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Anna - Joachim - Report Edited

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I the undersigned certify that, I have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the
Mzumbe University Mbeya Campus College Board of Internal Examiners a field
attachment report done at National social security funds by. Anna Joachim Mboya in
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Diploma in Human Resource

Madam Nela
(Supervisor’ name)



Student’s Declaration

“I Anna Joachim Mboya declare that this report is my original work and has not been
presented in any other institution for the purpose of academic award”.





This field report should not be reproduced by any means, in full or part, except for
short extracts in fair dealing, for studies, critical scholarly review or discourse with an
acknowledgement, without the written permission of the Vice-Chancellor Mzumbe

Firstly, I would like to thanks GOD for giving me good health throughout the period of
my studies at Mzumbe University and up to I broad my field studies.

Also the great thanks goes to Mzumbe University including Management and the whole
Staff for they have taught me proper moral and how to behave myself everywhere inside
and outside the university, especially in working environment.

Kindly I do thanks National Social Security Fund (NSSF) management for accepting me
to undertake practical field work and gave me high support throughout my field
duration. Special thanks to Mr. Alexizanda Joseph (Regional Manager), Mr. Kiluwa
(Human Resources), Madam Kidawa Kibira as Senior Benefit Administration Officer
(SBAO) for orientation, Madam Sharifa Kihato as my supervisor within the organization
as she directed me on how to perform various work in recording center department, and
madam Seba for moral and material support during my field works.
Sincerely appreciation should go to my host supervisor Madam Sharifa Kihato for his
constructive advice that made the completion of my field work possible, his motivation
and encouragement she gave me and inspiration that kept me write this report up to the
Lastly special thanks to my Family for allowing me to perform my field work at Arusha
and for the financial assistance they provided to me throughout the field duration also
great support on my education and preparation of this report. Thanks a lot Madam Seba.

ACC Account
BPO Benefit Processing Officer
CFMS Core Fund Management System
CM Chief Manager
CO Compliance Officer
DEO Data Entry Officer
DRV Driver
EIB Employment Injury Benefit
FGB Funeral Grant Benefit.
MB Maternity Benefit
MC Manual Check
NSSF National Social Security Fund.
PA Principle Accountant.
POO-B Principle Operations Officer – Benefit.
PS Person Secretary
QMSC Quality Management System Coordinator.
RO Registration Officer
RSO Records and Statistical Officer.
SA Senior Accountant.
SAO Senior Administration Officer.
SBAO Senior Benefit Administration Officer.
SCO Senior Compliance Officer.
SHIB Social Health Insurance Benefit.
SO Security Officer
VCN Voucher Control Number.

This report is a great success of the practical training conducted at National Social
Security Fund (NSSF) as per Mzumbe requirement. National Social Security Fund
(NSSF) is concerned with provision of social security which protects society against
social hazards which we face or met daily in our activities conducted as in Chapter one it
explains about the background of national social security funds as it located in Arusha
with its main branches in different regions, the activities which are conducted by
national social security funds which lead toward their vision and mission focused also
national social security structure on how its work or operating in achieving their
objectives and functions respectively together with the challenges of the organization
and how they can be minimized. Chapter two it shows duties and responsibilities I
performed with a minimum introduction on what was been performed concerning the
duties and responsibilities also the knowledge acquired from the organization with some
lessons learned which also arrived some of the challenges during performing duties and
responsibilities but also there some ways this challenges were minimized through
proposed a better solutions on handling them lastly on Chapter three is all about
conclusion and recommendation on what to be performed by the organization together
with Mzumbe university for the better successful of the students and the organization at





LIST OF ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATION...................................................................v


CHAPTER ONE...............................................................................................................1

INTRODUCTION OF ORGANIZATION....................................................................1

1.1 Background of The Study.........................................................................................1

1.2 The Major Activities of the Organization.................................................................1

1.3 Vision of National Social Security Funds................................................................2

1.4 Mission of National Social Security Funds..............................................................2

1.5 Organizational Structures.........................................................................................2

1.6 Organizational Structure...........................................................................................3

1.6 Objectives of Field Practical Training......................................................................4

1.7 Major Functions of National Social Security Funds................................................4

CHAPTER TWO..............................................................................................................7

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES I PERFORMED...............................................7

2.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................7

2.2 The following are the duties and responsibilities I performed.................................7

2.3 Cross Checking.........................................................................................................7

