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Plastic Processing Operator

(Duration: 2 Yrs.)




Plastic Processing Operator

(Revised in 2018)



Developed By

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091
Plastic Processing Operator
The DGT sincerely expresses appreciation for the contribution of the Industry, State
Directorate, Trade Experts and all others who contributed in revising the curriculum. Special
acknowledgement to the following industries/organizations who have contributed valuable inputs
in revising the curricula through their expert members:

1. Central Institute of Plastic Engg. & Technology, M.I.D.C. ,Chikalthana, Aurangabad

2. Shefield Technoplast Pvt Ltd, Vadodara

3. Neatfim Irrigation India Pvt Ltd, Vadodara
4. Profine India Window Technology Pvt Ltd, Vadodara
5. DVET,Maharashtra State
6. DET, Gujarat State

Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.

Co-ordinator for the course: Shri Sunil J Wakde, ADT, ATI Mumbai and Shri L K Mukherjee,
DDT, CSTARI, Kolkata

Sl. Name & Designation Organization Remarks

No. Sh/Mr./Ms.
1. SA Pandav, RDD, Vadodara & Surat DET, Gujarat Expert

2. Mr. Maneshkumar K Patel Neatfim Irrigation India Pvt Expert

Ltd, Vadodara
3. Mr. Piyush Porwal Profine India Window Expert
Technology Pvt Ltd, Vadodara
4. More Vilas K. ,Craft Instructor Govt. I.T.I., Panvel, Expert
5. Mr. Tamboli Madhukar T. , Craft Govt. I.T.I. Panvel, Expert
6. Mr.Chavan Padmakar G. , Craft Govt. I.T.I., Wangaon, Expert
7. Mr. Chavan Dattatray M. , Craft Govt. I.T.I., Wangaon Expert
8. Mr. Modi Alpesh V. , Principal Govt. I.T.I. Dholera , Expert
Dist. Ahmedabad (GJ)
9. Mr. Ravi Pratap Mishra Shefield Technoplast Pvt Ltd, Expert
10. Mr. Jayesh C Chaudhari Instructor Training Center, Expert
Tarsali, Vadodara.
11. Mr Pravin Bachhav, Sr. Tech. CIPET, Aurangabad Expert
Officer (P/T)
Plastic Processing Operator


Topics Page No.
1. Background 1-2
2. Training System 3-7
3. Job Role 8-11
4. NSQF Level Compliance 12
5. General Information 13
6. Learning Outcome 14-16
7. Learning Outcome with Assessment Criteria 17-19
8. Syllabus 20-22
9. Syllabus - Core Skill
9.1 Core Skill – Workshop Calculation & Science and 23-27
Engineering Drawing
9.2 Core Skill – Employability Skill 28-31
10. Details of Competencies (On-Job Training) 32-34
11. List of Trade Tools & Equipment Basic Training - Annexure I 35-37
12. Format for Internal Assessment -Annexure II 38
Plastic Processing Operator


1.1 Apprenticeship Training Scheme under Apprentice Act 1961

The Apprentices Act, 1961 was enacted with the objective of regulating the programme of
training of apprentices in the industry by utilizing the facilities available therein for imparting
on-the-job training. The Act makes it obligatory for employers in specified industries to engage
apprentices in designated trades to impart Apprenticeship Training on the job in industry to
school leavers and person having National Trade Certificate(ITI pass-outs) issued by National
Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) to develop skilled manpower for the industry. There
are four categories of apprentices namely; trade apprentice, graduate, technician and
technician (vocational) apprentices.
Qualifications and period of apprenticeship training of trade apprentices vary from trade to
trade. The apprenticeship training for trade apprentices consists of basic training followed by
practical training. At the end of the training, the apprentices are required to appear in a trade test
conducted by NCVT and those successful in the trade tests are awarded the National
Apprenticeship Certificate.

The period of apprenticeship training for graduate (engineers), technician (diploma holders and
technician (vocational) apprentices is one year. Certificates are awarded on completion of
training by the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development.

1.2 Changes in Industrial Scenario

Recently we have seen huge changes in the Indian industry. The Indian Industry registered an
impressive growth during the last decade and half. The number of industries in India have
increased manifold in the last fifteen years especially in services and manufacturing sectors. It
has been realized that India would become a prosperous and a modern state by raising skill
levels, including by engaging a larger proportion of apprentices, will be critical to success; as
will stronger collaboration between industry and the trainees to ensure the supply of skilled
workforce and drive development through employment. Various initiatives to build up an
adequate infrastructure for rapid industrialization and improve the industrial scenario in India
have been taken.

Plastic Processing Operator

1.3 Reformation
The Apprentices Act, 1961 has been amended and brought into effect from 22nd December, 2014
to make it more responsive to industry and youth. Key amendments are as given below:

 Prescription of number of apprentices to be engaged at establishment level instead

of trade-wise.

 Establishment can also engage apprentices in optional trades which are not
designated, with the discretion of entry level qualification and syllabus.

 Scope has been extended also to non-engineering occupations.

 Establishments have been permitted to outsource basic training in an institute of

their choice.

 The burden of compliance on industry has been reduced significantly.

Plastic Processing Operator


Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &

Entrepreneurship offers range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of economy/ Labour market. The vocational training programmes are delivered under
aegis of National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS)
and Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programmes of NCVT for
propagating vocational training.

PLASTIC PROCESSING OPERATOR trade under ATS is one of the most popular
courses delivered nationwide through different industries. The course is of two years (02 Blocks)
duration. It mainly consists of Domain area and Core area. In the Domain area Trade Theory &
Practical impart professional - skills and knowledge, while Core area - Workshop Calculation
and science, Engineering Drawing and Employability Skills imparts requisite core skills &
knowledge and life skills. After passing out the training programme, the trainee is being awarded
National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) by NCVT having worldwide recognition.

Broadly candidates need to demonstrate that they are able to:

 Read & interpret technical parameters/document, plan and organize work processes,
identify necessary materials and tools;
 Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations and
environmental protection stipulations;
 Apply professional skill, knowledge, core skills & employability skills while performing
jobs and solve problem during execution.
 Check the job/assembly as per drawing for functioning, identify and rectify errors in
 Document the technical parameters related to the task undertaken.

Plastic Processing Operator


 Indicative pathways for vertical mobility.


Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two years (Basic Training and On-Job Training) : -

Total training duration details: -

Time 1-3 4-12 13-15 16-24

(in months)
Basic Training Block– I ----- Block – II ------
Practical Training ---- Block – I ------ Block – II
(On - job training)

Plastic Processing Operator

A. Basic Training
For 02 yrs. Engg. Course :-(Total 06 months: 03 months in 1styr. + 03 months in 2nd yr.)
For 01 yr. Engg. course :-(Total 03 months: 03 months in 1st yr.)

