Lesson Plan Template: 1 Summary Information

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Lesson Plan Template

OTHER RELEVANT REMARKS: The students come from various religious and ethnical backgrounds,
2 have recently arrived in the country (less than one year) and 6 have arrived in the last 3
This lesson is made as a workshop (longer lesson at the end of a series of other lessons). It is
part of religion classes, focusing on the similarities and differences of different religions. The
topic is rite of passage as it is usually done at the age of 12-13, the same age of the pupils.
In groups the students explore one rite of passage in more detail and present their results to
the class. Subsequently they peer assess each other’s work, both from a process and output
• Understand different rites of passage in various religions and traditions
• Identify similarities and differences between the rites
• Explain why rite of passage exist in different religions and traditions
• Appreciate the diversity of experiences in other cultures and religions
• Critically reflect about the purpose and place of rites in modern society
• Collaborate effectively by supporting the coordination of group work and contributing
to a group output
• Communicate effectively by coherently presenting own ideas and findings

In the following section you are asked to describe the different activities which make up your
lesson plan. Please read the following three points before continuing with the template.
1. For each activity in your lesson plan, please choose from the following learning
outcomes (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy1):
• Remember: recall facts and basic concepts
• Understand: explain ideas or concepts
• Apply: use information in new situations

1 You can find more information here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom%27s_taxonomy

This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/

• Analyze: draw connections among ideas
• Evaluate: justify a stand or decision
• Create: produce new or original work
A good lesson plan will have a variety of learning outcomes across the activities.
2. For each activity in your lesson plan, please choose from the following activity types
(based on Laurillard’s Conversational Framework):
• Read/ watch/ listen: read a text, watch a video or listen to a speech/song
• Collaborate: collaboration activities in a group
• Discuss: discussion in whole class setting, peers or in groups
• Investigate: search for information, compare concepts, analyse a text
• Practice: bring into action what you have learned, present, construct
• Produce: create an artefact, draft a script, shoot a video etc.

3. For each activity in your lesson plan identify the type of formative assessment
technique used (e.g.: certain question and feedback techniques, peer assessment, self-
assessment, formative quizzes, etc.) as well as how you plan to use the information
about student learning.

Learning outcome: understand; analyze

Type of activity: read/watch/listen; discuss

Time: 15 minutes

Role of students: participate in plenary discussion

Role of the teacher: plenary presentation, initiation of discussion

Description of the activity: The teacher will present a short video (only the beginning), the video
presents the rite of passage of the Apache girls into womanhood. The teacher will ask guiding questions
about the topic- what is the video about? Why it is so important to this girl and her family to keep the
rite tradition? From these concrete questions broader questions will be discussed: What are rite of
passage? What are the important events in people's lives? Why people want to mark them? e.g
marriage, death, birth, becoming an adult. Initiate a conversation in the class about the experience of
students, in their families/communities. In order to involve as many pupils as possible, the teacher will
ask open questions, encouraging pupils who usually keep quiet to answer.

Formative assessment technique(s) used in this activity: the teacher will pull out names of pupils from
a cup, this way pupils who usually remain quiet will also have the chance to participate

How will you use the information gathered about student learning during the activity or to shape
following activities? If needed questions will be adapted, repeated and extra resources will be provided

This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/

Learning outcome: understand; analyze

Type of activity: discuss

Time: 15 minutes

Role of students: students work in pairs

Role of the teacher: monitors class padlet and supports pair discussions

Description of the activity: Students discuss in pairs about their experience- did they participate in a
religious wedding ceremony? First communion? Bar Mitzvah, Baptism ceremony? Why do they think
people mark such events in special ceremonies? Pupils will write their answers on a whole class padlet
and add photos or images they find online.

Formative assessment technique(s) used in this activity: Students are asked to reflect on the outcome
of their discussions and read those of their peers which are also on the class padlet. The teacher through
questioning and feedback challenges students to reflect about their own conclusions.

How will you use the information gathered about student learning during the activity or to shape
following activities? Based on the student reflections in the padlet, the teacher adapts the groupings in
the following activity to take into account the progress and thinking process of individual students.

Learning outcome: understand, analyse, evaluate

Type of activity: investigate, collaborate, produce

Time: 30 minutes

Role of students: actively investigate in a collaborative scenario

Role of the teacher: monitors the group boards and supports group work

Description of the activity: Divide in groups, each group receives a photos and video of an example of a
rite passage: Hindi wedding, Jewish Bar Mitzvah, Catholic communion, Muslim Henne wedding
ceremony, Apache womanhood ceremony. The students work in groups, each group needs to discuss
the various elements of the rite according to the template they will provided with (see annex 1). The
group will post the video, photo and their thoughts on their board on Linoit.

Formative assessment technique(s) used in this activity: Before starting with the activity, the group
formulates on the board how they will distribute the tasks in the group and why. At the end of the
activity the group formulates a reflection on what worked and did not work in their group work with a
recommendation on how they would approach the work differently next time. The Linoit board provides
evidence of student learning and progress.

