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Chapter Page

1 How to Know W hat You're Looking F o r ........................ 5

2 How T o Be W is e ....................................... ..........................21

3 How T o Be Rich In M ind And Body ............................. 33

4 How T o G et M ore Life O ut O f Your T i m e .................47

5 How T o Keep Your M oney From

Costing T o o M u c h ........................................................ 61

6 How T o Prosper W ith The

O w ner O f Everything .........................................................91

7 How To Find The Source O f

Supernatural W e a lth ........................................................... 99

8 How T o Bank O n God's P ro m is e s ................................ 107

Chapter 1

The newstands are lined with magazines and
the bookstores are filled with books about these
subjects. Schools and colleges include special
classes in their schedules, motivational groups
conduct "how to" seminars and clinics, and pro­
moters offer investment schemes and business
opportunities that propose to catapult you to the
top. Even certain religious groups have
developed "blessing plans" which they claim will
produce nearly-instant prosperity for those who
use them.
I've read a lot of these books and magazines,
and I've talked with lots of people about the most
popular success and prosperity programs. Some
of the programs I found interesting and
worthwhile, but others were either foolish or
outright rip-offs. Some of the religious ap­
proaches are based on Scripture, while others are
based on mistaken interpretations.

Frankly, I have always been leery of the "pray-

and-get-rich" schemes. M y conviction is that we
should love God for who He is, with no strings
attached. Trying to bargain with God for finan­
cial gain or attempting to manipulate the pro­
mises of the Bible into some kind of spiritual
stock market will lead to sure disappointment.
The Bible warns us to beware of men who
have “corrupt minds, destitute of truth, suppos­
ing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw
thyself" (1 Tim othy 6:5).

God Says a Lot About Money

The W ord of God has much to say about
material prosperity. Jesus spoke 35 parables that
are recorded in the Gospels. O f these, more than
a third deal directly with the subject of money
and possessions. As a matter of fact, one out of
every five verses in the Bible has something to
say about money, wealth, or possessions. And
contrary to what some people think, God isn't
against riches and wealth. Time and again we are
told that God rewarded righteous men with
material increase as well as with spiritual
The story of Job is a classic example. After all
his trials, after all his sufferings, after all his
heartaches and griefs, God restored to Job

everything that had been taken away. In fact, the

Bible says, “The Lord gave Job twice as much as
he had before" (Job 42:10).
And 2 Chronicles 26:5 describes the reign of
King Uzziah of Judah by saying, "As long as he
sought the Lord, God made him to prosper/'
So I want to emphasize that I do not agree with
people who feel that success, money, prosperity,
and material things are somehow bad in
themselves. There is absolutely nothing in Scrip­
ture to support the belief that true spirituality
cannot exist amid material prosperity— that
poverty and piety are somehow synonymous.
This common mistake is too often accepted as
truth. People can go to hell in a hovel as readily
as in a castle!
On the other hand, many people make the
mistake of thinking that money can buy hap­
piness. W ithin most of us is buried the idea that
more money equals more happiness. How did
this idea get there? Modern advertising has a lot
to do with it. Skillful promotional programs are
designed to convince and persuade— to create
within the consumer a desire to buy, invest,
own, or improve something. Part of the fantasy
created by advertising is the belief that quantity
equals quality . . . that more is better . . . that
happiness is a direct result of how much you ac­
cumulate. But that just isn't true.

Tires and Bikes

I remember when I learned the hard lesson that
things alone do not produce happiness. I was just
a boy at the time.

I'll never forget the fun we used to have rolling

tires. We would get a few 6:00 X 16 tires and
spend the day rolling them around town. I was
happy until the day one of my buddies went
speeding past me on a bicycle.

As I saw him flying by, a feeling of jealousy

rose up in me. I thought, "Look at that lucky
guy! He has a bike and all I have is this old tire!"
I wasn't happy rolling tires anymore. That night
I rushed home, found a Sears catalog, and spent
the rest of the evening trying to persuade my
father to buy me a bike.

I worked hard that summer and saved my

money. I earned about half the amount I needed,
and then one Saturday Dad helped me buy the
bike I had been saving for. I'll never forget how
happy I was riding my new bike to school the
next M onday. The kids gathered around and I
explained all the special features of my new set of
wheels. I was happy! But as I look back on it
now, I realize I wasn't any happier with the bike
than I had been with the tire.

Bikes and Horses

Things went along great for a while. We must
have ridden our bicycles hundreds of miles that
summer. Then one day a friend went riding by
on a horse! I had been listening to the Lone
Ranger on radio, and the thrill of the wild West
was in my blood. The sight of my friend flying
by on a white horse threw me into depression
again. I thought, "Look at that lucky guy! He
rides with ease and I have to pedal this old bike
like the devil." That night I was begging my
father to buy me a horse.

I thought Fd never get a horse, but one morn­

ing when Dad awakened me I could tell by the
look in his eye that there was something good
outside, and it had four legs and a tail. I raced
from my bedroom down the stairway—and just
outside the door was a beautiful buckskin mare.
Wow! I couldn't wait to ride it.

I'll never forget the thrill of taking an evening

ride on Smokey. As the horse raced along the
trail I could almost hear the music of the Lone
Ranger, the William Tell Overture, playing in
the background. But as I look back on it now, I
wasn't any happier with the horse than I had
been with the bike . . . or than I had been with
the tire.

Horses and Cars

One day I was riding my horse along the road
when "W hooosh"— a friend of mine went
speeding by in a yellow Ford convertible. My
heart sank again. I thought, "Look at that lucky
guy! There he goes in a cloud of dust and all I
have is this old nag." I wasn't happy with my
horse anym ore—I wanted to get a car and
girlfriend like the rest of the older guys.
I saved my money, and with the help of a loan
from the Bank of Sisseton, I went to Minneapolis
to buy a car. My father sent me to a mechanic
friend of his for advice so I wouldn't buy a
lemon. We searched for a good car without suc­
cess. Finally the mechanic sold me his personal
car. It was a green Buick with an automatic
transmission. That transmission was so slow that
you could throw it in gear, go in and have lunch,
and still come out in time to drive it away! I
remember heading home from the Twin cities—
happy and proud because now I had my own
car. When I arrived home, the fuel gauge remind­
ed me I had my own gas bill, too!
As I look back on it now, I realize I wasn't any
happier with the car than I had been with a tire to
roll down the street. Even then it began to dawn
on me that happiness was not found in things.
Jesus said, "A man's life consisteth not in the

abundance of the things which he possesseth"

(Luke 12:15).

The High Price of Possessions

But many people still don't understand this
fact. H .A. Overstreet, author of M ature M ind,
said, "Men are miserable because they desire
things, and because desire can never be wholly
Consider people who seek happiness in
material things. M any people work overtime and
moonlight on a second job to pick up extra
money for luxuries. For many families, home has
become a refueling station and a hotel instead of
the haven God meant it to be. M any families are
so deeply in debt that it will be years before they
will be free.
I heard one woman who was struggling with
the family budget and came to this conclu­
sion: "If we skip one car payment, and skip one
furniture payment, and postpone one house pay­
ment, we'll have enough money for the down
payment on a new color T V set."
Then I heard about the fellow who went to his
psychiatrist and said, "I have one of the most
beautiful homes in Hollywood. I have a chauf-
feured Cadillac, two swimming pools (one for the
children), and a helicopter to take me to the

beach club. I belong to an exclusive golf club, I

own a yacht with a crew of six, and I eat so well
that my Diner's Club bill averages more than
$1000 a m onth.''
"Under those circumstances/' asked the
psychiatrist, "W hat kind of problem coulu y o u -
possibly have?"
"M y problem, doctor, is that I only make 50
bucks a m onth!"

When your outgo exceeds your incom e, your

upkeep will be your dow nfall. Hopefully not
many people have this poor fellow's problem.
But the fact is that most families spend more than
they earn, and keep on doing so until their debts
become more than they know how to control.
The U .S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in a recent
survey of more than 10,000 families in 91 cities
discovered that the average family spends $400
more each year than it earns!
And that causes problems. The Ladies' Home
Journal reports that over 70 percent of our
modern worries are about money. A national
association of family counselors estimates that 90
percent of divorces are finance-related.
God did not intend life to be like this! While
His Word clearly indicates that we should not be
preoccupied with possessions and wealth, the

Bible also declares that God will supply all our

There are some Christians who have applied
God's laws to their spiritual needs but have never
discovered or obeyed the laws of God that
govern their material prosperity.

God Wants You to Prosper

God has established laws that determine your
financial destiny just as He has established laws
that determine your spiritual destiny. To say that
God cares about your spirit and soul but doesn't
care about your physical and material needs is
false. The Bible teaches that your body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not abandon
the multitudes on the hillsides after they listened
to His Sermon the the M ount. Instead, He fed
them by multiplying the loaves and fishes from
the little boy's lunch.
Don't be misled by thinking there is something
wrong with a desire to suceed financially. There
are at least 1000 passages that speak about per­
sonal prosperity. In passages where the Bible
criticized rich men, the context showed that it was
not their money but their undue lo v e fo r m on ey
that was wrong.
Prosperity Is a Positive Witness
It is not true that piety and poverty always go

together. Look at the examples of such men as

A b rah am , Isaac, Ja co b , Joseph, D avid,
Solomon, Daniel, Joseph of Arimathea, and
Cornelius. These men were rich—some of them
extremely wealthy—yet they were true, devoted
followers of God.
I am not saying that all true Christians are
materially rich. Some of the most dedicated
Christians I have met over the years have had
very little of this world's wealth, but they were
so rich spiritually that it was a joy to be with
them. However, I have also met dedicated Chris­
tians who were very rich as a result of their obe­
dience to God's principles of prosperity.

Both Kinds of Prosperity

After much thought, prayer, and study, I have
come to believe that there are both natural and
spiritual laws for prosperity. Observing eith er set
of laws can produce a measure of material pros­
perity for an individual. But to be truly rich— to
enjoy the full measure of God's divine plan for
us—requires obedience to b o th the natural and
spiritual laws of prosperity. This results in what I
call su pern atu ral p rosp erity . And this is God's
perfect will for our lives.
When you study (as I have) the dozens of
secular books on success, you will find that most

of them give only the worldy viewpoint. They

fail to give you the spiritual guidelines for suc­
cess. The principles they teach are sound; they
will w ork—to a point.
You can learn how to manipulate yourself to
the top of the career pile. You can climb the
greasy pole of professional advancement.
Napolean Hill can teach you how to "Think and
Grow R ich." Art Linkletter can tell you "How to
Become a Super Salesm an." Dale Carnegie can
tell you "How to Win Friends and Influence
Success magazines are filled with fantastic
stories of ordinary men who have discovered the
keys to prosperity. In sharing their advice on
how to achieve wealth, health, and happiness,
they tell you to never give up, to think positive
thoughts, to maintain a positive mental attitude,
to program your time, and to set life goals. These
are all good principles. We should be eager to
learn and apply them to our lives. God says His
children can learn certain things from the
wisdom of the world. Jesus said, "The children of
this world are in their generation wiser than the
children of light" (Luke 16:8).

Supernatural Prosperity
But there must be something more. Only God

can make it possible for you to enjoy su p er­

natural prosperity . His plan of success and pros­
perity is so simple and beautiful that it can
revolutionize your life. This plan is not a carnal
method produced through unspiritual means,
nor is it an unrealistic promise of pie-in-the-sky
when you die. Instead, it is a spiritual plan
brought about by the Spirit of God that takes full
notice of certain natural laws of life.
You will experience a new dimension in your
life when you apply God's principles with faith!
This is within reach of any Christian who will
pay the price, for God is no respecter of persons.
God's natural laws and principles will also work
for the non-Christian. Isn't that a shocker?
Unbelievers seldom realize that much of their ef­
fectiveness is due to the application of God's
principles in the natural realm. The lives of men
like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas
Edison, Charles Steinmetz, and Leonardo da
Vinci were incredibly prolific. God's laws of
nature, productivity, resourcefulness, and in­
tegrity worked spectacularly for them as well as
for many people today.
But while unbelievers may achieve m aterial
prosperity apart from God, they can never
achieve soul satisfaction. Riches gained apart
from God are a snare and bring little peace. But
su pern atu ral p rosp erity brings an abundance of

good that will bless you materially, physically,

emotionally, and spiritually.