Sl. Total Notional Training

Course Element
No. Hours

For 02 yrs. For 01 yr.

course course
1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical)
550 275
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 240 120

3 Workshop Calculation & Science 40 20

4 Engineering Drawing 60 30
5 Employability Skills 110 55
Total (including Internal Assessment) 1000 500

B. On-Job Training:-

For 02 yrs. Engg. Course :- ( Total 18 months: 09 months in 1st yr. + 09 months in 2nd yr.)

Notional Training Hours for On-Job Training: 3120 Hrs.

For 01 yr. Engg. course :-( Total 12 months)

Notional Training Hours for On-Job Training: 2080 Hrs.

C. Total training hours:-

Duration Basic Training On-Job Training Total

For 02 Engg. 1000 hrs. 3120 hrs. 4120 hrs.

yrs. course
For 01 yr. Engg. 500 hrs. 2080 hrs. 2580 hrs.

Plastic Processing Operator


The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of course
and at the end of the training programme as notified by Govt of India from time to time. The
Employability skills will be tested in first two semesters only.

a) The Internal assessment during the period of training will be done by Formative assessment
method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The training institute
have to maintain individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment guideline. The marks of
internal assessment will be as per the template (Annexure – II).

b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NAC will be conducted by NCVT on completion of course as per
guideline of Govt of India. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by govt of India
from time to time. The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be basis for setting
question papers for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also
check individual trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for
practical examination.


The minimum pass percent for Practical is 60% & minimum pass percent for Theory
subjects 40%. The candidate pass in each subject conducted under all India trade test.


Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial
barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking the assessment. Due consideration should be given while assessing for teamwork,
avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scrap/waste as per procedure, behavioral
attitude, sensitivity to the environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity towards OSHE
and self-learning attitude are to be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

 Job carried out in labs/workshop

 Record book/ daily diary
 Answer sheet of assessment
 Viva-voce
 Progress chart
 Attendance and punctuality
 Assignment
 Project work

Evidences of internal assessments are to be preserved until forthcoming semester

examination for audit and verification by examining body. The following marking pattern to be
adopted while assessing:

Plastic Processing Operator

Performance Level Evidence

(a) Weightage in the range of 60%-75% to be allotted during assessment

For performance in this grade, the candidate  Demonstration of good skill in the use of hand
should produce work which demonstrates tools, machine tools and workshop equipment.
attainment of an acceptable standard of  Below 70% tolerance dimension achieved while
craftsmanship with occasional guidance, and undertaking different work with those demanded
due regard for safety procedures and practices by the component/job.
 A fairly good level of neatness and consistency in
the finish.
 Occasional support in completing the project/job.

(b) Weightage in the range of 75%-90% to be allotted during assessment

For this grade, a candidate should produce  Good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine
work which demonstrates attainment of a tools and workshop equipment.
reasonable standard of craftsmanship, with  70-80% tolerance dimension achieved while
little guidance, and regard for safety undertaking different work with those demanded
procedures and practices by the component/job.
 A good level of neatness and consistency in the
 Little support in completing the project/job.
(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate,  High skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine
with minimal or no support in organization tools and workshop equipment.
and execution and with due regard for safety  Above 80% tolerance dimension achieved while
procedures and practices, has produced work undertaking different work with those demanded
which demonstrates attainment of a high by the component/job.
standard of craftsmanship.  A high level of neatness and consistency in the
 Minimal or no support in completing the project.

Plastic Processing Operator

Brief description of Job roles:

Laminating Press Operator (Plastic)

Laminating Press Operator (Plastics) sets and operates laminating press to heat and press
plastics or plastics impregnated material into solid laminated sheets. Selects metal plates
according to finish desired. Weighs and assembles sheets of impregnated material and places
assemblies between metal planishing plates; slides plates into platens of hydraulic press; moves
controls to heat press to specified temperature and compress assemblies between plates;
removes plates from platens after specified time and strips plastics sheets from metal plates,
using knife; examines sheets for defects. Cleans metal plates, using cloth, solvents, or scrapers
or by dipping plates into vats of hot water, using chain hoist. May adjust heat and pressure

Extruding Machine Setter (Plastic)

Extruding Machine Setter (Plastics) sets and adjusts die and extrusion machine to form dry or
dough-like plastics into continuous rod, tube, strip or similar shape of desired dimensions.
Installs dies, machine screws and sizing rings, using hand tools; couples hose to die holder to
circulate steam, water, air or oil to die; fills machine hopper with materials, using conveyor
auger or stuffs rolls of plastic dough into machine cylinders; starts machine and sets controls to
regulate vacuum, air pressure, sizing rings and temperature and synchronizes speed of
extrusion with pulling rolls; examines extruded sample product for defects, such as wrinkles,
bubbles and splits. Measures extruded articles for conformance to specifications using
micrometres, callipers and gauges and makes adjustments by regulating speed and weight
controls or manipulating hot and cold water, air, oil or steam valves and observing gauges so as
to obtain forms of specified dimensions.

Extruding Machine Operator (Plastic)

Extruding Machine Operator (Plastics) operates machine to extrude thermoplastic materials to

form tubes, rods and film, according to specifications. Weighs and mixes pelletized, granular, or
powdered thermoplastic materials and colouring pigments in tumbling machine set by
Extruding Machine Setter (Plastics) couples hose to die holder to circulate steam, water, air or
oil to die; fills machine hopper with mixed materials or stuffs rolls of plastic dough into machine
cylinders; starts machine and synchronizes speed of conveyor belt with speed of extrusion
through die; examines extruded product for defects, such as wrinkles, bubbles and splits;
measures extruded articles for conformance to specifications, using micrometres, callipers and
gauges and adjusts speed and weight, controls or turns hot and cold water, air, oil or steam

Plastic Processing Operator

valves to obtain product of specified dimensions. May reel extruded product into rolls of
specified length and weight. May oil and clean machine.

