Upper Intermediate Final Exam

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Listen and answer the questions. You will hear each listening only once. (20x1=20pts.)

Part 1
You will hear an interview with an athlete talking about his sport. For questions 1-7, choose the
best answer (A, В or C).

1. What is the sport called?

A Half Marathons
В Ultra-Marathons
С Fun running

2. The races

A are varied.
В are timed.
С cover a fixed length.

3 .How many people compete in the South African race?

A 12,000
В 250
С 200

4. How does Stan feel about the Badwater race?

A It’s frightening.
В It’s impossible.
С It’s a good personal test.

5.When was the first Badwater race completed?

A 1974
В 1980
С 1977

6. How long did it take Al Arnold to finish it?

A 18 hours
В 80 hours
С 49 hours

7. What does Stan say he values most about the sport?

A He has come to terms with his temper.

В It has made him more responsible.
С He realises how grateful he is to have friends and family.
Part 2
Listen to a guide talking to a group of vistors to a farm. Fill in the blanks with no more than one Word.

Fiddy Working Heritage Farm

Advice about visiting the farm

Visitors should

• take care not to harm any 8………………………………….

• not touch any 9……………………….
• wear10…………………………..
• not bring dogs into the farm, with certain exceptions

Part 3
You will hear part of a student presentation about the variety of different species that live in the
world’s oceans. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Ocean Biodiversity
Biodiversity hotspots

• areas containing many different species

• important for locating targets for 11 ………………….

• at first only identified on land

Boris Worm, 2005

• identified hotspots for large ocean predators, e.g. sharks

• found that ocean hotspots:

– were not always rich in12 …………….

– had higher temperatures at the 13 ………………………..

– had sufficient 14…………………….. in the water

Lisa Ballance, 2007

• looked for hotspots for marine15……………………………….

• found these were all located where ocean currents meet

Census of Marine Life

• found new ocean species living:

– under the 16…………………………………………………

– near volcanoes on the ocean floor

Global Marine Species Assessment

• want to list endangered ocean species, considering:

– population size

– geographical distribution

– rate of 17………………………………

• Aim: to assess 20,000 species and make a distribution 18……………………. for each one

Recommendations to retain ocean biodiversity

• increase the number of ocean reserves

• establish 19 ……………………..corridors (e.g. for turtles)

• reduce fishing quotas

• catch fish only for the purpose of 20………………………………………….

Read the reading and answer the questions that follow.

a. _____________________________

Who put together the first personal computer? You may think that it was scientists working
in a lab. In fact, two college dropouts working in a garage came up with this invention that
changed the world. Inventors are often elementary schoolchildren, homemakers, or the guy
next door working on his car. They dream up ideas in classrooms, kitchens and home

b. _____________________________

How do inventers come up with new ideas? What is the key to invention if it isn’t education,
age, or a laboratory? It’s creativity, and everyone has it. 1._______, but in fact, anyone can
develop qualities that go along with creativity.
c. _____________________________

Curiosity comes first. 2._______. For example, when George de Mestral, a Swiss inventor
took his dog for walks in the mountains, burrs would get stuck in the dog’s coat. De Mestral
wondered why they were so hard to remove. Acting on his curiosity, he examined the burrs
through a microscope. When he saw the many tiny hooks on each burr, he realized that he
was looking at the perfect fastener. Years later, de Mestral developed this idea into Velcro,
now used to fasten everything from sneakers to space suits.

d. ______________________________

Imagination is also crucial for an inventor. This quality helps inventors put things together in
a new way. One U.S. sixth grader invented a solar-powered bicycle light by combining solar
cells and his bicycle. When he rides his bike during the day, the sunlight charges up two
batteries. Then at night, when he needs the lights, he switches it on. Imagination can also
mean seeing a new use for a common object. The original Frisbee was a pie pan that two
truck drivers were tossing to each other in a parking lot. As he watched the two men playing
around, Walter Morrison came up with his idea for a new toy that became popular all over
the world.