Observe Both the Spiritual and Natural Laws

of Prosperity
There are many religious prosperity plans
around, and many of them are based on Biblical
truths. The problem with these "blessing" plans
is that they fail to observe and incorporate the
basic natural law s o f p rosp erity that are essential
to lasting success.

The word "success" is used only once in all the

Bible, but that one time is a clear-cut, decisive
revelation of what we must do to achieve super­
natural prosperity. This is what God said to His
people as they prepared to enter the Promised
Land: "This book of the law shall not depart out
of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein
day and night, that thou mayest observe to do
according to all that is written therein; for then
thou shalt make thy way prosperous, an d then
thou sh alt h av e g o o d success" (Joshua 1:8).
This book is designed to help you observe the
words written in both God's spiritual and natural
laws, so that you may be prosperous and suc­
cessful. In the following chapters we will talk
about the natural laws for success, which I
believe are based on good management of your

mind, your time, your relationships, and your

We will also look into the spiritual laws for
success. These laws include recognizing that God
owns everything and is the source of all that we
receive, and that God promises to reward
generous Christian giving.
God expects His children to develop spiritual
muscles. The Bible says, "The kingdom of
heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it
by force" (Matthew 11:12). Jacob wrestled with
the angel of God and said he wouldn't let go until
the angel granted his requests. In other words,
Jacob insisted on receiving something extra from
God. This is the pattern we are to follow. Jesus
said that we are to ask, seek, and knock, and not
merely be a timid Christian who sits around
whining, "If the Lord wants to bless me it will
work out all by itself." As obedient children of
God, we can claim His blessings with authority,
based on His Word.
The Richest Life
When you have learned how to order your life
in accordance with God's natural and spiritual
laws, you will find yourself enjoying a life that is
richer, more fulfilling, and more satisfying than
you ever thought possible. That is my prayer for
you, and my purpose in writing this book. I can

say with the Apostle John, "Beloved, I wish

above all things that thou mayest prosper and be
in health, even as they soul prospereth" (3
John 2).
Chapter 2

A few years ago the news media reported the

sensational discovery of a boy who apparently
had been reared by wolves.
Authorities theorized that the boy had been
lost in the wilderness when he was an infant. In­
stead of dying from exposure or starvation, the
boy may have been adopted by a female wolf
which nursed him, protected him, and taught
him to survive.
When found, the wolf-boy had long shaggy
hair, walked on his hands and knees, and ex­
pressed himself in snarls, growls, whimpers, and
Doctors examined the young man and found
him to be physically healthy and mentally alert.
But because of his long association with the
wolves, he thought he was an animal.
Perhaps you think this is a far-out story, and
maybe it is. But it is a dramatic illustration of the
crucial importance of the relationships we choose
in life. The people with whom we surround
ourselves determine to a large degree who we are

and what we will become. There is much truth in

the statement that you can tell a man by the com­
pany he keeps.

Manage Your Relationships

Parents soon learn that if they allow their
children to play with undisciplined, unruly
playmates, their own children soon begin to
demonstrate those same bad traits. And if that
association is allowed to continue, it will not be
long before those "good" children begin to rebel
and become just as obnoxious as their playmates.
Strangely enough, these same parents
sometimes fail to realize that choosing their own
friends and associates is just as important as
picking out playmates for their children. As a
result, there are multiplied thousands of people
going through life saddled with the heavy
burdens of doubt, negative thinking, and failure
because they chose to spend their time with
losers instead of winners.
Have you ever been around a bunch of people
who have only bad things to say about
everything in general? They don't like the
weather—it is either too hot or too cold, too wet
or too dry. They don't like what they are served
to eat—it is cooked either too much or not
enough. They think the country is in bad shape,

all politicians are either stupid or crooked, and

things are sure to get worse. And pity the poor
people who walk by within their view— they are
either overdressed and showing off or else
hopelessly out-of-style and unaware of the poor
impression they are making on others in public.
Have you ever known people like that? How
do they make you feel? Chances are that if you're
around them long enough you'll find yourself
becoming irritable, cranky, and ready to join
them in their negative and critical outlook on

Good Examples Produce Good Results

Fortunately, the process works the other way
around, too. Spend some time around a person
who is always cheerful and happy. Listen to his
compliments of others, his infectious laugh, and
his positive comments about life and the world in
general. How does this person influence you?
First, you enjoy being with this friend much
more than being with the negative crowd. You
find yourself happier and more optimistic. If you
stay around him long enough you will probably
find yourself patterning your own actions after
those you admire most in him.
Perhaps you're wondering if I mean to suggest
that the kind of people you associate with can

determine whether or not you are prosperous

and successful. That's exactly what I mean.
You'll never learn how to be successful by hang­
ing around failures all the time. You'll never
learn good study and work habits from lazy,
slothful friends. You'll never learn thrift and
economy from going on shopping sprees with
careless, wasteful spenders.
Furthermore, it you persist in associating with
this kind of people, you will become like them.
There is something to the old folk proverb that
says, "Birds of a feather flock together."
Cervantes, in his famous play D on Q uixote,
wrote, "Tell me thy company, and I'll tell thee
what thou art."
The writer of Proverbs declares, "He that
tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread, but he
that followeth after vain persons shall have
poverty enough" (Proverbs 28:19).

Stick with the Winners

One of the primary natural laws of success is
to pick out the key people who can help you
become successful in reaching the goals you have
set, and then associate with these people. First of
all, these people have the power to help you get
ahead by giving you instruction, suggestions,
and opportunities.

Second, constant association with successful

people enables you to observe the way they con­
duct themselves and to absorb some of their at­
titudes and outlooks. Soon you begin to mental­
ly envision yourself on that level.
Third, outsiders who see you for the first time
tend to evaluate your worth and stature by the
quality of your associates.
A word of caution! W hat I'm talking about is
considerably different from attempting to be a
social climber or a name-dropper. There is little
or no value in basking in the glow of the rich and
famous, somehow expecting their light to lift you
from obscurity. That will never happen.
But when successful people whom you admire
and respect become your companions, and you
develop a growing relationship with them, you
will soon find yourself being drawn to their level.
And soon you will move out yourself—no longer
a reflection of others, but an image to be reflectd
by others.
The Bible says, "He that walketh with wise
men shall be w ise." Then the same verse adds a
warning: "but a companion of fools shall be
destroyed" (Proverbs 13:20).

Losers Produce Losers

A recovered alcoholic once told me, "If I'd

learned earlier in life to associate with the right

people rather than with a bunch of drunks, I'd
never have ended up as an alcoholic. Now I've
learned to cultivate the friendship of the people
in Alcoholics Anonymous who can help me stay
sober. I didn't join the program as a hobby. I got
on the program so I could learn how to get sober
and stay sober. I never learned that from any of
my drinking buddies."
Dumpy friends make for dumpy success. You
must be selective in the friends you keep. This
does not mean that you shun others. You should
do all you can to help the unfortunate, and you
shouldn't feel above them. But it is important to
spend most of your time with people who know
where they're going. Otherwise you'll find
yourself with people who are going nowhere,
who are in a rut. And a rut is nothing but a grave
with the ends knocked out.
Jesus ministered to everybody, but chose His
friends very selectively. He preached and prayed
for multitudes, but He had 70 men who were His
special disciples. And out of the 70 He had 12
men who formed a closer inner circle. And of
those 12 He had three men who were His special
Who your friends are and who you spend your
time with d o es make a difference in what hap­
pens to you and what you become. I'll never

forget a man who came to me after one of our

crusade services to tell me his wife was divorcing
him. W ith tears streaming down his face he said,
"Lowell, she loved me a lot and we had always
been able to work out our troubles. Then she
began to hang around with some women on our
block who had divorced their husbands.
Somehow they persuaded her to drop me
because they convinced her our marriage was
keeping her from having fun."
W hat a tragedy! And yet how many people
every day allow the bad influence of those
around them to lead them astray— farther and
farther from the way they originally had intend­
ed to go. Be careful whom you choose as friends,
because what they say will help make your deci­
sions. Paul wrote, "D o not be misled: 'Bad com­
pany corrupts good character' " (1 Corinthians
15:33 NIV).

A Blueprint for Failure

Do you remember the story of Lot? He was the
nephew of Abraham, the father of faith. Lot cer­
tainly knew right from wrong—he understood
the laws of God. But he chose to associate with
bad company. The Bible says that Lot took his
family, his flocks, and his herds, "and pitched his
tent toward Sodom " (Genesis 13:12).

The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were

wicked and depraved, and Lot knew this, yet he
chose them to be his neighbors and in-laws. Only
five chapters later we find that Lot's two
daughters married men from that corrupt city.
His wife came to love the home and possessions
they had accumulated in Sodom, and apparently
she also enjoyed the friendship of her depraved
Then came the time when the cities of Sodom
and Gomorrah became so evil in God's sight that
they had to be destroyed. You will remember
that there were not even 10 righteous people to
be found in the entire metropolis. Because of
Abraham's prayers and God's mercy, angels
came to lead Lot and his family out of the city
before judgment fell.
There was no time to move out all of Lot's
possessions, herds, and flocks. His daughters'
husbands refused to leave. Finally Lot, with his
wife and two daughters, escaped with just the
clothes they had on their backs. They were bare­
ly out of the city when fire and brimstone fell and
completely destroyed the cities and all the sur­
rounding area. Disobeying the clear instructions
of God's angel messengers, Lot's wife looked
back longingly at Sodom and was turned into a
pillar of salt.

W hat a price Lot paid for his choice of evil

companions! All his wealth was destroyed. His
daughters' husbands were killed. And His wife
perished also.
But that's not the end of the story. Just a few
verses later the Bible gives the shameful account
of how Lot's daughters each got him drunk and
committed incest with him so that they could
have children to carry on the family.

The Painful Penalty for Bad Relationships

Can you think of a more heartbreaking exam­

ple of the devastating results of evil associations?
Lot had been wealthy and prosperous, with a
beautiful family. He was a close relative of
Abraham, God's man of faith and yet Lot failed
to manage his relationships properly. In just a
few short years, everything in the world he held
dear had been polluted and destroyed by the peo­
ple he chose to associate with. His herds and
possessions were destroyed. His daughters'
families were wiped out. His own wife was a
tragic victim.

In the end, Lot's own daughters—no doubt in­

fluenced by w hat they had learned in
Sodom —duped him into committing incest with
them. The children born as a result—M oab and

Ben-ammi—became the heads of entire tribes or

nations. The M oabites and Ammonites were
idolaters and followers of strange gods. Almost
every time you read about them in the Old Testa­
ment they are warring against God's chosen peo­
What a bitter irony that the descendants of
Abraham's nephew, Lot, became some of the
most persistent enemies of God!
Yet, it pays to be selective when choosing your
personal friends. They are going to have a
positive or negative influence on your life. The
crowd you run with is going to determine to a
great measure what your outcome in life is going
to be. As Shakespeare said, “I am a part of
everything I have seen and heard."

The Promise for Proper Associations

But as always, the Bible says it best: "Blessed
is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the
ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor
sitteth in the seat of the scornful" (Psalm 1:1).
And what is the reward of of a man who
chooses good associates rather than bad ones?
"He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of
water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season;
his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he
doeth shall prosper" (Psalm 1:3).

W hat a fantastic promise! First there is secu ri­

ty. Like the tree planted by the river, your source
of supply is never far away.
Second, there is fruitfulness. There is hardly
anything more satisfying or fulfilling than to see
your efforts produce good results.
Third, there is p rotection . How comforting to
know that our lives will not dry up and burn out
from the withering heart of oppression!
Fourth, there is p rosp erity . This is not just
money or accumulated possessions. The promise
specifically spells out that ev ery th in g you touch
will turn out right—that every endeavor will be
So be careful who your friends are. Don't
listen to the advice of the ungodly. Don't
associate with sinners. Stay away from the com ­
pany of the scornful. They can keep you from
reaching your goals in life. They can keep you
from prosperity.
The writer of Hebrews admonishes us to "be
not slothful, but followers of them who through
faith and patience inherit the prom ises"
(Hebrews 6:12). So build positive relationships.
C hoose w holesom e, successful associates.
Manage your relationships, for this is the first
natural law you must observe to achieve super­
natural prosperity.
Chapter 3

Shakespeare's poetic words, " 'Tis the mind

that makes the body rich ," underscore the great
natural law for success and prosperity: apply
your mind to the right concepts. W hat you think
and h ow you think shapes your life and molds
your future. As Cicero said, "The mind of each
man is the man him self."
If you are not happy and successful, it is
because your thoughts are wrong, for your life is
a result of your thinking. Every day you are
reaping the results of the thoughts you have
sown. If you think right, you will live right. If
you think wrong, you will live wrong. Mark
Twain went so far as to say that the chief func­
tion of the body is to carry around the brain.
The human brain is one of the most powerful
forces in all the universe. Consider, if you will,
the knowledge contained in millions of books
stored in thousands of libraries around the
world. Listen to the intricate melodies and com­
plex harmonies of the great musical works that
have been composed over the centuries. Look at

the fantastically beautiful works of art, the

towering architectural marvels of modern
civilization, the space-age technology that has
produced almost unbelievable achievements in
transportation and comm unication— all the com ­
plicated technology that has been devised to pro­
duce a more comfortable lifestyle for mankind.
Realize that each one of these fantastic
achievements once existed alone as a single idea
in the mind of a man.

