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Puneet Enterprises Ltd is a licenced real estate agent in Panvel, Navi Mumbai. The areas
surrounding Navi Mumbai and its neighbouring communities will be the focus of Puneet
Enterprise's real estate efforts. In order to gain experience and learn the correct procedures to adhere
to, Puneet Enterprises Ltd. has been observing another local real estate agent. With its own office
space, Puneet Enterprises Ltd. can start a real estate firm..

I completed an 8-week internship with Puneet Enterprises in the department of sales and
marketing in order to perform the study. Doing competitive analysis, assessing insights, and content
curation were all tasks covered in the internship. It was demonstrated throughout the internship that
people are more willing to engage with clients, which gives them insights into the culture, way of
life, and academic.

I had the chance to gain knowledge about how to conduct market research, a crucial component
of creating a marketing strategy and determining a target market. Do a comparative analysis of the
market to learn about the competition, and then create a sales pitch to attract leads.

Overall, this study offered insightful information about the function of sales and marketing in
the aspirational student's real-world environment, emphasising the value of investing in practical
skills to understand how things function and how to improve oneself as a student in that.

Sales and marketing with new approaches and employing online tactics is a developing
requirement in this modernising world where the internet is being efficiently used to grow business
amongst potential audiences rapidly, and this internship gave me a fantastic advantage to learn in
both the practical offline world and the online world.

Overview of Sales and Marketing


Market strategies are the comprehensive plans or approaches that companies use to achieve
their marketing goals. These strategies help businesses to identify and analyse their target audience,
understand their needs and preferences, and develop effective marketing campaigns that can
effectively reach and engage customers.

Market strategies involve various aspects, including:

1. Target market identification

Companies must identify their target market and segment it based on demographic,
geographic, psychographic, or other factors. By understanding the characteristics and
behaviours of their target audience, companies can develop effective marketing strategies to
meet their needs and preferences.
2. Competitive analysis:
Companies need to analyse the competitive landscape and identify their strengths and
weaknesses in relation to their competitors. This information can help companies to
differentiate themselves from their competitors and create a unique value proposition for
their customers.
3. Product positioning:
Companies must position their products or services in the minds of their customers by
highlighting their unique features, benefits, and value propositions. Effective product
positioning can create a competitive advantage for companies and help them to differentiate
themselves from their competitors.
4. Pricing strategies:
Companies need to develop pricing strategies that are competitive and attractive to
customers while ensuring profitability. Pricing strategies can include cost-based pricing,
value-based pricing, or other approaches.

Understanding Marketing Strategies
Marketing strategies are the overall plans or approaches that a company uses to reach its
marketing goals. These strategies help a company to identify its target market, understand customer
needs and preferences, and develop effective marketing campaigns that will help the company
achieve its objectives.

The following are some common marketing strategies that companies may use:

1. Segmentation:
This involves dividing the market into smaller segments based on demographic, geographic,
or psychographic factors. Companies can then tailor their marketing efforts to each segment,
creating a more targeted and effective campaign.
2. Differentiation:
This involves highlighting the unique features and benefits of a company's products or
services to set them apart from the competition. By emphasizing these differences,
companies can create a competitive advantage and attract more customers.
3. Positioning:
This involves creating a specific image or identity for a product or brand in the minds of
customers. Companies can use advertising, branding, and other tactics to create a specific
perception of their products or services in the marketplace.
4. Pricing:
This involves setting prices that are competitive and attractive to customers while also
ensuring profitability for the company. Companies may use different pricing strategies, such
as cost-based pricing or value-based pricing, depending on their marketing goals and the
characteristics of their products or services.

5. Promotion:
This involves using advertising, public relations, and other tactics to create awareness and
interest in a company's products or services. Companies may use various channels to reach
their target audience, including television, radio, print media, social media, and email

Marketing Strategies vs. Marketing Plans
Market strategies and market plans are both important elements of a company's overall
marketing efforts, but they have distinct differences.

Market strategies refer to the broad approach a company takes to achieve its marketing
goals. These strategies are based on the company's overall business objectives, target audience,
competitive landscape, and other factors. Market strategies may include product differentiation,
pricing strategies, promotional campaigns, distribution channels, and other tactics designed to give
the company a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Market plans, on the other hand, are more specific and actionable. They outline the tactics
and activities that a company will use to implement its market strategies. Market plans typically
include detailed timelines, budgets, and performance metrics. Market plans may include specific
campaigns, advertising efforts, social media strategies, and other tactics that will be used to reach
the target audience and achieve the company's marketing objectives.

In summary, market strategies are the overarching approach that guides a company's
marketing efforts, while market plans are the specific tactics and activities that a company will use
to execute those strategies. Both are critical components of a successful marketing program, and
they should be developed in concert to ensure that a company's marketing efforts are aligned with
its overall business objectives.

Benefits of a Marketing Strategy

The ultimate goal of a marketing strategy is to achieve and communicate a sustainable

competitive advantage over rival companies by understanding the needs and wants of its consumers.
Whether it’s a print ad design, mass customization, or a social media campaign, a marketing asset
can be judged based on how effectively it communicates a company’s core value proposition.

Market research can help chart the efficacy of a given campaign and can help identify
untapped audiences to achieve bottom-line goals and increase sales.

How to Create a Marketing Strategy

Creating a marketing strategy requires a few steps. HubSpot, a digital marketing resource,
offers insight into how to create your strategy.

1. Identify your goals

While sales are the ultimate goal for every company, you should have more short-
term goals such as establishing authority, increasing customer engagement, or generating
leads. These smaller goals offer measurable benchmarks for the progress of your marketing
plan. Think of strategy as the high-level ideology and planning as how you accomplish your

2. Know your clients

Every product or service has an ideal customer, and you should know who they are
and where they hang out. If you sell power tools, you’ll choose marketing channels where
general contractors may see your messaging. Establish who your client is and how your
product will improve their lives.

3. Create your message

Now that you know your goals and who you’re pitching to, it’s time to create your
messaging. This is your opportunity to show your potential clients how your product or
service will benefit them and why you’re the only company that can provide it.
4. Define your budget
How you disperse your messaging may depend on how much you can afford. Will
you be purchasing advertising? Hoping for a viral moment on social media organically?
Sending out press releases to the media to try to gain coverage? Your budget will dictate
what you can afford to do.
5. Determine your channels:
Even the best message needs the appropriate venue. Some companies may find more
value in creating blog posts for their website. Others may find success with paid ads on
social media channels. Find the most appropriate venue for your content.

6. Measure your success:

To target your marketing, you need to know whether it is reaching its audience.
Determine your metrics and how you’ll judge the success of your marketing efforts.

Why does my company need a marketing strategy?

A marketing strategy helps a company direct its advertising dollars to where it will have the
most impact. Compared with the data from 2018, the correlation between organization and success
in marketers jumped from being almost four times more likely to almost seven times more likely in

What do the four Ps mean in a marketing strategy?

The four Ps are product, price, promotion, and place. These are the key factors that are
involved in the marketing of a good or service. The four Ps can be used when planning a new
business venture, evaluating an existing offer, or trying to optimize sales with a target audience. It
also can be used to test a current marketing strategy on a new audience.

Let’s get a deeper understanding of each of them

1. Product

Product, the first component of the 4Ps of marketing, is something that you can sell. It can be
either a physical or intangible service specifically designed to satisfy the customer’s needs, wants,
desires, and ambitions. Your product should have a USP that differentiates it from competing
products and builds an emotional connection with your target segment.

The following questions will allow you to get a comprehensive understanding of

the “Product” component and help decide what you are offering to your

• What factors will encourage customers to purchase your product instead of your
competitors? For example: Is it packaged beautifully, or is it the least expensive product in
the market, or does it taste better than the rest?
• What problem will your product solve? For example: Are you improving upon an already
existing antivirus security software, or have you developed a new virus detection algorithm
that can identify new types of computer viruses?
• Is the user’s experience similar to what you are promising? For example, a TV
advertisement promises that your company’s washing machine requires only 10 grams of
washing powder to clean 10 clothes. Is the customer getting that benefit?
• If not, what is the degree of difference between the promised vs. actual benefit?

