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Learning Style of Students in Southeastern REGION HGH SCHOOL S.Y. 2022-2023

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A Research Paper
Presented by
The Senior High School Students
Sinaoangan Sur, San Agustin, Isabela

In Partial Fulfilment
of the requirements in

Abegail C. Monzon
Subject Teacher

Jhun Wayne C. Asuncion
May Nard C. Bangloy
Anabelle A. Bareng
Antonio A. Gadingan
Henry A. Munar
Angel Lyca D. Ualat


TITLE PAGE ………………………………………… i



Introduction ………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………… 2

Objectives of the Study ………………………………………… 2

Significance of the Study ………………………………………… 3

Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………… 3

Definition of Terms ………………………………………… 4


Related Literature ………………………………………… 6

Related Studies ………………………………………… 9

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………… 11

Hypothesis ………………………………………… 11


Research Design ………………………………………… 13

Locale of the study ………………………………………… 13

Respondents of the study ………………………………………… 14

Research Instrument ………………………………………… 15

Data Gathering ………………………………………… 15

Statistical Instrument of ………………………………………… 15


REFERENCES ………………………………………… 16

APPENDIX ………………………………………… 19

CIRRICULUM VITAE ………………………………………… 22



Learning style refers to an individual’s preferred way of processing new

information for efficient learning. Rita Dunn described the concept of learning style as

unique and was developed by the students when she/he was leaning new and difficult

knowledge. Learning style is about how students learn rather than what they learn. Even

in the same educational setting, not all students learn at the same quality or level. This is

because everyone’s learning process is unique. According to research, different people

have varied ways in learning, hence no one strategy or methodology was able to

guarantee that everyone would have the best possible learning environment. This could

be related to students varied origins, strength, weaknesses, interests, ambition, degree of

motivation, and study methods. Learning styles could be helpful in assisting both students

and teachers in understanding how to improve their perspective learning and teaching

method. Identifying your students as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or audio-visual learners

and aligning your overall curriculum with these learning styles will benefit your entire

classroom. Keep in mind that sometimes a combination of all these four sensory

modalities is the best option. Allowing students to access information in terms they

understand will boost their academic confidence. Learning Style has to do with how

people bring new information into their knowledge base. The concept of learning style

traces some of each origin back to 334 BCC when Aristotle theorized every child

possesses specific talents and skills after he recognized children had these differences, the

concept of learning style formed, and researchers began developing their own theories.

One of the most widely adapted theories

stand for Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic. According to the

VARK model, larners are identified by the type of learner they were: Visual Learner

(movie pictures, graph), Auditory Learner (music discussion lectures), Reading and

Writing learner (making lists, reading text books, taking notes), Kinesthetic

Learners( experiments, hands on, activities.

In Southeastern Region High School, the researcher observed that students

process different styles preference. Since there are individual differences in learning

styles, adapting academic materials to their difference will facilitate learning and thus

help increase learning benefits especially for low and moderate achieving students (Zin,

Zaman and Noah 2002). Therefore understanding students learning styles and their

impact on their academic achievement is important for teacher for it is the first step in

ensuring students achievement. This study aims to determine the students Learning Style

in Southeastern Region High School.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the purpose of this study is to determine the students Learning Style in

Southeastern Region High School.

Specifically, it will answer the following question:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age; and

b. Academic Performances?

2. What are the different learning styles of the respondent in the term of age?

3. What is the relationship between the academic performances of the

respondents and their learning styles?

Objectives of the Study

The study generally aimed to determine the Learning Style of the respondent in

Southeastern Region High School.

The following are the specific objectives of the study

1. To identify the profile of the respondents in terms of age and academic


2. To determine the different learning styles of the respondents in terms of age.

3. To determine the relationship between the academic performance of the

respondents and their learning styles.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant for the following:

Students, feel more self-assured, leading to more productive learning and improve

academic performance.

For teachers, it helps their lessons to match or adapt teaching and to provide the

most appropriate and meaningful activities or tasks to suit a particular learner

For parents, to know their child’s learning style in order to help them succeed in


Future researchers, can provide new information that they can use as their

reference in the same field and as future educators.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will only cover the Learning Style of Students in Southeastern Region

High School. It will be conducted at Sinaoangan Sur San Agustin Isabela. The

respondents are grade seven (7) to twelve (12) students of the said school. The duration

of the study is conducted within the second semester of the school year 2022-2023.