Mold Setter (Plastic)

Mold Setter (Plastics) sets up and adjusts compression, injection and similar type of machines
used to Mold plastic materials to specified shape. Positions assembled Mold on press bed of
Molding machine or bolts matrix of unassembled Mold to bed and aligns die (attached to ram)
with matrix; adjusts stroke of ram, using hand tools. Connects steam, oil or water lines to Mold
or moves controls to regulate Mold temperature; sets machine controls to regulate forming
pressure of machine and curing time of plastic in Mold; installs knock-out pins in Mold, and
makes other adjustments, using handtools; starts machine to produce sample products;
examines sample for surface defects, such as bumps, bubbles, and scratches, and adjusts
machine set up to eliminate defects; removes, cleans, and greases Molds and places them in
storage racks. May supply plastic materials to Molding machines. May direct supplying of
necessary equipment, such as jigs, containers or forms to workers engaged in tending Molding
machines. May be designated according to type of machine set up, as COMPRESSION-MOLDING

Injection Molding Machine Operator (Plastic)

Injection Molding Machine Operator (Plastics) sets up and operates injectionMolding machines
to cast products from thermoplastic materials. Installs dies on machine, according to work
order specifications, using clamps, bolts, and hand-tools; sets thermostatic controls to obtain
specified Molding temperature; dumps pre-mixed plastic powders or pellets into hopper and
starts machine; pulls lever to close dies and inject into dies to cast part; removes finished
product from dies, using hand tools and trims excess material from part using knife. May mix
thermoplastic materials and colouring pigments in mixing machine, according to formulae. May
grind scrap plastic into powders for reuse.

Compression Molding Machine Operator (Plastic)

Compression Molding Machine Operator (Plastics) sets up and operates compression Molding
machines to Mold plastics products by heat and pressure according to specifications. Installs
dies on press, using clamps, bolts, and hand tools and coats dies with parting agents; sets
thermostat to regulate temperature of dies; weighs premixed plastic compound and pours
compound into die well, or spreads fabric on die and dumps compound over fabric; pulls lever
to lower hydraulic ram that compresses compound between dies to form and cure part;
removes cured part from Mold, using hand tools and air hose. May mix catalysts and colouring
pigments with plastic compound, using paddle and mixing machine. May operate compression

Plastic Processing Operator

Molding machines to form product under pressure only and be designated COLDMOLDING-

Bottle Blowing Machine Operator (Plastic)

Bottle Blowing Machine Operator (Plastics) feeds thermo-plastics material into hopper and
operates buttons and levers of bottle blowing machine to extrude tube like material and pumps
air to shape it into form of Mold. Weighs and mixes pelletized, granular, or powdered
thermoplastic materials and colouring pigments in tumbling machine according to formula;
installs dies, machine screws, sizing rings, using handtools; and couples hose to die holder to
circulate steam, water, air or oil to die; fills machine hopper with mixed materials or stuffs rolls
of plastic dough into machine cylinders; starts machine and sets controls to regulate vacuum,
air pressure, sizing rings and temperature; depresses lever of machine and ensures that parison
tube reaches entire length of Mold or die; cuts ends of tube with scissors near nozzle and blows
air into Mold by operating pump; opens Molds and removes finished article. Repeats process.

Vacuum Plastic Forming Machine Operator

Vacuum Plastic Forming Machine Operator tends machine that Molds thermoplastic sheets into
products, such as automobile pillar posts, nose pieces, rear quarter-panel covers, and toys.
Places plastics sheet on top of Mold, positions sealing frame around sheet, and fastens frame to
rim of Mold with clamps. Pushes button to start machine that heats sheet, draws it into Mold to
form product, and sprays product with cold water or air to harden it. Removes product from
Mold and reloads thermoplastic sheet into machine. May trim excessive Molding material from
products, using knife, scissors, or band saw. May set up machine to form products.

Molder, Hand (Plastic)

Molder, Hand (Plastics) Molds plastics sheets into desired shapes in hand Molding press.
Studies specifications for Molded product and assembles Mold. Determines weight of charge,
pressure, temperature and curing time for Molding; collects plastic sheets, cuts them to
required size and heats them on electrically operated heater to soften for Molding; removes
sheet when sufficiently heated and places it in female of wooden Mold, fixes wooden slab of
Mold to keep sheet in position and inserts male block of Mold; sets Mold in hand press and
manipulates controls to compress material and form material to shape of Mold; removes
Molded plastics object after specified time-interval by opening Mold; examines and gauges
product for conformity to plant or customer standards. May make minor adjustments in
Molding procedure to eliminate defects, and reMold product.

Embossing Machine Setter (Plastic)

Plastic Processing Operator

Embossing Machine Setter (Plastics) sets up embossing machine that stamps and embosses
design on plastic sheets. Installs and locks embossed plate in chase and locks chase in bed of
press. Lays piece of card board on machine bed under plate and impresses it with plate. Cuts
out impression and glues it to bed under plate adjusting table in order that impression and
plate are in exact alignment; sets guides to hold plastics sheet in position under plate and
adjusts table height to impart correct depth of impression. Starts machine and places sample
piece of plastics sheet in guides and pushes it under embossing plate. Inspects embossing on
sample for correct depth of identification and correct faults as necessary.

Embossing Machine Operator (Plastic)

Embossing Machine Operator (Plastics) feeds and operates embossing machine to stamp and
emboss designs on plastics sheets. Installs engraved embossing roller, pressure roller and roll of
plastics sheets to be embossed in machine by hand or using hoist; manipulates lever or clutch
to regulate pressure between rollers; threads plastics sheet through machine and regulates
flow of steam into rollers to counteract curling of sheet and to obtain desired depth of
embossing or surface shine to sheet; starts machine, examines embossed sheet and makes
adjustments to secure desired results; adjusts rotary cutting device to cut sheets or tend
winding machine to wind embossed sheet into rolls. May feed plastics sheets to machine.

Reference NCO-2015:

(i) 8142.0200 – Laminating Press Operator (Plastic)

(ii) 8142.0300 – Extruding Machine Setter (Plastic)
(iii) 8142.0400 – Extruding Machine Operator (Plastic)
(iv) 8142.1300 – Mold Setter (Plastic)
(v) 8142.0501 – Injection Molding Machine Operator (Plastic)
(vi) 8142.0600 – Compression Molding Machine Operator (Plastic)
(vii) 8142.0700 – Bottle Blowing Machine Operator (Plastic)
(viii) 8142.0800 – Vacuum Plastic Forming Machine Operator
(ix) 8142.1400 – Molder, Hand (Plastic)
(x) 8142.0900 – Embossing Machine Setter (Plastic)
(xi) 8142.1000 – Embossing Machine Operator (Plastic)

Plastic Processing Operator


NSQF level for PLASTIC PROCESSING OPERATOR trade under ATS: Level 5

As per notification issued by Govt. of India dated- 27.12.2013 on National Skill

Qualification Framework total 10 (Ten) Levels are defined.

Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome
statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and attributes that a
learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.

Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five

domains, known as level descriptors. These five domains are:

a. Process
b. professional knowledge,
c. professional skill,
d. core skill and
e. Responsibility.