2. Price

Price, the second component of the 4Ps of marketing, refers to what the customer needs to pay to
purchase your product. There is always a tug of war between what the seller wants to charge and
what the buyer wants to pay. The actual price of the product is always a compromise between the
two quantities.
The golden rule of pricing is to find that sweet spot where both the seller and the buyer are
satisfied. But it would be best if you remembered a few things about the “Price” component.
If you charge less, you will sell a large volume of goods, but your profits will take a hit. On the
other hand, if you charge more, you will sell only a small volume of goods, but your profits will
Price is an essential factor that also helps in brand positioning and developing a positive
customer perception. Remember that your customers might doubt the product quality if they are less
expensive. However, they might have second thoughts about purchasing your product if the price is
too high, especially if there are similar products in the market.

Ask yourself the following questions to keep the product price in check:

• What is the cost price of your product? This step will ensure that your selling price is always
higher than the cost price not to make any losses.
• What is the demand for your products? Remember that the higher the demand, the higher the
price you can charge.
• Do you belong to an industry where demanding higher markups is an accepted practice? For
example, the wedding industry is well-known for charging higher markups.
• What are the prices of your competitor’s products? Are they more or less than yours?

3. Promotion

Having an excellent product and selling it at a competitive price is necessary but not sufficient.
Promotion, the third component of the 4Ps of marketing, is an essential component of the marketing
mix that consists of communication tactics that inform your target segment about your products.
The promotion has the following three components:
• The promotional message that is sent to the target audience.

• The target audience that receives the promotional message.

• The medium through which the promotional message is sent.

These questions will help you judge the “Promotion” component and build a better
promotional strategy:
• What will the promotional message contain? The message should talk about the benefits that
users will get by using your products and how it will help them solve their problems.
• Would you communicate through text, audio, or video?

• Which channel will you use to communicate your message — a full-page newspaper
advertisement, short TV ads, podcasts, email newsletters, or mobile advertising?
• At which time of the year will the ads appear? Remember that seasons and festivals affect
consumer purchases.
Businesses should focus on blending commerce and compassion. QuickBooks is the perfect
example. They reallocated their pre-planned media time and spent it on an 80s-oriented campaign
targeted at businesses that are the “backbone of the economy.”
Through the campaign, they applauded the grit and determination of such businesses. The
commerce part was understated, although QuickBooks made it clear that their doors are open and
available to provide support.

4. Place

Place, the fourth component of the 4Ps of marketing, refers to where consumers can purchase
your products. It can be a brick-and-mortar shop or an online portal. In this step, marketers need to
select the best distribution channel to decide how fast consumers will get your products. The
following questions will provide you a blueprint on the critical areas you must focus on while
deciding the “Place” component.
• Through what channels will the customer find the products you are selling?

• Through which channel you will sell your products — physical shops or online stores?
• How will you design the supply chain — will you sell directly to consumers, or will there be
a mediator?
• Will, you sell your products exclusively on your company’s website or through third-party
online marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart?

In some cases, placement may also refer to including a product in movies, tv shows,
documentaries, or web pages. For example, the 1995 movie GoldenEye, the seventeenth in the
James Bond series, was the first movie not to feature an Aston Martin car.
Instead, they introduced a Z3 by BMW. Although the Z3 was not launched until after the movie had
been removed from the theatres, BMW received 9000 orders for the car just a month after the movie

Market Research

Marketing research is the process of collecting and analysing information about a particular market
or target audience. The goal of marketing research is to gain a better understanding of consumers'
wants and needs, as well as the trends and patterns within a given industry.

Marketing research is a crucial component of any successful marketing campaign. It helps

businesses to make informed decisions about their products or services, identify new opportunities,
and stay ahead of the competition. By conducting marketing research, companies can determine the
potential demand for their products, assess consumer preferences, and gather data on competitors
and market trends.

There are two main types of marketing research: primary research and secondary research. Primary
research involves gathering data directly from consumers through surveys, focus groups, and other
methods. Secondary research involves analysing data that has already been collected, such as
industry reports, government statistics, and other publicly available sources.

Marketing research can be used to answer a wide range of questions, such as:

• Who is our target audience?

• What are their needs and preferences?

• What is the size of the market for our product?

• How do our products compare to those of our competitors?

• What is the most effective way to reach our target audience?

• What pricing strategy should we use?

There are several key steps involved in conducting marketing research:

1. Define the research question:

The first step in any marketing research project is to clearly define the research question.
This involves identifying the specific information that needs to be gathered in order to make
informed decisions.

2. Develop a research plan:

Once the research question has been defined, the next step is to develop a research plan. This
includes identifying the target audience, selecting the appropriate research methods, and
determining the sample size.

3. Collect data:

The next step is to collect data using the chosen research methods. This may involve
conducting surveys, interviews, or focus groups, or analysing data from secondary sources.

4. Analyse data:

Once the data has been collected, it needs to be analysed in order to identify trends and
patterns. This may involve statistical analysis, data visualization, or other techniques.

5. Draw conclusions:

The final step in marketing research is to draw conclusions based on the data that has been
collected and analysed. This involves making recommendations based on the research


Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a product, service, or company. It
involves creating a name, logo, and overall image that sets the product or company apart from others
in the marketplace. Branding is a crucial component of any successful marketing campaign, as it
helps to establish a strong connection between the company or product and its target audience.

A strong brand can have a significant impact on a company's success. It can help to create a
sense of loyalty among customers, differentiate the product from competitors, and increase overall
brand awareness. When done effectively, branding can also help to convey the company's values and
personality, creating a deeper emotional connection with consumers.

There are several key elements of branding:

1. Name:

The name of the product or company is often the first thing that consumers will notice. It
should be memorable, easy to pronounce, and reflect the values and personality of the

2. Logo:

A strong logo is a visual representation of the brand. It should be unique, easily recognizable,
and convey the brand's personality and values.

3. Tagline:

A tagline is a short phrase that encapsulates the essence of the brand. It should be catchy,
memorable, and help to communicate the brand's unique selling proposition.

4. Design:

The overall design of the brand, including the colour scheme, typography, and imagery,
should be consistent across all marketing materials. This helps to create a cohesive and
recognizable brand image.

5. Brand voice:

The tone and style of the brand's communication should reflect the company's values and
personality. This includes the language used in advertising, social media posts, and other
marketing materials.
In order to create a successful brand, businesses should follow these key steps:

1. Define the brand:

The first step in branding is to define the brand's unique identity, values, and personality.
This involves identifying the target audience and understanding their needs and preferences.

2. Develop the brand identity:

Once the brand has been defined, the next step is to develop the brand identity, including the
name, logo, tagline, and overall design.

3. Build brand awareness:

Building brand awareness involves promoting the brand through advertising, social media,
and other marketing channels. This helps to increase visibility and create a sense of
familiarity among the target audience.

4. Maintain brand consistency:

It is important to maintain brand consistency across all marketing materials in order to create
a strong and recognizable brand image.

5. Monitor and adapt:

Finally, businesses should regularly monitor their brand's performance and adapt their
branding strategy as needed. This may involve rebranding or making other changes in
response to changes in the market or consumer preferences.

Overall, branding is a critical component of any successful marketing campaign. It involves creating
a unique identity that resonates with the target audience and helps to differentiate the product or
company from competitors.

Market Analytics

Analytics is the process of using data analysis to gain insights and make informed decisions.
It involves collecting and analysing data from various sources in order to identify patterns, trends,
and correlations that can help businesses improve their performance and achieve their goals.
Analytics is used in a wide range of industries, including marketing, finance, healthcare, and more.

Analytics involves several key steps:

1. Collecting data:

The first step in analytics is to collect data from various sources. This may include structured
data from databases and spreadsheets, as well as unstructured data from social media, web
logs, and other sources.

2. Cleaning and preparing data:

Once the data has been collected, it needs to be cleaned and prepared for analysis. This
involves removing duplicates, correcting errors, and formatting the data in a way that is
compatible with the analysis tools.

3. Analysing data:

The next step is to analyse the data using various statistical and data analysis tools. This may
involve performing descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, or machine learning
algorithms, depending on the complexity of the data and the research question.