2.4 Writing cheque recording.........................................................................................8

2.5 New Knowledge or Lessons Acquired.....................................................................8

2.6 Challenges Faced in Execution of Duties and How I Handle Them........................8

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................10

CONCLUSION AND RECOMANDATIONS.............................................................10

3.1 Conclusion..............................................................................................................10

3.2 Recommendations..................................................................................................10

3.2.1 Recommendations on gaps between Theory and Practice...............................10

3.2.2 To The Organization............................................................................................10

3.2.3 TO THE UNIVERSITY (MU)........................................................................11





1.1 Background of The Study

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) was established by the Act of Parliament No.
28 of 1997 to replace defunct National Provident Fund (NPF). NSSF provide for its
membership, payment of contributions and payment of benefits out of the Fund. NSSF is
a provident fund (pays out contributions in lump sum) also by installment depends on
type of claim lodged with a customer. It covers all employees in the private sector
including Non-Governmental Organizations that are not covered by the Government's
pension scheme. It is a scheme instituted for the protection of employees against the
uncertainties of social and economic life.
Number of employees in this context National social security funds in ARUSHA
recently has about 46 employees who are working in the different Department. Within
this organization there are different department with different Task. These departments
are such as Benefit department, Recording center department, Compliance department
and Accounts Department. NSSF is among of biggest organization in Tanzania which
deals with customers of all types, like patient, students, collages and clinical officer on
the services and product they offered.

1.2 The Major Activities of the Organization

This organization is dealing with provision of social services to the society, which was
established in order to provide way to the people of Tanzania to enable them fight
against the three enemies of Development, namely: Ignorance, Poverty and Diseases.
Register new members, to the organization is one of the biggest activities to the
organization. Any member who wishes to join NSSF is registered and given a smart card
as his or her identification as a member of National social security funds, receive
contributions, these involve all contribution for voluntary it’s Tshs 20,000/- per month
and non-voluntary (compulsory) it’s 20% of contribution.
Manage funds of scheme, the NSSF Organization maintains the funds of the customers
until when it’s required by its members this may be due to retirement, termination of
employment and pregnancy, Process and ultimately pay out benefits to eligible members
and dependents, Provide social security protection to workers in the formal and informal

1.3 Vision of National Social Security Funds.

To be the region's leading Social Security provider, delivering a wide range of quality
products and services and a real return to our members, while driving economic
development and sustaining a competitive advantage in a free market also to becoming a
leading provider of social security services in Africa by 2020.

1.4 Mission of National Social Security Funds

We commit to, providing meaningful retirement benefits to our MEMBERS both in
terms of service, and real value, providing a convenient and efficient system to
EMPLOYERS, for the purpose of meeting their own and their employees NSSF
Obligation, contributing to the region's ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT by effecting
economically strategic investments, Recruiting, training, developing and retaining the
best and brightest STAFF, in order to secure Organizational excellent.

1.5 Organizational Structures

The organization structure of the fund shows the flow of the order from the highest
hierarch to the lowest level in the organization. The fund is headed by the body of
trustees from which they are normally appointed by the president. There after comes
director general who is the organizer of all day to day activities. Then after, the order of
authority flows down ward to the sub directors of finance, operation, human resources,
information technology and lastly director of planning, investment and projects.

1.6 Organizational Structure

1.6 Objectives of Field Practical Training
Field practical training was aiming to enable a student to perform theories learnt in class
into practice, for a period of ten weeks as per requirement of Mzumbe University. The
field is aiming; -To provide new knowledge and practical experiences, to keep
systematic records, to protect business properties, to gain exposure to the demands and
challenges of the work place, to provide an opportunity for students to meet and work
with potential employers and to provide an opportunity for students to apply the
principles and techniques theoretically learnt into real life problem solving situation.

1.7 Major Functions of National Social Security Funds

The major functions that National Social Security Fund (NSSF) perform to their
customer in the national as whole are classified into many ways as long I learnt that,
National Social Security Fund (NSSF) it has major role to society and country at large
since it has the following functions,

Registration function, under National Social Security Fund Act No. 28 of 1997
provides for registration of both employers and employees between the age of 18 and 55
years. Section 11(1) of the act provide that every employer, unless such employer has
been registered under the existing fund, shall register with the National social security
funds within one month and remit contributions at the end of every month for which
wages / salaries are paid to their respective organization so it’s the duty of every
employer to bring the contribution at the end of the month.

Payment of contributions function, (Rate of contribution) that is every registered

employer is required to remit to the fund of 20% of employee’s gross salary as joint
contribution between the employers not exceeds 10% and employee 10%, and
Investment of funds function, through the objective investment policy is to guide the
board of trustees in its investment decision making. The policy aims at maximizing
income from various investment fund, protect them, safeguard and promoting the
interests of the member’s through giving out the following.

