Cis3201 CWS Jan 2018

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Faculty of Information Technology and Sciences


Module’s Information:


Session JANUARY 2018
Programme BCSI

Ponkoodalingam Kannan
Lecturer pon.kannan Room: Cisco Academy
Phone: 06-7982000 ext 2438

Summary of Coursework Breakdown:

(as stated in course structure)
No Description of coursework Marks allocated
Learning Outcomes covered

1 Online Test (1) – individual CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4 20%

2 Lab Test (1) –individual CLO2, CLO4 20%
3 Assignment (1)–individual CLO2, CLO4 20%
Contribution of the coursework to the course 60%
Final exam 40%
Total 100%

Penalty for late submission:

1 day – minus 20% of total mark awarded

2 days – minus 50% of total mark awarded
3 days – 0 mark for this piece of coursework

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Faculty of Information Technology and Sciences

Coursework #1

Module’s Information:


Session JANUARY 2018
Programme BCSI

Ponkoodalingam Kannan
Lecturer pon.kannan Room: Cisco Academy
Phone: 06-7982000 ext 2438
Coursework Type Online Test

Percentage 20% out of 100%

Hand-out Date
Test Date Week 12

Student’s Declaration:

I declare that:
 I understand what is meant by plagiarism
 This assignment is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published or
unpublished works of other people.
 I hold a copy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged

[Name/ID] _________________________

[Section] _______________ [Signature] _______________ [Date] __________________

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

CLO1 Analyse the features and operations of various protocols and applications working on upper layers of
OSI and TCP/IP protocol.
CLO2 Design, calculate, and apply subnet masks and addresses of to fulfil the requirements for IPv4 and
IPv6 networks.
CLO3 Describe and interpret the process of data transfer by the transport layer, the data link layer and
physical layer protocols
CLO4 Design and troubleshoot a small network that includes selection and configuration of devices, media
and services with Wide Area Network connectivity.

Assessment Criteria Total Marks Given Marks

1. Cisco Networking Academy course Introduction to

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Faculty of Information Technology and Sciences

Network module assessment exam. It contains all the

Course Learning Outcomes.

Final Mark

Lecturer’s Comments

Penalty for late submission:

Not applicable

Description of Coursework #1:

The complete course content is tested by the online practice tests and final test for
coursework. This course contains 11 modules. All modules are tested with online practice
test (optional).

For this coursework component, 20% of the first attempt of final test mark is considered.
Final test contains 48 questions including simulation. Duration of the final test is 75

All the online tests except the final can be taken in person or remotely. However, the final
online test will be conducted in the controlled and proctored environment. The format of
the final online test is similar to the other practice test that includes MCQ, Simlet, drag &
drop and simulation.

The format of practice tests, pre-tests, final test are briefed during the introduction of online
portal class in the first week and also video presentation is available in online.

Each student should submit his/her printed score report after the final test.

Online questions are from Cisco Academy portal and questions are randomly selected

End of Coursework #1

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Faculty of Information Technology and Sciences

Coursework #2

Module’s Information:


Session JANUARY 2018
Programme BCSI
Lecturer Ponkoodalingam Kannan

Room: Cisco Academy
Phone: 06-7982000 ext 2438
Coursework Type Lab Test (1)
Percentage 20% out of 100%
Hand-out Date
Test Date Week 13

Students’ Declaration:

I declare that:
 I understand what is meant by plagiarism
 This assignment is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published or
unpublished works of other people.
 I hold a copy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged

[Name/ID] _________________________

[Section] _______________ [Signature] _______________ [Date] __________________

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

CLO2 Design, calculate, and apply subnet masks and addresses of to fulfil the requirements for IPv4 and
IPv6 networks.
CLO4 Design and troubleshoot a small network that includes selection and configuration of devices, media
and services with Wide Area Network connectivity.

Assessment Criteria Total Marks Given Marks

Design an IP addressing scheme for a given scenario and configure

routers, switches and workstations

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Faculty of Information Technology and Sciences

Final Mark

Lecturer’s Comments

Penalty for late submission:

1 day – minus 20% of total mark awarded

2 days – minus 50% of total mark awarded
3 days – 0 mark for this piece of coursework

Description of Coursework #2

This laboratory assessment is automated using Packet Tracer simulator and auto grading
can be generated once the assessment is completed. The detailed assessment fact sheet
generated by the Packet Tracer will be attached along with the laboratory document.

