Journal of Computational Design and Engineering: Masatomo Inui, Shunsuke Onishi, Nobuyuki Umezu
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering: Masatomo Inui, Shunsuke Onishi, Nobuyuki Umezu
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering: Masatomo Inui, Shunsuke Onishi, Nobuyuki Umezu
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Sink marks are unwanted shallow depressions on the molded plastic surface caused by localized shrink-
Received 30 September 2017 age during the hardening process of injection molding. Sink marks appearing in the exterior impair the
Received in revised form 25 December 2017 aesthetic quality of the product. In this study, a novel method for extracting potential sink marks that
Accepted 12 February 2018
can occur on the part surface is proposed. The thicker portion of the part shrinks with a greater amount
Available online 21 February 2018
than that of the thinner portion. This difference in the shrinkage amount is the main cause of the sink
mark. In the plastic part design practice, engineers often check the thickness distribution to predict
potential sink marks in the part surface. Our method can be considered as an automated technique of
Sink marks
Shrinkage analysis
such manual inspection task. A polyhedral solid model of the part with sufficiently small triangles of
Sphere method nearly the same size is prepared. The amount of shrinkage at each polygon is estimated based on its
Solid modeling thickness and the shrinkage ratio of the part. The developed algorithm extracts the potential sink marks
CAD by analyzing the shrinkage distribution on the part surface.
Ó 2018 Society for Computational Design and Engineering. Publishing Services by Elsevier. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction appearing in the exterior impair the aesthetic quality of the pro-
duct and require costly redesigning when detected in the final trial
Injection molding is a popular manufacturing process to fabri- production stage.
cate plastic parts for consumer products such as digital cameras, A plastic part is typically designed to form a shell shape with a
printers, and other mechano-electrical appliances. In this process, constant thickness all over the surface. Designers often add rib
the plastic material is injected into a heated barrel where it is structures in the inner side of the part to increase the strength of
mixed and forced into a mold cavity to cool, harden, and form the part. Certain boss shapes with holes are also placed to connect
the part shape. Injection molding is considered as a complex tech- to the pins of other parts. While placing ribs and bosses, the
nology that can possibly involve many production problems. Thus, designer must consider the change in thickness at the connection
the part designers must consider not only the function and aes- between the ribs or bosses and the shell shape. Fig. 1 illustrates a
thetic properties of the product but also the various physical con- section of a boss connection. The thicker sections are sandwiched
ditions of the molding process to avoid the occurrence of molding between thinner sections at the connection region. They pull the
defects that can negatively impact the quality of the products. surface of the connection region inward during the hardening pro-
‘‘Sink marks”, which appear on the outside surface of the part, cess generating sink marks.
are one form of such molding defects. When the plastic part Reducing the number of parts is a basic design strategy to lower
shrinks during the hardening process of the injection molding, the production cost. Accordingly, a single part is expected to serve
the thicker portion of the part shrinks with a greater amount than multiple functions leading to more complex design configurations
that of the thinner portion. Thus, the surface of the thicker portion that often have many bosses and ribs. Detecting the occurrence of
surrounded by thinner portions often has a localized depression potential sink marks on the surface of such complex parts is a dif-
due to the difference in the shrinkage amount. Sink marks ficult task even for experienced designers. In this study, we pro-
pose a novel method for visualizing the potential sink marks on
the surface of a solid plastic part model. The surface of the model
Peer review under responsibility of Society for Computational Design and
is assumed to be finely tessellated with sufficiently small polygons.
Engineering. The proposed method calculates the amount of shrinkage of each
⇑ Corresponding author. polygon. Then, the potential sink marks are extracted by analyzing
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Inui), 17nm905l@ the shrinkage distribution on the part surface. (S. Onishi), [email protected] (N. Umezu).
2288-4300/Ó 2018 Society for Computational Design and Engineering. Publishing Services by Elsevier.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
410 M. Inui et al. / Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 5 (2018) 409–418
Fig. 1. Thickness distribution at the boss connection part and potential sink marks.