Manage Your Mind

Modern man uses only about one-tenth of his
total potential in life. That is one of the most
staggering facts we will ever face. Think of all the
accomplishments, dreams, victories, and gifts
that have never been realized throughout the
lifetime of men on earth. Think of the 90 percent
of you that now lies totally ignored and un­
tapped. Think of all you could give yourself and
your family if you used only 5 percent more of
yourself than you are now using!
And how can you use more of yourself? By
learning to manage your mind!
First of all, it is important that you think.
Second, w h at you think is vital. Third, h ow you
think determines whether you will be a failure or
a success, a pauper or a prince of prosperity!

I am convinced that there are some people in

the world who make a deliberate, all-out effort
never to think about anything. They arrange
their lives into a series of habits and routines that
require the least amount of conscious effort.
They choose entertainment and pastimes that
deliberately do not challenge the intellect. They
avoid discussions that require a considered
opinion on their part. They seldom read
anything more challenging than a cereal box.
And they spend every spare waking minute sit­
ting blank-faced in front of a televison set view­
ing unrealistic fables.
When these people d o employ their minds,
what do they think about? To talk with some
men and women, you'd think the only things
that ever occupied their minds were soap operas,
situation comedies, and sports. W hat they think
about is totally nonproductive.

Garbage In— Garbage Out

They remind me of the modern computer
term— G IG O . It is a term used by computer
technicians to explain that if bad information is
programmed into the computer, bad results will
come out. They call it Garbage In— Garbage
The same rule applies to the marvelous com­

puter of your mind. If you permit garbage

thoughts to cloud up your mind, your life is go­
ing to be garbage.
W hat do you read when you pick up a
newspaper? Do your eyes run to the editorial
page? Do you search for the articles that will
challenge your mind to make you a better per­
son? Do you desire to learn something helpful?
Some people read only the society page, the
sports page, or the comics. While there may be
nothing wrong with these features, they are chaff
compared to the wheat. Several years ago I read
that an individual could actually get the
equivalent of a college education by reading the
editorial page of a good daily newspaper. We
need to entertain our minds with things that mat­
T he truth is that leaders are readers! If you want
to be a leader and to succeed in helping others,
then become a reader. It is a law that works. Feed
your mind with good things.

You Are What You Read

I know some people who fill their minds with
trash by reading only gossip columns, movie
magazines, and the best-selling books, which are
often filled with sordid and pornographic

Then there are people who short-circuit

themselves with worry. They imagine every
possible thing that could go wrong and every
possible calamity that could befall them. Every
time the phone rings they expect bad news, and
every knock at the door makes them wonder
what's gone wrong. Yet psychiatric examiners
have found that 97 percent of the things people
worry about never come to pass. Isn't that
Did you hear about the woman who had so
many things to worry about she couldn't
remember them all? Finally she made a list of
them to carry around with her. Then she lost the
list—and worried about that.
I like the comment of the old wash-woman
who was asked how she stayed so happy all the
time. She said, "W hen I work, I work hard.
When I sit, I rest easy. When I worry, I go to
The Bible makes it clear that to be successful,
we should feed our minds on good things. "Final­
ly, brethren, whatsoever things are true, what­
soever things are honest, whatsoever things are
just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any
praise, think on these things" (Philippians 4:8).

Set Your Goals

Success begins with desire. A man must want
to succeed and must apply his mind to setting
goals he wishes to reach. It's important to set
goals. If a person doesn't have goals, how will he
know when he ever accomplishes anything
Worthwhile? How can he know what to pray for
if he doesn't have goals? W hat would it take—
financially, physically, and spiritually— for
him to be what he would like to be? He m ust
d ecid e that first, being honest and realistic. Then
he must be willing to set aside the time needed to
reach his objectives. Finally, he must work out a
plan to reach his goal.
Man is limited only by the obstacles he creates
in his own mind. Educators have determined that
there is almost nothing an individual cannot
learn if he applies his mind to it. Most
millionaires have paid a great price of courage,
discipline, desire, and hard work, all focused on
their goal of achievement. Frequently the
millionaire has fewer natural talents than many
people who slouch in front of a television set. But
he steered and directed his every effort to get him
nearer his goal. And when "breaks" and good
fortune came along, he was ready to take full ad­
vantage of them.
A person with a job who never tries to im­

prove his knowledge, ability, or skill does not

deserve to be promoted or to make progress.
One man was told, "You don't have ten years'
experience. You have one year's experience ten
times over, that's all!

Wise Ambition
John Dean, who was closely associated with
the Nixon administration, wrote an interesting
book entitled Blind A m b ition . In the book he
said, "If you want to be successful, volunteer for
the jobs no one else wants. Even if you don't
know how to do the work, you can soon learn.
In so doing you make yourself so valuable your
employer can't do without you. You rise in im­
portance and are promoted. This increases your
incom e."
We may not agree with all of M r. Dean's
politics or other activities, but in this case his ad­
vice is sound. You can put this to work at your
own job. If you honestly believe that your own
employer would never recognize your efforts and
reward you for it, then by all means change jobs
as soon as you can.
You can learn what you must know to achieve
success in your chosen field. It doesn't matter if
you have too little formal education. All profes­
sions and leading business positions require more

home study than class instruction. One doctor

told me that 90 percent of his education was
derived by home study after he had completed
his classes.
This country is full of libraries. It is full of op­
portunities. And it is ready to reward people
who are willing to apply their minds and think
the right things. The Bible says, “The plans of the
diligent lead surely to advantage" (Proverbs
To be truly su ccessfu l an d p rosp erou s, you
m ust learn the laws o f p ro sp erity . Have you ever
asked someone who has a reputation for being a
good money manager for suggestions or practical
tips? Have you ever talked with your banker?
You talk with your doctor when you need
medical advice, so why not go to a professional
when you need help with your money? I also
suggest that you read some good money-
management books and publications. Get Sylvia
Porter's M on ey B o o k . It could save you $10,000
over a five-year period. O r read M on ey
M agazine, C hanging Tim es, or Consum er's
Digest. Most people never study m oney— they
just spend it. That is definitely n ot the path to
Think Positive
M any psychologists, surgeons, and re­

searchers are beginning to affirm that what we

think about ourselves and how we go about it is
the single most important factor in the quality of
Dr. Maxwell Maltz discovered the magic of
self-image in his work as a plastic surgeon. He
tells of thousands of cases in which he did
remarkable plastic surgery only to find that the
patient still felt he or she was unattractive or
outright ugly. To make the surgery successful, he
had to change their self-image—how they
thought about themselves. Then in many cases
he found that patients coming to him did not
need any cosmetic surgery at all—just a change
in their self-concept. They felt ugly because of
the way they were thinking.
During each waking hour, our actions and
statements reflect what we really feel about
ourselves. As human beings, we have the power
to change our thoughts and actions according to
our beliefs. The power for positive change is a
divine gift to man and man alone.
Your Mind Is a Computer
Dr. Maltz wrote a remarkable book titled
P sy ch o -C y b ern etics, based on his lifelong
research. The book includes his extensive studies
on the exciting relationship between the con­
scious and subconscious minds.

Dr. Maltz feels that the conscious mind is like

a computer programmer feeding information in­
to a computer. The information going in is strict­
ly controlled by the programmer. He has the
final say in what is right and wrong. The com­
puter, on the other hand, can act only on the in­
formation it is given, plus the information in the
memory bank.
Our conscious mind determines w h at we will
think about certain issues. We are consciously
capable of judging on moral questions and
deciding whether a course of action is right or
wrong. Then, like the computer programmer, we
send our decisions to our subconscious mind
through our thoughts, actions, and words. Our
subconscious mind can only take what informa­
tion is fed in—good or bad—and act on it. Like
the computer, our subconscious minds obey
every command and feed the appropriate
and genius is self-bestowed."
There is one other important difference be­
tween the conscious and the subconscious. Our
conscious mind has the use of all the external
senses—vision, touch, hearing, taste, and
smell—to tell what is real and what is imaginary.
The subconscious mind takes all the information
sent to it from the conscious level as if it were all
real. It has no senses that touch reality, so it can­
not tell the real from the imaginary.

The Way You Want to Be

What does all this mean? The benefit to you as
a human being is that you can use the sub­
conscious to improve your conscious activities.
By mentally seeing yourself doing what you
want to be able to do, you put a picture in your
subconscious mind that the subconscious takes
as real. So the subconscious mind immediately
begins acting as if that were the case.
Millions of people all over the world become
self-programmed to believe that they can not!
These "cannot" people defeat themselves at every
turn, before they ever reach a problem. Their
subconscious mind is programmed negatively,
for it has been told by the con sciou s mind that
the person is incapable of any significant ac­
complishment. The subconscious takes that
message as fact!

You Can!
The trick to living life to the fullest is to
become a can d o person. By programming the
subconscious mind with positive, affirmative
beliefs, the subconscious immediately ap­
proaches every challenge as though you were a
Some of the world's greatest athletes take ad­
vantage of this and practice subconsciously when

they are unable to work out and practice

physically. They program imaginary practice
sessions. The subconscious mind reacts as if the
athlete had been out in the field actually practic­
ing. By pretending mentally to be hitting a golf
ball, golf pros can actually improve their swing
without physically hitting the ball.
Dr. M altz found that positive substitution was
one of the most effective methods of changing
the self-image. This calls for the individual to
substitute thoughts of what he would like to be
for those negative thoughts he had been having.
Earl Nightingale, a leading spokesman for the
self-improvement movement, often says, “We
become what we think about the m ost." If we
constantly think negative, limiting, defeated
thoughts, that's exactly what we become. On the
other hand, if we think positive, creative, win­
ning thoughts, we find ourselves being molded
into our powerful new self-image.

Go Where You Want to Go

The person who is willing to change for the
better and grow in his self-image can move from
where he is to anywhere he wants to go. A man
named W alter Russell believed this so strongly
that he declared, "M ediocrity is self-inflicted,
and genius is self-bestow ed."

The Bible says simply, "As a man thinketh in

his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). How are you
thinking? Are you crying with the defeated,
"W oe is me, I am undone," or are you saying
with the Apostle Paul, "I can do all things
through Christ, who strengthens me?"
Og Mandino, who wrote T he G reatest
Salesm an in the W orld, advised that we should
affirm, "I am God's greatest creation. He gave
me abilities and powers superior to any other
creature on the face of the earth. There is no limit
to what I can accom plish."
He further advises that we should remember to
say, "I am unique! There is no other person on
the face of the earth who is exactly like me. No
one who has ever lived since time began has had
exactly the same talents, abilities, and skills that I
possess. No one who shall live after me will be
able to duplicate the contribution I can m ake."
The person who thinks like this will be suc­
cessful in whatever he sets out to do.

