Planet Censeo Mission
Planet Censeo Mission
Planet Censeo Mission
1. Formative Evaluation Plan (Address who will be in one-to-one and small group
evaluations, when evaluation sessions will take place and how long they will take, what
will happen during sessions, questions to be asked of evaluators, and any questionnaires,
documents, or other materials that you plan to create for the sessions. This section can
be written in narrative format, organized into a table, or presented in some other way.)
CUIN 7390: Instructional Design University of Houston
Do instructional design and materials provide adequate instruction on the subordinate skills,
and are these skills sequenced and clustered logically?
To what extent are the module materials clear and likely would be readily understood by
representative members of the target group?
How motivating/engaging is the instructional design and materials likely to be for the target
What are ways that the instructional design and materials can be improved?
Questionnaires: I didn’t premake a questionnaire as the questions were given per Discussion 6
and other questions arose throughout the discussion
2. One-to-One Evaluations
a. Description of who served as one-to-one evaluators and why they were chosen
Three group members I had an opportunity to work with a small group for the
last zoom meeting. Only one of the three ladies was an educator, one worked for
TEA, and the other woman’s occupation was unidentified. They were chosen
because that’s who I was grouped with and the goal was to analyze my lesson,
which let me know I would get valuable feedback.
CUIN 7390: Instructional Design University of Houston
The evaluators analyzed the Quizlet rubric which the students would use to
self-check their study sets. The evaluators asking about how to create a rubric
applauded the creation of one to be able to have students assess themselves.
Feedback is provided below on letter (h.) including the evaluator who stated it
Type of learning: Are the instructional design and materials appropriate for the type of learning outcome?-
yes, there is a lot of support and differentiated instruction, because every student learns differently. THese
materials provide good support for the students.
Content: Do instructional design and materials provide adequate instruction on the subordinate skills, and
are these skills sequenced and clustered logically? THe objectives are well sequenced and easy
step-by-step instruction. The power point is well sequenced and builds on the previous objectives
Clarity: To what extent are the module materials clear and likely would be readily understood by
representative members of the target group? These materials are very kid friendly and defined, they are
detailed and provide a good structure for completing the task being learned. THe terminology is familiar
and the kids already know those terms so it is not foriegn to them.
Motivation: How motivating/engaging are the instructional design and materials likely to be for the target
learners? I think the topic is very engaging and has a high relevance, it provides an opportunity to engage
with technology which is motivating and engaging to children. Group delivery of instruction is a great way
to maintain engagement as well. GIving the students the rubric ahead of time enables them to see how
they can succeed in this task
Improvements: What are ways that the instructional design and materials can be improved? Including
additional instruction for the educator on group management and tips and tricks might be nice to add.
Provide peer feedback by partnering students. Maybe including a video on the benefits of quizzlet to
increase motivation of students. For a post assessment- you give them the quiz where they can use their
own cards that they made and assess if they get the vocabulary correct.
General Discussion: Alleigh Stewart, Christian Miller, Phalon Arceneaux, Arlyn Melocotones
CUIN 7390: Instructional Design University of Houston
Christian Miller- Created a lesson on creating quizlet study card, teaching students how to create them,
the objectives:
Students must log on, access the home page, generate their own titles for the study set, input terms and
definitions and find information to help them remember, know how to save and share their slides.
· a lot of this is done by mimicking the instructor, YouTube videos to see how to, and handouts
· Creating rubric- this can be scaled down or up depending on the kids’ level of understanding, the
kids can check it off as they go
· Informal raise your hands and ask questions to find out where kids are out
· This could be done by asking simple questions “who knows what quizlet is?” ”what do you use
quizlet for”
o Alleigh Says – include this advice in the instructional design so educators using this can use these
31 minutes
CUIN 7390: Instructional Design University of Houston
c. Description of the activities that you did during small group evaluation session
1. Students logged into chromebooks and got onto Quizlet.
2. Students login with a student account.
3. Students created individual titles.
4. Students input terms and definitions of vocabulary words.
5. Students found correlating pictures.
6. Students checked study sets with rubric.
7. Students shared sets with other classmates.
d. Remarks on how long it took the target learners to complete the activities
1. Students logged into chromebooks and got onto Quizlet. (3 min)
2. Students login with a student account. (5 min)
3. Students created individual title(2 minutes)
4. Students input terms and definitions of vocabulary words.( 8 min)
5. Students found correlating pictures. (5 min)
6. Students checked study set with rubric.( 5 min)
7. Students shared set with other classmates.( 3 minutes)
The students conducted self-assessments using the rubric to check the study set.
Students independently checked their own work, as I observed the process. One
of the students stated “ Do I have a title?” to which they verbally answered ‘yes’
and then continued to read the next item on the rubric. As another student
checked theirs, they noticed they were missing something and went back to
correct what they were missing. At that moment as the evaluator, I realized that
the implementation of the rubric is beneficial.
CUIN 7390: Instructional Design University of Houston
My biggest concern I noticed was the timing of the activity, with the activity
being completely online, the possibility of slower learners is expected. I noticed
that 2 of the students. One student was behind the entire time, not in tune to my