Class Xi Revision Assignments 2022-23

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Q1. How many permutations of the letters of the word ‘MADHUBANI’ do not begin with M
but end with I ?
Q2. Find the number of arrangements of the letters of the word SUBJECTION when the
relative positions of vowels and consonants are not changed.
Q3. Find the number of ways in which 5 boys and 5 girls be seated in a row so that
(i) No two girls sit together
(ii) All the girls are never together

Q4. If m parallel lines in plane are inserted by a family of n parallel lines. Find the number of
parallelogram formed?

Q5. Determine the number of ways of choosing 5 cards out of deck of 52 cards which
include atleast one king.

Q6. Find the number of permutations of n different things taken r at a time such that two
specific things occur together.

Q7. Find the total number of natural numbers that can be formed by using the digits 0, 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5, repetition of digits is not allowed.

Q8. In how many ways 4 different balls be distributed in 5 boxes so that all the balls are not
put in the same box?
Q9. 7 candidates are to be examined – 2 in Mathematics and the remaining in different
subjects. In how many ways can they be seated in a row so that the two examinees in
Mathematics may not sit together?
Q10. If the letters of the word ‘SACHIN’ are arranged in all possible ways as listed in
dictionary, then what is the rank of the word ‘SACHIN’?

A1. 17640
A2. 17280
A3. (i) 5! X 6! (ii) 10! – 5!x 6!
A4. C(m, 2) x C(n, 2)
A5. 886656
A6. 2! X (r-1) x P(n-2, r-2)
A7. 1630
A8. 620
A9. 3600
A10. 601


Q1. Find the equation of the circle passing through the points (1, 2), (3, - 4) and (5, - 6).

Q2. Find the eccentricity of the ellipse with foci on x – axis if its latus rectum be equal to half
of the major axis.

Q3. Find the equation of the circle passing through the vertices of the triangle whose sides
are x + y = 2, 3x – 4y = 6 and x – y = 0.

Q4. Find the equation of the circle whose centre is at (3, -1) and which cut off a chord of
length 6 units on the line 2x - 5y + 18 = 0.

Q5. Find the eccentricity, coordinates of foci and the length of the latus rectum of the conic
section 25x2 + 16y2 = 1600

Q6. At what point of the parabola 𝑥 ! = 9𝑦, is the abscissa three times that of ordinate?

Q7. Find the equation of hyperbola, the length of whose latus rectum is 8 and eccentricity is

Q8. An archway is in the form of semi ellipse. The major axis of this coincides with the road
level. The breadth of the road is 50ft. A rod of just 16ft length touches the top when it was 10ft
from one end of the road. Then the maximum height of the archway is

Q9. Find the equation of the image of the circle 𝑥 ! + 𝑦 ! + 8𝑥 − 16𝑦 + 64 = 0 in the line
mirror x = 0.

Q10. A bar of given length moves with its extremities on two fixed straight lines at right
angles. Show that any point on the bar describes an ellipse.


A1. 𝑥 ! + 𝑦 ! − 22𝑥 − 4𝑦 + 25 = 0

A3. 𝑥 ! + 𝑦 ! + 4𝑥 + 6𝑦 − 12 = 0

A4. 𝑥 ! + 𝑦 ! − 6𝑥 + 2𝑦 − 28 = 0

A5. e=3/5 , (0, ±6), 64/5

A6. (3, 1)

&! '!
A7. !$ − !( = 1

A8. 20 FT

A9. 𝑥 ! + 𝑦 ! − 8𝑥 − 16𝑦 + 64 = 0
Topic : Introduction to three Dimensional Geometry
Q1.L is the foot of the perpendicular from a point P(6,7,8) on xy plane.Fnd the coordinates of
point L

Q.2 Find the coordinates of the mirror image of the point P ( -2,5,3) in XY plane .

Q.3 Find the point on x- axis which is equidistant from A(3,2,2) and B( 5,5,4).