Definition of Terms

Leaning Style. This refer to different method of the students in learning.

Visual Learning Style. It is a learning style in which students prefer to use

image, colors, graphs etc.

Aural/Auditory Learning Style. It is a method where respondent learn by

hearing and listening.

Kinesthetic. It is where learners do best when they can participate in activities or

solve problems in a hands-on matter.

Academic Performances. It is the final grade in first quarter of the respondents

in all academic subjects.

Age. How old a respondent

Several literatures and studies have been made by other researches with the

purpose of providing foundation for the discussions and analysis of the subject under the

present study.

Related Literature

Learning style includes a set of factors, behaviors and attitudes that enable a

student to learn at a particular situation. It pertains to the manner by which learners

assimilate information and how they interest and respond to the learning environment. It

is characterized by certain indicators such as cognitive, affective, social and

psychological behaviors which can be readably identifies from an individual learner.

Teaching Learning process is greatly affected by the learning style of student (Vaishnava,

2013).Active learner do better in group works. On the others hand reflective learners like

to do things alone because they need time to think about their task before doing it Sensing

learners work well with details with facts data and experimentation and including learners

have a preferences on ideas and theories when they grab new ideas and innovation.

Vertical learners prefer hearing their information and like to involve in discussion where

as visual learners like words pictures, symbols, flow charts, diagrams, and reading books

sequential learners are better in linear reasoning. Learning style have received considerate

attention in recent years. There are more than twenty style dimensions that have been

identified so far. It has come out of the more general research on cognitive styles,

particularly from the field of psychology. The earliest and frequently discussed

dimension of learning styles is the concept of filed dependence and field independence

that is advocated by psychologist.

Kolb’s experiential learning theory is prevalent in educational settings, because

educational areas. The most important thing is that he has proposed four learner types on

the basis of the learning theories. And the four learner types are converger, diverger,

assimilator, and accomandator.

According to Pashler, et al,(2009), the writing that touch on the learning styles

concept in its broadest sense include several thousand articles and dozens of books.

These figures may seem surprisingly large, but one should keep in mind the sheer number

of different schemes or models of learning style that have been proposed over the years.

Various studies had been conducted in the field of learning preference; the interest of the

researchers related to this kind of topic is irrefutable. Furthermore, most of the current

educational textbooks embraced the concept of learning style.

The canfield learning style inventory in one well-known instrument for assessing

student instructional preference. Faculties have used the canfield inventories to ascertain

the learning preference of their students and to initiate class discussion of learning styles

and course assignments. Although the canfield learning style inventory (LSI) has not yet

been used in accounting education studies, it has been used in other, related discipline.

For example, authors have used the canfield LSI to assess learning style preferences of

various juniors and senior student groups, and incarcerated adults.

As age increases, working memory declines. This affects learning because it can

make tasks, such as, problem solving and decision-making more difficult. No significant

difference between emotional working memory with age. There is an association between

age and students learning styles. While older age students prefer of the professors

lecturing, younger age students prefer to have more interactive learning strategies. The

youngest students had higher scores in academic performance that the older students.

Contrary to this, found that late entrance and repetition do not exert negative effects on

academic performances. The differences in the experiences and maturation of older

students involve a relatively better performance in academic settings, which is known as

the relative age effect (RAE). This effect is more important the younger the students is.

The objective of learning is to understand information intended to be learned.

According to Brown (2000) learning styles is defined as the manner in which individuals

perceive and process information in learning situations. Learning slows with age. This

trade-off between what researcher call fluid intelligence and crystalized intelligence.

Even if our minds slow down as we get older, we accumulate more experience. We know

more as we age, even if we’re slower at learning and processing new information. . In

other words researches will take note of the concept of a child that is able to explore and

seek information in their own unique ways. The study stated that understanding the

different types of learners and making adjustments (in terms of how an educator teaches)

for their learning styles will improve communication and help prevent frustration or

misunderstanding – in the part of the students. The study recommend that politeness in

communication is the best way/ to deal which such groups with varying learning styled.

This has a relation to the researches current study because it’s specifically tackled the 3

main types of learners this study also aims.

