Reading and Writing Exam PDF Free PDF
Reading and Writing Exam PDF Free PDF
Reading and Writing Exam PDF Free PDF
Idea mapping
Incorporated C. Cubing
D. Researching
Opus⋄Anima⋄Lux 11. What technique for selecting and organizing
Reading and Writing Skills information uses visual displays to show relationships
1ST Quarter Examination between or among ideas?
Academic Year 2019-2020 A. Brainstorming
Name: Section: Score: B. Graphic organizers
C. Listing
Date and Time of Examination: D. Jotting
________________________________________ 12. Which of the following are the functions of an outline?
A. to organize ideas or information
GENERAL REMINDERS: Read all the directions given. Once
B. to select appropriate words or phrases
the proctor starts the exam, you are prohibited talk or ask any
C. to read long passages or texts
questions to your classmates. The exam consist of a 100 items.
The Exam runs for 1 hour only. Use a black pen or a blue pen in D. to write ideas about a given topic
answering the test paper. You are not allowed to use your 13. All of the following are strategies in effective reading
phones. STRICTLY, avoid using cheat sheets (Kodigo). Once EXCEPT ____?
caught, you will be subject not to continue the exam. Good luck A. Scanning
in your examinations! May the odds ever be in your favour. B. Photocopying
Additional reminders, NO ERASURES OR ANY ALTERATIONS, C. Previewing
14. Which of following is NOT an example of a graphic
Test 1: Multiple Choice! organizer?
1. Direction: Select the correct answer. Encircle the A. Venn Diagram
letter only.It is the use of words to exchange thoughts B. Google Map
and ideas in an orderly and organized manner. C. Chronological Order
A. discourse D. K-W- L
B. text 15. The teacher instructed the students to develop a
C. speech paragraph describing a scenic view on a particular
D. writing place. What are the appropriate transition words they
2. Which of the following does NOT describe a “TEXT”? may use to achieve coherence in their text?
A. Text is viewed in simpler terms in traditional A. In front of , beside, behind
grammar. B. First, then, next, finally
B. Text is extremely significant in all aspects of C. Similarly, most likely
C. Text is an extended structure of syntactic units.
D. Texts in general hang together and make sense.
3. All of the following are examples of written text,
EXCEPT? 16. In organizing information, visual maps and charts can
A. Signs be used. In which of the following terms do they
B. Announcements belong?
C. Questionnaires A. Brainstorming B. Graphic Organizer
D. Coherence C. Sentence Outline D. Topic Outline
4. In a text with cohesion, what is the “glue” that holds 17. These are the other techniques in selecting and
ideas together? organizing information except…
A. a central concept A. Brainstorming B. Graphic Organizer
B. a clear outline C. Sentence Outline
C. a specific title D. Topic Sentence
D. a coherent form 18. Among the patterns of paragraph development, which
of them intends to tell sequence of events?
For items 5 – 9 refer to the following answers
A. Classification
from the guest when taking room service. Match
B. Definition
the following questions to their possible answers
C. Description
to achieve connectionism or a unified text.
D. Narration
A. I want poached egg. 19. Which of these reasons best explains why outlining is
B. Continental breakfast, please. necessary?
C. This is Uzziah of room 202 and I’d like to order A. It helps you see whether your ideas connect
food for breakfast. well with one another using transitions.
D. I prefer to have macchiato. B. It is a systematic arrangement of ideas
E. Precisely! Thank you. showing which are the main points and
5. May I repeat your order Sir? You order a continental which are the sub-points.
breakfast with poached egg and macchiato drink. Did I C. It identifies the topic sentence and the
get your order right Sir? _____ supporting sentences.
6. Room Service Department, this is Netanya Keli, good D. It uses Roman and Arabic numerals, capital
morning? How may I help you?______ and small letters.
7. What kind of breakfast Sir? Is it Continental Breakfast 20. Why is critical reading considered as reading beyond
or Full English Breakfast?______ understanding the text? It is because_______.
8. Which do you prefer Sir? Hard-boiled egg, poached a. A. It is reading with comprehension. C.
egg, sunny side-up, or scrambled egg?______ It is reading with the use of verbal and non-
9. What about your drink Sir? We have hot chocolate, verbal cues.
coffee, or tea.______ b. B. It is reading that allows the reader to make
10. Making this list is a technique for organizing a dialogue with the author. D. It is a silent
information. On the list, you write down any idea reading.
related to your topic. What do you call the list?
A. Idea listing
Test 2 True or False: Write T if the statement is correct and Test 3 Identification
F it is false. ___________________________1. Used to tell a story or focus on a
set of related events.
_____1. Connected discourse in linguistics is a continuous ___________________________2. Convinces readers to agree to an
sequence of sounds forming utterances or conversation in a argument or claim about a particular topic
spoken language. ___________________________3. Focuses on either a problem or
_____2. Reading is a way of dispensing knowledge while writing solution in a particular area or situation.
is the way of obtaining information. ___________________________4. Explains why something happens
_____3. Free writing is a commonly used as prewriting exercise. or what results a particular event produces.
_____4. Descriptive essay tells a story usually from the ___________________________5. Organizes ideas based on how
experiences and point of view of the writer. events, places, people, things, and concepts are similar to or
_____5. There are four major types of outline. different from one another.
_____6. A Definition text usually describes the characteristic of ___________________________6. Provides examples and
a certain thing. illustrations in order to further clarify or explain the concept
_____7. Completeness, unity and orderly movement of ideas or subject matter.
are the complete characteristics of a well- written text. ___________________________7. Divides things into groups, classes,
_____8. Critical reading is reading beyond understanding the or categories
text. ___________________________8. Explains not just what something
_____9. This sentence, (According to the Internet World means or is, but also what something does, what something
is used for, what something looks like, etc.
Statistics there are approximately 2,267,233,742 internet users
___________________________9. A sort of description that the
worldwide in 2012.), when read is an example of a connected
author would normally use to “paint a picture” of how he
sees a character, or how he wants the reader to see a
_____10. General term refers to the individual components of a character.
group ___________________________10. Refer to ideas or concepts that
are intangible.
“I will forever be grateful with life. To live life one must give full attention of oneself. We must
use our 5 senses not to do bad but to do good points in life. To those who can read this, you
are lucky enough that you are alive!” Good luck. If you get the message, please do tell me what
it is ! God Bless
Sir Jones! ___________________________
Test 3. Enumeration:
(Patterns of Development across different writing disciplines)
(10 Literary compositions that have influenced the world)
(Five parts of a plot) IN-ORDER