Int 03

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Course: INTERMEDIATE 03 (INT-03)

Student: _____________________________ Date: ______________
Schedule: ____________________________ Teacher:______________

1.1 VOCABULARY I: Match the correct definition:

High end_____

low-tech _____

High tech_____

Wacky _____

Innovative _____

a) Using the most advanced and developed machines and methods

b) Of very good quality and usually expensive.
c) Using new methods or ideas.
d) Strange in a pleasing and exciting or silly way.
e) Using machines, equipment, and methods that are not the most advanced.

2.1 Grammar I: Complete the sentences in the unreal conditional. Use


1-If____________ (I / be) you, ____________ (I/ get) a new coffeemaker.

The Coffee Machine is on sale.

2 What time ____________ (you / go) to sleep if ____________

(you / not / have to) get up to go to work?

3 If ____________ (we / know) Margaret's e-mail address, ____________

(we / send) her an e-vite.

4 ____________ (you / get) the new Banana tablet if |____________ (the

price / be) right?

5 Who ____________ (you / tell) ____________ (you / see) someone

steal something in a store?
6 Where ____________ (Mark / go) ____________ (he / have) a one-month

7 Would you take your children to the new Hunger Games film if ____________
(it / not / be) too violent?

8 Do you think ____________ (more people / get) plastic surgery if

____________ (no one / know)?

9 If ____________ (it / not / be) very expensive to join a health club,

____________ (most people / join)?

10 If ____________ (you / not / have to) work, ____________ (you / stay)


2.2 Grammar II: Rewrite the unreal conditional sentences, reversing

the order of the clauses.

1 She would have acupuncture if she had a lot of back pain.

2 Would a vegetarian eat meat if there were nothing else to eat?

3 Would you rent a car if you took a trip to London?

4 If there weren't a good movie at the Uptown Theater, I wouldn't go out tonight.

2.3- Grammar III: Read each statement. Then choose True or

False to indicate your understanding. For each answer choice,
change T to True, and F to False.

1 If Martin had had more time, he would have driven me to the mall.
True / False Martin drove me to the mall.

2 I would have told him the truth if | had known it.

True / False I told him the truth.
3 We would have gone to the theater if we had been able to get tickets.
True / False We didn't go to the theater.

4 Melanie would have bought the TRX laptop if it had been on sale.
True / False Melanie didn't buy the TRX laptop.

5 If my parents had known that | was there, they would have been angry.

True / False They were angry.

2.4-Grammar IV: Complete each sentence in the past unreal


 If you ____________ (ask) me, I ____________ (tell) you.

 She ____________ (not/say) anything if she ____________ (know) it

would cause a problem.

 They____________ (not / go) to Spain if they ____________ (not /

learn) Spanish.

 The soccer team ____________ (not / win) the prize if it____________

(not/be) the best.

 Michael ____________ (buy) the house if it ____________ (not/cost)

so much.

3- READING: Read the text about three famous inventions

Three popular inventions from the 1920s

The 1920s was an exciting time for inventions. Some of the things invented
around that time changed the lives of millions of people, and some of those
inventions are still widely used today.

The television

The invention with the biggest impact was probably the television. It was
invented by a Scottish man, John Logie Baird. The first televised pictures were
sent over a short distance in 1924, and his invention was formally demonstrated
at the Royal Institute two years later. The pictures on the screen were not clear,
but the viewers could see that they were human faces, and they could see their
eyes opening and closing. In 1928, images were sent from Britain to America,
and later, to a ship 1,500 miles out to sea. In the same year, the first colour
images were sent. The first ‘seeing-in sets’ were sold that same year. For £25
(£1000 in today’s money), people in their homes could watch moving images
that were sent from a broadcasting station.

The fridge

Another invention that became popular in the 1920s was the home refrigerator.
People used different ways to keep food cool and fresh long before the 1900s,
but home fridges weren’t invented until 1913 in the USA. Home fridges became
very popular in the USA in the 1920s. Sales of the popular ‘Frigidaire’ model
increased from 5,000 in 1921 to 750,000 in 1926. British people were less
interested in fridges than Americans. They thought that they were unnecessary
because the weather in Britain was cooler. But fridges were heavily advertised,
and their advantages were described in detail. Soon, more fridges were sold,
and the price decreased.

The polygraph

Another interesting invention of the 1920s was the polygraph, or lie detector. It
was invented in 1921 by a Californian policeman, John Larson. He used the
ideas of other psychologists to make a machine that measured people’s heart
rate, breathing and blood pressure while they were asked questions. The
experts believed that sudden changes in these measurements showed that
someone was lying. Although this invention is well-known, it can’t really detect
lies. Marston tried to use measurements from his polygraph in a court case in
1923, but they weren’t accepted as evidence and never have been since then.
However, polygraphs are still used by some police forces and the FBI because
many people believe they work, so they tell the truth to avoid the machine.

Choose true or false.

1-When television images were first transmitted, viewers didn’t know exactly
what the image was.
a. True
b. False

2-The television was demonstrated at the Royal Institute in 1926.

a. True
b. False

3-Colour images were not possible until after the 1920s.

a. True
b. False

4-Television images were first sent across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928.
a. True
b. False

5-People could buy television sets in the 1920s.

a. True
b. False

6-Home refrigerators were invented in the 1920s.

a. True
b. False

7-Fridges became popular in the USA before they were popular in the UK.
a. True
b. False

8-Some psychologists helped John Larson to build his invention.

a. True
b. False

9-On some occasions, lie detectors have been used as evidence in court.
a. True
b. False

10-Today, lie detectors are never used by the police.

a. True
b. False

5- WRITING : Complete each conditional sentence with your

own ideas.
1 If the computer hadn't been invented, ...............................................

2 IfI had to decide what the most important scientific discovery in history was,

3 If most people cared about the environment, ........................ ?

4 Would new cars be less expensive if ............................................?

5 If Ella had known that being a teacher was so hard,


0-10 = 0 11-13 = 1 14 – 16 = 2 17-20 = 3

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