Beauty Project Report Format 11-1-2 2

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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Online Beauty Products Management System

Submitted to:

Department of Computer Application

Sungava College, Khairahani Chitwan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Bachelors of Computer Application

Submitted by:

Name: Anuja Chalise Name: Anupa Khaniya

Reg. Number: 6-2-1095-06-2019 Reg. Number: 6-2-1095-07-2019

Under the Supervision of

Bishwo Prakash Pokharel

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Sungava College

Supervisor’s Recommendation

I hereby recommend that this project prepared under my supervision by Anuja Chalise
and Anupa Khaniya entitled “Online Beauty Products Management System” In
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Computer
Application is recommended for the final evaluation.

Bishwo Prakash Pokharel
BCA Department
Sungava College, Khairahani-6, Chitwan

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Sungava College

This is to certify that this project prepared by Anuja Chalise and Anupa Khaniya entitled
“Online Beauty Products Management System” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor in Computer Application has been evaluated. In our opinion it is
satisfactory in the scope and quality as a project for the required degree.

____________________ _____________________
Bishwo Prakash Pokharel Bishwo Prakash Pokharel

Supervisor Program Coordinator

BCA Dept. BCA Dept.

Sungava College Sungava College

____________________ _____________________
Prakash Chhetri Name:
Internal Examiner External Examiner
BCA Dept.
Sungava College


This software helps us to order any types of beauty products. As we know that information is a
key term to success. So, this software manages all the information of cosmetics and beauty
products in effective and efficient way. It provides the customer of said business industry to
explore, browser and buy their products. The design used in this software helps us to attract user
attraction in first view, which can be the best way of managing information. This software is
dynamic and the interfaces can be changed according to organization and requirement. So, it can
be used by any of shop and person. In this software, latest trends of software development tools,
PHP has been used as the front-end tools and, MySQL has been used as the back-end tools.
These two software development tools are widely being used in developing web-based
applications in today’s time.


We are thankful to our respected project Guide Bishwo Prakash Pokharel for his persistence help
throughout completion of this project. His suggestions and guidance in every stage is one of the
major reasons of successful completion of my project. Without his proper guidance our project
would not has been accomplished on time.

We would like to express our sincere thankfulness to Mr. Bishwo Prakash Pokharel, Co-
Ordinator, BCA program, Sungava College, for encouraging us to develop this software. During
the pre-development stage, developing state and post-developing stage, he always remained the
source of inspiration and encouragement for us to complete this project in time.

A bit closer to our home, we would like to add my heartfelt appreciation for our parents for their
infinite kindness and patience throughout our academic career.

Many thanks to Sungava College, for providing us the great platform on the field of computer
education and generously providing the relevant resources. We are thankful to Mr. Sobaraj
Poudel, for helping us in every aspect of the academic years in Sungava. We are also thankful to
Mr. Narayan Nepal, and all staff members of the Sungava College for their kind support.

Finally, we would like to thank all of hidden concern bodies who helped us to meet my goal on
this time and future too.

Thank you!

Student Name: Anuja Chalise Student Name: Anupa Khaniya

Signature: Signature:
Table of Contents


List of Abbreviations..............................................................................................................................viii

List of Figures...........................................................................................................................................ix

List of Tables..............................................................................................................................................x

Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Statement..........................................................................................................................1

1.3 Objectives.........................................................................................................................................2

1.4 Scope of the system..........................................................................................................................2

1.5 Limitations of the system................................................................................................................2

1.6 Report Organization........................................................................................................................3

Chapter 2: Background Study and Literature Review...........................................................................4

2.1 Background Study...........................................................................................................................4

2.2 Literature Review............................................................................................................................4

Chapter 3: System Analysis and Design..................................................................................................6

3.1 System Analysis...............................................................................................................................6

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis...............................................................................................................6

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis...................................................................................................................7

3.1.3 Data Modeling.........................................................................................................................11

3.1.4 Process Modeling....................................................................................................................12

3.2 System Design................................................................................................................................15

3.2.2 Database Design......................................................................................................................16

3.2.3 Interface Design......................................................................................................................19

Chapter 4: Implementation and Testing................................................................................................25

4.1 Implementation..............................................................................................................................25

4.1.1 Tools Used...............................................................................................................................25

4.1.2 Implementation Details of Modules.......................................................................................25

4.2 Testing............................................................................................................................................25

White Box Testing...........................................................................................................................26

