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A marketing plan is your road map for finding and keeping customers. By planning your marketing step by
step, you give your company the best chance of success in today’s competitive marketplace. From
establishing a strong brand to understanding your ideal customer to creating a compelling buying
experience, the time you put into planning now will pay off many times over in the months and years to

What is your vision statement?....................................................................................................................2
What is your value proposition?.................................................................................................................. 2
What is your positioning statement? ..........................................................................................................2


Your top three personas............................................................................................................................... 3


Your top three competitors...........................................................................................................................5


Strengths......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Weaknesses................................................................................................................................................... 6
Opportunities.................................................................................................................................................. 6


What is your USP?........................................................................................................................................ 8
What is your elevator pitch?.........................................................................................................................8


Your customer’s journey............................................................................................................................... 9


What is your marketing budget?............................................................................................................... 11
Who is on your marketing team?.............................................................................................................. 11
Who is responsible for what?.....................................................................................................................11
What is your pricing strategy?................................................................................................................... 11
How will you distribute your goods or services?.....................................................................................12
How will you create or update your website?..........................................................................................12
What is your social media strategy?.........................................................................................................13
What is your email strategy?..................................................................................................................... 13
What is your advertising strategy?............................................................................................................14
What is your public relations strategy?.................................................................................................... 14
What is your after-the-sale strategy?....................................................................................................... 14


How will you measure the effectiveness of your marketing activities?............................................... 15
How will you adjust to improve?................................................................................................................15
Part 1 Define your brand

A strong brand is the foundation for your company’s success. To build a great brand, you need to be
clear about why you’re in business and where you want to take your company.
You may find yourself returning to this section to fine-tune and adjust as you work through the full
marketing plan and clarify your understanding of your target customers, competition and market
Further reading: 3 essential elements of a successful brand and 3 common signs your brand is broken

What is your vision statement?

To have an affordable product to our customers and provides friendly, helpful service, and an of quality products at
competitive prices of the product.

What is your value proposition?

A sari-sari store is small businesses that are usually operated inside the store owner’s house. This kind of business
does not require a large amount of money to invest for you to run and manage it. All you just need is to have a variety
of items, availability, and standard price are necessary.

Aling Nene’s store has a cheaper price of goods and some vegetables are also available which differs from other
stores in their place. Their store also has a secure and clean stock room where they put their stocks of goods.

What is your positioning statement?

For all the loyal and possible customers, Aling Nene’s Sari-sari Store can serve you a standard and
affordable price of items with a great service that a customer would be glad for and Aling Nene’s Store can assure
customers that they are worth of customers’ trust.

Part 2 Identify your customers

The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. This makes understanding customers the
top priority of any business.
Further reading: How to boost sales: Start by knowing your customer

Your top three personas

Create three personas or imaginary individuals. They should correspond to the most important customer
segments you want to attract. For example, a coffee shop near a university might be going after students,
parents of young children and the local business crowd.
Your personas will help you visualize the customers you are targeting and develop brand messages and
marketing tactics that will resonate with them.


What is their
demographic profile? Age: 18 yrs old Age: 19 yrs old Age: 20 yrs old
Age, sex, profession, Sex: F Sex: F Sex: F
income, social status, Profession: Student Profession: Student Profession: Student
education, etc.
Income: 150 Income: 1k Income: Monthly 15k,
Social Status: Single Social Status: Single Annually 180k
Education: College Education: College Social Status: Single
student Student Education: College

What are their values,

attitudes, interests, Well, the most important Quality must come first, The important is the
needs and lifestyle for me is that they serve and it must have a good efficient delivery and
choices? or deliver well whatever I feedback from its quality of the products
What is important to order. Also, they have a customers. If I found especially the liquid or
them? friendly staff and the multiple unsatisfactory easily broken items.
consistency of the comments on their
product they sell. website or previous
customers, then I would
find another store.