The Broad Learning outcome of PLASTIC PROCESSING OPERATOR trade under ATS
mostly matches with the Level descriptor at Level- 5.

The NSQF level-5 descriptor is given below:

LEVEL Process required Professional Professional Core skill Responsibility

knowledge skill
Level 5 Job that requires knowledge a range of Desired Responsibility for
well developed of facts, cognitive and mathematical own work and
skill, with clear principles, practical skills skill, Learning and some
choice of processes and required to understanding of responsibility for
procedures in general accomplish social, political other’s works and
familiar context. concepts, in a tasks and solve and some skill of learning.
field of problem by collecting and
work selecting and organizing
or study applying basic information,
methods, tools, communication.
materials and

Plastic Processing Operator

Name of the Trade

NCO - 2015 8142.0200, 8142.0300, 8142.0400, 8142.1300, 8142.0501,
8142.0600, 8142.0700, 8142.0800, 8142.1400,

NSQF Level Level – 5

Duration of Apprenticeship
Training Two years (02 Blocks each of one year duration).
(Basic Training + On-Job Training)

Duration of Basic Training a) Block –I : 3 months

b) Block – II : 3 months
Total duration of Basic Training: 6 months
Duration of On-Job Training a) Block–I: 9 months
b) Block–II : 9 months
Total duration of Practical Training: 18 months
Entry Qualification Passed 10th Class with Science and Mathematics under 10+2
system of Education or its equivalent
Selection of Apprenticeship The apprentices will be selected as per Apprenticeship Act
amended time to time.
Instructors Qualification for As per ITI instructors qualifications as amended time to time for
Basic Training the specific trade.
Infrastructure for basic As per related trade of ITI
Examination The internal examination/ assessment will be held on completion
of each block.
Final examination for all subjects will be held at the end of course
and same will be conducted by NCVT.

Rebate to Ex-ITI Trainees 01 year

OPERATOR Apprenticeship
 Industry may impart training as per above time schedule for different block, however this is not fixed. The
industry may adjust the duration of training considering the fact that all the components under the syllabus
must be covered. However the flexibility should be given keeping in view that no safety aspects is
 For imparting Basic Training the industry to tie-up with ITIs having such specific trade and affiliated to NCVT.

Plastic Processing Operator



The following are minimum broad Common Occupational Skills/ Generic Learning Outcome
after completion of the PLASTIC PROCESSING OPERATOR course of 02 years duration under

Block I & II:-

1. Apply safe working practices.

2. Comply with environment regulation and housekeeping.
3. Interpret & use company and technical communication
4. Demonstrate basic mathematical concept and principles to perform practical operations.
5. Understand and explain basic science in the field of study including simple machine.
6. Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work.
7. Understand and apply the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare
legislation in day-to-day work to improve productivity & quality.
8. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day-to-day
work by optimally using available resources.
9. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day-to-
day work for personal & societal growth.
10. Utilize basic computer applications and internet to take benefit of IT developments in the


Block – I
1. Practice and understand precautions to be followed while working in plastic processing
operator workshop.
2. Prepare different types of documentation as per industrial need by different methods of
recording information.
3. Identification and testing of plastics and polymers
4. Repair & Maintenance work
5. Carry out the different activities of the plant with plant capacity and production.
6. Test and identify of various plastic materials/Components by applying test.
7. Understanding of compression Molding operations & its control.
 Compression Molding M/c & Auxiliaries.

Plastic Processing Operator

 Compression Molding Process

 Compression Mold & It Types.
 Troubleshooting

8. Understanding of Injection Molding operations & its control.

 Injection Molding M/c & Auxiliaries.
 Injection Molding Process
 Injection Mold & It Types.
 Troubleshooting.

9. Understanding of Film Extrusion operations & its control.

 Extruder M/c & Auxiliaries
 Extrusion Process
 Extrusion Dies & Die Setting.
 Troubleshooting
10. Computerized Documentation and Its Analysis.

11. Understanding of Material Conveying and Feeding system.

12. Understanding of M/c & Mold ( Die) Maintenance
 Routine Maintenance
 Maintenance
 Autonomous Maintenance
 Breakdown Maintenance
 Preventive Maintenance Predictive

Block – II
13. Operate and control of Blow Molding machines.
14. Understanding of Blow Molding operations & its control.
 Blow Molding M/c & Auxiliaries.
 Blow Molding Process
 Blow Molding Dies & Die Setting.
 Troubleshoot
15. Understanding of advance injection Molding techniques.
16. Operate and control of Thermoset Molding machines.
17. Understanding of Thermoset Molding operations & its control.
 Thermoset Molding M/c & Auxiliaries.
 Thermoset Molding Process
 Thermoset Dies.
 Troubleshoot
18. Operate and control of extrusion process machines such as plastic extruder
19. Understanding of Extrusion Process & its control.
 Extruders & Auxiliaries.
 Extrusion Process
 Extrusion Dies.

Plastic Processing Operator

 Troubleshoot
20. Understanding of Co- Extrusion Operation & its control.
 Co- Extruders & Auxiliaries.
 Co- Extrusion Process
 Co- Extrusion Dies.
 Troubleshoot
21. Understand the Hand layup / Spray up / vacuum bag Molding Operation & its Control.
22. Understanding of Sheet Extrusion Operation & its control.
 Sheet Extruders & Auxiliaries.
 Sheet Extrusion Process
 Sheet Extrusion Dies.
 Troubleshoot
23. Understanding of Wire & Cable Extrusion Operation & its control.
24. Fiber reinforce plastic (FRP) process
25. Understanding of ISO Management System
26. Operation Management System
 Lean Manufacturing
 Six Sigma

NOTE: Learning outcomes are reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment
will be carried out as per assessment criteria.

Plastic Processing Operator



1. Recognize & comply safe 1. 1. Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe
working practices, environment working environment in line with occupational health
regulation and housekeeping. and safety regulations and requirements.
1. 2. Recognize and report all unsafe situations according to
site policy.
1. 3. Identify and take necessary precautions on fire and
safety hazards and report according to site policy and
1. 4. Identify, handle and store / dispose off
dangerous/unsalvageable goods and substances
according to site policy and procedures following
safety regulations and requirements.
1. 5. Identify and observe site policies and procedures in
regard to illness or accident.
1. 6. Identify safety alarms accurately.
1. 7. Report supervisor/ Competent of authority in the event of
accident or sickness of any staff and record accident
details correctly according to site accident/injury
1. 8. Identify and observe site evacuation procedures
according to site policy.
1. 9. Identify Personal Productive Equipment (PPE) and use
the same as per related working environment.
1. 10. Identify basic first aid and use them under different
1. 11. Identify different fire extinguisher and use the same as
per requirement.
1. 12. Identify environmental pollution & contribute to
avoidance of same.
1. 13. Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner
1. 14. Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure
1. 15. Recognize different components of 5S and apply the
same in the working environment.
2. Demonstrate basic 2.1 Explain concept of basic science related to the field such as
Material science, Mass, weight, density, speed, velocity,
mathematical concept and
heat & temperature, force, motion, pressure, heat treatment,
principles to perform practical centre of gravity, friction.
2.2 Measure dimensions as per drawing
operations. Understand and
2.3 Use scale/ tapes to measure for fitting to specification.

