high.
However, the EPA's own scientists have identified 600 chemicals in tap water formed as by-products of
disinfection--they tracked 220 million pounds of 650 industrial chemicals discharged to rivers and streams
annually. They also spearheaded research on emerging contaminants after the U.S. Geological
Survey found: 82 unregulated pharmaceuticals,
hormones, medications, and residues of consumer products in rivers and streams across the country.
Intensive use of highly acidic antibiotics in humanand veterinarian medicine and in industrial farming
(food additives) has resulted in the transport of significant quantities of the active ingredients to
environmental waters. All told, EPA has set safety standards for fewer than 20 percent of the many
hundreds of chemicals that it has identifiedin our drinking water.
Many of these compounds enter the human body through our skin when we bathe or swim.
Acid rain is produced when nitrous oxide, sulphur dioxide, and carbon dioxide gas in the upper
atmosphere react with water particles to produce nitric acid, sulphuric acid, and carbonic acid
respectively. Unpolluted rainfall normally balanced alkaline pH of about 7.1 to 7.3, whilst acid rain has a
pH that varies from 4.1 to 5.5.
When we burn fossil fuels (especially coal),
sulphur dioxide is made and released into the air. When sulphur dioxide dissolves in rainwater, it makes
sulphuric acid.
species from a body of water, and decrease
biodiversity. Damages also show up in land
animals, affecting their behavior and feeding
patterns. Acid rain kills trees, crops, and
other vegetation; damages buildings and
monuments; corrodes copper, galvanized steel,
and lead piping; damages such manufactured
things as automobiles; and reduces soil fertility.
Polluted acidic waters contain higher than average levels of heavy and toxic metals, carbon monoxide,
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), photochemical oxidants, and a laundry list of other toxins that lose
serious health threats.
Some acidic toxins enter the human body through air, water, and/or through our skin (when we bathe or
swim many of these toxins are absorbed through our skin). Other poisonous metals and toxins that are
dissolved into the rain water are absorbed by the fruit, vegetables we eat.
Acid rain contains caustic acids that tend to make the pH of the human body more acidic. Drinking acidic
water can cause many serious dis-eases. All of the water we drink (including bottled, purified, reverse
osmosis, and some distilled waters) contain these acids. It can be difficult to balance the pH of people
consuming water loaded with these poisonous
acidic wastes.
and fish. Another reason to avoid eating acidic
animal flesh, dairy or fish.
No amount of dioxin exposure can be considered safe, as very small amounts have been associated with
impaired developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune function. Acidic dioxin is one of the
most toxic chemicals known to humankind.
groundwater in the form of the acid nitrate. Septic
systems also can elevate groundwater nitrate
concentrations because they remove only half of
the nitrogen in wastewater, leaving the remaining
half to percolate to groundwater.
syndrome. Symptoms include shortness of breath
and blueness of the skin. The serious illness
in infants is due to the conversion of nitrate
to nitrite by the body, which interferes
with the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood;
blue baby syndrome can be an acute condition
in which health deteriorates rapidly over a
period of days.
Long-term: Nitrates and nitrites have the potential to cause the following effects from a lifetime exposure
at levels above the maximum contaminant level: excessive discharge of urine, increased starchy deposits
and hemorrhaging of the spleen.
Heavy metal aberrations found in our drinking water are directly causative or associative with dis-easeand
ill health. A few examples are anemia, cardiac conditions, depression, digestive problems, high blood
pressure, hormone imbalance, impaired, growth, infertility, insomnia, learning and behavioral problems,
osteoporosis, chronic inflammation, and tumor proliferation.
died - a 100% mortality rate.
into the atmosphere, among these are mercury,
cadmium, arsenic, and lead.
toxicity, gastrointestinal or liver toxicity,
immunotoxicity, kidney toxicity, neurotoxicity,
reproductive toxicity, respiratory toxicity,
and skin sensitivity.
Man-made cadmium emissions arise either from
the manufacture, use and disposal of products
intentionally utilizing cadmium, or from
the presence of cadmium as a natural but
not functional impurity in non-cadmium
containing products. Cadmium (for industrial
use) is produced in large quantities, over
8 million metric tons in 1999. Cadmium
generated by metal smelters/refiners is
cemented and buried, stored for future
use, or disposed of in landfills as hazardous
acidic waste.
cause a cancerous kidney and liver. The study
also found that arsenic harms the central and
peripheral nervous systems, as well as heart and
blood vessels, and causes serious skin problems.
It can cause birth defects and reproductive problems.
25 states that reported arsenic information
to the EPA.
of lead in food, water, and sources in
the soil. The EPA estimates that drinking
water can make up 20 percent or more of
a person's total exposure to lead.
Atmospherically derived lead is a widely
distributed contaminant that can inhibit
a range of essential ecosystem processes
in soils. Lead has made its way into food,
animals, and humans.
kidneys are targets of lead toxicity and
prone to impairment at moderate to high
levels of lead concentrations. Other
signs/symptoms of lead toxicity include
gastrointestinal disturbances, abdominal
pain, cramps, constipation, anorexia and
weight loss, immunosuppression, and some
liver impairment. Lead can affect almost
every organ and system in our body.
Inorganic iron is one of the most troublesome
elements in water supplies. Making up at least
5 percent of the earth's crust, iron is one of
the earth's most plentiful resources. Acidic
rain water as it infiltrates the soil and
underlying geologic formations excessively
dissolves iron, causing it to seep into
aquifers that serve as sources of groundwater
for wells. This is one reason that there
is a high prevalence of increased iron
stores in the general population of western
Chromium-6 or Hexavalent chromium is an inorganic chemical that can be toxic. Chromium-6 has been in
the news lately because it has been found in groundwater due to industrial contamination. It was the
focus of the popular movie Erin Brockovich.
Hexavalent chromium in the workplace is suspected of being carcinogenic. Excessive exposure to dusts or
mists of hexavalent chromium compounds produces dermatitis, skin lesions, and ulceration and
perforation of the nasal septum, as well as liver and kidney damage. With long-term exposure to
hexavalent chromium compounds, incidence of
human lung cancer increases.
Barium and barium compounds are used for many commercial processes. Barium sulfate is mined and
used in oil and gas production, medical procedures, and the manufacture of paints, bricks, tiles, glass, and
rubber. Other barium compounds are used in the manufacture of ceramics, pesticides, and oil and fuel
additives. In addition, physicians often instruct their patients to swallow a barium compound solution as
part of certain medical test procedures.
irregularities, tremors, weakness, anxiety,
dyspnea, and paralysis. This may be due to
its ability to block potassium ion channels
that are critical to the proper function of
the nervous system.
An Environmental Working Group analysis of
molybdenum tests reported by 1,183 public
water suppliers in nine states shows that
between 1998 and 2003, 24.6 million people
in 134 communities drank water contaminated
with molybdenum. In 84 of these communities,
tap water was contaminated at levels above
health-based thresholds. Molybdenum remains
unregulated in tap water, without a maximum
legal limit.
The phosphate rocks are also enriched in
uranium, thorium and their daughters,
deposited as calcium phosphate minerals
by isomorphic substitution (Pfister et al.,
1976), since the natural uranium can
substitute calcium in the phosphate rock
structure due to the similarity in ionic
size between U4+ and Ca2+ (Guzman, 1992).
Polonium is carried throughout the body in
the blood. It has been linked to more soft-
tissue cancers than cancerous bones; typical
sites are the liver, spleen, and kidney. The
most important pathway for radionuclide
contamination of the food is the uptake by
plant from the ground through the roots.
Once the contaminated foods have been
ingested by man or animals, the radionuclides
produce an internal radiation dose in the
specific organs where they accumulate.
phosphorus. In all of these communities,
tap water was contaminated at levels above
health-based thresholds. Phosphorus remains
unregulated in tap water, without a maximum
legal limit. Water suppliers reporting tests
for phosphate (1998-2003): 258 of 39,751.
recently raised the limit on the
amount of perchlorate allowed in
drinking water by 50%. Currently
there are no enforceable perchlorate
safety standards, but Environmental
Working Group (EWG) argues that a
national safety standard should be
no higher than one-tenth the EPA's
currently recommended level.
the world. The food contribution to daily
perchlorate exposure looks to be a horrendous
disaster attributed to intensive farming,
irresponsible agricultural practices,
and military-industrial activities.
An Environmental Working Group analysis
of asbestos tests reported by 2,533 public
water suppliers in 26 states shows that
between 1998 and 2003, 8.6 million people
in 147 communities drank water contaminated
with Asbestos. In 2 of these communities,
tap water was contaminated at levels
above health-based thresholds.
Contaminants Index
Arsenic is found in water in two different
forms: pentavalent (also known as Arsenic
5 or arsenate) and Trivalent (Arsenic 3
or Arsenite). Chlorine converts trivalent
to pentvalent arsenic. Carbon/charcoal,
reverse osmosis filters as well as
distillation will remove this contaminant.
Distillation will remove trivalent and
pentvalent arsenic, while reverse osmosis
will remove pentvalent only. Look for
Standards 53, 58, or 62.
The body runs on electrons not calories. The sun is the best source of electron energy to feed and
energize our body. Soak it up daily, it is free to all that is living. - Dr. Robert O. Young
23 Scientific Reasons Why You Should Never Drink a Cup of Coffee or Expresso Ever Again!!!!
1. Methyl parathion
This is the most toxic pesticide of all. It is is highly toxic to humans, birds, fish, and mammals. It’s used to
fight leaf miner infestations. Leaf miners are insects that eat at leaves of plants. Despite how dangerous it
is, it’s still (mis)used in some countries.
2. Endosulfan
This pesticide is used against coffee cherry borer, a common coffee consuming bug. It’s doesn’t dissolve
easily and takes ages to break down in soil and is toxic to most animals. It affects the central nervous
system, reproductive organs, kidneys, and liver, and is considered to be worse than the pest itself; it’s
even been responsible for human death!
3. Chlorpyrifos
This is also used against common coffee pests and has been banned in the US for household use because
it has caused human death and birth defects. Needless to say, it’s quite detrimental to delicate
4. Triadimefon
Copper-based fungicide used to against coffee rust. Only slightly toxic to birds, little is known about its
effect on humans, but it is suspected that there is potential for reproductive problems with chronic
exposure. (Like people who drink coffee every day.) It has been found to induce hyperactivity in rats. The
major concern is that long-term use of this and other copper-based fungicides is copper accumulation in
soils, such as that found in coffee farms in Kenya and in Costa Rica. Copper toxicity has been found in
other crops grown in these soils, and copper impacts other biochemical and biological processes in soil
which will poison people eating these crops not to mention the people who drink coffee.
5. Caffeine
One 8-ounce cup of coffee has 95 milligrams of caffeine and a 1-ounce single shot of espresso has 64
milligrams. Consuming too much caffeine can make you restless, anxious, irratable and then dead.
Caffeine is an acid or oxidant poison with a pH of 5.5 and an oxidative reduction pH of over +250 mV.
When you drink a cup of coffee the body reacts to the poisons in the coffee and you feel it as adrenalin
rush as the body starts releasing alkaline buffers to neutralize the poison or the caffeine acid. It only takes
3 cups of coffee or acid to go into potential caffeine intoxication or 300mg which can cause a cardiac
arrest. One drop of pue caffeine or 2 grams of caffeine powder will kill you instantly.
6. pH
Coffee has a perfect pH for cancerous cells 5.5. Research at the Brigham Young University showed that
you can keep cancer cells alive indefinitely in a cup of coffee.
7. ORP
Coffee is NOT an antioxicant but an oxidant which acitivates the alkaline buffering system and depletes
your body of alkalizing minerals such as sodium bicaronatea and potassium bicaronate.
8. Stomach
Because coffee an acid beverage it causes the stomach to produce sodium bicarbonate which increases
the hydrochloric acid in the stomach leading to acid reflux, GERD, ulcers and stomach cancer.
Coffee is a hot beverage and any hot beverage will damage the cover cells of the stomach which cells
produce sodium bicarbonate for maintaining the alkaline design of all the body fluids.
10. Stimulate
Coffee is saturated with hydrogen ions or protons and thus steals energy from your body making you
more tired after the stimulating effects wear-off. This creates the addiction for more coffee in order to
achieve an energy increase or buzz. Continued use of coffee leads to enervation then irritation, then
inflammation, then ulceration and finally degeneration or cancer.
11. Cafestol
Coffee increases the level of cholesterol. Why? Because coffee contains an acid substance called cafestol
which triggers the rise of cholesterol levels. The cafestol blocks a receptor in an intestinal pathway crucial
for cholesterol regulation, and is the most potent food chemical to do this. Increased amounts of this acid
will increase cholesterol for the purpose of buffering and maintaining the alkaline design of the body.
Coffee compromises the alkalinity of the small intestine at a pH of 8.4. This causes the intestinal villi to lie
down preventing the biological transformation of food or chyme into stem cells which takes place in the
crypts of the intestinal villi. This leads to lowered blood counts, improper blood cell formation and
symptoms anemia, pernicious anemia, and hemolytic anemia. Coffee also damages the intestinal villi
leading to more serious conditions such as proper bone, muscle and organ regeneration.
13. Cancer
Coffee contains over 1000 chemicals of which only 22 have been studied leaving 978 left to study. All of
the chemicals studied to date have been found to be carcinogentic. So next time to pick up that cup of
coffee think of it as your cup of cancer.
Add the sugar and cream and you just created one toxic and addictive acidic/poisonous beverage.
There is controversial scientific evidence linking coffee consumption to heart diseases. Some studies even
state that "consumption is associated with significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease." These
same studies have shown a cholesterol-raising effect in some of the chemical compounds of coffee, such
as determines, cafestol, kahweol and plasma homocysteine. This may be of-set by some of the
antioxidants, but the overall agreement is that coffee may adversely effect the heart.
Coffee disturbs the functioning of blood vessels, both in turgidity and tone.
Coffee affects our nervous system, heart rhythms and has been consistently linked to irregular heartbeats.
It may also adversely affect blood pressure.
18. Osteoporosis
Coffee drinking should be heavily avoided by people at risk, or who have Osteoporosis. Studies show a link
between drinking coffee and urinary calcium excretion.
19. Heartburn
Many people report that coffee increases heartburn.
21. Dehydration
22. Addiction
While the FDA recognizes caffeine as “safe,” it is still a drug, as it significantly alters the nervous system,
leading to addiction over time.
You may experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to give up coffee. This can lead to headaches,
irritability, body aches, and other more extreme symptoms.
Coffee beans are green and alkaline on the tree until they are fermented and spoiled rotten to a brown
acidic, dis-ease causing color.
Why Ebola and Why Now? And Why ALL the Drama?
An African nurse vaccinates a child against a fungus called pneumococcus. Pneumococcus fungus is a
biological transformation of what use to be a healthy plant, animal or human cell. This fungus is said to be
responsible for over 60 percent of all childhood deaths in Africa. I would suggest that the increase in this
fungal condition is directly related to the water, food, sanitation and hygiene of the child. Bacteria, yeast,
fungi, mold and their waste products - viruses, are born in us and from us as a consequence of an acidic
lifestyle and diet.
All infectious disease at home or in Africa is born within the body from the acidic waste products of diet,
metabolism, respiration and the environment which are NOT properly eliminated through the four
channels of elimination. When acidic waste products are NOT circulated and eliminated through
urination, defecation, perspiration or respiration they are distributed out to the connective and fatty
tissues. When this happens you set the stage for ALL sickness and disease.
All viruses are non-living entities and because they are liquid or gas they can penetrate the cell membrane
damaging and destroying the DNA. These non-living entities are ALL the acidic waste products from diet,
metabolism, respiration, environment and the biological transformations or evolutions of healthy cells
into bacteria, yeast and mold that produce acidic waste products. These acidic waste products are called
exotoxins, endotoxins and mycotoxins. The creation of penumococcus or fungi is the result of acidic build-
up in the tissues, organs or glands and the biological transformation of once healthy body cells into
bacteria, fungi and then mold. Just like food in your refrigerator goes from healthy to moldy so the human
body when NOT in an alkaline state goes from healthy to moldy. Don't you know you don't get old you
mold. So should we vaccinate our food or the human body so it won't go moldy? O-wait they are already
doing this to our food and children!
The germs of the air can only contribute to a sickness or disease but it cannot cause a sickness or disease.
Seeds grow perfectly well in soil but throw them on concrete and they will not grow. It is all about the
environment - the internal enviornment. And there is only one sickness and one disease! That one
sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted or acidic
way of living, eating and thinking.
One last example. I call this example the 'Love Boat' metaphor. So what happens on a cruise ship like the
'Love Boat' - Over-eating acidic food, over-drinking acidic drinks, lack of restful sleep, lack of exercise,
over-exposure to chemicals in the food, drinking water, shower water and swimming pool water. People
get constipated. They become dehydrated. They stop eliminating their waste products. So, people get sick
on the 'Love Boat' because of their lifestyle and dietary choices and NOT because of some pHantom virus
like Ebola or fungi like pnuenococcus. And the interesting thing is NOT everyone gets sick. Only those who
stop eliminating their acidic waste products get sick. This condition of sickness is NOT caused by some
phantom virus that selectively picked on YOU! IT is ALL about circulation, elimination and maintaining the
delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids.
Germs and viruses are symptoms of acidic living, eating and thinking. They do NOT cause disease they are
the result of acidic build-up in the tissues, organs and glands because of poor circulation and elimination.
Sickness and disease is the body in preservation mode trying to rid itself of toxic acidic waste products and
restore its natural healthy alkaline state before it quickly dies. As Claude Bernard, a 20th century medical
doctor and research scientist, stated, "the germ is NOTHING the TERRAIN is everything."
The healthy and natural approach to preventing and/or reversing any sickness or dis-ease condition is to
maintain the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. True immunity is then achieved
by maintaining the delicate alkaline pH of the blood, tissues, organs and glands through good hygiene,
clean alkaline water, green alkaline fruit, vegetables, and sprouts, cold-pressed polyunsaturated oils, daily
exercise, low stress, and restful sleep.
So why Ebola and why NOW? That is a question for each of us to answer. I know the answer! What do you
What about the use of antibiotics used by conventional medicine for killing bacteria NOT fungi or mold or
To learn more about pH Miracle Living and living pHorever read The pH Miracle revised and updated
- www.phmiracle.com or www.phmiraclebooks.com
I would also suggest reading 'Sick and Tired' and 'A Second Thought about Viruses, Vaccines and the
HIV/AIDS Hypothesis'. Finally, pick up Professor Peter Duesberg's book on 'Inventing the AIDS Virus'. He
also talks about the inventing of Ebola, Hep C, SARS, West Nile Virus and other pHantom viruses.
PS - The picture below of the so-called Ebola virus is NOT a Ebola virus, it is a parasite. NO ONE has ever
isolated the Ebola Virus - NO ONE!!!!!!!!!! Ebola is a pHantom virus. This scientific fraud started in 1983
with the invention of the AIDS virus. PLEASE read Dr. Duesberg's book 'Inventing the AIDS Virus' and NOW
the EBOLA Virus!!!
Why Ebola and Why Now? And Why ALL the Drama?
An African nurse vaccinates a child against a fungus called pneumococcus. Pneumococcus fungus is a
biological transformation of what use to be a healthy plant, animal or human cell. This fungus is said to be
responsible for over 60 percent of all childhood deaths in Africa. I would suggest that the increase in this
fungal condition is directly related to the water, food, sanitation and hygiene of the child. Bacteria, yeast,
fungi, mold and their waste products - viruses, are born in us and from us as a consequence of an acidic
lifestyle and diet.
All infectious disease at home or in Africa is born within the body from the acidic waste products of diet,
metabolism, respiration and the environment which are NOT properly eliminated through the four
channels of elimination. When acidic waste products are NOT circulated and eliminated through
urination, defecation, perspiration or respiration they are distributed out to the connective and fatty
tissues. When this happens you set the stage for ALL sickness and disease.
All viruses are non-living entities and because they are liquid or gas they can penetrate the cell membrane
damaging and destroying the DNA. These non-living entities are ALL the acidic waste products from diet,
metabolism, respiration, environment and the biological transformations or evolutions of healthy cells
into bacteria, yeast and mold that produce acidic waste products. These acidic waste products are called
exotoxins, endotoxins and mycotoxins. The creation of penumococcus or fungi is the result of acidic build-
up in the tissues, organs or glands and the biological transformation of once healthy body cells into
bacteria, fungi and then mold. Just like food in your refrigerator goes from healthy to moldy so the human
body when NOT in an alkaline state goes from healthy to moldy. Don't you know you don't get old you
mold. So should we vaccinate our food or the human body so it won't go moldy? O-wait they are already
doing this to our food and children!
The germs of the air can only contribute to a sickness or disease but it cannot cause a sickness or disease.
Seeds grow perfectly well in soil but throw them on concrete and they will not grow. It is all about the
environment - the internal enviornment. And there is only one sickness and one disease! That one
sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted or acidic
way of living, eating and thinking.
One last example. I call this example the 'Love Boat' metaphor. So what happens on a cruise ship like the
'Love Boat' - Over-eating acidic food, over-drinking acidic drinks, lack of restful sleep, lack of exercise,
over-exposure to chemicals in the food, drinking water, shower water and swimming pool water. People
get constipated. They become dehydrated. They stop eliminating their waste products. So, people get sick
on the 'Love Boat' because of their lifestyle and dietary choices and NOT because of some pHantom virus
like Ebola or fungi like pnuenococcus. And the interesting thing is NOT everyone gets sick. Only those who
stop eliminating their acidic waste products get sick. This condition of sickness is NOT caused by some
phantom virus that selectively picked on YOU! IT is ALL about circulation, elimination and maintaining the
delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids.
Germs and viruses are symptoms of acidic living, eating and thinking. They do NOT cause disease they are
the result of acidic build-up in the tissues, organs and glands because of poor circulation and elimination.
Sickness and disease is the body in preservation mode trying to rid itself of toxic acidic waste products and
restore its natural healthy alkaline state before it quickly dies. As Claude Bernard, a 20th century medical
doctor and research scientist, stated, "the germ is NOTHING the TERRAIN is everything."
The healthy and natural approach to preventing and/or reversing any sickness or dis-ease condition is to
maintain the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. True immunity is then achieved
by maintaining the delicate alkaline pH of the blood, tissues, organs and glands through good hygiene,
clean alkaline water, green alkaline fruit, vegetables, and sprouts, cold-pressed polyunsaturated oils, daily
exercise, low stress, and restful sleep.
So why Ebola and why NOW? That is a question for each of us to answer. I know the answer! What do you
What about the use of antibiotics used by conventional medicine for killing bacteria NOT fungi or mold or
And, finally what are the ingredients of these vaccines?
To learn more about pH Miracle Living and living pHorever read The pH Miracle revised and updated
- www.phmiracle.com or www.phmiraclebooks.com
I would also suggest reading 'Sick and Tired' and 'A Second Thought about Viruses, Vaccines and the
HIV/AIDS Hypothesis'. Finally, pick up Professor Peter Duesberg's book on 'Inventing the AIDS Virus'. He
also talks about the inventing of Ebola, Hep C, SARS, West Nile Virus and other pHantom viruses.
PS - The picture below of the so-called Ebola virus is NOT a Ebola virus, it is a parasite. NO ONE has ever
isolated the Ebola Virus - NO ONE!!!!!!!!!! Ebola is a pHantom virus. This scientific fraud started in 1983
with the invention of the AIDS virus. PLEASE read Dr. Duesberg's book 'Inventing the AIDS Virus' and NOW
the EBOLA Virus!!!
Ginger - A Powerful Anti-Oxidant For Preventing and Reversing Cancer
New research published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology found that "ginger may be a
promising candidate for the treatment of breast carcinomas."[i] This is a timely finding, insofar asbreast
cancer awareness month is only days away, and one of the primary fund-raising justifications is the false
concept that a low-cost, safe and effective breast cancer treatment is not yet available. Could ginger
provide the type of cure that conventional, FDA-approved treatments have yet to accomplish?
The new study was performed by researchers at the Biological Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences,
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, who discovered that a crude extract derived from the medicinal
plant ginger (Zingiber officinale) inhibited the proliferation of breast cancer cells, without significantly
affecting the viability of non-tumor breast cells -- a highly promising property known as selective
cytotoxicity, not found in conventional treatments.
The researchers outline the serious problems with present breast cancer therapies thusly:
Despite significant advances toward targeted therapy and screening techniques, breast cancer continues
to be a chronic medical problem worldwide, being the most common type of cancer in women and the
leading cause of death [1]. Typically, the treatment of breast cancer involves hormonal therapy with
tamoxifen or other selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulators [2–4]. However, almost all patients with
metastatic disease and approximately 40% of patients that receive tamoxifen experience relapse that
ends by death [5]. In addition, the clinical utility of ER antagonists is often limited by side effects [2, 3, 6]
and is largely ineffective against ER-negative breast cancer [2, 3]. Furthermore, despite the fact that many
tumors initially respond to chemotherapy, breast cancer cells can subsequently survive and gain
resistance to the treatment [7]. Thus, identification of novel agents that are relatively safe but can
suppress growth of both ER-positive and ER-negative human breast cancers is highly desirable.
They described their interest in investigating crude extracts of ginger in the following manner:
Despite knowledge about the potent anticancer activity of the ginger, the molecular mechanisms
underlying this activity are not currently well known in breast cancer. Based on the previously mentioned
reported scientific data and considering the fact that in some cases herbal extracts are showing more
potency than the purified components [21, 22], the present study was undertaken to investigate the
impacts of crude extracts of ginger on growth of breast cancer cell lines.
They discovered that ginger was capable of positively modulating a surprisingly wide range of molecular
mechanisms simultaneously, such as:
Ginger is an archetypal example of a food-medicine – that is, something we ingest that both nourishes us,
and helps alleviate pain and suffering. Today, it is consumed as a delicacy, spice and medicine by
hundreds of cultures throughout the world. Modern science now confirms that ginger has over 100
distinct health benefits.[xvii] It's use stretches back thousands of years – something no existing FDA-
approved drug can lay claim to – and is believed to have originated in southern China, spreading to the
Spice Islands and other regions of Asia, and eventually to West Africa, the Caribbean, finally to India, its
largest producer.[xviii] There is also recent evidence that ginger was traded in Greece, as far back as 3rd
century BC.[xix]
[i] Ayman I Elkady, Osama A Abuzinadah, Nabih A Baeshen, Tarek R Rahmy. Differential Control of Growth,
Apoptotic Activity, and Gene Expression in Human Breast Cancer Cells by Extracts Derived from Medicinal
Herbs Zingiber officinale. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2012 ;2012:614356. Epub 2012 Aug 26. PMID: 22969274
[ii] Ya-Ling Hsu, Chung-Yi Chen, Ming-Feng Hou, Eing-Mei Tsai, Yuh-Jyh Jong, Chih-Hsing Hung, Po-Lin Kuo.
6-Dehydrogingerdione, an active constituent of dietary ginger, induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis
through reactive oxygen species/c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways in human breast cancer cells. Mol Nutr
Food Res. 2010 Feb 19. Epub 2010 Feb 19. PMID: 20175081
[iii] Hyun Sook Lee, Eun Young Seo, Nam E Kang, Woo Kyung Kim. [6]-Gingerol inhibits metastasis of MDA-
MB-231 human breast cancer cells. J Nutr Biochem. 2008 May;19(5):313-9. Epub 2007 Aug 1. PMID:
[iv] hexahydrocurcumin on SW 480 human colorectal cancer cells. Nat Prod Commun. 2011
Nov ;6(11):1671-2. PMID: 22224285
[v] Shafina Hanim Mohd Habib, Suzana Makpol, Noor Aini Abdul Hamid, Srijit Das, Wan Zurinah Wan
Ngah, Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof. Ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) has anti-cancer and anti-
inflammatory effects on ethionine-induced hepatoma rats. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2008 Dec ;63(6):807-13.
PMID: 19061005
[vi] Mahmoud A Mansour, Saleh A Bekheet, Salim S Al-Rejaie, Othman A Al-Shabanah, Tawfeq A Al-
Howiriny, Ammar C Al-Rikabi, Ayman A Abdo. Ginger ingredients inhibit the development of
diethylnitrosoamine induced premalignant phenotype in rat chemical hepatocarcinogenesis model.
Biofactors. 2010 Nov-Dec;36(6):483-90. Epub 2010 Sep 24. PMID: 20872761
[vii] Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof, Norliza Ahmad, Srijit Das, Suhaniza Sulaiman, Nor Azian
Murad.Chemopreventive efficacy of ginger (Zingiber officinale) in ethionine induced rat
hepatocarcinogenesis. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2008 ;6(1):87-93. Epub 2008 Oct 25. PMID:
[viii] Wirote Tuntiwechapikul, Thanachai Taka, Chonnipa Songsomboon, Navakoon Kaewtunjai, Arisa
Imsumran, Luksana Makonkawkeyoon, Wilart Pompimon, T Randall Lee. Ginger extract inhibits human
telomerase reverse transcriptase and c-Myc expression in A549 lung cancer cells. J Med Food. 2010
Dec;13(6):1347-54. PMID: 21091248
[ix] Mihye Kim, Shingo Miyamoto, Yumiko Yasui, Takeru Oyama, Akira Murakami, Takuji
Tanaka.Zerumbone, a tropical ginger sesquiterpene, inhibits colon and lung carcinogenesis in mice. Int J
Cancer. 2009 Jan 15;124(2):264-71. PMID: 19003968
[x] Huey-Chun Huang, Shao-Hua Chiu, Tsong-Min Chang. Inhibitory effect of [6]-gingerol on melanogenesis
in B16F10 melanoma cells and a possible mechanism of action. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.
2011 ;75(6):1067-72. Epub 2011 Jun 13. PMID: 21670536
[xi] Yon Jung Park, Jing Wen, Seungmin Bang, Seung Woo Park, Si Young Song. [6]-Gingerol induces cell
cycle arrest and cell death of mutant p53-expressing pancreatic cancer cells. Yonsei Med J. 2006 Oct
31;47(5):688-97. PMID: 17066513
[xii] Songyan Zhang, Qiaojing Liu, Yanju Liu, Hong Qiao, Yu Liu . Zerumbone, a Southeast Asian Ginger
Sesquiterpene, Induced Apoptosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells through p53 Signaling Pathway. Evid
Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 ;2012:936030. Epub 2012 Jan 29. PMID: 22454691
[xiii] Larisa Nonn, David Duong, Donna M Peehl . Chemopreventive anti-inflammatory activities of
curcumin and other phytochemicals mediated by MAP kinase phosphatase-5 in prostate cells.
Carcinogenesis. 2007 Jun;28(6):1188-96. Epub 2006 Dec 6. PMID: 17151092
[xiv] Yogeshwer Shukla, Sahdeo Prasad, Chitra Tripathi, Madhulika Singh, Jasmine George, Neetu Kalra. In
vitro and in vivo modulation of testosterone mediated alterations in apoptosis related proteins by [6]-
gingerol. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2007 Dec;51(12):1492-502. PMID: 18030663
[xv] Sharma, Meenakshi V Gupta, Ritu Aneja. Benefits of whole ginger extract in prostate cancer. Br J Nutr.
2011 Aug 18:1-12. Epub 2011 Aug 18. PMID: 21849094
[xvi] Nidhi Nigam, Kulpreet Bhui, Sahdeo Prasad, Jasmine George, Yogeshwer Shukla. [6]-Gingerol induces
reactive oxygen species regulated mitochondrial cell death pathway in human epidermoid carcinoma
A431 cells. Chem Biol Interact. 2009 Sep 14;181(1):77-84. Epub 2009 May 27. PMID: 19481070
[xvii] GreenMedInfo.com, Substance, Health Benefits of Ginger
[xviii] UCLA, History & Special Collections, Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, Ginger
[xix] http://en.goodnews.gr/.../A-surprising-scientific...
The Top 35 Biggest Health, Nutritional and Medical Lies
The following list includes the biggest health, nutritional, and medical lies, deceit, deceptions and
inventions that we have been told by a doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a teacher, a nutritionist, a health guru,
a Pharmaceutical Company, the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, the Center
of Disease Control and/or the World Health Organization, just to name a few.
The term “immunization”, often substituted for vaccination, is false and should be legally challenged.
Medical research has well established that the direct injection of foreign proteins and other toxic material
(particularly known immune-sensitizing poisons such as mercury) makes the recipient more, not less,
easily affected by what he/she encounters in the future. This means they do the opposite of immunize,
commonly even preventing immunity from developing after natural exposure. There are 5 phases of
awakening to the dangers of vaccination and many lie in different phases.
The actual frequency of health problems has been estimated by authorities to be possibly up to 100 times,
or more, greater than that reported by government agencies. That difference is due to the lack of
enforcement or incentive for doctors to report adverse effects. With the anti-vaccination movements now
exposing the truth on the internet, the medical community is now on high alert, defending their claims
and being told by vaccine manufacturers that they must never let their patients (or parents) think that the
risks could outweigh the benefits, when in reality, it is precisely the opposite that is true.
Convincing evidence is finally coming forward from peer reviewed studies which show that the rapid
increase in the number of vaccines given to children is creating synergistic toxicity and a state of immune
overload in the majority of vaccine recipients manifesting in related health issues including epidemics of
obesity, diabetes, and autism.
The benefit risk ratio is an important decision in anyone deciding whether to vaccinate or not. Contrary to
popular belief and marketing, childhood diseases in a developed country are not as dangerous as we are
led to believe. Catching a particular so-called disease does not mean you will die from it. Vaccines were
actually introduced at a time when diseases had already declined to a low risk level. This fact is proven,
The main advances in combating ALL sickness and disease over the last 200 years has been better food
and clean potable drinking water…not vaccines. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living
conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed research which prove that
vaccines did not save us. The is irrefutable evidence which shows that the historical application of
vaccines had no health benefit or impact on prevention of so-called infectious disease which are the
results of an over-acidic lifestyle and diet.
All vaccines contain sterility agents, neurotoxins, immunotoxins, and carcinogenic compounds which are
all acidic and dis-ease causing. Some examples include formaldehyde, a carcinogen found in almost every
vaccine, neurotoxins such asmonosodium glutamate, thimerosal, sterility agents such as Triton X-100,
octoxynol-10, polysorbate 80, and immuntoxins such as neomycin, monobasic potassium
phosphate,sodium deoxycholate, to name a few of many.
It is no coincidence that the more educated you are, the less chance you will vaccinate which contradicts
the misconceptions of many health professionals who profess that parents don’t vaccinate because they
are under-educated, poor or misinformed. Those who become fully informed of the acidic dangers of
vaccines never see them in the same light again, as their motives then become clear.
This is a scientific illusion. Viruses do not kill, acids kill. All viruses are nothing more than dietary and/or
metabolic acid. The word virus in Latin means poison or acid. All flu's or acids by definition effect only the
gastrointestinal tract due to acidic foods and drinks ingested - not viruses.
So the Mexican Swine Flu Virus that has been reported by the CDC to have killed over 1000 Mexicans is
the result of an excess of gastrointestinal acid from the ingestion of acidic foods and drinks that have not
been properly buffered by the stomach with alkaline salts or eliminated through the four channels of
elimination - lungs, bowels, bladder and/or skin. For these unfortunate Mexicans or others in the US or
around the world that have died, the cause of death was due to an excess of acidic foods and drinks,
including Tequila, beer, beans, rice, corn, peanuts, yeast, soy sauce, high sugar fruit, processed sugar,
artificial sugar, dairy products, chicken, turkey, beef and of course the biggest acid of all - SWINE.
That's right, the acids from PORK can kill. So 1000 Mexicans did not die from a pHantom Mexican Swine
Flu Virus but they died from a dis-ease I call, "I Ate and Drank TOO Much Acidic Crap Disease" or "I
Received An Acidic Flu Vaccine." The simple solution for protecting you from an excess of gastrointestinal
acid from an acidic diet and lifestyle that can and does kill is to increase your alkaline buffering mineral
salts. All flu's or acid outbreaks can be prevented and reversed with sodium, magnesium, potassium and
calcium bicarbonate.
YES, it is that simple! You can prevent gastrointestinal acidosis that can lead to stomach flu, vomiting,
dehydration, diarrhea, constipation, and even death. No need to fear a pandemic, just the acidic foods
and drinks you are ingesting and more specifically an acidic toxic swine flu vaccine.
This line of logic is responsible for more pain, suffering and death than any other theory. It is based upon
the Pasteurian germ theory that germs or pathogens cause disease. Germs DO NOT CAUSE DISEASE -
something you get it is something you do. HIV, HPV, EBOLA, HUNTA, SARS, AVIAN FLU, AND THE SWINE
What exists is acidic lifestyles, acidic diets, acidic drugs and acidic vaccines. If you put alcohol into your
body you can get drunk and sick. If you put tobacco smoke into your lungs you can get sick and cancerous.
If you elect to have an acidic vaccine you can get sick and die! Not from some so-called virus but from the
acidic elements of the alcohol, tea, coffee, meat, cheese, eggs, tobacco, anti-biotic or anti-life vaccines,
The key to health, energy and vitality is to maintain the alkaline design of your body. To poison your body
with a vaccine will not increase your health, energy or vitality but only prove that you can poison yourself
and hopefully live through it. True immunity comes from protecting the alkaline design of the body. ALL
pandemics are caused by MAN and their acidic choices not some phantom virus!
America was entering a decade of robust prosperity. Later called "The Roaring Twenties", it was a time of
unparalleled economic expansion. Debt money from Wall Street banks was plentiful and easy to obtain.
