Crop Recommendation System Using Machine Learning

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11 II February 2023
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

Crop Recommendation System Using Machine

Ms. Sarika Gambhir1, Manish Sharma2, Khushboo Agarwal3, Keshav Kumar4, Lakshya Kumar5, Mayank Chaudhary6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
IMS Engineering College

Abstract: Agroecology is one of the oldest and noblest professions in India. Farmers face a lot of hardships while using
traditional methods of farming in today's technologically centric world. Precision farming is a modern approach in comparison
to traditional cultivation techniques. We are predicting the right crop using parameters like district, rainfall, temperature, area, a
crop which would help the farmer to predict the crop yield prior to making the decision to cultivate their final crop. This method
can provide the farmer with valuable insights and assist them. In this paper we are using various techniques like Ridge
Regression and Classifier. We have used different datasets on these models to get a better accuracy.

Agriculture, as we all know, is the foundation of the Indian economy. Agriculture is an important occupation in India. More than
60% of the country's land is used for agriculture, which feeds 1.3 billion people. Agriculture is the cultivation of plants and animals.
In India, agriculture gave rise to civilization. We need weather to cultivate crops. As a result, soil is a critical factor in agriculture.
weather news is essential for good food production. It provides the roots with essential nutrients, water, oxygen, and support. soil is
the foundation of the food system, as well as the location of all plants used in food production. In India, several soil varieties are
available. They are alluvial soil (cotton, rice), black soil (sugarcane, sunflower), red soil (corn, ragi), laterite soil (pulses, tea,
coffee), and so on. Many studies have been conducted to improve agricultural planning. The crop can be recommended using a
machine learning technique.
Machine learning is an subfield of artificial intelligence that describes a machine's ability to mimic intelligent human behavior.
Artificial intelligence systems are employed in the same way as humans do to automate complex tasks. Machine learning begins
with data, such as financial transactions, individuals, or photos.
The information is collected and processed to be utilized as training data for the machine learning system. If the data is more then
the software shows better results. After that, the developer select a ML model to use, input the data, and train the system to find
patterns or make predictions on its own.


In Reference [1], This paper proposed a method named Crop Selection Method (CSM) to solve crop selection problem, and
maximize net yield rate of crop over season and subsequently achieves maximum economic growth of the country. The proposed
method may im- prove net yield rate of crops.
In Reference [6], This paper, proposed and implemented an intelligent crop recommendation system, which can be easily used by
farmers all over India. This system would assist the farmers in making an informed decision about which crop to grow depending on
a variety of environmental and geographical factors. We have also implemented a secondary system, called Rainfall Predictor,
which predicts the rainfall of the next 12 months.
In Reference [2], This paper contains about the research and the building of an effective agricultural yield forecasting system based
on real-time monthly weather. It is difficult to predict the agricultural crop production because of the abnormal weather that happens
every year and rapid regional climate change due to global warming. The development of agricultural yield forecasting system that
leverages real-time weather information is urgently required. In this research, we cover how to process the number of weather
data(monthly, daily) and how to configure the prediction system. We establish a non- parametric statistical model on the basis of 33
years of agricultural weather in- formation. According to the implemented model, we predict final production using the monthly
weather information. This paper contains the results of the simulation.
In Reference [7], This paper, proposes a recommendation system through an ensemble model with majority voting technique using
Random tree, CHAID, K-Nearest Neighbor and Naive Bayes as learners to recommend a crop for the site specific with high
accuracy and efficiency parameters

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 640
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

For the system, we are using various datasets all downloaded for government website and Kaggle.
1) Datasets Include: Cost of cultivation per dataset for major crops in each state Yield dataset, A brief description of the datasets:
2) Yield Dataset: This dataset contains yield for 16 major crops grown across all the states in kg per hectare. Yield of 0 indicates
that the crop is not cultivated in the respective state.
3) Data Preprocessing: This step includes replacing the null and 0 values for yield by -1 so that it does not effect the overall
prediction. Further we had to encode the dataset so that it could be fed into the neural network.


System Architecture

A system architecture is a conceptual model using which we can define the structure and behaviour of that system. It is a formal
representation of a system. Depending on the context, system architecture can be used to refer to either a model to describe the
system or a method used to build the system. Building a proper system architecture helps in analysis of the project, especially in the
early stages. Figure 6.2 depicts the system architecture and is explained in the following section.