How will you use the information gathered about student learning during the activity or to shape
following activities? Instructions and advice in the upcoming activities are adapted depending on the
outcome of the group reflections. Questions are added, adapted or removed in the upcoming quiz
depending on the direction the student investigations have taken.

This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/

Learning outcome: create

Type of activity: practice

Time: 20 minutes

Role of students: listen to peers and present

Role of the teacher: supporting groups

Description of the activity: Each group presents their rite and the interesting elements they have
learned. They will present their board on Linoit and explain to the rest of the class what are the main
concepts, practices and similarities between the rites and traditions they know and the ones they are
presenting. They also share with the group one reflection about how effectively they worked as a
group. In the end of the lesson the teacher will send the board with all the contributions of all groups
to the class.

Formative assessment technique(s) used in this activity: A quick oral check in between presentations
by calling on random students whose names are pulled from a cup, will provide an understanding if
students are listening and learning from the presentations.

How will you use the information gathered about student learning during the activity or to shape
following activities? Depending on the results I will extend the questioning sessions and possibly
adapt the timings and follow-up to each presentation. I also have some extra summary sheets
available with key information in case presentations do not result in learning.

Learning outcome: remember

Type of activity: practice

Time: 10 minutes

Role of students: individually complete quiz

Role of the teacher: lead the quiz, explain concepts if there are misconceptions

Description of the activity: Short quiz about the various practices the class presented, the quiz will be
generated online through a Socrative tool, students will be asked to use their phones to answer the

Formative assessment technique(s) used in this activity: Quiz

How will you use the information gathered about student learning during the activity or to shape
following activities? The Socrative data will immediately show me where there are weaknesses which
need to be addressed. Students are asked to look at their own data and create some additional quiz
questions and answers in the areas they are weak at.

This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/

Learning outcome: evaluate

Type of activity: Discuss, read, practice

Time: 15 minutes

Role of students: All students, each one individually assesses his/her peer

Role of the teacher: recall the elements of peer assessment, help students to focus on the essential

Description of the activity: The teacher will recall the class the elements of peer assessment and how we
provide feedback to our peers, with concrete positive examples from the lesson. Later, pupils will assess
each other's work, how they collaborated and how they contributed to the discussion and production of
the information board on Linoit. Each Pupil will receive a template to assess their friends though
constructive and positive feedback

Formative assessment technique(s) used in this activity: Peer assessment

How will you use the information gathered about student learning during the activity or to shape
following activities? Their ability to effectively peer assess will indicate their confidence in the topic.
Based on the outcome I will plan extra time in subsequent lessons to go over some key areas again.

Learning outcome: Evaluate

Type of activity: Discuss

Time: 10 minutes

Role of students: Individual reflection and group discussion

Role of the teacher: recall the elements of peer assessment, help students to focus on the essential
elements, initiate a discussion, provide positive feedback

Description of the activity: Conclusion of the workshop/lesson: the teacher will ask students discussion
encouraging questions- what have they learned new today? What surprised them? Why do they think it is
important to know about different cultures and traditions? What are the differences and similarities
between the rites we saw? This conclusive exercise will be done in a playful way, each student will need
to write 1 new thing s/he learned, 1 surprising thing, 1 similarity and 1 difference. The students will read
the notes of their friends. This will help to initiate a discussion and reflection with all the class.

Formative assessment technique(s) used in this activity: Self-assessment

How will you use the information gathered about student learning during the activity or to shape
following activities? The discussion will shed light on the level of pupils understanding, the teacher will
also collect their notes and will use it to adapt the next lesson that will be based on the activities in this

This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/

Group members:

Names ___________________________________________

Rite of Passage or Event____________________________________________________

Place of the rite in the video



Places in the world where this rite is practiced



Who participates?



What are the preparations?



Is it religious, non-religious, or both? If religious, what faith?



What are the main activities?



How does it begin?



How does it end?



Special foods


This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/


Special clothing or religious objects or artifacts



Types of music (live and recorded)


What are the beliefs demonstrated in this rite?




History of this rite how was it originated? What is the source of it?


What stories do people tell about it?


Is it similar to another rite you know? If yes, what are the similarities?










Please drag and drop other photos or videos of this rite here

This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/

Please mark red, yellow or green for each item in the evaluation. Please explain why you assessed
your friend and provide suggestions for improvement.

Please use the following expressions when explaining your feedback:

Written feedback:

What went well?

Even better if:

Next steps:

This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/

Feedback sheet part 2: Student’s name:

evidence How to improve for next

Criteria Learning
The team mate
researched the
The team mate
found material
that was relevant
to the activity
The team mate
understanding of
the topic
The team mate
can compare
various rites
Responsible team mate
The team mate
responsibility for
working in team
The team mate
can listen to all
the views of
people in the
The team mate
shows respect to
opinions that
differ from
The team mate
can make
informed choices
and decisions
Effective contributor
The team mate
comes up with
original ideas
The team mate
can work well in a
team and offer
advice and help

This MOOC is based on the work of the TeachUP project: http://teachup.eun.org/

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