Marketing Strategy

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I would like to express my special thanks to our principal as well as my

Commercial studies teacher, for giving me the opportunity to do this project.
I am really thankful to them.
I also want to thank my parents, who gave me valuable suggestions and
guidance for the completion of my project.

The objective of this project is to analyze the study of various marketing
strategies or plans which are adopted by an organisation when launching a
new product. The objective of a marketing strategy is to effectively promote a
product, service, or brand to achieve specific business goals.

In this project, we will be discussing the various market strategies that are
adopted to launch a new product.

A marketing strategy is a long-term plan for achieving a company's goals by

understanding the needs of customers and creating a distinct and sustainable
competitive advantage. It encompasses everything from determining who your
customers are to deciding what channels you use to reach those customers.

When launching a new product, organisations employ various marketing

strategies to create awareness, generate interest, and drive sales.

A marketing strategy helps to stay in sync with the customer base, develop the
right products for them, and determine how to spread information about those
products. Without a defined strategy, it is difficult to know who the
company’s customers are. If the organisation does not adopt new strategies
while launching a new product, it will not develop the right products and will
waste money promoting them.

Here are some common strategies adapted by organisations during a product


1. Market Research: Before launching a new product, organisations

conduct thorough market research to identify their target audience,
understand customer needs and preferences, and assess market demand.
This helps in tailoring the marketing strategies accordingly.
2. Product positioning: organisations determine how their new product
will be positioned in the market relative to competitors. They identify
unique selling points and develop a clear value proposition to
differentiate their product from others.
3. Targeted Advertising: Organisations create targeted advertising
campaigns to reach their specific target audience. This involves selecting
appropriate advertising channels, such as social media platforms, online
ads, TV commercials, print media, and influencers, based on the
preferences and behaviour of the target market.
4. Content Marketing: Content marketing is used to provide valuable and
relevant information about the new product. This can include blog posts,
articles, videos, and social media content that highlights the benefits,
features, and use cases of the product. The goal is to educate and engage
potential customers.
5. Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms offer a powerful way
to connect with the target audience. Organisations leverage platforms
like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to create buzz around
the new product through organic posts, paid advertising, contests,
giveaways, and influencer collaborations.
6. Public Relations: Organisations use public relations strategies to
generate media coverage and increase product visibility. This can
include press releases, media pitches, product demonstrations, and
organising launch events or press conferences to attract attention from
journalists, bloggers, and influencers.
7. Pre-launch Teasers and Exclusivity: To build anticipation and
excitement, organizations often use pre-launch teasers and exclusivity.
They may release sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes footage, or limited-
access offers to create a sense of exclusivity and entice early adopters.
8. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers or industry
experts can significantly impact the success of a product launch.
Organizations identify influential individuals who have a strong
following within their target market and engage them to promote and
endorse the new product.
9. Email Marketing: Building an email list of interested customers allows
organizations to send targeted messages and updates about the product
launch. This can include exclusive offers, product demos, customer
testimonials, and early access opportunities to incentivize potential

10. Customer Feedback and Reviews: Encouraging early customers to

provide feedback and reviews about the new product can help create social
proof and credibility. Positive reviews and testimonials can be showcased
on the organization's website, social media channels, and marketing

It's important to note that the specific marketing strategies used will depend on
factors such as the nature of the product, target market, budget, and industry.
A well-rounded marketing plan often combines multiple strategies to
maximise reach and impact.

In conclusion, implementing effective marketing strategies is essential for a

successful product launch by an organisation.

Thoroughly researching the market, target audience, and competition helps

gain insights and tailor marketing approaches accordingly. Clearly defining
and communicating the product's unique features and benefits differentiates it
from competitors. Building a strong presence on social media platforms to
interact with the audience, share updates, and generate excitement about the
product. All the above factors will help promote the launch of a new product.

Thus, we can say that adapting marketing strategies to launch a new product is
helpful in many ways.


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