The "Great War" was over.
America was flexing her industrial muscles. Factories were being built and expanded in every major city.
Automobiles began rolling off Detroit assembly lines in record numbers. The stock market began making
People were HEALTHY and HAPPY largely because the dreaded "world mystery disease" (which decades
later became known as the "1918 Flu Pandemic") had disappeared. Two entire years had passed with no
dreaded "mystery deaths" being reported. America had cause to celebrate, and celebrate they did!
As a matter of fact, the American Public in general was so optimistic and HAPPY in 1921, that relatively
few people were unhealthy as well. For the first time in decades, hospital beds were empty. The fledgling
American Medical Association, formed by John D. Rockefeller just a few years earlier, was worried.
Business was sagging.
Profits from vaccines and drugs were spiraling. Something had to be done, and done immediately. False,
faux epidemics of smallpox were created to solve the problem, and keep the Medical Mafia's cash
registers ringing.
We know this dastardly plan actually happened, thanks to a citizen's WATCHDOG GROUP in Kansas City,
Missouri named "The Advertiser's Protective Bureau", who filed, and successfully prosecuted criminal
charges against the Missouri state chapter of the AMA the Jackson Medical Society. The 'Protective
Bureau's" official report of this cold-blooded plot reads as follows:
"In the Fall of 1921, the health of the city was unusually good, but slow for the doctors. So the Jackson
Medical Society met and resolved to make an epidemic in the city. According to the minutes of this
(Investigation later revealed that there was NO SIGN OF AN EPIDEMIC at the time, in the city, or anywhere
in the state or region!)
'It was moved and seconded that a day be set aside, termed VACCINATION DAY, on which physicians
would be stationed at ALL SCHOOLS, clinics, public buildings and hospitals to vaccinate "free of charge".
(Vaccinations are never "free". The taxpayers are always forced to pay for every one of the "free"
The Protective Bureau proved in court that there WAS NO EPIDEMIC before the vaccinations!! The court
records show that the Medical Society manufactured vast amounts of posters, fliers, newspaper stories
and ads featuring horrific and lurid pictures of diseased children covered with massive smallpox sores and
open wounds. Some pictures actually showed children's corpses covered with the same ugly sores.
The PANIC-DRIVEN message was clear --- VACCINATE EVERYONE, or face a deadly public disease. There
was a "sweeping epidemic" in the city; the disease was "highly contagious" and would "strike anyone who
was not vaccinated" was the bill of goods sold! (Does this sound at all familiar today 88 years later??)
The Medical Mafia's propaganda blitz was successful, and over a million previously healthy and happy
American citizens were hypnotized and terrorized into placing the vaccine toxins into their bloodstreams.
All public school children in the region were vaccinated while at school! Parents who dared question the
vaccination of their children were ostracized and publicly vilified.
THE COURT RECORD ON THIS CASE IS VERY CLEAR. In the weeks and months following the "mass
vaccinations" the area's hospital beds were filled to over-flowing with VACCINE-INDUCED SMALLPOX
Tens of thousands of people became ill, and many hundreds of innocents died, and many more were
ESTABLISHMENT WAS TO PROMOTE THE VACCINES stating how much worse the death toll would have
been without the vaccination campaign!! Untold MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of profit was generated by this
massive "medical" fraud.
Thanks to the ADVERTISER'S PROTECTIVE BUREAU, however; the massive fraud was exposed and
criminally prosecuted to a successful conviction. During the trial, three amazing facts were proven beyond
any "reasonable doubt".
Fact 1: The poster and advertising pictures showing the diseased and dying children used so successfully
Protective Bureau documented that they were pictures of ENGLISH CHILDREN who were victims of "court-
proven" cases of SMALLPOX VACCINE POISONING!! One of the pictures was of a 5-week-old baby named
Mona Stevenson, of Humphrey Street, Burnley, England. A previously healthy and happy baby, Little Mona
had been vaccinated for smallpox at 5 weeks of age. Four weeks later, her pox-ridden little body was
placed in a tiny coffin and buried. The horrific photos of Little Mona and others in England had previously
been published in British newspapers where details of the resulting CRIMINAL TRIALS were also given. The
full details of the trials, as well as the pictures, were also included in a comprehensively large medical
boot titled "THE HISTORY AND PATHOLOGY OF VACCINATION" by Edgar M Crookshank, MD professor of
Bacteriology at the ultra-elite Kings College, London England.
Fact 2: Vaccines containing LIVE ACIDIC (so-called) VIRUSES/TOXINS, weakened (i.e. attenuated) or
otherwise universally causes more diseases than the vaccine ever could prevent.
Fact 3: Vaccine-Induced-Disease (VID) is an extremely effective socio-economic tool. It has the potential to
generate BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF WINDFALL PROFITS, while permanently changing the social structures
of large groups of people.
While the Protective Bureau won the criminal court case the American people lost. The case should have
made front-page headlines around the nation, showing the Modus Operandi of certain corrupt "medical
practitioners". How, by means of fraud, treachery, and trickery, they made millions of dollars in windfall
profits while thousands of innocent, trusting, and naive Americans suffered and died. The entire sordid
affair, with all its damning details, was kept out of the American Press. John D. Rockefeller's AMA, with its
millions of dollars of influence made sure of that!
Amazingly, even though thousands of people had died or become crippled by this managed manslaughter,
the doctors involved were only given a light penalty in the form of a token fine. The medical
establishment as a whole was not upset in the least by the exposure and has continued on unabated
perpetuating the same crimes against humanity creating acidic vaccine-induced-dis-eases while fleecing
the people continually until this present day.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana
Those who are ignorant of the past, cannot be expected to remember it. True Ott, PhD, ND
This is a falsehood. There is no such thing as a flu virus and therefore there is no need for a poisonous
acidic flu vaccine made with chicken embryos, formaldehyde, mercury, detergent, and alcohol. The flu is
the body in preservation mode increasing body temperature to activate the lymphatic system to remove
excess dietary and/or metabolic acids in the tissues via respiration, perspiration, defecation and urination.
The key to reversing the symptoms of the Flu is hydration with alkaline fluids and sweating with infrared
sauna or exercise.
A solitary soldier at Ft. Dix collapses and dies following a reaction to an "experimental" acidic vaccine
while completing an intense physical "forced march" exercise at Ft. Dix. Immediately, the CDC swings into
action, declaring a nationwide SWINE FLU PANDEMIC is pending. Providentially, of course, the CDC just
happens to have 200+MILLION DOSES of Swine Flu vaccine already stockpiled, prepared with
ATTENUATED (live, yet weakened) so-called viruses and experimental acidic ADJUVANTS.
President Gerald Ford, (with proven ties to Big Pharma and Nixon's covert viral or acid weapons labs also a
key member of the "Warren Commission's" obfuscation of the JFK murder) rolls up his sleeves on national
TV and dutifully takes the vaccine. 40 million acidic vaccines are given to naive American human guinea
pigs. A rash of auto-immune disorders (Guillan-Barre Syndrome GBS, and lupus) as well as a large number
of deaths is immediately attributed to the acidic vaccine, and the mass vaccination campaign is halted.
(What happened to the other 140 million vaccines, one may ask?) In 1979, the television news magazine
60 Minutes did a documentary investigation on this travesty-for-money scandal. Against all odds and the
threats of Big Pharma, the OBJECTIVELY FAIR 60 Minutes program aired ONE TIME. There was no follow-
up story, No criminal indictments were ever issued.
There was no MASS-MURDER-FOR-HIRE trial. As a result, America has largely forgotten the 1976 SWINE
FLU SCANDAL! Click here for "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lcJt4jX1Vo" Part I of the 60 Minutes
story; and "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4c9Is1T3z4" Part II.
The definition for insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. All
acids kill and vaccines are all made from acid.
This is medical subterfuge and distortion as even the medical community realizes that antibiotics don't do
what they are supposed to do. We say with alarm that disease is becoming resistant to antibiotics. They
are not "resistant" because they have never been operative or effective. Antibiotics are the acidic waste
products of fermentation.
To make an antibiotic, you need a yeast or mold and some sugar for the yeast or mold to ferment. The bi-
product of the yeast or mold fermenting the sugar is the acidic antibiotic. The acids from antibiotics DO
NOT KILL BACTERIA. They only force the bacteria to change. Into what does bacteria change? Into yeast
and mold. That is why when you take antibiotics you end up with a yeast infection! That's the antibiotic
causing the bacteria to change from one form to another. I call this process of change "biological
transformation" and the reason why you should NEVER take antibiotics.
A lot of food that we eat today contains genetically modified ingredients and usually without our
knowledge. Supporters of this technology maintain that it ensures and sustains food security around the
world as the population increases. As well as scientific debates on the merits of genetically engineered
food, there are equally, if not more important, debates on the socioeconomic ramifications of the way
such science is marketed and used.
The dangers of GMO foods can no longer be denied. Researchers have linked organ damage with
consumption of Monsanto’s GM maize.
Biotechnology companies erroneously claim that their manipulations are similar to natural genetic
changes or traditional breeding techniques. However, the cross-species transfers being made, such as
between fish and tomatoes, or between other unrelated species, would not happen in nature and may
create new toxins, diseases, and weaknesses. When genetic engineers insert a new gene into any
organism there are “position effects” which can lead to unpredictable changes in the pattern of gene
expression and genetic function. The protein product of the inserted gene may carry out unexpected
reactions and produce potentially toxic products.
There is also serious concern about the dangers of using genetically engineered viruses or acid crystals as
delivery vehicles (vectors) in the generation of transgenic plants and animals. This could destabilize the
genome, and also possibly create new and dangerous diseases. Unlike chemical or nuclear contamination,
genetic pollution is self-perpetuating. It can never be reversed or cleande up; genetic mistakes will be
passed on to ALL future generations of species.
This is one of the biggest scientific misconceptions ever. First, the stomach is NOT and organ of digestion.
Most so-called digestion starts in the mouth. That's why your mom said to chew your food. The stomach
is an organ that alkalizes the food and liquids that you eat. The stomach cells, called the cover cells,
secrete sodium bicarbonate onto the ingested food and drink to alkalize the food, not to digest the food.
For every molecule of sodium bicarbonate produced by the stomach for alkalizing, a molecule of
hydrochloric acid is produced as a waste product.
Hydrochloric acid or HCL never touches the food or drink but falls into the gastric pits of the stomach
away from the food and drink as the sodium bicarbonate rises to the top to alkalize the food and/or
liquids ingested. This is necessary in order to prepare the food in an alkaline state for the duodenum and
the small intestine where the liquid food is then biologically transformed into stem cells. There is NO part
of the alimentary canal that does not secret sodium bicarbonate for alkalizing. In conclusion, the stomach
is an organ of contribution and alkalizing, not a digestive organ as medical savants would have us believe.
So now you know it is a whopper of a lie.
This is another whopper--a century long distortion. A cold is the body removing excess dietary and/or
metabolic acids through the orifices of the body to maintain its delicate alkaline pH. Colds are NOT caused
by viruses but are caused by eating too much acidic GARBAGE. I won't get YOUR cold if MY body is
properly alkaline. Excess acids can also be caused by your thoughts or negative emotions which can also
give rise to the elimination of these acids through various orifices, such as your eyes, ears, mouth or nose.
What an intentional obfuscation this is! Pharmaceutical drugs do not have side-effects; they have
EFFECTS! And lots of them! If you take the drugs, plan on them affecting your health in many negative and
acidic ways.
This is closer to gross ignorance than a lie. Sugar is a metabolic acid and has no value in the body. None.
Zero. Zip. Nada. The brain and body does NOT run on sugar; it runs on electrons - just like every other cell
in the human body. Increase your healthy brain function with more electrons with electron-rich food and
NO! Cancer is not a disease of the tissues but a disease of the fluids of the body. After a trillion dollars
spent since President Nixon declared war on cancer, we still pretend not to know what it is. But it has
become a several hundred billion dollar industry.....larger than the automobile industry. Cancer is an
acidic, environmental, dietary and/or metabolic liquid; it is NOT a cell and we ALL have some of it in our
body to greater or lesser degree. The more acid we have in our body, the greater the risk for cancerous
tissues. Cancer therefore is a four letter word: ACID! And cancer's fumbling, bumbling proponents have
put forth another four letter word: MYTH.
Doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money from it. That’s the only reason chemotherapy is still
used. Not because it’s effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates. In
fact, it does the opposite. Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Most
chemotherapy patients either die or are plagued with illness within 10-15 years after treatment. It
destroys their immune system, increases neuro-cognitive decline, disrupts endocrine functioning and
causes organ and metabolic toxicities. Patients basically live in a permanent state of disease until their
death. The cancer industry marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented,
expensive, and toxic remedies whose risks far exceed any benefit. This is what they do best, and they do it
because it makes money, plain and simple.
The reason a 5-year relative survival rate is the standard used to assess mortality rates is due to most
cancer patients going downhill after this period. It’s exceptionally bad for business and the cancer industry
knows it. They could never show the public the true 97% statistical failure rate in treating long-term
metastatic cancers. If they did publish the long-term statistics for all cancers administered cytotoxic
chemotherapy, that is 10+ years and produced the objective data on rigorous evaluations including the
cost-effectiveness, impact on the immune system, quality of life, morbidity and mortality, it would be very
clear to the world that chemotherapy makes little to no contribution to cancer survival at all. No such
study has ever been conducted by independent investigators in the history of chemotherapy. The only
studies available come from industry funded institutions and scientists and none of them have ever
inclusively quantified the above variables.
This is an incredible whopper! And because the real and UNEXAMINED TRUTH has been explained by
several scientists for many years, it is MORE than a whopper. It is now a fraud. There is NO HIV virus. You
heard me right; there is NO HIV virus! There never has been. AIDS or immune deficiency is caused by an
acidic way of living, eating and thinking. There is no need for drugs, but just the need to change to an
alkaline lifestyle and diet and PRESTO.... NO MORE AIDS. It works 100 percent of the time if you get going
before the drugs and wrong diet have taken you right up to death's door.
This is also an incredible whopper! HPV does not cause cervical cancer. Metabolic and/or dietary acid
causes cancer. HPV is another pHantom virus. It does not exist. The cause of reproductive cancers are
from the acids you produce from what you eat, what you think, and how you live. You don't get cancer
you do cancer. So stop doing cancer with an acidic lifestyle and diet and start doing "Young Living" and the
pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet.
Once again this is medical science at its best trying to keep the germ and infection theory alive. There is
NO bacteria or spirochete bacteria that causes Lyme's Dis-ease. Lyme's dis-ease is nothing more than the
blood trying to purify itself from excess metabolic and/or dietary acid by removing these acids out into
the colloidal connective tissues. Simply put Lyme's dis-ease is nothing more than a person who is
adsorbing and absorbing their own urine into the colloidal connective tissues. The irritation and
inflammation and then degeneration one feels is all caused by dietary and/or metabolic acid that has NOT
been properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - urination, perspiration, defecation
and respiration. My recommendation for so-called Lyme's Dis-ease is an alkaline lifestyle and diet with at
least 2 hours of exercise daily. In other words "get off you fat or skinny ac-id! and Go To Health!"
This is a major fable and fabrication to which many holistic doctors prescribe. And it's a dangerous
one....especially for people who take digestive enzymes all the time. Enzymes are acids from fermentation
and are poisonous. Just like Drano, taking enzymes will eventually destroy your alkalizing alimentary
canal. One will kill you fast and one will kill you slow!
Digestive enzymes may break down meat, but nutritional science clearly tells us that you shouldn't be
eating meat. They will break you down too because guess what? Your alimentary canal is meat!!
This inaccuracy and science fiction began with the distortions of four scientists in 1952 when they
conducted starvation studies on rabbits and pigeons and decided after autopsy that blood was created in
the bones. This is NOT correct. The primary site of blood production is in the crypts of the intestinal villi in
the small intestine. When acids (antibiotics, acid food and drink, enzymes, probiotics) damage or destroy
the intestinal villi, then the body makes blood out of various body cells such as the bones.
The studies on blood in 1952 may likely have been the correct conclusion if the autopsies had been done
on humans--assuming the bodies had starved to death like the rabbits and pigeons. Logically, autopsies
are done on people who have been very sick and finally died. The body is so sick that blood has not been
made in the the intestinal villi perhaps for some time. Now medical savants have amazingly discovered
that blood can also be made in the liver. The truth is that it can also be made from all the organs and all
the cells once the body is sickly enough. Hopefully, we won't be doing autopsies on healthy bodies
because they rarely die. But if we did, we'd find out where blood is really made in a healthy body....in the
crypts of the intestinal villi in the twenty-seven feet of the small intestine
This is another invention based on faulty scientific premises. Germs are nothing more than the biological
transformation of organized matter disorganizing. Germs therefore are the RESULT of fermenting matter
and not the CAUSE of fermenting matter, just as the smoke of a fired gun is not the cause but the
evidence that the gun has been fired. When you see bacteria, yeast or mold on food, this is a result of
food deterioration, not a result of an infection. When I see bacteria or yeast in the blood, I know this is a
result of blood or body cells biologically transforming and not a result of an infection.
In other words, germs are born in us and from us. The infection can only contribute to a state of
imbalance but CANNOT cause ANY specific disease. So stay away from all treatment plans, traditional or
alternative that focuses on the killing germs. If the drug or supplement will kill germs it will also kill you.
Cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks or stokes. Not a single one. This is a distortion and an
inaccuracy based on faulty observation and inquiry. Environmental, dietary and metabolic acid causes
heart attacks and strokes. The body releases cholesterol or LDL's to buffer or chelate the toxic lethal
affects of acid to protect the body, not harm the body. It is your thoughts, your words and your deeds that
create waste products or acids. If these acids are not eliminated through urination. perspiration, defection
or respiration, the body will release cholesterol or LDL's to buffer these acids for protection and not for
destruction. A recent landmark study, the Farmington Cholesterol Study showed that you are more likely
to have a heart attack or stroke with normal or low cholesterol then a person with a total cholesterol over
Your risk for a heart attack or stroke increases significantly as your acid levels increase or if you lower your
cholesterol with drugs without lowering your production of acid from the environment, lifestyle, diet
and/or metabolism.
Perhaps the biggest health myth propagated in western culture and certainly in the United States, is the
misuse of an invented term “bad cholesterol” by the media and medical community. Moreover, a
scientifically-naive public has been conned into a fraudulent correlation between elevated cholesterol and
cardiovascular disease (CVD). Cholesterol has not been shown to actually cause CVD. To the contrary,
cholesterol is vital to our survival, and trying to artificially lower it can have detrimental effects,
particularly when aging and can lead to death.
We have become a culture so obsessed with eating foods low in cholesterol and fat that many health
experts are now questioning the consequences. Could we really maintain a dietary lifestyle that was so
foreign to many of our ancestral populations without any ill effects on our health? Many researchers are
now concluding that the answer to that question is “NO.” Current data is now suggesting that lower
cholesterol levels predate the development of cancer. Scientific papers prove that people with high so-
called “Bad” LDL cholesterol live the longest.
The ‘noddy-science’ offered by marketing men to a generally scientifically-naive public has led many
people to believe that we should replace certain food choices with specially developed products that can
help ‘reduce cholesterol’. Naturally this comes at a price and requires those who can afford it to pay
maybe four or five times what a ‘typical ordinary’ product might cost. But is this apparent ‘blanket need’
to strive towards lowering our cholesterol justified? And, indeed, is it healthy?
The cholesterol itself, whether being transported by LDL or HDL, is exactly the same. Cholesterol is simply
a necessary ingredient that is required to be regularly delivered around the body for the efficient healthy
development, maintenance and functioning of our cells. The difference is in the ‘transporters’ (the
lipoproteins HDL and LDL) and both types are essential for the human body’s delivery logistics to work
Problems can occur, however, when the LDL particles are both small and their carrying capacity of acidic
waste products outweighs the transportation potential of available HDL. This can lead to more cholesterol
being ‘delivered’ around the body with lower resources for returning excess capacity to the liver.
We need to reform education on what really causes heart disease and why cholesterol, whether high or
low, is not an evil process in the body, but a natural part of our biology to help maintain its alkaline
Wrong again. This is another fictitious distortion based on faulty observation based on a) preconceived
notions about how the body works and b) the failure of science to sufficiently isolate variables when
making so-called scientific observations. Tell the strongest animals in the world--vegetarian animals--that
eating protein builds muscle. Eating protein actually makes you weak and eventually sick and tired from
the debilitating acids of sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric and uric acid. The body builds muscle from blood and
not from plant or animal protein. At the Ranch we grow avocados. We give our avocados minerals, water
and sunshine - no protein. Yet, our avocados are 80% healthy fat and 15% protein. If you want to build
muscle you have to build blood. And to build blood you have to eat green foods and lots of them.
I would call this a big fat lie. A big Whopper with cheese and bacon. No, I'm sorry fat doctors, fat farms
and fat clinics of the world. Obesity is an acid problem, not a fat problem. The body protects itself against
acidic lifestyles and diets by making and using fat. Think of fat as your parking places for environmental,
dietary, and metabolic acids that are not properly eliminated via urination, perspiration, defecation
and/or respiration. You can now say that fat is saving your life. Thank you fat! Be glad that fat was not
accumulating inside your veins and arteries. At least collecting on your hips and belly you could see the fat
and decide if you want to do something about it. All you need to do is get off your fat acid and go to
health with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. The average weight loss on the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is 1
pound a day - 30 pounds in 30 days. As you alkalize the fat melts away with all of its acidic contents.
This greedy fiction and pharmaceutical deception is actually hurting ever so many unknowing innocent
women. The first thing to understand is that hormones are acidic waste products of endocrine gland
function. Balancing your hormones would be like balancing your car's carbon monoxide exhaust. You
would never give you car more acidic carbon monoxide to help it run better. You would change the oil,
the filter or use a more energy efficient fuel.
This is what you need to do when you have endocrine or energy imbalance. You need to change your
lifestyle and diet to an alkaline lifestyle and diet with liberal amounts of electron rich green foods, lots of
alkaline water and plenty of exercise.
This medical lie is a whopper. Acid causes water retention and elevates blood pressure and pulse rate. All
of your body fluids are salted with sodium chloride. Salt is the catalyst for the transportation of energy.
You cannot have a thought without salt. Salt is required to keep the body alkaline and preserves it from
dietary and metabolic acid. If you are sick or tired you are deficient in salt. If you have sugar cravings you
are deficient in salt. If you have low energy you are deficient in salt. If you have hormonal imbalance you
are deficient in salt. If you have high blood pressure or if you are fluid retentive then give up your acidic
lifestyle and diet not the salt. I recommend at least 12 to 14 grams of unprocessed salt every day based
upon a man or woman weighing 70 kilos or 154 pounds. Salt is life. You cannot live without oxygen and
you cannot live without salt!
The danger of magnetic, electric, wireless, radio (microwave), ground current, and high frequency
radiation is that it is mostly invisible until great damage is done – like the increased risk of some brain
tumors in long term cell phone users.
Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is a very big health problem of our youngest generations. The
media and medical community dismiss it, but it is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools
and our entire society learn more about the risks because the human health stakes are significant.
Studies suggest that women briefly exposed to very high-intensity EMFs have an increased risk of
miscarriage, especially EMFs emitted by power lines and electrical appliances.
A growing percentage of people are now heeding the advice of holistic health experts and disposing of
their microwaves due to the dangers of microwaved food.
The effect of EMFs on biological tissue remains controversial. Virtually all scientists agree that more
research is necessary to determine safe or dangerous levels. It’s like one big human experiment which we
won’t know the results of for several decades. Now, with the increasing proliferation of wireless handheld
and portable devices, it is literally impossible to escape EMFs in any major city.
What they do know is that iron, which is necessary for healthy blood and is stored in the brain, is highly
affected by EMFs. The permeability of the cell membranes of nerves, blood vessels, skin and other organs
is also affected, as well as the intricate DNA of the chromosomes. Every bodily biochemical process
involves precisely choreographed movement of EMF sensitive atoms, molecules, and ions.
Not only do EMFs impact your own health and that of your children and pets, but also the Earth as a
whole, as our overuse of electricity contributes greatly to pollution from coal-fired electricity plants.
Those who are wise will heed the warnings of the electrically sensitive and reduce the EMF radiation in
their homes through good design and reduction of dependence on electric appliances.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that EMF in excess of 3 milligause is a risk
for causing a cancerous condition.
Even though the medical community advocates for regular screenings for those with illnesses, they may
bring little benefit and may actually pose harm to your health. This applies to almost every type of medical
screening for cancer and several other diseases.
Medical screening carries an immense risk in itself, not only due to the damage inflicted by screening
techniques on the human body, but by the very nature of medical follow-up protocols. These protocols
usually encourage patients to enter deeper into more invasive techniques, which further cripple health
and lead to a very high percentage of fatalities.
Doctors are often criticized for prescribing unneeded tests and procedures that harm more than they help
and add to medical costs that could otherwise be avoided. 12 medical tests and procedures now being
questioned worldwide (http://preventdisease.com/.../081213_12-Medical-Tests-and...) as unnecessary
and potentially cause — sometimes harmful results to patients.
Radiation-induced cancers have tripled in the last two decades and diagnostic imaging has been already
been admitted as a cause by the U.S. government.There is a secular trend between breast cancer
mortality and screening programs specifically medial diagnostic techniques such as mammography. In a
Swedish study of 60,000 women, 70 percent of the mammographically detected tumors weren’t tumors
at all.
These “false positives” aren’t just financial and emotional strains, they may also lead to many unnecessary
and invasive biopsies. In fact, 70 to 80 percent of all positive mammograms do not, upon biopsy, show any
presence of cancer.
A prostate (PSA) blood test looks for prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland.
High levels are supposedly associated with prostate cancer.
The problem is that the association isn’t always correct, and when it is, the prostate cancer isn’t
necessarily deadly. Only about 3 percent of all men die from prostate cancer. The PSA test usually leads to
overdiagnosis — biopsies and treatment in which the side effects are impotence and incontinence.
Repeated biopsies may spread cancer cells into the track formed by the needle, or by spilling cancerous
cells directly into the bloodstream or lympathic system.
News coverage of many diseases focus too much on treatments and not enough on prevention, a trend
that could prove risky in the long run for most people who don’t understand how to take care of their
A growing number of communities are choosing to stop adding fluoride to their water systems, even
though the federal government and federal health officials maintain their full support for a measure they
say provides a 25 percent reduction in tooth decay nationwide.
There are now serious facts and health risks regarding fluoridationwhich can no longer be ignored and the
practice itself is being questioned by most of the world.
Austrian researchers proved in the 1970s that as little as 1 ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA
repair enzymes by 50%. When DNA can’t repair damaged cells, we get old fast.
Perhaps the biggest health myth today is the public’s misconception that mainstream medicine and the
healthcare system helps sick people. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Why do people follow medical authorities who prescribe toxic vaccinations, medications and treatments
which only serve as a detriment to human health?
The freedom of people to choose natural healing, alternative medicine and methods of disease
prevention could soon be threatened by corporate lobbyists who will do anything to protect their wealth
at the expense of your health.
90 percent of all diseases (cancer, diabetes, depression, heart disease, etc.) are easily preventable
through diet, nutrition, sunlight and exercise. None of these solutions are ever promoted by conventional
medicine because they make no money.
No pharmaceuticals actually cure or resolve the underlying causes of disease. Even “successful” drugs only
manage symptoms, usually at the cost of interfering with other physiological functions that will cause side
effects down the road. There is no such thing as a drug without a side effect.
There is no financial incentive for anyone in today’s system of medicine (drug companies, hospitals,
doctors, etc.) to actually make patients well. Profits are found in continued sickness, not wellness or
The main error of the biomedical approach is the confusion between disease processes and disease
origins. Instead of asking why an illness occurs, and trying to remove the conditions that lead to it,
medical researchers try to understand the biological mechanisms through which the disease operates, so
that they can interfere with them. These mechanisms, rather than the true origins, are seen as the causes
of disease in current medical thinking and this confusion lies at the very centre of the conceptual
problems of contemporary medicine.
Almost all the “prevention” programs you see today (such as free mammograms or other screening
programs) are nothing more than patient recruitment schemes designed to increase revenue and
sickness. They use free screenings to scare people into agreeing to unnecessary treatments that only lead
to further disease.
Nobody has any interest in your health except you. No corporation, no doctor, and no government has
any desire to actually make you well. This has served the short-term financial interests of higher powers in
the west very well. The only healthy, aware, critically thinking individuals are all 100% free of
pharmaceuticals and processed foods.
Fluoride prematurely ages the body, mainly by distortion of enzyme shape. All systems of the body are
dependent upon enzymes. When fluoride changes the enzymes, this can damage every system and
function of the body.
Dr. Paul Connett, PhD stated “When historians come to write about this period, they will single out
fluoridation as the single biggest mistake in public policy that we’ve ever had.”
David Kennedy, DDS President International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology said that “water
fluoridation is the single largest case of scientific fraud, promoted by the government, supported by
taxpayer dollars, aided and abetted by the ADA and the AMA, in the history of the planet.”
Ask any scientist in the field of health and safety and they will tell you that toxicity is all about the dose.
Not really. While you can die from anything taken in excess, even water, you can also run into serious
fatal complications from any poison at any dose if you take it long enough.
There is no safe dose of a poison because the body recognizes even the smallest dose and immediately
creates inflammatory cascades and immune responses to combat these foreign entities. Toxic chemicals
are now invading every facet of our lives from our schools to our workplaces. They are gradually
deteriorating every single system in our bodies and causing so many diseases, that it’s now difficult to
isolate exactly which chemicals are causing each disease.
The chemical testing we currently do to establish if a chemical is safe may not be sufficient. In particular,
we may not be targeting nor understanding the effects of extremely low levels of chemical contaminants
during critical phases when the organism is “listening” for chemical messengers. This occurs, for example,
during fetal development and during changes that occur in puberty. The first question we need to be
asking is: does this chemical mimic any of the messenger chemicals that organisms depend upon for
What most of these chemical management companies, their regulatory agencies and scientists do not
apprecite, is what a delicately balanced organism we are especially at the molecular level. At this level,
chemicals act more like a handshake than like that third pint of beer.
Sunscreen is full of some of the most toxic chemicals known. Yet both the cancer and sunscreen industries
insist on their use to ironically prevent cancer from “bad” sunlight. People still fall for this nonsense,
slather on the sunscreen in hopes to protect against a non-existent foe. If the sun was really that harmful,
we’d all be dead long ago. Meanwhile, a growing body of evidence shows that blocking the sun’s rays
from reaching our skin dramatically influences our optimal vitamin D levels, leading to higher mortality,
critical illness, mental health disorders and ironically, cancer itself. Here’s why you need to make your
own sunscreen.
There are well over 800 references in the medical literature showing vitamin D’s effectiveness–both for
the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Dr. Robert O. Young's Alkaline pH Miracle Diet: Is There Any Published Scientific Evidence Substantiating
Any Health Claims or Benefits for Dr. Young's Plant-Based, Vegan, Alkaline, pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet?
- www.phmiracle.com
This review looks at the role of an alkaline diet in health. Pubmed was searched looking for articles on pH,
potential renal acid loads, bone health, muscle, growth hormone, back pain, vitamin D and
chemotherapy. Many books written in the lay literature on the alkaline diet were also reviewed and
evaluated in light of the published medical literature. There may be some value in considering an alkaline
diet in reducing morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases and further studies are warranted in this
area of medicine.
1. Background
Life on earth depends on appropriate pH levels in and around living organisms and cells. Human life
requires a tightly controlled pH level in the serum of about 7.4 (a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45) to
survive [1].
As a comparison, in the past 100 years with increasing industrialization, the pH of the ocean has dropped
from 8.2 to 8.1 because of increasing CO2 deposition. This has a negative impact on life in the ocean [1, 2]
and may lead to the collapse of the coral reefs [3]. Even the pH of the soil in which plants are grown can
have considerable influence on the mineral content of the food we eat (as minerals are used as buffers to
maintain pH). The ideal pH of soil for the best overall availability of essential nutrients is between 6 and 7.
Acidic soils below pH of 6 may have reduced calcium and magnesium, and soil above pH 7 may result in
chemically unavailable iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Adding dolomite and manure are ways of raising
pH in an acid soil environment when the pH is below 6 [4].
When it comes to the pH and net acid load in the human diet, there has been considerable change from
the hunter gather civilization to the present [5]. With the agricultural revolution (last 10,000 years) and
even more recently with industrialization (last 200 years), there has been an decrease in potassium (K)
compared to sodium (Na) and an increase in chloride compared to bicarbonate found in the diet [6]. The
ratio of potassium to sodium has reversed, K/Na previously was 10 to 1 whereas the modern diet has a
ratio of 1 to 3 [7]. It is generally accepted that agricultural humans today have a diet poor in magnesium
and potassium as well as fiber and rich in saturated fat, simple sugars, sodium, and chloride as compared
to the preagricultural period [6]. This results in a diet that may induce metabolic acidosis which is
mismatched to the genetically determined nutritional requirements [8]. With aging, there is a gradual loss
of renal acid-base regulatory function and a resultant increase in diet-induced metabolic acidosis while on
the modern diet [9]. A low-carbohydrate high-protein diet with its increased acid load results in very little
change in blood chemistry, and pH, but results in many changes in urinary chemistry. Urinary magnesium
levels, urinary citrate and pH are decreased, urinary calcium, undissociated uric acid, and phosphate are
increased. All of these result in an increased risk for kidney stones [10].
Much has been written in the lay literature as well as many online sites expounding on the benefits of the
alkaline diet. This paper is an attempt to balance the evidence that is found in the scientific literature.
The pH in our body may vary considerably from one area to another with the highest acidity in the
stomach (pH of 1.35 to 3.5) to aid in digestion and protect against opportunistic microbial organisms. But
even in the stomach, the layer just outside the epithelium is quite basic to prevent mucosal injury. It has
been suggested that decreased gastric lining secretion of bicarbonates and a decrease in the alkaline/acid
secretion in duodenal ulcer patients may play a significant role in duodenal ulcers [11]. The skin is quite
acidic (pH 4–6.5) to provide an acid mantle as a protective barrier to the environment against microbial
overgrowth. There is a gradient from the outer horny layer (pH 4) to the basal layer (pH 6.9) [12]. This is
also seen in the vagina where a pH of less than 4.7 protects against microbial overgrowth [13].
The urine may have a variable pH from acid to alkaline depending on the need for balancing the internal
environment. Acid excretion in the urine can be estimated by a formula described by Remer (sulfate +
chloride + 1.8x phosphate + organic acids) minus (sodium + potassium + 2x calcium + 2x magnesium) mEq
[14]. Foods can be categorized by the potential renal acid loads (PRALs) see Table 2. Fruits, vegetables,
fruit juices, potatoes, and alkali-rich and low phosphorus beverages (red and white wine, mineral soda
waters) having a negative acid load. Whereas, grain products, meats, dairy products, fish, and alkali poor
and low phosphorus beverages (e.g., pale beers, cocoa) have relatively high acid loads [15].
Measurement of pH of the urine (reviewed in a recent study with two morning specimens done over a
five-year span) did not predict bone fractures or loss of bone mineral density [16]. However, this may not
be reflective of being on an alkaline or acid diet throughout this time. For more details, see Table 1.
Table 1
PH of selected fluids, organs, and membranes.
Table 2
Potential renal acid loads (PRALs) of selected foods [20].
Calcium in the form of phosphates and carbonates represents a large reservoir of base in our body. In
response to an acid load such as the modern diet these salts are released into the systemic circulation to
bring about pH homeostasis [7]. It has been estimated that the quantity of calcium lost in the urine with
the modern diet over time could be as high as almost 480gm over 20 years or almost half the skeletal
mass of calcium [21]. However, urinary losses of calcium are not a direct measure of osteoporosis. There
are many regulatory factors that may compensate for the urinary calcium loss. When the arterial pH is in
the normal range, a mild reduction of plasma bicarbonate results in a negative calcium balance which
could benefit from supplementing bicarbonate in the form of potassium bicarbonate [22]. It has been
found that bicarbonate, which increases the alkali content of a diet, but not potassium may attenuate
bone loss in healthy older adults [23]. The bone minerals that are wasted in the urine may not have
complete compensation through intestinal absorption, which is thought to result in osteoporosis.
However, adequate vitamin D with a 25(OH)D level of >80nmol/L may allow for appropriate intestinal
absorption of calcium and magnesium and phosphate when needed [24]. Sadly, most populations are
generally deficient in vitamin D especially in northern climates [25]. In chronic renal failure, correction of
metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate significantly improves parathyroid levels and levels of the active form
of vitamin D 1,25(OH)2D3 [26].
Recently, a study has shown the importance of phosphate in Remer's PRAL formula. According to the
formula it would be expected that an increase in phosphate should result in an increase in urinary calcium
loss and a negative calcium balance in bone [27]. It should be noted that supplementation with phosphate
in patients with bed rest reduced urinary calcium excretion but did not prevent bone loss [28]. The most
recent systematic review and meta-analysis has shown that calcium balance is maintained and improved
with phosphate which is quite contrary to the acid-ash hypothesis [29]. As well a recent study looking at
soda intake (which has a significant amount of phosphate) and osteoporosis in postmenopausal American
first nations women did not find a correlation [30]. It is quite possible that the high acid content according
to Remer's classification needs to be looked at again in light of compensatory phosphate intake. There is
online information promoting an alkaline diet for bone health as well as a number of books. However, a
recent systematic review of the literature looking for evidence supporting the alkaline diet for bone health
found no protective role of dietary acid load in osteoporosis [31].