It is commonly believed that learning styles are not really concerned with "what"

learners learn, but rather "how" they prefer to learn and it is also an important factor for

students‟ academic achievement and attitudes. Students have different strengths and

preferences in the ways they take in and process information which is to say, they have

different learning styles. Some prefer to work with concrete information (experimental

data, facts) while other are more comfortable with abstractions (symbolic information,

theories mathematical models).It is common to describe and classify unique styles in

many domains. For example, there are various architectural styles that may be classified

by elements of form, material, time period, and indigenous geographic region. Similarly,

there are many distinct literary styles, classified by form, genre, and technique. However,

style is not a term that is particularly well-associated with the processes that comprise the

complex mechanism of individual learning. However, recent research suggests that the

style by which one learns and applies knowledge is an important characteristic to

consider in the aggregate educational processes. The dual coding theory for example

states that information is processed through one of two usually independent channels

(Beacham 2002). Learning styles influenced academic achievements, and whether

students’ intelligence affected their achievements or not, the relationship among learning

styles, academic achievement and intelligence have been studied by previous studies.

Regarding the relationship between intelligence and academic achievements, Kpolovie

found that intelligence could significantly predict mathematics and language

achievement, while Furnham discovered that fluid intelligence (i.e., the capacity of

analyzing new problem and solving problems by logical reasoning) could better predict

academic performances compared to crystallized intelligence (i.e., the capacity which

individuals obtain from knowledge and experience). Findings of the relationship between

learning styles and academic performance.

Discovering the students’ Learning Styles a journal article written by Aysyad

(2018), focused on describing the learning styles of the Senior High School students in

Bangkulo Province and their perception on local-oriented and learning styles-based

English learning materials. In this article, it was concluded that the students prefer these

local-oriented and learning-style based English learning materials. This article is

connected to the researchers current study about the subjective learning experiences of

the students in choosing their preferred learning styles for it is also a study conducted

within the senior high school students. The mentioned article learned to a quantitative

approach which discussed the effectiveness of the local-oriented learning style-based

English learning materials; meaning, it has a gap regarding the reason behind the choices

of the Senior High School students. Learning preferences can help students create a

unique educational experience” Sutherland (2017) wrote, that the author read the text of

her required reading material. Bisson (2014) wrote a magazine article with the title

Different Learning Styles: Allowing Children to “unmold’.According to the author, when

trying to instill values in children, “Kids are like modeling clay.’

Related Studies

Recent research suggests that the style by which one learns and applies

knowledge is an important characteristics to consider in the aggregate educational

processes. Learning style may be thought of as a formulation of preconception by an

individual engaged in the activity of learning (Biggs & Moore 2002). The Dual Coding

Theory for example states that information is processed through one of two usually

independent (Beachman 2002).

A number of theories have sought to defined and clarify the characteristics and

themes surrounding the concept of learning styles. Learning styles is a personal peers and

teachers and otherwise participate in learning experience. Felder and Spurlin (2005)

described learning styles as the strengths and preferences in the ways of students take in

and process information. These definitions all posit that the concept of learning styles in

concerned with the distinct ways in which students acquire and process information.

Theories have also explored the application of this concept of learning styles to students’

academic performances and achievements, findings varying results conducted a study

using Kolb’s learning styles inventory and concluded that is a significant relationship

between learning styles and academic performances. Several researcher have explored

the problem of learning styles and performances at the tertiary. Garner O’ Neale and

Harrison (2013) reported that there was no significant or predictive relationship between

learning styles and performance. The differing findings in the literature with regards to

the relationship between learning styles and academic performances are indeed

ubiquitous. Hence, the researcher suggests there is need for additional research to further

advance the body of literature focusing on such issues.

It correlates to the researches current study because I gives information about

different type of learning styles in each child or student. This is thirteen beneficial to the

researches because it emphasizes the need to recognized the different types of learning

styles each student possesses in a classroom Trough this, if this concept were to be

utilized, it would be valuable to the teachers in determining how he/she will handle

his/her students Other than that it proposed a solution a solution towards possible

scenarios of miscommunication between an educator and a student when there is conflict

between the teaching style of the educator and the learning style.