Q.4 Determine the point in YZ plane which is equidistant from three points A(2,0,3) ,B(
0,3,2) and C( 0,0,1)

Q.5 Planes are drawn through the point (5, 0, 2) and (3, -2, 5) parallel to the coordinate
planes. Find the length of the edges of the rectangular parallelepiped so formed.

Q.6 Find the perpendicular distances of the point (x, y, z) from the three co – ordinate

Q.7 Verify that the points (3, -2, 4), (1, 0, -2) and (-1, 2, -8) are collinear.

Q.8.Show that the points (-1, 2, 1), (1, -2, 5), (4, -7, 8) and (2, -3, 4) are the vertices of a

Q.9 Verify that the points (-1, -6, 10), (1, -3, 4) (-5, -1, 1) and (-7, -4, 7) are the vertices of a

Q.10 Show that the points (a, b, c), (b, c, a) and (c, a, b) are vertices of an equilateral triangle.

Q11. The diagonals of a parallelogram meet in the point (1,-2,3) and the ends of the sides
are (0,0,0) and (2,4,-3) .Find the remaining two vertices of the parallelogram .
1. ( 6,7,0)
2. ( 2,5,-3)
3. (49/4 ,0,0)
4. (0,1,3)
5. 2, 2, 3
6. x, y, z from YOZ, ZOX and XOY planes.
7. AB = 2√11, BC =2√11,, CA = 4√11,
11. (2,-4,6) and (0,-8,9)
Topic : Linear Inequalities
Q1. Solve : 15 x + 1 > 48, when
i) x is a natural number ii) x is an integer

Q2. Solve : 2x – 5 < 9, when

i) x is an integer ii) x is a real number

Solve the following inequalities when x is a real number. Show the solution on the number

Q3. 6x +7 > 4x + 3

Q4. 3x – 1 > 5x + 2

Q5.(x + 5) – 7 (x – 2) ≥ 4x + 9
"&)! ")$& &
Q6. *
+ $
>$ Type equation here.
% *& *
Q7. -2! + 2𝑥 ≤ "
≤ " +2x

Find the solution set of each of the following systems of linear inequalities and draw their
graphs also: (8 – 10)

Q8 5 + x > 4 and - 2 + 3x > 10

Q9. 2 (x - 1) < x + 5 and 3 ( x + 2) > 2 – x

Q10. 4 (2x – 7) ≤ 3x + 2 and 7 (3x – 8) ≥ 4x + 12

1. x= 4,5,6,7,……. ,same
2. x= …..,4,5,6. And x ∈ (−∞ , 7)
3. x ∈ (−2, ∞ )
4. x ∈ (−∞ , − !) )
5. x ∈ (−∞ , 1)
6. x ∈ (−∞ , 2/9)
7. x ∈ (−2 , 15/4)
8. x > 4
9. x ∈ (−1 , 7)
10. x ∈ [4 , 6]


1 What is the probability that a given two-digit number is divisible by 15?

2 A game has 18 triangular blocks out of which 8 are blue and rest are red
and 19 square blocks out of which 7 are blue and rest are yellow. On
piece is lost. Find the probability that it was a square of blue colour.

4 Three candidates A, B, and C are going to play in a chess competition to

win FIDE (World Chess Federation) cup this year. A is thrice as likely to
win as B and B is twice as likely as to win C. Find the respective
probability of A, B and C to win the cup.

5 Find the probability that in a random arrangement of the letters of the

word UNIVERSITY two I’s come together.

8 An urn A contains 6 red and 4 black balls and urn B contains 4 red and 6
black balls. One ball is drawn at random from urn A and placed in urn B.
Then one ball is drawn at random from urn 201 [XI – Mathematics] B
and placed in urn A. Now if one ball is drawn at random from urn A
then find the probability that it is found to be red.

9 If three distinct numbers are chosen randomly from the first 100
natural numbers, then find the probability that all three of them are
divisible by both 2 and 3.

