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ይህ የመስክ ላይ ሙከራ በኦሮሚያ ክልል ደንዲ ወረዳ በአርሶ አደር ማሳዎች ላይ ሇሁሇት ተከታታይ ዓመታት (ከ2006
– 2007 ዓ.ም) የተከናወነ ሲሆን ዋና አላማዉም የተፈጥሮ እና ሰዉ ሰራሽ ማዳበሪያዎችን በጤፍ ዕድገትና ምርት
እንዲሁም የአፈር ኬሚካላዊ ባህሪ ላይ ያላቸዉን ተጽዕኖ መገምገም ነበር፡፡ ይህንንም ሇማጥናት የፍግ፤
ቨርሚኮምፖስት፤ ኮምፖስት፤ ዩሪያ፣ ዳፕና የነሱን ቅልቅሎች በRCBD ዲዛይንና በሦስት ድግግሞሽ ተሞክሯል፡፡
ዉጤቱ እንደሚያሳየዉ የጤፍ ምርት እና የአፈር ኬሚካላዊ ባህርይ በተፈጥሮና ሰዉ ሰራሽ ማዳበሪያ መጠቀም አመርቂ
ሇዉጥ አሳይቷል፡፡ በመሆኑም 4.8ቶን ቨርሚኮምፖስት እና 34.5 ኪ.ግ ናይትሮጅን እንዲሁም 30 ኪ.ግ ፎስፌት በሄ/ር
በመጠቀም 3144.8 ኪ.ግ የጤፍ ምርት እና 12562.5ኪ.ግ ገላባ በሄ/ር ተገኝቷል፡፡ በመቀጠልም 69 ኪ.ግ ናይትሮጅን
እና 60ኪ.ግ ፎስፌት በመጠቀም 2846ኪ.ግ የጤፍ ምርት እና 11833.3 ኪ.ግ የገላባ ምርት በሄክታር ተገኝቷል፡፡
በሌላ በኩል የተፈጥሮ ማዳበሪያዎችን በመጠቀም የአፈር ካርቦናዊ ቁስ ይዘት፣ የጠቅላላ የናይትሮጅን ይዘት፣ የፎስፈረስ
እንዲሁም የአፈር pH ይዘቱ የተወሰነ ሇውጥ ሊያሳይ ችሏል፡፡ ይህ በእንዲህ እንዳሇ 3.2 ቶን በሄ/ር ቨርሚኮምፖስት፤
2.37 ቶን በሄክታር ኮምፖስት እና 1.37 ቶን በሄ/ር ፍግ አደባልቆ መጠቀም ከፍተኛ የሆነ ትርፍ ያሇዉና አዋጭ
የማዳበሪያ አጠቃቀም መሆኑ ተረጋግጧል፡፡
A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive cropping seasons (2013-2014) on
farmers’ fields in Dendi district of Oromiya Regional State. The objective of this study was to
evaluate the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of tef and soil
chemical properties. The treatments included eleven selected combinations of organic and
inorganic nutrient sources (Farm yard manure, vermicompost, Compost, Nitrogen and
Phosphorus). The design was randomized complete block with three replications. Results
showed that tef yield, some yield components and soil chemical properties are significantly
affected by the application of organic and inorganic fertilizer sources. The highest tef grain yield
(3144.8kg ha-1) and biomass yield (12562.5kg ha-1) were obtained from the applications of half
doses of vermicompost (4.8t ha-1) which is based on recommended N equivalent and half doses
of the recommended nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (34.5kg ha-1N and 30kg ha-1P that half
dose contains) followed by 2846 kg ha-1and 11833.3 kg ha-1for grain yield and biomass yield,
respectively, due to the application of the full recommended N and Prates (69kgN ha-1and 60kg
P ha-1). Application of the different organic fertilizers improves the organic matter, Total N,
available P and pH of the soil in the study area. The result also showed that the highest
marginal rate of return was obtained from application of 3.2t ha-1vermicompost + 2.37t ha-1
conventional compost + 1.37t ha-1 farmyard manure (based on equivalent N rate, which is
economically the most feasible alternative on vertisols of central Ethiopian highlands.
Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of tef [78]
Rong et al., (2001) reported that combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers
decreased soil bulk density, increased soil moisture, soil fertility, and improved maize
grain quality. It is also a fact that organic fertilizers increase yields of crops significantly
over inorganic fertilizers mainly because these materials decompose, and hence release
nutrients gradually over the crop growth period and they also build up organic carbon
content essential for maintaining soil structure and the water holding capacity of the soil.
The use of organic matter such as animal manures, human waste, food wastes, backyard
wastes, sewage sludge and composts has long been recognized in agriculture as beneficial
source for plant nutrients and thereby improving, yield of crops. Traditional composting
of organic wastes has been known for many years but new methods of thermophilic
composting have become much more popular since it eliminates some detrimental effects
of organic wastes in the soil and it is also cost effective and environmentally sound
process for treatment of many organic wastes (Hoitink and Keener, 1993). When the
composting process is assisted by the presence of the earthworms in the compost heap, it
is named vermicomposting. It is a non-thermophilic process by which organic materials
are converted by earthworms and micro-organisms into rich soil amendments with
greatly increased microbial activity and nutrient availability.
Then again, the most common chemical fertilizers used in Ethiopia are diammonium
phosphate (DAP) and urea. Chemical fertilizers are also becoming very costly for farmers
to apply the full recommended rates. On the other hand, sole application of organic
Girma and Gebreyes [79]
matter is constrained by access to sufficient organic inputs, low nutrient content, high
labor demand for preparation and transporting. Thus, the integration of organic and
inorganic sources can improve and sustain crop yields without degrading soil fertility
status. In this regard, integrated use of N and P and FYM are better than application of
either N and P or FYM alone for maize production (Wakene et al., 2004). Similarly,
Tolessa (1999a) indicated that application of FYM every three years at the rate of 16 t ha-1
supplemented by N and P fertilizer annually at the rate of 20-46 kg N-P2O5 ha-1 was
recommended for sustainable maize production around Bako area. The integrated use of
4.53 t ha-1 FYM and 37 kg N ha-1 were recommended for tef production on Vertisols of
central highlands (Teklu and Hailemariam, 2009). The integrated use of 5 t ha -1 of
compost either with 55/10 or 25/11 kg of N/P ha -1 is economical for maize production in
Bako Tibe district. In another study conducted at Hawassa, Southern Ethiopia, the
integrated use of coffee byproducts and N fertilizer increased N uptake and grain yield of
haricot bean and maize. Coffee residue along with N fertilizer positively influenced soil
moisture, soil nitrogen and organic matter, grain and water use efficiency of maize
(Tenaw, 2006). Integrated use of 23/20 kg N/P ha-1 with 20 t FYM ha-1 or 46/40 kg N /P
ha-1 with 10 t FYM ha-1 are recommended for wheat around Hagerselam, and barley and
potato producers around Chencha. The integrated use of 5 tons ha-1 of compost either
with 55/10 or 25/11 kg of N/P ha -1 is economical for maize production in Bako Tibe
districts. Applications of the full-recommended doses of NP fertilizers integrated with
five ton per hectare crop residue are advised to improve the fertility of these soils for
sustainable maize production in Haramaya area. According to Balesh et al. (2007), tef was
most responsive to FYM and compost on Vertisols and Nitisols. This experiment was
therefore, carried out with objective of determining the effect of farmyard manure,
compost, vermicompost, and N and P fertilizers and their combinations on the yield and
yield components of tef.