Another element of the modern diet is the excess of sodium in the diet. There is evidence that in healthy
humans the increased sodium in the diet can predict the degree of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
when consuming a net acid producing diet [32]. As well, there is evidence that there are adverse effects of
sodium chloride in the aging population. A high sodium diet will exacerbate disuse-induced bone and
muscle loss during immobilization by increasing bone resorption and protein wasting [33]. Excess dietary
sodium has been shown to result in hypertension and osteoporosis in women [34, 35]. As well, dietary
potassium which is lacking in the modern diet would modulate pressor and hypercalciuric effects of
excess of sodium chloride [36].
Excess dietary protein with high acid renal load may decrease bone density if not buffered by ingestion of
supplements or foods that are alkali rich [37]. However, adequate protein is necessary for prevention of
osteoporosis and sarcopenia; therefore, increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables may be necessary
rather than reducing protein [38].
As we age, there is a loss of muscle mass, which may predispose to falls and fractures. A three-year study
looking at a diet rich in potassium, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as a reduced acid load, resulted in
preservation of muscle mass in older men and women [39]. Conditions such as chronic renal failure that
result in chronic metabolic acidosis result in accelerated breakdown in skeletal muscle [40]. Correction of
acidosis may preserve muscle mass in conditions where muscle wasting is common such as diabetic
ketosis, trauma, sepsis, chronic obstructive lung disease, and renal failure [41]. In situations that result in
acute acidosis, supplementing younger patients with sodium bicarbonate prior to exhaustive exercise
resulted in significantly less acidosis in the blood than those that were not supplemented with sodium
bicarbonate [42].
It has long been known that severe forms of metabolic acidosis in children, such as renal tubular acidosis,
are associated with low levels of growth hormone with resultant short stature. Correction of the acidosis
with bicarbonate [7] or potassium citrate [43] increases growth hormone significantly and improved
growth. The use of enough potassium bicarbonate in the diet to neutralize the daily net acid load in
postmenopausal women resulted in a significant increase in growth hormone and resultant osteocalcin
[44]. Improving growth hormone levels may improve quality of life, reduce cardiovascular risk factors,
improve body composition, and even improve memory and cognition [45]. As well this results in a
reduction of urinary calcium loss equivalent to 5% of bone calcium content over a period of 3 years [46].
There is some evidence that chronic low back pain improves with the supplementation of alkaline
minerals [47]. With supplementation there was a slight but significant increase in blood pH and
intracellular magnesium. Ensuring that there is enough intracellular magnesium allows for the proper
function of enzyme systems and also allows for activation of vitamin D [48]. This in turn has been shown
to improve back pain [49].
7. Alkalinity and Chemotherapy
The effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents is markedly influenced by pH. Numerous agents such as
epirubicin and adriamycin require an alkaline media to be more effective. Others, such as cisplatin,
mitomycin C, and thiotepa, are more cytotoxic in an acid media [50]. Cell death correlates with acidosis
and intracellular pH shifts higher (more alkaline) after chemotherapy may reflect response to
chemotherapy [51]. It has been suggested that inducing metabolic alkalosis may be useful in enhancing
some treatment regimes by using sodium bicarbonate, carbicab, and furosemide [52]. Extracellular
alkalinization by using bicarbonate may result in improvements in therapeutic effectiveness [53]. There is
no scientific literature establishing the benefit of an alkaline diet for the prevention of cancer at this time.
8. Discussion
The human body has an amazing ability to maintain a steady pH in the blood with the main compensatory
mechanisms being renal and respiratory. Many of the membranes in our body require an acid pH to
protect us and to help us digest food. It has been suggested that an alkaline diet may prevent a number of
diseases and result in significant health benefits. Looking at the above discussion on bone health alone,
certain aspects have doubtful benefit. There does not seem to be enough evidence that milk or cheese
may be as detrimental as Remer's formula suggests since phosphate does benefit bone health and result
in a positive calcium balance. However, another mechanism for the alkaline diet to benefit bone health
may be the increase in growth hormone and resultant increase in osteocalcin. There is some evidence
that the K/Na ratio does matter and that the significant amount of salt in our diet is detrimental. Even
some governments are demanding that the food industry reduce the salt load in our diet. High-protein
diets may also affect bone health but some protein is also needed for good bone health.
Muscle wasting however seems to be reduced with an alkaline diet and back pain may benefit from this as
well. An alkaline environment may improve the efficacy of some chemotherapy agents but not others.
9. Conclusion
Alkaline diets result in a more alkaline urine pH and may result in reduced calcium in the urine, however,
as seen in some recent reports, this may not reflect total calcium balance because of other buffers such as
phosphate. There is no substantial evidence that this improves bone health or protects from osteoporosis.
However, alkaline diets may result in a number of health benefits as outlined below:
- Increased fruits and vegetables in an alkaline diet would improve the K/Na ratio and may benefit bone
health, reduce muscle wasting, as well as mitigate other chronic diseases such as hypertension and
The resultant increase in growth hormone with an alkaline diet may improve many outcomes from
cardiovascular health to memory and cognition.
- An increase in intracellular magnesium, which is required for the function of many enzyme systems, is
another added benefit of the alkaline diet. Available magnesium, which is required to activate vitamin D,
would result in numerous added benefits in the vitamin D apocrine/exocrine systems.
Alkalinity may result in added benefit for some chemotherapeutic agents that require a higher pH.
From the evidence outlined above, it would be prudent to consider an alkaline diet to reduce morbidity
and mortality of chronic disease that are plaguing our aging population. One of the first considerations in
an alkaline diet, which includes more fruits and vegetables, is to know what type of soil they were grown
in since this may significantly influence the mineral content. At this time, there are limited scientific
studies in this area, and many more studies are indicated in regards to muscle effects, growth hormone,
and interaction with vitamin D.
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A Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Stage IV Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
A Diagnosis of Cancer of the Lymphatic System Without A Cure?
“Nothing can stand against our God. Whatever you face in life, if you will just hold your peace and remain
at rest, God promises He will fight your battles. He will make a way even when you don't see a way.”– Joel
Last year was not my favorite year. In fact, it was very challenging. Without the Lord it would have been
impossible. But with Him all things are possible.
I had always been extremely healthy, ate organic food, did not use toxic ingredients in household
products, did not take any medications, had an optimistic attitude, and I was an athlete. But I started to
feel very ill. I was collapsing in the morning when I tried to get up and I began drinking coffee several
times a day to increase my energy level so I could work.
In 2012 unfortunately I was diagnosed with Stage IV Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. I was completely shocked.
When the oncologist recommended chemotherapy and said that this could be managed like a chronic
disease, I asked him if a healthy immune system could fight it off. He laughed and said it was impossible. I
was surprised. He seemed so sure that numbers on a lab report and what he read in a textbook meant the
same thing for every single person on the planet. What the doctor was pronouncing was not my life.
Words have power. It was with words that God spoke Creation into existence. I felt like someone was
trying to speak into existence a life for me which was not mine. This is not what God wants for us. He
wants us to be happy and healthy and free. Set free by the sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ who died for
our sins so that we would be set free from suffering and death. By His stripes I am healed. I put my
complete trust in the Lord God, who is the ultimate healer. I stand on His Word.
I started to build up my immune system and detoxify my body immediately. I ordered as many books as I
could find on lymphoma from the library to help me learn about the science of the disease- how it is
manifested within the system of the body on the macro and microbiological levels as well as traditional
and alternative treatments and their effectiveness. The books gave me a quick basic understanding of
lymphoma and approaches to treatment. However, in order to get the most up to date information and
read traditional and alternative medical research studies from top universities I needed to use the
internet. Alternative medicine isn’t just an alternative anymore, it’s modern medicine. Universities are
researching the usage of plants and traditional herbs and medicines to treat cancer and other illnesses,
and finding that they work. On the internet I read many testimonials from people who had been cured of
cancer through natural means. Most of the people who had been healed and remained cancer free juiced
and followed a vegan diet.
I started to search for someone who put it all together, who could tell me why I got cancer, even though I
was previously healthy and how I could heal my body. I felt that if someone didn’t understand how I got
the disease, they surely couldn’t help me completely get rid of it. Through the grace of God I found out
about Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Program. Dr. Young’s program combines a nutritional approach of juicing,
blending, and supplements to alkalize and nourish your body; sauna and other means to detoxify; and
exercise to strengthen and encourage new healthy cells to grow.
I also relied on my faith like never before, and began to read the Healing Scriptures out loud so that my
mouth proclaimed the glory of God’s healing power, thanking Him for his divine intervention. For music
therapy I listened to Gregorian and other Christian chants and sound therapy cds from the library. I also
used visual imagery. I exercised several times a week.
Although I was athletic, the tests and the bone marrow biopsy at the hospital initially left me so weak and
ill that I could hardly walk around the football field of the local high school. I told myself I needed to walk
around it five times, then ten times. I tried to run around the track, and every thud, thud, of my foot on
the surface reverberated through my body with such pain that I had to grit my teeth. I could force myself
to run a quarter of the way around.
When I started Dr. Young’s Juice Feast I began feeling much better within two weeks. I met Dr. Young at a
seminar he was holding, and asked him many questions about the pH Miracle Program. I consulted with
him every month throughout my recovery. I am so grateful to him. He truly is an amazing person, in
addition to being brilliant at what he does.
My diet consisted of juiced and blended vegetables for five months, with two plates a day of avocados,
tomatoes, and cucumbers, Dr. Young’s supplements, and additional vitamins and herbal supplements.
After five months I started to use a vegan protein powder and added additional alkaline solid food to my
diet, although I continued to juice and blend every day for seven more months.
I read many research papers and information about vitamins, herbs, and anything that would bring my
body back to health. I did not want to have any more CT scans, so I researched alternative ways of
determining my progress. I decided to monitor it through regular CBC and cancer marker blood tests at
my family doctor’s office and I took other blood tests regularly to make sure that everything was ok. My
protein and calcium levels were always within normal range. When I went back to an oncologist a year
later the lymphoma tumor was gone. Three months later the WBC was normal. My current oncologists
are top doctors in the world and they support the approach I’ve taken because it’s worked. One said he
has never seen anything like it.
I am currently juicing or blending every day and eating as normally as anyone else would, except I eat
food that is alkaline. I look healthy, and I am healthy. In fact I’m getting healthier every day. Thank you Dr.
Young - S.M.
The pH Miracle Movie - A New Day is Dawining
Please watch, like and share!
There is a new day dawning of truly holistic health, vitality and well-being free from ALL sickness and
disease. Watch and share the following movie on pH Miracle Living - A New Way of Living, Eating and
Please watch, like and share the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs3uQaOGNCY
A Self-Care Protocol to a Self-Cure for Mulitple Sclerosis!
Please read, like and share the following reversal of MS following a drug-free, plant-based lifestyle and
Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - The pH Miracle Organic Plant-based, Drug-free
I woke up one morning in July of 1994 and could not move the right side of my body. For some reason I
thought I had an inner ear infection. I called my Uncle, an ENT, who was in the process of moving his
office and asked the nurse to call in Antivert. I finally called him at home a few days later and told him
what was going on and he told me to go see a neurologist.
I made an appointment with a top neurologist who wanted to admit me into the hospital right away. I
begged him to let me go home so he sent me for an M.R.I. I brought the results back to his office and he
showed me the three-spots on my brain and admitted me into the hospital the following day.
I spent the next eight-days in the hospital undergoing every possible test known. The doctor said he was
running every test to rule things out. One of them was a spinal tap and that would take several days to
come back. I diagnosed myself with brain cancer and decided to take out meat from the diet. One of the
hospital employees, a dietitian came into my room and was concerned that I was not eating meat. Even at
that time, I knew that meat was not a good thing. I had heard somewhere that it would feed cancer cells,
of which she said she knew nothing.
On the eighth day, I begged the doctor to let me go home. He told me he was waiting on a cancer
specialist. I was getting better and I told him that I did not think I had cancer, because if I did I would not
be getting better. He said that he did not think it was cancer either and sent me home with an
appointment to be in his office in the next day or so.
On my follow-up visit, I was informed that the diagnosis was Multiple Sclerosis. I knew nothing about this
and was prescribed Clonazepam.
I did pretty well for the next few years just taking that and then down the slippery acid slope I went.
I did not change my food and started to have anxiety attacks. For this I was prescribed Xanax and Restoril
at night for sleep.
Then I began to have pain and was prescribed hydrocodone.
One day as I was driving to work, I got confused with the direction I needed to be going.
I went back to the doctor and was told that I needed to begin with Avonex, an Interferon, or the Multiple
Sclerosis could get worse.
I followed this protocol for 17-years. I was now taking, Provigil (to repair the neuropaths in the brain),
Amantadine (an anti-viral), Xanax, Clonazepam, Hydrocodone, Restoril and the occasional Prednisone
with the weekly injection of Avonex.
In March of 2011, I could see that I was not getting any better. I knew that if I continued down this path I
would not live much longer. I stopped taking all the medication at once onMarch 1st, 2011. I told myself
that I would have some withdrawal. I was always running out of medication and knew what to expect -
sort of.
I had heard about wheatgrass and getting my body a little more alkaline. I had no idea what that meant,
so I went to work on the computer to find out.
I started to change my food. I took out meat, dairy, everything white and began to cut back on sugar.
I was on the internet one day, and one of my friends shared an article from Dr. Robert O. Young. I was
fascinated. I began to delve into his work and read whatever I could find. I bought his book, 'The pH
Miracle' and began to follow the protocol. I had his list of alkaline foods and stuck to the highly alkaline
list. I added pink Himalayan salt and his pHour salts.. I added baking soda to all my water. I put a Reverse
Osmosis filter in my kitchen and changed everything about the food I bought and the food I prepared. I
went through my pantry and got rid of all the garbage acidic, processed foods. I was now only using the
seed oils and taking them on a daily basis.
Everyday I get better and better. I know this is a lifestyle and a journey. I have since added caprylic, myco-
detox, colloidal silver, iodine, potassium and a mega multi-mineral.
When I started all this, it was all I could do to get out of bed and get to my recliner without a nap. I started
walking my dog two-miles a day, bought a rebounder for the lymphatic system, went for lymphatic
I have recently joined a gym that has Whole Body Vibration and water massage that I know is correcting a
blocked lymphatic system.
I no longer have any symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. I am pain-free, tremor-free, anxiety-free, muscle-
spasm free, migraine-free, stress-free.
In hindsight, I can see clearly that all of my problems throughout my life were a result of acids that I was
ingesting. As a child I had allergies, for which my mother was giving me medication for. When I was 18, I
had meningitis - twice. I would get incapacitating migraines that would make me sick to my stomach, I got
bronchitis at least once a year, laryngitis frequently. Since I have been following the pH miracle protocol
and lifestyle, I have not been sick once. I no longer have any pain. I have not had a headache in over
Ruth Morgan
Like the earth on which we live, our bodies are 70% water – 10 to 13 gallons of the stuff.
You are, literally, what you drink. If you drink acidic water, you're going to be acidic. If you drink
alkaline water, your body will be alkaline. Tap water and many bottled waters just don’t cut it.
If your cells don't get the buffering they need from the water you provide them, they are going to pull
alkalizing mineral salts from the bones, muscles, and elsewhere in the body—leaving those areas
undefended. For optimal health, you need water that's pure, alkaline, charged with electrons, and has the
ideal molecular structure.
There are hundreds of water machines to choose from. It’s time for you to make a simple change in the
quality of water you take into your body. Make the move toward optimum good health by purchasing an
alkalizing and antioxidizing water machine that will pay you and your family big health dividends for years
to come.
The pH Miracle® WaterMark™ is one of the best solutions for the price.
The WaterMark is an antioxidizer and alkalizer which offers 4 levels of filtration, vortex action, non-
electric functionality and costs over $2,000 less than many electric ionizers!
Your body will thank you for the high antioxidant levels, up to 10 alkaline pH, free hydroxyl ions, alkalizing
minerals, improved hydration with the reduced molecular cluster size, and more.
What Causes a Fatty Liver!
Fatty liver occurs when excess fat accumulates inside liver cells to protect it from excess metabolic and
dietary acids. This means normal, healthy liver tissue becomes partly replaced with fatty tissue to protect
against the acidic waste products of lifestyle and diet.
The fat starts to increase in the liver, gradually infiltrating the healthy liver areas, so that less and less
healthy liver tissue remains.
The fatty liver has a yellow greasy appearance and is often enlarged and swollen with fat. This fatty
infiltration slows down the metabolism of body fat stores, which means that the liver burns fat less
efficiently, resulting in weight gain and inability to lose weight. However some people can have a fatty
liver without being overweight.
Fatty liver is a reversible condition and often has no symptoms and does not cause any permanent
The liver is the second largest organ in the body. The liver’s function is to process everything we eat or
drink and filter any harmful substances from the blood. The liver commonly repairs itself by rebuilding
new liver cells when the old ones are damaged. When there is repeated damage to the liver, permanent
scarring takes place. This is called cirrhosis.
Most cases of fatty liver are detected between ages 40 and 60. When fatty liver is caused by an underlying
condition, it can become harmful to the liver if the cause is not recognized and treated.
There are typically no symptoms of fatty liver. Some people experience fatigue or vague abdominal
discomfort. The liver may become slightly enlarged—which will be noticed by the doctor thorough a
physical exam.
If the liver has become inflamed, there may be other symptoms, such as poor appetite, weight loss, and
feeling extremely weak, sick, or tired.
The most common cause of a fatty liver is alcoholism. Almost all heavy drinkers have fatty liver disease
due to severe metabolic acidosis. Other causes are toxins, certain drugs, and inherited metabolic
disorders. In many cases, doctors are not exactly sure what causes fatty liver in people who aren’t
alcoholics, but it has been associated with high blood cholesterol, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
Fatty liver develops when the body creates too much fat or cannot metabolize fat fast enough. As a result,
the leftover is stored in liver cells where it accumulates to become fatty liver disease.
There are different types of fatty liver:
• high triglyceride levels
• malnutrition
• metabolic syndrome
Possible symptoms of fatty liver include:
• Weight excess in the abdominal area
• Inability to lose weight
• Elevated cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels
• Fatigue
• Nausea and/or indigestion
• Constipation
• Overheating of the body
• Excessive sweating
• Red itchy eyes
• Discomfort over the liver area
How to diagnose a Fatty Liver
- Physical Exam
If the liver has become inflamed, physician can detect it by examining the abdomen. An extensive history
may reveal fatigue or loss of appetite as well. A thorough history will include poor diet, alcohol use and
other medications or supplements.
- Blood Tests
Higher than normal liver enzymes may be found on a routine blood test. This does not confirm a diagnosis
of fatty liver. Further analysis will look for the cause of inflammation.
- Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound and Thermography
Ultrasound of the abdomen (anatomical test) usually shows the liver is “echogenic,” that is more dense
than usual toward sound waves. The liver can also be enlarged due to fat.
Thermography is the test of physiology and is the only test to visualize the inflammation in the liver.
- Other imaging studies may be done as well such as a CT (computed tomography) scan or MRI (magnetic
resonance imaging).
To reduce the risk of fatty liver, make healthy lifestyle choices, such as:
• Avoid alcohol consumption
• Avoid smoking
• Discontinue drugs or toxins
• Avoid fast and junk food
• Choose a healthy diet
• Use antioxidants to protect further damage to the liver
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Increase hydration with alkaline ionized water and raw green juices
• Exercise every day
• Add a lymphatic massage and infrared sauna to your routine
~ Dr. Galina Migalko
"Our Children Are Our Future" - Walt Disney
" Save the children of the World from their acidic lifestyles and diets and their acidic parents who are
feeding them."
If we’re going to focus on developing a strong, healthy and fit Nation in the future, then we must start
with our children. How do we go about raising and developing children who can function and perform at
their best? One of the ways to accomplish this is to help them develop a titanium-like internal alkaline
environment. In order to achieve this, we need to first look at the acidic chemicals with which we’ve
traditionally subjected their bodies.
In 2009 the American Journal of Pediatrics released a statement that children and adults should not be
taking “cold” medications. They have been shown to damage the body and the normal development of
the immune system and can actually create disease. Phenylpropylalanine, an active ingredient, has been
implicated in the cause of strokes, brain bleeding, and seizures. Thank God that this cold medicine fiasco
was finally exposed after decades of harming children. Almost every common over-the-counter childhood
cold and flu remedy has at one time contained phenylpropylalanine. “Cold medicines are useless,” say
pediatricians who petitioned the FDA to ban the marketing of such products to children. In 2008, an FDA
advisory panel partially agreed with their recommendations, and voted to declare that such medicines
should not be used with children six years or younger.
Many doctors today also recommend letting children’s symptoms express themselves naturally. Coughing,
sneezing, sweating, headaches, stuffy noses, shivering, and diarrhea, among others, are all life-saving
mechanisms which aid in cleansing and detoxifying poisonous acidic waste from the body. Many doctors
are recommending letting fevers burn (unless the child becomes listless, lethargic, or unresponsive, in
which case it’s considered a medical emergency).
Also, most medical authorities agree that aspirin should not be given to a child or teenager who has a
fever, especially if the child also has flu symptoms or chicken pox. Aspirin can cause a serious and
sometimes fatal condition called Reye’s syndrome in children. It is important to support the immune
system which is a jantorial service to clean up poisonous acidic waste from diet, metabolism and the
The immune system must be supported with an alkaline lifestyle and diet just like a muscle; if not, dietary,
metabolic, respiratory and environmental toxins or acids will weaken that muscle, gland, organ or tissue
making them tired, weak and sick. True immuity is found in managing and maintaining the alkaline design
of the blood and tissues. A healthy immune system is flexible, responsive, and strong when the alkaline
design of the body fluids are maintained at a delicate pH of 7.365.
“Sniffles, sneezes, and fever are good for you. They clear the airways of harmful irritants and allergy-
causing substances that compromise the alkaline design of the body fluids.
Fevers is the body increased temperature to increase lymphatic circualiton, opening the pores of the skin
to eliminate acidic waste products from diet, metabolism, respiration and environment. I have found in
my own clinical research that dis-eases are shortened by letting the fever run its course. Coughing rids the
body of toxins and acid generated bacteria or yeast by way of the lungs. Taking fever-reducing drugs or
cough suppressants can lead to pneumonia or more serious respiratory infection,” states Dr. William B.
Greenough, professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
“Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature’s protest, and pull down the danger
signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be
reckoned with later on, even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is
left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time.” –Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.
**Parents, remember: The symptoms of so-called disease is the body's attempt to restore its natural
healthy alkaline design! All symptoms of disease are caused by the over-acidificaiton of the blood and
then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. To prevent disease and to support and
protect children, parents will need to be the change they want to see in their children. And that change
must begin with what parents and their children eat and drink. Parents who are making healthy alkalizing
lifestyle choices set the example for their children to make healthy alkalizing choices. The benefits to
parents and their children is a healthy, strong body free from ALL sickness and disease.
"Doctors prescribe drugs of which they know little, for the human body of which they know less, for
diseases of which they know nothing at all!"
Just STOP Managing Your Diabetes!
There is a self-care to a self-cure for Type I, II and III diabetes if and when you are ready to change your
lifestyle and diet.
Type II Diabetes is an inflammation of the small and large intestines due to an acidic lifestyle and diet and
is 100 percent preventable and reversable with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.
Type I Diabetes is chronic constipation of the small and large bowel leading to inflammation and
degeneration of the intestinal villi preventing the normal production of stem cells, red blood cells and
insulin producing beta cells. Type I diabetes is 100 percent preventable and reverseable in the first 3 years
of diagnosis. As the small bowel heals the reduction of needed insulin is reduced up to 83 percent in the
first 2 weeks of a plant-based alkaline diet.
Dr. Robert O. Young's Type I diabetes research was just validated! Third party research found that insulin
producing beta cells are produced in the crypts of the intestinal villi in the 27 feet of the small intestines!
Read the following article:
To learn more about preventing and reversing Type I, Type II and now Type III (alzheimer's) diabetes read
The pH Miracle for Diabetes - www.phmiracle.com or www.phmiraclebooks.com
Freeze lemon or lime juice in an ice cube tray
Squeeze lemons or limes into the squares of an ice cube tray so you can use them for months to come—in
sauces or drinks. You can add mint leaves and your favorite berries.
The benefits of lemons and limes are remarkable:
•The lemon water provides an ideal flush to the body's systems...digestive, circulatory and elimination.
•The lemon juice in particular is a great cleanser and purifier of blood, liver and kidneys.
•Lemon juice (although acidic in nature) is anionic and therefore produces an alkalizing effect on the
body. This is important because the more alkaline your body is, the healthier it is. Disease states only
occur when the body pH is acidic. Being alkaline also helps further the detoxification processes.
•Lemon juice is a great source of Vitamin C: supports immune function. Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron and B-
vitamins are also in lemon juice
•Lemon juice supports digestive function and can relieve conditions such as heartburn, indigestion,
flatulence diarrhea and constipation.
*Lemon and lime juice is high in potassium bicarbonate and excellent buffer for dietary and metabolic
acids. It will also help to eliminate hydrochloric acid residues in the stomach.
Lime and lemon add refreshing zest to almost any drink which cleanse and enhance immune properties of
your already healthy glass of juice.
Nutritional Benefits
The nutritional benefits of limes do not differ very much from those of lemons. They are both excellent
sources of vitamin C, B6, potassium, folic acid, flavonoids and the outstanding phytochemical, limonene.
Limonene has anti-cancer effects and help increase the level of enzymes that detoxify carcinogens.
Health Benefits
Limes and lemons contain outstanding phytochemicals that are high in anti-oxidant and anti-cancer
properties. They are potent detoxifiers with anti-biotic effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning.
Asthma: Take a tablespoon of lemon juice at least one hour before each meal to relieve asthma.
Burning soles/feet: Rub a sliced lemon over the burning sole/foot/heel to relieve from pain and for toxin
elimination through the pores of the feet.
Cold: The anti-acid properties in lime/lemon buffers metabolic and dietary acids or outfections and halts
the progress of a cold. whick is the body's attempt to restore its alkalinity. Take the juice of two lemons in
half a liter of hot water and add honey to taste. Sip it slowly before bedtime.
Constipation: Drink a glass of warm water every morning with some lime/lemon. Stir in a pinch of
cinnamon powder. This will help your body to detoxify and relieve constipation.
Digestion: Lime/lemon juice has amazing alkalizing qualities that are very similar to the stomach's release
of sodium bicarbonate. Thus it is effectively helps with alkalzing food and relieves bloating and belching
because of their high potassium bicarbonates.
Feet, tired: After a long day on your feet, soak your feet in very warm water containing lime/lemon juice
to enjoy the cooling, astringent feeling. This will also help promote deep sleep due to the relaxing action
on the foot nerves.
Gums, swollen: Drink a glass of diluted fresh lime juice with a pinch of sea salt to relieve the pain of
swollen gums. Use the rind from the squeezed lime and rub on the gums.
Heartburn: Add two teaspoon of lime/lemon juice into a glass of warm water and drink to relieve
Inflammatory disorders: Even though lime/lemon juice are sour and taste acidic, it is actually very
alkalinizing in the body and is highly effective in the treatment of inflammatory disorders like rheumatism,
arthritis, sciatica, etc. It also prevents the deposit of uric acid in the tissues, thus reducing the risks of
Skin, dry: Rub the peel of a lemon on dry or scaly skin to restore softness and add moisture to the skin.
Sore throat: Mix one part lemon juice with one part water. Gargle frequently and feel its soothing effect
on the throat. You may also add in a pinch of sea salt for added effect.
Consumption Tips: The highest content of limonene is found in the white spongy inner parts of the lemon.
When juicing a lemon, put in the whole fruit together with the peel, to get the most nutrition out of it (be
sure to wash and brush the dirt off the skin before doing so.)
Make it a habit to put in cut limes/lemons (together with peel) into your drinking water or juices, to enjoy
all its medicinal properties. With lemon juice in your drink, the absorbability of the other nutrients in your
drink is increased up to five times!
Tip: Juice a glass of either lime or lemon juice and make ice cubes out of it. When you have a drink, pop a
few lime/lemon cubes into your drink for a refreshing taste while enjoying its immense health benefits.
Limes and lemons can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks. Although they can actually keep longer,
it will soon lose its flavor after too long.
When buying lemons, look at the stem end of the lemon. There should be about four or five little lines
radiating out of the stem. The greater the number of these lines, the higher the mineral content of the
Despite all the goodness that limes/lemons provide as mentioned above, remember always to take only in
moderation. More is not always better.
Some people are sensitive to citrus peels, so when you take lime/lemon juice extracted together with the
peel, check yourself to see if there is any acidic reaction afterwards.
Dr. Robert O. Young's Diabetes Research Validated! Insulin Producing Beta Cells Produced in the Crypts of
the Small Intestines!
The following article validates Dr. Robert O. Young's research that Type I diabetes can be reversed with
the healthy production of stem cells in the crypts of the small intestines. According to Dr. Young's
research, Type 1 diabetes is a dis-ease of the small intestines with the congeston, constipation and/or
damage to the intestinal villi where stem cells are produced. These stem cells are the primary embryonic
cells that are biologically transformed into blood cells and then into body cells such as insulin producing
pancreatic B-cells. When the gut is healthy the blood is healthy and when the blood is healthy the body is
healthy, including the organs, glands and connective tissues.
Embryonic Gut Cells May Be Coaxed to Make Insulin for People With Type 1 Diabetes - Insulin is an
alkaline buffer which chelates to metabolic and dietary acids such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose,
uric acid and lactic acid, just to name a few.
Early study in mouse and human cells shows promise, but more research is needed
By Mary Elizabeth Dallas
Monday, June 30, 2014
The team from Columbia University Medical Center in New York City said their findings hold promise for
the development of a new treatment for type 1 diabetes that does not involve stem cells.
MONDAY, June 30, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Scientists are hopeful that cells inside the human gut might
someday be retrained to produce insulin, the metabolic hormone that's lacking in people with type 1
For people with type 1 diabetes, their body's natural insulin-producing cells, known as pancreatic beta
cells, are destroyed by their immune system. For the past 20 years, scientists have been trying to help the
body make new insulin-producing cells that replace those that are lost to the disease.
"The search for the 'holy grail' is to produce a source of insulin producing cells either for transplantation
or to convert the body's own cells to make sufficient insulin," said one expert, Dr. Derek LeRoith,
professor of medicine and diabetes at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in New York City.
Right now, "insulin injections must be used to replace this lack in insulin production and release," said
LeRoith, who was not involved in the new research.
Insulin-producing cells have been created before using stem cells, but these cells do not yet fully function
like natural insulin-producing cells, the Columbia research team explained.
However, by simply turning off a particular gene, the Columbia scientists were able to convert cells in the
human gut into cells that make insulin. They said the findings suggest that "reeducating" existing cells may
be an easier way to replace the cells lost in type 1 diabetes than creating new cells using stem cell
"People have been talking about turning one cell into another for a long time, but until now we hadn't
gotten to the point of creating a fully functional insulin-producing cell by the manipulation of a single
target," study senior researcher Dr. Domenico Accili, a professor of medicine at Columbia, said in a
university news release.
Prior research conducted by the team at Columbia involving mice revealed that intestinal cells could be
turned into insulin-producing cells. Insulin made by the transformed gut cells was then released into the
bloodstream and effectively controlled the blood sugar levels in diabetic mice. The research was
subsequently confirmed by another team of scientists.
The Columbia team's latest findings found this technique also hold promise for the treatment of type 1
diabetes in human cells.
In conducting the study, published online June 30 in Nature Communications, the researchers re-created a
tissue model of the human intestine using stem cells. They then retrained the gut cells to make insulin by
turning off a particular gene, known as the FOXO1 gene.
According to Accili's team, the genetically engineered cells began emitting insulin in about a week. The
study's authors also pointed out that the cells only released the insulin in response to sugar.
"By showing that human cells can respond in the same way as mouse cells, we have cleared a main hurdle
and can now move forward to try to make this treatment a reality," Accili said.
For his part LeRoith called the study "exciting."
"This study and others like it may form the basis of future development of insulin producing cells that
could be used in 'curing' type 1 diabetes," he said.
The research is very early, and laboratory studies don't always translate into success in humans. However,
the researchers remain hopeful. Accili said that the next step in developing a new type 1 diabetes
treatment involves to find a drug that can block the FOXO1 gene in the human gut.
SOURCE: Derek LeRoith, M.D., professor of medicine, endocrinology, diabetes and bone disease, Icahn
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City; Columbia University Medical Center, news release,
June 30, 2014
Is it Time to Fire Your Pediatrician?
If your pediatrician can’t or won’t answer the following 24 questions regarding vaccinations, then you may
want to consider FIRING YOUR DOCTOR!
17) How do vaccines cause damage on a cellular level?
18) Do vaccines affect genetic material?
19) Are we hurting future generations with vaccination?
20) Is there a conflict of interest in vaccine policy decisions?
21) Can a person legally avoid vaccinations?
22) How do vaccines provide immunity?
23) How do vaccines affect the pH of body fluids?
24) Why does the mercury in vaccines exceed the EPA limits?
In many scientific papers, vaccines have been linked to sickness, disease, and speculated in many cases of
death. What you may not know is that the MMR [Measles, Mumps, Rubella] Vaccine and the Varicella
[chickenpox] vaccines are both propagated [grown] on tissue derived from aborted babies. The cells are
called “human diploid cells” in the product description. There’s more bad news for advocates of the MMR
(measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine with the discovery that it can cause a blood disorder.
Researchers have found that it may trigger Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), an immune
system malfunction that destroys the body’s own blood platelets. “There has been a tenfold increase in
autism and related forms of brain damage over the past fifteen years in England, roughly coinciding with
MMR’s introduction, and an extremely worrying increase in childhood inflammatory bowel diseases and
immune disorders such as diabetes, and no one in authority will even admit it’s happening, let alone try to
investigate the causes,” wrote Dr. S. Corrigan in the Daily Mail in 2007.
“Between fifteen and twenty percent of American schoolchildren are considered learning disabled with
minimal brain dysfunction directly caused by vaccine damage,” according to H. L. Coulter, author of
Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain. What parents
usually discover is that some, but not all pediatricians appear to act as vaccine salespeople as evidenced
by the little they know about these products. Once parents are armed with the right knowledge and can
ask the right questions, it is much easier for them to say “no” and seek health care elsewhere.
Learn The Mysteries of the Blood - Dr. Young is holding his first one-day seminar on the mysteries of the
blood July 14th. Sign-up now!!!!
Dr. Robert O. Young discovers biological transformation of blood cells into bacteria and then into yeast
and then back to red blood cells in 1994. Bacteria, yeast and mold are born in us and from us caused by an
over-acidic lifestyle and diet. In other words germs are symptoms of cellular degeneration and NOT the
cause of cellular degeneration. The theory of infection is a medical myth and the reality is an outfection
from the breakdown of cells that make up tissues, organs and glands caused by acidosis. Germs DO NOT
To learn more about pleomorphism or biological transformation and the real cause of ALL sickness and
disease read Sick and Tired and Dr. Young's technical essays, 'A Finger on the Magic of Life', Patholigical
Blood Coagulation', and 'A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis'.
Dr. Young is also offering educational seminars at The Rancho Del Sol in Valley Center, California as
September 8, 2014
Blood Analysis Mysteries and Facts
Taught by: Dr. Robert O Young
Location: Valley Center, CA
What: $199 class. Includes Gourmet Alkaline Lunch.
Call 760-484-1075 for more details
Location: Valley Center, CA
What: $799 class. (Free with IAWA Membership)
Call 760-484-1075 for more details
Attend the Dr. Young's education seminars and gain the confidence and understanding that you and your
family can take control of your health and well-being. Knowing the right questions to ask can be a matter
of LIFE & Death!
***Registration is filling up fast please confirm registration ASAP. This life changing events will be standing
room only. Register by calling now: 760-484-1075 or email at: [email protected]
Next time you consider eating a chicken egg and making it part of your body think about the following:
(CBS News) Should a carton of eggs contain health warnings like a carton of cigarettes?
A new study suggests that eating egg yolks may lead to plaque buildup in the arteries that is comparable
to what's found in cigarette smokers.
"What we have shown is that with aging, plaque builds up gradually in the arteries of Canadians, and egg
yolks make it build up faster - about two-thirds as much as smoking," study author Dr. David Spence,
director of the Stroke Prevention and Atherosclerosis Research Centre at Western University in Canada,
said in a press release.
Published in the August 13 issue of the journal Atherosclerosis, researchers examined data on 1,231 men
and women, average age of about 62, who were patients at vascular prevention clinic at London Health
Sciences Centre in Canada. Participants were given surveys about their smoking and egg-yolk eating
habits, and the scientists used ultrasounds to determine the amount of total plaque on their arteries.
Plaque builds up in a person's arteries as white blood cells, and LDL ("bad") cholesterol accumulate over
time in the wall of the artery, according to WebMD, leading to the progressive hardening and narrowing
of the arteries which restricts blood flow, a condition called atherosclerosis.
Risk factors for atherosclerosis include smoking, high cholesterol and blood pressure, diabetes, obesity,
stress, and poor diet and exercise.