10 The number lock of a suitcase has 4 wheels with 10 digits, i.e. from 0 to
9. The lock open with a sequence of 4 digits with repeats allowed. What
is the probability of a person getting the right sequence to open the suit

1. 1/5
2. 7/37
3. 2/13 ,4/13 , ½ , 8/13 , 9/13 , 11/13 ,3 /13
4. P(a) = 2/3 P(B) = 2/9 P(C) = 1/9
5. 1/5
6. 3
7. 23/28
8. 32/55
9. 4/1155
10. 1/10000
Topic : Trigonometric Functions
Revision Assignment

Q1. A horse is tied to a post by a rope 30 m long.If the horse moves along the circumference
of a circle always keeping the rope tight ,find how far it will have gone when the rope has
traced an angle of 1050.

Q2. The perimeter of a certain sector of a circle is equal to the length of the arc of a semi-
circle having the same radius .Express the angles of a sector in degrees .

(! -./ ! 0)%)!
Q3. Prove that -./ " 0)/23" 0
= 1-2 𝑠𝑖𝑛! 𝜃

Q4. Show that sin 1500 cos 1200 + cos 3300 sin 6600 = -1

Q5. If A lies in the second quadrant and 3 tan A + 4 = 0 ,

find the value of 2 cot A – 5 cos A + sin A

Q6. If tan A- tan B = x and cot B – cot a = y then show that cot (A-B) = (m-1) cot 𝛼

Q7. Prove that cos 360 cos 720 cos 1080 cos 1440 = 1/16

$ 456 ')%( 783# ' 9783$ '

Q8. If tan x = %)%(783! '9$ 783" '
then find x

Q9. If x+ y = 90 ,find the maximum and minimum values of sin x sin y

Q10. Find the value of (i) tan(-1380) (ii) cosec (- "

1. 55 m
2. 65027’18”
5. 23/10
8. x= 5y
9. ½ and -1/2
10. √3 ,2/ √3
Q1. ! ! + ! !"# + ! !"$ + ! !"% is equal to
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) -1 (d) 2

# $(
Q2. The value of $!#& + % ' & ' is
(a) -4 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) -2

Q3. The additive inverse of the complex number ( = −3 + !5 is

(a) −3 + !5 (b) −3 − !5 (c) 3 + !5 (d) 3 − !5

$' !
Q4. The least positive integer - such that %#"' & is a positive integer is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16

Q5. If ( = (̅, then

(a) ( is real number (b) ( is imaginary number
(c) ( is any complex number (d) none of these

Q6. ( + (̅ = 0 if and only if

(a) 01(() = 0 (b) 45(() = 0 (c) 01(() = 45(() (d) none of these

Q7. ((̅ = 0 if and only if

(a) 01(() = 0 (b) 45(() = 0 (c) 01(() = 45(() (d) ( = 0

Q8. (( + 6)((̅ + 6), where 6 is real, is equivalent to

(a) |( − 6| (b) ( $ + 6$ (c) |( + 6| $ (d) none of these

Q9. The complex number ( = #)'
lies in the quadrant
(a) 1 quadrant (b) 2nd quadrant (c) 3rd quadrant (d) 4th quadrant

#"' !
Q10. The least positive integer - which will reduce %#)'& to unity is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16

Q11. The smallest positive integer - for which (1 + !)$! = (1 − !)$! is

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16

Q1. The ratio in which the line joining (1, 2, 3) and (−3, 4, −5) is divided by +,-plane is
(a) 5 : 3 (b) 3 : 5 (c) 2 : 3 (d) none of these

Q2. The image of the point (5, 2, −7) in () −plane is

(a) (5, 2, 7) (b) (−5, 2, 7) (c) (−5, 2, −7) (d) none of these

Q3. The octant in which (−1, −2, 3) lies is

(a) ./01 (b) .’/01 (c) ./0’1 (d) .’/0’1

Q4. The distance between the points (−2, 3, 1) and (2, 1, 2) is

(a) √21 (b) √22 (c) √23 (d) none of these

Q5. The point on , axis which is equidistant from the points 4(0, 2, 5) and 6(4, 3, −3) is
! !
(a) (0, 1, 0) (b) (0, 2, 0) (c) (0, " , 0) (d) 70. # , 09