Black Box Testing............................................................................................................................27

4.2.1 Testing Cases for Unit Testing...............................................................................................27 Admin Login Table..............................................................................................................27 User Login Table.................................................................................................................27

4.2.2 Testing Plan.................................................................................................................................25

4.2.3 Testing Report.............................................................................................................................25

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Recommendations.........................................................................30

5.1 Lesson Learnt/Outcome................................................................................................................30

5.2 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................30

5.3 Future Recommendations.............................................................................................................30

Appendix A..............................................................................................................................................31

Appendix B...............................................................................................................................................32



List of Abbreviations

BPMS : Beauty Product Management System

SQL : Structured Query Language

List of Figures
Figure 1: Entity Relationship Diagram..................................................................................................11
Figure 2:Context Diagram of Beauty Product management system....................................................12
Figure 3: 1 level DFD of Admin Login page..........................................................................................13
Figure 4: First level DFD of User Login................................................................................................14
Figure 5: Login Page...............................................................................................................................15
Figure 6: Main Window..........................................................................................................................16
Figure 7: Testing of OBPMS..................................................................................................................22
Figure 8: Screeen shot1...........................................................................................................................31
Figure 9: Screeen shot2...........................................................................................................................32
Figure 10: Screeen shot3.........................................................................................................................33
Figure 11: Screeen shot4.........................................................................................................................33
Figure 12: Screeen shot5.........................................................................................................................34
Figure 13: Screeen shot6.........................................................................................................................34
Figure 14: Screeen shot7.........................................................................................................................35
Figure 15: Screeen shot8.........................................................................................................................36

List of Tables

Table 1: Feasibility Analysis

Table 2: Admin Login
Table 3: User Login.................................................................................................................................26
Table 4: Cart Table.................................................................................................................................27
Table 5: Test report bugs and solutions.................................................................................................28

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

The "BEAUTY PRODUT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" is designed to provide the facility to

order beauty products. Beauty product management system (BPMS) is a web-based beauty
management application with ordering products functionality. In this system user can review the
products brand, cost and many more and can order via online. In this system beauty products
owner can make their account online and give details of the services they offer and also describe
the products information. User can review about the products and their brand, cost etc. using this
system and can order the products as their choice. User can also write and reviews about the
products. This system helps both the customer and the owner. Customer can easily find best
product by sitting at home and easily can order it. It helps him to take decision of taking the
services of it.
The Beauty product management system contain information related to beauty products like
• Brand of products
• Cost
• Manufacturing and expiry date of products
• Available Beauty products

1.2 Problem Statement

At present, the public can only know about the beauty products if they personally visited beauty
products shop or through some other people’s recommendation. There is no information
regarding the beauty products programs available on any of the portal.

The current system that is using the beauty product is manual system. The problem which is
being faced with the ongoing beauty products management process is that it requires quite a lot
of manual and paperwork. People wait a lot to buy or to get some information about the specific
product but our website is probably based on reducing that problem, as the customer will be able
to directly get information of the products and can easily order from any place appointment.

The system is involving the related workers for their effectiveness which leads in the decrement
of the system’s economic status. Similarly, customers are losing their valuable time on
purchasing the products by arriving the respective system. But if they choose our service their
time can be saved.

1.3 Objectives
The main objective of this major project is to overcome the major limitation of the existing
enabling effective management of the customer details thereby improving the performance. It is
aimed to maintain thousands of records. Also searching should be very fast so they can find
required details instantly.
Major objectives are:
 To manage all the details of products, customers etc.
 To generate the information of the products.
 To design and develop a user-friendly system.
 To help the people to save their time.
 To promote the online business.
 To provide better Graphical User Interface (GUI).
 To provide security to the data by using login and password method.
 To promote the product and encourage to do business.
 To computerize the manual system.

The system will provide the user the option to look at the details of the existing Products List,
their brand and cost and to order product from there.

1.4 Scope of the system

The main scope and deliverables of the project would be to:
• Customer can order any types of beauty products for their personal as well as business
• Prepare high level and detailed design specifications of the system
• Prepare Test Plan & Test cases
• Develop the system and coding

• Perform unit testing and integration testing
• Demonstrate bug free application after suitable modification, if needed
 The system will store all the basic data processing needs the shop management.
 To satisfy the user requirements.