How do they like

to do business? Both Both Both
Online or face-to-face? : 90 : 500 : 1K
How much do : Milk tea : Beauty Product, Foods
they spend?
:school supplies, gadget
: Packaging, Cup, the stuffs, and make ups : The cost is just suitable
What kind of products ambiance of the place for its product.
: It must be true to its
do they buy? (Instagram -able) claims, performs its
What do they want : The cost is just suitable function, and quality
in terms of features,

Part 2 Identify your customers

functionality and cost? for its product. should equate or

exceeds its price.

Where are they located? Brgy. Mamatid. San Isidro, Cabuyao, San Isidro, Cabuyao,
Cabuyao, Laguna Laguna Laguna.

Why would this person Aside from their Because the business I will buy your product
buy your product or accommodating staff, has reached the because of the quality
service the product itself which qualities that I am and reasonable price.
is the milk tea most looking for.
especially its taste is
good that I can say they
just put the right amount
of ingredients and no
after taste at all that
made me patronize their

Part 3 Understand your competitors

You must understand what your competitors are doing and how their products or services stack
up against yours. Analyze your competitors’ websites, product documents, brochures and catalogues.
Talk to their customers about their needs. And don't overlook the opportunity to learn more
by talking directly to the competition.
Further reading: How to conduct your own low-cost research on the competition

Your top three competitors

Use the following chart to analyze your top three competitors.


Where are they located? Blk 22 Lot 60 Ph6 Blk 11 Lot 59 Ph6 Blk 11 Lot 97 Ph6
Mabuhay City, Mamatid Mabuhay City, Mamatid Mabuhay City, Mamatid
Cabuyao, Laguna Cabuyao, Laguna Cabuyao, Laguna

How long have they been 5years 7years 12years

in business?

What are their target The target market of The target market of The target market of
markets? Marasigan’s stores their Peter and Rose store is Neil’s store is all of the
loyal customers and the the teens especially kid people in their location.
people around them. who loves snacks.

What are their unique They sell snacks every Attitude and have a Pricing of the product
selling points, competitive afternoon like (burger, patience handling a will be the challenging
differentiators? shawarma, shake and customers. factor.

What are their strengths, The strengths of The strength will be Strength will be their
weaknesses? Marasigan’s store have their goods for the location in the market
a, good products, then teens like (candies, ice place or their barangay.
clean facilities, and they cream and other cold
give the wants of the snacks.) Weaknesse they don’t
customer. have what the other
Weakness additional store have.
Weakness will lend cost for the delivery of
others products with the goods.
possibility not paying
first before borrowing

Part 4 Analyze your business

Now it’s time to take a hard look at your own business. You do this with a classic SWOT analysis—
defining your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

 Capabilities
 Affordable Supplies
 Loyal Customers
 Sales Responsiveness
 Friendly to Customers

 Not Popular
 Nearby Store
 Location of Store
 Unstable supply of products opportunities

 Customer Needs
 Expansion of Store
 Supplies of daily use
 Less competitor
 Less effort to purchase treats

Part 4 Analyze your business

 Similar Store
 One groceries store
 Increase product price
 Emergence of new competitor
 Uncertain weather conditions
(Examples: Rainy days, Storm)

Part 5 Define your difference

You’re ready to craft a unique selling point (USP), a description of what makes you distinct in the
A USP must articulate a compelling and decisive advantage you have over the competition. Consider
writing your USP as an “only statement” as in: “We are the only business in the city/the country/the world
that does X.” Refer to your vision, values and positioning statements in Part 1.

What is your USP?

Aling Nene’s store provide cheap product with the use of repacking. They buy products from markets and sell them to
multitude. It offers or sells to its customer’s retail product on its possible lowest price which others don’t.

What is your elevator pitch?

Sari-sari store plays a vital role in the growth and development of our economy. It is an aid to the Filipino
people inside the community and provides us our primary needs which are food. Aling Nene’s store
business is not the product they sell but the convenience they have.