Q6. The equation of the plane + = 0 represent the plane

(a) ,; −plane (b) +, −plnae (c) ;+ −plane (d) none of these

Q7. The distance of the point (3, 4, 5) from the yz-plane is
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

Q8. The three coordinate planes divide the space into T octants, where T is
(a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 5

Q9. The points 4(4, 7, 8), 6(2, 3, 4), W(−1, −2, 1) and X(1, 2, 5) are the vertices of a
(a) Parallelogram (b) Rhombus (c) Rectangle (d) Square

Q10. The foot of the perpendicular from (6, 7, 8) on the + −axis is
(a) (6, 0, 0) (b) (0, 7, 0) (c) (0, 0, 8) (d) none of these

Q11. The points (4, 7, 8), (2, 3, 4 ), (−1, −2, 1) are the three vertices of a parallelogram. The fourth
vertex of the parallelogram is
(a) (1, 2, -5) (b) (1, 2, 5) (c) (1, -2, 5) (d) none of these

Q1. lim !
equals to
! →$
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 1/3 (d) 2

Q2. lim )*'+! equals to
! →$
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) ½ (d) 1

Q3. lim !
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

! ! 0* !
Q4. lim = 9,then the value of ' is
!→ - * !0*
(a) 1 (b) – 1 (c) ±1 (d) none of these

Q5. lim |!-(|, is equal to
(a) -1 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) does not exist

√,0! – ,
Q6. lim is equal to
!→$ !
(a) ½ (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 1

4 "#$% - ,
Q7. lim !
equals to
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) – 1

(& (% - 5
Q8. lim equals to
!→$ !
(a) 3 log 3 (b) 3 log 9 (c) 9 log 3 (d) none of these

4 )% -4 *%
Q9. lim !
equals to
* 6
(a) . − ' (b) ' − . (c) 6 (d) *

789 (!0:!
Q10. Lim ;!0789 +! =

Q1. The equation ! ! + # ! + 2! − 4# + 5 = 0 represents

(a) a point (b) a pair of straight lines (c) a circle of non zero radius (d) none of these

Q2. The eccentricity of a circle is

(a) >1 (b) <1 (c) 1 (d) 0

Q3. The equation of circle passing through the origin and making intercepts 4, 5 on the coordinate axes
(a) ! ! + # ! − 4! + 5# = 0 (b) ! ! + # ! − 4! − 5# = 0
! !
(c) ! + # + 4! + 5# = 0 (d) none of these

Q4. The equation of the circle concentric with the circle ! ! + # ! − 8! + 6# − 5 = 0 and passing
through the point (−2, −7) is
(a) ! ! + # ! + 8! + 6# − 27 = 0 (b) ! ! + # ! − 8! + 6# − 27 = 0
! !
(c) ! + # + 8! + 6# + 27 = 0 (d) none of these

Q5. The radii of the circles ! ! + # ! = 1, ! ! + # ! − 2! − 6# = 6 and ! ! + # ! − 4! − 12# = 9 are in

(a) A.P. (b) H.P. (c) G.P. (d) none of these

Q6. The equation of a circle with origin as centre and passing through the vertices of an equilateral
triangle whose median is of length 34 is
(a) ! ! + # ! = 94! (b) ! ! + # ! = 164! (c) ! ! + # ! = 44! (d) none of these

Q7. If the focus of a parabola is (0, −3) and its directrix is # = 3, then its equation is
(a) ! ! = 12# (b) ! ! = −12# (c) # ! = −12! (d) none of these

Q8. If the parabola # ! = 44! passes through the point (3, 2), then the length of its latus rectum is
" ! $
(a) #
(b) # (c) 1 (d) #

