CV Resume Template (ENG) One-Pager
CV Resume Template (ENG) One-Pager
CV Resume Template (ENG) One-Pager
Birthday YYYY-MM-DD
Address Street Name and # and Apartment #, City with Postal Code, State or County, Country
( << Here you write if you’re ready or wish to relocate, or any else>> )
Phone Starts with + or 00, then Country Telephone Code, then Number given by Telecom Provider
( + Whatsapp + Telegram <<< Write else Chat Apps if connected to the phone)
E-mail <YourName>.<YourSurname>@<MailProvider>.com
<Language Name#1>: <Language Skill and/or Proficiency in Estonian satisfactorily. I speak Russian and
Language Certificate> English well
<Language Name #2>: <Language Skill and/or
My goal is superbly provided services to make
Language Certificate> customers happy
Birthday YYYY-MM-DD
Address Street Name and # and Apartment #, City with Postal Code, State or County, Country
( << Here you write if you’re ready or wish to relocate, or any else>> )
Phone Starts with + or 00, then Country Telephone Code, then Number given by Telecom Provider
( + Whatsapp + Telegram <<< Write else Chat Apps if connected to the phone)
E-mail <YourName>.<YourSurname>@<MailProvider>.com