FOR LONG TIME BENEFITS/ PENSION this involve long payment to beneficiary it
may be up to death like old age pensions, invalidity and survivor. Invalidity Pension is
among of NSSF product paid to an insured person who has lost at least 2/3 of his or her
earning capacity due to physical or mental inability as certified by the medical board.
Member needed to has made 180 monthly contributions or at least 36 contributions out
of which 12 have been made to the Fund immediately before the occurrence of the
invalidity and must be under pensionable age.
Benefit payable. The benefit payable is the same as Old Age that is monthly pension,
initial special lump sum for non-qualifying members. The determination of the amount
payable is the same as for Old Age Pension but the additional percentage above 180
credits is 1.0% OLD AGE PENSION the main objective of the retirement pension is to
guarantee income security to elderly members by providing periodic payment. This
benefit provided to members who attain compulsory pensionable age of 60 or early
retirement at 55-59 years. This member must have at least 180monthly contribution to
the Fund. However, under NSSF the qualifying period has been set at 15 years or 180

SHORT TERM BENEFITS/PENSIONS These forms of NSSF benefit which

beneficiary receive payment in given period of time from it contribution like maternity
benefit (MB), injured benefit (ID), Social Health Insured Benefit (SHIB), and Funeral
Grant (FG). MATERNITY BENEFITS (MB) is payable to insured female members of
the Fund who is expecting confinement. This benefit is given to the members who are
qualifying all conditions required by NSSF which are: -

Must have made at least 36 contribution credits, of which 12 credits must be

immediately or before the expected week of confinement (EWC), Expects delivery of a
child or has delivered a child, Payable after three years unless the pregnancy ended with
a still birth or if the child died within the first 12 months and The claim for maternity
benefit must be made from 20th week of pregnancy to 36th week or within 90 days after

Funeral Grant as repayment to a family member who incurred burial expenses for
deceased National social security funds insured person. This product the following
qualification must be made: -The deceased must have been an active insured person at
the time of death, the deceased must have made at least one contribution to the Fund,
there must be an expense incurred for the burial of an insured person, the claim for
Funeral Grant must make within 60 days from the date of death.
The benefit is paid to a person who sustains injury or contracts occupational diseases as
a result of his or her employment Member must have been registered by the fund as an
insured person even if no contribution was remitted. He/her must be incapacitated or
disabled as a result of his/her employment/in the cause of his/her employment. Benefits
payable to the member who got cash payments with its conditions.



2.1 Introduction
This organization deals with the social work which has provided professional assisting
individual, group and community in addressing social problem and creates societal
condition which is favorable to reach their goals. National social security funds tend to
organize on how different activities should be conducted within the organization
whereby each department should be training the students who came for training so as
they can perform better during the field training period these ensures more trust and
comfortable environment for them to perform good.

2.2 The following are the duties and responsibilities I performed

During my training I was assigned at recording center department of National social
security funds in Arusha, so the followings are some duties and responsibility that I was
performing during the given period of time of two months and two weeks starting with
Orientation; this was done on the first day I arrived in the organization. I had a chance
to be introduced to the staff in the Recording center department. I was given the code of
conduct; explanation regarding the working environment, access to information, who to
report and to whom, opportunities and restrictions should be concerned.

2.3 Cross Checking

Through using special form called con 5, for collecting customer contribution before
payment process, Verifications of the members of NSSF contributions on the yellow and
green files, Replacement of the receipts on the employers files by looking the code
number of the companies it can be like word vision, A-Z company, Sun flag, Machare
etc, Receiving member file from benefit department and prepare cheque list, Sending fax
to other department, this done for those members whose Employer paid his/her

contribution on other region. Fax sent to that region to request for the file of a specific
member in order to enable that specific member to claim for his/her claim.

2.4 Writing cheque recording

I was responsible to writing cheque from processing claims and arrange them in the file
alphabetical order (from A to Z). Before cheque to be taken, in which responsible
person/worker signed in this cheque issuing register for keep record when it taken, and
who was taking? Recording the data of customers into Voucher Control Number (VCN)
Preparations of reports
The task of preparing weekly report and monthly report helps to make clear evaluation
and draw a summary on number of cheques issued, amount offered also through those
cheques, the number of claims lodged. Therefore, through timely report writing helps us
to have a clear evaluation and correct where the faults have existed.