1. The amount of the shrinkage of fi is larger than the amount of mentation, h should be larger than 165.0° (see Fig. 8(b)). This
the shrinkage of the two polygons fj and fk adjacent to fi (see condition is used to select a polygon fi that sandwiched or sur-
Fig. 8(a)). More precisely, the difference between the shrinkage rounded by two adjacent polygons fj and fk.
value of fi and the value of fj (or fk) is larger than a predefined 3. The normal vectors of three polygons fi, fj, and fk are almost par-
threshold value. In our current implementation, 0.001 mm is allel, therefore they are in rather flat surface. In the current
used as the threshold value. This value is variable according implementation, the angular difference of the three normal vec-
to the sink mark detection purpose. When a larger value is spec- tors ni, nj, and nk of fi, fj, and fk, respectively, must be less than
ified, deep marks are only detected. Very shallow marks can be 25.0° (see Fig. 8(c)).
recognized when a smaller value is given. The adjacent range
(red dotted circle in the figure) is defined by the distance from In this method, polygons adjacent to fi must be selected before
fi. In the current implementation, 1–2 mm is used as a distance assessing the conditions. As the STL models do not record adja-
for defining the adjacency range. cency information between polygons, the adjacent polygons must
2. A vector vij from the center of gravity of polygon fi to the center be extracted from a number of the triangle data in that file. In
of gravity of fj, and another vector vik from the center of gravity the current implementation, triangle fj is considered as an adjacent
of fi to the center of gravity of fk are considered. The angle h triangle to fi if the distance between fi and fj is less than or equal to
between vij and vik must be close to 180°. In the current imple- the defined adjacency range d.
To formulate the appropriate data that can efficiently detect the If node nd is a leaf node in the tree, a set of polygons within
adjacent triangles around a specific triangle fi, the surface polygons AABB of the node is selected as candidates of the adjacent poly-
of the input model are classified into small groups according to gons of fi.
their proximity. This classification proceeds according to the hier- Otherwise, traverse the child nodes of nd with the AABB of fi.
archical structure of the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB)
(Ericson, 2004; Moller & Haines, 1999). When n polygons are con- After the tree traversal, the adjacency relationship between fi
sidered to form the model surface, an AABB that tightly confines and obtained candidate polygons is checked and the polygons
the polygons is defined by measuring the coordinate ranges of whose distance to fi is less than or equal to d are selected.
the polygons in the x-, y-, and z-directions. One root AABB is
defined to hold all the polygons of the model. The polygons in 4. Computational experiments
the AABB are sorted and classified into two groups. For each group,
a smaller AABB is formed and registered as a descendant of the Using the algorithms explained in Section 3, we implemented a
original AABB. The process of defining descendant AABBs is iter- potential sink mark visualization system based on Microsoft Visual
ated until the number of polygons in a group becomes less than C++ and CUDA 8.0. The conducted experiments employed a Win-
or equal to a predetermined number nmax, and a binary AABB tree dows 8.1 64-bit PC (Intel Core-i7-5960X 3.0 GHz CPU, 32 GB main
is obtained. nmax is set to be 4 in the current implementation. This memory, NVIDIA GTX-980 GPU).
number is determined based on numerical experiments. The developed system was applied to 5 plastic part models,
Polygons whose distance to a given polygon fi are less than or namely, Models A, B, C, D, and E, as shown in Figs. 9–13. Each figure
equal to d are obtained by traversing the hierarchical AABB tree illustrates a part with complex rib and/or boss structure in (a). A
in a depth-first manner. An AABB tightly contains fi within is color map shown in (b) represents the thickness computation
defined. The box is expanded by an adjacency distance d by shifting results of the reversed side of the rib structure. The red curves
the six rectangles in the box to their outward directions by d. This appearing in (c) represent the potential sink marks extracted by
box is given to the root node of the AABB tree. At each node nd in the algorithm. In the color map, red is assigned to polygons with
the tree, the AABB containing fi and an AABB corresponding to nd is zero thickness and blue is assigned to polygons with the maximum
compared. If they do not overlap, the polygons contained within thickness of the model. Faint color differences appear in figures (b),
the AABB at the node are not in the adjacent range of fi and any fur- such as the faint yellow lines in Fig. 10(b), which typically corre-
ther processing from the node is stopped. If they have potential spond to the thickness difference in the connecting part of the
overlap, then; rib structure on the other side of the part. As such connecting parts
Fig. 9. Sample plastic part Model A with rib structure (a), thickness color map of the reversed side of the part (b), and extracted possible sink marks in the reversed side (c).
