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Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev.

2019) 'C' Scheme

Program Structure for Third Year Electronics Engineering

(With Effect from 2021-2022)

Semester V
Course Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
Code Name (Contact Hours)
TH PR Tut TH Pract Tut Total
ECC 501 Communication Engineering 3 - - 3 - - 3
ECC 502 Computer Organization and
3 - - 3 - - 3
ECC 503 Software Engineering 3 - - 3 - - 3
ECC 504 Web Technologies 3 - - 3 - - 3
ECC Department Optional
3 - - 3 - - 3
DO501 (Course - I)
ECL501 Communication Engineering Lab - 2 1 1
ECL502 Software Engineering and Web
- 2 - - 1 - 1
Technologies Lab
ECL503 Department Optional (Course - I)
- 2 - - 1 - 1
ECL504 Professional Communication - - - 2 -
2*+2 2
and Ethics-II
ECM501 Mini project - 2A - 4$ - - 2 - 2
Total 15 14 - 15 7 - 22
*Theory class; $ indicates workload of learner (Not faculty), for mini-project
Course Course
Examination Scheme
Code Name
Internal Assessment End Exam
Sem Duration TW Total
Test 1 Test 2 Av Exam (in Hrs)
ECC 501 Communication
20 20 20 80 03 - - 100
ECC 502 Computer Organization
20 20 20 80 03 - - 100
and Architecture
ECC 503 Software Engineering 20 20 20 80 03 - - 100
ECC 504 Web Technologies 20 20 20 80 03 - - 100
ECC Department Level
20 20 20 80 03 - - 100
DO501 Optional Course - I
ECL501 Communication
- - - - - 25 25 50
Engineering Lab
ECL502 Software Engineering and
- - - - - 25 25 50
Web Technologies lab
ECL503 Department Optional
- - - - - 25 25 50
Course -I lab
ECL504 Professional 25 25
- - - - - 50
Communication and
ECM501 Mini project - 2A 25 25 50
Total 100 400 - 125 125 750
Department Level Optional Course - I (DO 501):
1. Software Testing and Quality Assurance 3. Information Theory and Coding
2. ASIC Verification 4. Sensors and Applications

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ECC 501 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Examination Scheme

Subject Theory Marks

Code Subject Name Pra
Internal assessment End Exam Work
ctic Oral Total
Sem. duration al
Test Test Avg. of Test Exam Hours
1 2 1 and Test 2
ECC 501 Communication
Engineering 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- 100

Course Pre-requisite:

 ECC 301 Applied Mathematics-III
 ECC 401 Applied Mathematics-IV
 ECC 303 Digital Electronics
 ECC 302 Electronic Devices

Course Objectives:

1. To understand and analyse the need for various analog modulation techniques
2. To analyse the characteristics of the receivers
3. To understand pulse modulation methods
4. To understand the effect of ISI in Baseband transmission of a digital signal
5. To analyse various Digital modulation techniques

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Analyse various analog modulation methods.

2. Explain various pulse modulation techniques.
3. Evaluate the impact of Inter Symbol Interference in Baseband transmission and methods to mitigate
its effect.
4. Compare various Digital modulation methods based on spectral efficiency, Euclidean distance etc
5. Analyse the characteristics of radio receivers

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Module Unit
Contents Hrs.
No. No.