1) In this project, we have proposed a model that addresses the existing issues. The novelty of the proposed system is to guide the
farmers to maximize the crop yield as well as suggest the most profitable crop for the specific region.
2) The proposed model provides crop selection based on economic and environmental conditions, and benefit to maximize the
crop yield that will subsequently help to meet the increasing demand for the country’s food supplies. The proposed model
predicts the crop yield by studying factors such as State, District, area, season. The system also helps to determine the best time
to use fertilizers.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 641
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

3) The user provides an State, District, Season, Crop and Area as inputs for Production. The user provides an State, District,
Season and Area as inputs for Crop Recommendation. According to the requirement, the model predicts the crop yield for a
specific crop. The model also recommends the most profitable crop and suggests the right time to use the fertilizers.
4) The main objective is to obtain a better variety of crops that can be grown over the season. The proposed system would help to
minimize the difficulties faced by farmers in choosing a crop and maximize the yield.

A. Advantages Of Proposed System

1) The proposed model predicts the crop yield for the data sets of the given region. Integrating agriculture and ML will contribute
to more enhancements in the agriculture sector by increasing the yields and optimizing the resources involved. The data from
previous years are the key elements in forecasting current performance.
2) The proposed system uses recommender system to suggest the right time for using fertilizers.
3) The methods in the proposed system includes increasing the yield of crops, real-time analysis of crops, selecting efficient
parameters, making smarter decisions and getting better yield.

At the conclusion of this project, I would say that I had learnt a lot from several resources to finish it. I used a variety of algorithm,
technology and techniques to finish this project successfully. At the starting of this project, we applied KNN models of the
algorithm of machine learning to the project and after applying the algorithm on the dataset we get the accuracy of 65.05%. Now we
are applying the project on various algorithm such as ANN (artificial neural network), SVM (support vector machine). To increase
the efficiency of the project and accuracy in this project we take the datasets from the various government websites such as - and KAGGLE and apply various parameters and algorithm’s to get the maximum accuracy. The maximum
accuracy we attain after applying algorithm’s is 65.05%. this is the Accuracy we achieved after applying the KNN algorithm. At the
last, we have discovered that our models trained to helps the farmer to choose the right crop by providing insights that ordinary
farmers don’t keep track of thereby decreasing the chances of crop failure and increasing productivity. It can also help in the
following factor such as It also prevents them form incurring losses. The system can be extended to the web and can be
accessed by millions of farmers across the country. By creating our own training datasets and fine-tuning our architecture, we
were able to overcome data mismatch concerns and run on-device with low memory, storage, and compute needs. Further
development is to integrate the crop recommendation system with another subsystem, yield predictor that would also provide
the farmer an estimate of production if he plants the recommended crop.


For the purposes of this project we have used popular algorithms: Linear regression, Logistic regression and Neural network and
KNN. All the algorithms are based on supervised learning. Our overall system is divided into three modules:
1) Output of Crop Recommender:

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 642
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

2) Output For Production Analysis

3) Whether forecast:


1) The number of additional and other features can we added to the system.
2) At now currently, it take a necessary datasets as input from various government sites and KAGGLE and indicate a very
appropriate crop to be cultivated.
3) But as in future, the automation property is added to the system as the response given to the feedback.
4) This can be updated to give the result with according to the humidity, water levels and temperature in the surrounding.
5) This can be updated such as that it will suggest the crop that give high production in that area and the crop will not harm the soil
fertility and the environment due to some of it’s chemical components.

We have tried to develop the code on the basis of the requirement of the project in the language python with using the different
We do the code on the Jupyter notebook of the anaconda Application.
We also make the front-end code by using the language hyper text markup language, cascading style sheet and the JavaScript and
also the some CSS framework like bootstrap.

We are really thankful to Assistant Professor Ms. Sarika Gambhir from the IMS Engineering College in Ghaziabad's Computer
Science and Engineering department for his assistance in assisting us with the application of our research to the real world. Its our
privilege to express our sincere regards to our project guide, Prof. Ms. Sarika Gambhir for his valuable inputs, able guidance,
encouragement, cooperation and constructive criticism throughout the duration of our project. We sincerely thank the Project
Assessment Committee members for their support and for enabling us to present the project on the topic.
“ Crop Recommendation System using Machine Learning.”

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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 643
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue II Feb 2023- Available at

[2] Haedong Lee and Aekyung Moon, “Development of Yield Prediction System Based on Real-time Agricultural Meteorological Information”, 16th
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[6] AgroConsultant: Intelligent Crop Recommendation System Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Zeel Doshi, Subhash Nadkarni, Rashi Agrawal,
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[7] Crop Recommendation System for Precision Agriculture S.Pudumalar*, E.Ramanujam*, R.Harine Rajashree, C.Kavya, T.Kiruthika, J.Nisha.
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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 644

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