Use Your Mind to Get Ahead

This brings us to a restatement of the second
basic natural law for success and prosperity: A p ­
ply y o u r m ind to the right con cep ts. This is ex­
pressed beautifully in Psalm 1:2: "His delight is
in the law of the Lord, and in His law he doth

meditate day and night." And what is the law of

the Lord? Is it a series of "Thou shall nots?" No,
indeed! The law of the Lord is fulfilled in the
Great Commandment of Jesus: "Love God with
all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and love
your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10:27).
If you want to attain supernatural prosperity,
it's time for you to check up on yourself. First of
all, are y ou thinking? Are you consciously using
your mind to help you reach your goal in life?
Second, w h at are y ou thinking abo u t? Are you
flooding your mind with garbage, or are you fil­
ling it with useful, important information that
can help you solve the challenges of daily living?
Finally, h ow are y ou thinking? Are you think­
ing positively, hopefully, in faith? O r do you
short-circuit any changes you have for success by
programming your mental computer with
negativism and a failure image?
W hat y ou think, y o u are. So observe the ad­
vice of Napoleon Hill—"Think and grow rich!"
Chapter 4

Time is life!
The basic resource which each person starts
out with is the minutes, hours, days, and years
that will make up his lifetime. W hatever your
position in life, you have the same amount of this
precious commodity as everyone else alive.
Whether your name is Rockefeller, Ford, Edison,
Smith, Jones, or Lundstrom, you have exactly 24
hours in every day.
Most of us fail to realize— or we forget— that
we have less than 100,000 waking hours in a
lifetime and less than 10,000 working days. Life
is terribly short. If you begin your career at the
age of 21 and retire at age 65, you have only 528
months to fulfill your mission in life.
I didn't realize until a short time ago that an
average person spends 24 years of his lifetime in
bed. This is easy to figure out—simply divide a
24-hour day into three periods. Allow 8 hours
for work, 8 hours for sleep, and 8 hours for free
time. You will discover that one-third of a man's
lifespan of 72 years— or 24 years—is spent in

Let's break it down a little more. You and I are

speeding toward death at the rate of 60 minutes
per hour. Life is so short that if you're 18 years
old and live to be 70, you have only 2800 weeks
left to live. If you are 30 and reach 70, you have
2000 weeks; if you are 40, you have only 1500
weeks until age 70; if you are 50, you have only
1000 weeks. And if you are 60, you have only
500 weeks until you are boxed and buried.
Benjamin Franklin said, "Dost thou love life?
Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff
life is made o f." Because time is irreversible and
irreplaceable, wasting time is literally wasting
your life.

Always Enough Time

If you're like most people I know, your most
common complaint is that you're too busy to get
everything done. There just don't seem to be
enough hours in the day or enough days in the
week to accomplish all the tasks and projects
you'd like to get done.
Would it surprise you to know that there is no
such thing as lack of time? We all have plenty of
time to do everything we really want to do.
There are plenty of people who are even busier
than you are who manage to get more done than
you do. Is it because they are smarter or more

skilled? Absolutely not! They simply have

learned to use their time to better advantage. In
fact, organizations that depend on volunteer help
have learned that they get much greater results
by asking the help of busy people rather than
those who appear to have all the time in the
world. Busy p e o p le get things don e!
There simply isn't anything more important
than your time. We all must live on 168 hours a
week. If you aren't satisfied with how much
you're getting done in life, it's time to do
something about it. If you constantly feel har­
ried, frustrated, and rushed, it's a pretty safe bet
that you need to learn how to manage your time
better. How do you do it? It's really fairly

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

Control of your time starts with planning.
Planning is bringing the future into the present so
you can do something about it now. W hat do
you have to do today? To increase the likelihood
of getting everything accomplished, you have to
know exactly what tasks you must work
on—and when you will do them. No matter how
busy you are, you must always take time to plan.
In fact, the less time you feel you have to spare,
the more important it is to plan your time

carefully. Robert Schuller, whose Hour of Power

television show is seen across the country, says,
"Failing to plan is planning to fail!"
How do you go about planning your time? Let
me show you by example.
Charlie Schwab was a pretty competent ex­
ecutive. A former president of Bethlehem Steel,
he was one of the few men ever to be paid a
million dollars a year. His company didn't pay
him that kind of money just because he looked
good sitting in a swivel chair behind a big desk.
At times, however, Schwab wasn't as satisfied
with his performance as other people were. He
felt he wasn't getting enough done. Details and
minor matters were crowding the time that he
urgently needed for more important problems.
Mr. Schwab asked Ivy Lee, a forerunner of the
modern business consultant, what to do about it.
Lee handed Schwab a blank sheet of paper.
"W rite down the six most important things
you have to do tom orrow ," he said. "Tom orrow
morning start on item 1 and work on it till it's
finished. Then go to the next item ."
The steel executive tried the idea and recom­
mended it to his associates. It worked so well
that he reportedly sent Lee a check for $25,000 in
Make a Daily List
That simple plan will work for you! Each day

make a list of the items you have to do. You'll be

amazed at how much more you'll accomplish by
simply having a visual reminder of what must be

Write all your “to do" items on a single list

rather than jotting them down on various scraps
of paper. That way your list is always available
as a reference to see what you should work on
But it is not enough to simply list the things
you have to do! The next step is to arrange your
list in order of priority, doing the most important
task first, then going to the second most impor­
tant task, and so on. Some people spend all their
time working on trivial tasks—things that aren't
really very important. Too often they come to
the end of the day with all the low-priority jobs
finished, and none of the really important tasks
even begun.
Making the right choices about how you use
your time is more important than being efficient
in doing whatever job happens to be around.
Efficiency is fine in its place, but in my opinion
effectiv en ess is a much more important goal.
That's why it is so crucial that each day you plan
your work by listing what you have to do and ar­
ranging the tasks in the priority you will do

The 80/20 Rule

A time-planning expert has discovered what he
calls the 80/20 Rule. He says that in any list of
things to do, you will find that 80 percent of the
value you receive from those tasks comes from
doing only 20 percent of the items, while the re­
maining 20 percent of the value comes from the
other 80 percent.
In other words, in a list of 10 items, two of
them will yield 80 percent of the value of all the
jobs you will do that day. To be successful in the
use of your time, find these two items and get
them done first. If necessary, leave most of the
other eight undone, because the value from them
is significantly less than from those two high-
value items you work on first.

Know Your Use of Time

W ithout some sort of time-planning system it's
almost impossible to know how you spend your
time. Most of us don't use our time the way we
think we do. If you really checked up on the
things you did hour-by-hour in a typical week, I
think you would be amazed at the time you've
spent on relatively unimportant matters. You
would be shocked by the small amount of time
you devoted to the m ajor problems of your job
or your household.

This happens because humans are made that

way. The man who does not plan his
time—budgeting so much for this and so much
for that—exposes himself to certain strong
natural influences. One of these is what we call
Parkinson's First Law: "W ork expands so as to
fill the time available for its com pletion."
When people feel there's no rush to get
something done, it usually takes three or four
times as long as if they had set a deadline for that
task. Almost always they spend more time on the
job than it's actually worth.
I heard about a man who decided he was going
to take Wednesday afternoons off during the
summer to play golf. Almost without exception
he arrived at the golf course full of pep, raring to
go, claiming that he had accomplished as much
on Wednesday morning as he usually did in a full
day! And it was probably true. Working with the
knowledge that he had only a half-day at his
disposal, he really made the minutes count.
That's what is really important. Life is not
measured by the years of time we live, but by
what we have accomplished during those years.
Given two people of equal ability, the one who
plans his time more effectively will far outper­
form the other. He will make time for the
creative thinking and problem-solving which are
vital to his job. The other person will put them

off until he finds time—until the opportunities

are lost and his problems become so critical that
they demand immediate belated attention.
Peter Drucker, who wrote the book T he E ffec­
tive Executive, said that nothing distinguishes
successful businessmen as much as their tender
loving care of time.

ISO or 5?
Recently I came across one of the most amaz­
ing stories of what can be accomplished through
successful time management. At the beginning of
World W ar Tw o, America began building Liber­
ty ships for the Navy to use in the war effort. It
took 150 days to build one ship.
Because our need for ships was so desperate,
the word went out that the time had to be cut
down drastically. The builders analyzed all pro­
cedures involved in constructing a ship and
reorganized the plant with speed in mind. The
time was cut down to 72 days.
But the planners didn't stop there. They kept
working, coming up with new ideas and new
time-saving proposals. Soon the time was down
to 46 days— then to 29 days. After more changes
and more ideas for proper use of time, a ship was
built in 10 days. Finally, toward the end of the
war, the Robert E. Peary was completed in an in­
credible 4 days, 1 5 Vz hours!

Don’t W aste Time

Are you a person who likes to kill time? The
best way to do it is to work it to death! Lost time
means lost opportunity, and lost opportunity
means lost money.
W hat do you do with the time you spend
waiting? Almost everybody has to wait for peo­
ple to show up for appointments, for buses, for
planes, for trains to cross road intersections, or
for your family to get ready to go to church or to
a meeting. Do you put your waiting time to good
use, or do you waste it by pacing up and down or
sitting idly by, perhaps getting more irritable as
the minutes pass?
Waiting time is perfect for reading, thinking
through problems, or planning.
I know people who carry small books or
magazines like Reader's Digest in their car. Any
time they have to w ait—for a long traffic light or
for a train to pass— they grab their book and
read a page or two.
If you have an especially tricky problem, use
your waiting time to think it through. First, try
outlining the problem step-by-step. Then pick
out an aspect that might be thoroughly explored
in that five-minute period of time.
Or carry a pad and pencil and do your plan­
ning for the rest of the day, or for tomorrow.

You may discover that your waiting time which

had once been totally wasted can now become
one of the more productive parts of your entire
M any people even try to make their sleep
work for them. They pose a question to their
subconscious minds just before they fall asleep.
They select a problem that requires hours of
thought. They spend no time thinking about it
consciously, but they allow the subconscious to
focus on it while they are asleep, and they expect
a meaningful answer when they awaken.

Spare Time— Success or Failure?

The one area where most people succeed or fail
is that of spare time. Isn't it strange that if given a
chance to do anything in the world they want to
do, some people do nothing?
Charles Lamb was a clerk in his daily work,
but his books—written in his spare time—are his
true monuments. Samuel Morse was an artist,
but he invented the telegraph in his spare time. A
teacher in an obscure college used to tinker with
an odd-looking contraption in his spare time. He
built a monument to his nam e—the Bell
Richard Baxter once said, "Spend your time in
nothing that you know must be repented of, in

nothing on which you might not pray for the

blessings of G od." That's pretty good advice,
don't you think?
The Bible says, "Teach us to number our days,
that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom"
(Psalm 90:12).
Perhaps one of the best planning tools to help
you use your time wisely is to know what your
goals are. A written lifetime goal statement will
give direction to your life. Writing out your
goals requires you to be specific. Then, as you
look at what you've written, it's easy to deter­
mine if the way you are now spending your time
is helping you reach the goals you have set. As
the country philosopher said, "The man who
doesn't know where he's going will never know
when he gets there!"

Concentrate on Today
A word of caution about time— the most im­
portant day in your whole life is the one you're
living right now. Don't allow yourself to be over­
ly concerned about yesterday, last week, or last
month. Nor should you focus your attention so
much on tomorrow and the future that today is
used up in dreaming.
There are two days in every week you should
never worry about. One is yesterday, with its

mistakes, faults, blunders, aches, and pains.

Yesterday has passed forever beyond your con­
trol. All the money in the world cannot bring it
back. You cannot undo a single act or erase a
single word. Yesterday is gone forever, beyond
The other day you should not worry about is
tomorrow, with its possible adversities, its
burdens, its large promise, and perhaps its poor
performance. Tom orrow is also beyond your
control. Until tomorrow's sun rises, you have no
stake in it because it is yet unborn.
This leaves only today for you to concentrate
on. Anybody can fight the battles of just one
day. It is only when we add the burdens of those
two awful eternities, yesterday and tomorrow,
that we break down. It is not the experience of
today that drives men mad, but the remorse of
what happened yesterday, or the dread of what
tomorrow might bring.
So continually ask yourself, “W hat is the best
use of my time right n o w ? ”

M ake Your Time Count

Force yourself to action by making a commit­
ment. Set a deadlin e, an d m a k e y o u rself k eep it.
This technique is especially valuable to help you
take care of those sometimes-unpleasant tasks

that you have a tendency to put off forever.