1 Introduction to Electronic Communication 04

1.1 Electromagnetic Spectrum
1.2 Block diagram of Analog communication system
1.3 Need for modulation
1.4 Types of Noise, Signal-to-noise ratio, Noise factor, Noise Figure, Noise
2 Analog Modulation Systems 12
2.1 Principle of Amplitude Modulation (AM): Representation of AM wave
(Mathematical & Graphical), Frequency spectrum of AM wave, AM Power
Distribution, AM for a Complex Modulating Signal
2.2 Types of AM: Generation of DSB-SC using diode based balanced modulator,
Generation of SSB using phase shift method
2.3 Principles of Angle Modulation: Theory of Frequency Modulation (FM) &
Phase Modulation (PM) - Basic Concepts, Spectrum Analysis of FM Wave,
Noise triangle, Pre-emphasis, De-emphasis
2.4 Comparison of AM, FM and PM
3 Radio Transmitters and Receivers 04
3.1 Radio Transmitters: Block diagram of AM & FM transmitters
3.2 Radio receivers: Receiver Characteristics, Superheterodyne Receiver, diode
detector, Automatic gain control (AGC), Automatic frequency control (AFC)
4 Pulse Modulation 05
4.1 Sampling theorem and quantization of signals
4.2 Generation and Detection of Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
4.3 Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), and Delta Modulation (DM)
4.4 Multiplexing Techniques: Time Division Multiplexing (TDM):T1 carrier system,
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
5 Pulse Shaping for Optimum Transmission 04
5.1 Line codes and their desirable properties, PSD of digital data
5.2 Concept of Inter symbol interference (ISI), Eye diagram: Quality Factor and
BER, Nyquist Bandwidth
5.3 Types of equalizers: Linear equalizer
5.4 Correlative coding: Duo-binary encoding and modified duo-binary encoding
6 Digital Modulation Techniques 10
6.1 Bandpass digital transmitter and receiver model
6.2 Generation, detection, signal space diagram, power spectral density and
spectrum efficiency analysis of: Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Quaternary
Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), M-ary PSK, Binary Amplitude Shift Keying
(BASK), Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), Binary Frequency Shift
Keying (BFSK), Minimum Shift Keying (MSK).
Total 39

Text Books:
1. Simon Haykin, “Communication System”, John Wiley And Sons ,4th Ed

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

2. Taub Schilling & Saha, “Principles Of Communication Systems”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill,
Third Ed
3. Kennedy and Davis “Electronics Communication System”, Tata McGraw Hill
4. T. L. Singal, “Analog and Digital Communication,” Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi, First
Edition, 2012.
5. Sklar B, and Ray P. K., “Digital Communication: Fundamentals and Applications,” Pearson,
Dorling Kindersley (India), Delhi, Second Edition, 2009.

Reference Books:
1. Bernad Sklar,- “Digital communication”, Pearson Education, 2nd Ed.
2. Simon Haykin, “Digital communication”, John Wiley and sons
3. Wayne Tomasi, “Electronics Communication Systems” Pearson Education, Third Edition,
4. R P Singh &S. Sapre, “Analog and Digital Communication”, Tata McGraw Hill 2nd Ed.
5. Haykin Simon, “Digital Communication Systems,” John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, Fourth
Edition, 2014.
6. Proakis & Salehi, “Communication System Engineering”, Pearson Education.

Internal Assessment (IA):

Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of
both the test will be considered as final IA marks

End Semester Examination:

1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to
5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be selected from all the modules

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ECC504 Web Technologies 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Subject Subject
Code Name Internal assessment End Exam Term Prac Oral Total
Sem. duration Work tical
Test Test Avg of Test 1
1 2 and Test 2 Exam Hours
ECC504 Technologies 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- - 100

Course Pre-requisite: Basics of programming languages, basic knowledge of HTML

Course Objectives:
1. To design and create web pages using HTML5 and CSS3.
2. To implement client-side scripting to static web pages.
3. To create dynamic web pages using server-side scripting.
4. To use MVC framework for web application development.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Design static web pages using HTML5.
2. Design the layout of web pages using CSS3.
3. Apply the concepts of client-side validation and scripts to static web pages using JavaScript
and JQuery.
4. Build responsive web pages using front-end framework Bootstrap.
5. Build dynamic web pages using server -side scripting.
6. Develop a web application using appropriate web development framework.