4. Interpreting results:

Once the data has been analysed, the results need to be interpreted in order to identify
patterns, trends, and insights. This may involve creating visualizations, dashboards, or
reports that help to communicate the findings to stakeholders.

5. Making decisions:

The final step in analytics is to use the insights gained from the analysis to make informed
decisions. This may involve optimizing marketing campaigns, improving operational
efficiency, or developing new products and services.

Analytics can provide a wide range of benefits to businesses, including:

1. Improved decision-making:

Analytics can help businesses make more informed decisions by providing insights into
customer behaviour, market trends, and other key factors.

2. Increased efficiency:

Analytics can help businesses identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in their processes,
allowing them to streamline their operations and reduce costs.

3. Enhanced customer experience:

Analytics can help businesses understand their customers' needs and preferences, allowing
them to tailor their products and services to better meet those needs.

4. Better risk management:

Analytics can help businesses identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them,
reducing the likelihood of negative outcomes.

5. Increased competitiveness:

Analytics can help businesses stay ahead of the competition by identifying new opportunities
and optimizing their performance.

Overall, analytics is a powerful tool that can help businesses gain valuable insights into their
operations, customers, and market trends. By collecting and analysing data, businesses can make
informed decisions that lead to improved performance, increased efficiency, and long-term success.

Customer Relationship management (CRM)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy that focuses on building and
maintaining strong relationships with customers. The goal of CRM is to improve customer
satisfaction, loyalty, and retention by providing personalized experiences and anticipating their
needs. CRM involves collecting and analysing data on customer behaviour and preferences in order
to better understand their needs and provide tailored solutions.

CRM can be broken down into three main components:

1. Data management:

This involves collecting, organizing, and analysing customer data. This may include
demographic information, purchase history, and interactions with the company across
various channels (such as social media, email, and phone).

2. Customer engagement:

This involves using the data collected to engage with customers in a personalized way. This
may include sending targeted marketing messages, providing personalized recommendations,
and offering exclusive promotions.

3. Customer support:

This involves providing exceptional customer support across all channels. This may include
providing quick and effective resolutions to customer issues, offering self-service options,
and providing proactive support.

The benefits of CRM include:

1. Improved customer satisfaction:

By providing personalized experiences and tailored solutions, CRM can help to improve
customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Increased revenue:

By improving customer retention and loyalty, CRM can help to increase revenue through
repeat purchases and referrals.

4. Better customer insights:

By collecting and analysing customer data, CRM can provide businesses with valuable
insights into customer behaviour and preferences, allowing them to make more informed

3. More effective marketing:

By using customer data to target marketing efforts, businesses can improve the effectiveness
of their marketing campaigns and reduce wasted resources.

4. Enhanced customer service:

By providing exceptional customer support across all channels, businesses can improve
customer satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of negative reviews and complaints.

To implement CRM, businesses need to take several steps:

1. Define the customer journey:

Businesses need to map out the customer journey and identify the touchpoints where
customers interact with the company. This can help to identify areas where improvements
can be made.

2. Collect customer data:

Businesses need to collect and store customer data in a centralized database. This may
involve integrating data from various sources, such as sales data, social media, and customer
service interactions.

3. Analyse customer data:

Businesses need to analyse customer data in order to identify patterns and trends. This may
involve using machine learning algorithms or other data analysis tools.

4. Engage with customers:

Businesses need to engage with customers in a personalized way. This may involve sending
targeted marketing messages, providing personalized recommendations, and offering
exclusive promotions.

5. Provide exceptional customer support:

Businesses need to provide exceptional customer support across all channels. This may
involve providing quick and effective resolutions to customer issues, offering self-service
options, and providing proactive support.

Sales Techniques

Sales techniques are methods and strategies used by salespeople to persuade potential customers to
make a purchase. The goal of sales techniques is to influence and persuade a prospect to take a
specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. There are a wide variety of
sales techniques, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

1. Consultative selling:

This technique involves asking questions to understand the customer's needs and
recommending solutions that meet those needs. This approach is effective because it focuses
on the customer's needs rather than the salesperson's product.

2. Solution selling:

This technique involves identifying the customer's problem and offering a solution that
solves that problem. This approach is effective because it focuses on the customer's pain
points and offers a clear solution.

3. Feature-benefit selling:

This technique involves highlighting the features and benefits of a product or service to
convince a customer to make a purchase. This approach is effective because it shows the
customer the value of the product or service.

4. Objection handling:

This technique involves addressing the customer's objections and concerns about a product or
service. This approach is effective because it shows the customer that their concerns are
being taken seriously and provides reassurance.

5. Cross-selling and upselling:

This technique involves offering additional products or services to customers who have
already made a purchase. This approach is effective because it can increase the value of each

6. Emotional selling:

This technique involves appealing to the customer's emotions to persuade them to make a
purchase. This approach is effective because emotions play a significant role in purchasing

7. Referral selling:

This technique involves asking satisfied customers to refer new customers to the business.
This approach is effective because it leverages the trust and goodwill of existing customers.

8. Value-based selling:

This technique involves demonstrating the value of a product or service in relation to its cost.
This approach is effective because it helps customers to justify the cost of the purchase.

To be successful in sales, salespeople need to be able to build relationships with customers,
identify their needs, and persuade them to take action. This requires strong communication skills, the
ability to think on their feet, and the ability to handle objections and rejections. Salespeople also
need to be knowledgeable about their product or service and be able to convey that knowledge
effectively to potential customers.

In addition to these techniques, technology has become an increasingly important part of the
sales process. Customer relationship management (CRM) software can help salespeople to manage
leads, track sales, and analyse customer data. Sales automation tools, such as email marketing
software and chatbots, can help salespeople to engage with customers more effectively.

Finally, ethical considerations are an important part of the sales process. Salespeople should
always prioritize the customer's needs and interests, and avoid using deceptive or manipulative
tactics. Building trust with customers is essential for long-term success in sales.

In summary, sales techniques are the methods and strategies used by salespeople to persuade
potential customers to make a purchase. There are a wide variety of techniques available, each with
its own strengths and weaknesses. Successful salespeople need to be skilled communicators,
knowledgeable about their product or service, and able to build relationships with customers.
Technology can also play a role in the sales process, but ethical considerations should always be a
top priority.

The real estate sector is one of the most globally recognized sectors. It comprises of four
subsectors - housing, retail, hospitality, and commercial. The growth of this sector is well
complemented by the growth in the corporate environment and the demand for office space as well
as urban and semi-urban accommodation. The construction industry ranks third among the 14 major
sectors in terms of direct, indirect and induced effects in all sectors of the e14conomy.

In India, the real estate sector is the second-highest employment generator, after the
agriculture sector. It is also expected that this sector will incur more non-resident Indian (NRI)
investment, both in the short term and the long term. Bengaluru is expected to be the most favoured
property investment destination for NRIs, followed by Ahmedabad, Pune, Chennai, Goa, Delhi and

By 2040, real estate market will grow to Rs. 65,000 crore (US$ 9.30 billion) from Rs.
12,000 crore (US$ 1.72 billion) in 2019. Real estate sector in India is expected to reach US$ 1
trillion in market size by 2030, up from US$ 200 billion in 2021 and contribute 13% to the
country’s GDP by 2025. Retail, hospitality, and commercial real estate are also growing
significantly, providing the much-needed infrastructure for India's growing needs.

India’s real estate sector saw over 1,700 acres of land deals in the top 7 cities in 1 year.
Foreign investments in the commercial real estate sector were at US$ 10.3 billion from 2017-21. As
of February 2022, Developers expect demand for office spaces in SEZs to shoot up after the
replacement of the existing SEZs act.

As per ICRA estimates, Indian firms are expected to raise >Rs. 3.5 trillion (US$ 48 billion)
through infrastructure and real estate investment trusts in 2022, as compared with raised funds
worth US$ 29 billion to date.

The office market in the top eight cities recorded transactions of 22.2 MSF from July 2020
to December 2020, whereas new completions were recorded at 17.2 MSF in the same period. In
terms of share of sectoral occupiers, Information Technology (IT/Its) sector dominated with a 41%
share in the second half of 2020, followed by BSFI and Manufacturing sectors with 16% each,
while Other Services and Co-working sectors recorded 17% and 10%, respectively.