Part 6 Map your customer’s journey

Your goal is to deliver the right messages, to the right people, at the right time. It’s essential to
communicate your brand consistently throughout your customer’s entire journey with you—from discovery
to purchase to after-purchase support and repeat business.
The key is to understand, at each point in the journey, what customers hope to achieve from the
transaction and what their expectations of your business are. By referring back to the customer personas
you completed in Part 2, complete the following chart to clarify what marketing activities at each point on
the journey are necessary for creating a loyal customer.

Your customer’s journey


ATTENTION By having a good By having a cheap By doing creativity to

How will we make this person service to the amount of the school the packaging of the
aware of our business? consumers and the supplies and exact products.
seller can also make a amount of other stuff.
Facebook page so that
they can share it to
their friends in social

INTEREST By the quality of the By positioning myself to Proving to the new

How will we get them the consumers and customers that the
flavor which is milktea knowing what they products we sell is
interested in our business?
should be the exact needs. original items.
flovor to so it can be
50% sweetness and
50% saltiness.

DESIRE By doing a strategies By being natural to the Providing other

How will we create a desire like a promotion which customers and ask competitor good
to purchase? you can buy one large them what they need. products that they don’t
milktea and get one have.
free small milktea.

ACTION Seller should take an Adding a free supplies It can be providing a

How will we get them to take action in terms of their or item like ballpen if free shipping voucher
action and buy? milktea shop, by the they buy more supplies. when they buy online or
location on how they having free items.
built the interior design
of their shop.

LOYALTY By not disappointing Sharing value and Creating a great service

How will we make them loyal the consumers in respecting to the and quality of the

Part 6 Map your customer’s journey

to our business? flavors and location and different customers and products for the
create friendly talk or have a good service. customers.
good conversation to
the customers.

Part 7 Create your action plan

You’ve done the hard work of defining your business and its market. Now it’s time to bring it all together
by planning the marketing tactics you will use to attract and keep customers. Describe how you will
promote your product or service, remembering that not every tactic makes sense for every business.
Consider what will resonate with those customer personas you completed in Part 2, given your budget
and human resources.
But first, start with some basic information about the resources and strategies you will use.

What is your marketing budget?

A modest amount can be allocated for marketing. This can be around P100, 000 for the year 2021.

Who is on your marketing team?

Marketing team will be composed of business owner (proprietor or own the assets of a firm) suppliers (the source of
goods or services) and wholesaler (merchant middlemen).

Who is responsible for what?

 Business owner is the person who is responsible to control of monetary and operational decision making.
 Suppliers are responsible to provide the needed products.
 Wholesaler is responsible to sell goods in large quantities at low prices.

What is your pricing strategy?

Pricing strategy is a high level of plan in order to achieve business objective. Strategic plans succeed when they lead
to business growth and strong financial performance. Pricing strategy will consider the following.
 Skimming pricing
 Penetration pricing
 Flexible pricing

Part 7 Create your action plan

How will you distribute your goods or services?

Operating sari-sari store is a way of life, it provides the community with the opportunity to purchase items in singular
form on a need’s basis. In this business, usually they are getting their products in retail stores and then sell it to the
customers with a little profit. To distribute the products, they will personally sell it to the customers and directly via
website since they are improving their way of selling through social platforms.

How will you create or update your website?

DESIGN (Further reading:5 steps to launching your new website)

First, we will improve our website by updating the company’s logo to make it easy for customers to recognize the
company online.
Second, we will use more images to the website because some of the customers online are only attracted to the
websites that have an optimized image.
Third, is more interaction with customers through online which is very important especially when they have any
comments or suggestions about the company’s service.
Fourth, the website should be mobile-friendly, because as we have noticed, customers are really fond in using
smartphones than laptops or computer because it is way easier to use than other gadgets.
Fifth, to know your purpose of having a website. It is to persuade possible customers even without doing anything,
all you just have to do is to have a nice-looking website that will promote the business effectively.