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Unit Hrs.
Module Contents
1 Introduction to HTML5
1.1 Basic structure of an HTML5 document, Creating an HTML5 document, 4
Mark up Tags, Heading-Paragraphs, line Breaks
HTML5 Tags - Introduction to elements of HTML, Working with Text, Lists,
Tables and Frames, Hyperlinks, Images and Multimedia, Forms and other
HTML5 controls.
1.2 Self-Learning: HTML5 based game development

2 Static Web Page Design

2.1 Concept of CSS, Creating Style Sheet, CSS Properties, CSS Styling 4
(Background, Text Format, Controlling Fonts), Working with block elements
and objects, Lists and Tables, CSS Id and Class, Box Model(Introduction,
Border properties, Padding Properties, Margin properties)
CSS Advanced: (Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning, Floating, Align,
Pseudo class, Navigation Bar, Image Sprites, Attribute sector)
2.2 Self-Learning: Creating page Layout and Site Designs

3 Client-side scripting
3.1 JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript, Lexical Structure, Types, Values, Variables,
Expressions and Operators, Statements, Objects, Arrays, Functions, Pattern 6
matching with regular expressions, JavaScript in Web Browsers, The Window
object, Scripting Documents, Scripting CSS, Handling Events
3.2 jQuery
jQuery Basics, jQuery Getters and Setters, Altering Document 4
Structure, Handling events with jQuery, Animated Effects, Utility functions,
jQuery Selectors and Selection Methods, Extending jQuery
with Plug-ins, The jQuery UI Library
3.3 Self-Learning: JavaScript Framework -AngularJS

4 Bootstrap
4.1 Introduction to Bootstrap, downloading and installing Bootstrap. 6
The Grid System: Introducing the Grid, Offsetting and Nesting, Responsive
Features, Utility Classes, and Supported Devices.
CSS Foundations: Typography in Bootstrap, Styling Tables, Styling Forms,
Styling Buttons, Images, icons, and Thumbnails.
Navigation Systems: Tabs, Pills, and Lists, Breadcrumbs and Pagination,
Navigation Bar, Making the Navigation Bar Responsive.
JavaScript Effects: Drop-downs, Modal Windows, Tooltips and Popovers,
Navigation Aids: Tabs, Collapse, Affix, Carousel.
4.2 Self-Learning: Bootstrap Customization: Combining Elements in Bootstrap,
Customizing by Components, Plugins, and Variables

5 Server side-scripting
5.1 Introduction to PHP, PHP Tags, Adding Dynamic content, Accessing form 10
variables, Identifiers, user-declared variables, Data types, Constants,

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Operators, Control structures, Conditionals, Iteration constructs, Using arrays,

string manipulation and regular expressions, reusing code and writing
functions, Designing and creating your web database, Accessing MySQL
database from the Web with PHP, Session Control in PHP.
5.2 Self-Learning: PHP-NoSQL Database connectivity e.g. PHP-MongoDB

6 Web Development Framework

6.1 MVC architecture - Introduction and applications 5
Server side-scripting – Laravel Framework
Managing Your Project Controllers, Layout, Views, and Other Assets, Talking
to the Database, Model Relations, Scopes, and Other Advanced Features,
Integrating Web Forms, Authenticating and Managing Your Users,
Deploying, Optimizing and Maintaining Your Application
6.2 Self-learning: Django Framework, Interactive web sites, web-based
information system, blogs, social networking sites,

Total 39

Text Books:

1. Ralph Moseley, M.T. Savliya , “Developing Web Applications”, Willy India, Second Edition,
2. “Web Technology Black Book”, Dreamtech Press, First Edition, 978-7722-997
3. Robin Nixon, "Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5" Third
4. Professional Rich Internet Applications: AJAX and Beyond, Dana Moore, Raymond Budd,
Edward Benson, Wiley publications.
5. Jennifer Kyrnin, “SAMS Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 hours”, 1st edition, Pearson
6. Martin Bean, “Laravel 5 Essentials”, PACKT Publishing Ltd

Reference Books:

1. Harvey & Paul Deitel& Associates, Harvey Deitel and Abbey Deitel, “Internet and World Wide
Web - How To Program”, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2011.
2. Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate, “Web Technologies”, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Thomas A Powell, Fritz Schneider, “JavaScript: The Complete Reference”, Third Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2013.
4. David Flanagan, “JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Sixth Edition”, O'Reilly Media, 2011
5. Steven Holzner, “The Complete Reference – PHP”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
6. Mike Mcgrath, “PHP & MySQL in easy Steps”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
7. J. Millman and A. Grabel, “Head First HTML and CSS”, 2nd edition, O‟ Reilly.
8. Ben Frain, “Responsive Web design with HTML5 and CSS3”, PACKT Publishing Ltd.
9. L. Welling and L. Thomson, “PHP and MySQL Web Development”, 4th edition, Adison
Wesley Professional.