Around 40 million square feet were delivered in India in 2021. It is expected that the country
will have a 40% market share in the next 2-3 years. India is expected to deliver 46 million square
feet in 2022.

According to Savills India, real estate demand for data centres is expected to increase by
1518 million sq. ft. by 2025.

In 2020, the manufacturing sector accounted for 24% of office space leasing at 5.7 million
square feet. SMEs and electronic component manufacturers leased the most between Pune, Chennai
and Delhi NCR, followed by auto sector leasing in Chennai, Ahmedabad and Pune. The 3PL, e-
commerce and retail segments accounted for 34%, 26% and 9% of office space leases, respectively.
Of the total PE investments in real estate in Q4 FY21, the office segment attracted 71% share,
followed by retail at 15% and residential and warehousing with 7% each.

In the first half of 2022, office absorption in the top 7 cities stood at 27.20 million Sq. ft.
Between July 2021-September 2021, a total of 55,907 new housing units were sold in the eight
micro markets in India (59% YoY growth).

In the third quarter of 2021 (between July 2021-September 2021), new housing supply stood
at ~65,211 units, increased by 228% YoY across the top eight cities compared with ~19,865 units
launched in the third quarter of 2020.

In 2021-22, the commercial space is expected to record increasing investments. For instance,
in October 2021, Chintels Group announced to invest Rs. 400 crore (US$ 53.47 million) to build a
new commercial project in Gurugram, covering a 9.28 lakh square feet area.

According to the Economic Times Housing Finance Summit, about 3 houses are built per
1,000 people per year compared with the required construction rate of five houses per 1,000
population. The current shortage of housing in urban areas is estimated to be ~10 million units. An
additional 25 million units of affordable housing are required by 2030 to meet the growth in the
country’s urban population.

Indian real estate sector has witnessed high growth in the recent times with rise in demand
for office as well as residential spaces. According to Colliers India, a property consultant,
institutional investments in the Indian real estate sector are expected to increase by 4% to reach Rs.
36,500 crore (US$ 5 billion) in 2021, driven by rising interest of investors towards capturing
attractive valuations amid the pandemic. According to a recent report by Colliers India, private
equity investments in Indian real estate reached US$ 2.9 billion in the first half of 2021, which was
a >2x increase from the first half in 2020.

Exports from SEZs reached Rs. 7.96 lakh crore (US$ 113.0 billion) in FY20 and grew
~13.6% from Rs. 7.1 lakh crore (US$ 100.3 billion) in FY19.

In July 2021, the Securities and Exchange Board of India lowered the minimum application
value for Real Estate Investment Trusts from Rs. 50,000 (US$ 685.28) to Rs. 10,000-15,000 (US$
137.06 - US$ 205.59) to make the market more accessible to small and retail investors.

FDI in the sector (including construction development & activities) stood at US$ 55.18
billion from April 2000-September 2022.

Some of the major investments and developments in this sector are as

• Between January-July 2022, private equity investment inflows into the real estate sector
in India stood at US$ 3.27 billion.

• Home sales volume across seven major cities in India surged 113% YoY to reach
~62,800 units in the third quarter 2021, from 29,520 units in the same period last year,
signifying healthy recovery post the strict lockdown imposed in the second quarter due
to the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

• In the third quarter of 2021, the Institutional real estate investment in India increased by
7% YoY. Investment registered in the first nine months of 2021 stood at US$ 2,977
million, as against US$ 1,534 million in the same period last year.

• In November 2021, Ascends India bought Aurum Ventures’ 16-storey commercial tower
in Navi Mumbai for Rs. 353 crore (US$ 47 million), making it the largest deal of a
standalone commercial tower by a global institutional investor during the past few years

• REA India-owned online real estate company Housing.com tied up with online legal
assistance start-ups Legal Kart, Lawrato, Vidhikarya and Vakil in 2021 to offer legal
advice and assistance to homebuyers.

• Top three cities—Mumbai (~39%), NCR-Delhi (~19%) and Bengaluru (~19%)—

attracted ~77% of the total investments recorded in the third quarter of 2021.

• India's flexible space stock is likely to expand by 10-15% YoY, from the current 36
million sq. ft., in the next three years, according to a report by CBRE.

• To establish an investment platform for the Indian retail-led mixed-use assets, in June
2021, GIC announced to acquire a minority stake in Phoenix Mills’ portfolio (worth US$
733 million).

• In May 2021, Blackstone Real Estate acquired Embassy Industrial Parks for Rs. 5,250
crore (US$ 716.49 million) to expand its presence in the country.

• To expand into the Indian real estate market, SRAM & MRAM Group collaborated with
Area CAS Developers and Infrastructure Private Limited (Area Group), and Gupta
Builders and Promoters Private Limited (GBP Group) of India. It plans to invest US$
100 million in the real estate sector.

• According to Ana rock, housing sales in seven cities increased by 29% and new launches
by 51% in Q4 FY21 over Q4 FY20.

• Private market investor, Blackstone, which has significantly invested in the Indian real
estate sector (worth Rs. 3.8 lakh crore (US$ 50 billion) is seeking to invest an additional
Rs. 1.7 lakh crore (US$ 22 billion) by 2030.

• In 2021, working remotely is being adopted at a fast pace and demand for affordable
houses with ticket size below Rs. 40-50 lakh is expected to rise in Tier 2 and 3 cities,
leading to an increase in prices in those geographies.

• In April 2021, HDFC Capital Advisors (HDFC Capital) partnered with Cerberus Capital
Management (Cerberus) to create a platform that will focus on high-yield opportunities
in the residential real estate sector in India. The platform seeks to purchase inventory and
provide last-mile funding for under construction residential projects across the country.

• In March 2021, Godrej Properties announced it would launch 10 new real estate projects
in Q4.

• In March 2021, Godrej Properties increased its equity stake in Godrej Realty from 51%
to 100% by acquiring equity shares from HDFC Venture Trustee Company.

• In January 2021, SOBHA Limited’s wholly owned subsidiary, Sabha Highrise Ventures
Pvt. Ltd. acquired 100% share in Anna Lakshmi Land Developers Pvt. Ltd.

Government of India along with the governments of respective States has taken
several initiatives to encourage development in the sector. The Smart City Project, with a
plan to build 100 smart cities, is a prime opportunity for real estate companies. Below
are some of the other major Government initiatives:

• In October 2021, the RBI announced to keep benchmark interest rate unchanged at 4%,
giving a major boost to the real estate sector in the country. The low home loan interest rates
regime is expected to drive the housing demand and increase sales by 35-40% in the festive
season in 2021.
• Under Union Budget 2021-22, tax deduction up to Rs. 1.5 lakh (US$ 2069.89) on interest on
housing loan, and tax holiday for affordable housing projects have been extended until the
end of fiscal 2021-22.
• The Atmanirbhar Bharat 3.0 package announced by Finance Minister Mrs. Nirmala
Sitharaman in November 2020 included income tax relief measures for real estate developers
and homebuyers for primary purchase/sale of residential units of value (up to Rs. 2 crore
(US$ 271,450.60) from November 12, 2020 to June 30, 2021).
• In order to revive around 1,600 stalled housing projects across top cities in the country, the
Union Cabinet has approved the setting up of Rs. 25,000 crore (US$ 3.58 billion) alternative
investment fund (AIF).
• Government has created an Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) in the National Housing Bank
(NHB) with an initial corpus of Rs. 10,000 crore (US$ 1.43 billion) using priority sector
lending short fall of banks/financial institutions for micro financing of the HFCs.
• As of January 31, 2021, India formally approved 425 SEZs, of which 265 were already
operational. Most special economic zones (SEZs) are in the IT/ BPM sector.
• The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has given its approval for the Real
Estate Investment Trust (REIT) platform, which will allow all kind of investors to invest in
the Indian real estate market. It would create an opportunity worth Rs. 1.25 trillion (US$
19.65 billion) in the Indian market in the coming years. Responding to an increasingly well-
informed consumer base and bearing in mind the aspect of globalisation, Indian real estate
developers have shifted gears and accepted fresh challenges. The most marked change has
been the shift from family-owned businesses to that of professionally managed ones. Real
estate developers, in meeting the growing need for managing multiple projects across cities,
are also investing in centralised processes to source material and organise manpower and
hiring qualified professionals in areas like project management, architecture and engineering.