1.5 Limitations of the system

 Data security
 Chances of technical problems in the system
 Compromise with the Product Quality

1.6 Report Organization

This report is organized in five chapters, as indicated in the Table of Contents. These chapters
deal with the important aspects of the Systems Development Life Cycle. Each of the chapters is
divided into Headings and Sub-Headings. Chapter 1 introduces the project, its objectives and
scopes. The background study and literature review are explained in Chapter 2. Chapter 3
broadly deals with the requirements, analysis and design. Chapter 4 includes the
implementation and testing of the system. The test reports and testing of the working of the
system is discussed here. Chapter 5 deals with the conclusion and recommendations of the
system. At the end of the report, the references made the glossary along with appendices have
been included.

Chapter 2: Background Study and Literature Review

2.1 Background Study

In order to understand the concepts associated with beauty product management systems and or
computer-based records management systems, it is imperative to examine and analyze published
material from experts regarding the field. The purpose of this review is to analyze and examine
and obtain experience as regards to the creation and archival processing of electronic beauty
product management and electronic records, and contains an overview of the main concepts
associated with the creation of an electronic records management system from the perspective of
published experts.

In present era beauty product management system is more focused towards improvement of
operations. In recent years the majority of beauty products management system sites have
introduced wide range of products with concern of branded beauty products.

2.2 Literature Review

The world’s leading beauty company says that business was so good in 2012, it outpaced the
gain of the global cosmetic market, which it reported as 4.6%. In North America, the L’Oréal
group grew roughly twice as fast as the market. Corporate sales in new market rose 9.2%,
making it the group’s no. 1 sales zone for the first time, with nearly 40% of cosmetic sales.
L’Oréal made tremendous strides in hair care, but also brought significant launches to market in
skin care, fragrance, cosmetics and dermocosmetics as well In [ 1]

Jean-Paul Agon, chairman and chief executive officer, said in the Group’s annual report that in
addition to strengthening its global leadership in the beauty world, 2012 was also “a year of
renewal” for brands such as Lancôme, Vichy, Garnier and The Body Shop. L’Oréal also added
strategically to its portfolio with acquisitions such as Cadum in France, Vogue in Colombia and
Urban Decay in the U.S. In [2]

There was an attempt to design and implementation of digital order of beauty products using
android technology. This system was a basic dynamic database utility system which fetches all

information from a centralized database. Efficiency and accuracy of products as well human
errors were improved by this user-friendly application In [3]

The Este Lauder Company of New York include also the major products skin care, hair products
makeup and so on. It also achieved more progress from then to now. In September 2012, ELC
launched Osiao, the company’s new luxury brand that debuted in China. The brand was
developed by ELC’s Beauty Bank division, which is based in New York City, in partnership
with the company’s research and development teams at the Shanghai Asia Innovation Center

In September 2012, ELC launched Osiao, the company’s new luxury brand that debuted in
China. The brand was developed by ELC’s Beauty Bank division, which is based in New York
City, in partnership with the company’s research and development teams at the Shanghai Asia
Innovation Center In [4]

Johnson Johnson Company: Alex Gorsky is the chairman of this company located New
Bruinswick NJ. In September 2012, ELC launched Osiao, the company’s new luxury brand that
debuted in China. The brand was developed by ELC’s Beauty Bank division, which is based in
New York City, in partnership with the company’s research and development teams at the
Shanghai Asia Innovation Center. This company is achieving more and more In [5]

Chapter 3: System Analysis and Design

3.1 System Analysis

The process of collecting and analyzing the requirements of a system to be developed in order to
recognize the need and objectives of the planned system and visualizing the system to be
developed in form of diagrams and sketches using the standard procedures of software
development process.
It is an elaborate process that gives a way to design of the system. It consumes a considerable
amount of time during the development of the system.

The theoretical background of the project is needed for the development of the project. The
development of the software will start as first phase of analysis phase where we analyzed the
problem which is on hand and will go about the planning and scheduling for the completion of
the project. The various tools that will be used for example structured analysis tools which
include data flow diagram, Gantt and Pert Chart, and process specification. The design gives us a
clear view about the required functionalities for generation code. It uses PHP in the front end,
MySQL in backend. In the Blood Bank Management System, we can do all necessary
operations, which will use in modern blood bank. One can handle all donor Registration along
with their blood group, contact number, photo and email address too.

