Ease 3 - Mathematics Grade 10

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1. Students must write their names and classes in the question booklet.
2. Students may use available spaces of this booklet for scratch work.
3. Using cell phones, calculators, rulers etc. are not allowed during the exam.
4. If you have any questions, raise your hand and wait for the proctor to respond.
5. Exam Organizer of the school will distribute the answer keys immediately after the exam.
6. No parts of the test will be updated. Questions with any type of fault will be canceled.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. What is equation of the parabola below?

A) y   x  1   4
B) y  x  1   4
C) y   x  4   1
D) y   x  1   4

2. What is the possible equation for the unkown curve?

A) y  x 2

B) y  2x 2  4

C) y   4

D) y  3x 2  4

3. Which of the following is the graph of y  x 2  1 for 1  x  2?

A) C)

B) D)

4. The table value of y   3 is _____.

A) C)

B) D)

5. Choose the suirable graph of xy  4.
(reciprocal graphs)

A) C)

B) D)

6. Asymtotes of hyperbola y   3 are _____.

A) y0 and x  3
B) y0 and y3
C) x0 and y  3
D) x0 and y3

7. Given simultaneous equations y  x 2 and y  3  x .

Use the graphs to find the x-values of the points of intersection of the line and the curve above

A) x  2 and y  5
x  1 and y  1

B) x  2 and y  5
x  1 and y  0

C) x  3.3 and y  4.3

x  0.3 and y  1.7

D) x  2.3 and y  5.3

x  1.3 and y  1.7

8. This is the graph of y  x 2  x  2 .

Use the graph to solve the equations x 2  x  6. (the x-solution)

A) x = -2 and x = 3
B) x = 2 and x = -3
C) x = 1 and x = 2
D) x = -1 and x = 2

9. Find the x-intercept and y-intercept of the graph y  2x 2  4x  6.

A) (0.6) (-3.0) (1.0)

B) (0.5) (-2.0) (-1.0)
C) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1)
D) (0.1) (-1.0) (1.1)

10. Given graph of parabola y  x 2  2 x  1 .

By using the graph, what is solution of the equation 3  x 2  2x ?

A) x  1 and x3
B) x  1 and x3
C) x  1 and x  3
D) x  1 and x  3

11. The graph bellow is graph of y  x 2  4 and y  x  2 .

What is the point intersection of y  x 2  4 and y  x  2 ?

A) (2,0) and (2,0)

B) (1,3) and (2,0)
C) (1,3) and (2,0)
D) (1,3) and (2,0)

12. This graph shows y  x  2  x  3  x  1  .

Use the graph to estimate the solution of (x  2)(x  3)(x  1)  7.

A) 1.8
B) 2
C) 2.4
D) 3

13. The diagram shows the graphs of y   1 and 2x  3y  0 for the possitive valuex of x .

3 2
What is the value of x such that 1  x ?
x 3

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

14. Given a graph below.

Use the graph to solve x 3  2x 2  5  0 (to find x-solution).

A) x3
B) x  3.1
C) x  2.7
D) x2

15. Which of the following is the graph of y  x 3  1?

A) C)

B) D)

16. Which of the followings is a cubic equation?

A) k 4  k 3  1  0

B) 2v 3  4v 2  1

C) y  2x 2  1

D)  x2  1

17. What is the equation of the graph below ?

A) y  x 3  2
B) y  x3  2
C) y  x 3  2
D) y  x 3  2

18. Find the gradient at point B.

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

19. Find the gradient at point B.

A) -2
B) 2
C) -1
D) 1

20. Find the gradient at point A.

A) 2.8
B) 2
C) 1.6
D) 1

21. Find the gradient at point A.

A) 5
B) 2
C) -5
D) -2

22. Find the gradient of y  3x 2 at point (1,3) .

A) 3

B) 2


D) 6

23. What does information in the graph suggest about the amount of homework time for most students in
Aaron’s school?

A) Most students spend between 25 and 35 minutes on homework

B) Most students spend less than 25 minutes on homework
C) Most students spend between 25 and 65 minutes on homework
D) Most students spend more than 55 minutes on homework

24. The height of all the students in Ms. Long's class are recorded in the table.

Where would the median fall?

A) 60-65
B) 50-54
C) 40-44
D) 55-59

25. The heights of plants were measured during an experiment. The results are summarised in the table below.

Which class interval contains the median?

A) 5  h  10
B) 10  h  15
C) 15  h  25
D) 25  h  50

26. A histogram is shown below representing the distances achieved by some athletes throwing a javelin.

Approximately how many athletes threw the javelin the distance over 65 metres?

A) 3
B) 10
C) 14
D) 20

27. The table shows the times taken by a group of students to answer a maths question.

How many students took up to 40 seconds?

A) 6
B) 20
C) 26
D) 32

28. The histogram shows the ages of the members of a tennis club.

The total number of members of the club is _____.

A) 100
B) 90
C) 85
D) 70

29. The table shows the masses of some parcels at a post office.

Work out the frequency densities.