Types of real estate

1. Land:
Real estate in its simplest form is raw land or vacant land that has not been developed. Land
can be used for a variety of purposes, including agriculture, recreation, conservation, or
development. Land can be sold or leased, and its value can vary widely based on location,
zoning regulations, topography, and other factors.
2. Residential:
This type of real estate is used for housing purposes. Residential real estate can include
single-family homes, townhouses, condominiums, apartments, and other types of dwellings.
Residential properties are typically purchased or rented by individuals or families as a
primary or secondary residence
3. Commercial: Commercial real estate refers to properties that are used for business
purposes. This includes office buildings, retail spaces, hotels, restaurants, and other types of
commercial properties. Commercial properties are typically purchased or leased by
businesses or investors.
4. Industrial: Industrial real estate refers to properties that are used for industrial or
manufacturing purposes. This includes factories, warehouses, distribution centres, and other
types of industrial properties. Industrial properties are typically purchased or leased by
businesses or investors who need space for production or storage.

Examples of Real Estate
Now that we’ve outlined the four main categories, let’s explore some specific examples of
different types of real property.

• Single-family dwelling – Any home designed for only one family

• Multi-family dwelling – Any group of homes designed for more than one family

• Attached – Any unit that’s connected to another (not freestanding)

• Apartment – An individual unit in a multi-unit building. The boundaries of the

apartment are generally defined by a perimeter of locked or lockable doors. Often seen in
multi-story apartment buildings.
• Multi-family house – Often seen in multi-story detached buildings, where each floor is a
separate apartment or unit.
• Condominium (Condo) – A building with individual units owned by individual people.
• Detached house – A free-standing building not connecting to anything else (a
stereotypical “home”)
• Portable house – Houses that can be moved on a flatbed truck

• Mobile home – A vehicle on wheels that has a permanent residence attached to it

• Villa – A building with only one room and typically a steep pointy roof

• Hut – A dwelling typically made of raw materials such as bamboo, mud, and clay

Overview of Real Estate

Let’s explore how the industry works and what the major jobs and
careers are. The real estate industry can be divided into several
different areas:
1. Development

2. Sales and marketing

3. Brokerage

4. Property management

5. Lending

Professional services (law, accounting, etc.)

Let’s look at each of these six areas of the industry in more detail
1. Sales and marketing:
Sales and marketing firms work with developers to sell the buildings and units
they create. These firms earn a commission for creating all marketing material and
using their sales agents to sell the inventory of completed units. These firms
typically focus on new units.
2. Brokerage:
A real estate brokerage is a firm that employs a team of real estate agents
(realtors) who help facilitate a transaction between the buyers and sellers of
property. Their job is to represent either party and help them achieve a purchase or
sale with the best possible terms.

3. Property management:

Property management firms help real estate owners rent out the units in their
buildings. Their jobs include collecting rent, showing units, fixing deficiencies,
performing repairs, and managing tenants. They charge a fee, typically a percentage
of the rent, to property owners.
4. Real estate lending:
Lenders play a major role in the industry as virtually all properties and
developments use leverage (debt) to finance their business. Lenders can include
banks, credit unions, private lenders, and government institutions.
5. Professional services:

There are a variety of real estate professionals who work in the industry
and help make it function. The most common examples (other than the ones
listed above) are accountants, lawyers, interior designers, stagers, general
contractors, construction workers, and trades people.

6. Development:
Real estate development is a process that involves the purchase of raw land,
rezoning, construction and renovation of buildings, and sale or lease of the finished
product to end users. Developers earn a profit by adding value to the land (creating
buildings or improvements, rezoning, etc.) and taking the risk of financing a project.
Careers in Real Estate.

Here are the most common jobs (titles) in the industry:

• Analyst – Performing financial analysis and valuation of properties

• Appraiser – Valuing properties

• Agent – a sales agent or “realtor”

• Building Inspector – Someone who examines buildings and works with appraisers

• Commercial Broker – An agent who sells commercial properties

Director of Real Estate – A corporate job

• Home Inspector – Someone hired to assess the quality of a home for a seller or


• Loan Underwriter – A person who analyses the creditworthiness of a borrower

• Mortgage Specialist / Underwriter – A person who approves mortgage applications

• Real Estate Attorney – A lawyer who specializes in real estate transactions

• Increase in Investments

• Indian real estate area has seen high development in recent times with growing demand
for office and residential spaces. Institutional interests in the Indian real estate area are
supposed to increase by 4% to arrive at INR 36,500 crore (USD 5 billion) in 202, driven
by rising revenue of financial backers towards catching appealing valuations in the midst
of the pandemic. Confidential value interests in Indian real estate arrived at USD 2.9
billion in the first half of 2021, which was a >2x increment from the first half of 2020.

• In July 2021, the Securities and Exchange Board of India brought down the base

application incentive for Real Estate Venture Trusts from INR 50,000 (USD 685.28) to

INR 10,000-15,000 (USD 137.06 - USD 205.59) to make the market more available to

small and retail investors.

• Construction is the third-largest sector in terms of FDI inflow. FDI in the sector

(Including construction development & activities) stood at USD 54.86 billion from

April 2000-June 2022.


The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 is an Act of the Parliament of India
which seeks to protect home-buyers as well as help boost investments in the real estate industry.
The Act establishes a Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) in each state for regulation of the
real estate sector and also acts as an adjudicating body for speedy dispute resolution. The bill was
passed by the Rajya Sabha on 10 March 2016 and by the Lok Sabha on 15 March 2016. The Act
came into force on 1 May 2016 with 61 of 92 sections notified. The remaining provisions came into
force on 1 May 2017. The Central and state governments are liable to notify the Rules under the
Act within a statutory period of six months.

Here are few ways in which buyers are likely to be benefitted by the RERA Act:

• Under RERA, each state will have to setup regulatory bodies as appellate tribunals to solve
the disputes between buyer and builder within 120 days.

• Developer will have to put 70% of the money collected from a buyer in a separate account
to meet the construction cost of the project.

• RERA will make it mandatory for all commercial and residential real estate projects
where the land is over 500 sq.mt. or eight apartments will have to register with the
regulator before launching a project.

• RERA also seeks to impose strict regulations on the promoter and ensure that
construction is completed on time.

• Carpet area has been clearly defined in the bill to include usable spaces like kitchen and
toilets imparting clarity which was not the case earlier.

• A developer’s liability to repair structural defects has been increased to 5 years from the
earlier 2 years.

• The buyer will pay only for the carpet area (area within walls). The builder can’t charge
for the super built-up area, as is the practice at present.

India Real Estate Market Recent Developments

• May 2022: The Bengaluru-based Prestige Group is entering the financial capital, Mumbai, and
has plans to invest at least INR 7,500 crore (USD 9.06 billion) over the next four-five years to
get a foothold in the foremost realty markets in the country. It will develop both residential and
commercial projects in Mumbai.

• October 2022: Realty major DLF plans to launch new projects worth INR 3,500 crore (USD
4.23 billion) during the second half of this fiscal year, mainly in Gurugram and Panchkula, as it
seeks to tap a rising demand. The company plans to launch around 3 million square feet area
across residential projects.

India Real Estate Market Competitor Analysis

India's real estate market is highly fragmented, with multiple players operating in the market.
Higher competition among market players is impacting selling prices and land prices, further
leading to oversupply in the market. Furthermore, the market is dominated by a few pan-India
branded players and multiple local players. Some of the major developers in the country are
Prestige Estates Projects, DLF, Prestige Group, Lodha Group, Oberoi Realty, etc.

India Real Estate Market Top Players

1. Lodha Groups: -

Lodha Group is a Mumbai-based real estate developer known for its innovative and
luxurious residential and commercial projects. Established in 1980, the group has emerged as
one of the largest and most reputed real estate companies in India.

Lodha Group has a diverse portfolio of projects that cater to different segments of the
market. From affordable housing to ultra-luxury residences, the group has something for
everyone. Some of its flagship projects include the World Towers, Lodha Bellissima, and Lodha

Apart from its residential projects, Lodha Group has also ventured into commercial real
estate with projects like Lodha Excelus and Lodha Supremes. The group has also entered the
hospitality sector with the launch of its luxury hotel brand, Lodha Maison.