This laboratory assessment is automated using Packet Tracer simulator and grading is done
automatically when the assessment is completed. The detailed assessment fact sheet
generated by the Packet Tracer should be submitted as a laboratory report.

Duration of the task is 90 Minutes and it should be taken in CL16 under proctored

The format of the lab test is similar to the chapter practice simulation; however it is a
complex one.

The grading report should be printed after the final test as per the specified format.

The format of the Laboratory assessment is almost similar to the practice simulations.

Description of lab Scenario


In this assessment, you will configure devices in an IPv4/IPv6 network. For the sake of time,
you will not be asked to perform all configurations on all network devices as you may be
required to do in a real network or other assessment. Instead, you will use the skills and
knowledge that you have learned in the labs in this course to configure the CS Department
router. In addition, you will address the hosts on two LANs with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,
activate and address the management interface of the LAB 214-A Switch, and back up a
device configuration to a TFTP server.

You will receive one of several topologies.

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Faculty of Information Technology and Sciences

You are not required to configure the LAB 124-C Switch, and you will not be able to access
it in this practice skills assessment activity.

All IOS device configurations should be completed from a direct terminal connection to the
device console. In addition, many values that are required to complete the configurations
have not been given to you. In those cases, create the values that you need to complete the
requirements. For values that have been supplied to you, they must be entered exactly as
they appear in order for you to get full credit for your configuration.

You will practice and be assessed on the following skills:

Configuration of initial IOS device settings

Design and calculation of IPv4 addressing
Configuration of IOS device interfaces including IPv4 and IPv6 addressing when
Addressing of network hosts with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
Enhancing device security, including configuration of the secure transport protocol for
remote device configuration
Configuration of a switch management interface

Requirements by device:

CS Department router:

Configuration of initial router settings

Interface configuration and IPv4 and IPv6 addressing
Device security enhancement or device hardening
Secure transport for remote configuration connections as covered in the labs
Backup of the configuration file to a TFTP server

LAB 214-A Switch:

Enabling basic remote management by Telnet

PC and Server hosts:

IPv4 full addressing

IPv6 addressing

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Assessment criteria

This table shows the breakup of marks for the skill based laboratory for grading (From Cisco Academy Portal).

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Faculty of Information Technology and Sciences

Coursework #3

Module’s Information:


Session JANUARY 2018
Programme BCSI
Lecturer Ponkoodalingam Kannan

Room: Cisco Academy
Phone: 06-7982000 ext 2438
Coursework Type Assignment (1)–individual
Percentage 20%
Handout Data Week 2
Due Data Week 10

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

CLO1 Analyse the features and operations of various protocols and applications working on upper layers of
OSI and TCP/IP protocol.
CLO2 Design, calculate, and apply subnet masks and addresses of to fulfil the requirements for IPv4 and
IPv6 networks.
CLO4 Design and troubleshoot a small network that includes selection and configuration of devices, media
and services with Wide Area Network connectivity.

Assessment Criteria Total Marks Given Marks

Depth & Quality of work 50

Demonstration 40
Report preparation 5
Reference 5
Total 100

Description of coursework

This is an individual assignment and each student is expected to carryout both research study and

The following topics to be discussed:

1. Transmission Control Protocol

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Faculty of Information Technology and Sciences

 Architecture, working principle, flow control. In the demonstration, Use the Wire
Shark software to capture the packets. Analyse the three way handshake packets of
TCP connection establishment and termination.

2. Application Layer Protocol

 Students are free to choose any one of the application layer protocol and discuss the
following. Architecture, working principle, and implementation.

3. Hierarchical Design Concept

 Discuss the three layer design concept as well as enterprise network design. Use
Packet tracer or GNU to demo your own small hierarchical design.

Assessment criteria
Depth & Quality of work (40%)






TCP Architecture 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
TCP Operations 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
TCP Flow Control 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Application Layer Protocol 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Hierarchical network design concept 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Implementation and Demonstration (40%)

(Very Good) (Good) (Average) (Weak) (Very Weak)

Description 17-20 13-16 9-12 5-8 1-4

TCP demonstration 19-20 17-18 15-16 13-14 11-12 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2

Hierarchical network
19-20 17-18 15-16 13-14 11-12 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2

End of Coursework #3

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