A) a  0.1 , b  0.6 , c  0.2 , d  0.02

B) a  0.2 , b  0.1 , c  0.2 , d  0.6
C) a  0.1 , b  0.6 , c  0.2 , d  0.2
D) a  0.1 , b  0.06 , c  0.02 , d  0.02

30. This cumulative frequency curve shows the journey times to school of different students.

Using the curve, what is the number of students who had journey times greater than 30 minutes?

A) 50
B) 32
C) 20
D) 18

31. This graph shows the test marks of a class of students.

Which of these statements is true?

A) The lowest mark scored was 10

B) The median is 15
C) The IQR is 40
D) The upper quartile is approximately 30

32. This cumulative frequency curve shows the journey times to school of different students.

Using the curve, what is an estimate of the median journey time?

A) 25
B) 30
C) 38
D) 40

33. The graph shows the number of nails in a sample of 200 packets from a factory.

How many packets contained fewer than 98 nails?

A) 20
B) 22
C) 24
D) 28

34. The following cumulative frequency graph shows the masses at birth of 100 babies.

What is the minimum mass of babies above the 90th percentile?

A) 3.4 kg
B) 3.5 kg
C) 3.6 kg
D) 3.7 kg

35. The cumulative frequency graph gives the times, in minutes, that a group of runners took to complete a 10 km

10% of the runners completed the course in _____ minutes or less.

A) 40
B) 50
C) 60
D) 70

36. Below is the graph of parabola y  x 2  x  2 .

By using the graph, find the sum of the solution of the equation x 2  x  2  2.

Ans: _____.

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

37. Find the gradient at point C.

Ans: _____.

A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8

Short Answer

38. Find the y-coordinate of the turning point of the graph y  2x 2  4x  6.

Ans: y  _____

39. The following histogram shows data collected during a recent fishing derby. The number of fish caught is
being compared to the size of the fish caught.

How many fish caught were over 32 cm in length?

Ans: _____ fishes.

40. The mass of watermelons from a farm were recorded. Only those weighing above 3 kg were accepted to be

What percentage of watermelons were sold?

Ans: _____%



Answer Section


1. DIF: 1 OBJ: Plotting quadratics graphs (parabola)

TOP: Curved Graph
2. DIF: 1 OBJ: Plot the graph of a parabola from a table of values
TOP: C18. Curved Graphs
3. DIF: 1 OBJ: Plotting quadratics graphs (parabola)
TOP: Curved Graph
4. DIF: 1 OBJ: Plotting reciprocal graphs (the hyperbola)
TOP: Curved Graph
5. DIF: 1 OBJ: Plotting reciprocal graphs (the hyperbola)
TOP: Curved Graph
6. DIF: 1 OBJ: Plotting reciprocal graphs (hyperbola)
TOP: Curved Graph
7. DIF: 1 OBJ: Using graph to solve simultaneous linear and non-linear equations
TOP: Curved Graph
8. DIF: 1 OBJ: Using graphs to solve quadratics equations
TOP: Curved Graph
9. DIF: 1 OBJ: Plotting quadratics graphs (parabola) -intercept methode
TOP: Curved Graph
10. DIF: 1 OBJ: Using graphs to solve quadratics equations
TOP: Curved Graph
11. DIF: 1 OBJ: Using graphs to solve quadratics equations
TOP: Curved Graph
13. DIF: 1 OBJ: Using graph to solve simultaneous linear adn non-linear equations
TOP: Curved Graph
14. DIF: 1 OBJ: other non linear graph TOP: Curved Graph
15. DIF: 2 OBJ: Other non linear graphs TOP: Curved Graph
16. DIF: 1 OBJ: Cubic relationships & equations TOP: C18. Curved Graphs
17. DIF: 2 OBJ: Cubic relationships & equations TOP: C18. Curved Graphs
19. DIF: 1 OBJ: Finding Gradient of a curve TOP: Curved Graph
22. DIF: 1 OBJ: Finding Gradient of a curve TOP: Curved Graph
23. DIF: 1 OBJ: Histograms TOP: Histograms and frequency distribution diagrams
24. DIF: 1 OBJ: Histogram TOP: • Read and interpret histogram with equal interval
25. DIF: 1 OBJ: Using cumulative frequency to estimate the median
TOP: Cumulative Frequency
26. DIF: 2 OBJ: Histogram TOP: Histograms and frequency distribution diagrams
27. DIF: 1 OBJ: Calculate cumulative frequencies TOP: Cumulative Frequency
28. DIF: 3 TOP: Histogram
29. DIF: 2 TOP: Histogram
30. DIF: 2 OBJ: Calculate cumulative frequencies TOP: Cumulative Frequency


31. DIF: 3 OBJ: Find quartiles and calculate the interquartiles range
TOP: Cumulative Frequency
32. DIF: 2 OBJ: Using cumulative frequency to estimate the median
TOP: Cumulative Frequency
33. DIF: 2 OBJ: Calculate cumulative frequencies TOP: Cumulative Frequency
34. DIF: 3 OBJ: Reading Cumulative Frequency graph.
TOP: Cumulative Frequency.
35. DIF: 2 OBJ: Reading Cumulative Frequency Graph
TOP: Cumulative Frequency
36. DIF: 1 OBJ: Using graphs to solve quadratics equations
TOP: Curved Graph



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