Another way to avoid getting bogged down
and staying involved in tasks unnecessarily is to
always set a next step. Frequently a project will
bog down for lack of knowing what to do next.
When you are working your way through a par­
ticular assignment, make a clear plan for what
the next step is to be. Then set a time to check
whether you have completed that step.
Perhaps the one thing which all successful peo­
ple seem to have in common is a concern for the
proper use of time. If you would be successful
and supernaturally prosperous, you must make
your time count.
Chapter 5

The fourth natural law for success and pros­

perity is to manage your money.
"You might say, "That should be easy for me,
because I don't have any."
But you do! A fortune is going to pass through
your hands during your lifetime. T o be able to
manage your money, you must be able to view
your life's earnings at one time. If you earn $1000
a month and are now 2 0 , you will handle almost
one-half million dollars before retirement—if
you never get a raise in pay. Do a little quick
checking right now! Multiply your average
monthly income times the number of months
since you first started working. How much does
it come to?
Perhaps a better question is, how much of the
money you have earned do you still have? If you
are wise, you will plan your earnings in such a
way as to have accumulated a significant amount
by the end of your working life.
Since most of us are not born into great wealth

and do not have a fortune handed to us to start

out on, it is necessary for us to find a way to earn
money. We are indeed fortunate to live in the
greatest country in the world—America, the land
of opportunity. Despite all its problems, faults,
and injustices (pointed out so quickly by its
critics), the United States still affords greater op­
portunities to those who want to achieve
something than any other country in the world.
Once you have found your opportunity, give
it all you've got. The Bible says, "W hatsoever
thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might" (Ec­
clesiastes 9:10).

Expand Your Earning Power

I have found that the majority of Americans
are content to hold down a job, then pick up a
check. Very few are willing to apply themselves
to learning, so that they can truly increase their
income. If you want to make a good living,
you'd better learn how to use your head. Read
new books in areas of interest. Apply for a
course that teaches a trade you'd like to learn on
the side. Keep learning, keep studying, keep at it!
If you settle down to a regular 40-hour week
doing the same thing day after day, chances are
that a crisis will arise and you will be swept
away. If you can learn a second or even a third

trade, it will help you keep your options open.

Someone has said, "A mouse with only one hole
is soon caught." If you are one of the millions of
Americans with only one hole, don't be surprised
if you get caught in a financial bind.
Another tip you might keep in mind is to
utilize the full manpower of your household. I've
known parents who have encouraged their
children to have paper routes so they could earn
their own money for their clothing. There's a lot
of money to be made even by the least active
members of the household: baby-sitting, work­
ing on telephone surveys, even raking leaves—
there's a host of odd jobs that can help bring ex­
tra money into your home.
If the members of your household have good
health, there's a lot of money that can be earned.
If a man or woman is willing to work, there is
always someone willing to pay an honest wage.
If finances are pinched in your home, review
your troops. There might be quite a number that
need to get into the budget battle.

Waste Not, Want Not

There are thousands of Americans who don't
know about managing their money. They waste
as much or more of their income than they use
profitably. The result is absolute tragedy.

Jesus condemned waste and encouraged thrifty

use of resources. When he fed the multitude of
5000 people with a boy's lunch, He instructed His
disciples afterwards, "Gather up the fragments
that remain, that nothing be lost" (John 6:12).
Failure to use money wisely causes more heart­
ache and trouble than you can imagine. I am told
that 65 percent of Americans are in financial dif­
ficulty—that is, they spend at least 100 percent of
their income each year. At least 5 percent of
them owe between 75 and 100 percent of their
yearly income. Americans owe between 10 and
15 billion dollars of overdue bills. One out of
every four dollars spent in this country goes for
What happens when a family has more debts
than it can pay? Big trouble. One of the main
reasons for men skipping home is money. A
sociological research project in Chicago dis­
covered that more than 40 percent of the deser­
tion cases there were rooted in financial tension
between husband and wife, while 45 percent of
the reported cases of cruelty were the result of
financial tension.
More than half of the families who seek
counseling have money problems. An astound­
ing 90 percen t of all divorces involved money
conflicts—and in more than half of these, money
was the m ajor cause of the divorce.

Why are there so many money problems in

our country today? Some people say it is partly
because Americans have become so "thing"-
oriented—cars, furniture, clothing, sporting
goods, color TV's, stereos, albums—the list is
endless. Our happiness and well-being seem to
hinge directly around the acquisition of things.

Watch Your Credit

Someone else has suggested that our money
problems are to a large degree due to too much
easy credit. We have come to live in a credit-card
I heard about one wife who told her husband,
"The dollar keeps losing value—we're lucky we
use credit cards!"
Another lady out on a shopping spree said to a
friend, "I just love credit cards—they go so much
farther than m oney."
Credit cards are convenient, but terribly
dangerous because they encourage compulsive
buying. They fuel our temptation to buy things
we don't need and haven't yet earned. Almost all
of today's credit comes with extremely costly
charges built in. When fully analyzed, you'll
usually discover that credit card charges range
from 12 to 20 percent per year.
Another danger is that credit cards often en­
courage you to spend more than you should for a

particular item, merely because of the con­

venience. One expert says that if you use service
station credit cards, you may be spending up to
32 percent more for automobile servicing than if
you did it yourself and paid cash.
The problem is that you don't think in terms of
spending money when you use your credit card.
Simply signing your name to a little slip with the
knowledge that the bill will come later (and be
paid over a period of time) seems to make it all
right to keep buying and buying. So your debt
gets bigger and bigger.
Go over a list of your recent credit purchases.
Which of the items you charged did you need
and which could you have done without?
If you are honest with yourself, you may
discover that you probably could have done
without the m ajority of the items you bought on
credit. Another good question to ask yourself: If
you had not been carrying the credit card and
had to either pay cash or write a check for that
item, would you have bought it?
One financial expert says that credit cards
should not be used for general purchasing or
money management. A good rule of thumb is
that you should be able to reduce your outstand­
ing credit card balance in no more than 60 days
without disturbing your budget. If you find
yourself consistently making the minimum pay-

merit required on a credit-card account, that

should signal you that you are not using your
credit cards well.

Be Interested in Interest
O f course, there are other kinds of credit
besides charge cards. There is the installment ac­
count—or the easy-payment plan—which enables
you to make a sizable purchase by dividing the
purchase price into 12, 18, or 24 monthly
payments. Interest is added for this privilege.
And it is expensive. I'm told that the average
new-car loan in 1977 was for 44 months! W ith in­
terest, these buyers will pay for their cars almost
Then there is “revolving credit," in which you
pay on your total debt and are still allowed to
add to that debt up to a set amount. Many
department stores provide this kind of credit.
Anytime you borrow money you don't have,
you must pay rent on that money. That rent is
called interest. If you borrow against the cash
value of a life-insurance policy, you will pay 6 or
7 percent. If you borrow at the bank, the rate
will range from 9 to 12.5 percent. A finance com­
pany will charge from 18 to 25 percent. A credit
union normally charges from 10 to 12 percent,
and retail installment credit is even higher. When

you purchase something for which that kind of

interest will be charged, ask yourself if its total
purchase price is really worth that much more
I realize that we live in a credit society, and
that it is nearly impossible to exist without some
credit accounts. Few families can purchase
everything they need on a cash-only basis. At
times credit buying can be a good thing, but it
must be recognized as a p o w e r w h ich n eeds con ­
trol. Financial consultants suggest that 20 to 25
percent of one's income is the maximum that
should be committed to installment debt.
Good stewardship in the Christian life
demands that a man take good care of his finan­
cial affairs because he has been commissioned by
Christ to manage those affairs for the Lord. This
requires planning.
Everyone agrees that money is important. But
planning h ow to use m o n ey may be more impor­
tant than the money itself. Materials are impor­
tant to the building of a house, but it is obvious
that the blueprint by which all that material is to
be brought together into a fine home is more im­
portant than the building materials. Your tim e
an d en ergy represent the raw material which go
into your particular work or job. However, c o n ­
trol of your time and energy is far more impor­
tant than either of these two items alone.

Manage Your Financial Resources

When it comes to money, good planning
means establishing a budget. Many people cringe
when they hear that word. They look upon a
budget as a nuisance or a necessary evil. Actual­
ly, it can be one of the best friends you will ever
have. A good budget is an invaluable and
necessary aid to managing your money effi­

In life, we find that when we establish boun­

daries for ourselves we're much more com for­
table. This is true with our children. The child
who is insecure and a discipline problem is a
child who has never had adequate boundaries.
To be totally disciplined, you need to govern all
areas of your life—not only your Bible reading,
your prayer life, and your church life, but also
your financial affairs. The startling fact is that if
you're not operating on a budget, you are
wasting between $50 and $175 a month.
Two of the best books I have read on this sub­
ject are George Bowman's H ow to S u cceed w ith
Y our M on ey and Malcolm McGregor's Y our
M on ey M atters. I have given away thousands of
these fine books to my friends all over the coun­
try. In both books, the authors talk about a
budget system called the 10-70-20 plan. I think it
is the most sound and simple budget plan I've

ever heard about, and I recommend it to you.

In its most simple form, the 10-70-20 plan is
this: After paying your tithes and standard
taxes, save 10 percent of the balance, live on 70
percent, and use 20 percent to pay debts.

Fay Yourself First

Let's look at those categories a little closer.
First of all, the budget says that you should pay
yourself before you pay your debts. I know it
may not sound right at first, but experience
shows that the man who sav es before he spen ds
enjoys financial health.
So after you have looked after your obligation
to God and paid your taxes, set aside 10 percent
of the remaining amount for savings and in­
vestments. You see, you don't get rich on the
money you work for. It's the money that w o rk s
fo r y o u that makes the difference.
If you were given a $1000 bill, the chances are
that your reaction would be— "W hat can I buy
with this m oney?" If the same amount were given
to a serious financial planner, his reaction would
be, "W hat can I earn with this m oney?" T hat is
the d ifferen ce b etw een fin an cial failu re and
fin an cial success. It is far more important to sav e
m o n ey than it is to p u rch ase things.
Let's assume that you are 35 and earn a net in­

come of $600 (after taxes and tithe). A 10-percent

savings would be $60.00 per month. If you
earned 7 percent profit (compounded each year),
your savings at age 65 would be over $70,500.
You would have deposited only $21,600 and
gained a profit of $48,900. That is nearly seven
years' income earned for you by the simple act of
saving only two dollars a day!
If you accept the fact that you must get along
without that 10 percent of your income, it will
never be a burden to you. It is actually a small
amount to buy financial health and peace of
mind for you and your family. Doesn't it make
sense that if you keep 10 percent of all you earn,
you will always have money? Every person I
know who has tried this for any length o f time
claims that the investment of his net income did
not interfere with his present scale of living. And
in the final analysis, you are worth what you
saved, no matter how much you made.

Save for the Right Reasons

When we talk about savings, we need to be

careful that we are not involved in saving strictly
for the sake of saving, because that can lead to
real problems. God warns His people to beware
lest their accumulated wealth cause “thine heart
to be lifted up, and then forget the Lord thy God''

(Deuteronomy 8:14; cp. 8:11-13). I think this is

one of the biggest problems in the area of sav­
ings. “They that will be rich fall into temptation
and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful
lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdi­
tion" (1 Tim othy 6:9). So save with a pur­
pose—to be able to give to God's work when
special needs arise.
Great numbers of Americans live from
paycheck to paycheck without saving a dime. In
fact, salesmen will tell you that many people
never ask the list price of merchandise. They'll
usually say, "How much will it cost me a
m onth?"
I've found that people who have money are
very reluctant to spend it. Financially secure
couples make it a regular practice to set aside
savings. The savings need not always be in a
bank account, but they need to be regularly in­
vested in such a way that the money will return
itself with interest within a few years.

Know Where Your Money Goes

When you talk about savings, many people
will reply by saying, "I don't earn enough to save
any money at all." But if you'll search carefully
you'll find that this is not true. Millions of people
all over the world could live on less than half of

what the average American spends, and they'd

have more than enough to spare.
Examine your spending. If you're using large
amounts of money on perishable items like
clothing, rent, amusements, liquor, tobacco,
sporting goods, automobiles, and furniture, then
you'd better rearrange your buying habits.
Spend money on good solid merchandise. Make
your spending count. Most immigrants who
come to America and land a good job end up
saving great amounts of money. One reason is
that they do not allow themselves to get caught
up with the many luxuries which most
Americans call necessities.
One big obstacle to saving (apart from never
starting a plan in the first place) is the temptation
to stop saving and start spending. You are saving
to h av e m on ey . You cannot succeed with a plan
to have money if you continually dip into your
accumulated funds to pay for perishable things.
Another m ajor obstacle to success with money
is a common misunderstanding of the word "sav­
ings." Because of the influence of modern adver­
tising, the word "savings" has come to mean
"spending" in our society. Look at a newspaper
ad or watch a commercial. How many of them
say, "You save 15 percent," or "You save $ 7 .00"?
M any people are fooled into thinking they are

saving money when they are in fact spending it.