The researchers found that independent of these risks, plaque in the carotid artery increased in
participants as they aged, but the increase was exponential when it came to people's smoking habits and
egg-yolk intake. Specifically, people who ate lots of egg yolks had about two-thirds of the amount of
plaque buildup as those who smoked cigarettes. The study also found those eating three or more yolks a
week had significantly more plaque than subjects who ate two or fewer yolks per week.
Research on eggs has swung between health risks and health benefits in recent years.
Spence said, "The mantra 'eggs can be part of a healthy diet for healthy people' has confused the issue."
He added, "It has been known for a long time that a high cholesterol intake increases the risk of
cardiovascular events, and egg yolks have a very high cholesterol content."
Spence told CBC News in Canada that a jumbo egg contains 237 mg of cholesterol in it, more cholesterol
than is found in a burger with three slices of cheese and four slices of bacon.
He compares the egg industry in Canada to the tobacco industry in its disseminating information on
health risks from eating eggs.
"In the long haul, egg yolks are not okay for most Canadians," he said in the press release, adding that
anyone at risk for heart disease should not eat egg yolks regularly.
Karen Harvey of the Egg Farmers of Canada countered that claim to the CBC, saying "We have decades of
clinical research demonstrating no link between egg consumption and an increased risk of heart disease."
Across the border, Dr. Thomas Behrenbeck, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., wrote in
a blog, "Although eating too many eggs can increase your cholesterol, eating four egg yolks or fewer on a
weekly basis hasn't been found to increase your risk of heart disease."
According to the American Egg Board, an industry group, more than 40 years of research supports eggs'
role in a healthy diet without significantly impacting risk for heart disease. It also cites new USDA research
that eggs contain 14 percent less cholesterol than previously thought (now 185 milligrams) and contain
higher amounts of vitamin D than previously known.
"Studies demonstrate that healthy adults can enjoy an egg a day without increasing their risk for heart
disease, particularly if individuals opt for low cholesterol foods throughout the day," the Board said.
The new color of wine - GREEN! For a natural healthy high! When you GO GREEN you are clean, lean and
Dr. Robert O. Young discovers biological transformation of blood cells into bacteria in 1994. Bacteria,
yeast and mold are born in us and from us caused by an over-acidic lifestyle and diet. In other words
germs are symptoms of cellular degeneration and NOT the cause of cellular degeneration. The theory of
infection is a medical myth and the reality is an outfection from the breakdown of cells that make up
tissues, organs and glands caused by acidosis. Germs DO NOT CAUSE DISEASE - ACIDIC ENVIRONMENTS
To learn more about pleomorphism or biological transformation and the real cause of ALL sickness and
disease read Sick and Tired and Dr. Young's technical essays, 'A Finger on the Magic of Life', Patholigical
Blood Coagulation', and 'A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis'.
Dr. Robert O. Young discovers biological transformation of red blood cells into bacteria in 1994. Bacteria,
yeast and mold are born in us and from us caused by an over-acidic lifestyle and diet. To learn more about
pleomorphism or biological transformation and the real cause of ALL sickness and disease read Sick and
Tired and Dr. Young's technical essays, 'A Finger on the Magic of Life', Patholigical Blood Coagulation', and
'A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis'.
Education NOT Medication!
Sutent is a chemo drug used in the treatment of stomach, bowel, esophagus, kidney and pancreatic
The effects of taking Sutent are as follows or 30 Reasons NOT to Take Sutent!
!) Heart problems including heart failure and heart muscle problems (cardiomyopathy) that can lead to
9) Night sweats.
11) Diarrhea.
12) Headache.
13) Depression.
16) Rash or other skin changes, including drier, thicker or cracking skin.
21) Blisters or a rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
22) Cough.
26) Tumor lysis syndrome cause nausea, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, and clouding of urine.
30) Death.
Each pill of the chemo drug Sutent costs the cancer patient $2000.00 per pill of 50 mg. and taken daily. A
month supply of Sutent costs the patient and/or insurance company $60,000.00. This chemo drug is
prescribed by the Oncologist for the rest of the cancer patients life. Efficacy of chemo in general is less
than 3 percent with increased life expectancy of only 2 months.
This drug has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cancer.
"Doctors prescribe drugs of which they know little, for the human body of which they know less, for
diseases for which they know nothing at all" - Voltaire
Learn How to Prevent and/or Reverse Cancer Naturally Without Surgery, Radiation and/or Drugs!
Metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acids are the cause for cancer and every human on the
planet has these compounds in their body, such as lactic acid, uric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, carbonic
acid, even citric acid, just to name of a few. Therefore, everyone has the potential for a cancerous
condition if these metabolic and/or dietary acids are NOT removed through the four channels of
elimination - respiration, urination, defecation or perspiration.
The following is a list of 233 Published Papers on the Efficacy of a Plant-Based Alkaline Nutrient-Rich pH
Miracle Diet in the Treatment of Cancer
View the Evidence of a Alkaline Plant Based Nutrient-Rich pH Miracle Diet in the Treatment of Cancer!
Read Dr. Robert O. Young's latest book on cancer, Reverse Cancer Now, www.phmiracle.com
The Alkaline pH Miracle Diet: Is There Any Published Scientific Evidence Substantiating Any Health
Benefits for Dr. Robert O. Young's Plant-Based, Vegan, Alkaline, pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet?
- www.phmiracle.com
This review looks at the role of an alkaline diet in health. Pubmed was searched looking for articles on pH,
potential renal acid loads, bone health, muscle, growth hormone, back pain, vitamin D and
chemotherapy. Many books written in the lay literature on the alkaline diet were also reviewed and
evaluated in light of the published medical literature. There may be some value in considering an alkaline
diet in reducing morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases and further studies are warranted in this
area of medicine.
1. Background
Life on earth depends on appropriate pH levels in and around living organisms and cells. Human life
requires a tightly controlled pH level in the serum of about 7.4 (a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45) to
survive [1].
As a comparison, in the past 100 years with increasing industrialization, the pH of the ocean has dropped
from 8.2 to 8.1 because of increasing CO2 deposition. This has a negative impact on life in the ocean [1, 2]
and may lead to the collapse of the coral reefs [3]. Even the pH of the soil in which plants are grown can
have considerable influence on the mineral content of the food we eat (as minerals are used as buffers to
maintain pH). The ideal pH of soil for the best overall availability of essential nutrients is between 6 and 7.
Acidic soils below pH of 6 may have reduced calcium and magnesium, and soil above pH 7 may result in
chemically unavailable iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Adding dolomite and manure are ways of raising
pH in an acid soil environment when the pH is below 6 [4].
When it comes to the pH and net acid load in the human diet, there has been considerable change from
the hunter gather civilization to the present [5]. With the agricultural revolution (last 10,000 years) and
even more recently with industrialization (last 200 years), there has been an decrease in potassium (K)
compared to sodium (Na) and an increase in chloride compared to bicarbonate found in the diet [6]. The
ratio of potassium to sodium has reversed, K/Na previously was 10 to 1 whereas the modern diet has a
ratio of 1 to 3 [7]. It is generally accepted that agricultural humans today have a diet poor in magnesium
and potassium as well as fiber and rich in saturated fat, simple sugars, sodium, and chloride as compared
to the preagricultural period [6]. This results in a diet that may induce metabolic acidosis which is
mismatched to the genetically determined nutritional requirements [8]. With aging, there is a gradual loss
of renal acid-base regulatory function and a resultant increase in diet-induced metabolic acidosis while on
the modern diet [9]. A low-carbohydrate high-protein diet with its increased acid load results in very little
change in blood chemistry, and pH, but results in many changes in urinary chemistry. Urinary magnesium
levels, urinary citrate and pH are decreased, urinary calcium, undissociated uric acid, and phosphate are
increased. All of these result in an increased risk for kidney stones [10].
Much has been written in the lay literature as well as many online sites expounding on the benefits of the
alkaline diet. This paper is an attempt to balance the evidence that is found in the scientific literature.
The pH in our body may vary considerably from one area to another with the highest acidity in the
stomach (pH of 1.35 to 3.5) to aid in digestion and protect against opportunistic microbial organisms. But
even in the stomach, the layer just outside the epithelium is quite basic to prevent mucosal injury. It has
been suggested that decreased gastric lining secretion of bicarbonates and a decrease in the alkaline/acid
secretion in duodenal ulcer patients may play a significant role in duodenal ulcers [11]. The skin is quite
acidic (pH 4–6.5) to provide an acid mantle as a protective barrier to the environment against microbial
overgrowth. There is a gradient from the outer horny layer (pH 4) to the basal layer (pH 6.9) [12]. This is
also seen in the vagina where a pH of less than 4.7 protects against microbial overgrowth [13].
The urine may have a variable pH from acid to alkaline depending on the need for balancing the internal
environment. Acid excretion in the urine can be estimated by a formula described by Remer (sulfate +
chloride + 1.8x phosphate + organic acids) minus (sodium + potassium + 2x calcium + 2x magnesium) mEq
[14]. Foods can be categorized by the potential renal acid loads (PRALs) see Table 2. Fruits, vegetables,
fruit juices, potatoes, and alkali-rich and low phosphorus beverages (red and white wine, mineral soda
waters) having a negative acid load. Whereas, grain products, meats, dairy products, fish, and alkali poor
and low phosphorus beverages (e.g., pale beers, cocoa) have relatively high acid loads [15].
Measurement of pH of the urine (reviewed in a recent study with two morning specimens done over a
five-year span) did not predict bone fractures or loss of bone mineral density [16]. However, this may not
be reflective of being on an alkaline or acid diet throughout this time. For more details, see Table 1.
Table 1
PH of selected fluids, organs, and membranes.
Table 2
Potential renal acid loads (PRALs) of selected foods [20].
Calcium in the form of phosphates and carbonates represents a large reservoir of base in our body. In
response to an acid load such as the modern diet these salts are released into the systemic circulation to
bring about pH homeostasis [7]. It has been estimated that the quantity of calcium lost in the urine with
the modern diet over time could be as high as almost 480gm over 20 years or almost half the skeletal
mass of calcium [21]. However, urinary losses of calcium are not a direct measure of osteoporosis. There
are many regulatory factors that may compensate for the urinary calcium loss. When the arterial pH is in
the normal range, a mild reduction of plasma bicarbonate results in a negative calcium balance which
could benefit from supplementing bicarbonate in the form of potassium bicarbonate [22]. It has been
found that bicarbonate, which increases the alkali content of a diet, but not potassium may attenuate
bone loss in healthy older adults [23]. The bone minerals that are wasted in the urine may not have
complete compensation through intestinal absorption, which is thought to result in osteoporosis.
However, adequate vitamin D with a 25(OH)D level of >80nmol/L may allow for appropriate intestinal
absorption of calcium and magnesium and phosphate when needed [24]. Sadly, most populations are
generally deficient in vitamin D especially in northern climates [25]. In chronic renal failure, correction of
metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate significantly improves parathyroid levels and levels of the active form
of vitamin D 1,25(OH)2D3 [26].
Recently, a study has shown the importance of phosphate in Remer's PRAL formula. According to the
formula it would be expected that an increase in phosphate should result in an increase in urinary calcium
loss and a negative calcium balance in bone [27]. It should be noted that supplementation with phosphate
in patients with bed rest reduced urinary calcium excretion but did not prevent bone loss [28]. The most
recent systematic review and meta-analysis has shown that calcium balance is maintained and improved
with phosphate which is quite contrary to the acid-ash hypothesis [29]. As well a recent study looking at
soda intake (which has a significant amount of phosphate) and osteoporosis in postmenopausal American
first nations women did not find a correlation [30]. It is quite possible that the high acid content according
to Remer's classification needs to be looked at again in light of compensatory phosphate intake. There is
online information promoting an alkaline diet for bone health as well as a number of books. However, a
recent systematic review of the literature looking for evidence supporting the alkaline diet for bone health
found no protective role of dietary acid load in osteoporosis [31].
Another element of the modern diet is the excess of sodium in the diet. There is evidence that in healthy
humans the increased sodium in the diet can predict the degree of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
when consuming a net acid producing diet [32]. As well, there is evidence that there are adverse effects of
sodium chloride in the aging population. A high sodium diet will exacerbate disuse-induced bone and
muscle loss during immobilization by increasing bone resorption and protein wasting [33]. Excess dietary
sodium has been shown to result in hypertension and osteoporosis in women [34, 35]. As well, dietary
potassium which is lacking in the modern diet would modulate pressor and hypercalciuric effects of
excess of sodium chloride [36].
Excess dietary protein with high acid renal load may decrease bone density if not buffered by ingestion of
supplements or foods that are alkali rich [37]. However, adequate protein is necessary for prevention of
osteoporosis and sarcopenia; therefore, increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables may be necessary
rather than reducing protein [38].
As we age, there is a loss of muscle mass, which may predispose to falls and fractures. A three-year study
looking at a diet rich in potassium, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as a reduced acid load, resulted in
preservation of muscle mass in older men and women [39]. Conditions such as chronic renal failure that
result in chronic metabolic acidosis result in accelerated breakdown in skeletal muscle [40]. Correction of
acidosis may preserve muscle mass in conditions where muscle wasting is common such as diabetic
ketosis, trauma, sepsis, chronic obstructive lung disease, and renal failure [41]. In situations that result in
acute acidosis, supplementing younger patients with sodium bicarbonate prior to exhaustive exercise
resulted in significantly less acidosis in the blood than those that were not supplemented with sodium
bicarbonate [42].
It has long been known that severe forms of metabolic acidosis in children, such as renal tubular acidosis,
are associated with low levels of growth hormone with resultant short stature. Correction of the acidosis
with bicarbonate [7] or potassium citrate [43] increases growth hormone significantly and improved
growth. The use of enough potassium bicarbonate in the diet to neutralize the daily net acid load in
postmenopausal women resulted in a significant increase in growth hormone and resultant osteocalcin
[44]. Improving growth hormone levels may improve quality of life, reduce cardiovascular risk factors,
improve body composition, and even improve memory and cognition [45]. As well this results in a
reduction of urinary calcium loss equivalent to 5% of bone calcium content over a period of 3 years [46].
There is some evidence that chronic low back pain improves with the supplementation of alkaline
minerals [47]. With supplementation there was a slight but significant increase in blood pH and
intracellular magnesium. Ensuring that there is enough intracellular magnesium allows for the proper
function of enzyme systems and also allows for activation of vitamin D [48]. This in turn has been shown
to improve back pain [49].
The effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents is markedly influenced by pH. Numerous agents such as
epirubicin and adriamycin require an alkaline media to be more effective. Others, such as cisplatin,
mitomycin C, and thiotepa, are more cytotoxic in an acid media [50]. Cell death correlates with acidosis
and intracellular pH shifts higher (more alkaline) after chemotherapy may reflect response to
chemotherapy [51]. It has been suggested that inducing metabolic alkalosis may be useful in enhancing
some treatment regimes by using sodium bicarbonate, carbicab, and furosemide [52]. Extracellular
alkalinization by using bicarbonate may result in improvements in therapeutic effectiveness [53]. There is
no scientific literature establishing the benefit of an alkaline diet for the prevention of cancer at this time.
8. Discussion
The human body has an amazing ability to maintain a steady pH in the blood with the main compensatory
mechanisms being renal and respiratory. Many of the membranes in our body require an acid pH to
protect us and to help us digest food. It has been suggested that an alkaline diet may prevent a number of
diseases and result in significant health benefits. Looking at the above discussion on bone health alone,
certain aspects have doubtful benefit. There does not seem to be enough evidence that milk or cheese
may be as detrimental as Remer's formula suggests since phosphate does benefit bone health and result
in a positive calcium balance. However, another mechanism for the alkaline diet to benefit bone health
may be the increase in growth hormone and resultant increase in osteocalcin. There is some evidence
that the K/Na ratio does matter and that the significant amount of salt in our diet is detrimental. Even
some governments are demanding that the food industry reduce the salt load in our diet. High-protein
diets may also affect bone health but some protein is also needed for good bone health.
Muscle wasting however seems to be reduced with an alkaline diet and back pain may benefit from this as
well. An alkaline environment may improve the efficacy of some chemotherapy agents but not others.
9. Conclusion
Alkaline diets result in a more alkaline urine pH and may result in reduced calcium in the urine, however,
as seen in some recent reports, this may not reflect total calcium balance because of other buffers such as
phosphate. There is no substantial evidence that this improves bone health or protects from osteoporosis.
However, alkaline diets may result in a number of health benefits as outlined below:
- Increased fruits and vegetables in an alkaline diet would improve the K/Na ratio and may benefit bone
health, reduce muscle wasting, as well as mitigate other chronic diseases such as hypertension and
The resultant increase in growth hormone with an alkaline diet may improve many outcomes from
cardiovascular health to memory and cognition.
- An increase in intracellular magnesium, which is required for the function of many enzyme systems, is
another added benefit of the alkaline diet. Available magnesium, which is required to activate vitamin D,
would result in numerous added benefits in the vitamin D apocrine/exocrine systems.
Alkalinity may result in added benefit for some chemotherapeutic agents that require a higher pH.
From the evidence outlined above, it would be prudent to consider an alkaline diet to reduce morbidity
and mortality of chronic disease that are plaguing our aging population. One of the first considerations in
an alkaline diet, which includes more fruits and vegetables, is to know what type of soil they were grown
in since this may significantly influence the mineral content. At this time, there are limited scientific
studies in this area, and many more studies are indicated in regards to muscle effects, growth hormone,
and interaction with vitamin D.
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Hey Dr. Robert O Young and Fans this is Cory Judge - I'm a huge pH Miracle Fan (The pH Miracle was the
first book I read regarding plant-based ways of eating). I've shared this story in a few plant-based groups I
am in, but thought you would enjoy it too.
Hey Everyone,
The picture below is Soren. He is my firstborn son and I thought the story behind him may be of interest
to you.
Soren is actually the 7th pregnancy my wife and I had, but our first living child. We had 4 miscarriages, 1
chemical pregnancy, and 1 ectopic pregnancy before him. We went through numerous tests by numerous
doctors over 6 years and, with a few minor but correctable things, we were deemed healthy. That's great,
but it didn't really provide a direction on what we could do to stop the pregnancy losses.
Then one day one of our doctors mentioned a test in passing that we could do (even though he said we
needed it). That test essentially measured the level of DNA damage from the male side. I was found to
have 25% damage; 5% over the healthy threshold. We later found out that people with this issue typically
lose their pregnancies between 4 and 8 weeks (all of ours were between 5 and 7 weeks). We then went to
our holistic doctor who had just returned from a conference on toxins and my wife and I went through
testing for various chemicals in our system. I came back at very high levels for three out of four kinds of
phthalates. Phthalates are a topic for a post of their own, but in a nutshell, they cause significant
reproductive issues (see the documentary "The Disappearing Male" for further insight).
or Dr. Young's articles, "Eating Animal Protein Will Shrink Your Brain and Your Balls"
- http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/.../eating-animal... and Another Toxic Acid From Monsanto Causes
Cancer, Parkinson's and Infertility - http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/.../another-toxic...
To correct this issue we did a few things, but, in my opinion, our dietary changes to an alkaline diet were
the most important. We had done a cleanse/detox/elimination style diets a year or so before and felt
great afterwords, but didn't stick to it. Essentially it was a move to a whole food plant-based diet that was
pretty much raw till dinner. Dinner included raw and cooked foods. I reinstated that the pH Miracle diet,
reduced exposure to toxins around me, and two months later my wife was pregnant with our son. He was
born a few weeks early, but in perfect health (pH).
Again, alkaline dietary change wasn't the only thing we did, but no one can convince me that the pH
Miracle diet high in plants, mostly raw doesn't make a MAJOR difference in ones health. If you have any
questions, don't hesitate to friend me, message me, whatever. I am happy to share more of our story -
Cory Judge
According to Dr. Robert O. Young conception and a healthy pregnancy CAN ONLY TAKE PLACE in an
alkaline environment. When the body becomes over-acidic the pregnancy will be aborted. PERIOD!
The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter
impurities from the blood, as well as waste products from your urine.
A kidney stone, also known as a renal calculus is a solid concretion or crystal aggregation formed in the
kidneys from dietary minerals and acid salts.
Urinary stones are typically classified by their location in the kidney (nephrolithiasis), ureter
(ureterolithiasis) or bladder (cystolithiasis) or by their chemical composition (calcium-containing, struvite,
uric acid, or other compounds). Kidney stones vary in size. A small stone may pass on its own, causing
little or no pain. A larger stone may get stuck along the urinary tract and can block the flow of urine,
causing severe pain or bleeding.
Men are affected more often than women. Overweight and obese people are more likely to get a kidney
stone than people of normal weight. People who do not drink enough water may be at higher risk, as their
urine is more concentrated.
The urinary tract is the body’s drainage system for removing wastes and extra water. The urinary tract
includes two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder and a urethra. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs,
each about the size of a fist. They are located near the middle of the back, just below the rib cage, one on
each side of the spine. Every day kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2
quarts of urine, composed of wastes and extra water. The urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder
through tubes called ureters. The bladder stores urine until releasing it through urination. When the
bladder empties, urine flows out of the body through a tube called the urethra at the bottom of the
Kidney stones typically leave the body by passage in the urine stream, and many stones are formed and
passed without causing symptoms. If stones grow to sufficient size (usually at least 3 millimeters (0.12 in))
they can cause obstruction of the ureter. Ureteral obstruction causes hydronephrosis (distension and
dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces). This leads to pain, most commonly felt in the flank (the area
between the ribs and hip), lower abdomen, and groin (a condition called renal colic). Renal colic can be
associated with nausea, vomiting, fever, blood in the urine, pus in the urine, and painful urination. The
diagnosis of kidney stones is made on the basis of information obtained from the history, physical
examination, urinalysis. The best visual Diagnostic test without radiation is Ultrasound examination which
may detect the size and position of the stone.
People who are at increased risk of kidney stones are those with:
- hypercalciuria, a condition that runs in families in which urine contains unusually large amounts of
calcium; this is the most common condition found in those who form calcium stones
- cystic kidney diseases, which are disorders that cause fluid-filled sacs to form on the kidneys
- hyperparathyroidism, a condition in which the parathyroid glands, which are four pea-sized glands
located in the neck, release too much hormone, causing extra calcium in the blood
- renal tubular acidosis, a disease that occurs when the kidneys fail to excrete acids into the urine, which
causes a person’s blood to remain too acidic
- cystinuria, a condition in which urine contains high levels of the amino acid cystine
- hyperoxaluria, a condition in which urine contains unusually large amounts of oxalate
- Chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension) are also associated with an
increased risk of developing kidney stones.
- hyperuricosuria, a disorder of uric acid metabolism
- gout, a disorder that causes painful swelling of the joints
- blockage of the urinary tract
- chronic inflammation of the bowel
- a history of gastrointestinal (GI) tract surgery
- diuretics—medications that help the kidneys remove fluid from the body
- calcium-based antacids
- the anti-seizure medication topiramate (Topamax)
People can help prevent kidney stones by making changes in their fluid intake. Depending on the type of
kidney stone a person has, changes in the amounts of sodium, animal protein, calcium, and oxalate
consumed can also help. Drinking enough fluids each day is the best way to help prevent most types of
kidney stones.
Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones
- Change in Diet
Unhealthy food intake is a primary cause of kidney stones. Highly acidic diets tend to create an
environment which encourages kidney stones, while more alkaline diets help prevent these kind of
deposits. Soft drinks, alcohol, products containing corn syrup and most forms of animal protein have an
acidic effect on the body.
Some fruits and vegetables have a more alkaline effect, while others are more acidic.
Drinking plenty of pure water also helps discourage the formation of mineral deposits in the kidneys.
Holding the bladder rather than urinating when nature calls can also contribute to stone formation.
For optimal health its recommended to do a colon cleanse, liver and gallbladder cleanse, kidney cleanse,
chemical and heavy metal cleanse at least 1-2 times a year.
- Lemon Juice, Olive Oil
This is one of my favorites and easily one of the most effective remedies for kidney stones and the pain
they cause. At the first symptom of stone pain, mix 2 oz of organic olive oil with 2 oz of organic lemon
juice. Drink it straight and follow with a 12 ounce glass of purified water. Wait 30 minutes and repeat
every hour until symptoms improve.
- Uva Ursi
Uva Ursi is a common folk remedy for kidney stones. Not only will it help fight off infection in the kidneys,
but it may also help reduce pain and cleanse the urinary tract. 500mg three times a day is recommended
for kidney stones.
- Dandelion Root
Organic dandelion root is a great kidney tonic and cleanser. Taking up to 500 mg twice a day may be
- Kidney Beans
The shape of this bean may be indicative of its healing potential. Try removing the beans from inside the
pods, and then boil the pods in purified hot water for six hours. This liquid can be strained through cheese
cloth, cooled and taken throughout the day for one day to ease kidney stone pain.
- Horsetail
A diuretic, horsetail tea is an effective natural remedy for kidney stones. Drink up to 3-4 cups of horsetail
tea daily or 2 grams of the herb in capsule form daily.
- Pomegranate Juice
Eat organic pomegranates and drinking freshly-squeezed pomegranate juice.
- Cranberry Juice
Unsweetened Cranberry juice is a very beneficial for urinary tract health.
- Magnesium Chloride
Studies show that people with recurrent kidney stones who took magnesium supplements had a 92.3
percent improvement rate in reduction of kidney stones.
- Organic Celery
Celery in vegetable form and celery seed are great diuretics and kidney tonics. Regular use of celery seed,
as a spice or as a tea, may prevent kidney stone formation.
- Basil
A kidney tonifier, basil tea can be taken throughout the day for overall kidney health. If you have kidney
stones, try taking one teaspoon each of basil juice daily for up to six months. It’s believed that folk
remedies with pure basil juice can help induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.
~Dr. Galina Migalko
A separate study also found that people with type 2 diabetes who maintain tight blood sugar control can
lower their risk for developing kidney stones -- small, solid deposits that form in the kidneys.
"Enhancing patient safety and lowering incidence of disease in higher-risk patients are major priorities
within the medical community," said Dr. Margaret Pearle, professor of urology at the University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. "Understanding how to prevent kidney stones combined with
further evaluation of the methods used to detect and treat them can only increase the quality of care we
strive to deliver patients every day," she said in an American Urological Association news release.
When kidney stones are suspected during an emergency room visit, patients usually undergo imaging to
rule out other conditions and confirm the diagnosis. Although use of CT scans has risen, data compiled
from 15 U.S. medical centers revealed that when it comes to patient results, CT scans are no better than
ultrasound, the researchers found.
The study involved nearly 2,700 patients, ranging in age from 18 to 75 years. The patients who had
symptoms of kidney stones were randomly assigned to receive either an ultrasound or a CT scan as their
first diagnostic test. The researchers also examined the number of serious negative events that occurred
within 30 days and the number of patients who returned to the emergency room or were hospitalized.
No significant differences emerged in terms of adverse events. Of the patients examined, about 11
percent who had a CT scan experienced a serious negative event, compared to about 12 percent who
received an ultrasound from an emergency room doctor. Negative events also affected nearly 11 percent
of the patients who had an ultrasound performed by a radiologist.
The researchers also compared patients' overall radiation exposure and the costs of imaging tests over a
six-month period.
The study found that CT scans exposed patients to much more radiation than ultrasound, potentially
raising cancer risk. CT scans were also more expensive.
The study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association, which concluded
Wednesday in Orlando, Fla.
Meanwhile, a separate study conducted by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio found that people
with type 2 diabetes who maintained normal blood sugar levels were at lower risk for developing kidney
stones than those who did not keep their blood sugar levels in check.
In conducting the retrospective study, researchers examined information on 1,831 patients with type 2
diabetes who also had kidney stones. Factors they considered included participants' age, gender,
medications, and whether or not they used insulin.
Based on their medication, the participants were divided into two groups: the insulin group and the
diabetes pill group. The study found that insulin injection therapy -- which is needed in more severe cases
of diabetes -- is linked with higher levels of acid in the urine than diabetes medications. Therefore, the
researchers said, managing diabetes and keeping blood sugar levels within normal levels can lower the
risk for kidney stones.
Studies presented at meetings are typically considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed
medical journal.
For your renal and abdominal ultrasound please call: (818) 508-8895
www.universalmedicalimaging.com —
Dr. Galina Migalko - A study conducted by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio found that people
with type 2 diabetes, who maintained normal blood sugar levels were at lower risk for developing kidney
stones than those who did not keep their blood sugar levels in check. The study found that insulin
injection therapy -- which is needed in more severe cases of diabetes -- is linked with higher levels of acid
in the urine.
Here is your NEW Affordable Health Care Plan - It's Your body, Your Life, Your Choice! YoungaCare - A Self-
Care NOT Health-Care Plan - Prevention NOT Intervention - Education NOT Medication - In the
YoungaCare plan your quality of health and fitness and the quantity of your life is your choice. You choose
it everyday with what you eat, what you drink and what you think. So choose wisely! And if you choose
you can keep your own doctor or you can be your own doctor. Remember, it is your body, your life and
your choice. True health freedom! www.phmiracle.com
People are not over-weight they are over-acid. The body packs on the fat pounds to park excess
metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acids that are NOT being properly eliminated through
the four channels of elimination - urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration! The body retains fat
on the body to save your a.s from an acidic lifestyle and diet. Love your fat it is saving your life for the
short term but then say goodlby to the acids and the fat will come flying off. Recommendation: get off
your fat acid and go to health! Seriously, read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and lose your acidic
weight with an alkaline lifestyle and diet! Average acidic weight loss per day is 1/2 pound for women and
1 pound for men. You can lose up to 90 pounds in 90 days eating as much as you want and as often as you
want as long as it is an alkaline fruit, vegetable, sprout, oil, seed or nut. If you are underweight the same
pH Miracle protocol with help you gain weight as you restore health to the core. To learn more read The
pH Miracle for Weight Loss - www.phmiracle.com
World Lupus Day is coming May 28th, 2014. So please read and share the following reversal of MS
following a drug-free, plant-based lifestyle and diet!
Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - The pH Miracle Organic Plant-based, Drug-free
Protocol! Education NOT Medication - Prevention NOT Intervention!
I woke up one morning in July of 1994 and could not move the right side of my body. For some reason I
thought I had an inner ear infection. I called my Uncle, an ENT, who was in the process of moving his
office and asked the nurse to call in Antivert. I finally called him at home a few days later and told him
what was going on and he told me to go see a neurologist.
I made an appointment with a top neurologist who wanted to admit me into the hospital right away. I
begged him to let me go home so he sent me for an M.R.I. I brought the results back to his office and he
showed me the three-spots on my brain and admitted me into the hospital the following day.
I spent the next eight-days in the hospital undergoing every possible test known. The doctor said he was
running every test to rule things out. One of them was a spinal tap and that would take several days to
come back. I diagnosed myself with brain cancer and decided to take out meat from the diet. One of the
hospital employees, a dietitian came into my room and was concerned that I was not eating meat. Even at
that time, I knew that meat was not a good thing. I had heard somewhere that it would feed cancer cells,
of which she said she knew nothing.
On the eighth day, I begged the doctor to let me go home. He told me he was waiting on a cancer
specialist. I was getting better and I told him that I did not think I had cancer, because if I did I would not
be getting better. He said that he did not think it was cancer either and sent me home with an
appointment to be in his office in the next day or so.
On my follow-up visit, I was informed that the diagnosis was Multiple Sclerosis. I knew nothing about this
and was prescribed Clonazepam.
I did pretty well for the next few years just taking that and then down the slippery acid slope I went.
I did not change my food and started to have anxiety attacks. For this I was prescribed Xanax and Restoril
at night for sleep.
Then I began to have pain and was prescribed hydrocodone.
One day as I was driving to work, I got confused with the direction I needed to be going.
I went back to the doctor and was told that I needed to begin with Avonex, an Interferon, or the Multiple
Sclerosis could get worse.
I followed this protocol for 17-years. I was now taking, Provigil (to repair the neuropaths in the brain),
Amantadine (an anti-viral), Xanax, Clonazepam, Hydrocodone, Restoril and the occasional Prednisone
with the weekly injection of Avonex.
In March of 2011, I could see that I was not getting any better. I knew that if I continued down this path I
would not live much longer. I stopped taking all the medication at once onMarch 1st, 2011. I told myself
that I would have some withdrawal. I was always running out of medication and knew what to expect -
sort of.
I had heard about wheatgrass and getting my body a little more alkaline. I had no idea what that meant,
so I went to work on the computer to find out.
I started to change my food. I took out meat, dairy, everything white and began to cut back on sugar.
I was on facebook one day, and one of my friends shared a post from Dr. Robert O. Young. I was
fascinated. I began to delve into his work and read whatever I could find. I bought his book, 'The pH
Miracle' and began to follow the protocol. I had his list of alkaline foods and stuck to the highly alkaline
list. I added pink Himalayan salt and his pHour salts.. I added baking soda to all my water. I put a Reverse
Osmosis filter in my kitchen and changed everything about the food I bought and the food I prepared. I
went through my pantry and got rid of all the garbage acidic, processed foods. I was now only using the
seed oils and taking them on a daily basis.
Everyday I get better and better. I know this is a lifestyle and a journey. I have since added caprylic, myco-
detox, colloidal silver, iodine, potassium and a mega multi-mineral.
When I started all this, it was all I could do to get out of bed and get to my recliner without a nap. I started
walking my dog two-miles a day, bought a rebounder for the lymphatic system, went for lymphatic
I have recently joined a gym that has Whole Body Vibration and water massage that I know is correcting a
blocked lymphatic system.
I no longer have any symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. I am pain-free, tremor-free, anxiety-free, muscle-
spasm free, migraine-free, stress-free.
In hindsight, I can see clearly that all of my problems throughout my life were a result of acids that I was
ingesting. As a child I had allergies, for which my mother was giving me medication for. When I was 18, I
had meningitis - twice. I would get incapacitating migraines that would make me sick to my stomach, I got
bronchitis at least once a year, laryngitis frequently. Since I have been following the pH miracle protocol
and lifestyle, I have not been sick once. I no longer have any pain. I have not had a headache in over
Ruth Morgan
"The human body is alkaline by design in perfect health (pH) and acidic by function. The functions of the
human body include respiration which produces the acid carbon dixoxide, metabolism which produces
the acids of glucose and lactic acid and digestion which produces over 1000 different acids depending on
what your eating and drinking. If these acidic waste products are NOT eliminated through one of ther four
channels of eliminations they will build up in the connective and fatty tissues leading to enervation, then
irritation, then inflammation, then induration, then ulceration and finally degeneration. There is only one
sickness, one disease and one self-treatment. The one sickness and one disease is the over-acidificaiton of
the blood and tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thnking. The one self-treatment is
maintaining the alkalinity of the blood and tissues with a raw alkaline green lifestyle and diet. I call this
raw orgainic alkaline lifestyle and diet which protects against All sickness and disease, The pH Miracle or
The New Biology". To learn more about The pH Miracle Protocol or The New Biology read, The pH Miracle,
The pH Miracle revised and updated, Sick and Tired, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for
Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Cancer, Reverse Cancer Now, Reverse Diabetes Now, Back to the House
of Health I and II, the Origin of Organic Beings and The Blood, The Third Anatomical Element. To order
these books and others go to: www.phmiracle.com
The stages of life. The first stage of life you are green and alkaline full of health, energy and vitality. You
are low sugar and high alkalizing water and minerals such as sodium and potassium. As you age or
ferment you go from green to yellow. Your body acid sugar increases and potassium decreases. You start
getting acid spots on your skin - brown spots and then black. You start to wrinkle. You start getting sick
and tired. And finally, you will turn to brown and then to black and become full of the acid sugar with very
little alkalinity or alkaline water and mineral salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. this is
when you start experiencing major health challenges. It is important to understand that you do NOT get
OLD you MOLD. Aging is a rotting process. YOU have an alkaline buffering system to slow down the rotting
process but eventually you will turn to acid just like a banana and die. The body in its perfect healthy (pH)
state is alkaline in its design yet acidic by function. To prevent sickness and disease and live a
pain-free/sickness-free life you must maintain the alkaline design of your body with an alkaline lifestyle
and diet. To learn more about living a perfectly healthy (pH) life read, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle
revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, Back to the House of
Health books I and II, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The pH Miracle for Men and Women, Reverse Cancer
Now, and Sick and Tired, just to name a few of Dr. Robert O. Young's books. www.phmiracle.com
"Education NOT Medication" - Dr. Robert O. Young
Benefits of Aloe Vera
1. Aloe Vera Is High in Vitamins & Minerals:
Aloe Vera contains many vitamins including A, C, E, folic acid, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B6. Aloe Vera is also one
of the few plants that contain vitamin B12.
Some of the 20 minerals found in Aloe Vera include: calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium,
sodium, iron, potassium, copper, manganese.
2. Aloe Vera is High in Amino Acids & Fatty Acids
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are about 22 amino acids that are necessary for the
human body and it is said that 8 of these are essential. Estimates of the amino acids found in aloe range
from 18-20 amino acids, with all 8 essential amino acids.
Alove Vera also includes quite an impressive range of fatty acids. Aloe contains three plant sterols, which
are important fatty acids- HCL cholesterol (which lowers fats in the blood), campesterol, and B-sitosterol.
All are helpful in reducing symptoms of allergies and acid indigestion. Other fatty acids include linoleic,
linolenic, myristic, caprylic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic.