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Digital Material:

Internal Assessment (IA):

Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of
both the test will be considered as final IA marks
End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5
marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be selected from all the modules

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
Software Testing
ECCDO501 & Quality 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Subject Subject
Code Name Internal assessment End Exam
Term cal/Or Ora Total
Work al l
Test Test Avg of Test 1 Sem. duration
1 2 and Test 2 Exam Hours

ECCDO501 Testing & 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- 100

Course Pre-requisite: Programming Language (C++, Java), Software Engineering

Course Objectives:

1. To provide students with knowledge in Software Testing techniques.

2. To provide knowledge of Black Box and White Box testing techniques.
3. To provide skills to design test case plans for testing software.
4. To prepare test plans and schedules for testing projects.
5. To understand how testing methods can be used in a specialized environment.
6. To understand how testing methods can be used as an effective tool in providing quality
assurance concerning software.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Investigate the reason for bugs and analyse the principles in software testing to prevent and
remove bugs.
2. Understand various software testing methods and strategies.
3. Design test planning.
4. Manage the test process.
5. Apply the software testing techniques in the commercial environment.
6. Use practical knowledge of a variety of ways to test software and quality attributes

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Module Unit
Contents Hrs.
No. No.

1 Testing Methodology 8
1.1 Introduction to Software Testing: Introduction, Goals of Software Testing,
Software Testing Definitions, Model for Software Testing, Effective
Software Testing vs Exhaustive Software Testing, Software Failure Case
1.2 Software Testing Terminology and Methodology: Software Testing
Terminology, Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), Software Testing
1.3 Verification and Validation: Verification, Verification requirements,
2 Testing Techniques 9
2.1 Black Box testing: boundary value analysis, equivalence class testing, state
table-based testing, cause-effect graphing based testing, error guessing.
2.2 White box Testing Techniques: need, logic coverage criteria, basis path
testing, graph matrices, loop testing, data flow testing, mutation testing, Static
2.3 Validation Activities: Unit validation, Integration, Function, System,
Acceptance Testing.
2.4 Regression Testing: Progressive vs. Regressive
3 Managing the Test Process 7
3.1 Test Management: test organization, structure and of testing group, test
planning, detailed test design and test specification.
3.2 Software Metrics: need, definition and classification of software matrices.
3.3 Efficient Test Suite Management: minimizing the test suite and its benefits
4 Test Automation 4
4.1 Automation and Testing Tools: need, categorization, selection and cost in
testing tool,
4.2 Guidelines for testing tools.
5 Testing for specialized environment 5
5.1 Agile Testing, Agile Testing Life Cycle, Challenges in Agile Testing
5.2 Testing Object-Oriented Software: OOT Basics, Object-oriented Testing

6 Quality Management 6
6.1 Software Quality Management, McCall’s quality factors and Criteria
6.2 ISO9000:2000, SIX Sigma
Total 39

Text Books:
1. Software Testing Principles and Practices, Naresh Chauhan, Oxford Higher Education
2. Software Testing and quality assurance theory and practice, Kshirasagar Naik, Priyadarshi
Tripathy, Wiley Publication

Programme Structure for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) – Electronics and Computer Science (Rev. 2019) 'C' Scheme

Reference Books:
1. Effective Methods for Software Testing, Willam E. Perry, Wiley Publication, third edition
2. Software Testing Concepts and Tools, Nageswara Rao Pusuluri, Dreamtech press

Internal Assessment (IA):

Two tests must be conducted which should cover at least 80% of syllabus. The average marks of both
the test will be considered as final IA marks

End Semester Examination:

1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5
marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be selected from all the modules


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