Experimental Site
The trial was conducted at Ginchi, West Shewa Zone of Oromiya Regional State for two
consecutive cropping seasons (2013 and 2014). Geographically, the experimental site is
located at 090 02’N and 380 12’E and an altitude of 2200 masl at a road distance of about 74
km West of Addis Ababa. The area is characterized by a unimodal rainfall pattern and
receives an average annual rainfall of 1080 mm, about 85% of which is received from June
to September (Figure 1). The annual average minimum and maximum air temperatures
are 9 and 24C, respectively (Getachew and Amare, 2004). Vertisols, which are known for
their high water-logging problem, are the dominant soil type at Ginchi area. The crops
widely grown in the study area include wheat and tef, whereas chickpea, grasspea and
others have low area coverage and mostly grow on residual soil moisture at the end of the
rainy season. Tef variety (Kuncho) was used as test crop in the experiment. The rates of
organic fertilizers applied were based on the recommended N equivalent rate for the test
Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of tef [80]
Figure 1: Monthly total rainfall for 2013, 2014 and 2015 cropping season at Holeta and around the trial sites.
1. Control-without fertilizer
2. Recommended rate of NP (69 N kg/ha and 60 P kg/ha)
3. Compost (7.1t/ha)
4. Farmyard manure (FYM) 4.1t/ha
5. Vermicompost (9.6 t/ha)
6. Vermicompost (50% of treatment 5) + Compost (50% of treatment 3)
7. Vermicompost (50% of treatment 5) + FYM (50% of treatment 4)
8. Vermicompost (33% of treatment 5) + Compost (33% of treatment 3) + FYM (33% of
treatment 4)
9. Vermicompost (50% of treatment 5) + Recommended N and P (50% of treatment 2)
10. Compost (50% of treatment 3) + Recommended N and P (50% of treatment 2)
11. FYM (50% of treatment 4) + Recommended NP (50% of treatment 2)
The above mentioned treatment combinations were laid down in randomized complete
block design with three replications. Compost was prepared following the standard
procedure for compost preparation (Getachew et al., 2012). Similarly, vermicompost were
produced by using earth worms and the same inputs i.e cattle manure and straw as
bedding for the vermicomposting and bulking in the composting process. Samples were
collected from well decomposed farmyard manure, compost and vermicompost before
they are applied to the field. Then their N and P contents were analyzed in the laboratory
using standard procedure to determine the rate of application of each treatment, which
was based on recommended N equivalent rate for the test crop. The contents of N and P
before application in the analyzed samples were 0.86% N and 1.72% P for vermicompost,
0.97% N and 0.43% P for conventional compost both on 55% dry weight basis and 1.67%
N and 0.67% P for farm yard manure on 50% dry weight basis. Manure and compost were
applied to the field three weeks before sowing and thoroughly mixed in the upper 15 to
20 cm soil depth. Nitrogen and P fertilizers were applied in the form of Urea and DAP
respectively. To minimize the loss and increase its efficiency34.5 kg ha -1half rate of N was
applied as split at planting and the remaining half 34.5 kg ha-1at tillering stage of the crop
Girma and Gebreyes [81]
whereas all Prate was applied as basal application during planting time. The seed was
drilled at the recommended seed rate of 12 kg ha -1in row on 18th and 21st July of 2013 and
2014 respectively. All recommended agronomic management practices were carried out
during the crop growth period as per needed.
Plant parameters collected were grain yield, above ground total biomass, plant height and
panicle length (average of 5 plants). Mature plan height was measured from the ground
level to the tip of panicle at physiological maturity. Grain yield was adjusted to a
moisture content of 12.5% before proceeding to statistical analysis. The agronomic data
were subjected to analysis of variance (GLM procedure) using SAS statistical computer
package (SAS, 2002). The total variability for each trait was quantified using separate and
pooled analysis of variance over years using the following model (Gomez and Gomez,
Pijk =µ+Yi + Rj(i) + Tk + Ty(ik) + eijk
Where pijk is total observation, µ = grand mean, yi= effect of the ith year, Rj(i) is effect of
the jth replication (with in the ith year), Tk is effect of the Kth treatment with ith year TY(ik)
is the interaction of kth treatment with ith year and eijk is the random error. Duncan
multiples range test (DMRT) test at 5% probability level was used to detect differences
among means and linear regression was performed between grain yield and some
relevant component parameters.
