LKPD Narrative Text

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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

1. Tahap Stimulasi

Write down 10 unfamiliar words from the following text and consult your dictionary to
find out their meanings.

The Legend of Prambanan Temple

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Javanese princess named Rara Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang
was a beautiful lady and very famous in the land. She was the daughter of Prabhu Baka, the evil king.
One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named Bandung Bondowoso defeated and
killed Prabhu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara Jonggrang's beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with
her and wanted to marry her.
Besides, Princess Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her father’s death. She did not want to marry Bandung
because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung. In order to refuse politely, she made
a condition. "I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift",
requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso agreed with the condition. Helped by the spirit of the
demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching midnight, the work would
nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang knew and thought, "What shall I do? Bandung Bondowoso is smarter
than I thought. I would lose against Bandung."
Suddenly she got an idea. She awoke all the women in the palace and ordered them to make the noisy
sounds of grinding rice so that the rooster thought that it had already been dawn. Bandung Bondowoso
got frustrated because he failed to complete one, the thousandth temple.
The Princess has deceived me!" Following his anger, he cursed Roro Jonggrang, "You have been
cheated. Now, the thousandth temple is you!"
At once, the Princess turned into a statue. knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso regretted and he went
away into a farm land. From then, people called the temple, Prambanan Temple, and the Princess statue,
Rara Jonggrang statue.

1) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
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9) …………………………………………………………………………………………
10) …………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Tahap Identifikasi Masalah

1) Have you ever learned about narrative text?
2) Do you know what narrative text is?
3) Can you analyze the social function of narrative text?
4) Can you analyze the generic structure of narrative text?
5) Can you analyze the language features of narrative text?
6) What do you want to learn about narrative text?

3. Tahap Pengumpulan Data

Work in a group of five. Read or watch the legend again and answer the following questions.

1. What feeling do you get while reading the text? Do you feel entertained?
2. What is the orientation of the text? Who were the characters? When and where did it take place?
3. What is the complication of the story? Do you find a problem that happened in the story? Is there any
climax? Explain them.
4. What is the resolution of the story? Is it a happy or tragic ending?
5. What are the language features of the text? Which verbs are they used? Past or present ones? Are
there any direct or indirect speech? Are there any adverbs of time?

4. Tahap Pengolahan Data

After answering the questions, please complete the following worksheet. And then present the result in
front of your friends.
1. The title of the text :…………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. The type of the text : .........................................................................................................
3. The social function of the text : ……………………………………...............................................................
4. The Generic Structure of the text:
1) Orientation:
Characters : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Place : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Time : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2) Complication:
Problem : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Climax : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3) Resolution: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. The language features of the text:
1) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Tahap Verifikasi
Write down the comments of your classmates and your teacher here.
1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Tahap Generalisasi
Write down the summary of the topic today.

Lembar Refleksi Diri

Uraikanlah hal-hal berikut dalam sebuah tulisan jurnal. Pertanyaan berikut akan membantumu untuk
melakukan refleksi diri.
1. Apakah hal menarik yang saya alami selama proses belajar hari ini?
2. Apa saja yang sudah saya pelajari hari ini?
3. Apa yang akan saya lakukan dengan hal yang sudah saya pelajari hari ini?
4. Di bagian mana saya merasa melakukan yang terbaik hari ini? Mengapa?
5. Bagian yang mana yang belum saya kuasai hari ini? Apa yang akan saya lakukan untuk
6. Apa yang bisa dilakukan oleh guru untuk membantu saya lebih memahami pelajaran di masa yang
akan datang?
7. Apa yang saya rasakan selama belajar hari ini?
8. Apakah hal baik yang sudah saya lakukan untuk kemajuan saya secara akademis, sosial dan
emosional melalui pembelajaran hari ini?
9. Bagian apa dari tujuan saya yang sudah tercapai melalui pembelajaran hari ini?
10. Apa yang akan saya lakukan di kemudian hari supaya saya mengalami kemajuan dalam mencapai
tujuan saya melalui pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

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