You d o n ot sav e m o n ey b y spen ding it!
But perhaps the greatest obstacle to success
with money is delaying the start of a savings pro­
gram. Putting it off causes more people to fail
than all the other reasons put together. The way
to overcome this is to pay yourself first! After
you have paid your tithes and the standard taxes
that are withheld from your check, then take 10
percent off the top.

Live on Your income

The next section of the 10-70-20 budget plan is
the money you use to live on. The easiest way to
control your spending is to allot a certain percen­
tage of your income to live on, and never go over
that percentage. Be determined never to let your
living costs rise higher than 7/10 of your net in­
come. Living on 70 percent of your income seems
to introduce an attitude of control over spending
that produces more value for less money. You
stop spen din g and start sh op p in g , which means
that you put more thought into how you spend
your dollars.
The 70 percent you spend for living costs must
cover your mortgage, rent, utilities, insurance,
furniture, food, automobile, cleaning, medical
attention, recreation, and entertainment.
You must plan your spending budget to fit

your individual requirements. The important

thing to remember is to never allow your total
living costs to exceed 70 percent of your net
T o be a financial success, you must think
things over all the time. First, you must ask
yourself, "D o I really need what I'm planning to
buy?" Then ask, "Is this proposition and the one
who proposes it capable of filling my need?"
Third, "W hat is it going to cost, and can I afford
it?" Then make your decision based on the
answers to your questions. Making purchases is
important business.
I've heard of people who got bored and de­
cided to take an evening out to go shopping—
just for fun. "W e don't have anything else to do,
so let's go shopping," they say. And they spend
money they don't have for frivolities they don't
need. That is the height of stupidity!
Here's a rule that will save you hundreds, even
thousands, of dollars. The rule is this: When a
salesperson is all done making his pitch, say,
"Thank you, we will let you know within a day
or so what our decision is." The whole point is
that you need to make your purchasing decisions
aw a y fr o m the pressu re o f the sales pitch.

Ask Before You Buy

Anytime you're going to spend more than $50

on anything, ask these 10 questions: 1) "D o I

really need this? 2) Is the price reasonable? 3) Is
this the best time of the year to buy it? 4) If it is a
bargain price, is it a current model? 5) If it is on
sale, is it a true sale price? 6 ) Can I substitute
something else for this? 7) Does this product
have any m ajor disadvantages? 8 ) Though ex­
cessive in price, will this satisfy an inner
need? 9) Have I checked and researched the
item? 10) Will the seller guarantee or stand
behind the product?"
Take the time to ask these questions and think
about your purchase, and you will be protected
from impulse buying that causes big trouble for
so many people. Checking out the quality of
items before you buy them helps insure getting
full value for your money. There are good
magazines such as C hanging Tim es and C on ­
su m er R eports which go to great lengths to
evaluate various products. You can learn exactly
what the features are, what the disadvantages
are, and how the product performs under
thorough testing.
One other tip is not to spend your money on
cheap merchandise! One reason why poor people
stay poor is that they have never learned how to
spend their money wisely. M y father used to drill
me with the importance of buying good-quality
merchandise. As a boy, I often owned only one

pair of shoes, but I'll tell you, the shoes my father

purchased for me were good ones! He didn't
want me ruining my feet on clod-hoppers.
If you stand in a modern shopping center,
you'll see people spending their money on junk.
They'll buy a junk stereo for the same amount of
money they could have purchased a high-quality
used stereo. They'll buy plastic purses that tear
apart in a few months. They'll buy women's
shoes made of cardboard with heels that fall off.
They'll buy cheap clothing that looks old after a
few washings.
I would rather purchase something used of
good quality than something new that was made
cheaply. I'm not knocking the purchase of new
merchandise as long as you can afford it and it's
of good quality. But if you're a little pinched for
money and you want to enjoy the best, be hum­
ble enough to search for bargains.

The Art of Grocery Shopping

Buying food is an important expenditure in
your family budget. Here are some basic rules
you can apply which will help you get the most
value for your dollar. 1) Never go to the store
hungry. 2 ) Shop no more often than once a
week. 3) When you shop, use a list. Experts say
that you should have a complete list of items you

need from the store and should stick as closely to

it as possible. This will enable you to go through
the store without being enticed to pick up
goodies you really didn't intend to buy and don't
really need. M any women say that planning their
meals for one or two weeks at a time dictates the
shopping list for them.
Another tip is to take advantage of coupon of­
fers. Don't let the coupons dictate what you will
buy; instead, first decide what you are going to
purchase and then see what coupons you have.
Use those cents-off coupons when you make
One family discovered that on a $45.00
grocery bill they were able to use $4.00 worth of
coupons—a 9 percent saving!
Another tip is to shop alone, since if you take
somebody with you it will probably cost you
more. Children influence the purchasing habits
of their parents. And husbands are notorious for
adding extra little goodies to the shopping cart.
When you're shopping, check the lower
shelves—sometimes the same items can be
bought at a cheaper price with very little sacrifice
in quality. Almost all m ajor food chains have
their own house brands. Usually these are quali­
ty products, and you can save up to 15 percent
just by buying them instead of name brands.
It's also important to understand unit pricing

on grocery items. This enables you to compare

the price per ounce. One expert suggests that
when buying vegetables, look for a target price
of IV 4c per ounce. On other items go for a target
price per serving—perhaps 5 C per serving on
fresh fruits and vegetables. This may mean that
you have to buy smaller apples—but you will
probably find that you're just as satisfied with a
small piece of fruit as with a big one, and it has
less calories besides.
Avoid junk foods. Often, the more food is
processed, the more it costs and the less food
value it has. Also, go easy on prepared foods or
convenience foods. M ost of them cost more than
the same items prepared at home, and they're
usually inferior in quality as well.

Look for B e tt e r Deals

Do comparison shopping. Shop for the
specials offered by different stores. Don't
overlook independent supermarkets—sometimes
their specials and overall prices are lower than
those of the big chain markets. When you find
super bargain prices on some item, buy it in large
quantities and freeze your supply. You will get
better prices and you will get the items you really
want if you simply shop the specials at your local

When you find a real bargain on frying

chickens, hamburger, roast beef, or whatever,
don't buy just enough for one or two
meals—stock your freezer. If you fill your freezer
with vegetables and fruits bought inexpensively
at peak-of-the-season prices, this can have a
tremendous savings effect on your overall food
bill. It's also a good idea to buy day-old breads
and other bakery goods that keep in the freezer.
By doing this you can stockpile inventories of
nonperishable goods to be used throughout the
Simply following these and other common-
sense suggestions may make it possible for you to
cut your spending on food and grocery items by
hundreds of dollars over a year's time. And
because your meals will be better planned, you'll
probably eat even better than you did before.

Buy Term Life Insurance

Here are a few helpful tips about life in­
surance. First of all, there is no such thing as life
insurance; no contract can replace a human life.
What you buy is in com e insurance—a plan to
replace part of the income you would have
earned had you lived. You can insure your in­
come at a very low premium by purchasing
d ecreasin g term insurance. This is the best
method to insure your income.

However, most insurance agents will not sug­

gest that you buy term insurance. Instead, they
will recommend another kind of policy—whole
life, also known as straight life or ordinary life.
“This policy gives you full coverage," the
salesman tells you, "plus it accumulates a cash
balance. It's really like a savings account for
More often than not, the consumer ends up
buying a whole-life policy, believing that it is a
better deal for him because he is also building up
a savings account. Unfortunately, there are some
basic flaws in this course of action.
First of all, whole-life insurance is much more
expensive than term insurance—usually four to
five times more expensive. The average working
man cannot afford as much whole-life insurance
coverage as his family really needs. So he ends
up buying much less coverage. Should the bread
earner die, his family really doesn't have as much
income protection as they will have to have. For
a much lower monthly premium they could have
bought adequate term insurance coverage.
There is another danger. Because the average
insurance buyer feels he can hardly afford the
high monthly premiums, the average duration of
a whole-life policy is only seven years. Then the
buyer gives up and lets the policy lapse, either to
leave his family completely unprotected or,

hopefully, to buy the increased protection his

family really needs through term insurance.

The Great American Rip-off

But the real scandal comes in the “savings" sec­
tion of the life-insurance program. Suppose you
went to a bank or savings company to open a
new account and asked someone to explain the
benefits to you.
“Oh, it's quite simple," the officer replies. "You
deposit a certain amount each month into this ac­
count. For the first year or two your savings will
not accumulate—we'll keep what you deposit to
cover some of our handling costs. But after that,
every month your account will increase. W hy,
we'll even pay you 2Vi-3Vi percent interest on
that money. In only 10 or 15 years you'll have a
tidy little sum put back.
“And here's another benefit—if you need to
take some of your money out of this savings ac­
count, we'll only charge you 5 or 6 percent in­
terest on it.
"One last thing—you understand that if you
die while you're doing business with our com­
pany, we'll keep your savings acount!"
If you heard this explanation from a bank or
savings company, you would run—not w alk—to
get away from those crazy people. "How dumb
do they think I am?" you'd say.

Yet that's exactly what millions of people are

doing every day with life-insurance companies.
Cash value in a whole-life-insurance policy does
not begin accumulating until the second or third
year. Then that money earns only 2 1/2-3 1/4 per­
cent interest. If you take the accumulated cash
value out of your policy, you must either give up
your life-insurance protection or pay interest on
the money. Should you die during the insured
term of your policy, your beneficiary would be
paid the face value of the policy. But your so-
called savings—the cash value of the policy—
would be kept by the life-insurance company.
W hat it boils down to is this: Buy your life in­
surance from an insurance company. Do your
savings with a bank or savings-and-loan firm.
Remember this: All insurance is “term" in­
surance. You simply pay much more for it when
it is called by another name.

Debt Is the Worst Poverty

The third section of your budget is designed to
help you get out of debt. Getting rid of back bills
has always been a m ajor financial problem for
most people. Excessive debt usually indicates a
personality weakness to overspend. If that is the
case, never buy anything on credit again. Return
or destroy all your charge plates and credit cards
and go on a strictly-cash basis. Here's how

George Bowman suggests that you pay your

back debts without pain.
First, make a list of all your creditors, in­
cluding their full names, addresses, and phone
Second, work out exactly what you owe each
of them.
Third, calculate what 20 percent of your net
income is (after tithes and taxes).
Fourth, determine the total amount of money
you owe by adding the figures after your
creditors' names.
Fifth, work out the percentage of total debt
that you owe each creditor. For example, if your
total debts are $5000 and you owe the bank
$1000, that's 20 percent of the total.
Sixth, take those percentage figures and put
them beside the amounts you owe your
Seventh, apply the percentage figures to the
amount of money you have allowed for paying
debts—or 20 percent of your net income. This
will tell you how much to allot to each creditor.
In his book, George Bowman tells of a man he
counseled who followed his advice. The man
went to see each of his creditors to tell them of
his new plan and the revised amount of the pay­
ment they could expect from him. He gave each
of his creditors a series of postdated checks to

back up his promises. Legally, no cred itor can

refu se to ta k e a p a y m en t—even a sm all p a y ­
m en t—each m onth, then g o to cou rt to sue you.
Once you've made such a plan, stick to it. Live
by it and refuse to allow new debts to build up.
Another method for taking care of past-due
bills is loan consolidation. If your bank manager
knows you and trusts your word, you may be
able to arrange a loan with him to pay off all
your debts and then repay the bank loan with the
20 percent of your income that is available for
debt reduction.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that the
10-70-20 plan won't work for you. It will work
for anyone who is willing to try. If you obey
these rules, you will become a good steward of
what God entrusts to you and you will also build
an estate for yourself and your loved ones.

Where There Is Vision There Is Provision

Proper management of money is important for
you and your family's well-being. But there is
another reason for getting your financial house
in order. M any experts predict that our coun­
try—indeed, the world—is heading for financial
disaster. M any of them predict that in the near
future the United States will go through the most
severe money crisis our nation has ever known.

