Barclay Uk Bankstatement

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Statement date
01 Mar 2023 to 26 Mar 2023
Barclays Bank

01 Mar – 26 Mar 2023

Sort Code 23-14-86
Account no.06698353
IBAN GB09 BARC 2084 5813 4561 53
MASTER CARD. 5368 9889 1909 8070
At a glance
Start balance £98.06
M oney in £420.90
M oney out £352.14
End balance £166.82

Your Barclays Bank Account statem ent Your arranged limits

Current account statement Em ergency

Borrowing £0

Your transactions
Cash M achine Branch Direct Card Master Card Bank Giro Your deposit is eligible for
protection by the Financial
Online Other Services Compensation Scheme.

Date Description Money out Money in Balance

01 Jan Start balance 48.95

01 Mar Card Paym ent to Paypal 12.85

* Tom bolaint on 01 Mar

Card Paym ent to Gwr Cheltenham 24.10

Sst on 01 Mar

Cash M achine Withdrawal at 10.00 2.00

Tesco Personal Finance Tesco QN
Rd CM Exp
Timed at 05.43 on 01 Mar

05 Mar Bill paym ent to M addelena Rubino 20.00


Received from Rubino M addelena 20.00

Ref: Sister

Received from Umbrella-Comp Ltd 60.89 62.89

Ref: Umbrella-Comp Ltd

07 Mar Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tom bolaint on 07 Mar

Cash M achine Withdrawal at HSBC 20.00 32.89

401710Chlthm Prom Timed at 12.05
on 07 Mar

10 Mar Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tom bolaint on 10 Mar

Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tom bolaint on 10 Mar

Card Paym ent to Paypal 11.00 1.89

* Tom bolaint on 10 Mar

16 Mar Bill paym ent to M addelena Rubino 50.00



Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Sort code 23 - 14 - 86 • Account num ber 06698353

Your transactions
Date Description Money out Money in Balance
18 Mar Account Credit: Deposit at Barclays 15.00 15.00
Chelt High St 15

20 Mar Transfer to Sort Code 20-20-15 72.00

Account 06698353

Bill paym ent to M addelena Rubino 5.00


Received from Paypal 300.00 238.00

Ref: Ppwdl55F229Ulhdxmw

24 Mar Card Payment to Tesco S tore 2280 3.75

on 24 Mar

Card Paym ent to www. on 24 Mar 73.44

Cash M achine Withdrawal at 20.00 140.81

Nationwide Building Society High
Timed at 11.29 on 24 Mar

26 Mar Received from Ebay 25.01 166.82

* Ref: P5147968159

26 Mar End balance 166.82

Anything wrong? If you've spotted any incorrect or unusual

transactions, see the next page for how to get in touch with us.

Credit interest rates

This account does not pay credit interest

Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Sort code 20-84-58 • Account num ber 13456153

Your transactions
Date Description Money out Money in Balance
8 Dec Card Paym ent to Paypal 50.00
* Tom bolaint on 07 Dec

Cash M achine Withdrawal at 30.00 270.84

Notemachine RBS -
Cheltenham Timed at 09.35 on 08
9 Dec Direct Debit to Close -Kingsbridge 55.26
Ref: 70015006
This is a new Direct Debit Paym ent

Card Paym ent to Paypal 20.00

* Tombolaint on 08 Dec

Cash M achine Withdrawal at 20.00

Tesco Personal Finance Tesco
Timed at 12.42 on 09 Dec

Bill paym ent to M addelena Rubino 57.00


Received from Rubino M addelena 57.00

Ref: Sister

Close -Kingsbridge 55.26 230.84

Ref: 70015006
Unpaid direct debit

12 Dec Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

08 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

09 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

09 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

09 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

10 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tombolaint on 10 Dec

Card Paym ent to Hom e Bargins 12.14

Strou on 09 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 13.31

09 Dec

Card Paym ent to Wilko 13.39

Cheltenham on 09 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 20.00

* Tombolaint on 08 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 20.00

* Tom bolaint on 08 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 20.00

* Tombolaint on 09 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 20.00

* Tom bolaint on 10 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 22.00

* Tombolaint on 09 Dec

Transfer from Sort Code 20-20-15 11.43 41.43

Account 63132463


Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Sort code 20-84-58 • Account num ber 13456153