Plastic Processing Operator

explain basic science in the field 2.4 Comply given tolerance.

of study including simple 2.5 Prepare list of appropriate materials by interpreting detail
drawings and determine quantities of such materials.
machine. 2.6 Ensure dimensional accuracy of assembly by using
different instruments/gauges.
2.7 Explain basic electricity, insulation &earthing.

3. Read and apply engineering 3. 1. Read & interpret the information on drawings and apply in
executing practical work.
drawing for different application
3. 2. Read & analyse the specification to ascertain the material
in the field of work. requirement, tools, and machining /assembly /maintenance
3. 3. Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key
information and make own calculations to fill in missing
dimension/parameters to carry out the work.

4. Understand and apply the 4.1Explain the concept of productivity and quality tools and
apply during execution of job.
concept in productivity, quality
42.Understand the basic concept of labour welfare legislation
tools, and labour welfare and adhere to responsibilities and remain sensitive towards such
legislation in day-to-day work to laws.
4.3.Knows benefits guaranteed under various acts
improve productivity & quality.

5.Explain energy conservation, 5.1Explain the concept of energy conservation, global warming,
pollution and utilize the available recourses optimally & remain
global warming and pollution
sensitive to avoid environment pollution.
and contribute in day 5.2Dispose waste following standard procedure.

6. Explain personnel finance, 6.1Explain personnel finance and entrepreneurship.

entrepreneurship and 6.2Explain role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-
manage/organize related task in employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for
day to day work for personal & financing/ non financing support agencies to familiarizes with
societal growth. the Policies /Programmes & procedure & the available scheme.
6.3Prepare Project report to become an entrepreneur for
submission to financial institutions.
Block-I & II

Plastic Processing Operator

Assessment Criteria i.e. the standard of performance, for each specific learning
outcome mentioned under block – I & block – II(section: 10) must ensure that the
trainee achieves well developed skill with clear choice of procedure in familiar
context. Assessment criteria should broadly cover the aspect of Planning (Identify,
ascertain, estimate etc.); Execution (perform, illustration, demonstration etc. by
applying 1) a range of cognitive and practical skills required to accomplish tasks and
solve problems by selecting and applying basic methods, tools, materials and
information 2) Knowledge of facts, principles, processes, and general concepts, in a
field of work or study 3)Desired Mathematical Skills and some skill of collecting and
organizing information, communication) and Checking/ Testing to ensure
functionality during the assessment of each outcome. The assessments parameters
must also ascertain that the candidate is responsible for own work and learning and
some responsibility for other’s work and learning.

Plastic Processing Operator


Duration: (03) Three Months

Week Professional Skills Professional Knowledge

1 Familiarization & importance of trade training , Safety: Firefighting equipment its precautions
machinery used in the trade, types of jobs made observed in the section. Introduction about
by the trainees in the trade: safety and occupational health hazards followed in plastic
firefighting equipment and their use industries
2 Marking, Hacksawing, Filing on mild steel flat Linear measuring tools. Introduction to hand tools
using steel rule, calipers, punches etc. used for marking, punching, sawing, filing etc.
marking table
3 Practice of drilling on flat surfaces. Forming Bench vice-its types and parts.
internal threads with taps to standard size and Files – its description types, grades & cut.
preparing studs and bolts Hacksaw - its type use and care.
4 Safety precaution and first aid about electricity Tap &dies its use and care. Vernier caliper,
while working on machines. Basic knowledge micrometer, height gauge, bevel protector. Least
about fixing and connecting of electrical count calculation and its measurements
5 Making hydraulic and pneumatic circuits by Safety precaution and first aid while working on
using flow control valves, pressure control machine. Drilling machines-its type – (portable,
valves. Logic valves, pumps and compressor. bench type, and pillar type), parts & working
6 Testing of Various Plastics Material: Operating and maintenance of hydraulic and
Tensile test, Compressive test, Shear test, pneumatic components- flow control valves,
Hardness test, MFI test, Melting point test. pressure control valves. Logic valves, pumps and
Identification of plastics practical by simple compressor
methods like burning
7 Injection Molding: Identification of Various Plastics Material Thermo
Basic idea of mechanical electrical and Plastic:PE,PP,ABS,POM,SAN,PMMA,PS,PC,NY
hydraulic system of IMM & its different parts LON,PVC,PET,CN,CA,CAP,PBT Thermosetting
and their respective functions. Operating and Plastic:
controlling of IMM in IRO & TRO. Parameters PF,MF,UF ,EPOXY,SILICON,POLYESTER
setting. RESIN,SMC,DMC) its properties and applications.
Practical on Hand injection, vertical
Injection/Horizontal injection
8 Microprocessor Controlled & PLC IMM, Injection Molding:
Machine setting procedure, setting for process- Introduction about injection Molding machine – its
parameters. Types of Molds, Types of runners types. Molds and its parts. Processing defects,
and gates. causes, remedies. Trouble shooting of IMM
9 Oiling, lubrication and preventive maintenance Microprocessor Controlled & PLC Injection
of injection Molding machine Molding machine. Its comparison .Thermoset

Plastic Processing Operator

Injection Molding All electrical & Multi Injection

Molding Machines,
Types of Molds .Types of runners and gates.
10 Compression Molding: Preventive maintenance of IMM
Basic idea of mechanical electrical and Compression Molding:
hydraulic system of CMM and its different parts
Types of CMM its different parts and functions.
and the irrespective functions. Operating andMolds and its parts. Processing Defects, Causes,
controlling of CMM in IRO & TRO and Remedies etc. Trouble shooting of CMM
11 Oiling, lubrication and preventive maintenance
Transfer Molding
of compression Molding machine
12-13 Fiber Reinforce Plastic (FRP) process Introduction of fiber reinforced plastic processing
(hand lay-up process). method.