e. _______________________________

Inventors are often problem solvers. When fifteen-year-old Chester Greenwood’s ears got
frostbitten during Maine’s bitter winters, 3.________ Instead, he attached fur cups to the
ends of a piece of wire, and wrapped the wire around his head. His friends made fun of him
at first, but soon the idea caught on, and they wanted earmuffs too. The Greenwood family
had to work hard to keep up with the orders. Chester patented his invention when he was
only nineteen.

f. __________________________________

After an inventor says “Eureka!” (Greek for “I’ve found it!”) there’s still a lot of work to do.
Another quality found in successful inventors is tenacity- the ability to stick with a project
until it is completed. This usually involves looking up information related to the idea. 4.
_______. Tenacity also involves trying out different materials and designs. De Mestral
experimented with many kinds of materials before he perfected Velcro.

g. _________________________________

Finally, inventors need a lot of self-confidence. They have to believe in their ideas and be
willing to learn from failures. Gail Borden developed a process for condensing and canning
milk, but the government turned down his first application for a patent. He kept on trying to
perfect his method and after years he finally succeeded. His invention probably saved many
lives at a time when there was no way to refrigerate milk. Borden’s motto in engraved on his
tombstone: “I tried and failed; I tried again and again and succeeded.”
A. Match the headings 1-8 with paragraphs a-g. One heading is extra. PLEASE write the
whole title in the blanks. (7x1=7pts)

1. Maybe one year, Maybe ten, Maybe a whole life. Keep Searching!

2. Cats could make good inventors.

3. Once a wise man said: “Trust yourself first!”

4. A room enough to make a big change.

5. So many reasons to be an inventor.

6. Why not changing the way we look at things?

7. Then what does it take to be an inventor?

8. Don’t judge a new idea quickly!

B. Insert the following sentences into the blanks in the reading. (4x0.5=2pts)

1. he didn’t give up and stay indoors

2. George Eastman, inventor of the Kodak camera and film, spent years researching
chemicals and photography.

3. The ability to think up something new seems like magic to many people

4. Inventors are people who want to find out why things happen the way they do

C. Answer the following question. (1pts)

1. According to paragraph four, which of the following has the potential to be an inventor?

a. a young girl interested in fashion buying new clothes as they come into fashion

b. a young girl interested in fashion using the same clothes in new combinations


A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box below. Make the necessary changes.


temptation proactive obligate exile hoarse premonition flounder

judgmental superficial lethargic obsession ridiculous gourmet high flier
cold fish

1. When Anne didn’t arrive, Paul had a …………….. that she was in danger.

2. I don't like to sound ………………….but it really was a big mistake.

3. The shop only sells …………….. food, at astronomical prices.

4. His voice was…………….. as a raven's croak.

5. I found myself ……………….as I tried to answer her questions.

6. Such drugs could have important consequences, and we need to be………………. in thinking about
7. Naturally, such visits can allow only the most …………………… understanding of prison life.
8. The group was a ………………….in the 1980s when it expanded rapidly through acquisitions, but
profits later collapsed.
9. Problems at home were making Will feel ……………………..
10. You look absolutely …………………in that small shirt.
11. The current……………….. with exam results is actually harming children’s education.
12. The house was raided and the family was forced into………………………
13. Resist the …………………. to buy the item until you’re certain you need it.

14. Tenants are……………… to pay their rent on time.

15. I know people thought I was a real …………………, but what could I do when I found nothing
interesting to talk about.
B. Provide synonyms for the following words.(5x1=5pts.)

1. persuade:……………………………………………………….

2. plummet:………………………………………………………..

3. petrify:……………………………………………………………

4. contribute:………………………………………………………

5. detract:……………………………………………………………

C: Provide antonyms for the following words.(5x1=5pts.)

1. soar:………………………………………………………………

2. inhale:……………………………………………………………

3. accurate:……………………………………………………….

4. hazardous:……………………………………………………

5. time-saving:………………………………………………..