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis

The system is client-server architecture where a server is necessary to host the application and
the database. The users will access the server to retrieve information from their desktops through
their web-based interfaces.
i) Functional Requirements
Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system. This behavior may
be expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is required to perform.
 Can add, edit, delete and view all users
 Can add, edit, delete and view all products

 Can register/login
 Can buy products
 Can search products by Title

 Can view all the products
 Can search all the products

ii) Non-Functional Requirements

Since the system is used in a clinic, it is a must to ensure that everything is doing well especially
performance during the working hours. Few non-functional requirements are as follows:
• Usability: The system must fulfill its’ own objectives. All the modules and functions of
the system should be usable. It is important to ensure that every function is meaningful to
the system.
• Responsiveness: The system must respond every requests from the user in very few
seconds in order to decrease the waiting time of the customer as well as
shopkeeper .Responsiveness is one of main concern during the system implementation.
• Reliability: The system should be reliable all the time. The functions in the system
should produce the correct output to the user.

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis

A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a project work
is achievable by the use of current technology and other related terms. The objective of
feasibility study conducted to analyze and understand the technical, behavioral, legal, time and
economic prospects for developing the system prior to actually using resources to develop it.
Feasibility study assesses the operational, technical, and economic merits of the proposed
project. The feasibility study is intended to be a preliminary review of the facts to see if it is
worthy of proceeding to the analysis phase. From the system analyst perspective, the feasibility
analysis is the primary tool for recommending whether to proceed to the next phase or to
discontinue the project.

Feasibility studies undergo four major analyses to predict the system to be success and they are
as follows:
 Operational Feasibility
 Technical Feasibility
 Schedule Feasibility
 Economic Feasibility

Table 1: Feasibility Analysis

Nature of Feasibility Whether Feasible Reason

Does the FEASIBLE. Although the users of the
technology exist to system are spread over a wide area,
implement the due to the use of broadband internet at
Technical Feasibility
proposed system? the locations and commonly available
Is it a practical technologies, the project is technically
proposition? feasible
FEASIBLE. Use of cheap broadband
Is the system cost- internet, open-source technology, low
effective? Do cost server and existing PCs as clients,
Economic Feasibility
benefits outweigh the benefit derived from the system
costs? far outweighs the cost, making it
economically feasible
FEASIBLE. Procedures are based on
the manual system described in the
Are the current
Protocol to Indo-Nepal Treaty of
work practices and
Transit, suitably amended to suit
Operational procedures
computerized processing and hence
Feasibility adequate to
the system automates a known
support the new
process. Users are not required to be
trained on procedural aspects. Hence
it is Operationally Feasible

FEASIBLE. The system is required to
be implemented in 5week while it is
estimated to be developed in 5week if
Can the system be
Schedule Feasibility object orientation and code reuse are
developed in time?
adopted. Hence it is feasible to
complete the system as per required

3.1.3 Data Modeling

Data modeling answers a set of specific questions that are relevant to any data processing
application. Hence it is a process of creating a data model by applying a data model theory to
create a data model instance. When data modeling is done, it is the first steps towards
structuring and organizing of data. These data structures are then typically implemented in a
database management system. In addition to defining and organizing the data, data modeling
will impose (implicitly or explicitly) constraints or limitations on the data placed within the

It is the analysis of data objects and their relationships to other data objects. It involves a
progression from conceptual model to logical model to physical schema. Here in the data model
we search for the following factors:
i. What are the primary data objects to be processed by the system?
ii. What is the composition of each data object and what attributes describe the object?
iii. Where do the objects currently reside?
iv. What are the relationships between each object and other objects?
v. What are the relationships between the objects and the processes that transform them?
The fixed time was allocated and rigorous planning done for the analysis of the OBPMS? While
more focus on analytical methods have been maintained, the basic analytical charts have been
produced here. Since the best and effective ways to represent DBMS/Application software is
through Entity Relationship Diagram, Data Flow Diagram and Data Dictionary, they have been
included below

Figure 1: Entity Relationship Diagram

3.1.4 Process Modeling

As information moves through software, it is modified by a series of transformations. A data
flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation that depicts information flow and the
transforms that are applied as data move from input to output. The data flow diagram may be
used to represent a system or software at any level of abstraction. In fact, DFDs may be
partitioned into levels that represent increasing information flow and functional detail.
Therefore, the DFD provides a mechanism for functional modeling as well as information flow
modeling. It satisfies the second operational analysis principle. A level 0 DFD, also called a
fundamental system model or a context model, represents the entire software element as a single
bubble with input and output data indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows, respectively.
Additional processes and information flow paths are represented as the level 0 DFD is
partitioned to reveal more detail.