3. Aloe Vera is an Adaptogen
Aloe Vera is a well-known adaptogen. An adaptogen is something that boosts the body’s natural ability to
adapt to external changes and resist illness. It is thought that aloe’s power as an adaptogen balances the
body’s system, stimulating the defense and adaptive mechanisms of the body. This allows you an
increased ability to cope with stress (physical, emotional and environmental stress like pollution)
4. Aloe Helps with Digestion
Poor digestion is related to many diseases. A properly functioning digestive tract is one of the keys and
foundations of health. Aloe is known to soothe and cleanse the digestive tract and help improve digestion.
The interesting thing about taking aloe internally is that, because it is an adaptogen, it helps with either
constipation or diarrhea, helping to regulate your elimination cycles in whatever way you need. It’s been a
great remedy for people with problems such as irritable bowel syndrome as well as acid reflux. Aloe also
helps to decrease the amount of unfriendly bacteria and in our gut keeping your healthy intestinal flora in
balance. Aloe is also a vermifuge, which means it helps to rid the body of intestinal worms.
5. Aloe Helps in Detoxification
Aloe Vera is a gelatinous plant food, just like seaweeds and chia. The main benefit to consuming
gelatinous plant foods in your diet is that these gels move through the intestinal tract absorbing toxins
along the way and get eliminated through the colon. This will help the proper elimination of waste from
your body and help the detoxification of your body.
6. Aloe Alkalizes the Body
Disease cannot manifest in an alkaline environment. Most people are living and subsisting on mostly
acidic foods. It alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits
7. Cardiovascular Health
There hasn’t been a lot of studies conducted in this but there has been some research to show that Aloe
Vera extract injected into the blood, greatly multiplies the oxygen transportation and diffusion capabilities
of the red blood cells.
According to a study published in the 2000 issue of the British Medical Journal, beta sitosterol helps to
lower cholesterol. By regulating blood pressure, improving circulation and oxidation of the blood,
lowering cholesterol, and making blood less sticky, Aloe Vera juice may be able to help lower the risk of
heart disease.
8. Aloe Helps Boost the Immune System
Everyone can use a boost to their immune systems. The polysaccharides in aloe vera juice stimulate
macrophages, which are the white blood cells of your immune system that fight against viruses.
Aloe is also an immune enhancer because of its high level of anti-oxidants, which help combat the
unstable compounds known as free-radicals, contributing to the aging process. (Free radicals are a bi-
product of life itself, it is a naturally occurring process but we can overload ourselves with unnecessary
free-radicals by living an unhealthy lifestyle) Aloe is also an antipyretic which means it used to reduce or
prevent fever.
9. Aloe Vera is great for the Skin
Because of aloe’s well-known healing properties for the skin, aloe is one of the primary compounds used
in the cosmetic industry. It is a known vulnerary, (meaning it helps heal wounds) and is great for applying
topically to burns, abrasions, psoriasis and even to bug bites. Aloe acts as an analgesic, acting to help
relieve pain of wounds. It’s feels especially good to cut a stem of aloe, place it in the fridge and rub it on
sun burnt skin – the immediate soothing effect feels like an absolute lifesaver. Aloe is also an antipruritic:
A substance that relieves or prevents itching. Aloe Vera is an astringent: which causes the contraction of
body tissues, typically used to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions.
Due to aloe’s high water content (over 99% water) it is a great way to hydrate, moisturize and rejuvenate
the skin and fits within my general guideline: “Don’t put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t eat!”
Aloe increases the elasticity of the skin making it more flexible through collagen and elastin repair. Aloe is
an emollient, helping to soften and soothe the skin. It helps supply oxygen to the skin cells, increasing the
strength and synthesis of skin tissue and induces improved blood flow to the skin through capillary
10. Disinfectant, Anti-biotic, Anti-microbial, Germicidal, Anti-bacterial, Anti-septic, Anti-fungal & Anti-viral:
Aloe Vera’s active ingredients are sulphur, lupeol, salicylic acid, cinnamic acid, urea nitrogen and phenol
which are substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms and act as a team to
provide antimicrobial activity thus eliminating many internal and external infections, also active against
bacteria. It also helps to treat fungal and yeast outfections.
11. Aloe Helps Reduce Inflammation
Aloe Vera contains 12 substances, including B-sisterole, which can help to slow down or inhibit
inflammation. This may be able to help with painful joints due to stiffness and help improve joint
12. Weight Loss – A Secondary effect
Improving your digestion, and detoxifying your will have a secondary effect in promoting weight loss
because when we start to improve our digestion we naturally eliminate more efficiently, which is a
primary way they we detoxify – through our bowels. This will lighten our acidic toxic load on the body and
will give us more energy.
pH Miracle will be releasing a cold-pressed organic whole leaf aloe. Check our website for details
- www.phmiracle.com
Medicines that have been sourced from the nature for a millennia should never be called "alternative".
Surely anything that is fermented in a laboratory which is owned by a Big Pharma should be labelled
alternative? What do you think?
Many studies have shown that organically grown food has more minerals and nutrients that we need than
food grown with synthetic pesticides. There’s a good reason why many chefs use organic foods in their
recipes—they taste better. Organic farming starts with the nourishment of the soil, which eventually leads
to the nourishment of the plant and, ultimately our bodies.
Many pesticides approved for use by the EPA were registered long before extensive research linking these
chemicals to cancer and other diseases had been established. Now the EPA considers 60 percent of all
herbicides, 90 percent of all fungicides and 30 percent of all insecticides carcinogenic. A 1987 National
Academy of Sciences report estimated that pesticides might cause an extra 4 million cancer cases among
Americans. If you are growing your own food, you have control over what does, or doesn’t, go into it. The
bottom line is that pesticides are poisons designed to kill living organisms and can also harm humans. In
addition to cancer, pesticides are implicated in birth defects, nerve damage and genetic mutations.
Growing your own food can help cut the cost of the grocery bill. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars
and month at the grocery store on foods that don’t really nourish you, spend time in the garden, outside,
exercising, learning to grow your own food.
To learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle by reading The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and
updated, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, Back to the House of Health I, Back
to the House of Health II, Reverse Cancer Now and The pH Miracle for Cancer
Audios. www.phmiracle.com
There is somethng seriously wrong with so-called modern medicine when there is a brain-disconnect
between the acidic foods and drinks provided by a cancer hospital and the treatment of a cancerous
condition. So why are these children with cancer in the picture below eating pizza and drinking soda pop
at a world famous cancer hospital?
How many of you out there actually believe that what you eat, what you drink, what you think and how
you live determines your over-all health and vitality or whether or not you get sick? A common response
from a medical doctor/oncologist is that lifestyle and diet has nothing to do with whether or not you get
cancer or any other disease. Is that why the life-expectancy of a medical doctor is 56 and the medical
profession has the highest rates of suicide? Is that why the American Medical System ranks 53rd amongst
other industrial countries? Is that why cancer will affect 1 in 2 people in the US and fast becoming 1 in 1
unless one dies from a heart attack first?
Remember it is your body, your life and your choice. It is NOT the governments body, the governments
life nor the govenments choice.
Education NOT Mediation. Education NOT Radiation. Education NOT Vaccination! Our freedom to choose
our health care, choose our doctor, choose our treatment protocol, are all but gone. We have lost our
health freedoms to the politicians and Big Business.
To understand the true cause of cancer and how to prevent or reverse this acidic condition read, The pH
Miracle revised and updated, Sick and Tired and my new release, Reverse Cancer
NOW! www.phmiracle.com You can also listen to the pH Miracle for Cancer which is over 14 hours of
For many making the transition to a plant-based alkaline lifestyle, cheese and eggs can be the hardest
things to give up. In fact, a love for eggs and cheese in particular is often cited as one of the reasons
people go vegetarian as opposed to vegan. It seems meat is easy to give up for some, while many can’t let
go of the dirty dairy stuffs. Recently, a Huffington Post blogger posted on “5 Smart Reasons to Eat Eggs,”
with mention of the high protein content of the food, a possible reduced risk of cancer, and more. I am
here to tell you, this advice isn’t so great for you – or for the animals involved in the egg industry. Here
are several reasons to NOT Eat Eggs:
1) Many studies show egg consumption actually increases the risk of certain types of cancers, including
colorectal and bladder cancers. Check this out: “A case-control study done in Argentina found that people
consuming approximately 1 1/2 eggs per week had nearly 5 times the colorectal cancer risk compared
with individuals consuming less than 11 eggs per year. And, the World Health Organization analyzed data
from 34 countries and determined that egg consumption was significantly and positively correlated with
mortality from colon and rectal cancers in both men and women. Moderate egg consumption also tripled
the risk of developing bladder cancer as determined by a case-control study of 130 newly diagnosed
bladder cancer patients published in the journal International Urology and Nephrology.” In other words,
don’t risk it! There are so many healthy alternatives that it’s silly to risk your health with acidic eggs and
2) When it comes to U.S. egg farms, 90 percent of the country’s 280 million egg-laying hens are crammed
into tiny cages so small that they can’t move, let along flap their wings. As the Human Society writes, “the
science proves what common sense already told us: that animals confined in such an extreme way endure
constant suffering.” And this also means potentially disgusting results on those eggs – hens in these
conditions become sick, with open wounds and fecal matter dispersed all over their bodies quite often. Do
you really want to contribute to this situation?
3) One word: cholesterol. Eggs are extremely high in cholesterol – about 186 mg per large egg – and diets
high in cholesterol is an indication of high acidic levels in the blood and tissues. High cholesterol is the
body's response to buffer the high levels of toxins or acids that can lead to heart problems. As PCRM
explains, “every day, nearly 2,600 Americans die of some type of cardiovascular disease, an average of
one death every 34 seconds, and 7.1 million Americans have had a heart attack during their lifetimes.” Do
you really need eggs in your diet, knowing you can help cut this acid killer from your life just by
eliminating your intake or eggs (among other animal proteins)?
4) For athletic fuel, plant-based alkalizing protein is the way to go. The Huffington Post article states,
“Keep in mind that you don’t have to limit egg consumption to breakfast. Make hard-boiled eggs ahead of
time and keep them on hand for snacks — eggs are a great fuel source before a run.” Check out these
awesome athletes who will show you that don’t need animal protein to fuel a workout. And there are
plenty of cleaner, plant-based alkaline foods that can fuel your protein needs to choose from, such as
avocado, broccoli and hemp. Why grab an egg, which can actually hurt you and also contributes to animal
5) Not a big fan of food chemical or acid poisoning? Then stay away from eggs and diary. PCRM explains
that eggs can be a host for contamination: “Porous and fragile shells and crowded egg farms allow eggs to
become the perfect host for salmonella, the leading cause of food poisoning in the United States.” Add
this to the conditions described in reason #2 above, and you’ve got yourself one big cesspool of potential
6) According to the Department of Agriculture a single egg contains over 38,500,000 pathological bacteria
and yeast that can lead to sickness and disease. The ingestion of one single egg will acticalte the immune
system or white blood cells to clean up the bloody mess - no pun intended.
7) So what is the purpose of an egg? The biological purpose of an egg once fertilized is to make a chick
NOT to eat! You must know that the release of an egg is part of the chickens period!
The body runs on electrons NOT protein, carbohydrates or fats. When you crack, cook and then eat an
egg all you do is activate every force in the human body to protect itself from just being poisoned with
acids, bacteria and yeast.
To learn more about the 10 ten foods to never eat and the 10 ten foods to eat freely read The pH Miracle
revised and updated and our latest book, Reverse Cancer Now! www.phmiracle.com
New Natural Alkalizing Treatment Succeeds Against Prostate Cancer in Clinical Trial:
In this new breakthrough study, men with prostate cancer were given a whole-food supplement
containing 100 mg each of green tea extract, pomegranate whole fruit powder, turmeric (containing
curcumin) and broccoli powder. Other men were given a placebo pill. After six months, the patients taking
the natural treatment saw their PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels rise by only 14.7% while the
patients taking the placebo pill saw their PSA levels rise by a much worse 78.5%. PSA is a marker for
prostate cancer, and when PSA levels rise more slowly it may indicate that the cancer is also progressing
more slowly. Thus, this supplement may have succeeded in slowing down the progression of prostate
cancer for these patients - at least in the short term. Each of the foods provided in the treatment has
known anti-cancer effects against prostate cancer. But what’s most intriguing about this new treatment is
that the dose provided of each superfood is actually quite low. It can be easily achieved by combining
individual supplements that are already available on the market – or just eating the fruit, vegetable, herb,
and drinking green alkalizing drinks. As always, optimal health is best achieved on a healthy alkaline diet
rich in organic vegetables, fruit, whole foods, natural herbs and spices.
To learn more about alkalizing foods and drinks and preventing sickness and disease read The pH Miracle,
The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH
Miracle for Cancer CD's, Reverse Cancer Now, Sick and Tired and Back to the House of Health I and
II. www.phmiracle.com
In 2007, Ida Kolader from Holland was diagnosed with an inflammatory condition called Lupus. For the
last 12 months Ida has been living a pH Miracle Lifestyle and has been free from ALL sickness or disease,
including NO MORE LUPUS! To learn more go to: Www.phmiracle.com
Ida now grows her own organic alkalizing green lettuce, red cabbage, tomatoes, turnip, celery and
parsley! And juices them daily.
Now, this is true health care NOT sickness care! Self care NOT Obamacare! What the World needs NOW is
Education NOT Medication!
Doctors prescribe drugs for which they know little, for the human body for which they know less, for
diseases for which they know nothing at all.
A stunning verdict against two Big Pharma companies for scientific fraud! "...the mainstream treatments
we use are based on fraudulent findings and false science." A U.S. jury ordered Takeda Pharmaceutical Co
Ltd to pay $6 billion in punitive damages and Eli Lilly and Co to pay $3 billion in a case claiming that cancer
risks to the diabetes drug Actos were concealed.
Today's medicine is invalid science based upon an invalid germ theory!
Germs do NOT cause DISEASE! Acidic lifestyles and diets cause disease. Bacteria is an evolutionary form of
cellular breakdown. Bacteria, yeast, mold and so-called viruses are NOT the cause of disease but the result
of an acidic environment.
Bacteria, yeast, mold and so-called viruses are born in us and from us from an acidic environment. The
cause of acidic symptoms are from poor circulation that leads to poor elimination that leads to acidic
buildup that results in enervation, irritation, then inflammation, then induration, then ulceration and
finally degeneration.
There is ONLY one sickness, one disease and one treatment. The one sickness and diseaase is the over-
acidificaiton of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted or acidic way of living, eating and thinking.
The one treatment is to restore and maintain the alkaline design of the blood and tissues. The human
body is alkaline by alkaline by design and acidic by function.
Dr. Robert O. Young has been researching and validating the efficacy of the alkaline lifestyle and diet for
over 30 years in the prevention, treatment and reversal of diabetes (Type I, II and III), heart disease,
cancer, obesity, MS, Lupus, chronic fatigue, inflammation, digestive problems, skin problems, just to name
a few.
Dr. Young's research is published in several of his best-selling books, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for
Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, Sick and Tired, Back to the House of Health I, Back to the House
of Health II, The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Cancer CD's, Reverse Cancer Now,
and The Cure to Cancer.
Today, Dr. Mehmet Oz on his National show shares with his audience, Dr. Robert O. Young's work and the
many benefits of an alkaline lifestyle and diet. To watch the show go to:
Part I - Foods that promote toxic acidic overload in the body - http://www.doctoroz.com/.../toxic-acid-
Part 2 - Toxic Acids Cause Inflammation - Dr. Young's theory is you cannot have inflammation without acid
and acid without inflammation!
Like the cigarette companies, Monsanto continues to defend Roundup (Glyphosate) as safe to use, but
accumulating scientific evidence shows it could be among the most dangerous products on earth. More
here: http://www.cornucopia.org/.../sri-lanka-brazil-chile... Als
Making Healthy Alkaline Choices
It's never too late to start making healthy choices and to live a life full of vitality and incredible health.
Start with one change at a time so you don't get overwhelmed. Give yourself time to adjust and feel the
Your health problems probably took years to develop. So improving your health will be a journey, not an
overnight assignment.
Your body is constantly re-generating itself. With some dedication and commitment, you will be amazed
at how much better you can feel.
Being healthy involves both your body and your mind.
God's design of the human body is simply amazing. So amazing that medical researchers are still not done
learning about it.
Pain and disease is the body's way of telling us that something is out of balance. Taking a pill only takes
away the symptom; rarely does it address the cause of what's wrong.
Pick an area you want to change and start making some healthy choices.
Be patient and feel good about your decision to improve your health. It's never too late.
As your new healthy choices become part of your lifestyle, pick another area to work on. Before you know
it, you'll be living a healthier life.
What Healthy Choice did you make?
"Prevention is the Cure for ALL Sickness and Disease. Self Care NOT Health Care." Dr. Robert O. Young
- www.phmiracle.com
It’s no secret that the healthcare or better know as the sickness care system in the United States is
beyond broken.
Despite spending far more per capita than any other country on medical care, the United States does not
even rank in the top 50 countries for life expectancy. The average life expectancy of a medical doctor in
the US is 56 years.
Attempts to fix the problems have only seemed to make matters worse. Medical costs have continued to
explode since the creation of Medicare in the mid-1960′s despite new regulations being periodically
enacted over the years to attempt to control costs.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is the latest attempt to “control” costs and bring sanity to the
healthcare insurance industry. Unfortunately, health insurance premiums and deductibles continue to
increase with individuals and families required to pay for an ever larger share of their sickness and disease
coverage even when employed by large companies, companies which only a few years ago, covered most
or all of the cost.
For those following the pH Miracle alkaline diet and lifestyle who rarely if ever require a doctor’s care, the
frustration with healthcare insurance is tri-fold.
First, the sobering realization that the rapidly rising expense for medical coverage is due in large part to
the toxic and acidic/GMO-ridden Standard American Diet and high stress/low activity lifestyle of a
consenting majority suffering from a plethora of serious acidic health problems being “managed”, never
resolved, by overpriced acidic pharmaceutical drugs.
Secondly, the knowledge that in the event so-called healthcare insurance is ever needed, that
conventional drugs and surgery would be the only treatments covered by insurance with any holistic or
alternative treatments paid for out of pocket.
Thirdly, the problem with healthcare in this country is NOT uninsured people, it's the overpriced,
ineffective and dangerous treatments!
In essence, relying on sickcare insurance is being caught between a rock and a hard place. Not only is it
extremely expensive, but even in the event of serious illness, you won’t get the coverage and treatments
you desire if you are alternatively or pH Miracle minded.
So what is the solution - Education NOT Medication! Education NOT Vaccination! Education NOT
Radiation! Self Care NOT Obama or Sickness Care! The Government needs to empower and reward each
person who follows an alkaline lifestyle and diet with lower premiums and lower deductibles. Why?
Because they seldom or NEVER get sick! They make better employees! They have more energy to do their
work because they are healthy and fit! Tell everyone you love and care about that prevention is the cure
to ALL sickness and disease NOT the acidic treatment(s) of a so-called disease or sickness by a medical
system that is broken and treating symptoms NOT causes!
For those who think they need insurance then I would suggest an accident and/or hospital policy that
covers you and your family in the case of emergency or accident. These types of policies are very
inexpensive. The final and ultimate suggestion would be to embrace an alkaline lifestyle and diet and
prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and ALL sickness and disease. You must be the change you want
to see in your own personal health and fitness!
To learn more about prevention and the alkaline lifestyle read The pH Miracle, The pH MIracle reveised
and updated, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The House of Health books I
and II, Reverse Cancer Now, and Sick and Tired. - www.phmiracle.com
It’s no secret that the healthcare or better know as the sickness care system in the United States is
beyond broken.
Despite spending far more per capita than any other country on medical care, the United States does not
even rank in the top 50 countries for life expectancy. The average life expectancy of a medical doctor in
the US is 56 years.
Attempts to fix the problems have only seemed to make matters worse. Medical costs have continued to
explode since the creation of Medicare in the mid-1960′s despite new regulations being periodically
enacted over the years to attempt to control costs.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is the latest attempt to “control” costs and bring sanity to the
healthcare insurance industry. Unfortunately, health insurance premiums and deductibles continue to
increase with individuals and families required to pay for an ever larger share of their sickness and disease
coverage even when employed by large companies, companies which only a few years ago, covered most
or all of the cost.
For those following the pH Miracle alkaline diet and lifestyle who rarely if ever require a doctor’s care, the
frustration with healthcare insurance is tri-fold.
First, the sobering realization that the rapidly rising expense for medical coverage is due in large part to
the toxic and acidic/GMO-ridden Standard American Diet and high stress/low activity lifestyle of a
consenting majority suffering from a plethora of serious acidic health problems being “managed”, never
resolved, by overpriced acidic pharmaceutical drugs.
Secondly, the knowledge that in the event so-called healthcare insurance is ever needed, that
conventional drugs and surgery would be the only treatments covered by insurance with any holistic or
alternative treatments paid for out of pocket.
Thirdly, the problem with healthcare in this country is NOT uninsured people, it's the overpriced,
ineffective and dangerous treatments!
In essence, relying on sickcare insurance is being caught between a rock and a hard place. Not only is it
extremely expensive, but even in the event of serious illness, you won’t get the coverage and treatments
you desire if you are alternatively or pH Miracle minded.
So what is the solution - Education NOT Medication! Education NOT Vaccination! Education NOT
Radiation! Self Care NOT Obama or Sickness Care! The Government needs to empower and reward each
person who follows an alkaline lifestyle and diet with lower premiums and lower deductibles. Why?
Because they seldom or NEVER get sick! They make better employees! They have more energy to do their
work because they are healthy and fit! Tell everyone you love and care about that prevention is the cure
to ALL sickness and disease NOT the acidic treatment(s) of a so-called disease or sickness by a medical
system that is broken and treating symptoms NOT causes!
For those who think they need insurance then I would suggest an accident and/or hospital policy that
covers you and your family in the case of emergency or accident. These types of policies are very
inexpensive. The final and ultimate suggestion would be to embrace an alkaline lifestyle and diet and
prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and ALL sickness and disease. You must be the change you want
to see in your own personal health and fitness!
To learn more about prevention and the alkaline lifestyle read The pH Miracle, The pH MIracle reveised
and updated, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The House of Health books I
and II, Reverse Cancer Now, and Sick and Tired. - www.phmiracle.com
Dr. Robert O Young (Age 62), with Alex Young (Age 24) Shelley Young (Age 60) and Adam Young (Age 37).
When medical research on broccoli is dead wrong! In fact, the reserach paper should be renamed to, The
Dangers of Modern Medical Research! It is very important to understand that the stomach DOES NOT
DIGEST FOOD, even broccoli. The stomach's main purpose is to alkalize the food you ingest with the
secretions of sodium bicarbonate. So chew your food to a liquid state before you swallow. If you do not
have the energy or discipline to chew your food until liquid then purchase a blender and blend your food
before ingesting. Why? Because it will come out the same way that it goes in - you hope it comes out!
To learn more about Dr. Young's science and reserach read Sick and Tired, The pH Miracel books I and II,
The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, Back to the House of Health books I and II,
The pH Miracle for Cancer and Reverse Cancer Now - www.phmiracle.com
This is HUGE news and no one is talking about it. The Lancet, the world's oldest and most prestigious
medical journal, recently published a report classifying Fluoride as a dangerous neurotoxin. The report
puts Fluoride in the same category Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury.
We are literally being mass medicated with a dangerous chemical that disrupts the health of our brains,
especially in children. Many of us have suspected this for a long time, but it is insane to see the worlds top
medical journal confirming it.
Don't believe what I have written here. Read the report for yourself and share with everyone you know.
And Harvard has recently published a study proving that fluoride lowers IQ in children:
Is it now time to start making or buying natural, non fluoride toothpaste? Here are some recipes to
choose from, however please research, as there are thousands of ways to achieve excellent oral hygiene,
without the use of toxic chemicals.
Take a small clean glass of 2/3rd pH Miracle Terra pHirma Montmorillonit clay and 1/3rd purified or
distilled water. Let sit for 24 hours to naturally mix. Then add and mix into the base clay the following
1/4 scoop of pH Miracle pHour salts or Real Salt, and
1 to 2 drops of your favorite essential oil, such as peppermint, wintergreen, lemon, lime or orange.
You can then use the mixture to brush and cleanse your teeth and swallow for cleansing the alimentary
"Your Body - Your Life - Your Choice! NOT Their Body - Their Life - Their Choice - Say NO To Big
Government, Big Insurance and Big Pharma Health Care and YES To Self Care! Education NOT Medication -
Education NOT Vaccination - Education NOT Radiation!"
- Dr. Robert O. Young
WHO Knew: The Elephant in the Room
Monday, February 3, 2014 was a very strange day in London. Only the weather was predictable. A cold
rain fell as a dais of scientists faced a room full of reporters in the Royal Society Library’s Special Events
Room on Carlton House Terrace. With its pillared roots going back to the 1600s, the Royal Society Library
had welcomed scientists from all over the world for centuries.
On this day, two scientists distinguished themselves as authors of the thick, glossy tome that was almost
the biggest presence in the press briefing. Co-authors Prof. Bernard Stewart, Faculty of Medicine,
University of New South Wales and Christopher Wild, PhD, Director of the World Health Organization’s
(WHO) esteemed International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) prepared to tell the world we are on
the verge of a cancer tsunami. World Cancer Report 2014 was nearly six years in the making. IARC is the
cancer agency of the WHO, and a core part of their mission is to disseminate information on cancer. They
gather information, frequently classify the risk level of various substances, and share that news with the
world. This day the news was daunting.
Cancer rates are growing at such a rapid pace that we cannot treat our way out of this global health crisis.
We must focus on prevention on a massive scale, Drs. Wild and Stewart announced to the gathering of
just over 25 reporters. The human and economic catastrophe awaiting the world, with healthcare costs
spiraling out of control, was described in great detail in the massive report these two men had just
completed. The 650-page book, the first World Cancer Report since 2008, painted a dim picture for the
Reporters gathered at the press briefing heard the numbers and the implications were clear. 14,000,000
new cancer cases are being diagnosed worldwide each year, with that number expected to almost double
over the next two decades to 22,000,000 new cases per year. Even the richest countries will struggle to
cope with the spiraling costs of treating and caring for cancer patients. Of course the greatest burden will
be borne by the lower income countries where numbers of new cases are expected to be the highest, and
they are poorly equipped for the epidemic that is descending upon them. Over 60% of the global burden
threatens Africa, Asia and Central and South America, where 70% of cancer deaths occur.
These were big numbers being delivered by the biggest name at IARC, Dr. Christopher Wild, the cancer
agency’s director. A press release was issued worldwide, as well as to the roomful of reporters. "Despite
exciting advances, the report shows that we cannot treat our way out of the cancer problem," Dr. Wild
announced. "More commitment to prevention and early detection is desperately needed in order to
complement improved treatments and address the alarming rise in cancer burden globally.” Big numbers,
big news, delivered by a very big name.
Yet the largest presence in the room that rainy day in early February was unannounced and unexpected. It
was not a physician, nor a reporter, nor even a human being. Looming over the presumptively- esteemed
scientists delivering the presumptively-comprehensive 650-page cancer report was an immense mammal
whose thick skin hung in ripples of wrinkles descending to hoofed feet. There were four of them, instead
of the two that steadied both Drs. Stewart and Wild.
Imagining the machinations that surely went on behind the scenes as decisions were made regarding
what should be included in a major report focusing on the prevention of cancer amidst burgeoning
numbers, one might have wondered if two feet were enough for Drs. Stewart and Wild. After all, it
appears they had one foot each in profound truth, and one foot in denial. That is an unsteady posture
indeed. A cynic might even say the esteemed scientists had one foot in truth and one foot in active
concealment, a legal term describing when a party, in this case representatives of IARC and WHO,
conceals information which they have a duty to disclose. Though the duty in this case may not have been
legal, a case could surely be made for a moral obligation that was left unfulfilled. What did Dr. Christopher
Wild of IARC and Dr. Bernard Stewart, a professor at University of New South Wales, fail to disclose?
While the elephant awaits introduction, standing tall and steady squarely in the middle of a room that
could barely contain the uninvited guest, let us examine the very fine work Drs. Wild and Stewart did
First, let’s start with the premise of the World Cancer Report 2014. Prevention is the only way out of this
mess, and these two men know it. So what news could they and their team of experts share that we don’t
already know about with respect to prevention of cancer? Drs. Wild and Stewart spoke to a hushed
crowd. The reporters for The Guardian, The Independent, the BBC and all other major media outlets were
busy scribbling down the wisdom the co-authors were imparting, namely, that alcohol, obesity, physical
inactivity, and tobacco were all preventable causes of cancers.
One man was hushed, initially, for a reason other than jotting notes to be sent back to a news desk. That
man was not a reporter, but rather a representative of a charity in the UK that had prevention as its
primary goal. He had hurried to the London press conference at the request of his friend Eileen O’Connor,
Director of the UK’s Radiation Research Trust (RRT), a non-profit she and several others founded after
Eileen found herself caught up in a cancer cluster in her tiny town of Wishaw in The Midlands section of
England. A cellular telecommunications mast had loomed over the tiny hamlet for seven years before
Eileen was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001, and once in the hospital, she started bumping into
neighbors who were also there for chemotherapy. A campaign that led to the halls of Parliament was
started, and along the way the Radiation Research Trust was formed.
Unable to make the press conference herself, Eileen turned to RRT’s trusted advisor who shared her deep
concern about the growing radiation throughout the United Kingdom and all of Europe. The two had
shared many long talks and Eileen had recently passed on the latest, brilliant epidemiological studies by
Sweden’s Dr. Lennart Hardell showing increases in cancer in keeping with the rising number of cell phone
users. The Advisor had arrived at the press conference sure that he would hear profound concern about
the increasing “electrosmog” – as the rising tide of microwave radiation from cell phones, masts, towers,
Wi-Fi, and smart meters is often referred to. Certainly the World Cancer Report 2014 listed this form of
non-ionizing radiation as an area where greater exposure prevention would be urged.
The man had eagerly listened to the entire briefing by the esteemed co-authors. He had expected crystal
clear insight from the two men who were entrusted with guiding the world on cancer prevention
strategies in the face of an onslaught of rising numbers of new cancers. The risk factors contributing to
the cancer crisis had been enunciated, one after another: tobacco, alcohol, obesity, physical inactivity . . .
As reporters scribbled notes, the man suddenly felt alone in a room full of people. He had listened in vain
for the words he had fully anticipated: RF radiation. Microwave radiation. Wireless gadgets from crib to
grave. Nothing about it at all. Absolutely nothing.
His disappointment was palpable. The world knows tobacco, alcohol, obesity, and physical inactivity are
contributors to disease, yet the only risk mentioned by Drs. Wild and Stewart that had been deeply
associated with cancer in the public’s consciousness was smoking. And that news of tobacco’s
carcinogenic effects was 70 years old, with warning labels first showing up on tobacco products in the US
the same year The Beatles released their psychedelic rock album Revolver, and bell-bottoms were in
vogue -- for the first time. Some five decades later public policy throughout much of the U.S. and part of
Europe had banned smoking in public places. Was smoking – along with alcohol, physical inactivity, and
obesity, the latter two not even on the radar as suspected carcinogenic conditions, truly accounting for
14,000,000 new cases of cancer a year with that number predicted to grow to 22,000,000 new cases per
annum over the next two decades?
The RRT Advisor quelled his disappointment and listened even more closely, a sliver of hope remaining
that Drs. Wild and Stewart were saving the worst for last. After all, what other technology had taken over
the planet with such explosive force, with seven billion cell phones in use on a planet with more cell
phones than people, $2 trillion in annual revenues, and accounting for 5.8 percent of the global GDP.
[Razorsight 2012] What else could be contributing so heavily to 14,000,000 new cancers around the globe
When it came to the subject of radiation, there was mention of the sun, but this was nothing new, either.
Still there were no precautionary warnings regarding RF (microwave) radiation that powers mobile
phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters, laptops and mobile mast or cell towers. Not a single mention. How could
that be?
This was when the Advisor’s incredulity allowed him to see what apparently all the reporters missed. And
what they missed was apparent not only by their lack of intellectual curiosity in pinning down Drs. Wild
and Stewart, but also in their superficial reporting which was to come out in the days and weeks following
the press conference. It was during the lack-luster question and answer phase that Eileen O’Connor’s
trusted and highly disappointed Advisor truly noticed the presence no one else in the room appeared to
be aware of. It was the giant Pachyderm – the proverbial Elephant in the Room, and the Advisor, well-
bred man that he is, could hold his tongue no longer.
The Advisor announced to the panel of scientists that he was there on behalf of the UK's Radiation
Research Trust. He squarely addressed the presence of the enormous and rare species standing silently,
and to all others invisibly, next to him. “We seem to have an Elephant in the Room,” the Advisor offered.
He then stated the known: IARC, the International Agency on Research for Cancer – the very sub-group of
the World Health Organization that sponsored the report, had classified RF (microwave) radiation and
everything on the RF – EMF Spectrum a 2B or “possible human” carcinogen in May of 2011. He further
stated that a major minority of the May 2011 IARC Working Group, based on the scientific evidence, did
not want a 2B “possible human” carcinogen status for RF radiation, but rather the more serious
classification of 2A, meaning a “probable human” carcinogen.
The Advisor then proceeded to state the unknown: “What was the future trajectory of this RF-EMF
Spectrum classification given new science that had come along since May of 2011?” the gentleman
queried. “Since Dr. Lennart Hardell, the scientist whose science was considered as part of the 2B
classification, had come out in 2013 and said the classification should now be Group 1, meaning RF
radiation is a known human carcinogen, might IARC upgrade the RF Spectrum to 2A, or even Group 1 – a
known carcinogen?” Catching a quick breath, he continued, “In short, RF radiation causes cancer, the
concern among independent scientists appears to be growing, and what does the panel see as a potential
for upgrading the warning about RF radiation’s status as a carcinogen?”
Dr. Christopher Wild responded to the gentleman mounting the challenge, saying he was a part of that
Working Group in May 2011 and up to this point in time there was “no new evidence which suggests
there is any cause for concern.”
Prof. Bernard Stewart attempted to further defuse the Advisor’s identification of the Elephant in the
Room by saying there was a “mention” of RF radiation in the report and “we are aware.” The Advisor later
found “the mention” around page 140 – in a report of 650 pages.
The RRT Advisor stood his ground. He told the scientists he had been investigating the dangers around
microwave radiation through Wi-Fi and mobile phones for a number of years and he has found there is
clear evidence of serious health risks. Then as if raising the elephant’s trunk himself and trumpeting the
truly unspoken, the Advisor reminded the panel they were in a great position to prevent many cancers,
and that many people are falling ill.
An uncomfortable shift could be felt in the room. The Advisor asked one final question: “Would Drs. Wild
and Stewart have a problem with people of all ages being exposed to RF radiation 24/7?” Dr. Stewart
voiced his opinion in a professorial fashion, “I would have no problem at all.”
Neither the scientists nor the reporters spoke. A line in the sand had been drawn by Drs. Wild and Stewart
and their massive report. The RF Spectrum is not a sufficient risk at this time to deserve a place alongside
inactivity, obesity, the sun, alcohol and smoking – at least according to Drs. Wild and Stewart. It was as if
the “The Great Oz” had spoken and a curtain was about to be drawn.
But wait . . . We are rapidly approaching the third anniversary of one of IARC’s most historic votes. This
was the 2B “human carcinogen” classification for everything on the RF – EMF Spectrum. And it was not a
close vote. It was unanimous, but for one dissenter whose identity has been kept secret by the 30 IARC
scientists. What is not secret is the fact that the U.S. National Cancer Institute’s Peter Inskip left the
meeting early and did not return in time for the vote.
For all intents and purposes, IARC came out with a unanimous vote on a hotly debated subject. Does RF
(microwave) radiation cause cancer? This esteemed committee is saying it may cause cancer in humans.
Nearly-unanimous speaks volumes. Who led this erudite group? Who was head of the committee when
this vote heard around the world was taken? It was none other than Dr. Christopher Wild, the man seated
at the dais, the co-author of the World Cancer Report 2014 – a report which failed to list RF radiation as a
preventable carcinogen.
What in the world was Dr. Christopher Wild thinking that rainy morning of February 3 in the Royal Society
Library’s Events Room? The Spectrum of RF – EMF, meaning everything on the radio-frequency through
the electromagnetic field spectrum, may cause cancer in humans. Yet this spectrum that seems to now be
ubiquitous in our daily lives was missing on the list of possible carcinogens that we should approach with
a massive focus on prevention. The RRT Advisor wondered what Christopher Wild’s reasoning was when
he signed his name to the report. How did inactivity, alcohol, and obesity take priority over cell phones,
cell towers, smart meters and Wi-Fi? The Advisor was incredulous.
It is true that alcohol was listed as a Group 1 carcinogen in 2012 by IARC. It is a known carcinogen for
certain types of cancer. But nowhere is obesity listed as a carcinogen by IARC, nor is inactivity. While fat
cells can store chemicals that in turn weaken the immune system and may make an individual more prone
to cancer, studies have shown radiation from cell phones directly weakens the protective blood- brain
barrier – a sort of biological “hairnet” around the brain to protect it from harmful chemicals that may be
circulating in the blood. Thus chemicals can now access the brain as never before, and this is suspected as
a key mechanism for the inducement of cancer in the temporal lobe of the brain in some cell phone users,
particularly for gliomas, the deadliest of brain tumors. Dr. Lennart Hardell’s science was key in IARC
securing the nearly unanimous 2B vote. Dr. Hardell has linked both gliomas and acoustic neuromas to RF
(microwave) radiation exposure from cell phones and cordless phones. With all this in mind, what was Dr.
