Physical Science DLP Q2W2

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WEEKLY LEARNING PLAN Teacher/Constructor Grade 12

Learning Area Physical Science

Quarter Second
Date/Week WEEK 2
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of:
1. Aristotelian vs. Galilean views of motion
2. How Galileo used his discoveries in mechanics (and astronomy) to address scientific objections to the Copernican model
3. Mass, momentum, and energy conservation
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to:
1. Make either a poster, a flyer, or a brochure on a product (such as fuels, household, or personal care products) indicating its uses, properties,
mode of action, and precautions.

C. Learning Competencies/CODE Compare and contrast the Explain how Galileo inferred Explain the subtle distinction Explain the subtle distinction
Aristotelian and that objects between between
Galilean conceptions of in vacuum fall with uniform Newton’s 1st Law of Motion Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
vertical motion, acceleration, (or Law of (or Law of
horizontal motion, and and that force is not Inertia) and Galileo’s Inertia) and Galileo’s
projectile motion necessary to sustain assertion that force is assertion that force is
horizontal motion not necessary to sustain not necessary to sustain
S11/12PS-IVc-46 horizontal motion horizontal motion
S11/12PS-IVc-51 S11/12PS-IVc-51

D. Objectives 1. The learners will 1. The learners will explain 1. The learners will explain 1. The learners will cite a. Assess students’
compare and contrast the Galileo’s inference on Newton’s three laws of practical application of each performance.
Aristotelian and Galilean uniform acceleration motion law of motion b. Display honesty in
concept of motion. taking the test/quiz.
2. The learners will describe 2. The learners will compare c. Perform the
2. The learners will explain the arguments of Galileo and contrast Galileo and assessment in an
and illustrate Galileo’s regarding freely falling Newton’s law of motion. organized manner.
thought experiment about bodies

Aristotelian vs. Galilean Galilean Views of Motion Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton’s Laws of Motion
Views of Motion


A. References
1. Teacher's guide pages Physical Science TG Physical Science TG Physical Science TG Physical Science TG
2. Learner's materials pages

3. Additional Materials from learning

resource (LR portal)
Other learning resources Google/Internet Google/Internet Google/Internet Google/Internet
A. Reviewing previous lesson and The teacher will recall the The teacher will review the The teacher will review the The teacher will ask the
presenting the new lesson last topic discussed. Aristotelian and Galilean arguments of Galileo students to describe
concept of motion. regarding freely falling Newton’s three laws of
bodies. motion.
5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
B. Establishing a purpose for the The learners will write T if The students will think what The teacher will show Using a Venn diagram , the The learners will be
lesson (MOTIVATION) the statement is TRUE happens when a stone Galileo’s famous experiment learners will compare and instructed on the type of
and F if it is FALSE. reaches its highest point from the Leaning Tower of contrast Galileo’s and assessment.
when thrown up. Pisa. He dropped Newton’s Laws of
_______ 1. The Planets a 10 kg canon ball and a Motion.
move in elliptical orbits. 1kg stone at the
_______ 2. Planets move same time. The experiment
fastest when they are came up with a
nearest to the Sun. result that both have equal
_______ 3. The paths of acceleration.
the planets are ellipses
with the Sun at one focus. Guide Question:
_______ 4. The ratio of the
squares of the period (T) What conclusion could we
of the planets are derive
proportional to from Galileo’s experiment?
the cubes of their mean
distances (R) from the
_______ 5. As the square
of the period (T) of the
planets increases the
cubes of their
mean distances (R) from
the Sun decrease.
5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
C. Presenting examples/ or instances The learners will illustrate ACTIVITY 1 The learners will identify Activity 1 Assessment Proper
of new lesson (PRESENTATION OF Galileo’s “thought THE PRICE OF FREE which of the following
THE LESSON) experiment” about motion. FALL statements will happen if an
object has greater
Procedure: Procedure: mass.
1. Create a rail using a 1. Drop the marble from the
cardboard. (Please refer to following heights: a. the easier the object
the figure below) a. 1 meter starts moving
2. Release the marble b. 2 meter b. the more space it takes
from position A and c. 3 meter up
observe what will happen 2. Each time you drop the c. the more balanced it is Guide Questions:
as it two marbles, listen carefully d. the greater the inertia
reaches position C. to the sound as they 1. What keeps an object at
3. Repeat procedure strike the floor. rest and what keeps it
number 2 to position D, E moving?
and F. Enabling Questions: 2. What cause the object
4. Use the ruler to 1. Did the marble fall at the change in motion?
measure the height where same time from each 3. How does an object’s
the marble reach. height? mass affect its inertia?