Data flow Diagram is a commonly used technique in the System Analysis stage of development.
The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) provides the key means of achieving one of the most important

requirements of structured development-the notion of structure. The DFD allows the system to
be partitioned into development into independent units so that they, and thereby the system, can
be more easily understood. The graphical aspect of DFD means that they can be used both as
static pieces of documentation and as a communication tool.

The context level data flow diagram is known as Level 0 DFD. It represents the system at a high
level of detail in terms of its inputs from external entities and its outputs to external entities. It
has one process box for the entire system along with the external entities, data sources and data
flows. It represents the system level description of the processes explaining how the system
interacts with external entities. It takes input forms and login systems and generate report
display as well update database of OBPMS

Figure 2: Context diagram of Beauty Product Management System First level DFD for ADMIN LOGIN

After entering to the home page of the website, admin can choose the ADMIN LOGIN option
where they are asked to enter username & password, and if he/she is a valid user then admin
login page will be displayed.

Figure 3: 1 level DFD of Admin Login page

22- First level DFD of User Login

After entering to the home page of the website student can choose the USER LOGIN option
where they are asked to enter username & password, and if he/she is a valid user then a user
login page will be displayed.

Figure 3: First level DFD of User Login

3.2 System Design

The system is designed using the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture. MVC is a system
architecture that separates application into three main components, namely the model, view and
controller, each playing different roles. Model is the main functionality or the domain-specific
representation of the information, views are the user interfaces and the controllers are the ones
who respond to user actions and invoke appropriate changes on the model and view. The purpose
of separating the application is to make sure that the modification to one component will cause
the least impact to the others and thus promoting system maintainability. This architecture is
especially useful in a system where there exist many types of users with many different levels of
authorization. Different styles of display or data are required to facilitate different types of users.
No duplicate user interface needed to be created as the model and controller will detect and react
according to user role. This is because MVC architecture supports multiple presentations of data
and separate styles of interaction with each presentation.

3.2.2 Database Design
Database name: makeup

Table1: Schema Diagram

3.2.3 Interface Design
The page requires user name and password to start the application. Login is a process by which
individual access to a computer system is controlled by identifying and authenticating the user
through the cardinalities presented by the user. Admin can add update or delete the user, city,
state, camp etc.

Figure 5: Login Page

Main Window:
is designed for successful completion of project on cosmetics items. The basic building aim is to
provide beauty product to the city recently. Online Beauty Products Management System
(OBPMS) is a browser based system that is designed to store, process, retrieve and analyze
information concerned with the administrative and inventory management within a store.

Figure 6: Main window

Chapter 4: Implementation and Testing

4.1 Implementation
During the software implementation phase, each module of software is thoroughly tested for
bugs and for accuracy of output. The system developed is very user-friendly and the detailed
documentation is also given to the user as online help wherever necessary. The implementation
phase normally ends with the formal test involving all the components.

4.1.1 Tools Used

ER- Diagram, Dataflow Diagram, Project Documentation etc.

Programming Languages:
HTM, CSS, PHP etc.

Database Platforms:
MySQL is a relational DBMS developed by Oracle that is based on Structured Query Language
(SQL). It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or a place to hold vast
amount of information in a corporate network. It is popular, time-tested, but also modern and
fully-featured relational database management software.

4.1.2 Implementation Details of Modules

Login module is used to login, register new account is used to create the new customer’s
account, order module is used to show the order details of the customer, contact is used to
contact for the needed products, logout module is used to logout etc..

4.2 Testing
A test plan is a document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended
testing activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing BPMS, who will do
each BPMS, and any risks requiring contingency planning.

Test planning is an ongoing process. The following things were done during the process:
 Tests were planned before testing begun.
 The entire tests were as per customers’ requirements.
 Analytical tools were used to develop test cases.
 A testing strategy was adopted and applied.
 Tools were created to control testing.

As it is application-oriented software with GUI interface, the testing was less time consuming
and more precise.

Unit Integration Functional Validation System

Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing

Figure7: Testing of OBPMS

Some strategies that followed in testing software with context to the applied model are as
 Unit Testing: This concentrates on each unit of the software as implemented in source
 Integration Testing: This comes under design phase and construction of software
 Functional Testing: This tests all the functional units of the software and finds out
possible bugs or errors in the functional parts.
 Validation Testing: This comes after the implementation of software as for checking
and permitting the conditions.
 System Testing: Finally the software and other system elements are tested as a whole
to see the performance is achieved.