Lodha Group's commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability has earned it several
awards and accolades. The group has also been actively involved in social initiatives through its
Lodha Foundation, which works towards providing education, healthcare, and livelihood
opportunities to underprivileged communities.

2. Godrej Properties:
Godrej Properties is a leading real estate developer in India that has been delivering premium
residential and commercial projects for over three decades. The company has a strong presence in major
cities across India and is known for its high-quality construction, innovative design, and sustainable
development practices.

Godrej Properties has received numerous awards and recognition for its outstanding contributions to
the real estate industry. The company has also collaborated with some of the best architects, designers,
and consultants in the world to deliver projects that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also
environmentally friendly.

The company's portfolio includes a diverse range of properties, from luxury villas and apartments to
affordable homes and commercial spaces. Godrej Properties has always been committed to providing
value to its customers by offering homes that meet their needs and aspirations.

3. Kalpataru Group:
Kalpataru Group is a prominent real estate developer in India, known for its innovative designs,
quality construction, and timely delivery of projects. Founded in 1969, the group has expanded its
operations to other sectors such as power transmission and distribution, civil infrastructure, and

In the real estate sector, Kalpataru Group has delivered numerous residential, commercial,
and retail projects across major cities in India. Their residential projects offer a range of options,
including affordable housing, luxury apartments, and villas. The commercial and retail projects
are designed to cater to the needs of businesses, with state-of-the-art facilities and amenities.

The group's commitment to sustainability is reflected in their projects, which incorporate

green building practices, energy-efficient features, and water conservation measures. Their
projects have received several awards and recognition for their design, construction quality, and
sustainability features.

Kalpataru Group is committed to creating value for its stakeholders through its innovative
approach, customer-centric focus, and ethical business practices. With a strong focus on growth
and expansion, the group is poised to continue its leadership in the real estate sector in India.

4. Hiranandani Developers:

Hiranandani Developers is a leading real estate company in India, founded in 1978 by

Niranjan Hiranandani and Surendra Hiranandani. The company has made a name for itself in the
industry by creating world-class residential and commercial properties across Mumbai, Thane,
Chennai, and Pune.

One of the key factors that sets Hiranandani Developers apart is its focus on sustainable and
eco-friendly development. The company uses advanced technologies and innovative design
principles to create buildings that are energy-efficient and reduce carbon footprint.

Hiranandani Developers has also earned a reputation for its attention to detail and
commitment to customer satisfaction. From the initial design to the final delivery, the company's
team works closely with customers to ensure that every aspect of the project meets their

5. Wadhwa Group:

Wadhwa Group is a prominent real estate developer based in Mumbai, India. Founded in
1969, the group has a diverse portfolio that includes residential, commercial, retail, and
hospitality projects. With over five decades of experience, the Wadhwa Group is known for its
quality constructions, timely delivery, and customer-centric approach.

The group has developed several landmark projects in Mumbai, such as the Wadhwa Wise
City, The Address, Anmol Fortune, and Platina, among others. They also have a strong presence
in Navi Mumbai and Thane with projects like Atmosphere, Evergreen Heights, and Elite.

Apart from real estate development, the Wadhwa Group is also actively involved in the
education sector through the Wadhwa Foundation. They have set up several schools and
colleges that offer quality education to children from underprivileged backgrounds.

The Wadhwa Group is committed to sustainable development and has adopted several green
initiatives in their projects. They have received numerous awards and accolades for their
contributions to the real estate industry and society at large.


Punit Enterprises is a 7-year-old private limited corporation. It is registered office is in
Raigard (MH), Maharashtra, India. The Company's status is Active. 1 Directors are
associated with the organization. Jayesh Shah.

The Company Check is a registered information and data resource technology platform
developed, owned and maintained solely by TCC Information Private Limited. The data we
provide on The Company Check is sourced from reliable portals and we have greatly
endeavoured to verify its authenticity and have made certain of its security. We, The Company
Check, do not take any responsibility, express or implied, with regards to the quality, accuracy,
timeliness, completeness, performance, fitness for a particular purpose of the data we provide
and The Company Check is not liable for the same. Any information found on the platform of
The Company Check cannot be sold, licensed, rented or redistributed by any person or entity in
any form whatsoever. Property Surge is a real-tech marketing, advisory & consulting firm,
registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). We aspire to be the market leader in
the property & real-estate market, by leveraging technology, Industry knowledge, strong
salesforce & empathy to help our customers with their property search.

Company’s Mission & Vision As a real estate agency, the toughest job is to generate
qualified leads and then coming out in the open as a channel partner/Broker in front of these
leads/clients. As far as the trend goes these days, brokers have to disguise themselves as the
developer for most of the cases. Only the Institutional partners who now have the reputation &
the team are finally saying it out loud, that too as and when it's required. So, here’s an appeal to
each one of you who are able to understand the emotion; if you're even slightly interested,
related or coincidental to the real estate space do give an opportunity to the new players in the
market. Gauge them on the basis of their intellect, integrity, effort and not just on their Ads

Being a real estate consulting firm, it's our duty to provide you with the best insights
about the right projects backed by the finest developers so you can find your dream home.
Consulting has been our forte all along, so we're adapting better ways to engage with our
audience which will help them with real estate but won't be limited to it! As an attempt to build
a community of audience that resonates with our 'soch' we are starting out a series of content
based out on entrepreneurship, technology, market trends, forecasts & more. As we pace this
journey ahead, we hope to expand our reach, grow our networks and achieve our ultimate goal-
"help you find your dream property, and make it Surge!" Property Surge Private Limited has
started officially, working with top developers across MMR region for now, hoping Pan-India
projects across different geographies in the years to come.

Competitive advantages

1. Specialisation in particular niche:

Specializing in a niche in the real estate industry refers to focusing on a specific area
of the market or type of property. So, our main specialisation is to make luxury homes,
commercial properties, or vacation rentals. By focusing on the local market. We have
understood the needs of our target market and accordingly we have made a great impact in the
2. Develop a strong brand:
Developing a strong brand can provide a real estate company with a competitive
advantage by creating brand recognition and loyalty among customers. A strong brand can also
differentiate a company from its competitors, create a perception of quality and trustworthiness,
and make it easier for the company to attract and retain customers. By investing in branding
initiatives such as creating a unique logo, developing a consistent visual identity, and
implementing effective marketing strategies, a real estate company can position itself as a leader
in the industry and gain a competitive edge over its rivals.

3. Building Strong Network:

Building a strong network in a real estate company can help to develop a strong brand
by creating positive word-of-mouth and referrals. When you establish a network of satisfied
clients, colleagues, and industry professionals, you create a community of people who can speak
positively about your brand and recommend your services to others. This can help to build trust
and credibility in your brand, which can attract more clients and help to establish your company
as a leader in the industry. Ultimately, building a strong network is an essential part of
developing a strong brand in the real estate industry.

4. Offers unique Services:

Offering unique services is an effective way for a real estate company to differentiate
itself from competitors and develop a strong brand. By providing services that are not
commonly offered in the market, the company can attract clients who are seeking a unique and
specialized experience. For example, a real estate company that offers virtual property tours,
customized property search services, or unique property management solutions can create a
niche in the market and build a strong brand identity. By consistently delivering these unique
services and providing exceptional customer service.
5. Referrals and repeat business:

Referrals and repeat business are critical components of building a strong brand
for a real estate company. When clients are satisfied with their experience and outcome,
they are more likely to recommend the company to others and return for future
transactions. This creates a cycle of positive feedback and word-of-mouth marketing,
which can help establish the company as a trusted and reliable provider of real estate
services. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and building long-term relationships with
clients, a real estate company can create a strong brand identity that is associated with
quality, professionalism, and excellent customer service.

6. Building strong online presence:

Developing a strong brand is essential for building a strong online presence for a
real estate company. A strong brand helps to differentiate the company from its
competitors and creates a positive perception among potential customers. To build a
strong brand, the company should focus on creating a clear brand message, using
consistent branding across all online channels, and providing excellent customer service.
The company should also regularly monitor its online reputation and address any
negative feedback promptly. By developing a strong brand, a real estate company can
attract more customers and build a loyal customer base, which can lead to increased sales
and revenue.