Q9. The length of the latus rectum of the ellipse 3! ! + # ! = 12 is

$ "
(a) (b) 3 (c) 8 (d)
√# √#

Q10. Equation of the hyperbola with eccentricity ! and foci at (±2, 0) is

Q1. The value of " for which the points #(", 2 − 2"), )(−" + 1, 2") and ,(−4 − ", 6 − 2") are
collinear is
(a) ½ (b) -1/2 (c) 1 (d) -1

Q2. The locus of the point whose distance from /-axis is twice that from 0-axis is
(a) 0 = / (b) 0 = 2/ (c) / = −0 (d) / = 20

Q3. The equation of the line, passing through the point (2, −4) and perpendicular to the line
8/ − 40 + 7 = 0 is
(a) / + 20 + 6 = 0 (b) 4/ − 20 + 6 = 0 (c) 2/ + 30 + 6 = 0 (d) 2/ − 0 + 6 = 0

Q4. The equation of the line, having /-intercept equal to and is perpendicular to the line
2/ − 50 + 8 = 0 is
(a) 2/ + 50 + 4 = 0 (b) 5/ − 20 + 4 = 0 (c) 2/ − 50 + 4 = 0 (d) 5/ + 20 + 4 = 0

Q5. The equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points (1, 4) and (3, 6) is
(a) / − 20 − 7 = 0 (b) / + 0 − 7 = 0 (c) 2/ + 0 + 7 = 0 (d) none of these

Q6. The image of the point (−8, 12) with respect to the mirror whose equation is 4/ + 70 + 13 = 0 is
(a) (−16, −2) (b) (−16, 2) (c) (16, 2) (d) none of these

Q7. The equation of the line passing through the point of intersection of the lines / − 0 = 1 and
2/ − 30 + 1 = 0 and parallel to the line 3/ + 40 = 14 is
(a) 3/ + 40 + 24 = 0 (b) 3/ + 40 − 24 = 0 (c) 4/ + 30 + 24 = 0 (d) 4/ + 30 − 24 = 0

Q8. The equation of the line passing through the point of intersection of the lines 3/ − 40 = 7 and
12/ − 50 − 13 = 0 and perpendicular to the line 2/ − 30 + 5 = 0 is
(a) 33/ + 220 + 13 = 0 (b) 33/ + 220 − 13 = 0
(c) 33/ − 220 + 13 = 0 (d) None of these

Q9. The distance between the lines 5/ − 120 + 2 = 0 and 5/ − 120 − 3 = 0 is

(a) 3/13 (b) 5/13 (c) 7/13 (d) none of these

Q10. The equation of the line passing through the point of intersection of the lines / + 30 + 4 = 0 and
3/ + 0 + 4 = 0 and equally inclined to the axes is
(a) / − 0 = 0 (b) / + 0 + 2 = 0 (c) / − 0 + 2 = 0 (d) none of these
Q1. Three unbiased coins are tossed. If the probability of getting at least 2 tails is p, then the
value of 8p is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4.

Q2. An urn contains 9 balls two of which are red, three blue and four black. Three balls are
at random. The probability that they are of same colour is
! $ $ &
(a) (b) % (c) & (d) '&

Q3. The probability that a leap year will have 53 Fridays or 53 Saturdays is

( $ # '
(a) & (b) & (c) & (d) &

Q4. Out of 30 consecutive integers, two are chosen at random. The probability that their sum is
odd, is
'# ') '! '*
(a) (b) (% (c) (% (d) (%

Q5. Let x1, x2, x3, ……… , xn, be n observations and X be the arithmetic mean. Then formula for
the standard deviation is given by
(a) ∑(xi – mean)²
(b) ∑(xi – mean)2 /n
(c) √{∑(xi – mean)²/n}
(d) None of these

Q6. The mean of a group of 100 observations was found to be 20. Later on, it was found that
three observations were incorrect, which was recorded as 21, 21 and 18. Then the mean
if the incorrect observations are omitted is
(a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 22 (d) 24

Q7. A box contains 10 good articles and 6 defective articles. One item is drawn at random. The

probability that it is either good or has a defect is

)# #% #* (#
(a) (b))# (c) )# (d) )#

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