Wild thinking with this glaring omission to IARC’s massive cancer report on precautions? Was he not
working with a team of qualified experts when he led IARC to this historic 2B vote on RF – EMF in May of
In a report dated June 3, 2011, Microwave News editor Louis Slesin, arguably the best reporter in the
world on this subject, wrote: “On Tuesday, May 31 [2011], more than two dozen scientists and doctors
from 14 countries – a group IARC Director Christopher Wild called “the world’s leading experts” – issued a
joint statement that cell phones and other types of radiofrequency (RF) and microwave radiation might
cause cancer.”
Slesin continued: “Long-term use of a cell phone might lead to two different types of tumors, glioma, a
type of brain cancer, and acoustic neuroma, a tumor of the auditory nerve.”
This news absolutely shook the telecommunications industry. Studies by industry friendly scientists were
quickly released to try to persuade the public that cell phones were safe, while World Health Organization
donations continued to decline. Most would be surprised to hear the WHO does rely on donations from
countries, private organizations, and various companies, with the United States and the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation the world’s largest contributors. Within weeks of the IARC vote, the World Health
Organization “updated” their website. These websites are created for the world to see, and their words of
warning do not go unnoticed.
When a country, a national cancer society, a state health department, or a consumer wishes to access the
status of the health debate concerning cell phone and related safety issues, they often turn to WHO fact
sheets. Thus it was shocking to read the words on the WHO Fact Sheet dated June 2011 – one month after
the 2B classification by WHO’s cancer agency IARC: “A large number of studies have been performed over
the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse
health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use.”
No adverse effects? Confused yet? You should be. That’s the idea. There are conflicts of interest woven
throughout the WHO and IARC itself. The telecommunications industry is powerful, and it is generous.
Money for independent science has virtually disappeared worldwide. Money for industry-friendly science
is readily available. Prestigious universities worldwide enjoy the largesse of the telecommunications
industry. When their scientists make discoveries that would hurt the profits of telecom interests, the
previously generous donations are withdrawn. Thus most universities are not known to encourage
research that would prove an adverse biological effect from RF radiation.
Case in point was the discovery by University of Washington researchers Henry Lai and Narendra “NP”
Singh two decades ago. [Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA
single-strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics 16:207-210, 1995.] They were examining the
effects of radiation on the DNA of rats. This is the same type of radiation that is emitted from cell phones
and cell towers, Wi-Fi, lap tops, and smart meters. Even though Lai and Singh used a level of radiation
considered safe by the US government – which would be in keeping with UK standards, as well – the
researchers discovered the DNA in the brain cells of rats was damaged by exposure to the radiation. After
the Lai and Singh findings of DNA breaks were published in 1995, a campaign to discredit Henry Lai and his
work was launched by the industry. In other words, if your research threatens this new technology in any
way, your research will be threatened and your reputation will be impugned.
Lest you think Drs. Lai and Singh made a mistake when they discovered DNA breaks in the presence of RF
radiation and levels deemed “safe” in the US, the UK and Canada, please note that following the 1995
paper that threatened a multi-trillion dollar industry, a plethora of scientific studies had similar findings.
Henry Lai has clarified that since publication of the respected BioInitiative Report 2007 which detailed all
the existing science on genotoxic effects (DNA and chromosomal damage), there have been 86 new
papers on genotoxic effects of RF radiation published between 2007 and mid-2012 alone. These additional
studies were gathered for the updated BioInitiative Report 2012 co-authored by Cindy Sage, MA and
Harvard-trained David Carpenter, MD.
According to Dr. Henry Lai, of these 86 new papers, 54 (63%) showed effects of RF radiation on DNA and
32 (37%) showed no effects. Considering funding is jeopardized for almost all independent, non- industry
funded science worldwide, meaning the industry-funded study continues to thrive, this is a daunting
review of science behind the technology that is in all our lives every single day. RF radiation has never
been proven safe, and Dr. Lai’s review of the genotoxic science alone, as a part of the overall BioInitiative
Report 2012, should give the world pause before the roll-out of wireless continues unabated.
The BioInitiative Working Group 2012 was composed of 29 scientists from 10 countries who reviewed
over 1800 new studies since the original review in 2007. One purpose of the study was to come up with
updated, biologically-based exposure standard recommendations. After reviewing over 3800 studies
between the two reports, the standards recommended are less than 1/1000th the standards currently
allowed in the United States, the United Kingdom, and well below standards in most countries around the
world. Instead of guessing at standards that are supposedly protective, the BioInitiative Reports 2007 and
2012 were a world-wide scientific effort to look at all the science available and suggest standards below
which harm does not occur to the human body.
The world presently relies on antiquated standards that are based on the industry and military view of
principles of physics. The “safety” standards have morphed from 6 minute exposure standards for
industrial use -- that is, how long could a worker in the workplace safely be exposed to RF radiation -- to
the entire population 24/7. The standards vary by country with the US, UK and Canada allowing the
greatest exposure. Most governments were persuaded to rely upon two industry groups for standard
setting that do not take the biological effects of RF radiation into account: US-based Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and European-based International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP). Yet neither IEEE nor ICNIRP can produce ethical science that proves the
extraordinarily high exposure levels they established do not cause harm to humans.
A new report by the BioInitiative Working Group 2012 says that evidence for risks to health has
substantially increased from electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies since their 2007 report. Cell
phone users, parents-to-be, young children and pregnant women are at particular risk.
“Strong concern has been voiced by scientists, public health and environmental policy experts alike that
the deployment of technologies that expose billions of people worldwide to new sources of EMF may
pose a pervasive risk to public health,” said Cindy Sage, primary author of BioInitiative 2007 and
BioInitiative 2012.
“Prolonged exposure appears to disrupt biological processes that are fundamental to plant, animal and
human growth and health,” Sage explains. ”These exposures did not exist before the age of industry and
information. Life on earth did not evolve with biological protections or adaptive biological responses to
these EMF exposures."
In an emphatic cautionary statement, Sage warns, “A rapidly accumulating body of scientific evidence of
harm to health and well-being constitute warnings that adverse health effects can occur with prolonged
exposures to very low-intensity EMF.”
The telecommunications industry is fond of circulating doubt about the current science, continually
suggesting, “We need more study.” Yet how much proof do we need before caution is demanded in the
face of massive fallout of cell towers and Wi-Fi in schools hospitals, businesses, and homes? When did the
world demand 100 percent proof with tobacco warnings? Never. Do we legitimately need more study to
determine that RF (microwave) radiation is harmful? The BioInitiative Reports 2007 and 2012 examined
over 3800 studies with a majority of these studies showing adverse health effects from RF – EMF
Perhaps, if the Elephant in the Room could speak, he may have announced that instead of calling for more
study, Drs. Wild and Stewart could surely have called for prevention – if not for adults, than for children.
Russia has much more protective safety standards than most other countries, and officials have issued the
recommendation that all children under the age of 18 should avoid using cell phones. Caution with
respect to children's use of cell phones has been called for in the UK, Belgium, Germany, France, Finland
and India. If these countries can urge precaution and prevention, why not IARC and WHO? Haven’t the
scientists contributing to the IARC classification of RF radiation as a 2B carcinogen and the BioInitiative
Reports 2007 and 2012 offered enough? How much of humanity are Drs. Wild and Stewart willing to risk?
One of the most important scientists contributing his work to the BioInitiative Report 2012 was Dr.
Lennart Hardell – the man whose science was one of the two studies on which IARC based their 2B
carcinogen status for the entire RF – EMF Spectrum.
Dr. Hardell is quoted in the BioInitiative Report 2012 press release, “There is a consistent pattern of
increased risk for glioma (a malignant brain tumor) and acoustic neuroma with use of mobile and cordless
phones,” stated Lennart Hardell, MD at Orebro University, Sweden. “Epidemiological evidence shows that
radiofrequency [radiation] should be classified as a human carcinogen. The existing FCC/IEEE and ICNIRP
public safety limits and reference levels are not adequate to protect public health.”
Consider again Dr. Wild's response to the Radiation Research Trust Advisor’s question about 'the Elephant
in the Room' and the possibility of RF - EMF receiving a higher classification than 2B in the future. Dr.
Christopher Wild had responded that he was a part of that Working Group and up to this point in time
there's no new evidence which suggests there is any cause for concern. If Dr. Wild was indeed part of the
Working Group when RF radiation was classified as a 2B carcinogen, then his opinion regarding what
should or shouldn’t be given weight in the cancer prevention categories is profoundly meaningful.
But wait . . . once again. We have a slight problem here. Dr. Christopher Wild, though Director of IARC in
May 2011, was not part of the Working Group that classified RF – EMF a 2B carcinogen. His presence was
noted by some, though not all, of the experts assembled. Perhaps he was there as an observer? Wild was
not invited to join the Working Group as an expert, nor was he listed as an official observer. Yet his
comment during the February 3 press conference led almost all in the room to believe he was a key player
in the historic 2B vote in May 2011. The problem is, Dr. Wild’s statement appeared to be self- anointed
gravitas with a hollow ring. The purpose of this maneuver?
It was time to alert Dr. Lennart Hardell, the epidemiologist whose science helped move IARC toward a
nearly unanimous vote to classify RF – EMF a 2B carcinogen. Hardell is the esteemed researcher whose
science the Italian Supreme Court gave significant weight to as they decided the fate of a landmark case of
a man who developed a brain tumor known as an acoustic neuroma from a work-related cell phone.
In just six words Dr. Lennart Hardell summed up what the silent elephant taking up the greatest space in
the press conference could not express. “What is going on at IARC?” asked Dr. Hardell.
No one could have phrased it more poignantly. And no one deserved to ask this question more than the
man whose science earned the 2B classification for the RF – EMF Spectrum as voted on by IARC in May
2011, the man who maintained independence in the financing of his science, and the man whose science
is the hope of a series of cell phone-related brain tumor lawsuits in the United States. Indeed, what is
going on at IARC?
Truly, it makes no sense, unless one starts to believe telecom influences at WHO are more powerful than
WHO/IARC’s responsibility to accurately assess cancer risks of various substances that have the potential
to jeopardize the health of millions, or billions, of people. After all, when the Monograph was published
by IARC detailing, in 430 pages, the basis for the 2B decision on RF radiation, Microwave News reported
that the basis for the 2B decision was summed up in one sentence: “"Positive associations have been
observed between exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless phones and glioma and acoustic
neuroma" (p.421). Those associations with brain tumors and tumors of the acoustic nerve were observed,
reported Louis Slesin, by the Interphone study group and Lennart Hardell’s team in Sweden.
But Hardell’s science was hardly done. Subsequent to the 2B classification in May 2011, the Hardell group
published five more studies, all of them in 2013, prior to the release of the World Cancer Report 2014.
Lennart Hardell and his research team have reaffirmed their previous findings that long-term use of a
wireless phone leads to higher rates of both malignant brain tumors and acoustic neuromas. The longer
the use of wireless phones (mobile and cordless), the greater the risk for malignant brain tumors as well
as acoustic neuromas.
The Hardell Group concluded in their world-renowned epidemiological studies, that according to the IARC
Preamble, the classification for RF - EMF should be Group 1, i.e., “the agent is carcinogenic to humans”,
and stated urgent revision of current guidelines for exposure is needed. The current safety limits and
reference levels are not adequate to protect public health. New public health standards and limits are
needed. Lennart Hardell, PhD could not have stated his findings more clearly.
How could this be that Dr. Christopher Wild, Director of IARC at the time of the 2B classification and co-
author of the World Cancer Report 2014, could tell a room full of reporters – in response to a query as to
whether the 2B classification might be deserving of 2A or “probable human” carcinogen status, “There is
no new evidence which suggests there is any cause for concern.”
No new evidence? Did IARC’s director fail to see Dr. Hardell’s five new papers? Responded Lennart
Hardell, “If Wild says that there are no new studies he is either not telling the truth or is uninformed
about what is published, although our articles were sent to IARC. In either case he is not doing his job
properly.” Dr. Hardell was absolutely correct. It is IARC’s responsibility to monitor studies in PubMed
Central, a comprehensive archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National
Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine.
Hardell then asked a question that surely the Elephant in the Room had been trumpeting in vain ever
since his arrival at the press conference taking place at the Royal Society Library : “Is there a conflict of
interest at IARC?”
So what does IARC have to say about the failure to include the RF – EMF Spectrum in a major world health
policy study and press conference, in this world of rising cancer rates juxtaposed with “all things
wireless”? Could we be facing the biggest failure in cancer prevention since it took 30 years to label
tobacco products carcinogenic?
One scientist does not speak for all, as IARC is composed of experts from around the world. Yet one voice
that deserves to be heard is that of Dariusz Leszczynski, PhD, DSc., Specialty Chief Editor, Health and
Radiation, Frontiers in Public Health. He is also an Adjunct Professor, University of Helskini, Finland and a
member of the IARC Working Group that in May 2011 classified cell phone radiation as a possible human
“There are many causes of increases in cancer cases around the world,” explains Prof. Leszczynski,
reflecting news of the World Cancer Report 2014. “IARC's focus on prevention is a very good sign. It is
easier and cheaper to prevent cancers than to cure them.
“In 2011 IARC classified cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen,” Leszczynski continues. “It means
that in 2011 there was enough science to support such classification. Since 2011 there were new studies
published on cell phone radiation and cancer but none of them provided evidence that could be used to
invalidate 2011 classification of cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen. There are over five billion
cell phone users. Even a small risk, as this identified by IARC, if it materializes, will have far reaching
consequences because of the omnipresence of cell phone radiation-emitting technologies. It would be
prudent, and it would be in line with IARC's own evaluation, to remind people of the possible
carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation.”
In conclusion, Leszczynski offers a reminder of a lesson often overlooked, “It would be good to call for
precaution and it would be in line with the preventive message that IARC advocates. It would be good to
remember the past and not again make mistakes where early warning signs are neglected.”
Dariusz Leszczynski was not necessarily referring to other elephants in the room of years and carcinogens
past, but he could have been.
And now, let’s have a glimpse back at that press briefing in London on the rainy Monday morning in early
February with two esteemed scientists, 25 reporters, and one invisible Pachyderm. The latter had been
standing in stoic silence, the giant mammal visible to none, though one might speculate that Drs. Wild and
Stewart were made painfully aware of his enormous presence.
In the days and even weeks to come, the Radiation Research Trust’s Advisor waited for any one of the
esteemed media outlets to pick up the proverbial Elephant in the Room’s presence. That giant mammal
dwarfing all else in the room may as well have had the words “The RF – EMF Spectrum may cause cancer”
flashing in neon lights on his side. Was the grip of corporate influence and government complicity truly
able to silence concern that came out of IARC’s meeting in May 2011? The World Cancer Report 2014 was
in process at the time and clearly one of its co-authors was acutely aware of the 2B “possible human
carcinogen” status. Weren’t the reporters even a tiny bit curious about a lone man’s grilling of Drs. Wild
and Stewart? Apparently not, because among the various news outlets, silence about the apparent
hypocrisy dominated.
The Advisor’s disappointment was great, but his surprise less so. After all, he had long been aware that
telecommunications had been buying up large portions of the media. In addition, advertising revenue
from telcom had become welcome income for media of all forms. Whoever controls the media controls
the public’s thinking.
But where was the Precautionary Principal, a concept that urges caution particularly where children are
involved until a substance or technology can be proven safe?
There was absolutely no sense from IARC’s World Cancer Report 2014 or the accompanying press release
of a Precautionary Principal considering the current classification of RF as a “possible human” carcinogen.
Even in the face of demands from many scientists and public health officials around the world that the RF
Spectrum causes cancer and should be much more tightly regulated, there is silence from IARC and WHO,
and misleading statements on WHO’s website continue, stating “no adverse health effects have been
found” with respect to cell phones.
In his glimpse back to his eager anticipation as he entered the press conference on February 3, the
Advisor’s hopes for the world sagged around him like the ripples of wrinkles descending to the hoofed
feet of the Pachyderm that had stood next to him. There were two great disappointments. First, IARC
missed a brilliant chance to change the well-being of so many people for the better. Where was the
prevention they so desperately call for? Where was the leadership of IARC in the face of their own
warning to the world in May 2011?
And secondly, and equally worrying, the Advisor was stunned by the sheer lack of journalistic duty. The
journalists in that room represented the great British press, including the BBC, The Guardian, and The
Times. None of his concerns were reported. Even weeks later, as he scoured the media, it was clear they
had reported absolutely nothing about the questions raised by the RRT’s Advisor who directly challenged
Drs. Wild and Stewart. The omission of the 2B carcinogen, RF radiation that powers all things wireless,
was complete. It didn’t deserve a preventive focus because it barely existed in the giant tome, and
certainly not a mention in the press release. Every single media outlet missed a major story considering
our current levels of RF (microwave) radiation exposure levels. The truth is, thought the gentleman sent
to the press conference by Eileen O’Connor – a woman who knew the horrors of 24/7 radiation first hand
-- there appears to be a deeply complicit attitude from the media in not addressing these profoundly
legitimate health concerns. Does that mean the truth of this major issue will not get out before it is too
The briefing room used by Drs. Wild and Stewart for their grand announcement has seen many visitors
come and go since February 3. The topics differ as much as the people who file into the Royal Society’s
Library Events Room. Yet one visitor remains the same, and he has refused to leave the room. Hundreds
of millions of lives are at stake, and as long as they are, the Elephant in the Room will remain, raising his
trunk in a valiant attempt to be heard. After all, silence is not an option.
All antibiotics are acids from fermentation and are damaging to the gut and its alkaline design. It will be a
happy day when doctors stop using them and start using an alkaline protocol which is safe and effective.
Here is just one of thousands of testimonies of the efficacy of the pH Miracle approach without drugs.
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nebulizer 2 times a day recommended by pH Miracle book..Im so amaze! in other times we would go to
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more wisdom everyday....please excuse my writing in english Im spanish. Good
Night!" www.phmiracle.com
Curing the incurables without drugs or surgery? The blood pictures of a young woman with rosacia before
and after the ph Miracle plant-based alkaline life style - www.phmiracle.com Notice the high white count
and structures of the red blood cells in the first picture and the absence of white blood cells and improved
structure of the red blood cells in the second picture. the key to reversing ALL sickness and disease is
found in the health of the core and the core stem cells and blood cells produced in the crypts of the
intestinal villi of the small intestines. To learn more read The pH Miracle revised and updated and Reverse
Cancer Now - www.phmiracle.com
How important is alkaline water to YOU, YOUR FAMILY and YOUR PETS? Share the benefits of alkaline
water and your alkaline health story with everyone you love and care about. Read and share the following
article on the chemistry of alkaline water.
To learn more about the benefits of alkaline water please read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
- www.phmiracle.com
It is estimated that over 80% of processed foods now contain genetically modified organisms, also called
GMOs (source). The rapidity with which these frankenfoods have invaded and continue to expand within
our food supply is nothing short of terrifying. For example, Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO sugar beets
were first introduced to the market in 2008. Now, a few short years later, at least 95% of the sugar beets
grown in the United States are GMO with over 50% of the white sugar coming from GMO beets – NOT
sugar cane which is what the majority of consumers assume!
While most world countries opt for full disclosure on product labels, the US still does not require any
information to warn consumers of lurking GMOs. For parents, it is imperative to source and buy foods
free of GMOs as much as possible as the long term effects on humans, especially growing children, is
completely unknown.
Buying from trusted local producers and seeking products that are organic or have the Non-GMO Project
Verified label is the best way to achieve this goal until manufacturers are finally required to disclose the
truth on ingredient labels.
If you are still unconvinced that the effort and expense required to avoid GMO foods for your family is
worth it, below is a list of 11 scientific reasons why you should reconsider.
Processed food containing GMOs is not really food – it is a chemistry experiment. Be sure your family opts
out. Your children deserve better than to be hapless guinea pigs for the industrial food system.
1) A study reported in the June 2013 issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Organic Systems involved
research conducted over 22.7 weeks using 168 newly weaned pigs in a commercial U.S. piggery. One
group of 84 pigs ate a diet that incorporated genetically modified (GM) soy and corn, and the other group
of 84 pigs ate an equivalent non-GM diet. The pigs that ate the GM diet had a higher rate of severe
stomach inflammation – 32 percent of GM-fed pigs compared to 12 percent of non-GM-fed pigs (see
photo above). The inflammation was worse in GM-fed males compared to non-GM fed males by a factor
of 4.0, and GM-fed females compared to non-GM-fed females by a factor of 2.2. (Source)
2) In 2012, researchers found that female rats fed Roundup Ready-tolerant GM corn developed large
tumors and dysfunction of the pituitary gland; males also developed tumors and exhibited pathologies of
the liver and kidney (Séralini, GE and others. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-
tolerant genetically modified maiz. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2012).
3) Scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences reported between 2005 and 2006 that female rats fed
Roundup Ready-tolerant GM soy produced excessive numbers of severely stunted pups with more than
half of the litter dying within three weeks, and the surviving pups completely sterile. (Source)
4) In 2005, scientists at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Canberra,
Australia reported that a harmless protein in beans (alpha-amylase inhibitor 1) transferred to peas via
genetic engineering caused inflammation in the lungs of mice and provoked sensitivities to other proteins
in the diet (Ho MW. Transgenic pea that made mice ill. Science in Society 29, 28-29, 2006).
5) From 2002 to 2005, scientists at the Universities of Urbino, Perugia and Pavia in Italy published reports
indicating that GM soy affected cells in the pancreas, liver and testes of young mice (Science in Society 29,
26-27, 2006).
6) In 2004, Monsanto’s secret research dossier showed that rats fed MON863 GM corn developed serious
kidney and blood abnormalities (GMWatch, 23 April 2004.)
7) In 1998, Dr. Arpad Pusztai and colleagues formerly of the Rowett Institute in Scotland reporteddamage
in every organ system of young rats fed GM potatoes containing snowdrop lectin, including a stomach
lining twice as thick as controls (Contaminants and Toxins, (J P F D’Mello ed.), Scottish Agricultural College,
Edinburgh, CAB International, 2003).
Also in 1998, scientists in Egypt found similar effects in the guts of mice fed Bt potato (Fares NH and El-
Sayed AK. Fine structural changes in the ileum of mice fed on dendotoxin-treated potatotes and
transgenic potatoes. Natural Toxins, 1998, 6, 219-33; also “Bt is toxic” by Joe Cummins and Mae-Wan Ho,
ISIS News 7/8, February 2001, ISSN: 1474-1547 (print), ISSN: 1474-1814
(online) http://www.i-sis.org.uk/isisnews.php Agricultural Biotechnology 2006, www.ISAAA.org).
9) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration had data dating back to early 1990s showing that rats fed GM
tomatoes with antisense gene to delay ripening had developed small holes in their stomachs (Pusztai A,
Bardocz S and Ewen SWB. Genetically modified foods: Potential human health effects. In Food Safety:
Contaminants and Toxins, (J P F D’Mello ed.), Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, CAB International,
10) In 2002, Aventis company (later Bayer Cropscience) submitted data to UK regulators showing that
chickens fed glufosinate-tolerant GM corn Chardon LL were twice as likely to die compared with controls
(Food Safety: Contaminants and Toxins (CABI Publishing 2003 also Novotny E. Animals avoid GM food, for
good reasons. Science in Society 21, 9-11, 2004).
11) Testing by Monsanto itself has found that rats eating GM maize (MON863) develop smaller kidneys
and show startling changes in blood chemistry. One blood change included an increase in white blood cell
count which demonstrates that the GM food elicited an immune reaction by the body.
- www.phmiracle.com and www.articlesofhealth.blogspot.com
Cindy Mia from London, England shares her pH Miracle
I was a Finance Director to one of the men listed on The Sunday Times 500 Richest Men in the UK. The
focus required as a woman in the finance world is all consuming. Although the work was great fun and
stimulating I forgot the toll it took on my health and body. The deadlines mattered more even when I had
the worst flu winter after winter. With Spring came the horrid hayfever and my eyes would itch so much
that I would have plucked them out if I could. By the time I was in my mid forties I had thinning hair and
weak brittle nails. I was slowly but steadily gaining weight and my cholesterol level was sky high. During
times of intense deadlines I would break out in rashes on my shin and I would refer to it as “It is time for a
holiday rash.” Worst of all I referred to myself as the queen of Cystitis. However my job bestowed upon
me very expensive health care insurance and my office was just a stone throw away from Harley Street in
London from where the most renowned medical specialists operate. I thought that I was in good hands
but the problems persisted.
I was introduced to the pH Miracle in August 2003. I started drinking a couple of litters of Supergreens and
taking a whisky shot of the Omega Oils everyday. I stopped drinking coffee and tea at the office almost
instantly. In October 2003 I travelled to Fiji, Sydney and Kuala Lumpur. As usual in Kuala Lumpur I had my
blood cholesterol checked and it registered 7.7. I refused to take any statin drugs and continued with my
2 litters of Supergreens and Omega Oils. I was back in Kuala Lumpur in March 2004 and had my blood
cholesterol checked again. It read 5.2. The most fascinating and encouraging change in my body over 2004
was that I lost 14 lbs in weight without even trying. Everyone of my health problems disappeared. I have
not had a cystitis attack since 2003 – you cannot imagine the relief I feel knowing that I can travel the
world without having to bring along series of antibiotics or indeed having a relationship that did not come
inevitably with horrible nights of the most excruciating pain.
I am now 60 years old. I do not have any aches or pains. My friends tell me that I do not look my age. I
have good energy and I do not get as many colds and flu as I used to. If I do get them they are so mild that
my friends could not even notice it. In fact I have just returned from a two months holiday in New Zealand
and Australia. A British man arrived in Auckland on the first day of the tour with the most horrendous
illness. He was burning up and shivering and had total laryngitis. It turned out to be the worst flu ever.
Everyone of the 47 people on the tour came down with different versions of a very bad flu. By the last day
in New Zealand the coach sounded like a coughing competition. I was the only person on the tour who did
not come down with this flu. I kept drinking my Greens, the pHour salts, the Omega Oils and the
Osteoplex Combo everyday of the tour.
I feel that I have control over my body and this is very empowering. I thank Dr Young for giving me this
wonderful knowledge.
The advantages of vertical gardens really come into their own in micro garden spaces where options are
very limited but as most people live in urban areas, clever design ideas are a key to make the most of the
space you have.
So if you’re not yet growing up, here are 12 reasons why you should!
Vertical gardens help you:
Maximize Limited Space: Increase growing space especially when it is at a premium in a very tiny area.
Create a Garden Room: Some vertical structures like arbors, arches, pergolas and gazebos help create the
ambience of an outdoor garden ‘room’ and can focus the eye on the mystery beyond. They can also give a
sense of height and depth to an otherwise small space.
Grow a Privacy Screen: Screen or disguise unwanted views (like boxy air conditioners and unattractive
garden structures like sheds or compost bays), nosy neighbors and create more privacy.
Increase Accessibility: Plants are easier to reach – makes fertilizing, watering, pruning and harvesting
much more convenient and saves your back.
Nurture Healthier Plants: Getting plants up and off the ground improves air circulation, healthier plants
and less pest & disease problems. It also minimizes damage due to pets or wild animals digging up
gardens on the ground.
Enhance Visual Appeal: Improve the beauty of your garden and increase curb appeal by adding character,
variety, structure and color.
Grow More Plants: Expand the number and kind of plants you can grow in your garden. Some vegetables
like pumpkins that grow on vines and take up a lot of personal space, can be trained to grow up and over
a trellis in a very compact space.
Obtain a Higher Crop Yield: Obtain a more productive harvest of food crops by growing up and using
particular techniques like espalier.
Reduce the Impact of an Urban Environment: Soften hard or stark building and landscape surfaces by
camouflaging with living green walls and other vertical design features.
Define a Space: Create an entrance, backdrop or framework; define boundaries and edges; and provide a
sense of enclosure or seclusion.
Create a Micro Climate: A living natural shield can insulate a building (from heat, air pollution or noise)
and help to regulate temperature by cooling and shading an area. You can also create a micro climate by
adding a vertical structure like a tepee, trellis, pergola, arbor, arch or A-frame that will provide shade
below. The cooler spot under the support will suit shade-loving plants and sun worshippers will thrive
climbing up and over so you get the best of both worlds.
Improve Air Quality and your Health: Research has revealed that plants improve both indoor and outdoor
air quality by removing harmful volatile organic compounds and absorbing pollutants. Houses have been
found to have consistently poorer air quality indoors than out, even with external pollution. So growing
plants vertically even in compact spaces like windowsills, balconies, front entrances and aerial space will
Please write your Congress person and let him/her know the true weapon of mass destruction. Let them
know that real guns are NOT killing people but acidic eating, acidic drinking and acidic thinking!
Paul, R-Ky., told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in a letter that he objects to Murthy’s nomination
because he questions Murthy’s ability to impartially serve as “America’s Doctor.” The letter marks an
escalation in a simmering fight over the nominee, for a post that is typically not so controversial.
“Historically, the Surgeon General of the United States has been a position with the purpose of educating
Americans so that they may lead healthier lives, rather than advancing a political agenda,” Paul wrote.
“Dr. Murthy has disqualified himself from being Surgeon General because of his intent to use that position
to launch an attack on Americans’ right to own a firearm under the guise of a public health and safety
To learn more about staying healthy, happy and peaceful read The pH Miracle revised and updated.
"As you grow older you will discover you have two hands, one for yourself, the other for helping others."
Audrey Hepburn
"Tomorrow I begin my 63rd year on planet Earth. I am grateful to the Almighty I have been given the
knowledge of true health and fitness and a heart to serve others. God willing, may I continue to be His
servant in administering to the sick, afflicted, down trodden and those who have cause to mourn."
Dr. Robert O. Young
I have a great idea to help you keep herbs fresh for years~
Need fresh herbs in off season or whenever, wherever you need them?
Then we are here with a very simple, natural and wonderful idea:
Just follow the process shown in pictures below: freeze herbs in Olive oil during the off season so that you
have fresh herbs to use when needed!
Filthy Foul
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already
the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) latest plan to protect consumers and workers? It
wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections. And then
increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA's new "Filthy Chicken Rule" will put both
consumers and factory farm workers at greater risk.
According to a recent Consumer Reports survey of factory-farm chicken, the state of America's poultry,
even at the current rate of government inspection, is grim: "More than half of the samples contained fecal
contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or
more commonly prescribed antibiotics."
Chickens do not have a urinary tract system and therefore absorb their own urine making them highly
acidic from absorbing their own urine - but thats what makes them juicing and full of bacteria. This is the
main reason I have not eaten chicken for over 40 years!
To learn more about the foods that make you sick, tired and fat read The pH Miracle revised and update,
Sick and Tired and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss - www.phmiracle.com
"The health of your blood is a direct expression of what you eat, what you drink and what you think. You
don't get cancer you do cancer with what you eat, what you drink and what you think."
- Dr. Robert O. Young -
"Cancer is a disease of the fluids of the body NOT a disease of the organs, tissues or glands. The health of
the organs, glands or tissues are only as healthy as the environment in which they reside."
- Dr. Robert O. Young -
"Cancer is an acidic liquid that poisons and degenerates healthy blood and body cells."
- Dr. Robert O. Young -
To learn more, read The pH Miracle revised an updated, The pH Miracle for Cancer and Sick and Tired by
Dr. Robert O. Young - www.phmiracle.com
"The health of your blood is a direct expression of what you eat, what you drink and what you think." - Dr.
Robert O. Young
To learn more read Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert O. Young - www.phmiracle.com
Here's an idea to stretch your grocery money and grow your own, organically. Re-growing veggies doesn't
cost a dime. It's easy to cut off the bottom, re-root and grow your own lettuce, celery, green onions, bok
choy, garlic, ginger, basil, potatoes, and carrots. http://www.buzzfeed.com/.../vegetables-that-magically...
Why is Big Government, Big Business, Big Pharma spending billions on the cure for cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, MS, Autism, Lupus, etc. when we already have the cure. The cure for all sickness and disease
just as the cure for health, energy and vitality is within us. The cure for ALL sickness and disease is in its
prevention NOT its treatment. There will be no magical pill that you can take or vaccine you can receive to
reverse or prevent sickness or disease. Health and wllenss is a personal choice. You choose it everyday
with what you eat, what you drink and what you think. The day will come when each of us will sit down to
the banquet of consequences from our daily choices. Bottom-line health, wellness, energy and fitness are
achieved from daily alkaline living, thinking and eating. Sickness, disease and death are achieved from
daily acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. It is your life and your choice. Each of us chooses everyday our
consequences. My hope and prayer is you will choose wisely. The pictures below are of a young woman,
Ida Kolander from Amsterdam who was diagnosed with Lupus, gave up her pills and her ills for health and
vitality. She chose wisely. And now she is free from the bondage of Big Government, Big Business and Big
Pharma. When I was growing up there was an ad campaign that said, "Say NO To DRUGS!" It is still true,
"Say NO TO DRUGS!" There is no need for drugs that can enslave you for the rest of your life. Say YES to
health, energy and vitality. There is NO need for health care or so-called Obama care - yet there is a great
need for Self Care. Education NOT Medication! Education NOT Vaccination! Prevention Not Intervention!
As Gandhi stated so beautifully, "You Must Be The Change YOU Want To See." The only thing in life that is
constant is Change. Be the change you want to see and live the life Our Creator intended - a life of health,
energy, vitality, fitness and happiness! In the words of Martin Luther King, "Free At Last!" Ida Kolader is
now "Free At Last!"
Antioxidant/Antiacid/Anti-Cancer Benefits of Peppers
While research studies have tended to focus on carotenoids as the hallmark antioxidants or antiacids in
bell pepper, this vegetable actually provides us with a very broad range of antioxidants or antiacids. In
terms of conventional nutrients, bell pepper is an excellent source of vitamin C at 117 milligrams per cup.
(That's more than twice the amount of vitamin C found in a typical orange.) Bell pepper is also a good
source of another antioxidant or antiacid vitamin--vitamin E. In addition to these conventional antioxidant
or antiacid vitamins, bell pepper is also a good source of the antioxidant or antiacid mineral manganese.
The list of bell pepper phytonutrients is also impressive and includes:
Within this list of phytonutrient antioxidants or antiacids, it's understandable why carotenoids have been
singled out for research attention. Among the five carotenoids listed above, bell pepper contains
concentrated amounts of beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. (One cup of freshly sliced red bell pepper, for
example, contains about 1,500 micrograms of beta-carotene, or the same as one third of a small carrot.)
In a recent study from Spain, researchers took a close look at vitamin C, vitamin E, and six different
carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin) found in all
commonly eaten foods. Only two vegetables were determined to contain at least two-thirds of these
nutrients. One of these foods was tomato, and the other was sweet bell pepper! In addition, bell pepper
alone was determined to provide 12% of the total zeaxanthin found in the participants' diets! Bell pepper
alone was also found to provide 7% of the participants' total vitamin C intake.
This remarkable track record for bell peppers as an antioxidant or antiacid-rich food has yet to be
translated into research on risk reduction for disease. We expect to see antioxidant benefits specifically
from bell peppers showing up in a wide variety of human health studies, including studies on prevention
of cardiovascular disease and prevention of type 2 diabetes. We also expect to see antioxidant or antiacid
benefits showing up strongly in the area of eye health. Just one cup of sweet green bell pepper slices
provides us with 314 micrograms (combined) of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. These two
particular carotenoids are found in high concentrations in the macula of the eye (the centermost part of
the retina), and they are required for protection of the macula from oxygen-related damage. In one
condition called age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, the macula of the eye can become damaged
and vision can become lost. (In the U.S., AMD is the leading case of blindness in adults over the age of 60.)
We suspect that future human studies will show risk reduction for AMD with routine intake of bell
peppers due to their strong antioxidant or antiacid benefits (and in particular, their unique concentration
of lutein and zeaxanthin).
To learn more about All the health benefits of peppers read the following article:
To learn more about an alkaline life style read The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and updated, The
pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Cancer and Sick and
Tired. www.phmiracle.com
Self-Care NOT Health Care. Self-care is achieved with an alkaline life-style and diet. Read the pH Miracle,
the pH Miracle revised, the pH Miracle for Diabetes, the pH Miracle for Weight Loss, the pH Miracle for
Cancer, Sick and Tired, and Back to the House of Health books I and II. www.phmiracle.com
Health Benefits of Avocado
Avocados are rich in vitamins A and E and are full of other alkalizing nutrients like potassium. They contain
folate, monosaturated fats and antioxidants. Regular consumption of avocados helps us in many ways.
Here are just 10 of them:
1. The monosaturated fats in avocados not only help in reducing LDL cholesterol but are also good for the
heart. Avocado also lowers the triglycerides in the blood and thus is useful for diabetic patients.
2. Avocado contains 30% more potassium than banana with less sugar. The high potassium content helps
in regulating blood pressure and prevents circulatory diseases.
3. Avocados are good for pregnant women since the high folate content in them helps in the development
of brain and other tissues of the baby. The B6 vitamin in these fruits may help in reducing nausea that is
associated with pregnancy.
4. Avocado contains carotenoid lutein. Lutein keeps the eyes safe from oxidative stress, macular
degeneration, and cataracts.
5. Avocados have numerous phytonutrients which not only prevent prostate cancer but also repair the
damaged acidic body cells.
6. Many studies have shown that avocado can inhibit the growth of cancerous cells without damaging the
healthy cells. The oleic acid in this fruit is effective in preventing breast cancer.