P. Similarly, Ano and Ubochi (2007) reported that application of animal manure and
compost increased soil pH.
Though the values of OC were generally rated as medium(Jones, 2003), the highest OC,
3.42% and 3.39% were recorded from plots treated with full doses of farm yard manure
and compost respectively and the least (2.83%) was from the plot which received
recommended N and P (Table 1). Likewise, the total N and available P determined after
harvesting is rated high (Tekalign, 1991). As mentioned above for OC, the highest soil
total N (0.32% and 0.30%) were recorded from plots treated with full doses of farm yard
manure and compost respectively. The lowest soil N content 0.22% was obtained from the
plot which received recommended N and P as usual. Similarly, the highest soil available
P (29.44 mg kg-1) was recorded from plots treated with one-third of each nutrient source
(manure + conventional compost + vermicompost). But, all plots which received fertilizer,
either alone or in combination did not significantly differ one from the other.
The above findings are in line with the reports of Eghball et al. (2004) that the residual
effects of manure and compost applications significantly increased electrical conductivity,
pH levels and plant available P and NO 3-N concentrations where the lowest pH and
nutrient content were observed on plots not treated with organic fertilizer. Sharma et al.
(1990) also indicated that the use of organic fertilizer might have made the soil more
porous and pulverized, to allow better root growth and development, thereby resulting in
higher root cation exchange capacity (CEC). According to Vanlauwe et al. (2001) the direct
interactions between chemical fertilizer and organic matter can improve soil fertility by
restocking nutrients lost through leaching and by modifying the pH of the rhizosphere
and making unavailable nutrients available. Generally, the above results indicate that
integrated use of nutrient sources have significant improvement in the overall condition
of the soil as well as agricultural productivity if best alternative option is adopted in the
Table 1: The effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer application on soil chemical properties analyzed
for samples after harvest of the crops (2013 and 2014)
Treatments pH(H2O) Nitrogen (%) (mg kg-1) OC (%)
Recom.NP(69/60) 6.3b 0.23c 26.48 2.83e
Conventional Compost (CC) 6.53a 0.30ab 28.41 3.39ab
Farmyard manure (FYM) 6.54a 0.32a 28.19 3.42a
Vermi Compost (VC) 6.45ab 0.28ab 28.57 3.12bcd
50% VC + 50% CC 6.4ab 0.27b 27.11 2.99cde
50% VC + 50% FYM 6.42ab 0.267bc 28.75 3.02cde
33% VC + 33% CC + 33% FYM 6.52a 0.267bc 29.44 3.06cde
50% VC + 50% NP 6.41ab 0.273b 28.12 3.26abc
50% CC + 50% NP 6.32b 0.267bc 24.44 2.9de
50% FYM + 50% NP 6.48a 0.267bc 23.70 3.05cde
Overall mean 6.40 0.245 26.14 3.03
DMRT(0.05) 0.147 0.043 NS 0.287
CV (%) 1.35 8.9 18.3 5.3
Means in a column with different letters are significantly different at P<0.05, NS= Not significant.
Girma and Gebreyes [83]
The highest tef grain and biomass yield (3144.8 kg ha -1 and 12562 kg ha-1 respectively)
were obtained from the application of 50% VC and half the recommended rate of N and P
followed by full dose of recommended rate of N and P from inorganic fertilizer resulting
in 2846 kg ha-1 grain and 11833 kg ha-1 biomass yields respectively, where there is no
significance differences between the two treatment effects. The application of 50% CC
with 50% N and P has also given comparable grain and biomass yield as compared to
application of full dose of N and P from inorganic fertilizer. The rest set of treatments had
given inferior yields under all tested parameters where the lowest biomass yield was
recorded from conventional compost and the lowest grain yield was from plot treated
with vermicompost alone (Table 2).