There are several suggestions you can follow

in order to be prepared for this possibility. First,
you should have at least six months' income in
savings. I know you may say this is impossible
because you're just getting by now. But be
realistic. I f tim es get really tough, you'll be
fo r c e d to live on a fraction o f w h at you're getting
now . So it would be much better to save now
than to suffer later. You would need at least six
months of income to help relocate in the event
you lose your job because of an economic
depression or because of persecution.
You should learn a craft where you could
become self-employed during your crisis. If
things get tough, many highly skilled workers as
well as common laborers will be laid off. W hat
then? It would be good to know how to work
with your hands in a craft that would be in de­
mand. Mechanics, farming, and shoe repair will
always be needed. I know this may sound funny
to the skeptic, but the next time you're in a large
city and see tens of thousands of people on the
streets, remember that a financial crisis could
turn many of them into food beggars in a short

Will Rogers once said, "Land is a good invest­

ment because they aren't making any more of it."
I recommend that you consider investing in a
small piece of productive land away from

metropolitan areas. For years I have cautioned

Christians against purchasing expensive cars that
depreciate from $85 to $100 a month sitting in
the driveway. You can easily get by with an
older car in good condition. This would save as
much as $2000 to $3000 that would make a
substantial payment on a piece of land by a
spring, river, or lake in some remote place.
The reason your retreat should be a great
distance from a large city is that in the event of a
great financial disaster and a food panic, there
will be many robberies and much food plunder­
ing in the metropolitan areas.
A concerned friend of mine said, "Lowell, it
would be good if families would learn how to
rough it—even if they only experimented on
weekends. They need to learn how to cook on an
open fire, how to use kerosene lanterns, and how
to eat simple provisions. The day may come
when that experience will be invaluable."
It ’s All Up to You
Whenever you approach an unknown situa­
tion there are two ways to respond. First, you
can laugh and deny that it will ever happen. God
knows we don't want it to happen, but what
have you got to lose by being prepared? W ith a
limited amount of conservation and preparation,
you can protect yourself against an uncertain

The second thing you can do is to overreact

and run around scared, with a doomsday men­
tality. Jesus told the wise servant to be faithful.
D on't waste what God has given you, and at the
same time don't fear or fret about the future.
I believe that many people will live to regret
the way they waste their money on high-priced
cars, homes, furniture, fancy foods, and sporting
equipment. M ost people would be better off buy­
ing only necessities and not so many luxuries.
W ork out a family budget and watch where your
money is being spent. Some families in cities get
together and create food co-ops where they're
able to purchase food at near-wholesale prices.
Food is a terribly expensive item today.
Cut out expensive habits of the flesh. A man
who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day will
spend over $300 a year for his habit. If he saves
his money at 5-percent interest, in 40 years he
will save enough to purchase a $36,000 home.
And there are many homes where both husband
and wife smoke. If they quit when they're 20, in
40 years they will have enough to purchase a
$72,000 luxury home! That's a lot of expensive
smoke! And think about this: if a husband and
wife drink four to six packs of beer a week, they
will drink up over $75,000 during their married
If you want to save money right now, cigar­

ettes and alcohol may be keeping you broke. If

you quit these habits you will save a fortune and
feel better at the same time.
Managing money properly is an important
natural law for success and prosperity. This one
discipline alone has meant the difference between
success and failure for thousands of people.
You can do it too. Coupled with the other
natural and spiritual laws discussed in this book,
wise money management can help you discover
and enjoy su pern atu ral p rosp erity .
Chapter 6

If you understand and use the four natural

laws which we have discussed so far, you will
prosper even if you aren't a Christian and even if
you don't believe in God. The four natural
laws—managing your relationships, your mind,
your time, and your m oney—will take you far
down the road to success.
But to be su p er n aturally p r o s p e r o u s — to have
m o re than money and wealth, and to be pros­
perous in spirit, mind, and body, you must also
follow God's spiritual laws for prosperity. There
are two sides to every coin, and there are two
sides to supernatural prosperity. Both sets of
iaws must be obsew ed \i\ otdet to
fullness of what God has for you. You may be
spiritually prosperous without applying the
natural laws, or you may be materially pros­
perous without applying the spiritual laws. But
to be su p er naturally prosperous, to enjoy all that
God has for you in every area of your life, you
must apply both sets of laws.

God Ow ns Everything
The first spiritual law for success and prosper­
ity is—you must recognize that G od ow ns every
thing! A Christian doesn't own anything—he only
manages money for God.
Howard Hughes was a billionaire. When he
died, someone asked how much he left. The
answer was, "All of it." Here was a billionaire
who died naked, swatting flies.
In the ultimate sense you don't own anything.
You don't own houses or land, for as soon as you
die you leave it all.
You don't even own your children. Your
youngsters pass through you, but they are not of
You don't own your body— it goes back to the
You don't own your spirit—it goes back to
God at your death.
You don't own your soul—it belongs to God.
God says "All souls are M ine."
So what do you own? Only one thing in the
entire universe—your will. If is y o u r so le p o sses­
sion in life. You can say "yes" or "no"; you can
make choices on the direction you will go.
So the first spiritual law which helps form the
foundation for financial freedom in your life is to
recognize that G o d ow n s everythin g. You may
possess certain things, but mere possession is not
ownership. Time after time in His W ord God af­
firms this truth:

"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness

thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein"
(Psalm 24:1).
"The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith
the Lord of hosts" (Haggai 2:8).
"Every beast of the forest is mine, and the cat­
tle upon a thousand hills . . . and the wild beasts
of the field are mine" (Psalm 50:10, 11).
Remember, y ou m ay possess, but G o d ow ns.
You may earn, but it is God who enables you to
earn: "Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God,
for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth"
(Dueteronomy 8:18).
There is no such thing as a self-made man.
There is only a man who refuses to recognize the
power of God's hand in his life. You may think
of some person who is not a Christian, who has
never recognized God or given anything to God
and yet appears to be successful. But I say that
this person has nevertheless been enabled by God
to earn everything he has. For it is in God that we
"live, move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
Furthermore, people who are financially suc­
cessful have become so by applying God's prin­
ciples, perhaps without knowing it.

Our Reasonable Service

The Apostle Paul wrote, "I beseech you
therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that

you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,

acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable
service" (Romans 1 2 :1 ).
Therefore, we should dedicate to God all that
we are, all that we have, and all that we shall
ever be. And what does Paul say about this kind
of complete dedication? It is your "reasonable
Such commitment is rea so n a b le service on our
p art—not extreme fanaticism —because we
belong to God. "It is He that hath made us, and
not we ourselves; we are His people, and the
sheep of His pasture" (Psalm 100:3). Don't you
know that "you are not your own? For you are
bought with a price; therefore glorify God in
your body, and in your spirit, which are God's"
(1 Corinthians 6:19, 20).
You are God's, so all you have belongs to
God. You simply manage your possessions for
A growing number of Christians are turning
their businesses over to God. They take out just
enough to make a decent living for their families,
and the rest of the profit belongs to God's work.
When everything you have belongs to God, it
certainly takes the pressure off.
For instance, if you're a farmer and your farm
belongs to God, when it doesn't rain you don't
have to worry about it. You can say, "Lord,

you've got a problem! It's not raining, and unless

you send some rain, your crop is going to dry
out!" That's a lot better than sitting there at night
wondering and worrying about it yourself!

Some of the Crop

Now I want you to look at one of the most ex­
citing passages of Scripture in all of the New
Testament. Paul, writing to the church at Cor­
inth, said: "W ho goes to warfare at his own ex­
pense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat
of its fruit, or who finds a flock and does not
drink of the milk of the flock? Do I say these
things as a man, or does not the law say the same
also? For it is written in the law of Moses, "Thou
shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that
treadeth out the corn. Is God concerned for the
oxen, or does He say this for our sakes? For our
sakes, no doubt, this is written" (1 Corinthians
You see, Paul realized that although every
thing in the universe belongs to God, the Lord
allows us to keep some of everything which we
take care of for Him. W hat soldier in the army
has to pay his own expenses? And have you ever
heard of a farmer who harvested his crop and
didn't have the right to eat some of it? What
shepherd in charge of a flock of sheep isn't al­
lowed to drink some of the milk?

God Wants You to Have Plenty

Most of us seem to have trouble with this at
one time or another. The writer of Proverbs
noted, "There is that which scatters and yet in­
creases, and there is that which withholds more
than is suitable, but it tends to poverty'' (Pro­
verbs 11:24). Notice that God doesn't command
us to be poor—He wants His children to
withhold some of everything they get. The prob­
lem is w ith h old in g m o re than is right. God cau­
tions us against being stingy with our giving.
M any of us worry about how to distribute
what is ours and what is God's. We're so careful
to keep plenty for ourselves and to measure ex­
actly what goes to God.
How much better it would be if we understood
God's divine law! When we realize that
everything belongs to God anyway, and we turn
it all over to Him, He will respond, "Since you're
grinding this corn for Me, go ahead and eat all
you want anytime you want to. Take all you
need. If you're grinding it out, it's yours to have
a mouthful anytime you want to .''
Why Do the Wicked Prosper?
There's an old gospel song that expresses a
problem many people have: "Tempted and
tried, we're oft made to wonder why it should be
thus all the day long, while there are others living
about us, never molested though in the w rong."

Have you ever wondered why you're having

such a hard time even though you're trying to do
what is right? This is especially hard to under­
stand when you look around and see ungodly
people who seem to be prospering. They seem to
be rich, happy, and coasting along luxuriously,
while you work yourself to death just to keep
your head above water. Do you know what I'm
talking about?
This problem has been around for a long, long
time. The prophet Asaph wrote, “I was envious
at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the
wicked" (Psalm 73:3).
Do you want to know why the wicked are rich
today? The Bible gives a very simple answer.
They are rich because they are holding the
wealth God wants to give to His children. The
Bible says, "A good man leaveth an inheritance
to his children's children, and the wealth, o f the
sinner is laid up fo r the just" (Proverbs 13:22).
Does that really mean what it sounds like?
Let's look at some other verses and see if we can
find confirmation of this concept.
Solomon, who was known as the wisest man
who ever lived, wrote, "For God giveth to a man
that is good in His sight wisdom and knowledge
and joy; but to the sinner He giveth travail, to
gather and to heap up, that he may have to him
that is good before God" (Ecclesiastes 2:26).
Job said that the wicked man would not

always enjoy the prosperity he seemed to have in

abundance: "Though he heap up silver as the
dust, and prepare garments as the clay, he may
prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the in­
nocent shall divide the silver" (Job 27:16).
So don't worry about the wealth and prosper­
ity of unbelievers. That is money which God has
in His savings account for His people. It all
belongs to Him.

The Purpose of Prosperity

God teaches us that we should not love
money, or hoard it, or covet it, but that we
should use money as a means to send forth the
gospel of Jesus Christ.
Have you entered into the highest motive for
making money? Jesus said, "Seek ye first the
kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all
these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew
6:33). Our primary concern should be the
welfare of God's kingdom.
There are three truths to remember. First, all
wealth belongs to God. Second, the ability to
gain wealth is God's gift to us. And third, we
should seek to use money to extend the kingdom
of God on the earth. As we govern our actions
by these guidelines, we will be well on the way to
enjoying supernatural prosperity in our own
Chapter 7

The second great spiritual law for success is

that you must establish once-and-for-all who is
your Source.
The Apostle James said, "Do not err, my
beloved brethren. Every good gift and every
perfect gift is from above, and cometh down
from the Father" (James 1:16, 17). James was say­
ing, "D on't make any mistake about it—God is
your Source of all good things!"

The Source and the Messenger Boy

Have you heard the story of the Christian
family that was going through a time of financial
hardship? They had used up everything they
had, and didn't even know where their next meal
was coming from. The father and mother got
down on their knees and cried out to God, asking
Him to send in food so their children would not
go hungry.

An unbeliever walking by their house overheard

their prayer and decided to play a trick on them.
He bought a huge box of groceries and put it on
their front porch. He banged on the door, then
ran away to see what would happen. When the
Christian people opened the door and saw the
groceries, they began to praise God for supplying
the food.
Then the unbeliever walked up and said,
"W hy are you thanking God for those groceries?
I'm the one who brought them to you ."
The Christian father replied, "O h, n o — God
answered our prayer and provided the groceries.
But we do appreciate your being His delivery
boy and bringing them to us.
Some people make the mistake of thinking that
their job provides their income and is their
source of supply. They need to realize that God
is the Source and that the m an’s name on their
paycheck and the corporation they w ork tor are
instruments which God uses to let the funds flow
to them.
The Bible says, "M y God shall supply all y □nr
needs according to His riches’' 1Philippian^ 4 1-
Notice that the Scripture says "M y God —r :
the boss of the company you work for r.c: y : _r
banker, nor the government. G o d is your
Take Care of Your Tools
If you're going to experience prosperity you

must realize that you can't run roughshod over

the instrument that God uses to provide for your
needs. A good craftsman always takes good care
of his tools. So you are to take care of your job,
or whatever other instrument God is using to
supply your needs. But you must never lose sight
of the fact that G o d is the Source.
"For promotion cometh neither from the east
nor from the west nor from the south. But God is
the Judge: He putteth down one and setteth up
another" (Psalm 75:6,7). The Lord uses men as
instruments to bring the wealth and prosperity
He has planned for His saints. I'm sure you're
familiar with Luke 6:38, which says, "Give, and
it shall be given unto y ou ." But too many people
fail to read the entire verse. The last part of that
verse says that an abu n d an ce of good things
"shall m en giv e into y o u r b o s o m ."
So remember that God is your Source and that
everyone else is His instrument. Continuously
expect a blessing from God. Remember that
problems are doors through which Jesus can
enter your life. N eeds are op p ortu n ities fo r G od
to en rich you . If you have a pair of shoes that are
about to wear out, you have a potential blessing
on your hands if you handle it right. Every need
is a door for God to minister to you.