Your transactions
Date Description Money out Money in Balance
13 Dec Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00
* Tombolaint on 12 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tom bolaint on 12 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 21.00

* Tombolaint on 12 Dec

Cash Machine Withdrawal at 10.00

Cardtronics UK Ltd Waitrose-
Timed at 11.43 on 13 Dec

Bill paym ent to M addelena Rubino 70.00


Received from NW203195C Dwp 249.24 169.67

Ref: 000300094500017740

14 Dec Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

13 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tom bolaint on 13 Dec

Card Payment to Fetch on 13 Dec 31.46 118.21

15 Dec Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

13 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

14 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 18.00 80.21

* Tom bolaint on 13 Dec

16 Dec Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

15 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tom bolaint on 15 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 20.00 40.21

* Tombolaint on 15 Dec

19 Dec Card Paym ent to Wilko 4.75

Cheltenham on 16 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

15 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal * GI Ltd on 10.00

16 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tombolaint on 17 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.00

* Tom bolaint on 18 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 10.46

* Tombolaint on 17 Dec

Card Paym ent to Paypal 15.00

* Tom bolaint on 16 Dec

Received from Rubino M addelena 10.00

Ref: Sister

Received from Rubino M addelena 20.00 0.00

Ref: Sister


149 Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Sort code 20-84-58 • Account num ber 13456153

Your transactions
Date Description Money out Money in Balance
20 Dec Account Credit: Deposit at Barclays 15.00 15.00
Chelt High St 15

21 Dec Transfer to Sort Code 20-20-15 72.00

Account 63132463

Bill paym ent to M addelena Rubino 5.00


Received from Paypal 300.00 238.00

Ref: Ppwdl55F229Ulhdxmw

22 Dec Card Paym ent to Tesco Store 2280 3.75

on 21 Dec

Card Payment to www. on 21 Dec 73.44

Cash M achine Withdrawal at 20.00 140.81

Nationwide Building Society High
Timed at 11.29 on 22 Dec

23 Dec Card Paym ent to Paypal 15.00 125.81

* Tom bolaint on 20 Dec

23 Dec End balance 125.81

Anything wrong? If you've spotted any incorrect or unusual

transactions, see the next page for how to get in touch with us.

Credit interest rates

This account does not pay credit interest

Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP 150
Sort code 20-84-58 • Account num ber 13456153