Internal Assessment 03days

Plastic Processing Operator


Duration: (03) Three Months

No. Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
1 Blow Molding Process: Blow Molding Process:
Familiarization with basic idea of mechanical, Types Blow Molding machine (Hand operated &
electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic system of Automatic) –its description, different parts & their
blow Molding machine and its different parts and respective functions. Sequence of operation BM
Process and its latest processing
their respective functions.
techniques.(Stretch blow, extrusion stretch blow,
injection stretch blow multilayer blow).
2 Operating and controlling of blow Molding Description about Blow Molds and its parts.
machine in IRO & TRO (setting of die, adjusting Processing defects, causes, remedies etc.
mandrel, controlling Parisian, adjusting thickness Trouble shooting of Blow Molding machine.
3 Oiling, lubrication and preventive maintenance of preventive maintenance of Blow Molding
Blow Molding machine machine
4 Extrusion process: Extrusion Process: Extrusion machine – its
Familiarization with basic idea of mechanical, description, use of different parts and their
electrical and hydraulic system of extrusion functions. PVC compounding and its chemical
machine and its different parts and their ingredients. Its latest processing techniques.(
respective functions. multi-layer film, co-extruded sheets, corrugated
pipes )
5 Extrusion machine in IRO & TRO. Changing and Description about extrusion dies and its parts.
cleaning of screws in extruder, adjusting and Processing defects, causes, remedies etc.
controlling temperature, screen pack arrangement, Trouble shooting of extruder machine.
variable speed, setting and die head for pipe, profile,
reprocessing and blown film.
6 Oiling, lubricating and preventive maintenance of Introduction about Oiling, lubrication and
extruder machine. preventive maintenance of extruder machine.
7 Operating and controlling of thermoforming & Thermoforming & vacuum forming – its brief
vacuum forming machine in IRO & TRO. description and use. Processing technique of
different plastic material.
8 Demo about rotational Molding machine. Introduction about Rotational Molding process.
9 Practice for Annealing, Stress Relieving, Post Molding Operations: Annealing, Stress
Warpage Control, De-flashing and Printing of Relieving, Warpage Control, De-flashing and
finish products. Printing.
10 Practice of Pre-drying of Plastics Materials Importance of Pre-drying of Plastics Materials
Pre drying equipments and ancillaries
11 Fabricating acrylic sheet ABS- sheet, HIPS sheet, Machinery used for buffing, sanding, welding
HMHDPE blocks. Involving, drilling screwing and their application. Types of plastic casting
buffing sanding. Types of plastic casting
12-13 Demo on Preservation/storage methods. (scaling, Hot runner Molds, cold runner Molds, blow
corrosion, blocking, sliding, revolving parts) Molds, Stretch Mold& dies.
Internal Assessment 03 days
Plastic Processing Operator



Block – I

Sl. Workshop Calculation and Science Engineering Drawing

No. (Duration: - 20 hrs.) (Duration : - 30 hrs.)
1. Unit: Systems of unit- FPS, CGS, Engineering Drawing: Introduction and its
MKS/SI unit, unit of length, Mass and importance
time, Conversion of units Drawing Instruments : their Standard and uses
- Drawing board, T-Square, Drafter (Drafting M/c), Set
Squares, Protractor, Drawing Instrument Box
(Compass, Dividers, Scale, Diagonal Scales etc.),
Pencils of different Grades, Drawing pins / Clips. (2
Lines :
- Definition, types and applications in Drawing as per
BIS SP:46-2003
- Classification of lines (Hidden, centre, construction,
Extension, Dimension, Section)
- Drawing lines of given length (Straight, curved)
- Drawing of parallel lines, perpendicular line
2. Fractions: Fractions, Decimal fraction, Drawing of Geometrical Figures: Definition,
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and nomenclature and practice of - Angle: Measurement
Division of Fractions and Decimals, and its types, method of bisecting.
conversion of Fraction to Decimal and - Triangle -different types
- Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, Parallelogram,
vice versa. Simple problems using
Calculator. - Circle and its elements.
(4 Hrs)
Lettering and Numbering as per BIS SP46-2003:
- Single Stroke, Double Stroke, inclined, Upper case
and Lower case
(4 Hrs).

3. Properties of Material : properties - Practice of Lettering and Title Block

Physical & Mechanical, Types –Ferrous (2 Hrs)
& Non-Ferrous, difference between Dimensioning practice:
Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metals, - Position of dimensioning (unidirectional, aligned,
introduction of Iron, Cast Iron, Wrought oblique as per BIS SP:46-2003)
- Symbols preceding the value of dimension and
Iron, Steel, difference between Iron and dimensional tolerance.
Steel, Alloy steel, carbon steel, stainless
steel, Non-Ferrous Alloys.

Plastic Processing Operator

(2 Hrs)Methods of Division of line segment

4. Ratio &Proportion : Simple calculation Drawing of Solid figures (Cube, Cuboids, Cone,
on related problems. Prism, Pyramid, Frustum of Cone and Pyramid.) with
(4 Hrs)
Free Hand sketch of hand tools and measuring tools
used in respective trades.
5. Mass, Weight and Density: Free-hand sketches of Hand Tools, Screw drivers,
Mass, Unit of Mass, Weight, difference Pliers,
between mass and weight, Density, unit Spanner, Tweezer. Free-hand sketches of Vernier
Caliper, micrometer, Depth Gauge, Dial Test Indicator,
of density. Bevel protractor (4 Hrs)
ISI symbols of Generator, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Watt-
meter. Resister, inductor, Capacitor, Transformer, AC
& DC motors.etc.
- Drawing of pressure control process line(2

6. Percentage: Introduction, Simple -

calculation. Changing percentage to
decimal and fraction and vice-versa.
7. Speed and Velocity: Rest and motion, -
speed, velocity, difference between speed
and velocity, acceleration, retardation.
8. Mensuration: Area and perimeter of -
square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle,
circle, semi circle.
Volume of solids – cube, cuboids,
cylinder and Sphere.
Surface area of solids – cube, cuboids,
cylinder and Sphere.
- Area of cut-out regular surfaces: circle
and segment and sector of circle.

- Volume of cut-out solids: hollow

cylinders, frustum of cone, block section.
- Volume of simple solid blocks.
9. Heat & Temparature: Heat and -
temperature, their units, difference between
heat and temperature, boiling point, melting
point, scale of temperature, relation between
different scale of temperature, Thermometer,
pyrometer, transmission of heat, conduction,
convection, radiation.
10. Work, Power and Energy: work, unit of -
work, power, unit of power, Horse
power, mechanical efficiency, energy,

Plastic Processing Operator

use of energy, potential and kinetic

energy, examples of potential energy and
kinetic energy.