The two main Test approach of Software Engineering are:
White Box Testing

White box testing is a test case design approach that employs the control architecture of the
procedural design to produce test cases. It is gone through all internal testing including the
source code manipulation of the software. Each and every code goes smoothly as per my
requirements. Using white box testing approaches, the software engineering can produce test
case that will:
i. Guarantees all independent paths in a module have been exercised at least once.
ii. Execute all logical decisions.
iii. Execute all loops at their boundaries and in their operations.
iv. Exercise internal data structures to maintain their validity.
Black Box Testing

Black box testing approaches concentrate on the fundamentals requirements of the software.
Black box testing allows us to produce groups of input situations that will fully exercise all
functional requirements for a program. It is a complementary approach that is likely to uncover
a different type of errors that the white box approaches. Black box testing tries to find errors in
the following categories. It is done all those testing which gives the exact output whatever it
desire. Including this testing it have gone through all the following points:
i. Incorrect or missing functions.
ii. Interface errors.
iii. Errors in data structures or external data base access.
iv. Performance errors.
v. Initialization and termination errors.

Errors get fixed. We took a destructive attitude towards the program we test, but at larger context
our work was constructive.

4.2.1 Test Cases for Unit Testing Admin Login table

Test Case Test Data Expected Actual Pass/

ID Description Result Result Fail

Admin enters Email:ramsharma@gmail. Display As pass

A_Log_1 a wrong com message expected,
email Pass: LesiYa127 **Email do
not exist**

Admin enters Email: Display As pass

A_Log_2 a wrong [email protected] message expected,
password Pass: ram1234 **incorrect

Admin enters Email:[email protected] Logged into As pass

A_Log_3 A correct m Admin expected,
email and Pass:LesiYa127 page

Table 2: Admin Login

20 User Login table
Test Case Test Data Expected Actual Pass/Fail
ID Description Result Result

User enters Email: Display As pass

U_Log_1 a wrong [email protected] message expected,
email id Pass:anupa123 **Email do
not exist**

User enters Email:Khaniyaanupa15 Display As pass

U_Log_2 a wrong message expected,
password Pass:sita2345 **incorrect
User enters Email:Khaniyaanupa15 User logs As pass
U_Log_3 correct in expected,
username Pass:anupa123 successfully

Table 3: User Login Cart Table

ID Test case Expected Result Actual Pass/Fail
description Result

A_LOG_1 Adds more than Display message As expected, Pass
available Quantity **Cannot add
more than
A_LOG_2 Provides wrong Display As expected, Pass
product items message**product
items mismatch

A_LOG_3 Provides product Check out As expected, Pass

items and quantity successfully

Table 4: User Login

4.2.2 Testing Plan

Test Objectives: Testing the system using sample data.
Test Data Valid: Prepared few sets of data of for different classes
Invalid: Tried to enter the cross link entry of sample data from the gathered
Output Valid: The valid data easily traveled in the expected way but the invalid data
rejected by the system.

Test objectives: Test for valid username and password entry

Test data:
Valid: Entered valid username and password
Invalid: Roughly entered some alphanumeric characters as input

Valid: Allowed access to the system
Invalid: Ask to enter the right username and password
Valid: The user was allowed to enter the system.
Invalid: The user couldn’t enter the system.

Conclusion Both valid and invalid input gave desired output.

Test objectives: Test for acceptance of data

Test data:
Valid: Entered some valid data in key field of the database.
Invalid: Entered invalid data in the key field.
Valid: Entry accepted.
Invalid: Entry discarded.
Valid: valid data entered easily in to the database.
Invalid: Invalid data couldn’t be entered.
Conclusion: Both valid and invalid data gave desired output.

4.2.3 Test Reports

Since this test concentrates on each unit of the software as implemented in source code, the test
was conducted keeping every small module in consideration.
The following is the report of a few bugs that were overcome during the test and those remain

S.N Bugs: Solution:

1 Differential backup generated an execution time error. Differential, files and
Error description: transaction log backups avoided
Constraint Violation.
2 Interface command to the enterprise manager was Re-do the whole process of the
unable to be executed with mere command of shell. project starting to end.