7. It is a powerhouse of vitamin E which protects our skin from free radicals.
8. Avocado is very effective in stopping bad breath. It also reduces the risk of oral cancer.
9. Being rich in antioxidants, avocado is helpful in preventing aging symptoms. The glutathione in avocado
boosts immune systems, slows the aging process, and encourages a healthy nervous system.
10. The nutrients and anti-acids in avocado soothes the condition of inflamed mucous lining in the
stomach and small intestines. It also improves the body’s ability to absorb carotenoids and nutrients.
Lemon - Prevents and Transforms Cancerous Cells
This is the latest in medicine, effective for preventing and reversing a cancerous condition!
Read carefully & start using lemon instead of cancer causing vinegar!
Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to prevent and reverse a cancerous condition. It is 10,000 times
more effective than the acids from chemotherapy.
Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version
that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon
juice is beneficial in preventing or reversing a dis-ease acidic condition. Its taste is pleasant and it does not
produce the horrific effects of acidic chemotherapy. How many people will die while this closely guarded
secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? As you know, the
lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can
eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, or using in a smoothie, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but
the most interesting is the effect it produces on reducing cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy
against all types of cancerous conditions. Some say it is very useful in all variants of degenerative tissues,
organs or glands. It is considered to prevent the biological transformations of health cells into bacteria,
yeast or mold. It is effective against internal parasites and worms. It breaksdown acidic plaque and thus
regulates blood pressure which is too high. Finally you can use it as a non-acidic antidepressant, stress
reducer and acidic disorders of the nervous system.
The Truth About Medical Research - Objective or Subjective?
Here is an of example:
1) Japanese eat very little fat and have fewer heart attacks than Americans
2) Mexicans eat a lot of fat and have fewer heart attacks than Americans
3) Chinese drink very little red wine and have fewer heart attacks than Americans
4) Italians drink a lot or red wine and have fewer heart attacks than Americans
5) Germans drink a lot of beer and eat sausage but suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans
Eat and drink whatever you like being American is what kills you! This conclusion sounds outrageous but
this is what we are dealing with when we understand that the medical sciences are NOT objective BUT
subjective based upon the investigators subjective conclusions.
Traditional medical research science can be good, but other ways of knowing should be equally valued!
Why? Because science is actually the product of many of the other ways of knowing that reserach
scientists seem to think below their objective measure.
The truth is, there is no way of truly knowing what objectivity is, because we all have our subjective way
of experiencing and interpreting the world.
This line of thinking is what led Rene Descarte to doubt everything. But, the only thing he knew he could
not doubt was that he was doubting. Hence, his famous pronouncement, "I think, therefore I am." A
better translation would've been, I doubt, therefore I know I am because I know it is me that is doubting.
Check out the following books and article concerning the subjective nature of ALL scientific
The primary site for stem cell and then red blood cell production is in the crypts of the small intestines. In
order for healthy stem cells and red blood cells to be produced in the small intestines the food must be in
the following state and in an ideal environment as follows:
1) The food must be in liquid state so it can fall into the crypts of the small intestines.
2) The food must be in an alkaline state at an ideal pH of 8.4 pH.
3) The liquid food should be high in chlorophyll to build the heme.
4) The liquid food should be high in polyunsaturated oil to make the membranes of the stem cells.
5) The liquid food should be free of fiber, sugar and other acidic ingredients.
6) The liquid food should be high in electrons which means it should all be raw, green and alkaline for the
energy necessary in the formation of stem cells to red blood cells and finally red blood cells to ALL body
7) The liquid food should contain alkalinzing mineral salts, especially sodium for the transport of electrons
and for maintaining the alkalinity of the liquid food at a pH of 8.4. The basic four minerals are sodium,
magnesium, potassium and calcium.
The small intestines and especially the intestinal crypts should be free of all undigested matter,
including beef, chicken, turkey, pork, fish, etc. in order for biological transformation of the liquid food into
stem cells and then red blood cells.
9) The small intestines and especially the intestinal crypts should be free of all sticky or mucous forming
foods, including all sugars and dairy products.
10) The small intestines and especially the intestinal crypts should be free of all mold, yeast and bacteria,
including the so-called healthy bacteria. There is NO DIGESTION that takes place in the small intestines
and there is no such thing as healthy bacteria. The small intestine is a factory for the biological
transformation of the liquid alkaline food into stem cells and then INTO red blood cells.
Finally, one must understand that alll red blood cells are the PRIMARY cells that become all other cells,
including bone, muscle, glands, tissues and organs. The quality of the body cells are determined by the
quality of the red blood cells, the quality of the red blood cells are determined by the quality of the stem
cells and the quality of the stem cells are determined by the cleanliness and health of the small intestines
and the food you eat. So eat green foods that are low in sugar and high in alkaline minerals and water.
In order to produce healthy stem cells, red blood cells and then body cells one must live an alkaline LIFE!
To learn more about an alkaline LIFE read the following books and watch the following videos by Dr.
Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young:
12) Herbal Nutritional Medications
13) The Harvard Lecture
14) The pH Miracle for Cancer Audio Series
15) The pH Miracle for Men and Women Audio Series
16) The pH Miracle for Blood Microscopy
17) The pH Miracle Movie
18) Sexy Crazy Cancer Movie
19) Losing a Ton and Having Fun
20) The Cure to Cancer Book and Audio Series.
Remember ALL disease begins in the core and specifically in the small intestines. Healthy Core - Healthy
The top two pictures below show the healthy ideal state of the small intestines.
The top left picture shows the healthy intestinal villi in an alkaline environment free of undigested animal
protein and bacteria. The top right picture shows the liquid alkaline food falling into the crypts of the
intestinal villi to be transformed into stem cells and red blood cells. This is the primary site of stem and
red blood cell production.
The bottom left picture shows acidic damage to the intestinal villi which leads to poor stem cell
production and inferior anemic red blood cell production. You can see the damage to the intestinal villi
and the shallow area of the crypts for stem and red blood cell production. The bottom right picture is a
reminder that all body cells, including skin, connective tissue, organs, and bone are ALL made from red
blood cells.
As God spoke to Mohammad as recorded in the Koran, "Don't you know that you were created out of
ONE DROP of blood?"
As God spoke to Moses as recorded in the Old Testament, "for the life of all flesh IS THE BLOOD."
When the sperm fertilizes an egg the first thing to appear is a drop of blood.
Now you know the truth and the truth shall make you free!
Using thermography you can see the increase in inflammation to the side of the head that was exposed to
harmful cellular radiation. This is what can happen if you hold your cell phone to your ear - inflammation
that can lead to cancer of the brain and/or ear. Please read and share the following articles with all those
you love and care about and who use a cell phone or WiFi! The radiation from a cell phone and/or WiFi is
highly dangerous and can be hazardous to your health! If you are having ANY health challenges may I
suggest eliminating all radiation from your life! To learn more read the following articles:
3) http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/.../cell-phone...
"The Autonomic system is affected by microwaves of the centimeter wave length band. These waves
affect circulation, respiration, temperature control, water balance, albumin and sugar concentration in
the cerebro-spinal fluid, hydrogen ion concentration, EEG, GSR, sleep, conscious awareness, etc."
- W. Bergman (The Effect of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System, 1965)
The pumpkin on the left is a healthy normal pumpkin that is cancer free.. The pumpkin on the right is a
degenerating cancerous pumpkin. Cancer by definition is a systemic acidic condition that affects the
weakest parts of the body. Cancer is a liquid NOT a cell. Cancer is an adjective NOT a noun. Cancer is what
happens to matter as a result in a change of the environment from base to more acidic. The acids that
cause cancer come from the environment, from the acidic food we eat, to the acidic liquids we drink, from
metabolism, from respiration and from the degeneration of matter. A cell becomes cancerous when it
changes its metabolism from respiration to oxidation. Keep in mind that matter does NOT get old it
MOLDS! Moldy pumpkins, moldy livers, moldy lungs, moldy breasts, moldy prostate, moldy pancreas,
moldy thyroid, etc. Mold, yeast and bacteria are nothing more than the biological transformation of
organized matter from a healthy state to an unhealthy state. Cancer is on the rise because of lifestyle and
dietary choices. The cure for cancer has been found in its prevention NOT its treatment. 1 in 2 men will be
diagnosed with cancer. 1 in 2.5 women will be diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is now the leading cause of
death worldwide! Say NO to Cancer with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. Eliminate acidic lifestyle choices
such as lack of exercise, lack of sleep, too much stress, the ingestion of alcohol, tabacco, drugs (prescrition
and recreational) coffee, tea, vinegar, mushrooms, algae, peanuts, corn, beef, chicken, pork, fish, dairy
products, soft drinks, energy drinks, sport drinks, carbonated water, just to name a few. Start exercising
everyday for 1 hour, Reduce stress by accepting what is and live in the abundance of gratitude and love,
drink 4 to 6 liters of alkaline green juice everyday, eat liberal amounts of green vegetables and green fruit,
take a sauna daily, take a salt bath daily, ingest liberal amounts of natural sea salts, eat liberal amounts of
polyunsaturate oils from hemp, avocado, olive, flax and borage, and drink only alkaline water at a pH of
9.5 and an ORP or -250mV. To learn more read The pH Miracle for Cancer, Reverse Cancer Now, The pH
Miracle, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and Sick and Tired. www.phmiracle.com
There is nothing more satisfying and life affirming than the act of loving and being loved. Love is essential
for our physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and it's very healing. The healing power of love can be
found through many different aspects.
Love is more than just a feeling, it is a whole body experience and it has a physiological effect on the body.
Have you ever noticed how much better you feel physically and how your mood improves when you
receive a hug or affection from someone who loves you or when you have expressed your love to
Not only does love improve our health, but it also lightens our load. Difficulties and challenges that life
presents us with are much easier to deal with when love is in our life. We feel more capable and happier.
It makes life richer and more worth living. Love can also help you get through the difficult times and it
assists you in the acceptance and adjustment process of living with a chronic health condition.
Cultivating love in your life is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health and to live life
more fully. Allow yourself to love deeply and completely.
This includes loving yourself, accepting who you are with all your limits. Loving yourself is essential to take
proper care of yourself and to participate actively in your health care journey.
Love Yourself! By choosing to nourish yourself with healthy food and lifestyle practices, you are sending a
message to yourself that you are worthy of nourishment. When you eat poor quality foods, binge, don’t
exercise, and don’t make time for the things in your life that keep you happy and healthy, you are telling
yourself, with your actions, that you are not good enough or deserving of more.
Plus, regularly consuming foods and substances that are physically addictive such as refined sugar,
processed carbohydrates, chemical flavors and preservatives and alcohol prevent you from feeling
balanced and calm and having a clear mind. All of these foods create imbalances in your body and mess
with your moods: not a recipe for self-love.
You can see that choosing to take care of your body can be an effective first step to love yourself more.
You will show yourself you are worthy of making the best choices and investing time and energy. You will
start to feel better physically because of the healthy food you are eating and the attention you are giving
to other practices that make your body feel its best. You will also start to feel clearer and more capable,
mentally and emotionally, as no part of you is separate from another. If you give love and attention to one
part, the other parts will also be affected.
Whether you choose to work on your mind first or your body, the goal is to learn to accept and love
yourself so that you can be everything you wish to be. That’s a goal worth pursuing.
What are some ways you can start loving yourself more? Why do you think it’s so hard for us to wholly
accept ourselves? Have you found some tips and tricks you would like to share?
"Acid life or Alkaline Life? Old You or New You? Life is all about choices and the consequences of those
choices." Dr. Robert O. Young For the new you read The pH Miracle - www.phmiracle.com
Eating food like beef, chicken, pork or fish sets the stage for sickness and disease. Why" Because this kind
of food never liquifies... This is why I recommend the chewing of your food before swallowing to a liquid
or pureed state or blending or juicing your food to a liquid state before ingesting... The salivary glands, the
cover cells of the stomach, the pancreas and even glands in the small intestine all secrete sodium
bicarbonate to alkalize the food to a pH of 8.4 in preparation to be transformed into stem cells in the
crypts of the intestinal villi... ~ All non~liquified food is hopefully eliminated from the small intestine into
the large intestine to be discarded as toxic acidic waste...
Paul Coleman from Oxford, England and 3 time World Karate Champion has been engaged in the fight of
his life - metastatic prostate cancer to the lymph system and bones. He is following The pH Miracle for
Cancer Protocol and in 4 weeks his prostate has shrunk over 30 percent and is normal now and his tumor
has reduced in size from 3.1cm to 2.5cm. The lymph system is now clear and flowing properly. Keep up
the alkalizing Paul. You are well on your way to reversing your cancerous condition. To learn more about
the pH Miracle for Cancer Protocol read The pH Miracle for Cancer, Reverse Cancer Now and/or listen to
The pH Miracle audio CD's. www.phmiracle.com
4 things that cannot be hidden for long, the sun, the moon, the stars and the TRUTH.
4 things that connot be hidden for long:
1) The human body is alkaline by design
2) The human body is acidic by function
3) There is only one sickness and one disease and that is the over-acidification of the blood and tissues
due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking, and
4) There is only one health and one fitness and that one health and fitness is achieved by maintaining the
alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet!
This is the truth and truth will make you free from ALL sickness and disease.
Dr. Robert O. Young
To learn more read The pH Miracle revised and update, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for
Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer. www.phmiracle.com
Tim Hennessy
The health of your blood is a direct indicator of the health of your body. The blood never lies. Your body is
alkaline by design but functionally acidic. In other words, your body works to keep the pH of your blood
between 7.365 & 7.4. It does this by eliminating acid waste products from our food, exercise,
environment, etc. through the 4 channels of elimination: respiration, deification, perspiration, and
urination. If you keep putting too may acids in via your lifestyle & diet, then the body pushes these acids
into the tissues and other areas of the body in order to keep them away from your blood. Over time this
results into many symptoms that modern medicine labels as "diseases" but start out as an over
acidification of the body. Eliminate these acids and alkalize the body helps to begin the healing process
that can and will reverse most/many dis-eases. There much more to this but in a nutshell it is that simple.
So, here is my question to you: Which blood sample looks healthy to you and which ones look "diseased"?
The top row is a picture of live blood under a microscope and the bottom row is dried blood. Both tell a
different story about a person's health. So, which blood would you want to have?
BTW: I had my blood analyzed this way in 2007 and it changes the direction of my life. I found out I was
some what dehydrated (not enough water) and my blood showed way too much protein, along with some
yeast and mold - which made my white blood cells work harder to "clean-up" my blood. And some of my
blood cells looked like donuts (with a white center) - maybe my blood was mimicking what my diet was at
that time! Lastly, my blood wasn't uniform circles with good separation (caused from a healthy repelling
via positive and negative charges just like we learned in science classes). Mine were clumping together in
strings of blood cells. Needless to say, I made some changes starting that day. I'm far from perfect but
constantly improving my health through knowledge and education - which is the key to health in the first
Three year old granddaughter Andilyn Lisonbee shares her alkaline meal that was prepared by her alkaline
conscious Mother, Ashley Rose Young Lisonbee, daughter of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.
Cucumber juice helps bring down body temperature, is highly alkalizing and effective for removing uric
acid crystalization in joints, like in the case of GOUT. There may be a slight pain when drinking this juice -
it is the stirring of the old toxins to be eliminated. The celery and ginger will help reduce inflammation
during the cleansing. Perfect combo!
- 1 medium-sized cucumber
- 2 ribs of celery
- A slice of lemon
- 1-inch young ginger root
Read more about managing and maintaining the alkaline design of the body at www.phmiracle.com
Kindness, appreciation, friendship, love and charity are the real gifts of Christmas.
Are You not Ready to Face Monday?
Those who consume diets and juices high in Dark Leafy Greens are living a superior LIFE - spiritually,
physically, emotionally and mentally - and You can too!
The 30 Day Younga Yoga Plank Challenge will send your core strength through the roof! Yes, all you have
to do is HOLD this position, nothing else! It looks pretty easy, but it isn't!
Day 1 - 20 seconds
Day 2 - 20 seconds
Day 3 - 30 seconds
Day 4 - 30 seconds
Day 5 - 40 seconds
Day 6 - REST
Day 7 - 45 seconds
Day 8 - 45 seconds
Day 9 - 60 seconds
Day 10 - 60 seconds
Day 11 - 60 seconds
Day 12 - 90 seconds
Day 13 - REST
Day 14 - 90 seconds
Day 15 - 90 seconds
Day 16 - 120 seconds
Day 17 - 120 seconds
Day 18 - 150 seconds
Day 19 - REST
Day 20 - 150 seconds
Day 21 - 150 seconds
Day 22 - 180 seconds
Day 23 - 180 seconds
Day 24 - 210 seconds
Day 25 - 210 seconds
Day 26 - REST
Day 27 - 240 seconds
Day 28 - 240 seconds
Day 29 - 270 seconds
ENJOY this improved health and fitness! Share with your friends to help motivate others!
or more information on alkalizing exercising read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss. www.phmiracle.com
bitterness and resentfulness for many years, some pass their days suffering a deep sadness they cannot
name and others are unhappy because life didn’t turn out the way they thought it would.
So many people are stuck in the pain of their problems, unable to see beyond the hurt in their lives.
Giving thanks in such circumstances may seem impossible, but thankfulness is a powerful tool to heal
wounded hearts and transform our life.
This planet is a big school and we are here to learn and grow. We have the ability to choose how we will
react to life's adversity. When life's challenges bring us down we can choose to be angry and bitter or we
can choose to be humble and thankful. How can we remember to always give thanks for the blessings and
help we receive?
We have been blessed beyond what we could have every imagined. Don’t take everything that you have
for granted. So many people in the world are dreaming to have what many of us have.
If we are thankful for what we have, we will open our hearts for more, but if we will concentrate on what
we don’t have, we will never have enough. If we can start our day with thankfulness and gratitude, we can
literally change our lives for better. Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, because it acknowledges
everything we have and thankful for.
Today I’m grateful for My Health, Nutritious Food, My Family, My Home, Loyal Friends and Support; My
Work, Wealth, Education and Knowledge; Freedom and Peace; Trust, Faith, Love in my Heart, Joy and
Happiness; Excitement, Strength, Beauty and Sunshine; Opportunities to Give and Receive, to Learn, to
Help, to be Alive; for Every Moment in My Life…
Dear Facebook family please read and share the following article -Thanksliving this Holiday Season or No
Need for Obama Sickness Care.
This Thanksgiving and Holiday Season we now find ourselves as a nation and as a planet, in quite a bit of
political, economic, health and enviornmental disarray. We are all looking for ways to make ends meet
and cut down on the stress in our lives. So I will address these potentially acidic issues.
My guess is that many of you feel some sort of concern about financial and/or healthcare issues whether
it is the daily budget, dwindling savings, credit card bills, money for college bills, mileage and gas prices for
the aging family automobiles, a acute or chronic health issue, loss of healthcare insurance and so on. Its
the same at the Young homestead here at Rancho Del Sol. Every year I pray for more rain and try to figure
out how to save money on the expensive California water we need for thousands of avocado, grapefruit,
pomogranate and persimmon trees. I am always trying to figure out where to save money so I can use
that money to reach more people around the world with the pH Miracle living message of health and
If you read my emai letters, blog or facebook on a regular basis, you will know that I am quite positive that
following a healthy, organic, alkaline liveit with many raw, green vegetables will save you money over
time and best of all perserve your life from sickness and disease. The pH Miracle living plan is the ultimate
healthcare protection plan that pays you with good health and fitness.
Whether you have 25 to 50 more years to live, most medical expenses have traditionally occurred in the
later years of life. And, the best news is medical expenses can be a thing of the past. Once your body is
alkaline, and once you have rebuilt your blood with my C.O.W.S. program, and once the pH of your urine
is around 7.4 or greater on a consistent basis, you are well on your way to permanently increased health,
fitness and vigor as well as huge financial savings.
Remember, the #1 reason for bankruptcy in America for many years has been medical bills. That will not
happen to you. I hear from people all the time that pretty much the only reason they visit the doctor
anymore is to gloat a bit, to follow-up on some old ailment now in the rear-view mirror, to lecture the
poor old besieged doc on the importance of nutrition in health, or to give him a copy of The pH Miracle
book. By the way, if you write to me and tell me that you really did get your doctor to read The pH Miracle
book that Shelley and I wrote, I'll send you a free copy to replace the one you gave to your physician. I will
also be fascinated to hear your story. In fact, I may share it with everybody in one of these emails.
Many people who have been following a balanced pH Miracle alkaline liveit for many years tell me about
all the different ways they save money. Some people have replaced their health insurance with a
combination of self-insurance, accident insurance, a hospital indemnity policy, and disability programs.
Some people on Medicare have not purchased the Obamacare supplemental insurance because they have
not visited the former family physician for several years and are hoping not to for the rest of their lives.
Besides, they tell me, they aren't likely to go the acidic drug route anyway now that they know the
cucumber, avocado and green drink route.
Many have told us that they have saved money because they no longer have doctor visits, co-pays,
pharmaceutical drugs, deductibles, tests, clinic and lab fees, medical gadgets, lost time and sick days, and
so on. Not to mention the increased energy, creativity, and productivity.
Now lets talk about emotional stress. About two years ago, I emailed you an article about Mother Theresa
whose level of consciousness allowed her to function in love, joy, peace and enlightenment. Many of you
said that you enjoyed that article. Such states of mind--whether they are linked to experiences that are
primarily sensory, emotional, psychological, intellectual or spiritual--can only be accompanied by an
absence of stress at the physiological or body level.
If you read my emails, Blog, Twitter, or Facebook with any consistency, then you know that there is a solid
scientific link between the mind and the body (especially the bowels), the psychosomatic or the
"somatopsychic." It goes both ways. I started hearing the world psychosomatic at least 40 or 50 years ago.
The mind can cause the body to suffer and the body (the bowels) can cause the mind to suffer. Therefore,
it makes good sense to take care of both because the bowels do affect the health of the brain.
I have discussed from time to time the importance of minimizing emotional stress in our lives. When our
minds are filled with thoughts and feelings that include the negative perceptions and experiences of fear,
anger and sadness, we are vulnerable to the creation of excessive bodily acid. Toxic acids are actually
secreted from various parts of the body directly into the bloodstream when we are in a negative
emotional state. It is important to understand that every thought produces an acidic waste product if NOT
eliminated through the four channels (urination, perspiration, defecation and respiration) of elimination
can make you sick, tired and fat.
On the other hand, leading a life that includes more experiences in what I call the 'love zone' can be a
challenge. I forget who coined the word 'love zone', but this state of being includes feelings of affection,
joy, compassion, empathy, kindness, happiness, peace and bliss. But living in this zone--you may have
noticed--is easier said than done. The world seems so often to pull mightily at the most vulnerable areas
of our lives. Our preoccupation with the outer world and things over which we have no control can keep
us from entering into those precious moments or hours in the stress-free 'love zone'.
There is one thing in particular that we can do to help us frequent this zone as much as possible. And I will
back into this concept with a little story which I enjoy. I call this the 1,000 avocados for God story. It goes
like this:
A plantation owner, somewhat foolishly accustomed to bartering with God, prayed for a good harvest. He
pleaded thusly: "Dear God, if You would please bring me a great avocado harvest, as a service I will give
You 1,000 avocados from the harvest."God granted him a great harvest.
Thus, the plantation owner loaded up a thousand avocados in his wagon and had his foreman deliver
them to the temple. Along the way, the foreman was pestered by two little beggar boys who pleaded for
an avocado to ward off their hunger. "Shoo, shoo, go away," said the foreman, knowing that the
plantation owner had loaded exactly 1,000 avocados.
The hungry little boys ran alongside the wagon and continued to beg. Finally, the hired hand relented and
gave each of them an avocado. He thought to himself, who would count all these avocados and know that
two are missing from a thousand?
But the plantation owner had warned the chief overseer of the temple to count the avocados to make
sure that the foreman had not sold some along the way. He found out that two were missing and had
been given to beggars and the plantation owner fired the foreman. That night the plantation owner had a
dream. In his dream, God came to him and said, I have granted your prayer for a great harvest, but you
have not kept your agreement.
The plantation owner pleaded his case, But God, I took the avocados to you just as I said. God replied,
Well, I am sorry that you are in error my friend, because so far, I have received only two. I think you can
see why I enjoy this story. And it has many implications far beyond the simple notion that Divine
Providence and charity are related. In fact, we might say that Divine Providence resonates to charity.
There is a great deal of emerging evidence and a wonderful new area of study which says that there is a
human field of energy which is very subtle, yet powerful, pervasive and immortal.
There is a field of energy which connects every one of us to every one of us. Some refer to this energy as
levels of consciousness--and the study of this energy focuses especially on various states of higher
consciousness. Regardless of our personal level of consciousness, we are not only connected to this field
of energy, but we are influencing it just as it influences us in return. There is emerging evidence, both
experiential and research, that says that as our level of consciousness rises, our body has an increasing
ability or tendency to heal itself. There are increasing numbers of prayer studies that show that healing is
affected by prayer.
In Dr. David Hawkins book, Power Vs. Force, he designates and describes our levels of consciousness from
low to high levels. In the pathological area, he lists (low to high) shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire,
anger, and false pride. The ascending corresponding emotions at those lower levels are humiliation,
blame, despair, regret, anxiety, craving, hate, and scorn. As we pass from pathological states into higher
states of health and well-being, Hawkins designates and defines (low to high) courage, neutrality,
willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. The ascending corresponding
emotions at these higher levels are affirmation, trust, optimism, forgiveness, understanding, reverence,
serenity, bliss and ineffable.
By contemplating upon these two hierarchies of human levels of consciousness and corresponding
emotions, you can easily see the beauty that unfolds as we achieve higher and higher levels of
consciousness. Higher levels mean less stress, or course, which means less acid in our body. The simple
question then becomes, what is it that I can do to help myself achieve an increasing degree of health,
happiness and serenity in my own life? As I have written before, a healthy and peaceful lifestyle includes
choosing an alkaline and nutritional diet, exercise, rest and relaxation, good company, doing work which
you enjoy, body massage, meditation, living in faith, sincere gratitude, a reverence for all life, and so on.
Some will argue that these conditions are difficult to achieve in a world of disarray.
Just viewing the problems of hunger and homelessness in the world is frightening. In America, we are told
that more than 5 million people are now losing or have lost their healthcare insurance due to a faulty
Obamacare or sickness care. And so, how can we ascend to levels of peace in such a world with so much
apparent negativity? What else is it that we can do to ascend our own levels of consciousness and
somehow feel a greater sense of love, the absence of fear, and more acceptance of so many people with
whom we seem to have nothing in common, little understanding, a different set of values, and with whom
we perceive ourselves to operate from a completely different belief system about the world?
How do we come to a sense of peace and diminish our reflexive stress--the same emotional stress that
causes acidic reactions in our body--to the many seemingly unacceptable political, economic, unhappy
human elements that surround us?
I believe that my New Biology and New Medcine will soon confirm what some have known over the
millennia. Virtually all Holy Scripture from all the major religions are in accordance with the idea that the
highest devotion to God--man's greatest gift to the energy field of the world in which we are all
encompassed--is SERVICE TO MANKIND. Research into higher consciousness tells us that the energy of
loving service is recorded in the universe on into infinity.
Thus, this Thanksliving and Holidagy Season approaches in the problematic year of 2013 and 2014, one of
the greatest stress-releasing gifts we can give to ourselves is to give the gift of service to others. And
nothing fosters charitable feelings like charitable actions. Nothing fosters more the acceptance of other
people than lending a helping hand. Nothing will bring forth the peace and wisdom that we need to create
within ourselves more than providing service to the poor, the needy, the uneducated, the downtrodden,
and the sick and afflicted.
Look for service projects in your area and take your family into the world to help others. And over time,
nothing will help you to diminish the stress inside your own body more than helping to diminish the stress
in those around us. What goes round comes round, and to whatever degree your load of avocados means
abundant energy, creativity, intelligence, leadership, money, or time for everyone in the world, I know
that you can figure out how to deliver more than just two avocados.
Natural Ice Tea!
Most tea like Lipton Ice Tea....is highly acidic. Here's a recipe that is alkaline and highly hydrating.
Lemons, Limes and Grapefruits seem acidic, but in truth, they are low in acid sugars and high in potassium
bicarbonate salt making them beautifully alkaline.
So, in this recipe, we are using ORGANIC Limes, Lemons, grapefrutis and/or Raspberries. These are all
alkaline and the perfect liquid to drink if you are tired of drinking tasteless water.
You can make this in the morning and keep it throughout the day in the refrigerator. Why? Because the
high lemon and lime juices keep it in tact. But don't leave it for more than 12 hours. This can be made in
the morning and consumed throughout the day!
1 Organicc Lime, juiced without skin
1 cup Organic Grapefruit or Raspberries
1 Organic Lemon and 1 Organic Lime cut into 4ths to use inside the large double quart container
The mercury used in the Flu vaccine is potentially dis-ease and death causing. Protect yourself with an
alkaline lifestyle and diet. The flu is nothing more than a symptom of severe metabolic acidosis caused by
an acidic lifestyle and diet.
To learn more read Sick and Tired and A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV AIDS
Hypothesis by Dr. Robert O. Young. www.phmiracle.com
Raw Vegan Alkaline “Green Milk” from the PH Miracle Center
• To make the green juice:
• 2 large cucumbers
• 2 large ribs celery
• 2 – 3 large handfuls spinach
1. Process all ingredients through your Omega Juicer.
2. Strain this juice for cleansing purposes and texture. Set aside.
3. Makes 2 1/2 cups of strained juice.
• To make the concentrated almond milk:
• 2 cups raw soaked and rinsed almonds
• 4 cups filtered water.
1. Blend ingredients in your Vita-Mix on high for about 1 minute until well combined.
2. Strain with a nut milk bag or sheer knee high panty hose.
3. Makes 2 1/2 cups strained almond milk.
4. To make "Green Milk":
5. Mix equal parts green juice and almond milk and consume as desired.
Using pHoton interference photography you can. see the evidence that the brow chakra vortex exists. The
energy field or aurora around the head is also visible.
Jay Kordich - The Juice Man shares the following green juice recipe.
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young are friends of ours (authors of the PH Miracle....and this is what they drink
daily and this is what we drink almost everyday in the summertime.) Experts in the industry who believe
in alkaline foods and juices know this is one of the REAL Power tonics, so i was thinking that today is the
day to share it with you all.
There's nothing like the combination of Celery, Cucumber and Green Cabbage, but it also has a history of
not 'tasting' all that great.
10 ribs Celery
2 cups Green Cabbage
2 large Cucumbers
2 Limes without skin
1 inch fresh Ginger Root
1 Red Delicious or Golden Delicious Apple - You can leave the apple out if you are dealing with any serious
health challenge such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease.
This Tonic is not heavy, in fact it's very light and HIGHLY ALKALIZING!
I suggest you drink this after a good workout, or after you come home from work.... or if you want to
cleanse out a MEAL that you ate, you're not happy with....because this Tonic will cleanse your system,
especially if you drink over 1 quart within an hour.
Jay Kordich
Please watch this Coca-Cola Commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHhCP5ad-zM... The acids
in soda pop, including carbonic acid and phosphoric acid will compromise the delicate alkaline pH of the
blood and then tissues leading to sickness and disease,
including #allergies, #diabetes, #obesity, #heart #diseasse and #cancers. To learn more read The pH
Miracle Revised and Updated
- www.phmiracle.com, .@usatoday,.@wsjhealth,.@nbcnews,.@abcnews,.@cbsnews,.@cnnnews,.@bbcn
Today, here and now. After one month following the pH Miracle 80/20 raw alkaline vegan diet, yoga and
daily meditation... Less stress, less media junk, less drama... This is what I call healthy self love diet, highly
recommended! The benefits for me are indescribable: raise in energy levels, better sleep, clearer mind
and definitely stronger intuition Sorry about the hair, haha it is a lazy morning — To learn more about the
pH Miracle healthy self-love diet read the pH Miracle I and II and the pH Miracle for Weight
Loss. www.phmiracle.com
Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and
say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. This innovative
program, proven effective over decades, works with your body chemistry to revitalize and maintain your
health. Learn from Dr. Robert Young how to balance your life and diet with the incredible health benefits
of the pH Miracle program. To learn more about the pH Miracle Protocol read The pH Miracle revised and
updated. www.phmiracle.com
For decades doctors have documented the placebo effect -- in which patients feel better after getting fake
treatments (sugar pills, saline injections, sham surgeries) they believe to be the real thing. The placebo
effect is a ubiquitous phenomenon. We all experience some degree of the placebo effect on a regular
basis. But do placebos merely trick the mind or can they genuinely heal the body?
The mind can play such an important role in healing. But it's hard to dispute the fact that up to 70 percent
of patients in clinical trials see their symptoms improve simply from a placebo. And doctors are observing
these changes on a physiological level. The science proves that placebos don't just change how you feel;
they can change your biochemistry.
When you're given a medicine -- placebo or not -- that you believe will help treat whatever is ailing you,
your body's relaxation response can naturally turn on. These positive thoughts can set off the release of
healing alkalzing minerals and neurotransmitters -- such as sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate,
dopamine, nitric oxide, and endorphins -- into your bloodstream. The effects of these chemicals can be
powerful: Sodium bicarbonate can be released to buffer dietary and/or metabolic acids or nitric oxide can
increase blood flow to your organs, for instance, and endorphins can act like nature's morphine, dulling
But in some cases, negative thinking is the cause of the "nocebo effect" -- in which patients feel worse
after learning that a treatment may have negative side effects. Our body's natural self-repair systems
can't work properly if we're chronically stressed or pessimistic. They're more effective when the relaxation
response is dominant.
By studying placebo and nocebo effects, today we are beginning to understand how medical symbols
affect the patient’s brain or, in other words, how positive or negative psychosocial contexts can change
the brain and body functioning of the patients.
A Pet scan of metastatic bone cancer - before and after 12 weeks on the pH Miracle for Cancer Protocol.
"The human body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. All sickness and disease is caused by
personal acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. True health and fitness is achieved with personal alkaline
lifestyle and dietary choices. Choose an alkaline lifestyle and diet and enjoy a life of health, fitness,
energy, vitality, peace and love." Dr. Robert O. Young www.phmiracle.com
The following electron micrograph at 250,000 x's magnification is revealing the acidic cancerous tissue of
the lung giving birth to yeast, mold, and algae. God forbid you EVER ingest yeast in any form, mushrooms
of any kind, mold or ANY s-called healthy blue-green algae or spirulina. This electron micrograph is
evidence of an acidic condition and the morbid... biological transformation of lung tissue matter into
yeast, mushrooms, algae, and mold. The lies and deceptions abound around the health benefits of yeast,
mushrooms, mold tintures, and algae. There are NO health benefits in the ingestion of any form of yeast,
any type of mushroom or mold or any kind of algae. I have yet to see the health benefits of ingesting
mushrooms, nutritional yeast, green teas, or algae. if you are taking supplements with any bacteria, yeast,
mold, mushroom, enzymes, and algae's you do so at the risk of your health and fitness. All of these
biological forms are the transformations of decaying and dead bodies!
All these foods are excellent for building and detoxifying the blood and tissues except for spiralina and
blue-green algae. Read The pH Miracle books 1 and 2 - www.phmiracle.com
Which world are you choosing? Read The pH Miracle by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
Dr. Booth Danesh MB, Ph.D, FRCO, Consultant Physician, Gastroenterologist, Resesrch Scientist with Dr.
Robert O. Young, D.Sc., Ph.D. ND, alkalizing and energizing with an organic green shake containing
avocado, grapefruit, cucumber, coconut meat, coconut water and finally cucumber. All of these organic
fruit and vegetables were mixed together in a Vitamix to a creamy state making a delicious shake.
Foods that Kill - One of the reasons corn and all corn related products are one of my top ten foods to
NEVER eat. Here are the other nine foods to NEVER eat:
1) Vinegar
2) Alcohol
3) Soy sauce
4) Peanuts
5) Soda drinks including carbonated water
6) Mushrooms
7) Dairy products, especially cheese and yogurt
Animal flesh including pork, chicken, turkey, duck, and beef, and
9) Eggs.
To learn more about the alkaline pH Miracle lIfestyle read The pH Miracle books 1 and 2, The pH Miracle
for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The pH Miracle for Men and
Women, Sick and Tired and The Back to the House of Health books 1 and 2 - www.phmiracle.com
The Healing Power of Alkalizing Spices!
Here's one of our favorite, most powerful, anti-aging, anti-cancer tonics that, when taken regularly will
help ward any kind of dis-ease of the body.
8 Cucumbers
2 cups Parsley
1.5 inches of fresh Turmeric
1 clove Garlic (you can keep the skin on)
1 inch fresh Ginger Root
2 cups of Spinach
1 Lime
2 stalks of Celery
It may be a bit spicy, but it will transform bacteria, yeast and mold in the body, including mucous,
exotoxins and mycotoxins. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice (do it separately otherwise it will be too
bitter) and you've got one heck of a powerhouse.
Happy alkalizng Juicy! Hope to see you at the Rancho del Sol/pH Miracle Living Center.