Research also shows a positive correlation between self-study activities and

learning performance the relationship between learning styles, thinking styles and

academic achievement of students. Their research results indicate that learning styles and

thinking styles are closely related and these are two important factors for predicting

student performance. Farsides & Woodfield (2003), examined the relationship between

motivation, learning style and academic achievement. These researchers also stated a

positive relationship between learning styles and student performance. Homayoni &

Abdolahi (2003), investigated the relationship between learning styles and learning

performance of high school students, looked into the relationship between learning styles

and academic achievement of high school students. Their study revealed a very close

correlation between learning style and learning performance. Siddiquei & Khalid (2018);

Komarraju (2011), studied the correlation between personality, learning style and

academic achievement. This study was conducted on a sample of 308 students. It

indicated that personality and learning style can together influence and result in 17% of

the change in learning performance the correlation between learning styles and academic

result of girls' schools in Iran. A strong correlation was found between learning styles and

academic result of these students. In this study, I investigated the correlation between

learning styles and academic achievement in Physics of a group of high school students

in Thai Nguyen City (Husin 2021)

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Learning Styles
 Academic
 Auditory Performance
 Visual  Age
 Kinesthetic

Figure 1: The figure shows the relationship between the Learning Styles of the

respondents in their age and academic performance.

Hypothesis of the study

1. There is no significance difference between the learning style of the

respondents and their age.

2. There is no significant relationship between learning style and academic



The chapter described how this study is conducted, it presents comprehensive

description of the research method used, the procedure in gathering the needed data

and statistical treatments that the researcher employed.

Research Design.

Descriptive survey aims to determine or describe, or to identify what is

(ethridge, D.E 2004) and casts light on current issues or problems through a process of

data collection that enables them to describe the situation more completely done was

possible without employing this method( Fox, W, & Bayat, M.S).

The descriptive correlational research design will be used by the researcher as a

method for knowing and describing the student’s learning styles in terms of their age

and academic performance.

Research Locale

Southeastern Region High School (Former Dabubu High School-Annex) is a

school located in the southernmost part of San Agustin Isabela with School ID:

306168. The study will be conducted at Sinaoangan Sur San Agustin Isabela. The
population in this school is one hundred ninety-seven ( 197 ) both Junior and Senior

High School.
Generally, the school is located by the hillside. It is 10 kilometers away from

the town. The school as four (4) feeder barangays namely Sinaoangan Sur, Sinaoangan

Norte, Salay, and Palacian, San Agustin, Isabela.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents if this study will be drawn from the students of Southeastern

Region High School during the school year 2022-2023 which will be computed using

the formula by Krejcie and Morgan, D. W’s formula with 95% confidence level and

5% margin of error. The table below summarizes the population and sample of the


Frequency and Distribution of Respondents

7 35 23 17.56
8 43 29 22.19
9 51 34 25.95
10 35 23 17.56
11 21 14 10.69
12 12 8 8.11
TOTAL 197 131 100%

Table 1. The table depicts that out of a total population of 197, there are 131

student-respondents. Most of the respondents came from Grade 9 with 34 or 25.95%,

followed by Grade 8 with 29 or 22.19%, then Grade 7 and 10 with 23 or 17.56%, then

Grade 11 with 14 or 10.69%, and lastly Grade 12 with 8 or 6.11%

Research Instrument

A survey questionnaire is use as a tool in gathering data and information.

Learning style questionnaire adapted from the modality questionnaire reproduced by

O’ Brien (1985). The instrument consisted of three parts, to wit: Part I- Visual learning

style; Part II- Auditory; Part III- Kinesthetic learning style. Each part were composed

of 10 questions then, the learning style which got the highest score interpreted to the

students learning style.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher will ask for the approval from the Office of the School Principal

to allow the researcher to conduct the study with the help of the advisers and teachers

of the respondents. The questionnaire will be distributed during schools days so that

the respondents can easily receive and answer the survey. The data gathered will be

organized tallied, and subjected to statistical analysis.

Statistical Treatment of the Study

This data to be gathered in this study will be subjected to the following

statistical treatment:

Frequency and Percentage. This is use to determine the profile of the

respondents in terms of Age and Academic Performance

Analysis of Variance (Anova). This will exploit the differentiation of the

respondents learning style in terms of age.

Pearson’s R. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient is used to

measure linear association between two variables. It will determine if there is correlation

between the academic performances of the respondents and their learning styles.