The Key to Unlimited Power

One of the most beautiful lessons in the Bible is
the story of Moses and the burning bush. You

remember that Moses had been out in the desert

for 40 years tending sheep. He saw a bush on fire
and was drawn to it in fascination. He soon
discovered that he was in the very presence of
God. In that dramatic confrontation, Moses
received his call to deliver the children of Israel
from Egypt's bondage. W ith his divine calling, he
received the key to drawing upon God's
unlimited power.
God asked Moses, "W hat is that in your
Moses replied, "It's just a rod—my shepherd's

God said, "Throw it down."

Moses might have reacted to this strange re­
quest in a very human way. He might have said,
"Lord, don't make me give up my shepherd's
staff. It's all I've got. It's my security. It's what I
lean on. I use it to make my living tending the

The Results of Obedience

But Moses obeyed God's command to throw

the rod down. When he did, it became a snake. It
was instantly transformed into a living, moving,
miraculous token of God's divine and unlimited

When the rod became a serpent, the Bible says

that Moses ran from it. Don't make fun of
Moses! You probably would have run too. How
many times has God tried to demonstrate His
miracle power in your life, but you backed away
from it as far as you could? When God has tried
to demonstrate that He is the Source of
everything in your life, perhaps you've run off
and shut your eyes and said, "O h, no, I won't
look. That scares m e!"
God said to Moses, "Q uit running and pick up
that snake by the tail."
I don't know much about snakes, but I do
know that if you're going to pick up a snake you
don't grab it by the tail. You get it behind the
head so that it can't turn around and bite you.
But God told Moses to pick up the serpent by
the tail. When he obeyed, the serpent was
transformed again into a rod—not just any rod,
but the rod of God.
And it was that very rod that Moses used to
work miracles before Pharoah. It was the rod of
God that struck a rock and caused water to pour
forth. It was the rod of God that was stretched
over the sea and caused the waters to roll back.

When a stuttering shepherd from the desert

discovered that God was his Source, he was able
to stand up before a world dictator and com­
mand him, "Let God's people go!"

What Do You Have in Your Hand?

Can you imagine what could happen in your
life if you started talking about God's job, God's
car, God's house, God's children, God's money?
It could transform you and let you realize how
much is at your disposal as a child of God. What
do you have in your hand today? Are you wil­
ling to throw it down and pick up the rod of
Consider the treasures of life that God has
already bestowed upon you. Would you trade
your eyesight for a million dollars? O r your
hearing? O r even your sense of taste?
What is your health worth? What dollar value
can you place on your sound mind? W hat about
the treasures of food, or of having a home to live
Wonderful as all these things are, none of them
can compare to the gift of G od—Jesus Christ our
Lord and Savior. He is the Source of all good
gifts, and we are more than millionaires already
in the good things He has given us.
There is no limit to what we can accomplish if
we go out as managers and stewards of God's
resources. But we must always remember that
God is our Source of all supernatural wealth.
You Can Have Prosperity Power
Moses learned his lesson well. Years after his
dramatic experience with God at the burning
bush, we find him warning the children of Israel

never to forget that God is their Source. He

urged them never to say in their heart, "M y
power and the might of my hand hath gotten me
this wealth. But thou shalt remember the Lord
thy God, for it is He that giveth thee power to get
wealth, that He may establish His covenant
which He swore unto thy fathers, as it is this
day" (Deuteronomy 8:17, 18). Isn't that a tre­
mendous statement? Remember the Lord, for He
is the One who gives you power to get wealth.
He is your Source.
If you desire wealth as a means to extend the
kingdom of God, the Lord will give you power to
get wealth. God actually blesses you so that you
can give more. And the more you give, the more
you are blessed. Paul recognized this when he
wrote, "God is able to make all grace abound
toward you, so that, always having all sufficien­
cy in all things, you may abound to every good
w ork" (2 Corinthians 9:8). Paul was saying,
"God, who is your Source, will make sure that
you always have plenty so you can give to pro­
mote the kingdom of God and do good things for
Generous Giving, Generous Blessing
Paul also said, "He that soweth sparingly shall
also reap sparingly, and he that soweth boun­
tifully shall also reap bountifully" (2 Corinthians
What does this mean in practical language?

Start practicing "seed giving" for every need you

have, for every increase you want, for every ven­
ture you want to prosper in. If you have
something that you want to turn out right, be
sure to plant some seeds for it.
Giving is an essential part of recognizing God
as your Source. Let's look at Proverbs 11:24, 25
again: "There is that which scatters, and yet in­
creases, and there is that which withholds more
than is suitable, but it tends to poverty. The
generous sou! shall be made fat, and he who
waters shall be watered him self." These verses
point out the important difference between the
purely material approach to prosperity and the
supernatural approach. The world says that we
prosper by gatherin g an d increasing, but God's
Word says that we must scatter to increase.
God said that it is more blessed to give than to
receive. Why? Because only what is given can be
multiplied back to us. It is impossible for God to
bless you if you hold back more than you
should. Giving is w hat triggers financial
miracles! Nothing happens in God's prosperity
program until som eon e gives som ething away.
So after you have put all the natural laws for
prosperity to work in your life, and acknowledge
that God owns everything, activate the Source o f
supernatural prosperity. Get your eyes and at­
tention off the instruments, or tools, through
which blessings come, and focus them instead on
your Source.
Chapter 8
Several years ago, when evangelist Billy
Graham began a great crusade in a stadium that
had room for many thousands of people, he in­
vited Roy Rogers and Dale Evans to be his
special guests. When someone asked Roy and
Dale if they thought the crusade would be a suc­
cess, they replied, "O f course! It has to succeed
because God doesn't sponsor any flops!"
I like that. God doesn't sponsor flops. The
most important decision you can make in your
entire life is to come under the personal manage­
ment of the Lord. When God is your personal
manager, you're going to prosper. You're going
to win. You're going to succeed.
The question is, are you committed to Jesus
Christ? Have you placed your life in His hands?
If you're struggling along in your own
strength . . .
If you're tired of the hasslings of life . . .
If you're tired of poverty and want . . .
If you want to get a heavenly advantage . . .
Give your life to the Lord. Choose the right
crowd. Concern yourself with the right concepts,
and you will reap an abundant crop.
When we began this book I said that there are
two sets of laws which must be obeyed if we are
to enjoy supernatural prosperity. I outlined four
natural laws regarding your relationships, your

time, your thinking, and your use of resources.

Then I covered three spiritual laws which in­
volved our recognition of God's supremacy and
the practical spiritual rules He has laid down for
us to follow.
Steps to Supernatural Prosperity
Psalm 1 is based on this same formula. Verse 1
of the first Psalm deals with the natural
laws: "Blessed [or happy] is the man that
walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor
standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the
seat of the scornful." Isn't it interesting how this
one verse touches on how we spend our time,
who we associate with, and what we feed our
mind upon?
Now notice verse 2: "But his delight is in the
law of the Lord, and in His law doth he meditate
day and night." This verse certainly encompasses
all the spiritual laws we have discussed in this
book. I have always advised my family and the
new converts I counsel with to always test
against the Word of God any doctrine they've
heard. Everything vital to our spiritual well­
being is spelled out in detail in God's W ord.
Having observed both the natural and the
spiritual laws, what can we expect? Verse 3 pro­
vides the answer: "He shall be like a tree planted
by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit
in its season; his leaf also shall not wither, and
whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

What a fantastic promise! God says that if you

choose the right friends, if you apply your mind
to the right concepts, if you devote your time to
worthwhile endeavors, if you acknowledge God
and invest in His kingdom, you will reap an
abundant crop. You can expect to be a winner.
God Loves a Winner
God receives no joy in seeing His children
downtrodden, financially strapped, and flat­
tened by defeat. God fashions no trophies for
people who are constantly overrun by Satan in
this world. He has no pleasure in seeing them
constantly defeated by the enemy. The Lord gave
us tremendous power over Satan. He wants us to
use the victory weapons He forged at Calvary.
His heavenly prizes aren't for those Christians
who insist on living behind Satan's eight ball
because of their neglect of His victory provi­
sions. These trophies are for His w inners.
“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of
the tree of life, which is in the midst of the
paradise of God. . . . To him that overcometh
will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will
give him a white stone, and in the stone a new
name written" (Revelation 2:7, 17).
At least four or five more times in the second
and third chapters of Revelation God promises
rewards to him who overcomes. And y ou can
o v e r c o m e if you use the resources God has
already placed at your disposal. Don't be like the

people to whom James said, "You have not

because you ask not" (James 4:2).
Remember, poverty does not add to a man's
influence. There are certain religious sects in the
world that take an oath of poverty and swear
themselves to a lifetime of poverty. There is ab­
solutely nothing in God's Word that says that
such a course of action will bring about any
degree of respect from God or men. In fact, the
Bible teaches just the opposite. You can go
through the Bible and see example after example
of the great men of faith who were described as
having great assets and much material wealth.
Poverty Is a Negative W itness
Ecclesiastes 9:14, 15 tells a bitter story: "There
was a little city, and few men within it; and there
came a great king against it, and besieged it, and
built great bulwarks against it. Now there was
found in it a poor wise man, and he by his
wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remem­
bered that same poor m an."
Do you think your poverty and lack of riches
earns you respect in the eyes of your fellowman?
T hin k again. This story shows that even though
a poor man was able to deliver an entire city,
after the battle was over no one paid him the
slightest bit of attention. In fact, Solomon
observes, "Nevertheless the poor man's wisdom
is despised, and his words are not heard"
(Ecclesiastes 9:16).

The Kingdom Key to Prosperity

The kingdom key to prosperity is found in

Jesus' words in Matthew 6 :3 3 — "Seek ye first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all
these things shall be added unto y ou ." Jesus was
saying, "Concentrate your heart, mind, and soul
on the extension of God's kingdom, and then
God will prosper you by giving you everything
you need." If you build for God, God will build
for you.
Jim Elliott died in 1955 in a jungle in South
America. On the day of his death he wrote in his
diary, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot
keep to gain what he cannot lose." W hat a
tremendous expression of faith in the promises of
God! I tell you, God's promises are true. They
are like money in the bank. You can depend on
God's Word.
So if you want to become supernaturally pros­
perous, observe the natural laws we discussed
earlier in this book. Those laws alone will
transform your world and bring financial pros­
perity and success to you.
But go further than that. Seek to obey the
spiritual laws also. They too have the power to
bring great riches into your life. By combining
the natural and the spiritual laws, you will find
yourself enjoying a surging, flooding, overflow­
ing rush of supernatural prosperity. You will find
yourself realizing the blessings prayed for by

John when he said, "Beloved, I wish above all

things that thou mayest prosper and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth" (3 John 2). And
every promise of God's W ord will be yours.

Count on God’s Word

You can count on God's W ord. "There hath
not failed one word of all his good promise" (1
Kings 8:56). Step out on the promises of God and
release a flow of supernatural prosperity into
your life. Start enjoying the good things God
wants to give you.
Expect happiness to flood your life. In fact,
you can go ahead and start smiling now, for "the
blessing of the Lord maketh rich, and He addeth
no sorrow with it" (Proverbs 10:22).
This is the beginning of a whole new way of
life for you. You may not make the entire
tran sform atio n overnight, but don't get
discouraged. Keep applying the principles I've
outlined for you. Keep trusting God as your
Source. Believe in His promises. They are as
good as money in the bank.
So you can't fail. Supernatural prosperity is
coming to you —it's already on the way. You are
bound to succeed because God is your Sponsor.
And God doesn't sponsor any flops.

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