2.5 New Knowledge or Lessons Acquired

The new knowledge I learned in the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) were,
How to deal or communicate with customer of different character and attitude. I capable
to answer angry customer and sent them leave happy, I managed to do adjustment of
member details, I learned how to enter contribution to the member’s accounts and insure
accurate of each monthly member’s contribution and I gained skills on how payment
voucher is prepared and submit them to account where cheque are prepared. The big
thing I learn and gain was in life SAVING is most important for meet the future need
and enjoy aged life like receiving OLD AGE PENSION up to death.

2.6 Challenges Faced in Execution of Duties and How I Handle Them

In most cases the challenges which are experienced in NATIONAL SOCIAL

There is less equipment; like computer, photocopy machine, calculator, printer for
make the performing the duties for example benefit department have a few equipment.
THE SOLUTION of this problem is to make sure that all departments have its own

equipment performing their task. Data confidentiality; this is a problem which I
experience most of the data are so difficult to obtain. THE SOLUTION of this problem
is to create trustee, it was through friendship that some information’s could be extracted
easily and in a direct and more accurate way that by any means facilitated the
accomplishment of this paper work.

Limited time; the time available for carrying out field practical training was not
enough, this because National social security funds in Arusha has four departments, it is
needed at least two weeks to each department to gain more knowledge and training well.
THE SOLUTION of this problem can be solved by Mzumbe University to add at least
one month to have three months to be training practical more than to have theory study.



3.1 Conclusion
Practical field training program was enhancing programs designed to students to learn
and understand the challenges necessary for their career. Most things taught theoretically
are put in really world situation during field attachment. It enables students to
experience working environment before being exposed to work after completion of their
In my Practical Training, I was exposed to even account and human resource department
with some responsibilities which sharpen my skills, work abilities, knowledge,
experience, motivation and attitude towards my profession. In general, the practical
training really adds value to the quality of the education that the students receive at
Mzumbe University.

3.2 Recommendations
3.2.1 Recommendations on gaps between Theory and Practice
As discussed above the world is not static and the gap between theory and practice may
widen if steps are not taken to make them into conformity. Some theoretical concepts are
outdated and quite different from what is really practiced. I recommend that the
knowledge provided in classrooms should exactly match what is required in the labour
market in an attempt to produce competent university products. This can be achieved
through giving student’s various seminars.

3.2.2 To The Organization

i. Better grouping of students in assigning duties

National Social Security Fund as a large organization should create internal supervision
of field attachment in the organization of placement; there should be an improvement in
the whole system of student supervision. The division of work should base on the
educational level of the students in practical trainings.
ii. Proper supervision and coordination

particularly at the field placement, the supervision is not conducted as it should be

because some of the students were not doing the tasks that were assigned to them as they
were supposed to be done. Therefore, there should be close and serious follow-up of the
performance and academic conducts by the students.

iii. Computer Skills

Students conducting field should be allowed to practice the computerized accounting

system so as for them to learn more and for better understanding rather than only
explaining how it works orally.


i. Practical training duration
from my point of view, the duration of practical training which ten weeks is are not
enough for one to acquire good practice in this field. Gaining experience and knowledge
on how a person actually works demands a considerable time for a student who is soon
expected to be a good manager upon qualification. I recommend practical training time
to be exceeded if those in charge really care about the quality of our education. Also
Close contact between the institute and the organization, there should be a close
communication between universities and organizations in which students do their
practical training. This will help to design an effective training program which may led
to better performance of students

Madam Jane Mukurasi (BPO), August 2017, Discussion on Strength, Weakness,
Challenges, Opportunities of Practical Training (Personal Communication),

Mr. Ally Mkuremba & Madam Lightness (SO-F) 17th AUGUST 2017 discussion on
Level of Technology, Structure of NSSF and Strategic Direction of NSSF (Personal



Invalidity Pension is paid to an insured person who has lost at least 2/3 of his/her
earning capacity due to physical or mental inability as certified by the medical board.

The main objective of the Retirement Pension is to guarantee income security to elderly
members by providing periodic payments.


Survivors’ Pension is paid to a spouse and/or children of the deceased insured person
under 18 or 21 years if in full time education. If a deceased insured person had no
surviving spouse and children, the pension shall be paid to parents and if all are not
around a family member will be paid in accordance with the inheritance Law of

Maternity benefits are payable to insured female members of the Fund who is expecting


This benefit is paid to an insured person who sustains injury or contracts occupational
diseases as a result of his/her employment.

Insured person health, spouse and up to four children, Children include biological and
legally adopted below 18 or 21 years if in full time education.


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