7. Provide exceptional customer service:

Providing exceptional customer service is a key element in developing a strong
brand for a real estate company. By ensuring that clients have a positive and memorable
experience, they are more likely to recommend the company to others and return for
future transactions. Exceptional customer service can include timely and effective
communication, going above and beyond to meet client needs, and providing a smooth
and transparent transaction process. By consistently delivering exceptional customer
service, a real estate companycan build a strong reputation for reliability, professionalism,
and trustworthiness, which can ultimately help to strengthen its brand and attract new

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Why it was selected
As a sales and marketing intern in a real estate company, my primary objective was to
increase the sales of the company's properties and improve the company's overall marketing
strategies. To achieve these objectives, I proposed and implemented a comprehensive
marketing plan that consisted of a mix of traditional and digital marketing strategies.

Hands-on experience of Lead generation. You will learn how to identify and generate
leads for potential customers. Property promotion You will learn how to promote
properties through various marketing channels, such as social media, online listings, and
print advertisements.

Network opportunity Real estate agents: You may work closely with real estate agents
in the company to assist with lead generation, property promotion, and customer
relationship management. Property developers: Real estate companies often work with
property developers to promote and sell new properties. Mortgage brokers: Many real
estate transactions involve financing, and as such, real estate companies often work with
mortgage brokers to assist clients with securing financing. Industry organizations: There
are many industry organizations for real estate professionals, such as the National
Association of Realtors or the Urban Land Institute. Other industry professionals: Real
estate companies often work with a wide range of other industry professionals, such as
architects, contractors, and interior designers.

Transferable skills Communication skills: As a sales and marketing intern, you will be
required to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and industry professionals.
Customer service skills: Customer service is a critical aspect of the real estate industry,
and as an intern, you will develop skills in managing customer relationships, providing
exceptional service, and resolving customer complaints and concerns. Sales skills: Sales is
the foundation of the real estate industry, and as an intern, you will develop skills in lead
generation, sales negotiations, and closing deals. Marketing skills: Real estate marketing
involves a range of skills, including market research, social media management, and
content creation. Problem-solving skills: Real estate transactions can be complex, and as
an intern, you will develop skills in identifying and solving problems related to lead
generation, customer service, sales, and marketing. These problem-solving skills can be
valuable in a range of industries and roles.

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Organisational Structure


Property Human Investment Finance Real Estate

Manageme Resources Manageme Accounting Consultanc
nt Manageme nt Audit y

Marketing Commercial Legal and

Financial Planning Real Estate Problem
and sales Management
Fiscal Developer
Analyst Solving


Page | 45
Learning Objective
One of the most appealing aspects of working as a real estate agent is that each
day is different. Agents meet new people, see new places, and respond to the changing
needs of buyers and sellers—which often means shifting gears at the last minute. While
there’s no typical day for a real estate agent, there are a number of tasks that most agents
do on a regular basis. Here’s what a day in the life of a real estate agent might look like.
Real estate agents are licensed professionals who typically work under the supervision of
a real estate broker. Whether you’re in the market to buy or sell a property, they are
trained to guide you through every phase of a sale, from scouting out properties to closing
the deal. Though some of the responsibilities of a real estate agent change based on if
they’re working with a buyer or a seller, the general duties of all real estate agents include
administrative work, research and marketing.

The work was observed is that

• Answer phone calls and emails

• Schedule appointments and showings

• Update property listings

• Draft and deliver documents

• Order supplies

• Perform real estate market analysis

• Stay current with real estate markets, trends and best practices

• Search open listings to find properties

• Create and distribute promotional material

• Manage their online and social media presence

• Network with potential clients and local businesses

• Run advertising campaigns

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• Build a blog or website A real estate agent who helps owners sell a property may also
be referred to as a seller’s agent or listing agent. When a seller wants to put their property
up for sale, they’ll generally contact a real estate agent to act on their behalf. With the
seller’s best interests in mind, the real estate agent will use their knowledge of the market
to accurately price the property, list it and market it to potential buyers.

In working with sellers, a real estate agent may perform the following key roles and

Prepare comparative market research analysis to establish a realistic asking price (beyond
what an online estimator can do)

• Identify which assets are a property’s top selling points for that neighbourhood, plus
pinpoint the best places to invest money in improvements

• Stage the property to make it appealing to buyers

• Photograph the property, inside and out

• List the property on the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

• Advertise real estate properties to gain the attention of prospective buyers

• Supervise and/or schedule property showings and open house events

• Draft and prepare documents, such as offers, contracts and closing statements

• Communicate with appraisers, escrow companies, lenders and home inspectors

Here are some of the key roles and responsibilities of a real estate agent when working
with buyers:

• Coordinate and oversee open houses

• Arrange meetings with prospective buyers

• Interview buyers to understand what they’re looking for in a new property

• Schedule property showings

• Coordinate appraisals and inspections

• Negotiate property repair requests and offers on behalf of the buyer

• Draft and review documents and contracts

• Guide buyer through the closing process.

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Weekly Log
Week 1

Day 1 (Date:- 4/4/2022)

Introduction to the team, company. and meet with team members to discuss their roles and

They talked with regards to Punit enterprises, their starting point, goals, and objectives.

They additionally gave a thought to what sort of occupations will be apportioned during the

They also briefed us about the product.

Day 2-5 (Date: - 5/04/2055 to 8/4/2022)

On the second day of the internship. There was a Attend a sales training session to learn about
the company's sales approach, target audience, and competition.

In which it is shown how to conduct a sales call. Conduct research on the local real estate
market, including trends in prices, inventory, and demographics.

Attend a marketing meeting to learn about the company's current marketing initiatives and
identify areas where the company could improve.

Attend a marketing meeting to learn about the company's current marketing initiatives and
identify areas where the company could improve.

The initial improvements, the training, the induction, the contracts, and the acceptor were
marginally casual in tone and pleasant as well.

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Week 2 (Date: - 11/4/2022 to 15/04/2022)

On the Second week interns has to Conduct research on the local real estate market, including
trends in prices, inventory, and demographics.

Attend a meeting with the sales team to discuss current leads and prospects.

Help plan and execute a marketing event, such as an open house or networking event. Conduct
a competitive analysis of other real estate companies in the area.

Attend a sales meeting to review progress and discuss strategies for improving sales

Week 3 (Date: - 18/04/2022 to 22/04/2022)

On the third week interns has changes their department so that they can get extra knowledge
about it and assist with them.

So I got the opportunity to work with Digital Marketing Department under inter department
employee exchange programme where I have assist to Develop a social media marketing
strategy for the company.

I have draft a proposal for a new marketing campaign aimed at a specific target audience.

Attend a training session on effective communication and negotiation techniques.

Assist with creating a video tour of a property to be shared on social media.

Conduct research on potential partnership opportunities with other local businesses.

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Week 4 (Date: - 25/04/2022 to 29/04/2022)
On the fourth week interns have come back to work with their department and they Assist
with the creation of a sales pitch for a new property listing.

Attend a meeting with the marketing team to review and provide feedback on the latest
marketing materials.

Attending a property exhibition to represent a

Conduct a survey of current and past customers to gather feedback on their experiences with
the company.

Help plan and execute a community service event to increase the company's visibility and

Attend a sales meeting to discuss strategies for improving sales performance based on
feedback from customers.

Week 5 (Date: - 02/05/2022 to 06/05/2022)

On the fifth week interns has assist with creating a marketing email campaign for current and
past customers.

Attend a training session on effective time management and Product Development


Conduct a focus group with potential customers to gather feedback on the company's branding
and messaging’s.

Attend a meeting with the sales team to review and discuss leads and prospects.

Analyse data from previous marketing campaigns to identify areas for improvement.

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Week 6 (Date: - 09/05/2022 to 13/05/2022)
On the sixth week interns has Develop a content marketing strategy for the company's blog
and social media channels.

Help plan and execute a virtual event, such as a webinar or online workshop.

Conduct research on the latest trends in real estate marketing and sales.

Attend a meeting with the marketing team to review progress and discuss new marketing

Assist with creating a sales presentation for a new property listing.