Aysyad (2018). The journey of learning style: Through the learning styles of the senior
high academic strand students. https://www.researchgate.net/
Bakhsh, Jahan (2012). Learning styles and academic achievements: a Case study of
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Beachman (2002). Types of learning style.
Biggs, Moole( 2002). The process of learning https://www.scrip.orig1
Bisson, Dianne (2014). Different Learning styles. https://teach.com/archives/135
Brown (2002). Chapter II RRL. https://eprinls.umm.ac.id/35702/48209-3-chapter-
Dunn, Rita (1975). Learning Style. https://tracyharringtonatkinson.com/
Ethridge, D. (2004). Learning Styles.
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Farsides and Woodfield (2013). Individuals and undergraduate academic success: The
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Felder and Spurlin (2005). Application reliability and validity of index of learning
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Fleming, Neil (1987). Understanding your student: using Vark Model. https://doi:
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Haskel, Thorton & Libby (2006). A comparison of learning style.
Homayoni and Abdolahi (2003). Learning Style and Academic Achievement; a Case
study of Iranian High School Girls Students.

Husin (2021). Learning styles preferences among graduate and undergraduate
pharmacy students in Pakistan.
Khalid (2018). The relationship between personality traits: Learning styles and
academic performances of E learners. https://doi.10.5944/openpraxis.10.3.870
Kommaraju (2011). The big five personality traits, learning styles, and academic
achievement. https://psynet.apa.org/record/2011-14164-022
Kolb, David (1996). Learning style and experimental learning cycle.
Kpolovie (2019). Learning styles, study habits and academic performances.
Lunderberg T. The analysis of the relationship between learning style.
O’ Neale, Garner and Harisson (2013). An investigation of the learning styles and
study habits of chemistry students. https://doi.10.5961/Jesr.2013.3n2p107
Palamara, Jhenny (2007). RRL and RRS on learning styles.
Pashler (2008). Learning styles: Concept and evidences. Psychological science in the
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Zin, Zaman, Noah (2002). Leaning style and academic achievement among university
students. https://doi:10.5220/00068889052526.


Dear Students - Respondents:

We are working our research study entitled “LEARNING STYLE OF
seeking for your help by being one of our respondents to answer this questionnaire.
Please go over each item and answer all item.
Thank you.
Angel Lyca D. Ualat
Anabelle A. Bareng
Jhun wayne C. Asuncion
Antonio A. Gadingan
May Nard C. Bangloy
Henry A. Munar

PART I. Students Profile

Directions: Kindly fill in the information about yourself. Information will be a significant
variable pertinent to the study. Thank you.
Name: _____________________________ Grade Level: _________
Age: ____________
Final Grade in First Grading _____________

Learning Style Questionnaire
Direction: Each sentence carefully and consider if it applies to you. On line in front
of each statement, indicate how often the sentence applies to you, according to the chart
below. Please respond to all questions.
1 2 3
Never applies to me. Sometimes applies to me. Often never applies to me.

1. ______ I enjoy doodling and even my notes have lots of pictures and arrows in
2. ______I remember something better if I write it down.
3. ______I get lost or I am late if someone tells me how to get a new place, and I
don’t write down the directions.
4. ______When trying to remember someone’s telephone number, or something new
like that, it helps me to get a pictures of it in my mind.
5. ______If I am taking a test, I can “see” the textbook page and where the answer is
6. ______It helps me to look at the person while listening; it keeps me focused.
7. ______Using flashcards helps me to retain materials for tests.
8. _____It’s hard for me to understand what a person is saying when there are people
talking or music playing.
9. _____It’s hard for me to understand a joke when someone tells me.
10._____It is better for me to get work done in a quiet place.
Total _______

1. ______My written work doesn’t look near to me. My papers have crossed- out
words and erasures.
2. ______It helps to use my fingers as a pointer when reading to keep my place.
3. ______Papers with small print, blotchy dittos or poor copies are tough on me.
4. ______I understand how to do something if someone tells me, rather than having
to read the same thing to myself.
5. ______I remember things that I here, rather than things that I see or read.
6. ______Writing is tiring, I press down too hard with my pen or pencil.
7. ______My eyes get tired fast, even though the eye doctors says that my eyes are
8. ______When I read, I mix up words that alike such as “them” and “then”, “bad”
and “dad”.
9. ______It’s hard for me to read other people’s handwriting.
10. _____If I had the choice to learn new information through a lecture or textbook, I
would choose to hear it rather than read it.