M. Inui et al. / Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 5 (2018) 409–418 415
Fig. 10. Sample plastic part Model B with rib structure (a), thickness color map of the reversed side of the part (b), and extracted possible sink marks in the reversed side (c).
Fig. 11. Sample plastic part Model C with rib structure (a), thickness color map of the reversed side of the part (b), and extracted possible sink marks in the reversed side (c).
are thicker than their adjacent part, these lines usually correspond tic part, positive impressions were received as they considered the
to the potential sink marks shown in (c). When these visualization developed visualization software to be useful in minimizing injec-
results were presented to engineers involved in the design of plas- tion mold design mistakes.
416 M. Inui et al. / Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 5 (2018) 409–418
Fig. 12. Sample plastic part Model D with rib and boss structure (a), thickness color map of the reversed side of the part (b), and extracted possible sink marks in the reversed
side (c).
Fig. 13. Sample plastic part Model E with boss structure (a), thickness color map of the reversed side of part (b), and extracted possible sink marks in the reversed side (c).
Fig. 14 shows a comparison between a sink mark appearing in model of the part in (c). Fig. 14(b) shows a color map representing
an actual plastic part (an area surrounded by a dotted rectangle the thickness distribution of the part. A red line appearing in the
in (a)) and our sink mark visualization result with a polyhedral part surface in (c) represents a potential sink mark extracted by
M. Inui et al. / Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 5 (2018) 409–418 417
Fig. 14. A sink mark appearing in a plastic part and our analysis results.
Table 2
Required computation time for extracting potential sink marks.
Model Number of polygons of Required time for Number of polygons obtained by Required time for computing Required time for extracting
original model converting model (s) the conversion thickness (s) sink marks (s)
A 2,364 2.07 2,166,732 100.10 38.96
B 1,708,000 N/A 1,708,000 206.96 29.39
C 1,794 6.58 4,541,942 704.33 86.09
D 3,048 9.29 3,736,372 1216.02 65.79
E 15,700 8.05 2,861,140 691.03 53.35
our software. As shown in the figure, our software can properly In this study, a novel method for extracting possible sink marks
extract the surface area corresponding to the sink mark. on the part surface is proposed. The input data in this method is a
The required computation time for extracting and visualizing polyhedral model of the part. Surface polygons of the model are
sink marks for each model are listed in Table 2. The required time converted into a set of sufficiently small triangles of nearly the
for tessellating the input model is given in the third column. The same size. The amount of shrinkage is directly proportional to
required time for Model B tessellation is canceled because a finely the thickness of the part. The developed algorithm uses the sphere
tessellated model is given as input model for this case. As shown in method to calculate the thickness of all polygons on the part sur-
Table 2, the thickness computation consumed significantly much face, and it then extracts the potential sink marks by analyzing
time in the current implementation, as the thickness computation the shrinkage distribution on the part surface. Three conditions
of some parts required 10–20 min. Even though this computation related to the adjacent polygons are evaluated in the analysis. To
time is much shorter compared to that required by the flow- accelerate the selection of the adjacent polygons, hierarchical tree
simulation-based analysis, the developed system is still not fast structure of AABBs holding close polygons is utilized.
enough to be used interactively during the part design process. The proposed system is in the experimental stage. The system
Improving the thickness computation speed is indispensable. will be field tested in an actual plastic part design process. The
future studies will focus on further improving the developed sys-
5. Conclusions tem based on the comments and requests to be received from
the designers.
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