Week 7 (Date: - 16/05/2022 to 20/05/2022)

On the seventh week interns had Start the day by reviewing the leads generated during the
previous week and categorize them based on their level of interest.

Attend the weekly sales meeting to discuss the progress of ongoing deals and identify any

Update the CRM system with any new information obtained from potential customers

Reach out to leads who have shown a high level of interest in the company's properties and
schedule meetings with them.

Prepare a sales pitch for the upcoming meetings.

Conduct research on competitor properties and their pricing strategies.

Attend property showings with potential clients and answer any questions they have about the

Take detailed notes during the showings to identify areas of improvement for future showings

Follow up with potential clients after the showings to gauge their level of interest

Analyse the performance of ongoing marketing campaigns and make any necessary

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Prepare marketing materials for upcoming events, such as open houses or property tours

Conduct market research to identify potential new marketing channels to reach a wider

Review the progress of ongoing deals and follow up with any clients who have not responded
in a timely manner
Update the company's social media accounts with new listings and upcoming events

Attend any necessary training sessions or workshops to improve sales and marketing skills.

Week 8 (Date: - 23/05/2022 to 27/05/2022)

On the eight week it was last week for intern so they Organize and prepare for any upcoming
events, such as open houses or property tours

Create a detailed itinerary for the events, including the schedule of activities and any
necessary materials

Finalize the list of potential clients who will be attending the events to showcase the
properties and services.

Collecting contact information from the potential customer and following up with
personalized message or phone calls.

Attend the scheduled events and conduct property tours for potential clients

Answer any questions that potential clients have and provide additional information about the

Collect feedback from potential clients after the events and make notes on any areas of

Follow up with potential clients who attended the events and gauge their level of interest in
the properties

Conduct market research to identify new leads and potential customers

Attend any necessary meetings or training sessions to wrap up the internship experience

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Review the progress made during the internship and identify areas of improvement for future
sales and marketing efforts. Create a final report summarizing the results achieved during the

Submit the final report to the sales and marketing team for review.

Prepare a final presentation for the sales and marketing team to showcase the results achieved
during the internship.

Attend the final presentation and answer any questions that the team may have. And
submission of all working docs.

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Learning Experience:
As a digital marketing intern at Punit enterprises, I had the opportunity to gain
valuable insights and practical experience in the field of sales & marketing. The internship
was a great learning experience for me, as it allowed me to put my theoretical knowledge
into practice and learn from experienced professionals in the industry.

During my internship, I was responsible for create marketing strategy. I was also
involved in conducting market research, analysing data, and creating reports to measure
the effectiveness of our strategy.

One of the key skills that I learned during my internship was the importance of
understanding the target audience. Punit enterprises target audience is people who belong to
middle class to upper class people. And the location wase to Navi Mumbai and Mumbai
region. So accordingly, I have made marketing strategy for them. This involved researching
their needs, preferences. I learned how to create buyer personas and tailor my messaging

In addition to the technical skills I learned, I also gained valuable soft skills such as time
management, collaboration, and communication. I learned how to manage my time
effectively to meet deadlines, how to collaborate with team members to achieve common
goals, and how to communicate effectively with clients and team members.

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1. Market Research:

The first observation point is market research. The real estate industry is highly
competitive and dynamic, and understanding the local market trends is crucial for developing
effective sales and marketing strategies. As an intern, I observed how the sales and marketing
team conducts market research to identify market demand, competition, and pricing trends.
Additionally had a hands-on experience about how to analyse data to identify the most
profitable property types, target audiences, and marketing channels.

2. Property Listings:

The second observation point is property listings. Property listings are the most important
marketing tool for real estate companies. As an intern, we need to know how the sales and
marketing team creates compelling property descriptions, professional photographs, and
virtual tours to showcase the properties to potential buyers. Another experience was how to
create marketing collateral such as brochures, flyers, and banners to promote the properties in
the local area.

3. Lead Generation:

The third observation point is lead generation. Lead generation is the process of
identifying potential buyers who are interested in purchasing a property. As an intern,
knowing how the sales and marketing team generates leads using various channels, such as
form magick brick. we have taken some data is essential. I had the opportunity to draw
insights on developing lead generation strategy that aligns with the company's target audience
and budget.

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4. Customer Relationship Management:

The fourth observation point is customer relationship management. In the real estate
industry, customer relationship management (CRM) is crucial for building trust and
establishing long-term relationships with potential buyers. As an intern observing how the
sales and marketing team manages customer interactions, including responding to inquiries,
scheduling property viewings, and following up with potential leads helped efficiently. Using
CRM tools to manage customer data, track communication history, and personalize customer

5. Sales Techniques:

The fifth observation point is sales techniques. Real estate sales require a unique set of
skills and techniques, including listening, persuasion, and negotiation. As an intern, I got to
observe how the sales team interacts with potential buyers and learn various sales techniques,
such as objection handling, closing, and upselling. Effective communication skills and build
rapport with potential buyers being the pioneer of sales.

6. Marketing Strategies:

The sixth observation point is marketing strategies. The real estate industry relies heavily
on effective marketing strategies to attract potential buyers and build brand awareness. As an
intern got the access to know about how the sales and marketing team develops marketing
strategies that align with the company's target audience and brand image. Learnt how to use
various marketing channels, such as online advertising, print media, and social media, to reach
potential buyers and promote the properties.

7. Financial Analysis:

The seventh observation point is financial analysis. Understanding the financial performance
of a property is essential for making informed business decisions. As an intern, analysing the
financial data is essentials, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow
statements, to evaluate the profitability of properties. To perform the analysis. I observed to
identify key financial metrics, such as return on profits and develop strategies to increase

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In recommendations, certain suggestions can be followed. They are given below:

• Employees need more training and development program to gain more skills like
communication skills, attentation to detail and customer service skill, this will help the
company with their different skills to expand.

• Associates should be more sincere about their responsibility.

• Associates should be more careful about their duties. Customer satisfaction is a big deal,
but they should also keep other activities in mind as well so that operational lapses cannot
be occurred.

• To reduce the number of pending E-mail of customer for enquiry they can use proper
software for better contact with clients.

• To reduce the work pressure & enhancement of work efforts they should increase the
number of sales staff.

• Should have stability in their decision making.

• Punit Enterprises can arrange more CSR activities and take sponsorship for

• Most importantly they have to more work on pricing of their apartments and the
commercial places and they should open to negotiate with the prices to get more
satisfaction of their clients.

• They have to more aware to deliver the properties to their clients on time.

• Punit enterprises outsource designs from outside the company and sometimes the
country. But I think here the architectural team is very good at design. So, the designs or
ideas they outsource can be done by the in-house architects.

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In conclusion, sales and marketing internships in the real estate industry provide
an invaluable opportunity for students to gain practical experience and apply classroom
learning to real-world situations. These internships offer a unique chance to learn about
the real estate market, the sales process, and marketing strategies.

Sales interns in the real estate industry learn how to generate leads, follow up with
potential clients, and close deals. They also learn about the different sales techniques,
customer service, and marketing concepts. These skills are essential for a successful
career in real estate sales.

Marketing interns in the real estate industry learn how to create engaging
marketing materials, develop content marketing strategies, and optimize marketing
campaigns for better results. They also learn about branding, target audience, and
analytics. These skills are essential for a successful career in real estate marketing.

Both sales and marketing interns in the real estate industry gain experience
working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. They learn how to collaborate with
other team members, communicate effectively with clients, and manage their time and
tasks effectively. They also gain a deep understanding of the real estate market, the needs
of potential buyers, and the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

Overall, sales and marketing internships in the real estate industry are an excellent
opportunity for students to gain practical experience, build their skills, and network with
industry professionals. These internships can provide a foundation for a successful career
in real estate sales or marketing, and can open doors to other opportunities in the industry.

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• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313269693_Human_Resource_Planning_Pra
• https://www.techfunnel.com/martech/the-scope-of-direct-marketing-every-cmo-
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313269693_Human_Resource_Planning_Pra
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313269693_Human_Resource_Planning_Pra
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313269693_Human_Resource_Planning_Pra
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313269693_Human_Resource_Planning_Pra
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313269693_Human_Resource_Planning_Pra

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