Plastic Processing Operator

Block – II

Sl. Workshop Calculation and Science Engineering Drawing

No. (Duration: - 20 hrs.) (Duration : - 30 hrs.)
1. Archimedes’s principle, principle of floatation - Drawing sketches of different types of valves,
hydrometers. such as gate valve, globe valve, ball valve, Plug
Centre of gravity and Valve, check valve etc. (4 Hrs)
Equilibrium condition. Drawing of different types locking devices such as
(2Hrs) double nut, castle nut, pin etc
2. Pressure, temperature, Boyle's law, Charles’s law, - Screw thread, their standard forms as per BIS,
Equation of perfect gas. Calculations.. Symbolic representation of different types of
valves- gate valve, globe valve, butterfly valve, ball
valve, diaphragm valve, control valve, non-return
valve, and needle valve. (2 Hrs)
Free hand sketches of Belt conveyor, Screw
conveyer, Bucket elevator.
3. Centre of Gravity, (C.G. Of square, rectangle, - Drawing of pressure, Level , flow and
triangle, circle, semicircle, cone) & its calculations temperature control system.
(2 Hrs)
Free hand sketches of crushers, ball mill, hammer
mill and centrifuges
4. Flow of fluids- - Free hand sketches of steam jet ejector, steam
Equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s theorem trap (2 Hrs)
Diagram of distillation column with all accessories
Free hand sketches of process instrument- such as
temperature indicator, level indicator, LIC, TIC, PI,
5. Flow measurement by orifice meter, venturi meter, Injection Molding Machine Sketch
Rota meter, U-tube manometer. Injection Molds .(Simple Insulated & Hot Runner
Runner & Gate Systems
Blow Molding Machine Sketch
Blow Molding Molds ,Stretch Blow Molds
Extrusion Process Sketch (Pipe ,Film up Stroke &
Down stroke, Wire, Calendering Roto Molding
Machine Sketch Roto Mold, FRP Technique Sketch
SMC & DMC Sketch, Thermoforming& Vacuum
Machine Sketch Thermoforming& Vacuume
forming Molds
6. Definition - viscosity, flash point, fire point, flash
points of standard lubricating oils, octane number.

7. Newton's laws of motion unit of force, find out

resultant force parallelogram law of forces,

8. Condition of equilibrium, kind of equilibrium, some

examples of equilibrium in daily life,.

9. Advantages & Disadvantages of friction, Limiting

Plastic Processing Operator

friction, Laws of limiting friction, Coefficient of

friction, angle of friction, Inclined plane, Force of
10. Latent heat, sensible heat, saturated steam, wet
steam, superheated steam.
Reynolds’s number, at different velocities

Plastic Processing Operator


(DURATION: - 110 HRS.)

Block – I
(Duration – 55 hrs.)
1. English Literacy Duration : 20 Hrs.
Marks : 09
Pronunciation Accentuation (mode of pronunciation) on simple words, Diction
(use of word and speech)

Functional Grammar Transformation of sentences, Voice change, Change of tense,


Reading Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and

Writing Construction of simple sentences Writing

simple English

Speaking / Spoken Speaking with preparation on self, on family, on friends/ classmates,

English on know, picture reading gain confidence through role-playing and
discussions on current happening job description, asking about
someone's job habitual actions. Cardinal (fundamental) numbers
ordinal numbers. Taking messages, passing messages on and filling in
message forms Greeting and introductions office hospitality, Resumes
or curriculum vita essential parts, letters of application reference to
previous communication.

2. I.T. Literacy Duration : 20 Hrs.

Marks : 09
Basics of Computer Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and peripherals,
Switching on-Starting and shutting down of computer.

Computer Operating Basics of Operating System, WINDOWS, The user interface of

System Windows OS, Create, Copy, Move and delete Files and Folders, Use of
External memory like pen drive, CD, DVD etc, Use of Common

Word processing and Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, opening and closing
Worksheet Documents, use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text, Formatting
the Text, Insertion & creation of Tables. Printing document.
Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic commands, creating
simple worksheets, understanding sample worksheets, use of simple
formulas and functions, Printing of simple excel sheets.

Plastic Processing Operator

Computer Networking Basic of computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of
and Internet Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet,
Concept of Internet (Network of Networks),
Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, Web Site, Web
page and Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser,
Downloading and Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and
use of email. Social media sites and its implication.
Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in
Information Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.

3. Communication Skills Duration : 15 Hrs.

Marks : 07
Introduction to Communication and its importance
Communication Skills Principles of Effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non verbal, written, email, talking on
Non verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-language
Body language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.

Listening Skills Listening-hearing and listening, effective listening, barriers to

effective listening guidelines for effective listening.
Triple- A Listening - Attitude, Attention & Adjustment.
Active Listening Skills.

Motivational Training Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success.

The Power of Positive Attitude.
Self awareness
Importance of Commitment
Ethics and Values
Ways to Motivate Oneself
Personal Goal setting and Employability Planning.

Manners, Etiquettes, Dress code for an interview

Do's & Don'ts for an interview.
Facing Interviews
Behavioral Skills Problem Solving
Confidence Building

Block – II
Duration – 55 hrs.
4. Entrepreneurship Skills Duration : 15 Hrs.
Marks : 06
Concept of Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship - Enterprises:-Conceptual issue

Plastic Processing Operator

Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship vs. management, Entrepreneurial motivation.

Performance & Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation to
the enterprise & relation to the economy, Source of business ideas,
Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of setting up a business.

Project Preparation & Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept
Marketing analysis & application of PLC, Sales & distribution Management. Different
Between Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey,
Method of marketing, Publicity and advertisement, Marketing Mix.
Institutions Support Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-
employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/
non financing support agencies to familiarizes with the Policies
/Programmes & procedure & the available scheme.

Investment Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act,

Procurement Estimation & Costing, Investment procedure - Loan procurement -
Banking Processes.

5. Productivity Duration : 10 Hrs.

Marks : 05
Benefits Personal / Workman - Incentive, Production linked Bonus,
Improvement in living standard.

Affecting Factors Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation - How

improves or slows down.

Comparison with Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany,

developed countries Japan and Australia) in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing, Steel,
Mining, Construction etc. Living standards of those countries, wages.

Personal Finance Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash
Management handling, Personal risk and Insurance.

6. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education Duration : 15 Hrs.

Marks : 06
Safety & Health Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety
and health at workplace.

Occupational Hazards Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibroacoustic Hazards, Mechanical

Hazards, Electrical Hazards, Thermal Hazards. Occupational health,
Occupational hygienic, Occupational Diseases/ Disorders & its

Accident & safety Basic principles for protective equipment.

Accident Prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety

Plastic Processing Operator

First Aid Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation
of sick person.

Basic Provisions Idea of basic provision legislation of India.

safety, health, welfare under legislative of India.

Ecosystem Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and

Environment, Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance.

Pollution Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous

Energy Conservation Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle.