D. Discussing new concepts and Guide Questions The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The learners will identify Checking and Evaluating
practicing new skills #1 learners what conclusion learners a question. which of the following balls Scores
1. What affects the you can draw from the has the greatest inertia
difference between the previous activity. What sets Isaac
height of the point of Newton’s laws different from a. ping pong ball
release that of Galileo’s? b. a soccer ball
and the point where the c. a tennis ball
marble reach when the rail Newton’s First Law of d. a bowling ball
is bent along ABC? Motion; Law of Inertia
“An object at rest remains at
rest or if it is in motion
continues to be in motion
with a constant so speed
along a straight line unless
acted upon by an external
10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes
F. Developing mastery/ Finding The learners will choose To sum up your learnings The learners will solve the The learners will answer the Recording of Scores
practical applications of concepts and the word from the word about the lesson, the problem below. questions briefly.
skills in daily living / Making bank to complete the learners will try to answer
generalizations and abstractions about statement below. the 3-2-1- Sample Problem 1. State Newton’s first law of
the lesson Activity below about 1. Find the force needed to motion. What makes the
Galileo’s views of motion accelerate a 100 kg mass object remain in state of
by 20 m/s2. motion
1. The viewpoint of or at rest? Explain why?
__________________ 2. An aircraft has mass of 2. Explain the difference on
regarding free falling 500 000 kg. The total force Galileo’s idea of inertia and
objects was from its jet engine Newton’s first law of motion.
that heavier objects fall is 800 000 N. What is its
faster than lighter objects. acceleration?
2. __________________
argued that objects
released at the same time
from the same height,
regardless of their weight,
will fall at the same
3. __________________
argued that in the absence
of friction, an object
would move continuously
at a constant speed along
the straight line.
15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes
I. Evaluating learning The learners will answer The learners will choose the The learners will analyse the The learners will write True if
the question below. letter of the best answer. statement below. the statement
is correct. If it is not, provide
It refers to the tendency of _________1. What will Isaac Newton to Galileo the right term that made the
an object to remain at rest happen when an object falls “If I have seen further than statement false.
or to move at freely in a vacuum? other men, it is because I
uniform speed along a a. Velocity and acceleration have stood on _____ 1. Inertia is the
straight line. increase the shoulders of giants.” tendency of an object to
a. Acceleration b. Force c. b. Velocity and acceleration Who do you think is the resist motion.
Friction d. Inertia decreases giant Newton is referring to? _____ 2. Newton’s first law of
c. Acceleration increases motion is also called the law
d. Velocity increases of acceleration.
_________2. In the _____ 3. If an object is at
absence of air resistance, rest, inertia will keep it at
what will happen to a falling rest.
object? _____ 4. The inertia of an
a. Constant speed object is determined by its
b. Constant velocity speed
c. Constant acceleration _____ 5. The speed of an
d. Constant distances each object changes only when it
successive second is acted on by an
_________3. A ball is unbalanced force.
thrown upwards and caught
when it comes back down.
In the
absence of air resistance,
the speed of the ball when
caught would be?
a. Less than the speed it
had when thrown upwards
b. More than the speed it
had when thrown upwards
c. The same as the speed it
had when thrown upwards
_________4. If you drop a
feather and a coin at the
same time in a vacuum
which will reach the bottom
a. Both will reach the
bottom at the same time
b. The coin
c. The feather
5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
J. Additional activities for application

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