How it works Get in touch

this, if you're getting cash over the counter at a bank Our main number
Dispute resolution
abroad (including Barclays), or using an ATM other
If you have a problem with your agreement, please than a Barclays ATM or an ATM at a Global Alliance
0345 7 345 345
try to resolve it with us in the first instance. If you Talk to an advisor 7am - 11pm
member bank, you'll also be charged a £1.50
are not happy with the way in which we handled or use our 24-hour automated
Non-Sterling Cash Fee and the ATM provider m ay
your complaint or the result, you may be able to apply other charges. To see a full list of Global Alliance
complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If member banks and countries go to From abroad
you do not take up your problem with us first you globalalliance. Visa converts
will not be entitled to complain to the transactions into sterling using the Visa Exchange
+44 2476 842 100
Ombudsman. We can provide details of how to 7am - 11pm
Rate on the day it processes the transaction. This date
contact the Ombudsman. m ay be different to the day on which the transaction
Write to us
took place. Historic exchange rate information is
available on For more info please go Barclays, Leicester
Important information about
to debitcardsabroad LE87 2BB
compensation arrangements
We are covered by the Financial Services Transferring money between countries Find a branch
Com pensation Schem e (FSCS). The FSCS can pay 0800 400 100
If you need to transfer m oney between countries, you
compensation to depositors if a bank is unable to 7am - 11pm
m ay be asked for your SWIFTBIC (Bank Identification
m eet its financial obligations. M ost depositors –
Code) and IBAN (International Bank Account
including m ost individuals and businesses – are Your home branch
Num ber). These are on the front of your statem ent
covered by the scheme.
and you'll need them so that international banks can Cirencester
In respect of deposits, an eligible depositor is
identify your account correctly. Full details are on:
entitled to claim up to £75,000. For joint accounts bb/ iban Online banking help
each account holder is treated as having a claim in
0345 600 2323
respect of their share so, for a joint account held by How we pay interest 7am - 11pm
two eligible depositors, the m axim um am ount that
If your account pays interest and is in credit, we work
could be claimed would be £75,000 each (making a Lost and stolen cards
out your interest on the balance of your account at the
total of £150,000). The £75,000 limit relates to the
close of business every day. Interest is calculated on 01604 230 230
combined am ount in all the eligible depositor’s
the statement balance or the cleared balance, 24 hours
accounts with the bank, including their share of any
depending on the type of account you have. Where
joint account, and not to each Decarate account. Tell us straight away if:
credit interest rate(s) are shown on your statement,
Barclays Bank PLC m ay also accept deposits under these are current at the tim e of printing the statem ent – you do not receive a
the following trading nam es: Barclays, Barclays and m ay have changed during the statem ent period. Barclays card you were
Bank, Barclaycard, Barclays Business, Barclays Unless we say otherwise, any interest rates we show expecting
Capital, Barclays Corporate, Barclays Stockbrokers, are gross annual rates. – any of your cards are lost,
Barclays UK & Ireland Private Bank, Barclays stolen or damaged
If you are a UK taxpayer you m ay have to pay tax on
International Private Banking, Barclays Prem ier,
interest earned in excess of your Personal Savings – you think som eone else
Barclays Private Bank, Barclays Wealth and
Allowance (with the exception of interest earned on m ay know your PIN.
Woolwich M ortgages. Deposits accepted from an
ISAs, which continue to be free from UK tax for
eligible depositor under these trading nam es are Call charges will apply
eligible custom ers). For inform ation and guidance
com bined for the purposes of deposit com pensation (please check with your
please refer to HM RC's website
from the FSCS. The FSCS is not applicable to service provider). We may hmrc/ savingsallowance.
deposits held at branches in the Channel Islands or m onitor or record calls for
the Isle of M an. The m anagem ent of your tax affairs is your
quality, security, and
responsibility, including m aking any required
We periodically issue the FSCS inform ation sheet training.
declarations to HM RC.
and exclusions list which set out in detail what is,
and is not, covered by the FSCS. If you go into overdraft or Emergency
For further inform ation about the com pensation Borrowing
provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at If your account is overdrawn, and you don't pay off
the full am ount you owe, any credits paid into your
account go first to pay off any fees. Once these are
Using your Barclays debit card
paid, your paym ents go towards repaym ent of your
- what costs and what doesn't Em ergency Borrowing (if you have used it) and finally
If you use your debit card in the UK: Barclays will towards repaym ent of your overdraft.
not charge you for using your debit card in the UK To help avoid going overdrawn or into your
when m aking purchases, withdrawing cash, or when Em ergency Borrowing and to understand paym ent
buying travellers' cheques or foreign currency. A sm all cut-off times, go to bankingcharges.
num ber of ATM providers m ay charge a transaction For more information about overdrafts, Emergency
fee but they should tell you about this on-screen Borrowing usage and daily fees, go to
before you commit to any transaction. overdraft or ask in branch for a copy of
If you use your debit card abroad or pay in a 'Our Bank Charges Explained'.
currency other than sterling (either abroad or in the
Continued on next page
UK): Barclays will charge you a 2.99% Non-Sterling
Transaction Fee for using your debit card abroad
when m aking purchases, withdrawing cash, or when
you are being refunded. This fee will also apply
whenever you do not pay in sterling, for exam ple
when you shop online at a non-UK website. On top of
Continued on next page

Barclays Bank PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation
Authority (Financial Services Register No: 122702).
Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.
Sort code 20-84-58 • Account number 13456153

How it works continued

Getting information from Barclays
We send information to customers with their
statements about relevant new offers and products,
and about how to get the best from their existing
Barclays accounts. If you don't get these messages
and you'd like to, or if you do and you'd rather you
didn't, you can call 0345 7 345 345, go to, or come into a branch. And if you
change your mind at any time, just get in touch.

For a Braille, large print or audio version of your statement call

0800 400 100 (via TextDirect if appropriate) or contact your branch

Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP 152

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