CONTENT (Further reading:10 tips for attracting customers with great online content)
It should be vital in each circumstance and attempt to discover on what the buyers needs and wants so that the
business will have the option to realize what to do and what is useful for the consumers and b great to customer’s
especially in online content. The feedback will be useful for the new customers to know if the quality of the product
is good. Keep away from the hard sales messages, seller should have a great communication to the consumers
always. The owner is the one who is responsible for the producing and managing the product by knowing how to
plan the things they need and on how to organize the other stuffs.

Part 7 Create your action plan


To improve your site and achieve the high rank on search engine result, you have to update your content regularly
for them to see the site’s relevancy, so be sure to keep it updated and fresh. Second, have a link-worthy site for
those customers who are using screen readers, also for them to feel that they value their customers. Lastly, is to
publish relevant content, for them to know that your site especially the staffs can be trusted, because as we all
know, some customers do not immediately believe what they can see through social media because of some
scammer sellers. So, to improve the site’s authority and relevance, your quality content should be specific and its

What is your social media strategy?

Further reading:7 ways to turn social media fans into customersand ourfree social media eBook

The social media strategy perhaps the use of Facebook page to disseminate information and to monitor the business
transaction. The buyers will adore the item particularly when the proprietor is answerable for its business so the
significant is be straightforward and be mindful on the grounds that individuals will see it and feel that it’s the best
shop so better to move toward them decent fortunate. The business should have rules and guidelines for the
consumers and the assistant will help them to choose wisely.

What is your email strategy?

Further reading:Using e-newsletter to achieve marketing success: 5 tips

First, measure your business’s website performance, the website should continually evaluate how your sit is getting
along, and change your computerized properties and web based promoting efforts to change over more gust into
paying clients. Second, have to think the best way to be on top or quality products. Third, fastest way to know the
product is in the advertising where paid search ads. Fourth, you should make a move, measures the outcomes, make
enhancements and afterward changes. Fifth, you can assemble more trust and improve transformation rats by
offering customers a profoundly customized insight.

Part 7 Create your action plan

What is your advertising strategy?

PAY-PER-CLICK (Further reading: Learn to win with pay-per-click advertising)
PPC is not practical for our store advertising strategy is more spending money. Being creative is a way to attract
customers we can use the promotion of product that they usually use store signage, banners, tarpaulin and posters.

PRINT/TV/RADIO (Further reading: How to avoid pitfalls in advertising your business)

Likewise, having a commercial on TV and promoting in radio is also not being practical in our store. So we
conclude having a competence, outlook in services and direct selling has a great outcome when it comes on
persuading customers.

What is your public relations strategy?

Further reading:7 low-cost marketing strategies to implement now

The store vision is to have an affordable product to our customers and provides friendly, helpful service regarding the
store efforts to help the primary needs particularly by Filipino family that is unable to buy expensive one.

What is your after-the-sale strategy?

Further reading:6 easy steps to create a customer loyalty program

To ensure customers’ loyalty and satisfaction, we should make customer service a priority on personal transactions
and even online, because in every interaction of staffs with customers will be the outcome of judgment call about the
company’s service. Second, is to reward your customers with discounts or exclusive offers for them to feel

Part 8 Monitoring, measuring and improving

To measure the return on investment from your marketing plan, you must track the effectiveness of your
activities. Generally, you do this by monitoring customer conversion metrics (e.g., sales, quote requests,
e-newsletter sign-ups, eBook downloads, etc.) and by gauging the impact of specific tactics and
campaigns. If something is not working, you must adjust to improve.
Further reading: Small data’ is the big answer for small business

How will you measure the effectiveness of your marketing activities?

The effectiveness of the marketing activities will measure by checking the social media and website
analytics, through this you may not be able to measure the number of leads or conversions but you can be
able to know how many people followed your site, how many new friends or connections you generate
and how many likes, comments and shares about your product or service. Another one is the Overall
Return on Investment or ROI, this will measure the investment’s profitability and evaluate the efficiency of
an investment.

How will you adjust to improve?

The adjustment that the store will conduct in order to improve is by expanding beyond selling mobile phone load and
also do the payment center for utility bills or on remittances. It is more convenient for public particularly to those
customers who cannot afford.


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