Error description:
File Not Executable.
3 Size of files and response details could not be loaded Permitted attributes displayed.
during the display of search contents.
Error description:
Process Access Denied.
4 Unable to detect associated files by itself when called Required associations
for. assembled.
Error description: Detection remains unsolved.
File Not Found.

Table 5: Test report bugs and solutions

Most of the error is caused by human because human develop system and manipulation is done
by human themselves only, hence nobody can deny the possibility of having committing some or
other mistake or the existence of bugs. Even though, extreme condition should be taken care for
maintaining the data and respective entries of the system for the testing of report. A set of test
materials is nothing more than a list of possible problems in a program and a set of procedure for
determining whether the problems actually exist and are significant or not.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Recommendations

5.1 Lesson Learnt/Outcome

The system was able to attain some of the goals that were set the beginning of development.
With the completion of the project, it was achieve the project’s goal. After filling the register
form, user can view and order different beauty products through web browser. In this way user
can save time and money from this website.

5.2 Conclusion
The ultimate goal and aim of the project was to create a Beauty Product Management System
that provides quick and instant access to products records and customer records. This objective
has been met.

The application meets all the user requirements and it provides a quick result to customer as well
as management.

5.3 Future Recommendations

The greatest challenge of the developer faced understood the requirements which kept on
changing. Furthermore, load testing software was difficult to find, the ones that came through are
not reliable, and expensive.

For the further recommendations, this software can be converted to mobile apps so that it would
be easy for operation from the mobile devices too.

Appendix A
Source Codes

<?php include 'inc/header.php'; ?>

$login = Session::get("cuslogin");
if ($login == true) {

if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['login'])) {

    $custLogin = $cmr->customerLogin($_POST);
 <div class="main">
    <div class="content">
         <div class="login_panel">
            if (isset($custLogin)) {
                echo $custLogin;
            <h3>Existing Customers</h3>
            <p>Sign in with the form below.</p>
            <form action="" method="post">
                    <input name="email" placeholder="Email" type="text"/>
                    <input name="pass" placeholder="Password" type="password"/>
                 <p class="note">If you forgot your passoword just enter your
email and click <a href="#">here</a></p>
                    <div class="buttons"><div><button class="grey"
name="login">Sign In</button></div></div>

if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['register'])) {

    $customerReg = $cmr->customerRegistration($_POST);

        <div class="register_account">
            if (isset($customerReg)) {
                echo $customerReg;
            <h3>Register New Account</h3>
            <form action="" method="post">
                            <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name"/>
                            <input type="text" name="address"
                               <input type="text" name="city"
                                <input type="text" name="email"
                            <input type="text" name="country"
                  <input type="text" name="phone" placeholder="Phone"/>
                    <input type="text" name="pass" placeholder="Password"/>

           <div class="search"><div><button class="grey" name="register">Create
            <p class="terms">By clicking 'Create Account' you agree to the <a
href="#">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>.</p>
            <div class="clear"></div>
       <div class="clear"></div>

$filepath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
class Database
    public $host   = DB_HOST;
    public $user   = DB_USER;
    public $pass   = DB_PASS;
    public $dbname = DB_NAME;

    public $link;
    public $error;

    public function __construct()


    private function connectDB()

        $this->link = new mysqli(

        if (!$this->link) {
            $this->error = "Connection fail" . $this->link->connect_error;
            return false;

    // Select or Read data

    public function select($query)
        $result = $this->link->query($query) or
        die($this->link->error . __LINE__);
        if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
            return $result;
        } else {
            return false;

    // Insert data
    public function insert($query)
        $insert_row = $this->link->query($query) or
        die($this->link->error . __LINE__);
        if ($insert_row) {
            return $insert_row;
        } else {
            return false;

    // Update data
    public function update($query)
        $update_row = $this->link->query($query) or
        die($this->link->error . __LINE__);
        if ($update_row) {
            return $update_row;
        } else {
            return false;

    // Delete data
    public function delete($query)
        $delete_row = $this->link->query($query) or

        die($this->link->error . __LINE__);
        if ($delete_row) {
            return $delete_row;
        } else {
            return false;

Appendix B
Screen shots

Figure 8: Screens shot 1

Figure 9: Screens shot 2

Figure 10: Screens shot 3

Figure 11: Screens shot 4

Figure 12: Screens shot 5

Figure 13: Screens shot 6

Figure 14: Screens shot 7

Figure 15: Screens shot 8




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