D. In the following text fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word. (10x0.5=5pts)

Smoothies are cold drinks made from blended fruit and vegetables to
which crushed ice, milk, honey or (1) ............. yoghurt is also often FREEZE
added. This gives them a thicker milkshake-like consistency.
They have long been a popular (2) ............. to fizzy drinks and are ALTERNATE
marketed as a healthy option. For many years now they have been
(3) ........ .... available in high street coffee shops and supermarkets. WIDE
They are packed with fruit and vegetables, but are smoothies really good
for us?

One popular brand (4) ............. that their drinks contained two of the
suggested five portions of fresh fruit or vegetables which we should
consume every day. This claim resulted in an investigation into just how
healthy these drinks really are. The results were good news for all LOVE
smoothie (5) ........ ...... The research found that the brand’s 250ml
non-dairy drinks did in fact contain sufficient pulped fruit and fruit juice to
count for two of the recommended (6) ............. portions of fruit and DAY
vegetables. As a result, health (7)............. have agreed that smoothies
are good for us. However, not all smoothies are the same. There is a
great diversity of ingredients and (8)............. are advised to check the
contents (9)............... Some may contain as much as a quarter of your CARE
recommended daily (10)............. of saturated fat and up to 40g of sugar. ALLOW
In conclusion, it seems that although smoothies are a good source of the
vitamins and minerals found in fruit and vegetables there are also a lot of
unheathy variations.
A. Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition. (20x0.25=5pts)
1. The bridge was built …………. public expense.
2. Police had been taken ……surprise as fifteen thousand travellers converged on the area.
3. The air was filled …………… the sound of children’s laughter.
4. Be careful…………………… that vase. It’s so valuable for me.
5. She kept blaming me……………….. arriving late at the airport.
6. He was found guilty …………………murder.
7. She got a lot of compliments…………. her appearance.
8. She was modest ………………… her accomplishments even though she had a lot to be proud of after
the dance competition season.

9. On her birthday, her mother made her a cake ………...the shape of a heart.

10. She resigned ……………………. the government last week.

11. Do you have anything similar…………………… this material but cheaper?

12. After the accident, he was …………..poor health for months.

13. All vigorous practice led……..tremendous success.

14. The thief said he had no intention …………hurting the anybody.

15. All hard work resulted …………. incredible triumph.

16. Bob complimented me …………. my new hairstyle.
17. He had tried to reason ……………………the crowd, but he was outnumbered.
18. I believe that judges should be independent ……..the government.

19. He never apologized …………..being rude to his colleagues.

20. For years, scientists have done numerous research …………..the existence of alien life.

B. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given/ required structure.

1. The girl passed all her exams. We explaıned everything to her.( relative clause)(2pts)
2. I have a lot of money and I don’t know what to do with it. (such)(1pt)
3. He ate three hamburgers and has a stomachache now. (1pts)
………………………………………………………………if ………………………………………………………………..
4. I don’t think it was a good idea to enter that competition without asking your parents.
5. I must hang up the washing later. (remember)(1pt)


6. I don’t go to bed as late as you so I am able to get up early in the morning. (provided that)


7. She will finish typing letters before tomorrow morning.( by)(1pt)

8. I should have taken my medicine this morning but I didn’t remember.( forgot)(1pt)


9. Someone had scratched my car on the door when I arrived.(1pt)

My car…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. I asked my teacher to explain the word.( get)(1pt)


11. I am sure my sister will go to university because she is so clever. ( so…….that)(1pt)


12. If we were to choose one, we would go for the cleverest.(1pt)


13. She is careless; that is why she failed all exams.(1pts)


14. I don’t think it’s a good idea to call him now. (better)(1pt)
You …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
18. I had gotten dressed when I got a phone call from my friend saying it was a holiday.( reduced
adverb clause)(2pts)
15. You won’t benefit watching the documentary if you don’t have time. (worth)(1pt)
16. Why didn’t I visit my grandma just before she died?! (if only)(1pt)
Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people say
that advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one.

What is your opinion about it? Take one side and write and provide your reasons writing between
100-120 words.(5pts)





















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