"Las Vegas was built upon people losing their life savings. Big Pharm was built upon people losing their
health, energy, vitality and their life savings. You staying sick makes Big Pharma rich. Sickness and disease
is a consequence of acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. Just as health and fitness is a conseqence of what
you eat, what you drink and what you think. Stay healthy and fit on an alkaline lifestyle and diet. It is the
only way." Dr. Robert O. Young To learn more on how to take care of your body and keep it healthy and
strong without Big Pharma drugs then read The pH Miracle Books 1 and 2. www.phmiracle.com
"GMO stands for 'God Move Over' Monsanto is taking over." Dr. Robert O. Young Corn and all corn related
food products are acidic/toxic to the body and should never be ingested. Read The pH Miracle books 1
and 2. www.phmiracle.com
The out come of eating an alkaline raw food plant based diet! The pH Miracle diet excludes all fried food
and red meat. Stop eating shirmp aka (roaches) and fried chicken it destroys the intestinal villi or root
system of the body and will eventually kill you. The pH Miracle diet includes liberal amounts of green fruit
and vegetables, especially avocado, broccoli, spinach, kale, parsley, grasses, nuts and seed sprouts and
oils, mineral salts, and alkaline water. To learn more about the pH Miracle diet read The pH Miracle books
1 and 2, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The pH
Miracle for Men and Women, Sick and Tired, and the Back to the House of Health books 1 and
2. www.phmiracle.com If you want to build strong muscles you build it with healthy blood. Healthy
muscle is made from healthy blood and healthy blood is made from electron-rich, chlorophyll-rich, green
fruit and vegetables.
Brian Claypool, from San Diego, California, a pH Miracle Coach and Microscopist shares his experience
with Dr. Robert O. Young, The pH Miracle Protocol, The pH Miracle Center, The Rancho del Sol and the
clients/patients who have reversed their chronic dis-eases.
Today was a very special day that made my heart so happy. I visited the pH Miracle Ranch with my
brother and pH Miracle success story, Marcos Rodriguez to see Dr. Robert O. Young. Marcos was sharing
his video testimonial of healing Stage 4 Colon Cancer following the alkalizing protocol. Dr. Young for those
of you who don't know is a truly genius and pioneering scientist who has continued the extremely
important work of bringing a new, more accurate paradigm to microbiology. A truly holistic
understanding. Healing the curse of Pasteur's Germ Theory. Taking the understanding of the human
organism and design of the body to completely new levels of understanding. I have been studying and
training with Dr. Young for the past 4 years as a nutritional microscopist (live and dry blood cell analysis). I
have also worked with and been mentored by a few of his top docs, health coaches and healers. It has
truly been a blessing and a dream for me as I had originally learned of this science 16 years ago. Dr. Young
is bringing a more complete understanding of human biochemistry of which mainstream medicine has
mis-understood for so long. What has been even greater over the years is to personally hear the stories of
people healing from even the most terminal cases imaginable, many given weeks and days to live. Of
almost every imaginable dis-ease. The verifiable healings rolling in from all over the world and are only
growing more and more. The facts are out, the people are sharing their stories and and their medical
documentation to prove it. The truth is in our hands, it's time to spread it and support all our family in
healing. It's only a matter of time people. Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, MS, Parkinsons and
the list goes on. We can wipe these diseases out. It's all an ACID condition. And by integrating the
principles of alkalizing the body and giving it what it truly needs it will thrive and grow as it has been
proven time and time again. What is also so great is NOW what is going on as his science is gaining
seriously huge momentum and acceptance globally including much of the scientific community and
healthcare systems. It's only a matter of time. And better yet there is some really good news coming up,
expect to hear a lot more about Dr. Young and the pH Miracle, and the science of alkalinity and Live and
Dry Blood Microscopy. Dr. Young is and will continue to be featured in some major publications and
television shows over the coming days and weeks including one major television show that is sure to help
blow the lid off of this thing. After all these years, after all the ridicule, all the false claims of quackery and
the disgusting character assassination of this man by a corrupted big pharma controlled healthcare
system that has for too long preyed on the suffering of people using a paradigm of fear. This fact is this
science is fundamentally sound and the more people educate themselves the more they will come to
realize the truth about sickness and disease. I just want to say Thanks Dr. Young for doing what you do
and standing for truth in science. It has been an honor, I love you and I'm looking forward to working with
you in empowering billions to heal and incorporating this science into our healthcare system. There is
much work to do. — with Marcos Rodriguez and Robert Young.
Dr. Robert O. Young shares with the Women of the World in 'First' for Women the 'Water Cure' for
Tiredness. Pick up your copy of 'First' for Women today at your local book store, grocery store or news
stand. You can also learn more about alkaline water and the importance of maintaining the alkaline
design of the body by reading or listening to The pH Miracle Books 1 and 2, Sick and Tired, Back to the
House of Health Books 1 and 2, Doc Broc and The Stonehinge Cave Adventure, Herbal Nutritional
Medications, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Men and
Women and The pH Miracle for Cancer. www.phmiracle.com or www.audible.com or www.amazon.com
Today we now have 'acid stores or shops' on every corner so those who are addicted to acid can drop acid
and get high daily. Of course acid is the cause of ALL sickness and disease! What is your favorite acid to
drop - alcohol, chocolate, coffee, soda drinks, sport drinks, so-called energy drinks, fast food, vinegar, soy
sauce, high fructose corn syrup, tabacco, sugar, GMO's, cocaine, LSD? Here is one of the World's favorites
for the daily fix -
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
The human DNA is a biological internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian
scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous
and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people
(namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.
In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and
reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.
Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to
western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.”
The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in
a venture to explore those 90% of “junk DNA.” Their results, findings and conclusions are simply
According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as
data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the
apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared
the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics
(the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of
our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did
not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the
vibrational behavior of the DNA. [For the sake of brevity I will give only a summary here. For further
exploration please refer to the appendix at the end of this article.] The bottom line was: “Living
chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser
radiation.” This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a
laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic
structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) is of the same structure, no DNA
decoding is necessary.
One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven!
Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and
even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used.
This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can
have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react
to language. While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them
elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism
through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.
Garjajev’s research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays
for example can be repaired. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and
transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. ?So they successfully
transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA
information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or
disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. This
represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation! All this by simply applying
vibration and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure! This experiment points to the
immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms
than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.
Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words
and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. Of course the frequency has to be
correct. And this is why not everybody is equally successful or can do it with always the same strength.
The individual person must work on the inner processes and maturity in order to establish a conscious
communication with the DNA. The Russian researchers work on a method that is not dependent on these
factors but will ALWAYS work, provided one uses the correct frequency.
But the higher developed an individual’s consciousness is, the less need is there for any type of device!
One can achieve these results by oneself, and science will finally stop to laugh at such ideas and will
confirm and explain the results. And it doesn’t end there? The Russian scientists also found out that our
DNA can cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! Wormholes are
the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by
burned-out stars)? These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through
which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of
information and passes them on to our consciousness. This process of hyper communication is most
effective in a state of relaxation. Stress, worries or a hyperactive intellect prevent successful hyper
communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless.
In nature, hyper communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of
life in insect states proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as
“intuition.” But we, too, can regain full use of it. An example from Nature: When a queen ant is spatially
separated from her colony, building still continues fervently and according to plan. If the queen is killed,
however, all work in the colony stops. No ant knows what to do. Apparently the queen sends the
“building plans” also from far away via the group consciousness of her subjects. She can be as far away as
she wants, as long as she is alive. In man hyper communication is most often encountered when one
suddenly gains access to information that is outside one’s knowledge base. Such hyper communication is
then experienced as inspiration or intuition. The Italian composer Giuseppe Tartini for instance dreamt
one night that a devil sat at his bedside playing the violin. The next morning Tartini was able to note down
the piece exactly from memory, he called it the Devil’s Trill Sonata.
For years, a 42-year old male nurse dreamt of a situation in which he was hooked up to a kind of
knowledge CD-ROM. Verifiable knowledge from all imaginable fields was then transmitted to him that he
was able to recall in the morning. There was such a flood of information that it seemed a whole
encyclopedia was transmitted at night. The majority of facts were outside his personal knowledge base
and reached technical details about which he knew absolutely nothing.
When hyper communication occurs, one can observe in the DNA as well as in the human being special
phenomena. The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen a typical wave
pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it
remained. Many control experiments showed that the pattern still came from the removed sample,
whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is
surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the
DNA was removed. The side effects encountered most often in hyper communication also in human
beings are inexplicable electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons concerned. Electronic devices
like CD players and the like can be irritated and cease to function for hours. When the electromagnetic
field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. Many healers and psychics know this effect
from their work. The better the atmosphere and the energy, the more frustrating it is, that the recording
device stops functioning and recording exactly at that moment. And repeated switching on and off after
the session does not restore function yet, but next morning all is back to normal. Perhaps this is
reassuring to read for many, as it has nothing to do with them being technically inept, it means they are
good at hyper communication.
In their book “Vernetzte Intelligenz” (Networked Intelligence), Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf explain
these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also quote sources presuming that in earlier times
humanity had been, just like the animals, very strongly connected to the group consciousness and acted
as a group. To develop and experience individuality we humans however had to forget hyper
communication almost completely. Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can
create a new form of group consciousness, namely one, in which we attain access to all information via
our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now
know that just as on the internet our DNA can feed its proper data into the network, can call up data from
the network and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy
or “remote sensing” about the state of relatives etc. can thus be explained. Some animals know also from
afar when their owners plan to return home. That can be freshly interpreted and explained via the
concepts of group consciousness and hyper communication. Any collective consciousness cannot be
sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality. Otherwise we would revert to a
primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated.
Hyper communication in the new millennium means something quite different: Researchers think that if
humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to
create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group
consciousness of the new kind. Fifty percent of today’s children will be problem children as soon as the go
to school. The system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the individuality of today’s
children is so strong that that they refuse this adjustment and giving up their idiosyncrasies in the most
diverse ways.
At the same time more and more clairvoyant children are born [see the book “China’s Indigo Children” by
Paul Dong or the chapter about Indigos in my book “Nutze die taeglichen Wunder”(Make Use of the Daily
Wonders)]. Something in those children is striving more and more towards the group consciousness of the
new kind, and it will no longer be suppressed. As a rule, weather for example is rather difficult to
influence by a single individual. But it may be influenced by a group consciousness (nothing new to some
tribes doing it in their rain dances). Weather is strongly influenced by Earth resonance frequencies, the so-
called Schumann frequencies. But those same frequencies are also produced in our brains, and when
many people synchronize their thinking or individuals (spiritual masters, for instance) focus their thoughts
in a laser-like fashion, then it is scientifically speaking not at all surprising if they can thus influence
Researchers in group consciousness have formulated the theory of Type I civilizations. A humanity that
developed a group consciousness of the new kind would have neither environmental problems nor
scarcity of energy. For if it were to use its mental power as a unified civilization, it would have control of
the energies of its home planet as a natural consequence. And that includes all natural catastrophes!!! A
theoretical Type II civilization would even be able to control all energies of their home galaxy. In my book
“Nutze die taeglichen Wunder,” I have described an example of this: Whenever a great many people focus
their attention or consciousness on something similar like Christmas time, football world championship or
the funeral of Lady Diana in England then certain random number generators in computers start to deliver
ordered numbers instead of the random ones. An ordered group consciousness creates order in its whole
Dr. Christina Andralia, a medical doctor from Jakarta, Indonesia improves her health and her skin with Dr.
Young's pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet. She states, "When I started the 80% alkaline diet a few
years back my skin was broken out but now the quality has improved. The easiest way to obtain better
quality of skin & body.....is all about living an alkaline lifestyle and diet."
Reversing Thalassaemia, Ulcerated Colitis, and Breast Cancer
The following is an unsolicited testimony of a young woman from London, England who has embraced Dr.
Robert and Shelley Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and has reversed her diagnosed conditions of
Thalassaemia, Ulcerated Colitis, and Breast Cancer. This testimony is an example of millions of people
around the world in over 72 countries who are NOW dis-ease free, drug free and living a life of health,
energy and vitality because of the work of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young and their pH Miracle Lifestyle and
Diet! This story will be included in their new book release The pH Miracle for Cancer - Preventing and
Reversing Cancer without drugs, radiation or surgery!
My name is Ulviye Ozevlat (Olivia). I am 42 years old mother of two and living in London, UK. From the age
of about 17 I had low haemoglobin/low iron levels in my blood. I felt extremely fatigued and wanted to
sleep all day. My Doctor put this down to the fact that I was a Thalassaemia genetic trait which is
described as a blood disorder affecting haemoglobin. I was prescribed iron tablets in the form of Ferrous
Fumarate 210mg. I took these tablets for about 7 years but the health of my blood did not improve. I still
felt very tired, unwell and dizzy all day. In 1995, I gave birth to my second child and soon after giving birth
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis which is a condition described as inflammation of a part of the
large intestine accompanied by stomach pains, extreme urge to go to the toilet with mucous and blood in
faeces. I had this condition for about 14 years. On average I had a flare up of ulcerative colitis 2 to 3 times
a year and when it came on it would last between a week and three weeks. I was prescribed Mesalazine
400mg (5-aminosalicylic acid) tablets, initially 4 tablets working up to 8 tablets depending on the severity
of colitis at the time. I had to go to 6 monthly appointments to have regular check-ups at the hospital,
routine blood tests and colonoscopies. My general health did not improve following my doctor's drug
treatment protocol.
My partner Mehmet has always commented on how the doctors were only trying to control the disease
rather than aiming at creating health. He practices Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and
he was an expert in Human Nutrition as he was preparing to undertake a PhD in Alternative Medicine.
Mehmet always argued with my doctors for their lack of knowledge and understanding in Nutrition. He
was very familiar with Dr Robert O. Young's work. His life revolved around health, psychology and
biochemistry but he had a special connection with The PH Miracle and always talked to me about it. He
loved to research and he gave a lot of credit to Dr. Young's The New Biology. In Mehmet's words: 'no
other scientific explanation on Human Biology can even come close to making a true sense as that of The
New Biology.' He was giving seminars on the Alkaline Diet and he was very busy helping people to lose
weight, stop smoking and generally coaching them to re-claim their health.
In July 2009 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and underwent lumpectomy on my left breast. It was
described as an aggressive grade 3 tumour. It was 17 millimetres in size. I was advised by my oncologist to
have chemotherapy and radiotherapy but I told them that I wanted to think about it. They agreed and
booked another appointment 2 weeks later. This is when my life began to change. I came home and sat
down with Mehmet and that is when I told him that I was ready to embrace The pH Miracle protocol. I
believed that my body was clogged up with acids, toxins and debris and that was the reason for my health
challenges. I went on an alkaline green juice diet for 7 days. I juiced everything from cucumbers, spinach,
celery, red peppers, green peppers etc. Mehmet taught me how to detox correctly and safely taking
correct blend of herbs and alkaline supplements. I felt so ill I could not explain but I knew that my body
was going through a healing crisis so I continued with the alkaline diet. After a week I introduced solid
foods but they were all green alkaline vegetables. I gave up coffee, chicken, beef, dairy, bread, potatoes
and rice. Was it difficult? Well of course it was but I began to get use to it. I soaked almonds overnight to
have them as snacks the next day. I started sprouting different seeds at home and used these as my
snacks and in salads. Anything alkaline I was on it. I was drinking around 3 to 4 litres of pH Miracle green
drinks a day with PuripHy pH drops. I added in The pHour Salts to increase the Alkalinity. Mehmet showed
me how to test my urine for acidity using pH Hydrion paper and explained to me how the acids in the
body corrode our cells and tissues. For the first time in my life, despite being diagnosed with breast cancer
and having had debilitating ulcerative colitis for 14 years, I actually began to feel better and set myself a
date to give up my Mesalazine tablets (for U.Colitis), and I did. It has now been over 3 years without
medication for Ulcerative Colitis. In the last 2 years I only had a flare up just once (normally this would be
4 to 6 times) and it was a lot milder than before.
I still continued with the diet and testing my urine pH daily. I was eating broccoli and avocado for
breakfast! We got rid of refined salt and replaced it with Real Salt. I use pHlavor Salt sprayed into my
mouth 10 -15 times a day, powerful anti-oxidant Glutathione, anti-bacterial colloidal silver, alkaline
Montmorillonite clay, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Co-enzyme Q10, Organic liquid chlorophyll, Aloe vera, Psyllium
Husks, pH Miracle pHlush as an internal cleanser and lots more (too long to list here).
I has now been 4 years and NO CHEMO, NO TAMOXIFEN and NO MESALAZINE for Ulcerative Colitis for 3
I still have my regular check-ups with my consultants: for Ulcerative Colitis and for breast cancer. My
consultant for Ulcerative Colitis believes that my success is to do with taking my medications regularly.
Little he knows that I have not touched those medications for 3 years! I feel that I will have to reveal the
truth to him one day because he may find out if he reads this. He might have a paradigm shift when he
does find out! He might well listen and give some credit to the PH Miracle and Dr Robert O. Young.
I have never felt this healthy in my life before!! Mehmet monitors everything I eat, drink and do. All my
supplements are specially prepared and there is ZERO Iron in them except which it occurs naturally in
Montmorillonite clay. I have to say that my Haemoglobin has improved from all time of 8.0 g/dl (very low)
to around 10.5 g/dl and that's without IRON TABLETS and this is all credit to Dr Young's good work and
advice. I realized that I did not need those acidic medications and iron?? No, No, No! Three years ago I
met lovely Dr Young in London and we had a meal together: Yes, you are right the meal was all
vegetables, yummy! He told me that he was impressed with what I was doing.
I don't remember a time in my life when I had not felt dizzy in the mornings or had not felt extremely tired
during the day. That is all in the past. Three years without medication for my Ulcerative Colitis?
Absolutely! The irony of it all is that I meant to be on medication for the rest of my life! Yeah right! As for
my breast cancer, well my attitude to life has changed. People who come to our house to visit us, at first
they expect a low-energy atmosphere. Absolutely not! People get shocked when they visit us. Health is
everywhere - all around us, there is positive energy everywhere and people comment on it. And it is
contagious because people want to do the things we are doing.
Lots of people contact us for information on this new journey that I have proudly chosen to travel. Some
people refer to this as a diet. Well it is not! It is a new pH Miracle lifestyle where your diet, thoughts,
beliefs, actions and expectations are in alignment with the natural laws of the universe. That is why you
feel at ease and at peace when you are on the pH Miracle Lifestyle.
Dr. Young, I know that you have helped so many people change their lives. Well, you truly have changed
This year America was crowned the Fattest Nation in the World! The number 1 contributor to obesity,
diabetes, cancer and death is the ingestion of acidic foods and drinks, especially soda pops, soda water,
energy drinks, sports drinks, coffee, tea and alcohol. Now this is what I call 'Truth in Advertising' The Acids
in carbonated drinks will leave you sick, tired and fat! The pH of soda drinks including soda water is less
than 3 with an energy reading of +300mV (Oxidative reduction potential or ORP). Included in the high acid
disease causing beverages would also be sports drinks, so-called energy drinks, coffee, tea, and alcohol.
The United States just became this year the Number 1 country for the condition of Obesity in the World!
Congratulaitons American. Now, get off your fat acids and go to health! The following video is a good start
on the truth. We need more commercials like the following from Big Government, Big Business, Big Food
(Monasnto and GMO food), Big Medicine and especially Big Pharma. Please share this video with
everyone you know, love and care about. The carbonic and phosphoric acid with the high fructose corn
syrup and/or Aspartame in carbonated drinks is causing obesity to diabetes to cancer and is killing us!
When the body cannot eliminate its own metabolic, respiratory and dietary acidic waste products they
are deposited into the connective tissues and finally into the fatty tissues. The more acid retained by the
body the more fat the body has to retain to park and store the excess metabolic and dietary acid. So if you
want to lose weight and you want to be healthy then get off your FAT ACID. Start drinking and eating
alkaline foods. Eat green foods and drink green drinks. Start exercising daily for 1 hour. Get at least 6
hours of restful sleep every night. Drink at least 4 liters of alkaline water every day. And most important
reduce ALL acidic stressors in your life.
For more information read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle
for Cancer, The pH Miracle Book 1 and 2, Sick and Tired, Back to the House of Health I and II, The Blood
The Third Anatomical Element, and the audio book, The pH Miracle for Men and Women. If you want
more go to www.articlesofhealth.blogspot.com where I have posted over 2000 articles.
You can also watch 1000's of you tube vidios on our you tube site at; The pH Miracle Channel.
Additional references:
http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/.../high-acid... and http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/search?
Dr. Robert O. Young is pictured below with his patient Deborah Tumlinson at the Health Freedom Expo in
Schaumburg Renaissauce Convention Center, in Schaumburg, Illinois. Deborah shares her before pictures
9 months after being diagnosed with Stage 3+ Sarcoma Breast Cancer and tested positive for the BRCA 1
gene. Her Doctors scheduled her for a radical mastectomy with follow-up chemotherapy. Three days prior
to her surgery she came to the pH Miracle Living Center and decided to start the pH Miracle Lifestyle
Protocol for reversing breast cancer and decided to postpone her surgery for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks on
the pH Miracle Cancer Protocol she went back to her Oncologist for an Ultrasound scan of the breast and
the technician found that tumour had shrunk from 3.18cm to just over 1cm. Her Doctor was amazed but
still recommended surgery. Deborah said thank you but NO thank you and continued on the pH Miracle
for Cancer Protocol. Six weeks later the tumour was gone with no surgery, no chemo and no radiation! All
that remained in the breast tissue was the titanium marker, marking the spot where the tumour had been
present. In addition to reversing her medically diagnosed sarcoma breast cancer she released 111 pounds
of acidic weight in 10 months and now weighs 106 pounds. She had liver disease and now her liver
enzymes are normal. She had high cholesterol and now she has normal cholesterol levels with LDL levels
of 113. She was pre-diabetic and now no longer pre-diabetic. She had low blood pressure which
normalized and mitro valve prolapse that repaired itself without surgery. She no longer had asthma and
no longer needed asthma medications. For the first time in ten years she didn't have to go to the hospital
for respiratory therapy. She had less than 10 percent mobility in her extremities and she is running over 3
miles a day. She lost her wrinkles, skin spots, cellulite, acne, liver spots, stretch marks, and sagging skin on
her waist line, buttocks and underarms. She released her 3 stomachs and 3 chins. She was irritable and
depressed and that is all gone. She looks 10 years younger and feels and acts 30 years younger. To learn
more about preventing and/or reversing dis-ease, even cancer, heart disease or diabetes and you are
interested in looking younger, feeling younger and acting younger then contact the pH Miracle Center at
760 751 8321 for a pH Miracle Coach or go to our website at: www.phmiracle.com I would also suggest
reading The pH Miracle books 1 and 2, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and
The pH Miracle for Cancer. www.phmiracle.com This weekend you can meet Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
personally at the Health Freedom Expo in Schaumburg, Illinois and learn how to prevent and/or reverse
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS, Lupus, arthritis, depression, with a drug-free alkaline lifestyle and diet
called The pH Miracle Lifestyle. Dr. Robert O. Young will be lecturing on Friday June 7th at 4pm and
Sunday, June 9th at 12pm. He will also be a member of a panel on June 7th at 2pm, June 8th at 4pm and
June 9th at 2pm on "Solving Cancer Today." Please share this post with everyone you love and care for
and let them know that there is a way to prevent and reverse ALL sickness and disease, including Cancer,
Diabetes and Heart Disease. Knowledge is Power and with the knowledge of the pH Miracle you can begin
to enjoy a life full of health, energy and vitality. Health and Fitness is All about Education NOT Medication,
Vaccination or Radiation! www.phmiracle.com
Dr. Robert O. Young's patient Deborah Tumlinson shares her before and after pictures after following the
pH Miracle Lifestyle. Deborah reversed her Stage 3+ Breast Cancer with a 3.18cm tumour on the pH
Miracle Lifestyle in 9 weeks. The tumour disappeared and all that remains now is the titanium marker,
marking the spot where the tumour use to be. She lost 110 pounds in 10 months and now weighs 106
pounds. She had liver disease and now her liver enzymes are normal. She had high cholesterol and now
she has normal cholesterol levels with LDL levels of 113. She was pre-diabetic and now no longer pre-
diabetic. She had low blood pressure with mitro valve prolapse that normalized. She had asthma and now
it is gone and for the first time in ten years did not go to the hospital for respiratory therapy. She had less
than 10 percent mobility and now she runs 3 miles a day. She lost her wrinkles, skin spots, cellulite, acne,
liver spots, stretch mark reduction, and she had 3 stomachs and 3 chins that are all gone. She looks 10
years younger and acts 30 years younger. To learn more about preventing and/or reversing dis-ease and
looking younger, feeling younger and acting younger contact the pH Miracle Center at 760 751 8321 or go
to our website at: www.phmiracle.com and read The pH Miracle books 1 and 2, The pH Miracle for
Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer. www.phmiracle.com This
weekend meet Dr. Robert and Shelley Young personally at the Health Freedom Expo in Schaumburg,
Though the mainstream media was nowhere to be found in covering it, the largest ever global protest
against genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) took place on May 25, 2013, in at least 52 countries and
436 major cities worldwide.
Education NOT Medications!
Ask your medical or holistic doctor the root cause of your health challenge which he/she is prescribing
medicines or natural drugs. If your doctor cannot tell you, it may be in YOUR BEST INTEREST to find a
health care professional who can explain the cause and effect relationship of your dis-ease.
Taking drugs for any dis-ease symptomology may only increase toxicity/acidity causing even more acute
and/or chronic symptomologies!
If you are on medications or supplements now, research the adverse effects to see if they may be
exacerbating your original symptomology or creating new conditions.
The answer to any Dis-Ease is Perfect HEALTH (pH)! ...they cannot occupy the same body.
Cancer is an acidic disease of the body fluids NOT a disease of the body cells, tissues, glands or organs. For
more information read The pH Miracle Books I and II and listen to the pH Miracle for
Cancer. www.phmiracle.co
What do all sugars, soda drinks, sport drinks, carbonated water, and crack cocaine have in common? They
are all highly acidic to the blood and tissues, they will decay teeth, bones, glands, organs and muscles and
set the stage for sickness and dis-ease! http://preventdisease.com/.../052913_Soda-and-Crack...
"You are what you eat, drink and think!" Dr. Robert O. Young Read The pH Miracle books 1 and 2.
Glyphosate, found in Monsanto's Roundup, is being deemed by publishers of a new study "one of the
most dangerous chemicals" being unleashed into the environment today. According to my own research
Roundup is a toxic acid causing sickness and disease. http://www.mdpi.com/1099-
4300/15/4/1416, http://www.enewspf.com/.../42941-review-highlights..., http://
www.foodandwaterwatch.org/.../new-review-points.../ For more information go
to: www.phmiracle.com and read The pH Miracle Book 2.
The Alkalizing Health Benefits of Coconut Milk:
1. Helps to reduce toxic blood sugar places:
Glucose intolerance may cause manganese deficiency in your body. Coconut milk is a rich source of
manganese. Whole grains, legumes and nuts are some other excellent sources of manganese.
2. Keeps skin and blood vessels flexible and elastic:
Copper is a very important mineral for most of the bodily functions. Copper and vitamin C help to
maintain the flexibility and elasticity of the skin and blood vessels.
3. Aids in building strong bones:
Coconut milk is not rich in calcium, but it is rich in phosphorus. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient that
the body needs for strengthening bones. It is must to take phosphorus with calcium particularly to
prevent bone loss because it supplies phosphate to the body.
4. Helps to prevent anemia:
Lack of iron is the most common nutrient deficiency among the people throughout the world. Iron
deficiency in body does not allow the body to develop enough hemoglobin for keeping sufficient oxygen
levels in red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Each cup of coconut milk supplies the body with nearly a
quarter of daily value of iron.
5. Relaxes muscles and nerves:
Whenever you feel muscle cramps or muscle soreness caused by excess acidity, have some food along
with coconut milk. It is rich in magnesium and can help you in relieving the problem caused by tissue
acidoisis. One of the functions of magnesium is it acts as a gate block in many nerve cells. If magnesium is
not present in body, nerve cells become very active because of calcium that activates nerves. Excess
contraction of muscles is caused by over-active nerve cells saturated in dietary and/or metabolic acids.
6. Helps in Controlling Weight:
This can be good news for people who are trying to reduce weight. Coconut milk makes you feel full very
quickly because of high concentrations of dietary fiber.
7. Decreases the risk of joint inflammation:
Selenium is an important antioxidant. It controls the free radicals and thereby helps in relieving the
symptoms of arthritis. It is observed that people with low levels of selenium may suffer from rheumatoid
8. Helps in lowering high blood pressure:
People who are concerned about their blood pressure will not face any problem consuming foods
containing potassium. Potassium is an alkaline mineral that helps in lowering blood pressure levels in the
body by keeping the delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids at 7.365.
9. Helps in maintaining healthy immune system:
Coconut milk helps in warding off the aicds that result in colds and coughs by keeping the immune system
healthy. It supplies vitamin C to the body which helps in circulation of the lymph and blood and the
removal of dietary and metabolic acids..
10. Promotes the health of prostate gland:
Zinc plays a vital role in promoting the health of the prostate gland. A preliminary study showed that it
buffers acids that cause cancerous cells.
Sugar is Acid. Sugar is Poison. Sugar is Addictive. Sugar is a neurotoxin. Sugar Destroys Gut and Brain Cells.
All Sugars are dietary and metabolic waste products. Sugar causes diabetes. Sugar causes dementia. Sugar
causes ADHD. Sugar causes arthritis, Sugar causes Osteoporosis. Sugar causes Alzhiemers. Sugar causes
depression. Sugar causes tooth decay, Sugar causes MS. Sugar causes heart disease. Sugar causes cancer.
Sugar is an acid that causes sickness and disease. The body runs on electrons NOT sugar! Get off ALL
sugar. When the body craves sugar that is the need for salt.
Salt is alkalizing. Salt transports electrons for cellular energy. Salt is life. Salt is necessary for making all
other elements. Salt builds sodium bicarbonate that buffers dietary and metabolic acids. Salt protects. Salt
preserves. Without salt there is no life. www.phmiracle.com
Deborah Tumlinson reversed her Stage 3 Breast Cancer, including a 3cm tumor which vanished in less
than 3 months without chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. She also lost over 100 pounds (216 to 105
lbs.) of excess acidic weight, cellulite, stretchmarks, wrinkles, sagging skin, eczema, and age spots in less
than 9 months. Now she looks ten years younger and feels 30 years younger following the pH Miracle
Lifestyle - a new way of living, eating and thinking. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF0vfvm4qUI To
learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet read The pH Miracle Book 1 and 2, The pH Miracle for
Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer. www.phmiracle.com
Aspergillus is one of the molds found in a sick or cancerous human or animal body. Remember you do
NOT get OLD you MOLD!
The Importance of Drinking Alkaline Water at a pH of 9.5 and an oxidative reduction potential of -250mV
to achieve extraordinary health, energy and fitness. http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/.../alklaine-
water... Read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, and The pH Miracle Book 1
and Book 2. www.phmiracle.com
Important information for all Women around the world who are concerned about bone health. Dr. Robert
O. Young's research on the cause of Osteoporsis has been validated. After looking at 34 published studies
in 16 countries, researchers at Yale University found that countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis
including the United States, Sweden, and Finland are those in which people consume the most meat, milk,
and other animal foods, which are all highly acidic
Despite the dairy industry funding study after study to try to prove its claims that consuming dairy
products will make your bones stronger, the truth is exactly the opposite. Eating dairy products contain
the acid lactose that breaksdown to galactose, glucose and lactic acid which destroys the bones.
The primary cause of osteoporosis is the high-protein and high sugar diet most people consume today.
Eating a high-protein and high sugar diet is like pouring acid rain on your bones. (The protein and sugar
increases production of acids in the blood and tissues which is then neutralized by calcium and
magnesium that is taken from your bones and muscles) Remarkably enough, if dairy has any effect, both
clinical and population evidence strongly implicates dairy in causing, rather than preventing, osteoporosis.
Read The pH Miracle I and II, The pH MIracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle
for Cancer and the soon to be released The pH Miracle for Women. The following links may also be helpful
in understanding the cause and the cure for Osteoporosis:
1) http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/.../cure-for-celica...
2) http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/.../the-cure-for-all...
Foods that are high in iron are also high in chlorophyll and alkaline minerals for the purpose of being
healthy blood and than healthy body cells. To learn more read The pH Miracle Book 1 and Book 2, The pH
Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer or visit our website
at: www.phmiracle.com
The red blood cell is the foundational cell for which all other body cells are created. It is the red blood cell
that becomes skin, heart, bone, teeth, eyes, liver, kidney, pancreas, thyroid, brain, muscle, tendon, sperm,
egg, prostate, ovaries, uterus, gonads, intestines, stomach, hair, etc. - every body cell (70 trillion) is made
from blood. The quality of the body cells is determined by the quality of the blood. The quality of the
blood is determined by the health of the intestinal villi and what you are eating, drinking, and thinking.
Why? Because embyonic blood cells are make in the crypts of the small intestinal villi. If you truly want a
healthy body then you need to have healthy blood. I have discovered after 30 years of research that
healthy blood is made from high chlorophyll- rich green foods and drinks. Heal the blood and you can heal
the body of ANY disease. You can remain healthy for life (life expectancy is 150 years). It is that simple.
Any questions read Chapter 3 and Chapter 11 of the pH Miracle 2 (revised and updated) or listen to the
pH Miracle 1 and 2 on audio now available to down load
from audible.com or amazon.com. or www.phmiracle.com.
Celery is high in sodium which helps to alkalize the blood and tissue and provide a matrix for the transport
of electrical energy to each individual cell of the body.
To learn of more alkaline recipes read The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for
Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer. www.phmiracle.com
The pH Miracle Center/Rancho del Sol is a NON-GMO real organic farm that grows avocado, grapefruit,
prisimon, lemon, lime, pomegranate, olive, broccoli, spinach, tomato, kale, just to name a few. In light of
the recent public anger over the Monsanto Protection Act, here’s a simple list of companies that use
Monsanto products. By avoiding products made by companies on this list, you can help ensure your
money isn’t going to Monsanto and also watch out for the health of your family and yourself.
There’s nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the
cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can
be collected.
We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control
food, they know it – it’s strategic. It’s more powerful than bombs. It’s more powerful than guns. This is the
best way to control the populations of the world.
The story starts in the White House, where Monsanto often got its way by exerting disproportionate
influence over policymakers via the “revolving door”. One example is Michael Taylor, who worked for
Monsanto as an attorney before being appointed as deputy commissioner of the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in 1991. While at the FDA, the authority that deals with all US food approvals, Taylor
made crucial decisions that led to the approval of GE foods and crops. Then he returned to Monsanto,
becoming the company’s vice president for public policy.
Thanks to these intimate links between Monsanto and government agencies, the US adopted GE foods
and crops without proper testing, without consumer labeling and in spite of serious questions hanging
over their safety. Not coincidentally, Monsanto supplies 90 percent of the GE seeds used by the US
market. Monsanto’s long arm stretched so far that, in the early nineties, the US Food and Drugs Agency
even ignored warnings of their own scientists, who were cautioning that GE crops could cause negative
health effects. Other tactics the company uses to stifle concerns about their products include misleading
advertising, bribery and concealing scientific evidence.
"Cancer is NOT a disease of the tissues but a disease or an acidic condition of the environment or body
fluids that are negatively affecting the alkaline condition of the tissues. In other words, cancer is an acidic
liquid not a defective blood or body cell that is dividing. It is dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or
metabolic acids that are not properly or adequately being removed through the four channels of
elimination, urination, perspiration, defecation and/or respiration that are then deposited into the
connective tissues and organs that causes a cancerous condition. Cancer is what happens to healthy
tissues and/or organs that are being bathed in acid". Dr. Robert O. Young - To learn more about the truth
about cancer read the pH Miracle revised and updated and The pH Miracle for Cancer on
audio. www.phmiracle.com
"At every lecture I give I ask one simply question to all those in attendance. The question is, "How many of
you here today believe that what you eat, what you drink, what you think and how you live affects the
quality and the quantity of your personal health, energy, vitality and fitness?" The answer is always a
unanimous and absolute, YES!" I have said for over thirty years that there is only one sickness, one disease
and one health. The one sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues
due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. And there is only one health and that is to live your
life in a way that will maintain and sustain the body's alkaline design. It is that simple." Dr. Robert O.
Young - Read the pH Miracle to learn how to maintain the body's alkaline design! www.phmiracle.com
The main molecule of the red blood cell is hemoglobin. The center atom of hemaglobin is iron which acts
as an electro-magnetic sink to pull oxygen into the red blood cell. The main molecule of green fruit and
vegetables is chlorophyll. The center atom of chlorohpyll is magnessium Magnesium acts as an electro-
magnetic sink to pull oxygen into the chlorophyll molecule. I have found in my own cellular research that
drinking and eating liberal amounts (12 to 16 servings) of green fruit and vegetables will increase red
blood cell counts, hemaglobin counts and hematocrit or blood volume counts up to 30 percent within 7
days. As red blood cell counts go up so will iron counts. I have also found that the increase of sodium
chloride or salt will increase iron counts. I suggest this happens as a result of the nuclear transformation
of the chloride ion as follows: Cl + O = Mn + H = Fe. This is not an equation of biochemistry but a new
science I call nuclear transformation where the protons of one element are lost or gained by another
element. Finally, foods high in sodium such as celery will also help increase hemoglobin and blood plasma
1 Organic Cucumber
1/2 Organic Red onion
1 Organic Tomato
1/2 Organic Advocado
1/4 Cup Organic Quinoa
1 Tbl spoon organic olive oil
1/2 Organic Lemon
Fresh organic mint (to tast)
pH Miracle Sea Salt