Global warming Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion.
Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and
Harvesting of water.

Environment Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in -house


7. Labour Welfare Legislation Duration : 05 Hrs.

Marks : 03
Welfare Acts Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship
Act, Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act,
Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's compensation Act.

8. Quality Tools Duration : 10 Hrs.

Marks : 05
Quality Consciousness Meaning of quality, Quality characteristic.

Quality Circles Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality

Circle, Roles and function of Quality Circles in Organization,
Operation of Quality circle. Approaches to starting Quality Circles,
Steps for continuation Quality Circles.

Quality Management Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining
System qualities.

House Keeping Purpose of House-keeping, Practice of good Housekeeping.

Quality Tools Basic quality tools with a few examples.

Plastic Processing Operator
The competencies/ specific outcomes on completion of On-Job Training are
detailed below: -

Block – I
1. Safety and best practices (5S, KAIZEN etc.)
2. Record keeping and documentation
3. Identification and testing of plastics and polymers
4. Repair & Maintenance work
5. Practice and understand precautions to be followed while working in plastic processing
operator workshop.
6. Prepare different types of documentation as per industrial need by different methods of
recording information.
7. Identification and testing of plastics and polymers
8. Repair & Maintenance work
9. Carry out the different activities of the plant with plant capacity and production.
10.Test and identify of various plastic materials/Components by applying test.
11.Understand of compression Molding operations & its control.
 Compression Molding M/c & Auxiliaries.
 Compression Molding Process
 Compression Mold & It Types.
 Troubleshooting

12. Understand of Injection Molding operations & its control.

 Injection Molding M/c & Auxiliaries.
 Injection Molding Process
 Injection Mold & It Types.
 Troubleshooting.

13. Understand of Film Extrusion operations & its control.

 Extruder M/c & Auxiliaries
 Extrusion Process
 Extrusion Dies & Die Setting.
 Troubleshooting
14. Computerized Documentation and Its Analysis.

15. Understand of Material Conveying and Feeding system.

16. Understanding of M/c & Mold ( Die) Maintenance
 Routine Maintenance
 Maintenance
 Autonomous Maintenance

Plastic Processing Operator

 Breakdown Maintenance
 Preventive Maintenance Predictive
Block – II
17. Safety and best practices (5S, KAIZEN etc.)
18. Store procedure, Record keeping, inventory management and documentation
19. Identification and testing of plastics and polymers
20. Repair & Maintenance work of Molding and Extrusion Machines
21. Operate and control of Blow Molding machines.
22. Understand of Blow Molding operations & its control.
 Blow mold M/c & Auxiliaries.
 Blow Molding Process
 Blow Molding Dies & Die Setting.
 Troubleshoot
23. Understand of advance injection Molding techniques.
24. Operate and control of Thermoset Molding machines.
25. Understand of Thermoset Molding operations & its control.
 Thermoset Molding M/c & Auxiliaries.
 Thermoset Molding Process
 Thermoset Dies.
 Troubleshoot
26. Operate and control of extrusion process machines such as plastic extruder
27. Understand of Extrusion Process & its control.
 Extruders & Auxiliaries.
 Extrusion Process
 Extrusion Dies.
 Troubleshoot
28. Understand of Co- Extrusion Operation & its control.
 Co- Extruders & Auxiliaries.
 Co- Extrusion Process
 Co- Extrusion Dies.
 Troubleshoot
29. Understand the Hand layup / Spray up / vacuum bag Molding Operation & its Control.
30. Understand of Sheet Extrusion Operation & its control.
 Sheet Extruders & Auxiliaries.
 Sheet Extrusion Process
 Sheet Extrusion Dies.
 Troubleshoot
31. Understand of Wire & Cable Extrusion Operation & its control.
32. Fiber reinforce plastic (FRP) process
33. Understand of ISO Management System

Plastic Processing Operator

34. Operation Management System
 Lean Manufacturing
 Six Sigma

1. Industry must ensure that above mentioned competencies are achieved by the trainees during
their on job training.

2. In addition to above competencies/ outcomes industry may impart additional training relevant to
the specific industry.




Sl. no. Name of the Tool &Equipments Specification Quantity

Steel Rule 15 cm with metric graduation

1. 2O nos.

2. Try Square 150 CM 2O nos.

Caliper inside /Out Side 150CM
3. 20 nos.
Straight Scriber 15CM
4. 20 nos.

5. Screw driver 15CM 20 nos.

6. Hammer ball peen 0.45 kg. With handle 20 nos.
7. File flat 25CM 20 nos.
Dot slot punch 10 CM
8. 20nos.

Plier 150mm insulated flat type

9. 20 nos.

10. Hacksaw frame 3OCM 20 nos.

Note: In case of basic training setup by the industry the tools, equipment and
machinery available in the industry may also be used for imparting basic






1) Space Norms : 45 Sq. m.(For Engineering Drawing)

2) Infrastructure:


Name of the items Specification Quantity
1. Draughtsman drawing instrument box 20
2. Set square celluloid 45⁰ (250 X 1.5 mm) 20
3. Set square celluloid mm) 30⁰-60⁰ (250 X 1.5 20
4. Mini drafter 20
5. Drawing board (700mm x500 mm) IS: 1444 20

B : Furniture Required
Name of the items Specification Quantity
1 Drawing Board 20
2 Models : Solid & cut section as required
3 Drawing Table for trainees as required
4 Stool for trainees as required
5 Cupboard (big) 01
6 White Board (size: 8ft. x 4ft.) 01
7 Trainer’s Table 01
8 Trainer’s Chair 01



Sl. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity

1. Computer (PC) with latest configurations and Internet connection with 10 Nos.
standard operating system and standard word processor and worksheet

2. UPS - 500VA 10 Nos.

3. Scanner cum Printer 1 No.
4. Computer Tables 10 Nos.
5. Computer Chairs 20 Nos.
6. LCD Projector 1 No.
7. White Board 1200mm x 900mm 1 No.
Note: - Above Tools & Equipments not required, if Computer LAB is available in the institute.



Name & Address of the Assessor : Year of Enrollment :

Name & Address of ITI (Govt./Pvt.) : Date of Assessment :

Name & Address of the Industry : Assessment location: Industry / ITI

Trade Name : Semester: Duration of the Trade/course:

Learning Outcome:

Maximum Marks (Total 100 Marks) 15 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 15 15

assessment Marks
Quality in workmanship
Attendance/ Punctuality

Skills to handle tools &

Safety consciousness

Speed in doing work

Total internal
Workplace hygiene

Result (Y/N)
Economical use of
Manuals/ Written
Ability to follow

Application of

Sl. No



Candidate Name

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