Section Three
1. ______I don’t like to read, I’d rather just to start doing.
2. ______I learn best when I am shown how to do something, and I have the
opportunity to do it.
3. ______Studying at a desk is not for me.
4. ______I tend to solve problems through a more trial-and-error approach, rather
than from a step-by-step method.
1. 5.______Before I fallow direction, it helps me to see someone else do it first.
2. 6.______I find myself needing frequent breaks while studying.
3. 7.______I am not skilled in giving verbal explanations or directions.
4. 8.______I do not become easily lost, even in strange surrounding.
5. 9.______I think better when I have the freedom to move around.
6. 10.______When I can’t think of a specific word, I’ll use my hands a lot and call
something call-it” or a “thing-a-ma-jig.”



Now, add up the scores for each of the three sections and record below. The maximum
score in any section is 30 and the minimum score is 10. Note the preference next to each
Section One score: ____________________ (Visual)
Section Two score: ____________________ (Auditory)
Section Three score: ____________________ (Kinesthetic)


NAME: Angel Lyca D. Ualat

ADDRESS: P-1 Palacian, San Agustin Isabela
EMAIL: [email protected]

SEX : Female
AGE : 18
DATE OF BIRTH : October 16, 2004
PLACE OF BIRTH : Palacian San Agustin Isabela
RELIGION : Roman Catholic

2010-2016 : Palacian Elementary School
2017-2020 : Southeastern Region High School
Junior High School
2021-2022 : Southeastern Region High School
Senior High School

 Problem solving abilities
 Good in budgeting money
 Hard work and dedication


NAME: Annabelle A.Bareng

ADDRESS: P-1 Palacian, San Agustin Isabela

EMAIL: [email protected]

SEX : Female
AGE : 17
DATE OF BIRTH : October 09, 2005
PLACE OF BIRTH : Palacian San Agustin Isabela
RELIGION : World for the Word Christian Fellowship

2010-2016 : Palacian Elementary School
2017-2020 : Southeastern Region High School
Junior High School
2021-2022 : Southeastern Region High School
Senior High School

 Good in cooking
 Good in dancing


NAME: Henry A. Munar

ADDRESS: P-4, Sinaongan Sur, San Agustin Isabela

EMAIL: [email protected]

SEX : Male
AGE : 20
DATE OF BIRTH : June 21, 2002
PLACE OF BIRTH : Ysmael, Maddela, Quirino
RELIGION : Pentecost

2010-2016 : Divisoria Norte Elementary School
2017-2020 : Southeastern Region High School
Junior High School
2021-2022 : Southeastern Region High School
Senior High School

 Video filming
 Picture editing


NAME: May Nard C. Bangloy

ADDRESS: P-2 Palacian, San Agustin Isabela

EMAIL: [email protected]

SEX : Male
AGE : 18
DATE OF BIRTH : May 04, 2004
PLACE OF BIRTH : Palacian San Agustin Isabela
RELIGION : Roman Catholic

2010-2016 : Palacian Elementary School
2017-2020 : Southeastern Region High School
Junior High School
2021-2022 : Southeastern Region High School
Senior High School

 Good in singing
 Good in dancing


NAME: Jhun Wayne C. Asuncion

ADDRESS: P-2 Palacian, San Agustin Isabela

EMAIL: [email protected]

SEX : Male
AGE : 18
DATE OF BIRTH : September 04, 2004
PLACE OF BIRTH : Palacian San Agustin Isabela
RELIGION : Roman Catholic

2010-2016 : Palacian Elementary School
2017-2020 : Southeastern Region High School
Junior High School
2021-2022 : Southeastern Region High School
Senior High School

 Good in Basketball
 Good in Sports


NAME: Antonio A. Gadingan jr.

ADDRESS: P-7 Palacian, San Agustin Isabela

EMAIL: [email protected]

SEX : Male
AGE : 18
DATE OF BIRTH : December 07, 2004
PLACE OF BIRTH : Palacian San Agustin Isabela
RELIGION : Pentecost

2010-2016 : Palacian Elementary School
2017-2020 : Southeastern Region High School
Junior High School
2021-2022 : Southeastern Region High School
Senior High School

 Good in cooking
 Good in singing


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