Table 2: Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers application on tef yield and yield components
Therefore, the result of this study has clearly indicated that it is possible to fairly produce
tef through integrated nutrient application approach, rather than applying nutrient from
Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of tef [84]
one source. In line with the current result, research findings of Tekalign et al. (2001),
Ayalew (2011) and Getachew et al. (2012) indicated that tef has showed significance
response to the integrated soil fertility management treatments containing both organic
and inorganic forms under farmers’ field condition that they could be considered as
alternative options for sustainable soil and crop productivity in the degraded highlands
of Ethiopia. Moreover, the crop has responded differently to application of N and P on
different soil types. The observed simple linear correlation analysis indicated that grain
yield was positively and highly significantly correlated with biomass yield (R2 = 0.948***)
(Figure 2).
Economic analysis
As farmers attempt to evaluate the economic benefits of shift in practice, partial budget
analysis was done to identify the rewarding treatments. Yield from on-farm experimental
plots was adjusted downward by 15% i.e., 10% for management difference and 5% for
plot size difference, to reflect the difference between the experimental yield and the yield
that farmers could expect from the same treatment (Getachew and Taye, 2005).
Three years average market grain price of tef (ETB 13.5kg -1), farm-gate price of N and P
fertilizers (ETB 12kg-1 and 15kg-1) respectively and labour valued at ETB 40 per person-
day were used. Labour for tef field management was 30 person- days per hectare. The
result of the partial budget analysis is given in (Table 3). The economic analysis revealed
that the highest net benefit of (birr 28588.9 ha -1) was obtained from the application of 50%
vermicompost plus 50% N and P fertilizers, where as the control treatment (no
application of input) gave the lowest net benefit (birr 10778.9 ha -1).
Girma and Gebreyes [85]
Table 3: Partial budget and dominance analyses of organic and inorganic fertilizers trial on tef
Three years average price of tef is ETB 13.5/kg, Urea birr 12/kg and DAP birr 15/kg (1USD = 20.40 Ethiopia birr);
D= Dominated
The economic analysis further revealed that the application of 33% of each of the nutrient
sources used i.e. 3.2t ha-1 vermicompost + 2.37t ha-1 conventional compost and 1.37t ha-1
farmyard manure (based on recommended N equivalent rate) provided the highest
marginal rate of the return (MRR) of 408.7% (Table 4) suggesting for each birr invested in
tef production, the producer would collect birr 4.087 after recovering his cost. Since the
MRR assumed in this study was 100%, the treatment with application of 33% of VC, CC
and FYM gave an acceptable MRR. Therefore, the combined application each of these
organic fertilizers (based on N equivalent rate) would be economical to be recommended
on Vertisols of central highlands of Ethiopia.
Table 4: Marginal analysis of organic and inorganic fertilizer effects on tef at Ginchi, 2013 and 2014
The result of this experiment has showed that the two years result were significantly
different from each other most probably attributed to season differences and the carry
over effect of the previous year fertilizer application as the plots were fixed during the
experimental period. Thus, the combined analysis indicated that integrated application of
organic and inorganic fertilizer mix 50% VC (4.8 t ha-1) and 50% recommended N and P
rate (34.5 kg ha-1 N and 30 kg ha-1 P) have given the maximum grain and biomass yield of
tef (3144 kg ha-1 and 12562 kg ha-1 respectively) followed by the full recommended N and
P rate (2846 kg ha-1 and 11833 kg ha-1). But, considering the economical feasibility of input
use, the application of 33% of each of the organic fertilizers i.e. vermicompost,
conventional compost and farmyard manure (based on N equivalent rate), has been
found to be economical to be recommended on Vertisols of the study area and similar
agro-ecologies. Moreover, the status of soil fertility has been improved where the OM is
increased from 2.83% to 3.03%, TN from 0.23% to 0.25%, while P showing no significant
difference. Therefore, integrated use of chemical fertilizer and locally available soil
amendments is the best approach for achieving higher crop yields and economic
feasibility. In order to address soil fertility problems, potential synergies can be gained by
combining technical options with farmers’ knowledge as well as training of farmers and
development agents on integrated soil fertility management approaches.
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